It was just another day at work at the sex shop. Things had been quiet lately. As people ordered more and more online, fewer and fewer people physically entered the store. But Alice didn’t mind; she got paid either way… Sure, it got boring at times, but over time, Alice had found her own ways to keep her job interesting.
The sound of a bell could be heard as the store’s door swung open. Someone entered the store! Alice quickly looked over to see who it was. “A new face?” Alice thought to herself with mild interest. “Welcome to our store! Feel free to browse, but don’t hesitate to let me know if you need assistance!” Alice said from her spot at the cashier.
“Thank you,” I said as I shyly looked away and quickly moved out of sight behind the shelves. I came here to buy a chastity cage. My girlfriend said to surprise her with a special gift this Valentine’s Day. It was still January, so I was a little bit on the early side, but this way I could ensure things would be in stock, and it’d also give me time to see if I was truly ready for it.
It would be my first time trying out chastity. I’d never done it before. I loved chastity in porn, but I never had the guts to try it myself. Well, this year things would be different! I’d try one on and find out if I could wear it for a few hours, take a break, then wear it for a day, take another break, go for a weekend, one last break, and then work my way up to a full week, and if I could handle that, I’d surprise my girlfriend with two chastity keys for Valentine’s Day; giving her nearly full control over my caged manhood while keeping just one key to myself in case of emergencies… that was the thought, at least.
I took a while browsing, looking through the shelves without any clue as to where to find what I was looking for. “Looking for something specific?” Alice asked, having suddenly appeared behind me.
“Y- Yes,” I replied, startled. “I was looking to surprise my girlfriend this Valentine’s Day,” I continued, hesitation building up in my speech as my embarrassment showed a blush appearing on my face.
“The lady’s segment is two aisles over,” Alice mentioned without giving it a second thought.
“Well, actually,” I stammered. “Her gift would be in the form of a set of keys.”
“Oh! Are you looking for a chastity cage then?” Alice inquired.
“Yes,” I replied, avoiding eye contact. Alice hadn’t given my physical shape much thought before, but now she had started actively eyeing me up and down.
He’s shy, and he looks kinda cute… A fun opportunity presents itself! Alice thought to herself. Besides, it’s not busy anyway. A devious smile slowly became visible on her face as her thoughts trailed off on what she had in store for me.
“Right this way!” Alice exclaimed, excitedly escorting me to a row of chastity devices. Some cages, some belts, others… a bit more unique. I expected her to walk away after guiding me to this section of the store, but Alice remained near me, hungrily eyeing me up more. Undressing me with her eyes, she asked, “Do you know what style you’re looking for? Plastic, metal, belt, cage? Your measurements?”
“Yes. I think so. It’s my first time, but I did some research online. I think I’ll go with a plastic cage for now. Do you have these in any other color?” I asked, head red as a strawberry, already knowing the answer.
“No. Just pink. Apparently, a lot of men like adding a little extra femininity to the act of taking their manhood away. We barely ever sold ones in other colors, so we stopped offering those altogether,” Alice replied, letting out a barely audible chuckle.
“Alright… I’ll take this one then,” I said after a moment of looking at different cages. As I reached out for a cage, Alice’s hand stopped me.
“I know you said you took your measurements already, but considering it’s your first time, here’s some advice… Men generally overestimate their size and end up picking a cage that’s too big. You don’t want to have too much loose space in these things. Gets uncomfortable,” Alice said as she reached for a cage that was remarkably more compact and handed it to me. “Try this one on, sweetie. We have a changing booth. And don’t worry. If it doesn’t fit, we’ll disinfect them properly and get you a different cage to try on. No one would know.” The smile on Alice’s face had gone from simply being a helpful employee to obvious deviousness as she handed me the tinier cage.
I headed into the booth and closed the curtain. After a minute of undressing and staring at the cage, I realized something was missing. The lock of the cage was unlocked, but it had no keys. “Aren’t there supposed to be keys with this?” I asked.
“Yes, we keep all keys at the cashier. Just in case someone decides to try a cage on and sneak it out without paying. Wouldn’t be the first time!” Alice replied. “But don’t worry. If it doesn’t fit, you can’t lock it anyway. So you wouldn’t need the keys unless the cage fits. And if it does, we’ll just go to the cashier, and then you can purchase your keys! Unless, of course, the cage I picked is still too big, and we need you to try on an even smaller cage,” Alice added, giggling.
“Okay… That makes sense, I guess,” I replied, embarrassed at her suggestion that her ‘compact cage’ could still be too big for me. Some minutes passed as I tried on different rings and fits to see what configuration worked best before I even attempted locking the cage.
“Is everything alright?” Alice asked from the other side of the curtain.
“Yes, I think this one fits. It is very tight though. I’m worried it might be too tight!” I complained.
“Don’t worry about it. Your girlfriend will love seeing how serious your dedication to her is!” Alice’s voice encouragingly said.
“You’re right… it’s a gift for her, after all,” I concluded, surrendering to the idea. A minute passed as I gathered the courage to click the lock shut. A long sigh was heard, followed by an audible *click*. The cage was now locked.
The curtains of the booth were abruptly pulled open by Alice and our eyes met, albeit very briefly. Alice’s face could be described as that of an evil villain who had just pulled the switch of her doomsday device, whereas my face was one of petrified, embarrassed shock. As I tried to look away, I was further shocked by the revelation that, while I was trying on my cage, Alice had undone her pants and underwear. In my paralyzed state, Alice easily forced herself into the booth and placed herself in front of me.
“Hey! Eyes up here!” Alice mocked with a grin. “Unless, of course, you’d rather “communicate” with my ‘other lips’.” Her confidence and my lack thereof made me the ideal target for her plan. “So shy… I love it,” was all Alice said before reaching her hand around the back of my head, gripping and pulling me closer to her pussy. With me being at a loss for words and actions, Alice sighed, “I guess I’ll have to help myself then… That’s fine.” With the smooth motion of a professional dancer, Alice moved her hips up and down, forcing my lips against hers, slowly grinding herself against me.
“Hmm. That’s more like it,” Alice groaned. “See, while you were trying on that cage, I started doing the math… and I think that ‘you + (I + keys)’ would be a great math problem to solve. I don’t know where your girlfriend would come into this… yet. But that’s an issue for the next class,” Alice chuckled. “Maybe for now if she asks about it, you can tell her you’re testing yourself to make sure you can handle it, before giving her the keys… and then maybe by Valentine’s Day we can give her a set of keys… but to a different lock! Oh… the look on her face when she’d try to open the lock to no avail… I wonder if she’d be disappointed or delighted when she realizes what that means for you!” Alice said. Her pace quickened as her moans became more audible and frequent, a climax was approaching.
“Meanwhile, I will be the only one with the real keys to your cage, carrying them safely around my neck. Well, one of them at least. I’ll use the other two keys for various training exercises… Oh, I can’t wait to train you on how to please ‘your girlfriend’! It’ll be a huge win-win! I win, your girlfriend unknowingly wins too, and you… Well, two out of three is not a bad deal,” Alice chuckled. “You’ll get to practice a lot with me, things your girlfriend probably would never let you experience, so that’s your win!”
“Oh, one thing, though!” Alice interrupted. The pause was long and dramatic. I was already mentally too overloaded to react to her comments, and this pause was not helping me collect my thoughts in any rational way. “I normally only date girls, but judging by your small cage and its color, I assume you don’t mind adding a little extra femininity to yourself for the enjoyment of others? Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you’ll look just like any other girl.” Alice moaned, the thought making her grind vigorously against me.
The humiliation was the last thing I needed at this point. Was I really going to become a feminized toy for this woman I only just met? What other choices did I have? Before I could think of answers to my ever-growing collection of questions, Alice let out a loud cry as she reached climax. Her hand gripping my hair even stronger now and pulling me in so hard, that I started fearing that the myths of unbirth may have been at least partially based on real possibilities. Her voracity driving me over the edge as well as I spurted from within the cage.
Satisfied with her ‘work’, Alice stepped outside the changing booth to admire the liquid painting she covered my face with, before noticing my very own liquid painting. “My, my… it seems you had fun too! I’m happy to see that. I’ll clean that up soon, consider it my way of thanking you for your service today. In the future, you may have to ‘clean’ spills like that up yourself,” Alice chuckled. Looking at the time, she continued, “Our store closes soon. You can have this cage free of charge since I’m keeping the keys anyway. But do come back tomorrow for your next training session, unless, of course, you don’t mind being locked forever without the keys!” Alice walked over to her pants and put them back on. I noticed her panties were still on the floor. Alice took note of my stare and responded, “I left them for you. Something to remember me by. Either praise them or wear them. Whichever suits your fancy! You’ll have your own soon enough anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetie!” Alice laughed as she walked back to her spot at the cashier.