“Oh, You’re Into THAT? Interesting…”

"The day I found out just how deep and dark my desires for femdom really went... (based on true events)"

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I had just gone out on a date with a girl I met on a dating app. It’s not her real name, but let’s call her Sarah. My profile on the dating app was pretty clear. The profile description was all about how I placed myself as more of a submissive person; how I enjoyed other people’s happiness and preferred pleasing others over pleasing myself, both sexually and in vanilla terms.

When we matched and started talking online, we started off great.  Sarah considered herself to be more of a dominant personality and displayed that in her kinks too. We discussed our vanilla interests and exchanged numbers to continue chatting outside of the app. One thing led to another and that very same day we already started talking about kinks…

I mentioned how I considered myself a bit of a kink leech. In my desire to see others happy, I commonly developed a desire for whatever their interests were. The amount of enthusiasm they showed about their kinks directly translated to how badly I wanted to lend myself to those experiences, which over time even turned into a genuine personal desire for the kink. It’s how I got into femdom and feminization in the first place (though at the time my feminization interest was still very closeted).

Intrigued by my ‘kink leech’ explanation, she correctly understood that whatever her desires were, mine would be too. If not already, then simply in a matter of time. Sarah was delighted by this idea and told me about her fantasies of being in full control over her partner’s erections and their (in)ability to masturbate: Chastity. It wasn’t my first time hearing about it, but chastity had never been my personal desire before. And as expected, the more Sarah went on and on about it, the more I was convinced of how much she liked it, and how much it would please her, and in turn, please me, if I subjected myself to that for her…

Lo and behold; a few days later we made a deal… Sarah ordered a chastity cage online based on the measurements I gave her, and after it arrived, we’d go out on a date. We’d go to eat somewhere first, and then go to the cinema. At the cinema, Sarah would hand me the cage and I’d go to the toilets to put it on, lock it, and hand her the keys as we’d go and watch a movie. During the movie she’d rub her hands on my leg suggestively, kiss me and make lewd, teasing comments whenever she felt like it. On the way back home, she would sit on my lap while we were waiting at the bus stop. Occasionally grinding up and down if we were alone or when nobody paid attention to us (or pretending to slip and promptly adjusting herself if people were looking and she got tired of waiting). Only when I got home, she would hand me the keys back so I could unlock myself while she went home.

Everything went pretty much as predicted on that date, and I was seriously aroused by the time I got to unlock myself. Sarah was still traveling home with the bus, but I couldn’t help myself; I had to tell her just how much I enjoyed our date. I didn’t care if other people could read along over her shoulders, I just needed her to know.

“Hey, hope you get home safe! Just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed our date tonight. God. You teased me so much… I never thought I’d like feeling helpless THIS much. We’ve got to do this again soon!” I sent off my text.

Soon enough, a reply came from Sarah: “Hey! I had a great time too, as you probably could tell! Loved seeing your reactions to all my teases. I agree. We’ve got to do this again sometime. But sadly I’ll be away for a few weeks soon. We can still chat, but dates will have to wait!” (she had family in France and often traveled from there to The Netherlands, where she had a place somewhat close to my home).

Not being able to keep things PG-13 in my heightened aroused state, I eagerly told Sarah how I was both anxious, aroused, excited and scared during the ride home with my mind on those keys. Was she going to give them as planned? But what if she didn’t? I hadn’t seen them or heard about them since the movie started… did she lose them? I never dared to bring it up during the date, but I discussed it in full detail in our chat.

“I gotta say… when you walked me all the way to the front door before giving me the keys, I was worried you were going to keep me locked, or had lost the keys somehow.” I wrote.

Sarah replied: “haha, I was thinking about holding on to them for a few more days, but knowing we might not meet for weeks… It felt a bit too harsh, at least for so early on.”

The thoughts rushed to my head. “Oh my God. She desired this. Fuck. I wish I could see that delightful, evil smile of hers when she does that to me… I want to stay caged longer for her…” In my arousal, I couldn’t stop myself from trying to tease her back and see how far she’d take it. I guess I always had a knack for getting myself in trouble like that… I got bratty at all the wrong times. Teasing and taking things too far just to see how far it would go… I knew it would bite me in the ass eventually, but I still couldn’t stop myself… “You know, I kinda imagined you asking to hold on to those keys a little longer, me agreeing, only for you to drop them in the very first sewer grate you’d find after leaving my home…” I wrote.  Aroused and scared in anticipation of her reaction.

Her status changed; “Sarah is typing…” I couldn’t look away from my screen.  My heart was racing. “Oh no. I would never do that” her response read, the word ‘never’ being emphasized and an innocent angel emoji and a heart were added at the end of the message. A second message quickly appeared to follow her first: “I would make you swallow them.” This message, however, was followed by a purple ‘evil-looking’ emoji.

I read it once, twice, five times. The letters turned into a vision, I felt her hand on my lips. The cold touch of the keys. Her voice commanding me to swallow. Her wicked smile. The perverted joy it gave her to put me in such a predicament… What if I never found the keys back? I’d be locked forever… Forever… The words, thoughts, it all played over and over in my head at a speed people would refer to as ‘my life flashed before my eyes’. It overloaded my brain. The mixture of arousal, excitement, anxiety, embarrassment and fear peaked all at once. It gave me a mind-shattering orgasm, the likes of which I had never experienced before…

Omg,”Fuck” and “I came,” were my only replies after a few minutes of silence as I was panting from my orgasm. I never expected this to happen and I was embarrassed, yet somehow also felt a certain sense of pride to announce that I did.

“Oh. You’re into that? Interesting…” she replied, putting emphasis on ‘that’, as if knowing I should be embarrassed and that she would not hesitate to use it against me if the opportunity arose.

Lord knows I was not ready for this level of kinkiness and I came once again. It was a good thing I was already home and in bed, because I passed out soon after. After waking up again I took screenshots of those messages. I was embarrassed about liking them THAT much, but for months to come, I would open them and re-read that specific conversation whenever I got close to orgasming and desired that “personal touch” to push me over the edge.

Published 2 years ago

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