The throb in his battered backside wasn’t Michael’s only reminder of his first encounter with Dominique. Every bit of his flesh, from his shoulders to his knees tingled with the effects of her particular kind of attention. He never felt more alive. Michael stepped into the street trying to resist the urge to massage his aching bottom. The memory of being paddled while draped over her knees was still fresh and he wanted the sensation of his spanking to linger as long as possible. He hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address where he left his car.
Once inside the cab, he found Dominique still commanded all his attention. The taste of her sex lingered in his mouth while the aroma of musk mingled with that intoxicating perfume and clouded his mind. The driver pulled away from the curb and seemed determined to roll over every bump and through each pothole he came upon. Each was a vivid reminder of the evening’s activities and had him squirming in his seat.
“Is this the placeā? The driver’s heavy mid-eastern accent shocked Michael out of his reverie.
“Yeah,” he replied absentmindedly and got out of the cab. Michael briefly considered going into the tavern where they met for a nightcap but quickly changed his mind. It would never be the same without her at his side. He pulled some bills out of his pocket and tossed them onto the driver’s lap. Judging from the speed at which the cabbie pulled away, it was a generous tip.
Driving home was more difficult than he anticipated. Sliding across leather seats was more agonizing than being jostled by the rough taxi ride. To make matters worse, concentrating on where he was going was almost impossible. It took all his focus on the task at hand and twice he failed to make the turn his route required. It was a relief to finally pull into his parking spot in the garage for his building.
Ordinarily, Michael enjoyed the solitude of living alone. Since graduating from college, he never had a roommate or a live-in lover. Not that there weren’t women willing to do so. There was always someone trying to win the affections of the handsome young architect. None of them ever meant anything more than casual sex. He rebelled against commitment, willing to wait for the one that would be a perfect match.
His session with Dominique changed everything. Tonight, he longed for the woman who touched every fiber of his being. The one who opened his eyes to a new reality. The things Dominique showed him this evening were like a rainstorm in the desert. It quenched a parching thirst then forced you to seek shelter. Michael poured himself a stiff glass of Scotch and retired to the living room sofa. A long pull from the frosty glass warmed his stomach but did nothing for the turmoil that roiled through his mind.
How could so much change in one evening? Had Dominique transformed him or just shown him a glimpse of his true self. Seeking escape from this quandary, he poured a second drink. It didn’t help. No matter how much he pondered the events of this evening, he could not find an answer. He finally had to admit that no matter why it happened it was what he wanted. He made his way to bed and fell into an uneasy sleep filled with dreams of Dominique.
Sunlight streaming through his bedroom window pulled Michael from his fitful rest on Saturday morning. If the dreams of Dominique were not enough, the pain in his rump when he rolled onto his back was a sharp reminder of the discipline doled out by her. In the bathroom, a backward glance at the mirror revealed the bruises on his bottom and upper thighs that would make sitting uncomfortable and be visible for several days. It didn’t matter. If enduring such things was the price for being in her presence, so be it.
Over the next three days, the bruises faded but the memories and the arousal they caused persisted. Several times, his lust became unbearable and demanded release, but it was a temporary respite. Masturbation only created an insatiable urge to see her. With each passing hour, he prayed for her call.
As the days passed, he began to fear it would never come. At work, he was distracted to the point of becoming incompetent. On Tuesday afternoon, thinking his problem was overwork, his secretary suggested he go home and get some rest but there was no relief from the yearning that ruled over him.
At their parting on Friday evening, Dominique told him not to call her. He was to wait for her call and then go to her without delay. Michael was painfully aware of the consequences for failing to obey her to the letter. He had to find a way to see Dominique that would not violate her instructions. His first thought was Raina’s restaurant. There was no prohibition against having dinner, he reasoned. If she happened to be there it would just be a coincidence.
It was too early for dinner, so Michael stopped at the tavern where he met Dominique to kill some time. He kept to himself and sipped his drinks slowly not wanting to get drunk before showing up at Le Maison. Unfortunately, no matter how slow one drinks, four hours of sipping Scotch will inebriate anybody. He didn’t realize how tipsy he was until he stood up when it was time to go. A slight stagger had him gripping the table and tottering toward the door. On the sidewalk, he fared no better. The short distance to Raina’s place turned into an ordeal and provided amusement for many of the people he passed. Michael reached his destination at the height of the dinner hour and found the restaurant crowded. He made his way to the pretty young hostess trying not to jostle anybody with his unsteady gait.
“Good evening, Alicia.” She frowned at his familiarity and the smell of alcohol on his breath. “I’d like a table for one, please.”
“Do you have a reservation?”
“I’m sorry. I don’t. Since I’m alone, I was hoping you could find me a table.” He tried to pass her a twenty-dollar bill which she completely ignored.
“You might want to dine elsewhere,” came her icy reply. “There will be at least an hour wait if we can seat you at all.” His mind clouded with alcohol, desperation and frustration combined to drive away common sense and courtesy. Michael was sure Dominique was inside and there was a conspiracy to keep them apart.
“Come on. I know there is a table in there that is always empty. You could put me there.”
“If you know about that table, then you know who it is for. There is nothing here for you tonight.”
“I demand that table and I want it now.” Michael’s voice was close to a shout and tinged with anger. The people waiting behind him fell silent and several diners turned to see what was causing all the commotion. They weren’t the only ones who took note of his outburst. Raina exited the kitchen looking for the cause of the disturbance invading the ambiance of the dining room. Her gaze settled on Michael and became a malevolent glare. His presence told her all she needed to know. She approached at an even pace, giving no outward indication of the agitation that bordered on rage.
“I’m sorry, Miss Delacroix. I tried to—” An upraised hand silenced Alicia. Raina knew who was responsible.
“Never mind, Alicia. It’s not your fault. I will handle this.” Her glower held Michael as motionless as stone.
“What are you doing, Child? Didn’t Miss Francon tell you to wait for her call? Why are you here alone?” Raina’s use of the name given by Dominique unmanned him completely. The snickers behind him said its significance was not lost on those who heard it.
“Please forgive me, Raina–“
“That’s enough!” Raina found it difficult to keep her temper in check. In her eyes, using her first name was disrespectful and the last straw. She would make sure it did not happen again. “Come with me. I have a place just for you.” She turned on her heels and started for the kitchen. As much as he feared Raina, Michael followed close behind. He had violated the sanctity of her restaurant as well as Dominique’s rule on making contact. If he hoped to see her again, he would have to submit to whatever Raina had in mind.
As they passed through the dining room, he glanced at Dominique’s table. It was empty. His outburst had been for nothing. Michael followed Raina through the dining room with trepidation. In a few moments, he would be at the mercy of the woman who had so completely dominated Jaime last Friday evening. A bottomless pit opened in his stomach as he wondered what she had in store for him.
Michael’s uncertainty ended when they entered the kitchen. As she passed one of the steam tables, Raina snatched a metal spatula from the stainless steel counter. Those nearby moved away as she passed down the aisle. They were familiar with her mood and did their best to stay out of the way. In the past, she handled Jaime in a similar manner, and they knew better than to even glance in her direction. The scowl on Raina’s face was enough to keep their attention on the tasks at hand. Raina led Michael down the aisle and stopped at the door of her office.
“In,” she ordered, swinging the door open. A swat from the metal utensil on the seat of his pants hastened his pace as he passed. Even with the fabric protecting his bottom, the blow stung from the force of her swing. Michael couldn’t help flinching when it landed. It would be unbearable on bare skin. As she entered, Raina pulled the door closed enough to block the view of anyone passing by but left it slightly ajar. Since there was no chair other than the one behind her mid-size desk, Michael remained standing while she took her seat.
“Explain yourself, Child.” Raina’s even tone did not match the baleful stare fixed on Michael. He hoped his answer would mollify her anger.
“I apologize, Miss Raina.” Formally addressing her was the first step in deflecting her temper. “I was out of line. I cannot defend my actions. It’s just that I have not heard from Dominique since Friday. I am afraid I have done something to spoil our relationship. I just want to talk to her.”
Confessing his transgressions brought back the memories of his encounter with Dominique. Though he was sure he was about to receive a very stern punishment he felt his loins stir and an erection growing. Raina’s eyes softened at Michael’s heartfelt admission, but she didn’t put the spatula down.
“You’ve been drinking. I can smell the alcohol on your breath from here. Child, you barged in here like a drunken fool and violated my place of business, not to mention bullying my hostess. Ordinarily, I don’t play with Dominique’s toys without her permission, but this is not play. This is punishment. I am going to use this spatula on your ass until my arm gets tired. You will not sit comfortably for some time and I guarantee you will sleep on your stomach tonight. As for Dominique, she is in Paris for an important fashion show. I don’t know when she will return but I can tell you that she will be calling you to answer for violating her rule about trying to make contact. You will be lucky if she doesn’t flay the skin from your hide. If I do it first, perhaps she will be easier on you. Now, strip.”
Michael’s relief at being told he would be hearing from his Mistress was quickly replaced by fear of Raina and dread of the punishment she was about to inflict. He did not waste any time obeying her order to disrobe other than folding his clothes. When he turned to place them on the file cabinet, he noticed the slightly open door and reached to close it.
“You touch that door handle and I will take you into the kitchen for your spanking. Would you like everybody watch you being punished? The door stays like it is. Letting them hear your cries when you beg me to stop is part of your penalty.” Michael knew better than to hide his erection and turned to face Raina with his hands at his sides, displaying it proudly.
“What the hell is that, Child?” Raina was out of her chair in a flash and at Michael’s side. Instead of berating him for his erection, she grabbed a handful of pubic hair and twisted it painfully. “You are no better than a filthy little boy. Dominique told you to shave this off. If you return to her in this state, she will take care of it herself and not gently.” Still gripping his crotch hair Raina assaulted his bare bottom with her metal spatula.
After the sting left behind by a single swat to the seat of his trousers, Michael knew a spanking with the metal utensil would be formidable on bare skin. However, what he felt now was beyond anything he could imagine. Raina didn’t hold back as she landed a dozen smacks in rapid succession. The sharp edges of that horrific implement bit into the muscled flesh of his bared crowns as each one landed. Only Raina’s firm grip on his pubic hair kept his knees from buckling. It all happened so quickly; he didn’t have a chance to cry out before it was over. When Raina released the hold on his privates, he attempted to reach behind, and rub is flaming buttocks. The spatula landing on his knuckles stopped him cold.
“You touch that bottom and I will handcuff you and give you double.” the threat was enough to make Michael drop his hands to his sides. “What you just got was for not doing as you were told. Neither Dominique nor I want to see all that disgusting hair. If you continue this disobedience, she will be much sterner with you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you for reminding me of my responsibilities.” Michael’s contrition was real. Ms. Delacroix was not his Domme but disappointing her was the same as disappointing Dominique. That was something he never wanted to do.
“See that you carry them out. Now lay over my desk and take hold of the other side. It’s time to get this over with. I have work to do.” Michael obeyed as quickly as he could. It was best not to antagonize her any further. Getting in position was not easy. The brief spanking he just received was not enough to deflate his hard-on. He found it trapped under his torso and could feel it throbbing against his stomach. Once he was settled, Raina placed her left hand on the small of his back to help keep him in place.
“If you have anything to say before I blister your sorry ass, now is the time.”
“Yes, Ma’am. I want to say how much I regret the way I acted. It was atrocious and I will accept whatever you think I deserve.”
“Oh, so now the child wants to be a big brave man,” she snorted. “Well, I don’t want your bravery. I want your tears. I want to see you kicking and hear you squalling like the naughty little boy you are.” As Raina finished speaking, Michael’s punishment began with the same rapid-fire swats she used a moment ago.
Michael endured the first few biting impacts before his feet came off the floor. He managed to keep them still and for a brief time they hung in the air. The kitchen tool danced across his buttocks, igniting a flame that quickly built into a raging fire. Each additional swat added to the stinging pain until he lost control. His legs kicked wildly and the pleas for mercy began.
“Please, no more,” he wailed. “It hurts! It hurts! Stop! Stop! I can’t take it.” His voice was strained with desperation. Raina paid no heed and did not relent. She pressed harder on his back to keep him from rolling his hips from side to side.
“What happened to the brave little man who was ready for anything?” she smirked. “I am just getting started. Let’s see how loud you can get. I want the people in the kitchen to get a real ear full.” Raina did not cease her relentless assault on Michael’s squirming bottom until it was adorned with purple splotches under a white haze and decorated with flecks of blood. She was not finished. Her target area shifted to the tops of his thighs, the area that would take most of his weight when he tried to sit down. For Michael, it was the last straw It brought on the total breakdown Raina wanted.
“I’m sorreeeee! I’m sorreeeee!” His strangled cries descended into a full-throated squalling bawl. Sobs racked his body as he collapsed across the desk in total submission. Raina did not finish until his thighs matched the battered state of his rump.
It took a few moments before Michael realized she stopped spanking him and a few more before his sobs began to subside. When he recovered enough to stand, Raina helped him stagger to the corner. The spatula that had completely emasculated him was smeared with blood. She tossed it into the trash can.
“Your punishment is not over.” Michael groaned. What more could she do to him? “Do not fret,” she continued. “There will be no more spanking. I am going to make an example of you. All my staff must understand this behavior will not be tolerated.”
With his face in the corner, Michael could not see Raina retrieve his clothes from the top of the file cabinet as she left the room.
“You are in no condition to drive. I will call a taxi for you. When it arrives, you will complete your atonement.” Michael was relieved to hear there would be no more spanking. His bottom had already been sacrificed. Raina left her office, taking his clothing with her. She returned moments later with a glass of water and a damp towel. He accepted the water gratefully.
“Have you learned a lesson, Child.” Michael sighed with relief as Raina gently wiped the blood from the battered flesh of his throbbing rear end with the cool cloth.
“Yes, Ma’am. I will never behave like that again. Thank you for teaching me.”
“I am not done with you. You may find the final part is harder to take than what you have already endured.” Raina smiled and her tone softened. “Dominique was right about you being a worthy pupil. You learn quickly. Don’t worry about your standing with her. She will call when she returns. You may not like what she has to say but she will call. Your ride will be here in half an hour. Stay in the corner until it arrives.”
Michael’s time in the corner passed slowly but gave him a chance to examine how he felt about the events of this evening. He admitted he deserved to be punished by Raina. Everything she said about the way he acted was true. He had been impetuous, rude, and disrespectful. It was no surprise his antics earned him a spanking.
While Raina was scolding him and telling him how severe his punishment would be something other than fear grew inside him. He knew it would be very painful, but he wanted it. No, not want, he had to admit he craved it. Something was becoming an integral part of his personality: a deep-seated need to submit to a strong woman.
Dominique tapped into it during their first meeting. At that time, he became aware of the arousal that came from being dominated. She showed him that pain and pleasure could be equal parts of erotic encounters. Dominique left him battered and bruised but sexually satiated. Tonight, Raina made him realize that when he misbehaved, he wanted to be punished. There was something comforting about knowing he had paid for his mistake and all was forgiven and forgotten. The bruises he carried and the pain he would suffer over the next week were reminders of a debt satisfied.
“Your cab is here.” Michael was so preoccupied with his thoughts Raina’s return startled him. “You have permission to leave. Do not do any work tomorrow. You’ll need the rest.” He was glad Raina called a taxi for him but he wasn’t looking forward to sitting during the ride home but it would be a piece of cake compared to walking past all the people who overheard him beg and cry during his spanking
“Thank you, Miss Raina.” He turned from the corner and discovered his garments were missing. “My clothes…”
“Are on a busboy’s cart next to the back door where your taxi is waiting. This is the last part of your punishment. You will walk through the kitchen just as you are with your hands at your sides.” Michael’s jaw almost bounced off the floor. Walking through the kitchen was bad enough. Doing it naked would be humiliating. “This is the last part of your punishment. You bullied and embarrassed my hostess. She is waiting by your clothes and you will apologize to her before you put them on.”
Raina stepped aside and pointed to the door on the other side of the kitchen. He could see Alicia waiting for him. To his dismay, his cock began to rise. It was the final blow to his ego. He was about to walk through a room full of people naked as the day he was born, his backside bruised by a spanking all heard and an erection on display. Michael, face colored a deep red by humiliation, stepped out of the door.
All eyes were on him. He strode through the kitchen eyes fixed on the door in front of him. The snickers and grins directed at his swollen dick turned to widened eyes and gasps of surprise when he passed. The state of his bottom had more than one person rubbing their own in sympathy.
Alicia waited for him, wearing a grin that barely contained her laughter and standing between him and his clothing. When he reached her, it took all his strength of will to keep from covering his erection. Raina was surely watching and would take him to task if he did. Alicia arched an eyebrow and waited for him to speak.
“Please forgive me, Alicia. I treated you badly. I am ashamed of myself. It won’t happen again.” Michael looked straight into the pretty young woman’s eyes while he spoke. He wanted her to know his heartfelt apology was genuine. Her haughty grin faded to a sympathetic smile as she stepped away from his clothes.
“I’m not sorry Ms. Delacroix spanked you as hard as she did. You had it coming but your price is paid. I forgive you.”
Michael donned his trousers without bothering with his underwear which he stuffed into his pocket. They would have been extremely uncomfortable stretched over his damaged glutes. The rest of his clothes followed quickly. Once he was dressed, He looked to Raina for her permission. When she nodded her assent, he pushed the door open and stepped outside.