First College Cock (Again) With Kelly

"Kelly takes another ride on John's nine inches."

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It was October of 1978. It had been over a month since I had seen Kelly. She had started college in Milwaukee. She’d let me know that there had been a house party that had turned pretty wild and that there was much more to tell. I was still living with my folks and with our only telephone hanging in the kitchen, and two sisters hanging around, Kelly never got into juicy details over the phone.

The house party had worked. The ice had been broken and Wayne and Artie, along with John, Brian and Deb, were all very friendly towards Kelly and her roommate Tricia. Of course, the fact that all of them had watched Kelly and Deb deep-throat John’s long dick was a great way to build a friendship.

Wayne and Artie decided that if one party was that much fun, then maybe the house should have a second one. It was a complete dud. What Wayne and Artie clearly wanted was to see the girls naked. It was all just so obvious and, honestly, out of context to how everyone from the first, second, and third stories had been getting along.

It was the following weekend after that dud of a party attempt when I was visiting Kelly. Tricia went home for the weekend to see her family and, according to Kelly, “to get poked” by her boyfriend.

I arrived Thursday evening around six or so. As I walked up the sidewalk to their porch I met John. He called out my name, which caught me off guard. “Kelly said you were visiting and I took my chances that not more than one six-foot-four dude would be coming up our walk.” John offered me a beer, which didn’t last very long.

John and I started shooting the shit and we hit it off pretty well. Not long after, Kelly came downstairs looking for me. “I saw your car but didn’t see you?”

I got a huge tit-smashing hug and a kiss from Kelly. I could tell from the way John looked at Kelly that he probably played a role in her house party tale.

John mentioned that he and his girlfriend, Laura, we going to hit up a nearby bar that had a college night with dime tap beers. John was about to invite Kelly and me when Kelly jumped in and accepted with a “we’d love to get together!”

I thanked John for the invite as Kelly was dragging me off to her second-story apartment. As soon as she opened the door Kelly started to strip. Within minutes we were naked on her bed as Kelly rode me, grinding her very wet pussy back and forth across my cock. Kelly came within a couple of minutes and with that out of the way she started to tell me the story of their house party.

I pulled her down and was sucking on and playing with her huge 32F knockers. (It was pretty wild hearing how John came in her mouth ‘discreetly’, or so she and John thought). When Kelly got to the part about a wild threesome night with John, his nine-plus-inch cock, and his girlfriend Laura, that was when my nuts started their process.

The wilder the shit that Kelly told me about, the closer I got. Hearing about Kelly’s screaming orgasm with John’s sausage stuffed up her butt put me over the edge. I pumped her twat so full of several weeks-worth of stored up juice that it was running out everywhere and coating my nuts as fast I could pump.

The fact that Kelly and John also had a private fuck without Laura knowing, with a couple of random strangers watching them and playing along, well, that was just life with Kelly.

Kelly wanted me to fully understand what John had shared with her, which was that Laura felt that their threesome was a damn life-changing event for her. Well, that and we needed to get cleaned up asap so we could head to the bar.

The bar was a typical Milwaukee neighborhood bar. They ran a special to get the students in, but that didn’t mean the professionals avoided the place. The opposite was true. Everyone had a great time drinking together. The dime beers were served in small plastic cups (maybe eight ounces?) and you collected the cups and built a pyramid on your table. The biggest pyramid won. Everyone understood that and it was cool.

We met John and Laura at the bar and they had grabbed us a table. John was, as Kelly described him, rugged-looking and probably a couple of inches shy of six feet. Laura was about five and a half feet tall. She had pretty shoulder-length brown hair. I found out later that Laura was a Gemini. It made sense. She was two people at the same time.

Initially, Laura seemed like a very bright, serious, science student. Yet, very quickly into our conversation, it became clear that, much like Kelly, Laura’s pussy did a lot of her thinking. We had barely met when Laura started to tell me how much she enjoyed having sex with Kelly and John simultaneously. She was over the moon with the stuff that Kelly had taught her that night.

Laura was very hopeful that sex was on the agenda for that night. She reached out and started to rub my cock through my jeans, in front of John and Kelly, while giving them a play-by-play as to my level of hardness and size. Again, I had met Laura maybe ten minutes before.

Kelly and John were taking turns running to the bar to buy trays of beers, as they had the “aisle” seats. When Laura wasn’t rubbing my cock, she was rubbing Kelly’s crotch. Our pyramid stood four cups tall. Not a prize winner by any means yet not an embarrassment either.

Laura had to pee and insisted Kelly go with her. When they returned, Laura pushed her way between John’s legs and shoved her, now braless chest, into his face for a quick motorboat. I could see Laura’s nipples were rock hard and at full attention. Her white T-shirt didn’t hide much.

Kelly slipped me her bra under the table. Kelly was wearing a brown and orange crop-top sweater thing. It had a zipper down the front with a big round ring pull attached. As soon as she’d sat down, Kelly tugged the zipper all the way down, exposing a pile of cleavage.

When Laura saw that Kelly was showing off “her girls,” she turned and had Kelly tie the back of her T-shirt in a knot. Laura’s very toned torso was then exposed and Kelly had tied her shirt so tightly that Laura’s nipples looked like they might cut through the fabric.

Laura squeezed herself between John and me, mostly facing me, and shoved my hand onto her shirt. Yep, those nipples were damn hard alright! Her mounds were maybe C-cups? As I played with her nipples she told us that Kelly had got them hard for her. In the restroom, Laura was feeling up Kelly and Kelly returned the favor.

I slipped a hand under Kelly’s shirt, and indeed, her nipples were also like pebbles. As I was two-hands deep into titty squeezing, Laura unzipped her jeans, while her back was facing John and the rest of the bar.

Laura pulled my hand from her boobs and pushed it into her jeans. She was as smooth as a ball bearing. Her pussy was shaved and lightly oiled. She pushed my hand deeper. My fingers separated her thin, tight lips and I plunged my middle finger as deep as it would reach into her cunt. Laura grasped my upper arm and shook a little as she looked into my eyes with a face that said ‘orgasm’. I worked my finger around in growing circles, stretching out her walls as best I could.

Laura shook a bit more as she finished cumming. Her orgasm ended, she plunged into my face for a wild open-mouthed tongue sucking. She damn near pulled mine out by the roots! When she broke our kiss, she looked at Kelly and said, “Jesus, Kelly! He fucking made me cum in no time flat!”

Kelly beamed with pride.

I could also tell that Kelly’s hand was under the table and most likely in the vicinity of John’s dick. John shifted his chair so he was right next to Kelly. I watched him slip his hand inside and up her sweater top to play with her tits. Her arm started moving rhythmically. John put both of his hands under the table for a moment. Then he went back to Kelly’s boobs and her arm started pumping again.

I was still slowly fingering Laura as she stood next to my barstool. John leaned in and he and Kelly kissed as though they were animals in heat. A couple of minutes later Kelly’s arm slowed and then stopped. A couple of minutes after that, she pulled her hand above the table while John’s went below the table for another adjustment.

Kelly looked at me as she licked traces of John’s cum off of her hand. John noticed she was looking at me and he caught my eye with a sheepish grin. From Kelly’s fuck-story of a couple of hours previous, I knew John was also a pumper. I bent around for a quick peek under the table and saw a puddle of fresh cum near the table base.

I got Laura off a second time. Then she had her hands all over my crotch. She was breathing heavily into my ear. “I need to fuck you. I need your cock. Where can we go? I mean someplace we can go now. My pussy is so wet.”

Laura reminded me more than just a little bit of Kelly. The more Kelly gets, the more she needs.“

Let’s go outside.” Laura appeared puzzled. “C’mon. Let’s go.” She headed for the door. 

I quietly told Kelly and John that “Laura needs a fucking. We’ll be right back.”

Kelly laughed out loud!

I did a quick scan up and down the sidewalk and pulled Laura to a house one door away from the bar. There was an old block wall next to the driveway. I pulled her into that space next to a car and pushed her jeans down. Laura leaned forward onto the trunk of the car. I released my cock, bent my knees, and plunged my cock into her tight cunt.

Laura started to swear. I put my hand over her mouth to quiet her. I had to keep it there. I was humping her hard and fast. My nuts had been fully drained and I’d been drinking dime beers by the dozens, but Laura’s jeans had her knees locked together such that her twat was incredibly tight and slick at the same time.

She bit my hand at least twice as she came. I fucked her as hard as I possibly could. And then I felt that feeling! Yes! My nuts were boiling. It was going to happen. I slammed her ass so hard the car was shaking from side to side and I felt one strong stream of cum shoot out of me and into that tight cunt.

I pulled out immediately and stuffed my hardon into my jeans. I pulled Laura’s jeans up before she knew what was happening. We stepped onto the sidewalk as a group of people walked past us. Phew, we just missed an audience, which was a good thing. Cops would have been called.

John and Kelly were waiting for our return. John pulled Laura to him, kissed her and they spoke. I heard her tell him that “my pussy is full of cum.”

I looked at Kelly and mouthed ‘did you cum?’ She rolled her eyes and smiled as her reply. Since everyone had that out of the way, we got serious about our drinking as the flirting continued. The next day, Kelly shared that John had fingered her to a squirting cum while Laura and I were out fucking. Both of the girls sat there in wet panties.

We all got shit-faced and then drank a bit more slowly as we kind of sobered up. By the time we left the bar around one a.m., we weren’t too bad off. Kelly had been sharing tales of sexual exploits with Laura for much of the night. And Laura’s reactions were very graphic (“that makes me so fucking wet!”). Laura had been looking at me like a lioness looks at a zebra.

Shortly after we began our several-block walk from the bar, Laura pulled her T-shirt over her tits and flashed us. Kelly, of course, would not be outdone and she also flashed us, but she left her sweater pulled above her tits until a car approached. Once she deduced it was not a police car, she flashed her tits again.

Laura and Kelly were laughing their asses off flashing their tits at random inanimate objects: “How do you like these, Mr. Tree?”

John and I were playing lots of grab-hand with both of the girls. Four nipples and two cocks were quite stiff.

About a block from her apartment Kelly unzipped her jeans and pulled them open. John and I took turns fingering her twat until Laura shoved us aside and took over. Standing in the middle of the sidewalk, tits smashed together, Laura fingered Kelly. Laura then unzipped her own jeans and two doors later, Kelly returned the favor.

One door away from their building, I yanked Laura’s T-shirt over her head and John and I played keep away. Kelly had her back to John, trying to catch Laura’s shirt when John yanked off Kelly’s top. We all laughed our loud asses off the sidewalk and into their building. And we were loud, Kelly and Laura still shrieking as John and I played keep-away with their shirts.

Since Kelly was the one without a roommate for the weekend, it was a given that we were all heading to her apartment. Once we were inside the front door, Wayne and Artie came piling around the corner of the landing between the first and second floors. They had bounded down from the third floor to see what in the world was happening.

As bad as their ploy to see Kelly’s tits had bombed out the previous week, they hit the jackpot that night. John and I still had the girls’ shirts. Far from getting shy and covering their boobs, Laura and Kelly were both drunk enough and horny enough to enjoy showing their goodies to the shy boys.

About the time there was enough drool on the floor to call for a mop, Laura first, followed by Kelly, tugged their open jeans down a bit to flash the boys their shaved twats. They didn’t go full lip-reveal, just down enough to see the top of the pussy crack.

The girls were still loud as hell laughing at everything they or anyone else was doing. John and I couldn’t help but die at the entire scene. Wayne and Artie were wearing boxers when they charged down to the circus. They had both grown full woodies. As they were tussling around Artie’s cock popped out through his fly.

Our eardrums were nearly shattered! Laura grabbed hold of his dick before he had a chance to regain his dignity. Laura was nuts! “How dare you stick your big thing at me like this! Are you demanding I suck you off? Who are you to demand that I suck you off!”

Artie was two-hundred shades of red. I think I may have pissed my pants a bit. I was laughing so hard I could barely catch my breath.

Wayne and Artie were standing on the stairs a couple of steps above us. Laura still had a death grip on Artie’s cock. She stepped up one step and sucked his average white-boy cock into her mouth. After a couple of strokes, she popped off and squeezed the hell out of his member at the base and fake-enraged yelled at him again, “Do you think I want you to spray your cum into my mouth? How dare you think you should cum in my mouth!”

Laura dove back onto his cock again, this time she was grabbing his ass and thrusting him making it look like Artie was the one face-fucking her. Kelly stepped toward Wayne. Wayne froze.

Kelly yanked Wayne’s boxers to his ankles and swallowed his slightly larger than standard white boy issue cock into her mouth. John and I were still laughing. Artie, literally, didn’t know if he was cumming or going. Another minute later and Laura made the decision for him.

Artie groaned. Laura purred. They stayed frozen for a minute. After that Laura pulled off his cock and stood up. She started speaking with a mouthful of Artie’s jizz. “So now you think it’s okay to shoot your little boy juice into my mouth?” By the end of the sentence Laura had purposefully drooled her pretty mouthful of cum down her chin and across her chest.

She started to slowly rub Artie’s cum into her skin. She looked at him, and for the first time in a normal voice said, “You’re lucky that I love cum.” She looked at both Artie and Wayne with lustful eyes.

Kelly had pushed Wayne up a few steps and then pushed him to sit down on the landing. Kelly was kneeling in front of him, turned a bit to the side as she sucked him. It gave Wayne room to play with her tits as well as slip his hand in her jeans and onto her butt. Kelly kept wiggling approval and Wayne shoved his hand lower, pushing her jeans with him, until he was fingering her pussy.

Kelly was moaning away on Wayne’s cock. You could tell he didn’t know if it was an act or what the hell those crazy broads were up to? I could tell.

A minute later, Kelly popped up and groaned out a loud “Oh, fuck!” as Wayne got her off. After she came she looked at him, smiling, and said “You Devil, getting me off like that! Now give it up! I want to taste your cum.”

Kelly slammed her face into his crotch. She used her hand to play with his nuts. She sucked as hard as she could. “Shit! I’m cumming!” Wayne laid back onto the landing and his hips bucked up and down. Kelly’s mouth rode him a like breaking a bronco.

Then Wayne looked like he flat-lined. Kelly pulled her mouth off, stood up facing the rest of us, and very seductively, following Laura’s lead, drooled Wayne’s cum all over her chest. Laura raced up to Kelly and started to lick and suck her nipples and Wayne’s cum. She paused as Kelly returned the favor lapping up some of Artie’s splooge.

Kelly also took the opportunity to push Laura’s jeans down, as hers were, to her knees fully exposing Laura’s shaved cunt and ass to the boys. And me as well! I had been fooling around with Laura in the dark. It was great seeing her naked in the glaring light.

Laura had a great looking ass. Beautifully toned but not flat and boring. Nice buns! It was also my first good look at her huge areolae and stiff pink nipples.

John knocked us all out of our stupor. ”It’s Brian and Deb!” he loudly whispered. Those were his first-floor roommates and they were coming up the sidewalk. Kelly and Laura took off like a terror around the corner and up the stairs, waddling with their jeans down, pushing Wayne and Artie with them.

About the time that the front door opened, I heard the pile of half-naked humans fall into Kelly’s second-floor apartment. John introduced me and we shared some small chit-chat. Brian and Deb had also been out and looked to be both drunk and horny. They went into their apartment and John and I headed upstairs.

I opened the door to find the small coffee table had been pushed away. Pieces of clothing were all over the rug and furniture. Wayne and Artie, both fully naked, were on their backs on the floor. Both of them were being sixty-nined by the girls. Kelly was on top of Wayne and Laura was on Artie. Kelly’s butt-length long hair was splayed all over Wayne’s legs and balls.

Whether they knew it or not, Wayne and Artie had just learned a very important life lesson: It’s not about what you want and when you want it. It’s about what she wants and when it’s good for her. A week prior they failed miserably in their attempt to see some boobs. And yet, there they were naked on the floor with shaved twats in their faces.

I grabbed beers from the fridge for John and me as we sat down on the couch to watch. To the boy’s credit, they were both nearly back to full hardness. A few minutes later and Wayne’s seven inches was stiff as could be and it was nearly purple.

Kelly pulled her mouth off of his cock and sat up, smothering his face with her cunt. She looked and John and me and said, “If you two want to stay and play, you better get naked right now.”

Laura popped up and growled her agreement.

John and I stood and undressed. John was hung. Damn. I was hard from all of the shenanigan’s plus, watching my girlfriend swallowing another cock was always a turn-on. John was probably as long as me when he stripped but he quickly grew to his glorious nine-inches.

By the time we were naked and sat back down, Kelly had scooted down on Wayne and was riding his cock reverse cowgirl. Wayne was playing her butt cheeks. Kelly was holding up her boobs, licking at her nipples, and basically just showing off her smoking body as she slowly rode Wayne.

Laura’s face came off of Artie’s cock and she yelped, “Oh shit! Fuck! Oh, God!” She wiggled her cunt all over Artie’s nose as he made her cum.

Laura sat up after she got over her orgasm and surveyed the situation. Kelly stayed on Wayne’s cock and she shuffled her feet around on the floor as she did a one-eighty to face Wayne. Kelly flattened herself onto his chest as she asked me to go get her lube.

I was in and out of her bedroom in a flash. Kelly always keeps a tube of KY on her nightstand. You just never know what may come up?

Kelly’s little bubble butt was wiggling at me. I dropped to my knees, wiggling my way between Kelly and Wayne’s legs. Wayne took the hint and spread his wide apart. I dropped a huge dollop right onto Kelly’s little brown target and another big one on the tip my cock. I used my hand to stroke my cock and get it sloppy slick. Laura was looking at my cock the entire time with the most lustful smile I’d ever seen.

Laura bent over to get a front-row seat as I worked to pop my cockhead through Kelly’s back door. As soon as I was in I made one smooth push until my nuts wouldn’t let me go deeper and they were rubbing against Wayne’s balls. Kelly let out a guttural growl followed by, “Fuck me.”

Wayne held tight as I started to fuck Kelly’s ass. Kelly’s ass always feels like fucking an inferno. The heat is just beyond description. Wayne started to feel the rhythm and soon we were doing alternate strokes. Kelly was making animal sounds. I think she orgasmed for ten minutes straight.

I’d been in my own heaven and hadn’t fully noticed that Laura had her own tag team going. She was riding Artie and, how I don’t know because I missed seeing it, she had John’s massive dong up her ass. Laura was also making the sounds of an alien being killed.

I saw Laura reach out for Kelly’s hand. Once she had her attention, she asked Kelly if they could swap the cocks in their butts? Kelly squeezed her hand and said, “Sure, send that salami this way.”

Everyone stopped fucking. John and I untangled ourselves. We passed the KY again as we stood amongst the orgy and then dropped to our knees behind new garages. Laura was easy to slip into and it didn’t look as though John had any trouble plugging Kelly’s hole.

I leaned forward and was kissing on Laura’s neck. She lifted up and twisted around so we could play tongue hockey. Artie was nibbling on her nipples. Laura started a deep, guttural humming into my mouth. It made me buck harder. I started to really slam into her butt. She was getting more and more excited. She finally ripped loose and screamed, “Fucking hell! I’m cumming!”

She was thrashing wildly. Artie was humping her hard. I was fighting to stay on top of the three-layer fuck circus! I could tell Artie was going for load number two. He locked up and I felt his load pulse past my cock through the thin layer of flesh separating us. It was all pretty wild and pretty hot. My mind was not involved. It was all instinct. I blasted out another load right after Artie.

Watching us all cum together got the other pile worked up. John was running his long rod in crazy-long strokes in and out of Kelly’s butt. She screamed “OH FUUUCK!”, while John roared. They started to collapse.

I heard Wayne ask her, “Can I try your butt?”

Kelly appreciated his initiative. She squeezed out of their sweaty pile, turned ninety degrees, and laid her chest on the couch. John splatted Kelly’s ass with more KY. Wayne mounted her butt like a monkey fucking a coconut.

The rest of us watched Wayne slam Kelly around as he fucked her wildly. Just a few short minutes later he nutted. He fell off as soon as he squirted. Everyone watched two loads of cum drip out of Kelly’s ass and down the backs of her thighs.

Laura gave her a hand up and they headed for the bathroom. John and I congratulated Wayne and Artie on a job well done. Their faces said they would stop smiling around the time they would stop chocking their chickens over this night, or somewhere well into their thirties!

The guys found their clothes and departed for their own apartment. John and I squeezed into the bathroom and watched the girls soaping each other up through the translucent shower curtain. They weren’t playing, just getting everything nice and clean.

He and I took our turns following the girls and soon a group of clean and naked people was in the living room. We turned on the TV and found a crazy old late-night horror movie. Kelly slipped to the floor and had John scoot his ass to the edge of the couch.

Kelly slowly and gently played with and sucked on John’s cock. Laura had snuggled in next to me and I spread her knees and then her lips as I explored her pussy. We all just gently played and explored as we watched the movie. Kelly ended up on John’s lap as he sucked her tits.

By the time the credits rolled, I was hard again. I stood up and moved to the end of the couch. I pulled Laura along until she grasped my plan. She hung her head back over the arm of the couch. I slipped my cock into her mouth and then her throat and slowly throat fucked her.

Kelly enjoyed the closeup view and snuck over and started to eat Laura as she was stroking John. Laura was moaning. Once John was hard, Kelly moved her mouth to Laura’s nipples. She continued to finger Laura’s clit as John pushed his salami into Laura’s twat.

I could see their issue. John clearly could not fit more than six inches into her twat. I suggested to him that we swap. John gave me a thumbs up. I quickly slid into Laura’s pussy. She was a bit dry from a rough night. Kelly splatted some KY on my cock and I went to town slipping and a sliding in a fun new twat. Laura was tighter than Kelly, but now that she had her knees spread, not uncomfortably so. She felt good!

It was a sight to behold as Laura and John worked together as she swallowed his long sword completely to the hilt. Kelly was using her hands and tongue to do what she could to make Laura feel good. For a while, she got her face in her crotch and was sucking her clit as I carefully fucked so as to not bash Kelly’s face.

Fucking was all that we were doing. Just moving the parts and feeling good. Everyone had cum so much that I don’t think we had anything left. Laura eventually decided that she’d been fucked enough and suggested that Kelly take a turn.

I knew where Kelly wanted John’s dick so I called, “Mouth.” I fucked her face while John stroked his monster all the way in and out of her cunt. After seeing John hit a roadblock in Laura, it was just as amazing to see Kelly envelop his entire member.

Kelly was not like the rest of us. She still had some in the tank. John’s long dong was working magic in her pussy. She was soaking wet. I could see her juices coating John’s dick. She was encouraging me to stay deep in her throat as she used her nose to bobble my nuts. Laura was sitting back watching.

Five minutes of fucking had Kelly worked up. John and I both picked up the pace. Kelly was twisting and tugging on her nipples. Laura took the hint and got involved. She went down on Kelly’s clit. That hit the button, literally!

Kelly spit me out and screamed out an orgasm. I watched her spray John’s cock with her cum. Laura had moved just in time to see the show but miss the spray. Kelly had me worked up. I laid my nuts on her face and jacked my cock as fast as I could. Kelly worked her way to my back door and was licking my hole and tickling me.

It wasn’t much, for me anyway, but I got off one small shot that landed on her neck. John pulled out and jacked himself also. I helped Kelly get her head up to watch. John dumped just enough to fill her belly button. Laura lapped my cum from Kelly’s neck. John pulled out and bent over and licked his own mess out of her belly button while having to restrain Kelly. She is so ticklish, she was squealing as he licked her.

After she licked up my stuff, Laura moved to John’s cock and sucked him clean of a few drops and then did the same favor to me. Kelly was still laying spread-eagle on the couch and Laura decided to clean off Kelly’s cum. She pretty much stayed out of Kelly’s slit as she licked away.

But once she had Kelly cleaned up, she laid down on the couch between Kelly’s legs and started flat-tonguing her way through Kelly’s gash. She’d start at the end of her slit and take a lap to the front end of her slit. She wasn’t working to get Kelly off, she was just enjoying tasting her.

Kelly gently held Laura’s head and softly said, “Happy!”

By that time, it was close to five a.m. John suggested to Laura that it was time to go downstairs. He picked up their clothes as Laura was still tonguing Kelly. Once he had found all of the pieces, Laura reluctantly gave up her position.

John stood over Kelly as she tugged on his limp cock saying, “Goodbye.” I stood and Laura smashed her boobs all the way into me and squeezed my butt as we said goodbye. They left, naked.

Nothing was said as Kelly and I dragged ourselves to bed and crashed immediately.

Mid-terms came up a few weeks later and Kelly didn’t do amazing, as she’d assumed she would. That shook her up. She got re-focused and ended the semester with a 3.8 GPA. She cut out the orgies for the rest of her freshman year. But John’s cock was just too tempting and they had a couple of more sessions that Laura didn’t know about.

When the first hot days of spring hit, Wayne and Artie offered the girls the backyard rooftop outside of their window for sunbathing. Kelly convinced Tricia to sun topless with her. Kelly, of course, ended up taking off her bottoms. She knew that Wayne and Artie were spanking their monkeys watching them. And she was fine with that.

Published 5 years ago

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