Happy Ending Ranch was more crowded than it had any right to be on a midday afternoon. All eight of the ladies on duty were either tending to paying clients in their private bedrooms or hamming it up with potential ones in the parlor. Jim surveyed the chaos from behind his perch at the bar and scrunched his nose at the sight of Kenzie delighting a customer with spirited conversation. With Pamela and Lindsay away in Maryland until Monday, he knew they’d be upset at missing such a prime moneymaking opportunity of a large group of horny men from Massachusetts stopping by en route to Calafell Canyon for a fishing expedition. Jim even had to summon Nicolette and Elisabeth back from their trip to the Flagstone Historical Museum to satisfy the sudden demand.
He was in the process of getting his buzz on as it would help offset the constant thoughts about Kenzie and his unreturned love for her. Bah, I think I have it bad. Jim had no idea how Colt could sit idly by and watch Pamela continually sweet-talk and then take random strangers back to her bedroom for a wild romp. How does Colt keep his sanity, his calm? It was a never-ending struggle, for sure, but Jim realized his own personal situation would be a million times worse if he were married to Kenzie too.
I’m afraid Colt’s head is going to spontaneously combust one day if he and Pamela really do hook up with Kayleigh and turn their marriage into a triad. It would be double the jealousy, double the headaches, as Colt would have to deal with not one, but two women he cared deeply about mortgaging their bodies, even their souls, for profit. I know how he is; Colt will go all in with Kayleigh, fall in love with her, and it’ll do nothing but make his time here at work even more of a living hell than it already is.
“You’re so sweet. Wow, you have such amazing, kind eyes.” Across the way, Riley was reciting her often practiced and now perfected lines as she squeezed the wrist of a gentleman old enough to be her grandfather.
“Thank you.”
Riley forced her teeth into a smile. “I’m excited at what you and I could do together, the fun we could have.”
“What are you into?”
“Oh, you know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that.” A few feet away, Sahara trailed a fingertip across the forearm of her own john. “You, me … you know. I’d love to party with you, baby, and I promise you’ll forget about all the anxieties back home as long as you’re with me. Most of all, you’ll forget your boring, prude wife.”
Jim heard the clink of crystal and the familiar high-pitched shrill of Kenzie’s laughter from the opposite end of the parlor. He glanced over and slugged back the last of his mug and, try as he might, couldn’t stop imagining Kenzie inviting him to her bedroom instead of this hooker pirate. Despite her profession, Kenzie was an angel to Jim, with a river of dark hair rushing down her back and the pale-pink, floral sundress and matching stripper heels augmenting her small, curvaceous body. She held hands with her customer and shot Jim a furtive nod as they slipped by and made their way to the back through the curtain. Damn, those dark, majestic eyes could turn any man into a blubbering fool, and Jim had the urge to pin Kenzie down in the tub long enough to scrub away that expensive perfume she was wearing because it always drove him batshit insane.
Circling around, Sahara dropped all the way down to her knees beside her ongoing conquest. His name was Terry, wasn’t it? “Come on, baby, it’ll be fun! I’ll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”
Jim couldn’t help the twitch of arousal that tickled his cock as he pretended not to watch. It had been entirely too long since he had a young woman as attractive as Sahara submit herself at his feet like that. Well, not counting having to pay for it or offer a risky favor in return.
Last night, as an example, Jim slept okay. But how deep of a sleep could he really get with two outrageously sexy brunettes in bed with him as they were anxious for responses to their continued kisses, caresses, and advances? Truth be told, his dick woke up before he did. It was in a warm, wonderful place, and liked it.
Jim opened one eye and saw Riley facing away on her hands and knees, her head bobbing over his lap. His fingers clawed and tightened around the comforter. This top-shelf babe worked hard to stay in shape and had an ass tight enough to bounce a quarter off of, with an athletic stomach that made Jim wonder if she’d ever tried a doughnut.
Off to the side and seated on her knees, Sahara slid her hands up Jim’s thighs so that she could cup his balls, working them while Riley, her newlywed wife, sucked his dick. “Nikki and I became too impatient for you to wake up and thought we’d take matters into our own hands.”
“Oh.” Jim arched his neck and suppressed a chuckle. “That’s nice.”
Sahara and Riley were eerily similar in many regards – horny stoners with vibrant, flowing, light brown hair, and far too pretty for such a seedy industry. In their mid-twenties, they claimed to love sex, weed, sex, booze, and more sex, and was there anything wrong with that?
“Look Pa – no hands!” Riley giggled as she turned and eyed Jim, her arms extended to either side.
“When do I get to suck his dick?” Sahara asked in a mock stern voice. “Haven’t you had enough?”
“Never!” Riley exclaimed.
Ahh, the spoils of being a brothel manager.
A day in Jim’s life was always unique, but the lewd indecencies ramped up tenfold whenever Colt and Pamela were out of town on their week-long breaks. Jim was a simple man. He liked sports, beer, and food, and wasn’t about to reject a salacious young working girl – let alone two of them – if they beckoned him to their private quarters. Last evening, it was Sahara and Riley’s turn, and Jim enjoyed mindless, no-frills sex, an overnight marathon.
But it certainly wasn’t anything real.
It’d be real with Cierra.
Best of all, he didn’t have to offer Sahara and Riley a penny for it. No, his payment was a relaxing of the house’s strict rules and policies with Colt and Pamela elsewhere. For one, the use of weed became rampant. Marijuana may have been legalized in Nevada in 2017, but it was only allowed in private residences or licensed social-use venues. Colt was anxious to keep his liquor license, and more importantly his brothel license, and threatened to report any employee if he saw signs of drug possession or use.
Jim was more lenient, far more laid-back, and looked the other way (for the most part) when he was in charge. What harm could an occasional joint or two cause, anyway? And courtesans such as Sahara, Riley, Scarlett, Mariko, and Jenna, among others, were more than happy to show him their gratitude the best way they knew how. I remember poor Angelia begging me for weed and saying she’d do anything I asked in return for it.
“Nikki! What the fuck?” Shoved away like yesterday’s news, Riley was now seated on the bed, hands on hips, as Sahara lowered her wet heat onto Jim’s cock.
“It’s not your dick. It’s mine too. We need to share.”
“Don’t fight over me, girls.” Slow, deep laughter emanated from Jim’s chest as Riley clutched Sahara’s shoulders and grappled her as if they were in a catfight. Sahara, of course, reciprocated. “Girls, girls! This isn’t the WWE.”
Once the playful struggle was over, Sahara rode Jim’s dick with her eyes closed and Riley hugged and kissed her from behind. To be shared by these wild nymphomaniacs was something Jim would never grow tired of. He gave himself over to the delirium of delights, yet it increased even more once Riley changed positions and swung her knee across his face. Now able to French-kiss Sahara and play with her titties, Riley bounced her little bottom atop Jim’s head, her pussy contracting around his tongue.
Willing to share after all, Sahara dislodged herself and helped Riley get into position instead. “It’s your turn, Mallory.” Jim had no qualms as Riley fucked him reverse-cowgirl at a blistering pace. It was as if she wanted to make him orgasm as quickly as she could.
“All we need now,” Riley said, “is to convince Kenzie to get her sweet, little ass in here so Jim can fuck her too!”
Sahara snorted. “Good luck with that!”
Back in the present moment, it was all Jim could do not to shake his head at the thought of Kenzie and her continued descent into debauchery. Why did I ever agree to get Cierra a job here? What she needed wasn’t another payday from taking part in a proverbial one-night stand – she’s been with over a thousand mongers by now, easy – but rather, a wedding ring on her finger. Cierra has no idea how she is throwing her humanity down the drain.
It’s disgusting.
And it’s all my fault.
Jim had worked at the brothel since 1983. Damn, that’s nine years longer than Cierra has even been alive. He was initially hired by William as a maintenance man and later promoted to lead bartender once receiving the proper training. In all my time here, has any turnout left the house in a better situation than she was in when first entering it? Sure, there were those who saved their money, whether it be for a major purchase, school, or the future, and went on to “normal” lives with a husband and kids. But how many have walked out a better person? Did the brothel do anything to further them as individuals?
Hell, what right did Jim have to complain? After William passed away in 2006, the first thing Colt did was promote Jim to house manager. I’ve had sex with over a thousand women myself thanks to this place. Colt even gave him a percentage of the brothel’s revenue in monthly payouts, something that was unheard of in the industry.
“I’m glad you like what you see.”
“I do.”
“And what about what you like in terms of sex? What kind of, um, experience would you like today?”
“I would like for you to make me feel like you are falling in love with me.”
A liquid rope of fortitude spilled eagerly from the bottle and into Jim’s mouth and throat as he listened to Kenzie’s negotiations with her monger via his earpiece. I need more alcohol. Sahara and Riley may have been charming their own tricks nearby, and Christina was out on the floor giving another a table dance, while Mariko, Nicolette, Elisabeth, and Jenna were getting fucked in their respective rooms, but Jim’s entire focus was on Kenzie and … Bob. Big ‘ol Bob.
Jim recalled the curls of Kenzie’s hair bouncing when she slipped into the back moments ago. The curve of her ass bounced, too, barely covered by the thin cloth of her swishy summer dress. Jim tried not to stare when she flounced away, but it was useless. He fantasized about how that curvy flesh would bounce under his care as he made love to her on their wedding night.
Heh. Me? Marriage? That’s like mixing oil and water.
Had Jim ever been close to tying the knot with anyone? Stephanie couldn’t look past the fact that I worked in a brothel. She called me a flesh peddler. They dated seriously for a while, but Stephanie balked when Jim asked her to marry him, and she laid down an ultimatum. I wasn’t about to give up my job of twenty-eight years for her.
Besides, what else was Jim qualified to do? Tend bar at The White Rabbit down the street? Be the pitmaster at Tomcat’s Burgers? He had worked at the brothel for so long that he’d be lost without it.
“Okay, there’s different scenarios I have in mind for this, ones we could play out,” Bob said to Kenzie. “But I guess if you get down to it, I’d just like to fuck you. But, um, yeah, I’d like for us just to go at it.”
“So, you’re looking for something hard and nasty this afternoon, huh? I think I can accommodate you.”
Kenzie managed to keep herself cool, calm, and seemingly happy whenever she was at work. There was a constant smile on her face as she mingled with her johns in the bar, took their aggressions in private, or enjoyed a meal with her coworkers in the chick cave. Her role was morphing into a Mother Hen of sorts, not quite at Pamela’s level, but one the younger, lesser experienced courtesans such as Jenna and Chloe often went to for advice.
Yet Jim was starting to believe that working here had begun to cost Kenzie more than she could ever afford to pay, but she’d never allow anyone to know that. A few days ago, Kenzie had a long, extended party with a foul-smelling and belligerent client, and despite her happy go lucky façade, Jim witnessed Kenzie retreat to her room afterward only to lean against the doorframe long enough to draw a shaky breath and fend off tears of humiliation.
What the hell is she doing here? She is so much better than this. Moments later, another customer requested a lineup, and Kenzie pasted on her happiest smile before being selected (and humiliated) again. I wish I never agreed to help her get a job with us.
From 2010 to 2014, Kenzie worked as an office aide for an optometrist and took college courses at night. Jim originally met her when she was hired there as he was a regular patient with recurring eye problems.
Cierra Vazquez was nineteen and had just moved from her native Puerto Rico and started at UNLV. Jim was smitten immediately, but another guy – Matthew Daigle – had already snatched Cierra up and was dating her.
Matt was tall, handsome, and quite charming. A few years older than Kenzie, he was from Australia, and had a thick, exotic accent that fascinated her to no end. Early on, they did the things any typical boyfriend and girlfriend couple do in Vegas, such as going out for dinner, catching a movie, and hitting places up on The Strip. Because she was new to the area, Matt became Kenzie’s self-appointed guardian of sorts, and gave her plenty of gifts and flowers.
Unfortunately, there were several warning signs of things to come even back then.
One night, they were supposed to meet at a casino. For some strange, odd reason, Matt thought they were going to meet at another casino, this one across the street. So, Kenzie waited and waited, and without yet having a cell phone to contact him, eventually gave up and walked away.
Kenzie made it back to campus and found Matt stationed just outside her dorm room. He was livid and grabbed her school bag, chucked it elsewhere, and yelled horrible obscenities. “You’re such a stupid bitch! Where the fuck were you? I waited over an hour for you to show!” Kenzie was terrified and didn’t know what to say. Matt later explained his actions by claiming that he constantly worried about Kenzie because she was a stranger to the city and there were a lot of bad people around who’d do terrible things to her. “I love you so much and if anything ever happened to you, I’d never be able to forgive myself.”
A year later, Kenzie was staying in Matt’s apartment when he came home from work one day in a frenzy and began screaming at her for no apparent reason. Matt picked up a drinking glass and chucked it, and it came within inches of striking her in the head. When the dust settled, his excuse was that he missed his family in Australia, and it was causing him an emotional upheaval that he just couldn’t deal with. Matt apologized and Kenzie agreed to travel to Australia to meet his family and stay there for two weeks.
Six months later, Matt told Kenzie that not only did he love her, but he also couldn’t live without her, and asked her to marry him. They wed that weekend at a roadside chapel on Las Vegas Boulevard.
Matt made plenty of promises. Kenzie, like a lot of women who have been in her situation, had faith that he’d change his ways. They had some good times together. Kenzie was confident that her love and compassionate nature would steer him in a better direction. She understood that Matt had a litany of mental issues and figured he needed her to be with him at all times.
But eventually, things took a turn for the worse.
Matt insisted that if Kenzie ever left him, he’d point a gun at his head and pull the trigger. Again, she didn’t know what to say. Being away from home, Kenzie didn’t have that support network where she could talk to her siblings, her parents, or her friends, and get advice. Matt took everything out on Kenzie. Tensions continued to mount. He’d have a bad day at work, come home, and want to usurp even more control. There were instances where he’d snap and belittle her until she was a crying mess.
On May 19, 2014, Matt arrived home in another whirlwind of fury and, out of the blue, crossed a line he shouldn’t have. The end result was Kenzie being rushed to the level one trauma center at a local hospital and a six-year prison sentence for Matt. Divorce papers were soon filed, and Kenzie was free from all the terror.
Wanting a change and to truly be in control of her destiny where she’d have to rely on no one but herself, Kenzie contacted Jim (whom she had remained friends with all this time) and begged him to get her a job at the brothel. She knew that he was the house manager and all the ladies who worked there made top dollar. “I’m fine selling my body if it helps dig me out of the abyss my life has been in for the past four years. Trust me, it’ll only be temporary – six, maybe nine months max.”
Kenzie came in for an extensive interview a few days later and was offered a job on the spot.
Clearly, the biggest regret of my life. Sure, perhaps Jim would feel differently if he and Kenzie were married, a la Pamela and Colt, or at least a legitimate couple. But I doubt it – Colt hates it that he didn’t get Pamela out before this place sunk its forever clutches into her too. How many times had Jim listened via surveillance to the love of his life getting boned by anonymous, faceless strangers over the past five years? Jesus Christ, man. Jealousy consumed him. How the hell does Colt do it?
Though the only other viable alternative was for Kenzie to return to the sanctity of her family in Puerto Rico, Jim still wished he hadn’t pleaded with Colt to give her a job. I love that girl with all my heart and though I’d have even less of a chance with her than I do now – as in no chance – Cierra would be better off with her family than she is here.
Anything would be better than here.
“How much are you willing to pay for the two hours you want with me?” she asked Bob during the meaty phase of negotiations. “How much are two hours worth to you?”
“Gee, I don’t know,” the man said. “I’ve never done this sort of thing before. I have no experience with girls in your … situation. What I mean is, I’ve never, um, paid for it. Oh boy, I don’t know. How about four hundred dollars?”
“For two hours?” Jim heard Kenzie’s laugh end in a sputter. “You’re going to have to quadruple your offer, baby, otherwise we have nothing more to discuss.”
Cheap, clueless mongers like Bob would often paw, grope, and literally suffocate Kenzie during their parties. Her body had endured all the anguish thus far, for the most part, but her spirit was fading, and her heart was impenetrable. She finally admits she’s not interested in a relationship with me because of how Matt betrayed her. Kenzie claimed to have trust issues. Yet the brothel has made that even more difficult. From the heights – or depths – of dissociation, Jim believed that because Kenzie had been exposed to countless men who cheated on their wives, ones who routinely tried to lowball and disrespect her, she’d never be able to trust anyone again. Not even me.
In wanting to help Cierra in her greatest time of need, the lowest point of her life, I made things even worse. …
Even Jim understood that one could never know who a man truly is unless you’re a smoking hot woman naked in a room with him. If only their coworkers and families could see their behavior! Like all the other ladies, Kenzie had to change her personality, likes, and dislikes for each specific monger. So many personality shifts were hard and terribly draining on her energy and soul, but when she didn’t put on her happy actress face, she’d receive negative feedback and perhaps even be complained about to management.
And worst of all, lose a potential recurring customer.
If these girls ever disagree with anything, it’s not going to be as fun of an experience for the man. Kenzie was an expert at nodding her head and smiling and could do so until she was numb. That’s where the alcohol comes in. Miss Budweiser, they called her in the house – Kenzie would use alcohol as a coping mechanism when certain mongers became too much and drink her way into oblivion.
“Hey, friend. How was your party with Elisabeth?”
“Infuckingcredible!” Rich, yet another aging fisherman with a pot belly and thinning hair from Boston, took a seat across from Jim. He feared the customer may melt, just slide onto the floor in a puddle of hormones and liquid lust, with a smile so big it split his face. Then again, Jim knew perfection often came in pairs: peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese, and frankly, Elisabeth’s left and right breasts. That tall drink of blonde hair and warm skin knew how to take it like a champ and give it back like a pro and, very clearly, left Rich satisfied. “Holy cow, I wish I’d brought along more money. I’d like another hour or two with that goddess.”
“We have an ATM machine directly behind you, bud, since you’re hesitant to use your credit card with us.”
“Oh, that’s right. …”
Sahara had already convinced her own customer to go to the back to discuss financials and Riley probably wouldn’t be far behind with hers. Christina, meanwhile, was content to give her john a mixture of table and lap dances in the wide-open parlor (for a hefty fee, of course) as he’d opted to abstain from sex, fearing the guilt of cheating on his wife of thirty-two years would be too much to overcome.
“Thirteen hundred for two hours?” Kenzie said to Bob as Jim winced in response. “That’s a little less than what I’m comfortable charging, but since you say it’s your final offer, I suppose we can settle on that.”
“I had such a great time. I hope you come see me again,” Elisabeth whispered, emerging from the curtain and clinging to Rich’s arm as she glided onto the bar stool next to him. She tugged loose the pin that had kept her hair knotted on the top of her head and a tumble of golden locks cascaded over her face and brought forth the floral scent of her shampoo. Christ, now Rich wanted to experience that view while he was flat on his back and Elisabeth was straddling his cock. “Maybe you and your buddies could stop by Sunday after your fishing trip?”
“I don’t know if they’d be up for it,” Rich said, “but I’d certainly be!”
Kenzie was too gorgeous for her own good. Jim wanted to draw her into his arms and kiss that luscious mouth until it was bruised and swollen. At the same time, though, he wanted to whisk her away – far away – and never look back. I would give up this job for Kenzie if it meant we could be together. Despite a turbulent marriage and five years of hoeing, Jim couldn’t find a lick of darkness in her. She may be fractured, but somehow still seemed pure.
How is that possible?
Why did he get her hired here? William advised him the day he was hired he should never develop feelings for any woman who worked in the brothel. I can’t afford feelings. Jim had always adhered to that rule, too, but with Kenzie, things were different. I was in love with her years before she even started in the brothel.
Working here back in the day was so much better when feelings and emotions didn’t get in the way. How many times had Jim “trained” a young turnout, intimidated by this foreign and frightening new world, face down and bottom up, with a forceful riding? Hey now, don’t judge – I was only preparing them for the road ahead. William’s rules were even more relaxed, and it was expected that the prostitutes “put out” for the male employees whenever asked to. If not, well, they would find themselves (and their belongings) on the street in no time flat.
Colt changed all that, though, once he took over. I can’t believe it, but Pamela tamed the wildest of mustangs. The house’s reputation transitioned to courtesan-friendly, too, and despite lower income earning potential than Vegas or Reno, several girls in the industry suddenly wanted to work here. They all say it’s great having a female boss like Pamela – one who shares equal duties with the male owner, Colt – and who understands what they go through day after day and is sympathetic.
In many ways, Jim thought of Pamela as being the true boss, the true owner, of the house. Although she’d often tell others she deferred to Colt on all major decisions, in reality, everything went through Pamela herself.
If she wanted it, it happened. If not, then it didn’t.
Colt can’t tell her no.
Still, this more businesslike atmosphere didn’t preclude Jim from enjoying experiences like last night when he had the threesome with Sahara and Riley. Unlike the past, however, he couldn’t demand or expect these girls to satiate his desires at the snap of a finger. No, not unless he wanted to pay money, Jim had to provide them something valuable in return – be it weed, alcohol for an eighteen- to twenty-year-old, or something more potent, such as cocaine or heroin. We just have to be super smart and careful.
While Kenzie and Nicolette generally did not approve of this, they knew to keep quiet, and not tattle on Jim to Colt and/or Pamela. Not only would it signal the end of Jim’s career, but the other ladies would resent them for it, too, and they’d forever have to watch their backs.
I hope Colt and Pamela, and especially Kayleigh, never find out I gave Angelia a bag of goodies before she flew home. Autopsy results found both Xanax and Zoloft in Evie’s system, as well as marijuana, certainly not a good combination. She’d been drinking the day before too. He strained his head to one side. Yeah, I need to keep that a secret and go to my grave with it.
“Jimbo, we’ve agreed on a price.” Kenzie gave him a wave to follow her and Bob into the adjacent booking office where their transaction would be finalized. This time, it was Kenzie herself bouncing on her toes as she brushed her palms together.
Oh, Cierra. Jim’s lips pinched upward. You’d never be caught dead in public with a slob of a man like this. “Awesome, just awesome, Miss Kenzie. Give me a moment and I’ll be right there.” Thirteen hundred for two hours? Shit, this guy should offer you thirteen thousand.
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Forum: Relationships/q/e/Sexual Advice
Thread: I’m in love with a prostitute …
Date: August 8, 2019, 6:19 pm EST
A male, aged 46-55, DrayTonyD, writes:
Hi all, I don’t know what the eff to do. I’ve been married for twenty-seven years and have two children, one grown and the other getting there. My wife is a good woman, but our sexual activity has been spiraling downward for years and is at an all-time low. In early 2018, I was talking to one of my friends about it and he admitted every once in a while he “treats himself” to a prostitute. I’d never really considered going that route, but he told me of a popular whorehouse in Nevada (I live in Utah), yet nothing was said or done about it for months. One day, I was coming off a horrible argument with my wife and mustered enough courage to make the 100-mile trip and try to inject some sizzle into my life.
Long story short, I chose a young, inexperienced prostitute (I was forty-nine and she was eighteen), we did the deed, and it was mind-blowing. Lindsay (not her real or stage name) has a great personality, she is warm, friendly, also great looking, and I find her really interesting. It was more about Lindsay’s personality than her looks and I instantly fell in love with her. Yes, I know Lindsay is a prostitute, but she is still a person and deserves respect, friendship, and love.
I went back to the whorehouse a few months later and was devastated when the barkeeper told me that Lindsay had quit and moved on. Seriously, it felt as if I’d just lost a family member. I chose another prostitute to have sex with that night since I was already there, but it was a major disappointment, a waste of time (I honestly would have preferred being with my wife over this girl). No one could compare to Lindsay.
Call it blind luck if you wish, but in spring 2019 I somehow reconnected with her online, and we agreed to get together and spend three days in Arizona (I was there on business, and yes, I paid her). Our date solidified my feelings. I genuinely love this girl. It was like we were married; I took Lindsay shopping, dining, hiking (her favorite activity), the sex was great, better than ever, all intimacy, lots of affection from her. I told her how I felt, but she reminded me (in the nicest, most polite way) it was all about the money for her. She liked me, too, she said, but being a prostitute is her job and how she makes a living.
I don’t know what to do! It’s driving me mad. I really love Lindsay. She is everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. I’ve had sex with her multiple times but am now more interested in getting to know her as a person. Since Arizona, she is back to working at the whorehouse, and I am so tempted to go there and ask her to quit prostitution and move in with me (yes, I’d leave my wife). Even if it’s just as friends, I hate to think that Lindsay is selling herself just so she can live and survive in the world.
I own my own business, by the way, do well with it, and would be willing to provide for her. She was in a serious relationship before but told me in a recent e-mail that is now over and she is single.
Any advice?
Date: August 8, 2019, 8:11 pm EST
A male, aged 36-45, RogerBrown, responds:
Didn’t read all that, but I’m currently having some dinner and as I read your title, I choked and nearly spilled beer all over my laptop.
That is all the advice you need.
Date: August 8, 2019, 8:34 pm EST
A male, aged 46-55, Riggnaros, responds:
LOL, you’re in love with an 18 y/o prostitute? Any affection she showed you is what she gets paid to do, she doesn’t enjoy your company or your sex whatsoever, it’s customer service! Do you fall in love with your waitresses too?
Date: August 8, 2019, 9:06pm EST
A male, aged 56-65, Zaraki, responds:
If I were you, I’d be content being a regular for “Lindsay”. Think of meeting her in Arizona and spending three days alone together as extra perks, like being in the frequent flyer club, or relaxing in the VIP airline lounge. You’ve fallen in love which is what she wants, actually what she wants is for you to become so attached you only see her and you do it frequently. But don’t mistake this as anything other than a business arrangement for her (she said so herself, correct?), else you’re gonna be in for a hard fall and maybe a beating from her pimp.
Date: August 8, 2019, 11:15 pm EST
A male, aged 36-45, Aeowynne, responds:
Hey, idk man? Maybe Lindsay wants out of the business? I can tell you care about her. Good luck, my homie, but be careful.
Date: August 9, 2019, 12:58am EST
A female, aged 36-45, Charissa, responds:
You are actively supporting human trafficking.
Please stop.
Date: August 9, 2019, 2:11am EST
A male, aged 36-45, Badvarac, responds:
Go for it bro. Hookers are people too. It’s rare but they can fall for johns. I’ve read the stories on various websites, just continue to treat her well and go for it. Don’t even question it or listen to all these haters. If you’re into her and she’s a kind person, just try and see what happens. It’s always worth a shot. The worst she can do is tell you “no”, but in the end, at least you know you tried.
That’s my opinion anyway.
Date: August 9, 2019, 3:01am EST
A male, aged 56-65, Kripparian, responds:
You must understand something: Lindsay sucks loads of dick, random guys are cumming in her mouth and you’re the idiot kissing her, she also gets run through more times than the Holland Tunnel and some guys are probably paying extra to cum blast in her pussy AND her ass! How could you fall in love with a woman like this? Oh, and if she tells you she doesn’t allow her clients to do this, and you believe her, then you are a delusional beta male, because she’s lying. You need someone to slap some sense into you. Otherwise, you may as well just change your name to “Bart” because you are a simp, son!
Someone also needs to tell you that there are skanks like Lindsay on dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble who hook up with guys and do the nastiest things with them FOR FREE. To me, they’re no better than prostitutes other than the fact they don’t charge you to cum in their mouth after the first date (though you might lose $40 on the meal).
Date: August 9, 2019, 4:27am EST
A female, aged 18-25, Sweetsugar, responds:
Take the chance and find out if Lindsay can learn to love you too. If so, help her quit and transition into another field. Maybe steer her toward college? She is still 18? Or 19 now? The overwhelming majority of prostitutes desperately want to quit. They cry at night over the state of their life. It is a devastating life, but in order to quit Lindsay needs both financial and emotional/psychological support and love to do so. She probably has experienced loads of trauma, was molested by her father, and will need help and compassion to heal. It’s very difficult to leave a job that pays well no matter how much you hate it. It’s dangerous and sad and causes extreme misery. Many prostitutes refuse to quit because they’re afraid of not being able to make it without the income from sex work. Nor are they generally certified to do anything else.
Just keep in mind, you need to be positive that Lindsay loves you back. I agree with Badvarac – ignore all these Internet trolls putting you down. Please please please hold little regard for what these people are saying. You are obviously a caring, generous man and deserve to find eternal happiness.
I hope you find it with Lindsay.
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A lovely scarlet flush colored Kenzie’s trigueño complexion as Bob spun her around, wrenching her arm behind her back, and jammed her front-first against the wall. She shoved back to avoid whacking her cheek, but before inhaling her next breath, Bob ripped her panties down and his big body flattened her, pinning her to the wall. His hands found her ass and his pelvis pressed forward. Kenzie tilted her head and winced, adjusting to the sensation of her breasts and nipples crushed to the wall.
“You need a serious, hardcore fucking,” the entitled client growled, roleplaying a deep, repressed fantasy. “Actually, you need a lot of things, and I’m gonna give you every single one of them.” Using his weight, Bob abruptly kicked Kenzie’s legs apart and forced a thigh between her legs, flush against her pussy. “You need to be blasted.”
“Wait.” Kenzie’s face twisted up as she glanced back across her shoulder. Bob closed a fist in the twenty-seven-year-old’s hair as she said, “We have to use a condom.”
In the parlor, Jim glanced down and flexed his fingers. In all these years, neither he nor Colt had to remove the TASER Pulse+ Self-Defense Tool from its tackle box to cool down and/or subdue a client. No one had ever ventured as far as to warrant it. Some stepped over the line, yes, and many tested boundaries, but the ladies were well-versed in this and often diffused unfavorable situations themselves.
Intervening was always the last resort, whether by force or not, but Jim wouldn’t hesitate to do it (and alert the sheriff’s station) if necessary.
“Okay. I’d rather not, but I’ll use a condom.”
“It’s the law, baby,” Kenzie screeched. “I told you that. There’s no way around it in a brothel.”
“So, um, what else about you?” Within Jim’s earshot, Elisabeth spoke to a new man, at least for her, as she and Nicolette had traded off mongers and the whole charming/paying/fucking process would repeat itself.
“Tell me, what are your favorite things? Your favorite kinks?”
“Wow. I’m a pretty simple guy,” Wade said. “You know, I’m into like, intimacy. I like eye contact, stuff like that. I mean, you’re beautiful. You’re even more beautiful in person. The website doesn’t do you any justice.”
“Thank you.”
“Rich insisted on having you first, else I would’ve partied with you earlier instead of Nicolette. As it was, I had to pry him away from you a few moments ago.”
“Oh.” A full smile spread across Elisabeth’s face. “But Nicolette is such a sweet girl! She’s so fun to be around. I’m sure you and her had an awesome time together.”
“We did, we did. But wow, you’re just so hot. I just … out of all the pictures I saw on the website, I feel lucky. Lucky that you’re here.”
“Thank you. Have you done anything like this before?”
“Yeah, I have. I’ve done this a couple of times. Never in Nevada, but in Canada. I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve tried to reach out to you in the past. I always knew one day I’d visit Las Vegas and one of its brothels, and I’ve had my eye on you for two years. But I could never get ahold of you.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, baby.” Elisabeth’s face wilted. “I’m the worst when it comes to checking my e-mail on the website. The boss is always after me because of it too.”
“I’ve tried countless times.”
She held both palms out. “Good to hear, I guess, and perhaps motivation for me to get off my butt and sign on to the website for a change.” Her eyes bored into his. “So, honey, would you like to go back to my room and get more comfortable? Talk about the fun you and I could have together?” She tipped her chin downward and brushed both hands across extraordinary curves. “What you’ve been dreaming about doing to this body of mine for so long?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” His breath hitched. “I’d like that a lot.”
A short time later, Kenzie dropped to her knees in front of Bob. If every party consisted of nothing but fellatio, Kenzie could go all night long. Sucking dick was so much easier, far less stressful, than getting bang-fucked by these fat, unattractive, and uncoordinated dads pushing fifty, if not sixty (and beyond). Kenzie opened her mouth and allowed the tension to leave her body as she watched Bob handle his junk, small as it was, sheathed in latex.
He forced his way inside, past her teeth and evening out her tongue, until he was balls-deep. Stubby fingers clenched at Kenzie’s hair and Bob thrust, tentatively at first, but soon with more determination and vigor.
“Damn, that feels good.”
Kenzie clenched her eyes shut as Bob fucked in and out repeatedly, groaning as he did so, quickening his tempo as his dick expanded in her mouth.
“Shit, I’m gonna blow already!”
Within an instant, Kenzie yanked Bob’s shaft out and gave it a mad pumping in the open air. Each stroke contained more authority and ferocity than the one before it as Bob’s fingers dug into her scalp, creating discomfort. When the man’s knees buckled, his body started convulsing in orgasm. Kenzie gripped tighter, wanting to be certain every ounce of his essence spewed into the condom, for none of it to escape. Then, a cry roared from Bob’s throat as he tripped over his own feet and collapsed onto the bed.
“Oh my God.” His adrenal system downgraded from Defcon 1 to amazingly zoned out. “Oh, I can’t believe it. You’re incredible. That was incredible.”
Kenzie snuggled in tight and her face lit up as she spoke. “Thank you, baby, and I’m glad you came so hard. I love it when guys come hard.” She coiled her fingers around his wilted cock and squeezed. “It brings me pleasure to give you pleasure.” Kenzie turned away and darkness suddenly marred her features when her phone indicated ninety-seven minutes remained in the party.
Elsewhere in the room, salvation awaited.
Kenzie’s knight in shining armor.
Less than ten feet away.
Her eyes blinked sweetly as she refocused on Bob, leaning over and kissing the rough stubble on his cheek. “Bobby Boy, do you mind if I get a drink?” Or ten? “Some alcohol?” Kenzie motioned toward the tabletop refrigerator that housed two twelve-packs of Budweiser. I legit need to get wasted and forget this party ever happened. “Alcohol helps me unwind so much, helps me relax.”
“Sure.” Bob shrugged his shoulders and extended his hands, the excess skin jiggling upon his hairy belly nearly enough to turn Kenzie’s stomach. “But only if you share. What do you have? I could use a cold one myself.”
Kenzie’s lips strained together and her palms stung from digging sharp fingernails into them. “Sure, baby.” She relaxed and flashed an Oscar-worthy smile. “I’d be happy to share with you.”
(End of Chapter 26 – to be continued)