Becoming My Sister’s Toilet pt 2

"Cadie wants to use Laurie for her morning pee"

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Next morning I woke with a head full of rocks and somebody shaking me roughly by the shoulder. I had no idea what time it was, but daylight streamed in through the open drapes and Cadie was there leaning over me.

“Hey, Sleepy Head,” she hissed in my ear, giving my shoulder another shake. “Wake up already.”

“Ugh… Leave me alone,” I groaned, swatting feebly back at my annoying sister. What was she thinking, waking me up when there wasn’t anything to be doing anyway? For a few blissful moments I existed in a state of sleep addled forgetfulness, before the memories of the previous evening flooded in on me. There had been vodka (explains the headache)… yes, and Cadie and I had been playing some silly game… Truth or Dare… odd, but okay… I’d gotten drunk, and then… and then…


Oh fuck!

I sat bolt upright, my budding hangover exploding out of existence In the face of absolute horror. Surely it wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. A dream! It must have been a crazy, horrible dream! But no; over there on the table were the little potted condiments and the empty vodka bottle, just as we’d left them.

Subconsciously, I raised my hand up to my mouth. “Oh god,” I croaked. “Oh my god.”

I didn’t know what else to say.

And then I remembered something else, something Cadie had whispered in my ear before she went to sleep: “I’ll let you have my morning pee.”

Her morning pee! Ew! What on earth made her think I’d want that, for chrissakes? And, wait, there had been a sort of catch, hadn’t there? Yes, that was it: If I wanted it… I would have to ask for it.

“Uh…” I shook my head and blinked the blurriness out of my eyes. “You woke me up…”

“Because I need to go,” Cadie confirmed, smiling evilly. “You have to be awake so you can make the choice.”

“The choice?” I asked, pretending not to remember.

Cadie rolled her eyes.

“Am I going in there?” she said and nodded toward the bathroom door. “Or in here?” she reached out and pressed a finger to my lips.

I jerked my head back away from Cadie’s touch and blinked again, but not for the sleep fuzz this time. I was having trouble getting my head around… well, everything really. For one thing, I was having a serious case of ‘morning after regret’ over letting Cadie… do what she did to me. But at the same time, I couldn’t ignore the excited electric jolt her words (and all that they implied) had provoked between my thighs.

I tried anyway. “Are you crazy?” I hissed, laying on a thick layer of incredulity. “Last night I was really drunk. And there’s no lock on the door, remember? What if Mom walks in again?”

Cadie cocked her head to one side and smirked, her eyes bright and narrow. “You know none of what you just said answers my question, right?” She pointed out.

I was genuinely surprised to realize she was right. What did it matter how drunk I’d been last night? And pointing out that our mom could walk in on us said nothing about whether or not I wanted to drink Cadie’s pee. If anything it betrayed that I was thinking about it, at least in terms of a risk analysis. God, my brain never did function right first thing before my morning coffee.

“Anyway,” Cadie went on, irritatingly peppy for that early hour, whatever it was. “I’ve been thinking about how we’ll do it this time. Do you want to know, or do you want it to be a surprise?”

“What – No!” I snapped. God, that brat was always so sure of herself. It was infuriating. “Go and use the goddamned bathroom, okay? There. Is that clear enough for you?”

To my surprise, Cadie just shrugged. “All right,” she said and rolled easily off her side of the bed. If my answer had disappointed her, she didn’t show it. When she stood up I noticed she hadn’t bothered to replace her shorts since last night, or she had done and then taken them off again. Either way, it amounted to the same thing. Then, as she padded barefoot round the bed, she mentioned conversationally, “There’s a lock on the bathroom door.”


“If that’s what’s bothering you,” she said, not breaking her stride. “We can go in there and lock the door. That way nobody’ll walk in on us.”

Cadie had her back to me by then, her firm, young buttocks swaying side to side a little exaggeratedly as she crossed the short distance to the bathroom – the bathroom with a lockable door.

Suddenly I found myself in the grip of a queer sort of panic. Cadie would soon be at that door, then inside the bathroom, then on the toilet, and then…

But that was absurd, I knew. I wanted her to go. I’d told her to go use the bathroom, hadn’t I? Yes, and I’d meant it. No way was I going to let that bratty little bitch pee in my mouth. No way! Not ever! I mean… not ever again anyway.

But my ridiculous panic grew more acute with every step Cadie took.

“You’re running out of time,” a voice seemed to say from inside me. “Stop her, quickly. Stall for time or something. You just need a few seconds to… to… to think things over.”

“There’s nothing to think over!” I mind-growled back at myself. ‘Nothing!”

Across the room, Cadie had reached the door, and then, without so much as a backward glance, she vanished inside.

“Cadie!” I was startled to hear my own voice calling out in a hushed but urgent tone. “Cadie, wait a second.”

A moment later my sister reappeared in the doorway, her head cocked to the side, one eyebrow lifted in a mocking question mark. She didn’t say anything, just stood there looking at me expectantly, her expression cruel and amused.

“How…?” I began, knowing I now had to say something now that I had called her back, but not having the first clue what that something should be. All I knew was that I wasn’t ready for Cadie to vanish into the bathroom yet. At least, a part of me wasn’t. Another part of me was furious that I’d stopped her at all, and there was a sort of tug of war going on inside my mind between the two different ‘me’s’, each wrestling for control of my body. “Uh… you said you’d been thinking about how we’d… uh… do it. I mean… yeah… I was just… uh… curious.”

Cadie smiled sweetly, but there was something rotten about it.

“Sure, I’ll give you the big reveal,” she said, “when you come in here with me.”

I hesitated. The truth is I didn’t trust myself. I could feel that thing, that strange Primal Hunger stirring inside of me, and the more I thought about Cadie and the urine stewing inside her body, the more the Primal Hunger wrapped me up in its coils.

“Just to talk?” I asked.

“Hey, if you’re not interested…” Cadie hissed, then flicked her eyes in the direction of the toilet in a way that said, “I got some pressing business to get on with here.”

“No, wait!” I said, hurriedly pushing the covers off my legs. “I’m coming.”

Cadie stood aside to let me duck past, her face a portrait of victory and contempt. Once she had me inside she closed the door behind us and pushed the lock home – not in an attempt to trap me (which would have been absurd with my parents easily within earshot), but rather to demonstrate to me our newfound security. Our aloneness.

“There,” Cadie pronounced, her eyes glowing and predatory. “Privacy at last.”

I remember I was shaking like a leaf and hugging myself awkwardly in spite of the cabin’s frankly over-enthusiastic heating system. What was I doing, letting half-naked Cadie talk me into the bathroom with her? The answer wasn’t exactly a mystery: it was exciting. Dangerous. Cadie wanted to make me her toilet again, sober this time, and part of me thrilled at the idea of letting her.

“So…?” I asked curtly, meaning: “So you got me in here like you wanted, now tell me this special plan of yours to get me to open my mouth for your pee again.”

“So get on the floor,” Cadie said.

I snorted, but my hips flushed with a familiar angsty warmth.

“I didn’t agree to letting you use me,” I hissed, my words heavy with deliberate indignation. “You said you were going to tell me, y’know, with words.”

“Is that what I said?” Cadie asked. “Really?”

Thinking back, I had to concede that it wasn’t… technically.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten the rules of our new game. This time, I only get to use your mouth when you ask for it. That way there won’t be any doubt about it: you really do want to be my toilet.”

“Uh… So why am I getting on the floor then?”

“Because showing you what I’m going to do is so much more interesting than just telling you,” she said. Then her tone turned flat and impatient: “Look, I get that you’re conflicted, but you wouldn’t exactly be in here now if you weren’t at least toying with the idea of letting me use you again.”

Her words provoked another jolt of treacherous yearning from my hips.

“But I really do need to go,” she continued, “and chatting it over while you wring your hands isn’t going to solve that for me. So let’s skip all that bullshit, shall we, and get to the crunch point already. We’ll get in position so you can see what I’m offering, then you can make your decision and I can go pee.”

She didn’t say the words, “in your mouth,” but I heard them all the same.

“Or are you leaving?” Cadie hissed, replacing her hand on the door lock with obvious purpose.

“Stay,” the Primal Hunger whispered in my mind’s ear. “You’re still in control. Nothing happens without your say-so, after all.”

“And if I do say so?” I snapped back at it internally. “What then?”

“Then you’ll get what you ask for,” it replied with self-evident simplicity. “Your sister may be a vicious little brat, but at least she’s honest about what she wants. More honest than you, it seems.”

Ouch. That last barb stung precisely because I wasn’t at all certain it was untrue.

“I’ll stay,” I said.

The familiar smirk slid into place on Cadie’s lips.

“If you’re staying, you’re laying,” she quipped, then added with equal parts irritation and urgency: “Now hurry up, I’m busting.”

The bathroom wasn’t large, but there was just enough space for me to lay out flat between the bathtub and the toilet. My heart was pounding as I got into position for Cadie’s ‘demonstration’. It was a little uncomfortable down there on the exposed floorboards, and I remember thinking uselessly to myself that I ought to have brought a blanket to lay on, or something. But it was too late by then.

Cadie waited, fidgeting impatiently until I was settled, then stepped forward so that her feet were planted either side of my head. Next, she squatted down on her haunches so that her pussy hung just a few inches above my chin; so close that I could once again smell the musky aroma of her genitals.

“At first I thought I’d do it like this,” Cadie said, matter-of-factly. “Cause of the view, y’know? I’d get to watch my big sis filling up on my pee and swallowing it down, just like I did last night. But then,” she added, “I had an even better idea.”

She stood up and turned one-hundred and eighty degrees to face the opposite direction. She descended again, this time coming down to a kneeling position over me.

“Hey!” I objected reflexively, panic coming into my voice, and I twisted my body as Cadie lowered her buttocks inexorably toward my face. Surely she didn’t think my permission for her demonstration extended to that? “Nuh-uh! Wait!”

“Shhh!” Cadie hissed, cocking a leg and twisting to one side so that she could look down at me. “Are you trying to get us caught? I said I would show you. This is showing you.”

“But…” I protested, keeping my own voice to a whisper, “that’s your ass!”

“Yes, it’s my ass,” Cadie agreed, her tone dripping with scorn. “Now I’m gonna put it on your face because that’s how I want to do this. And you’re gonna let me do it? Because it’s either that or you leave right now. And I think you don’t want to leave yet. Do you?”

By now my body was pulsing with undeniable arousal, and my Primal Hunger was ravenous with anticipation. No, I didn’t want to leave. And it must’ve showed in my face because Cadie snorted, contemptuous and amused.

“I didn’t think so,” she said. “Now stop being such a goddamned prude and let it happen.”

She reset herself, and brought her ass down again. This time, to my own surprise, I didn’t do anything to stop her. “Let it happen,” she’d said. And the way she’d said it… demanded it… something inside me just sort of wilted. All I could do was watch in a rapt sort of fascination as my sister reached back to part her buttocks and planted herself down on my face, the puckered aperture of her asshole coming to rest directly beneath my nose.

It was so bizarre. If anyone had asked me right then how I felt – really felt in my heart – about my sister, I would have said that I hated her. And It would have been the truth. I hated Cadie. I hated her more than any other person I knew. But that goddamned Primal Hunger was transmuting everything by some mysterious alchemy, reversing it somehow, so that even my powerful loathing for Cadie was altered, mirrored and projected back as a sort of intense yearning to submit to her. To serve her. To worship her. And that precisely BECAUSE I hated her so purely.

Well, I couldn’t hold my breath forever, so I breathed in experimentally, taking in the odour of my sister’s asshole for the first time in my life, and… and…


All the pleasure receptors in my brain were lighting up like a fireworks display on the Fourth of July! I groaned helplessly through my outward breath, lifting my hips and rubbing my thighs together reflexively. Then, before I knew what I was doing, I found myself reaching up to take hold of Cadie’s hips and nuzzling my face in deeper – deeper! – between her firm little buttocks. And when I inhaled again, this time I filled my lungs until they felt fit to burst.

Above me, Cadie laughed.

“You see!” she crowed, jiggling her ass side to side on me. “Showing is so much more interesting than telling. Just think, if I’d only told you what I wanted to do, you wouldn’t be here right now, discovering that you’re a freak for the way your superior sister’s butthole smells.”

I didn’t argue. There wasn’t any way to hide the truth of my body’s reaction. I just lay there, stunned by this new revelation of my own perverted submissiveness, filling my lungs over and over again with the oddly intoxicating secret scent of Cadie’s ass crack.

“All right,” Cadie’s mocking voice came from above me, and she lifted herself up a little off my face. “Fun as this is, my little Butt Slut, it’s time to finish our game.”

For a moment I didn’t quite understand, disorientated by my shameful arousal. What game? Were we playing a game?

“Huh?” I asked

Cadie just sighed, exasperated.

“Ask me for it,” she said, her tone articulating precisely how dumb I was being. “Ask me for my morning pee, Idiot, so I can use your mouth as my toilet again.”

Oh… that game.

I knew I was breaking, and had been since the moment I called for Cadie to wait. I wanted to submit to her, that was clear. I wanted her to use me. I wanted to know how it would feel to let that spiteful, beautiful bitch have her way with me. I wanted to know how her urine would taste after it had been stewing inside her body all night long. But at the same time, I knew what it meant to ask her:

There could be no more excuses, no place to hide from the truth. I wouldn’t be able to claim drunkenness this time, or a physical overpowering. Cadie would use me as her toilet because (and only because) I wanted and chose to let her. It would all be on me.

I swallowed.

“Okay…” I said, hoarsely. “Yes.”

“‘Okay… Yes,’ isn’t asking.” Cadie sneered. “Do it properly.”

I blew out a deep breath and cleared my throat. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, but at the same time I couldn’t any longer even begin to think about not doing it.

“All right,” I said, my voice trembling. “I… I want you to do it in my mouth. I want to be your toilet again. Can I… Can I have your pee? Please, Cadie?”

Cadie’s answer was another snort of contempt as she lowered her ass back down onto my face. “Okay,” she said curtly, having settled herself “open.”

God, I remember my heart was beating so hard then that I thought I might pass out. I opened my mouth wide, tilting my head back a little, and waited for Cadie to perform a few final adjustments as she maneuvered herself into position.

And then…

And then my sister’s pussy was in my mouth! For some reason I hadn’t quite expected that, but now I could feel Cadie’s soft, warm pussy lips nestling into the opening I’d created for her.

“Like spaceships docking,” I thought through the haze of my intense arousal, and might have laughed if the air in the bathroom hadn’t been so dreadfully brittle with perverted anticipation.

“Ready?” Cadie asked.


Then it was happening again.

I felt several warm, liquid impacts on my tongue in quick succession, and half a heartbeat later the taste of Cadie’s urine exploded across my tastebuds. God it was strong. So, so much more potent than the previous…

Published 2 years ago

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