Celia And The Master

"A Spaniard undergoes her first caning"

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There was nothing in Celia’s childhood that would explain why she became a submissive. Her parents were happily married, and she didn’t come from a broken or abusive home. She was, occasionally, spanked for misbehaving but not excessively.

But as she grew up and into her sexuality, she found that the idea of being disciplined intrigued her more and more.

When her first serious boyfriend came along, the guy she lost her virginity to, she found that nothing aroused her more than presenting her bottom to him during sex. She loved doggy style, and hottest of all was lying on her stomach with her ass in the air, bent, tight and vulnerable. She wanted desperately to ask him for a spanking. But she was too embarrassed, and the words stuck in her throat.

She’d heard that you could pay for a dominant to administer chastisement, but she couldn’t imagine herself doing that. She was a good, middle-class girl whose hobbies were chess and dancing. She didn’t belong in that world.

Just after Christmas and just before her twenty-first birthday, Celia split with her boyfriend. It was angry and painful, and she cried a lot. She rather withdrew from society for a while. She’d sit up late, surfing the internet and drinking wine alone. And during this unhappy phase, she found a writer’s website for people who wrote stories about spanking and discipline. She began to read stories, both real and imagined, and found that the written word was surprisingly alluring. Celia read about wives and girlfriends submitting to spanking, caning and paddling and was surprised to find that her body reacted…the stories turned her on.

One story she found actually mirrored a fantasy of hers with almost uncanny accuracy and, as she read, Celia, still sitting, reached into her panties and slipped her fingers inside…oh God, she pictured herself stretched over a desk, like the girl in the story, and now her pants were being firmly yanked down. She pressed on her clit and tickled in the right spots, but it wasn’t enough. Impulsively, Celia stood, bent over the computer desk and smacked her own bottom five times with her left hand. It felt good, her flesh warming up like that. Her fingers stroked and teased her genitals, and she smacked her own butt again and a minute of frantic jerking in her pussy later and …she came. Whoa.

She self-spanked and masturbated three more times, on three more nights before she decided. She had to try the real deal. She could self spank, but it left her unsatisfied. She wanted a paddling or a caning. She hit the forums, looking for a corporal punishment experience.

It took a lot of weeding out. Eventually, she replied to one advertisement from a man who was asking for a BDSM partner, someone to share a first experience at the hands of a master. She reasoned that she might actually feel safer in a group of three…and she could watch a live thrashing as a spectator.

It was very formal. She had to make a payment and sign a disclaimer. The contract outlined the scenario (they were to pretend to be siblings that had been caught shoplifting) and the procedure. She was told she would receive six strokes, but more could be added for noncompliance once the punishment had begun. There was also a safe word to remember, which would end the punishment immediately.

Celia arrived early and met Joaquim for coffee. He was tall, six foot like her, and thin. His black hair, flecked with grey, was swept back.

“Thank you for doing this. I’ve been trying to act this out for a long time. I’ll be honest, I’d almost given up.”

“On finding someone?”

“On finding the right person. To be honest, I’ve been looking for someone who could…pass as my sister. Just, the same age, height etc,”

Celia smiled. Looking closely at his face, she saw that he could, just about, pass as her brother.

“I’m sorry. I have to ask. You want to be beaten alongside your sister?”

He considered his reply.

“Yes. It’s hard to explain. I don’t expect it to happen, but I enjoy the idea of it. I don’t want to have sex with her. Being punished alongside her is just… something I’ve fantasized about.”

“What’s behind this? It’s a weird fantasy.”

“I know. I feel guilty about it, trust me. When we were about seventeen, my sister, Carlota, and I, we got in trouble with the police. We both got a beating from dad, and he punished us together in the same room. We both had to bend over and…my erection popped up. It’s terribly embarrassing. I’m hoping that acting it out as an adult will get it out of my system.”

Celia liked Joaquim, almost despite herself. He had a disarming sincerity and frankness about him. She’d feared he would turn out to be a total freak or a creep. But she was fairly at ease with him. He came across as a painfully shy and repressed man more than anything else.

The time of their appointment drew close.

Celia was getting nervous about the caning she was to receive.  How much would it hurt? She’d read so many stories. Some had emphasized the pain. Some the humiliation. Some had focused on the story behind the thrashing. How would it feel? Would the real-life experience turn her on, the way reading about it did?

The appointed hour came. They knocked at the door of the apartment. An older man, in his fifties, opened the door. He was bald and wore a red sweater and jeans. He was the picture of a headmaster.

“Joaquim and Celia?”


“You’re late,” he barked angrily.

“Get in and take your shoes off.”

Celia realised, as she slipped her trainers off, that the man wasn’t being rude. He was in character.

In socks, they were shown into a study -like living room. There was a TV, a red leather chair and a large bookcase. The man had them stand in front of him, side by side.

“What have you two got to say for yourselves?”

“Nothing, Sir.”

“Nothing? I’d have thought stealing would give us plenty to talk about. Did you encourage your little sister?”

Joaquim shook his head and, as ridiculous as it sounds, Celia briefly resented her “brother” for not sticking up for her and condemning her to punishment.

“What about you, Celia?”

She shook her head. The actor was very good. Celia knew it was a show, of course. But her heart really was palpitating as if she were being thoroughly scolded as a child.

The master looked at them long and hard. Celia felt unable to meet his gaze. Looking down, she glanced sideways and saw Joaquim’s pants were bulging as if he were hard.

At last, the master spoke.

“I’m going to reach your consciences through the old-fashioned route. Through your bottoms. If you want to take responsibility and save your sibling a thrashing, speak now.”


“OK. You had your chance. Prepare for the whipping of your lives.”

He went over to a cupboard hanging on the wall. When he’d unlocked it, Celia saw three long school canes of three different thicknesses. The master selected the middle, medium thick one and closed the cupboard. Celia felt a surge of excitement…this was it! It felt as if she were about to face a great adventure, one she had thought about for a long time.

“You,” he said, indicating Joaquim.

“Come here.”

Joaquim shuffled forward, his head bowed, until he was right by the master.

“Get those trousers down, boy. Underpants too.”

Celia watched, transfixed, as Joaquim lowered his trousers. His back was to her, so she saw only his ass as his pants came down, but between his legs she could make out…

“Bend over.”

Joaquim did so, stretching down so his fingers touched the carpet. Celia looked straight at Joaquim’s bare ass. It was nice…firm and muscular, neither fat nor boney. It was also extremely tight, stretched by his posture.

The master stepped back, took aim, and delivered a fearsome stroke. The cane swished through the air so fast it could not really be seen, and it smashed onto Joaquim’s bare bottom. He was thrown forward by the impact.  And then…

“Owww!”  Joaquim moaned. Evidently, the pain had kicked in.

Celia might have imagined it, but, watching the second stroke, it almost seemed as if the master had landed it deliberately on the same spot as the first. Joaquim howled.

The master drew his arm back and landed a third stroke on the trembling buttocks.

“Yowtch! Ow, ow, ow!”

The master stopped. He stepped back and addressed the prone man.

“Stand up, boy. Go to the wall. You…,” he indicated Celia.

“Your turn. Come here. No rubbing, boy. You aren’t finished yet. Now, Celia, I’m dividing his punishment into two. Yours, you will receive all in one go. For stealing and lying, I’m going to give you six strokes of the cane. Bare your bottom, please.”

Celia gripped the waist of her jeans and lowered them. She felt the breeze across the bare skin of her bottom.

“Bend over, touching your toes.”

Celia lowered herself into the expected position, and felt her long brown hair fall around her face. She guessed Joaquim was looking at her ass, but perhaps he was too uncomfortable…

Ah, it was sexy, though! She was totally at the master’s mercy. She was helpless, and the man behind her had the power to do anything to her. She felt embarrassed, but it was extremely arousing.

Swish…crack! The cane whistled through the air and struck her buttocks, and a few seconds later the pain lit up her backside. There was a burning sting right along the line the cane had made.

Crack! At that one, she gasped.

The third stroke made her squeal as the pain intensified. The cane was hurting more than she’d imagined, and she was tempted to say the safe word. But then the fourth stroke landed, and she had only two more to take. She didn’t want to pussy out now, not when she’d come this far.

“You’re feeling that, aren’t you girl?”

“Yes, Sir,” she stammered, feeling her backside twitch and quiver. She was fighting the urge to stand, to run….

Crack! The fifth stroke planted across the others.

“Owwwww,” she shrieked, vocalizing the pain.

“That loosened your tongue, didn’t it? One more.”

The master stepped back, reaffirmed his stance and swung the cane with all his might. Celia felt it cut into her naked flesh. After six strokes, none of which had had time to calm or heal, the agony was indescribable. She began to cry.

“Stand up, girl. Boy, get back here and bend down.”

Celia stood and turned. Joaquim was naked below the waist, and she could see his cock was rock hard. She felt a sudden urge to take it in her hand, but then he was stepping past her and bending over once again. Three more strokes were duly delivered to his backside, and they were three fearsomely hard ones at that.

Joaquim stood awkwardly.

“The punishment is over. The room is yours for an hour. You may console each other however you like.”

The master swept past them and then he opened the door. He strode out of the apartment and closed the door behind him. Celia was alone with Joaquim in the flat. She rubbed her sore bottom hard, trying to alleviate the pain, and wiped away her tears.

“How was it?” she asked Joaquim, who had made no attempt to cover himself.

“Successful, as you can see…,” and he indicated his penis with a nod. Celia looked him up and down. His cock was rock hard. She wanted human contact. She wanted to console and be consoled, and that would require tenderness and affection. She was aroused, and perhaps responding would counteract the pain that coursed along the lines that the cane had made.

Celia took Joaquim’s penis in her hands and began to jerk back and forth. Joaquim closed his eyes.

“Oh, Carlota. Yes. Just like that.”

Celia pulled it back and forth, and he placed his hands on her head, running his fingers through her hair. She spat onto her palm and rubbed his glans, moistening it, then she fondled it.

“Oh…your husband taught you well, sis. He’s a lucky man.”

Celia could see he was close to orgasm. She slipped it into her mouth, and her tongue coiled round Joaquim’s cock like a snake, and then she sucked him with three deep, firm sucks. She felt his grip on her head tighten, his fingers clawing at the roots of her hair and then…

Joaquim came in Celia’s mouth, and she felt the warmth of the fluid swish around and down to her throat.

“I owe you one, if you’ll let me,” said Joaquim.

There was only one way Celia could think of to have him repay her.

Five minutes later, she was over Joaquim’s knees and his hand was smacking her bottom firmly. The smacks landed where the cane had, sometimes, but they also lit up areas of her bottom she’d forgotten existed, and the stinging warmth across her ass worked its way inside her and she grew closer and closer and then she reached down and began to diddle her pussy. It was wet, and her fingers slipped in easily.

“Keep spanking me, I’m close,” Celia whispered.

Joaquim brought his hand down upon her soft flesh. Pausing, he caressed her buttocks, rubbing his palms across her bruised cheeks, which restored his erection and aroused her still more.

“Take me!” Celia cried.

She got up and walked over to the leather chair, and she flung herself across it. Joaquim stood behind her and eased his penis into her vagina. Celia purred as he began to thrust. She felt his hands grip her thighs and his cock was hard and pushed deep into her. Her stinging bottom felt electrified, as if a forcefield around it had been activated by his cock, and he was thrusting faster now. Her knees trembled as three strong thrusts drove into her and then…


Celia came hard. Her knees almost buckled beneath her, so strong was the force of her orgasm. Pleasure surged through her, and the pleasant sting on her bottom lit up once more.

Joaquim enjoyed watching her – feeling her – come. He continued to thrust into Celia’s pussy, and now he was fully involved with Celia as an individual, as a woman and all thought of his sister had fled from his mind. He thrust five more times and then he came inside her.

When Joaquim had pulled out and both were on their feet, the awkwardness descended like a fog. They both mumbled compliments and platitudes. Celia quickly pulled up her pants, and Joaquim’s his. She’d never been with a man without removing her top before, she realized. Celia scuttled off to the bathroom, wanting only to get out of there. She wasn’t regretting it, just feeling awkward. She shook hands with Joaquim and hurried out to the metro.

Celia never asked for another caning. It was a bucket list experience that she needed to try, but once was enough. She didn’t see Joaquim again either, although he tried to contact her several times. The result of the experience, though, was that it released her inhibitions about submission. Her next boyfriend was found through the spanking scene, and her bottom had many a future warm-up ahead of it.

Published 2 years ago

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