I knocked on the door that was clearly marked: “Mrs Sheila Vero, Senior School Governor”.
I opened the door and stepped into her office. It was very much like the Headmistress’s study, with a desk, sofa and two armchairs, as well as a series of wooden cabinets.
‘Ah, Mrs Lonsdale. I’ve been waiting for you! Come in, come in! Sit!’
Mrs Vero pointed to an upright chair in front of her desk. I sat, with my hands in my lap, unsure what to expect.
She looked at me over the top of her glasses. She still looked every inch a school mistress, with her dark skirt falling just below the knee, her crisp blue and white striped blouse, and her sensible low-heeled black court shoes. Her grey hair was done up in a bun, and though she must have been over sixty, she looked considerably younger, and attractive in a severe way.
‘I spoke to Mrs Dickinson earlier this afternoon about your request. Very irregular! In these circumstances, I thought it best that I be added to your itinerary.’
I didn’t know what to say to that. What circumstances did she mean, exactly?
‘May I see the note that Mrs Dickinson wrote for you?’
Obediently, I handed it over.
I watched her reading it, her eyebrows rising as she absorbed the words which had led me to an afternoon of pain, humiliation and such an incredible range of feelings, that I still didn’t know what to think.
I would like to introduce Mrs Lonsdale, the new school Governor.
As part of her induction, Mrs Lonsdale, who is a psychologist, wishes to increase her knowledge of discipline at this school, particularly with regard to the ‘Walk of Shame’, and humiliation. You should know that Mrs Lonsdale is a firm believer in ‘experiential’ learning.
Whilst this is not an instruction to discipline Mrs Lonsdale, your fullest co-operation in this matter is requested in order to meet the requirements of this note. I encourage you to show imagination in deciding what, if any, punishments are merited. Under no account should you hold back in your duties because of Mrs Lonsdale’s status – she has expressed a desire to be held fully accountable for her actions, and I believe an example needs to be set.
Any discipline that is carried out should be recorded in the Punishment book as soon as possible, along with any demerit points awarded. I have explained the demerit system to Mrs Lonsdale, and she fully understands the penalty for incurring excess points. I am keen to ensure she learns an important lesson!
You should be aware that I found it necessary to punish Mrs Lonsdale myself today, for poor behaviour and tardiness. She has additionally earnt a detention for questioning my judgment.
Mrs Dickinson
‘Hmm. Well, from what I’ve heard, you’ve had an eventful afternoon, Mrs Lonsdale!’
I nodded ruefully, acknowledging her insight.
‘Yes, Mrs Vero, I think I can safely say that I’ve had an eventful afternoon.’
I could feel her looking at me. I knew I had bloodshot eyes, from all the crying I had been doing. I was probably a little more disheveled than I was used to. Not exactly what you’d expect from a professional school governor.
Looking at her, I thought Sheila Vero was the epitome of a strict grandmother. She was still very trim and exuded confidence and competence. At the meeting yesterday, I’d been afraid of her, thinking her a medieval old bat.
Now, as I sat looking at her stern features, I felt drawn to her power.
She picked up the letter and waved it at me.
‘You engineered this, Mrs Lonsdale, and the Headmistress is livid with you, for questioning her judgment.’
Sheila Vero’s eyes bored into mine.
‘Are you enjoying being punished?’
‘I, um – no, Mrs Vero, of course not!’
‘I’m not so sure about that. Show me your bottom, Mrs Lonsdale!’
I was startled.
‘I said, show me your bottom! I want to see what state it is in after your visits to the Headmistress, Miss Haworth, and the Head Girl. Don’t be shy – and be quick about it. Just take off your skirt and lower your knickers. It’s not exactly the first time today is it, Mrs Lonsdale?’
My face reddening, I stood and followed her instructions. I unzipped my skirt, folded it and placed in on her desk. Mrs Vero stood and stepped round her desk until she was behind me. I pushed my knickers down round my thighs, exposing my well-punished bottom to her.
Mrs Vero was quiet as she inspected me.
‘Well, Mrs Lonsdale, you seem to have achieved what you wanted. You have experienced almost the full range of punishment at this school. I believe you’ve also set a new record for the number of demerit points earned in a single day. More than anyone else in a month, in fact.’
Sheila Vero finished her inspection and stood in front of me.
‘Though, I understand that the punishment you earnt in detention has been postponed as your bottom is considered too sore?’
Mrs Vero’s expression clearly indicated how ridiculous she thought that was.
‘Is that correct, Mrs Lonsdale? Is your bottom really too sore, and too marked for any further punishment, hmmm?’
God – what was she asking? Surely, she wasn’t thinking…? I could feel a trembling starting up in my tummy again.
‘I – I don’t know, Mrs Vero.’
She glared at me.
‘I can see why Mrs Dickinson is so annoyed with you. You have been extremely manipulative.’
She paused.
‘What I’d like to do is have you stripped, and bent over my desk, Mrs Lonsdale. I’d have no hesitation in giving you the longest and hardest caning I could deliver! It is what you deserve – to be treated like an insubordinate, disobedient schoolgirl. I don’t care how hard you’ve already been punished.
Oh my God. I could feel my pussy literally flooding at these words. This old woman wanted to cane me and the thought was making me excited! She wanted me naked! As I thought that, I couldn’t help wonder what she looked like undressed…
‘Unfortunately, however much I would like to do that, I am no longer authorised to use the cane at this school.’
Oh! I should be relieved. Part of me absolutely dreaded being caned by this strict disciplinarian, but now she said that she couldn’t, I felt strangely disappointed! Did I want to be caned naked over the desk of this rigid old lady? What was I feeling?
‘What I can do, however, is make recommendations. And if anybody – student, or teacher – had turned up in my office as Headmistress with the number of demerit points you have, I would have had no hesitation in having you caned in front of the whole school. Indeed, it is the recommended course of action in the school rules for anyone accruing over forty points in any three-week period.’
She glowered.
‘You have earnt double that! Eighty demerit points in a single afternoon!’
I quailed in front of her.
‘For your manipulative behaviour, I am going to recommend a caning in front of the Board. Closed doors. That sort of thing is only ever recommended in special cases, but I think you are a special case Mrs Lonsdale, wouldn’t you agree? In need of a special punishment? And as the senior member of the Board, my recommendations are usually approved. I strongly suspect Mrs Dickinson will be making a similar recommendation after your behaviour today.’
‘What you say and do now, Mrs Lonsdale, is likely to have a strong bearing on my recommendations. As I say, I would dearly love to cane you myself, to teach you the lesson you so richly deserve. But unless you voluntarily removed the rest of your clothes, bent over my desk and asked me to cane you, I couldn’t do that!’
A long silence followed as I considered her words. Then, almost without thinking, I started to remove my remaining clothing. First, I took off my blouse, then my bra. I folded them neatly and placed them on a chair. Finally, I removed my shoes and rolled off my stockings until I stood in front of Mrs Vero, completely naked with my hands folded in front of me and my feet together. I looked down, passively. For some reason, I desperately wanted to submit to this woman.
I felt her eyes roaming over my nakedness, then;
‘I see. Are you going to bend over my desk as well?’
Taking a deep breath, I leaned over her desk, and took hold of the far edge in the exact position I’d been in that morning, when the Headmistress had caned me.
Mrs Vero walked round her desk until she was facing me. She leant down and looked into my compliant eyes.
‘I need to hear the words, Mrs Lonsdale. Tell me what it is you are asking for?’
Lying there naked, across her desk, I felt my submissiveness take over completely.
‘Please, Mrs Vero, will you cane me,’ I said quietly.
The light in Mrs Vero’s eyes shone wickedly, and she smiled broadly at me. ‘It will be my pleasure, Mrs Lonsdale. I will cane you, and keep caning you until I’ve had enough!’
She straightened, and I heard her walk to her cabinet. A door opened and, a few moments later, closed again. More footsteps, the sound of her shoes loud on the parquet floor, then quiet as she stepped onto the rug.
And then the swish of her chosen cane through the air, her practice strokes making me breathless with anticipation, my buttocks clenching with each swing.
I waited in trepidation for the first stroke on my bare bottom, my stomach in knots. I didn’t have to wait for long.
‘Eeeesh!’ Oh bloody hell! That was hard! The pain seared across my buttocks, my head snapping up as the sharp hiss escaped my gritted teeth.
‘Arghhh!’ The cane bit into my already abused bottom, damaged skin protesting at this new onslaught.
‘This is what you wanted, isn’t it, Mrs Lonsdale?’
She wasn’t wasting time, laying the strokes on in a steady rhythm, only a second or two between each one.
‘You wanted me to cane you, because it excites you…’
Thwack… Thwack… Thwack!
After the first twelve strokes, I felt Mrs Vero move behind me. Her hand stroked the red-hot ridges layered across my poor bottom.
‘Spread your legs, Mrs Lonsdale, I want to see your cunt. I want to see how excited you are!’
Ohhh – my God! What was she saying!
Obediently, I parted my legs, offering her a view of my hairy, and very wet pussy. My state of arousal would be so obvious.
Mrs Vero’s fingers caressed my buttocks. I felt her fingertips graze over my puckered hole. Closing my eyes, I gasped, then moaned, telling her everything she needed to know.
Her fingers withdrew, and peripherally I could see her take up a caning position once more.
Thwack! Everything was starting to feel hazy – I felt like I was walking through a cloud of cotton wool.
‘Anyone would think you were enjoying the pain, Mrs Lonsdale.’
Thwack! My buttocks were burning, but it was my pussy that felt like it was on fire…
‘Your cunt is a disgrace!’ Oh God, she had noticed! Of course she had…
‘Tell me this excites you, Mrs Lonsdale!’
‘Talk to me Mrs Lonsdale! Does this excite you?’
Thwack! Yes! Yes it excites me! Oh God, I couldn’t help it!
‘Y –Yes, Mrs Vero!’
‘I thought so! It’s obvious!’
‘Caning is a punishment, Mrs Lonsdale. It’s not supposed to be exciting.’
‘Not unless you are a certain type of person, Mrs Lonsdale.’
‘Still think there are no benefits to Corporal Punishment, Mrs Lonsdale?’
‘N – No, Mrs Vero!’
‘Do you know what you are, Sarah?’
‘N – No, Mrs Vero!’ Her sudden use of my first name threw me.
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
‘You are a slut!’
‘You are a slut, Mrs Lonsdale!’
‘Say it, Sarah!’
‘I can’t hear you…’
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
‘I – I’m a slut, Mrs Vero!’
She stopped. My bottom was on fire, but also numbed by the number of strokes. Through the incoherent haze in my head, I realised I was crying and quietly sobbing. I was also more wet than I’d ever been. Mrs Vero’s words made my pussy quiver every time she spoke. I felt her fingers caress my buttocks again. This time they ran down my crack, and I shuddered. I felt her fingers on my pussy lips…
‘You like the humiliation, don’t you, Mrs Lonsdale?’
I couldn’t deny it.
‘Y – Yes, Mrs Vero!’
She leaned over me.
‘You have saggy tits, Mrs Lonsdale, and a fat arse!’
I gasped
‘You don’t keep in shape do you, Sarah?’
‘N – No, Mrs Vero!’
‘You deserve to be caned, don’t you Mrs Lonsdale!’
‘Yes, Mrs Vero.’
‘Yes, Mrs Vero,’ she mimicked.
‘What kind of tits do you have, Mrs Lonsdale?’
Her tone was deliberately demeaning. I was getting more and more excited.
‘S – saggy tits, Mrs Vero.’
‘Yes, Mrs Lonsdale, big, saggy tits. And a fat arse, Mrs Lonsdale. Don’t forget that!’
‘No, Mrs Vero.’
‘Your arse needs punishment, doesn’t it, Mrs Lonsdale?’
Arghh! ‘Yes, Mrs Vero…!’
‘Your cunt is soaking wet, Mrs Lonsdale – did you know that?’
‘Y – Yes, Mrs Vero.’
‘Of course you did. It is a naughty cunt, Mrs Lonsdale.’
Her fingers were on my cunt now, stroking the lips. Oh my god – her fingers had found my clit!
‘Do you like me stroking your cunt, Mrs Lonsdale?’
Ohh… ‘Yes, Mrs Vero!’
Mrs Vero leaned over me, and whispered in my ear, ‘you are a slut, Sarah, a humiliation slut.’
She thrust two fingers right inside my cunt and my legs started to shake as I came instantly, screaming silently as my orgasm washing over me.
As the waves subsided, Mrs Vero’s fingers continued to slip noisily in and out of my sodden snatch.
‘Beg me,’ she said, ‘beg me to recommend a public caning in front of the whole school.’
I moaned, my next orgasm imminent.
‘Beg me, Mrs Lonsdale – I know you want it, you slut. You want the pain and the humiliation, don’t you? You want your naked, fat arse caned in front of everyone, I can see it in every pore of your being…’
My second orgasm pulsed through me and I started making animal noises as I came again.
When I looked up, Mrs Vero was standing in front of me on the opposite side of the desk. She leant over and offered two very sticky fingers to me. I opened my mouth and she pushed them inside so I could lick my cum from them.
‘I’m waiting, Mrs Lonsdale…’
Our eyes met.
‘Please, Mrs Vero – please, I beg you, please recommend that I be caned in front of the whole school!’ I quivered as I said the words, wondering how I’d ever found this woman irritating. Right now, I would agree to anything she said. In the last few minutes she had utterly and totally made me her bitch, and she knew it…
‘Tell me why, Sarah. Tell me why I should?’
‘B – Because I’m a naughty slut, Mrs Vero, and…’
‘And – and I want to be humiliated…!’
Mrs Vero smiled at me. ‘You are, Mrs Lonsdale, and I know you do. Shall I keep caning you?’
She was standing behind me again.
‘Yes – yes please, Mrs Vero!’
Oh God – her fingers were on my arsehole, stroking…
‘Beg for them, Mrs Lonsdale…’ I felt a finger slide into my back passage – ohhhhh!
‘P – Please, Mrs Vero, please keep – keep caning me!’
‘How many?’
‘As – as many as you like!’
Her finger withdrew, and she moved back into position.
Thwack, Thwack, Thwack, Thwack, Thwack!
Thwack, Thwack, Thwack, Thwack, Thwack!
Ten strokes, all delivered to the same spot, hard and fast – and I came again, legs shaking.
I heard Mrs Vero moving away. I stayed bent over the desk, breathing heavily and totally drained. I don’t think I moved for several minutes.
Eventually, I heard Mrs Vero speak.
‘You may turn around now, and approach me. But I want you on your knees, slut!’
As I turned, I saw that Mrs Vero had moved to the armchair at the far side of her office. She had removed her own skirt and knickers, and was sat with her legs wide apart, and her pussy exposed.
‘Now it’s your turn to please me, slut. Crawl over here on your knees, Sarah.’
I crawled. I crawled submissively on my hands and knees and knelt between her legs, admiring her poise and confidence as she looked down at me.
Sheila Vero had not let herself go like I had. Her thighs were firm. She had on black stockings with a suspender belt that framed her gorgeous, mature, grey-haired pussy.
Before today, I’d never been with a woman. Never realised how erotic another woman’s pussy could look. Now I’d seen two in a matter of hours!
I wanted to make Sheila Vero cum.
I put my lips to her mound. She, like me, was sodden. I kissed her pussy and she groaned with pleasure. She reached down and pulled her lips apart, exposing her sticky hood with its hidden treasure. I started to lick her, up and down, seeking out her little bud with my tongue. She gasped, and It wasn’t long before she, too, was coming. And when she came, she bucked her hips in my face. She grabbed my hair and pulled me into her. She flooded my mouth as I reached for my own pussy, one quick touch setting me off, joining her in a panting, wild orgasm…
As we caught our breath, a devilish thought came into my mind, and I smiled to myself.
‘Slut!’ I said clearly.
She almost choked.
‘What did you say?’
‘I said, you’re a slut, Sheila, and a bitch!’
Her mouth opened in a big ‘O’. Then her eyes blazed and she slapped my face, hard.
‘You need to know your place! Get over my lap, trollop! At once!’
Shocked by the ferocity of the slap, I did so, and found myself being spanked over her knee with a hand like teak. I was sobbing again in seconds, and totally regretting my impulsive comments. I was being taught a lesson – one of many that day – that I would be hard-pressed to forget.
‘I think I should introduce you to my tawse!’ she said stonily, as she continued to spank me with her hand. ‘Get back over the desk and I’ll teach you not to push me!’
Without thinking, I quickly scrambled to my feet and obediently assumed the now-familiar position.
She rose from her chair and went to her desk. I heard her rummaging.
‘Your desire for punishment does not excuse your rudeness and bad language! I will beat it out of you!’
Sheila Vero didn’t waste any time. This time there were no delays, no pauses to think.
Thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap!
I yelled, taken aback by the ferocity of the blows.
‘Please – please, Mrs Vero – please stop, I beg you. I won’t do it again!’
Thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap!
‘You certainly won’t, Sarah, I will make sure of that!’
Thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap!
Thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap!
Breathless, she stopped.
‘Stand up and look at me!’
Not wanting to raise her ire any further, I swiftly stood. Standing in her shoes and stockings, her sexy pussy framed by her suspender belt, she looked like an angry Goddess. All I wanted to do was worship her.
‘You did that on purpose!’ she accused.
I nodded tearfully, ‘yes, Mrs Vero.’
‘Don’t do it again!’
Then, taking me by surprise, she stepped forward and kissed me forcefully on the lips. At the same time, she twisted and pinched one of my nipples hard. I gasped in pain.
‘I will see to it that you pay for that dearly…’ she breathed into my mouth, ‘in front of a full gathering of the Board of Governors.’
I made a sort of mewling sound as she pinched even harder.
‘As for being punished at a school assembly, I think that will ultimately be a decision for the Board. But I’m fairly sure Mrs Dickinson will take one look at your record today and recommend that it happens at the earliest opportunity. And I know where my vote will be going!’
I gulped. I couldn’t help it. Sheila laughed.
‘Get dressed – this meeting is over. I need to get home, slut.’
Whilst Sheila returned to her desk sans skirt and panties, I rapidly dressed and prepared to leave, my mind once again in turmoil.
‘By the way, Sarah, Mrs Dickinson asked me to tell you that she expects you in her office on Monday at 0900 – and not to be late this time. I wouldn’t be late if I were you, Sarah. Not unless you want to incur even more of her displeasure!’
She smiled at me.
‘You may even find yourself back in here – you wouldn’t want, would you?’ she said mischievously.
Sheila chortled as I gulped without replying.
‘Off you go, Mrs Lonsdale – until we meet again!’
As I left Mrs Vero’s office, my feet wending their way towards the school exit, I found myself reflecting. Was the Governor’s meeting really only last night? It wasn’t even twenty-four hours!
Was it possible to have a day like today? I’d been made to question everything I knew about myself. Not only had I allowed myself to be spanked and punished like a naughty schoolgirl, but I’d been thoroughly dominated and humiliated in the process. And I had adored it! I had rejoiced in it and begged for more. I had behaved like a complete slut, eagerly putting my head between the thighs of two very different women, and relishing the taste of their delicious pussies. I had abased myself, and never felt more alive – more free!
And I might yet find myself between the beautiful thighs of a third…
The thought of Miss Bates, the History teacher, had my heart beating faster. I very much wanted her. I wanted to bend over for her, so she could punish me with her cane. The feelings I had for her were different to the others. And I could feel a lump in my throat start to form…