I said from the start, that you’ve got the part
Of the girl, that I want to do
Now can’t hardly waite, till that magical date
When your lips, are touching mine too.
We’ll meet at your door, throw my coat to the floor
I’ll whisper the things that you miss
I’ll pull you in tight, with nary a fight
We neither can wait till we kiss.
Your soft tender lips, your womanly hips
I’m lost in impassioned embrace
With a breast in each hand, I struggle to stand
And am fighting to slow down my pace.
With most sudden haste, our hand drops to our waist
And we struggle to loosen our belt
These urges are strong, I’ve waited so long
For those two lovely breasts to be felt.
With your pants now undone, already loaded my gun
And I start, to drop down, to my knees
I discard you of pants, force an open leg stance
And expose you, to do what I please.
With a quick darting tongue, a full breath in each lung
Push my tongue in as deep as I can
I’m lost in your musk, cock hard as a tusk
I’ve never been hard as I am.
I lick and I suck, as your hips start to buck
And your juices are starting to flow
I lash your whole length, with all my tongue strength
But now its time to go slow
So slowly I lick, while exposing my dick
As the pressure, was to much to bare
I slide up your slit, but then stop at your clit
While your eyes to the ceiling do stare.
I lap up your juice, while my fingers force loose
That hole that my cock wants to tease
I pull my tongue out, cuz I’m hearing you shout
Oh baby start fucking me please.
I force my cock in, then I see your face grin
We embrace in a passionate kiss
As I’m pounding you hard, I play my last card
Yes, my love, you’ve afforded me bliss
My cock starts pulse, your vagina convulse
As I thrust to the beat of a drum
My semen lets loose combined with your juice
And collapse to the floor as we cum.