Alan and Lorraine Robertson were both aged in their late fifties and had been married for thirty-five years but their marriage had been under strain for quite some while. Neither had anyone else, but there was currently little love between them and there had not been sex for quite a while, they slept in separate rooms.
A few weeks previously Lorraine had rented a country cottage to see if maybe that would bring them back together but since booking it she had become less and less enthusiastic because the gap between her and Alan had widened.
They came close to cancelling but as they both had booked the weeks off from their work they thought that perhaps being in a different environment together might be slightly better than being stuck at home together.
Even on the morning of their departure, Lorraine had delayed things and they were more than half an hour later than planned setting off on what was likely to be a two-hour journey. A lot of the journey was spent in total silence but if words were spoken they were usually aggressive or demeaning.
Another row had flared up just as they approached the village that housed the cottage and they were in fact almost an hour behind the time that they said that they would be there.
As they pulled up at the cottage, with Lorraine fuming, they saw a very imposing looking woman in leather trousers apparently waiting for them. Lorraine had made the booking with a Miss Beryl Lancer who owned the cottage and this woman, at least six feet tall, was presumably her.
“We had better go and meet her,” said Alan.
“Fuck off,” replied Lorraine.
Alan got out of the car and approached the woman with a false smile on his face.
“Alan Robertson, pleased to meet you. Sorry we are late,” he said offering his hand to the woman.
“Well you are here now, is she getting out of the car?” replied the woman without taking the offered hand.
“We have had a bit of a disagreement, she will be out in a minute,” said Alan.
The woman ignored him and strode to the passenger side of the car and opened the door.
“Lorraine Robertson I assume. Are you getting out?” the woman said brusquely.
“I will get out when I am ready,” replied the sullen Lorraine.
“You will get out now,” said the woman who was probably five to ten years older than Lorraine.
“Fuck off!” snapped Lorraine.
“Sorry about that, she is in a bit of a mood,” offered Alan by way of explanation.
“She needs a good hiding,” said the woman shocking both Alan and Lorraine. “And if you can’t control her, then so do you,” added Miss Lancer.
The married couple were stunned but Lorraine found herself getting out of the car and they followed the big arsed woman in the leather trousers to the cottage door.
Beryl Lancer gave them a tour of the quite impressive interior and then again shocked them as she was about to leave because she stood in the doorway and announced, “You will both report to me in my house over there in precisely thirty minutes for your canings.”
With that, she closed the door and was gone leaving Alan and Lorraine open-mouthed.
As the married couple were not actually speaking to each other at this juncture nothing was said as they took their luggage from the car and took it upstairs. There were three bedrooms with one having a single bed, one a double bed and the third both a double and a single. The luggage was put in no particular room but it was likely that two of the three rooms would be used.
The clock ticked around and it was now twenty-five minutes since Miss Lancer had left with her dramatic announcement.
Alan thought that something had to be said. “You don’t think she meant it do you?”
“Fuck knows, but I am certainly not going to her house.”
Alan thought that perhaps he would go and try to ease the situation but he was not certain that there really was a situation at all.
It had gone beyond the thirty minutes and was now close to forty when Alan exclaimed, “Fucking hell, she is heading this way and she has got a cane in her hand.”
Lorraine looked and not only did Miss Lancer have a cane but she was now in black skirt and white blouse and was wearing a headmistress type gown.
“Don’t let her in,” ordered Lorraine as there was a knock on the door, but that did no good because after the unanswered knock a key turned in the door and the formidable woman entered.
“Did I not tell you to report to my house?”
“Yes but we did not know if you meant it,” replied a nervous Alan.
Beryl Lancer just glared at him and then instructed: “You first. Get your trousers and pants down and bend over that table.”
“No… look, don’t be silly,” stammered Alan.
Lorraine’s mind was in a whirl wondering if this woman was really going to cane her husband and then it dawned on her that if she was going to cane him she also intended to cane her.
Beryl continued to glare at Alan and flexed the cane in her hands. He was completely under her power and, to Lorraine’s surprise, he undid and lowered his trousers and pants and bent over the table.
Miss Lancer wasted no time and slashed the cane down across the man’s bare buttocks nine times with a loud SWISH! THWACK! each time. Alan responded with various “Oh’s” and “Aaaah’s” and “Ow’s” before, by the time he had received nine strokes, sobbing loudly.
“Stand up. Leave your trousers down,” ordered Beryl. Red-faced Alan stood up slowly and cradled his caned arse.
“Now you. Get your trousers and pants down and bend over,” Beryl instructed Lorraine.
“No, no, no way,” protested the younger woman but like her husband before her, she felt powerless and found herself bent over the table with her bare arse on display.
Through his screwed-up eyes Alan thought that actually Lorraine’s big bottom was very attractive.
“You will get extra for being rude to me,” said Beryl before applying twelve SWISH! THWACK’s! to Lorraine’s backside crisscrossing it with red marks and having the woman crying loudly.
The beatings over Beryl said, “That should do both of you good,” and with the cane tucked under her arm she strode off.
Lorraine did not look at her husband but staggered up the stairs with her clothing partly pulled up and threw herself on one of the beds and howled at the pain and the humiliation.
The canings had taken place mid-afternoon and neither recipient contemplated sitting down. They ate at separate times using some food that they had brought with them and neither spoke to the other. Lorraine now wore a summer skirt and, although Alan did not know it, did not have any knickers on trying to cool her burning arse.
Afternoon became evening and evening became night and Alan assumed that Lorraine had now gone to bed but he had no idea which room she was in.
Lorraine had indeed gone to bed and at first intended to use the single room but the tingling in her arse was causing tingling somewhere else and although she had no intention of asking for it, she was in fact in need of a good fucking. So she put herself in the single bed in the room that also housed the double bed.
Alan himself had found that the application of the cane to his backside, along with seeing Lorraine get her dose, had turned him on hugely and he contemplated having a good wank. Subconsciously he wondered if something even better might be in prospect.
He was unsure which bedroom to choose but as the doors were open in both the single room and the double room and the beds were obviously not occupied he now knew where Lorraine was and after a moment’s hesitation he opened the door of the third room. The light was off and the single bed occupied by someone either asleep or pretending to be asleep.
Alan was wearing pyjamas and a smile crossed the face of the pretending to be asleep Lorraine when he sat on the bed and then immediately jumped up.
The married couple were both having thoughts of sex but both were either too stubborn or too embarrassed to suggest it.
Lorraine could wait no longer. “Are you awake?” she said after Alan had been in bed about thirty minutes.
“Yes” he replied and his already semi-erect cock stiffened a bit more.
“How’s your bum?” she asked in the softest tone that she had used towards him in weeks.
“Sore, how is yours?”
“Fucking sore. Would you like to see it?”
The response that he wanted to make was ‘fuck yes’ but he said, “If you want.”
She did want and she got out of bed and put the light on and stood with her arse near his head and lifted her nightdress to reveal her cane marked cheeks.
Alan reached out and gently touched her arse for the first time in ages.
“Fancy a fuck?” she asked.
“Fuck yes,” he replied this time.
She pulled back the bedclothes of his bed and had his pyjama trousers down and off before lowering her wet cunt on his face as she took his erect prick in her mouth. After some cock sucking and cunt licking she was on her back and he had his cock in her cunt as they fucked like rabbits. Her very sore arse adding to her mounting excitement as she screamed, “Shittt oh fuck this is fucking great I am… oh oh fuck!”
As Lorraine orgasmed, Alan ejaculated in his wife for the first time in weeks or probably months.
A lot of the next five days and nights were used making up for lost time as the Robertson’s sex life got back on track all thanks to Miss Lancer and her cane. They had not seen anything of her until the evening before they were due to go home and she knocked at their door.
“So how has your week been, as if I could not see?” she said looking at the loved up couple with Lorraine particularly glowing.
“Wonderful thanks to you Miss Lancer,” replied Lorraine.
“More thanks to my cane I imagine. Would you like to take a cane home with you?”
The couple looked at each other and echoed, “Yes please.”
“Now I know that you have got to drive a long way and I don’t want to make you too uncomfortable but I wondered if perhaps you would like another six strokes each this evening?”
Again after looking at each other, they replied in the affirmative and later they were bent over side by side with the marks from the first caning still visible on their bare arses as Miss Lancer put six fresh red marks on each set of buttocks.
Needless to say they fucked again that night and indeed in the morning before Beryl Lancer presented them with a cane to take home as she saw them off.
When they arrived home they were in the bedroom and fucking whilst partially clothed before they unloaded the car, taking special care to unload the cane.
It had not turned out to be such a bad idea booking the country cottage for a week.