Hawk – Chapter 13

"In a service held in their living room, Elizabeth and Tommy are married."

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September, October, and November seemed to fly by for Elizabeth. The wedding was now just two weeks off and then they were leaving for Tahiti. Tommy had shown her photos of the resort where they would stay, and Betts could hardly contain herself. It was one of those places with individual luxury bungalows, all standing above beautifully clear water. To Elizabeth, this was a dream come true. Not only was she getting the only man she had ever wanted, but she was going to be spending time with him in paradise.

In the three months leading up to the wedding, Elizabeth, Bryce, and Helen had devised plans to allow Bryce to take any actions required while the boss was away. Elizabeth had also advised all of her personal clients that she would be away for two weeks and that she would not be able to talk with them during that time. Elizabeth assured them that Bryce Adkins had access to their files and could handle any emergency. Without exception, each of her clients passed on their best wishes and encouraged her to stay as long as she wished.

Elizabeth had seen the airline tickets. She left them out on a dresser in her bedroom so that she could touch them from time to time. Tommy had worked a few ‘deals’ to get them first class seats from Dallas to Los Angeles on Sunday following the wedding. They would stay that night in LA before leaving for Tahiti on Monday morning on Air Tahiti Nui, again in the front cabin. Elizabeth had flown thousands of miles in her business career, but she’d never flown far enough to upgrade to first class. The pictures she’d seen of Air Tahiti’s colorful jets showed seats that made into flat beds.

Tommy had talked with his parents. They would be coming to stay the night before the wedding.

Elizabeth had spoken with her mother only to be told that her father was much too busy at work to leave town… even for a weekend. Being accustomed to her father’s whims, Betts shrugged off the incident and called her sister in Lubbock. Margaret, her little sis, was thrilled to hear the news and also agreed to stay with them before the wedding. In fact, Margaret would come in on Friday and stay through Sunday, making sure the house was closed up after the wedding party.

Everything was coming together perfectly. Elizabeth was floating on a cloud. She had extended wedding invitations to all of those who were with them the day that Tommy proposed. Dave Edwards had agreed to be Tommy’s best man, and Elizabeth would be attended by her sister.

Despite the rush to get ready for a wedding and a long trip, Betts had made sure not to neglect Tommy’s needs at home and in bed. She had managed to turn over control of the everyday running of the house to him, making certain he understood that he was an equal partner. Elizabeth had also found a way to get spanked almost once a week. She could never explain to Tommy the exquisite joy she received when his hands slapped the skin of her ass. He had used a paddle once, and while it was good, it wasn’t as thrilling as his bare hand.

Elizabeth didn’t miss the fact that Tommy was beginning to enjoy the spankings as much as she was. When her bottom turned bright red, she had already had at least one orgasm, and he was breathing hard. After the spanking, he would take her in a burst of animal lust that sometimes lasted over an hour. Somehow he managed to never leave a single mark on her soft, white skin, but she was reminded the following morning the first time she sat down.

The sex life they shared was a beautiful thing. Their mutual lust was always waiting just slightly below the surface, waiting for a small scratch to set it free. It didn’t take much to light their fires. Elizabeth could come home from a hectic day at the office, threatening to go straight to bed. But one touch of Tommy’s lips on her neck below her ear was enough to send her into orbit. Likewise, Betts could run a finger down his jawline and look into his eyes. That would be enough to make him roar.

Tommy had found a young pastor to perform the service in their home. Going to the church office one afternoon, he found Pastor Jonathan Boatwright, who appeared to be about thirty. Tommy didn’t know much about Boatwright’s particular brand of church but had been told that the Christian Church was an independent Bible church that was very welcoming. After getting acquainted, the Pastor agreed to perform the service if Tommy would consent to bring his bride to one of their Sunday services after the honeymoon.

“I don’t want to offend you,” Tommy told the Pastor, “But we’d like to have our own vows. Since I’m not familiar with your church services, I just want you to know that Elizabeth and I have written our own.”

“A super idea,” Boatwright had assured Tommy. “That’s very common these days. I’ll give you a copy of my regular wedding service, and you can see where you want to fit it in. If you want to give me a copy of your vows, I can remind you if you forget.”

“That might not be a bad idea,” Tommy said. “I’ll be as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Elizabeth will be totally cool. She never seems to get rattled.”

Getting into his car to leave the church, Tommy let out a sigh of relief. “One less thing on the list.”


Elizabeth had asked Maria and her husband, Carlos, to attend the wedding. “You are like family to me, and I want you both there,” she told her housekeeper. Maria had agreed, but insisted on making the after-service refreshments… all but the wedding cake. Knowing that Elizabeth would want the cake to be perfect, Maria directed her to a local bakery that she knew to be excellent.


On Friday before the wedding, Tommy arrived home before Elizabeth, who had gone to the airport to pick up her sister. He was in the kitchen, selecting a bottle of wine when the door to the garage opened and instantly heard two women chattering. “Hi Love,” Betts said as she hugged Tommy. “Let me introduce my baby sister, Margaret.”

Margaret threw her arms around Tommy’s neck, giving him a big hug. “I’m so pleased to finally meet you,” the young woman blurted out.

“Finally?” she asked.

“Oh sure,” Margaret laughed. “I’ve seen you before. Betts used to take me to your baseball games in high school. I was only about eight at the time, but we’d go to the games. Betts would point you out and tell me that she would marry you someday.”

As the young woman talked, Tommy could see the similarities between the sisters. Margaret had not received Elizabeth’s beauty, but she was an attractive woman. The thing she did get was a superb female body. In a bikini contest, Tommy wasn’t confident Betts would win. Margaret was as outgoing and vivacious as her sister. He knew at once that they would get along well.

Elizabeth took her sister upstairs to put her things in one of the guestrooms, telling Tommy to put the wine away and find some beer. “Maggie is still a college student. She’s not into wine yet.”

“Roger that, boss,” Tommy said with a salute. “I think we still have quite a selection down in the game room.”

“Oh my god,” Margaret screeched as they walked around the corner. “You have an elevator in your house!”

“Yes,” Elizabeth said as she pressed the call button. “It not only goes up, but it also goes down.”

Grinning at Tommy, Margaret said, “We haven’t reached that class yet at school. You learn something every day.”

Thirty minutes later, they were sitting around the breakfast table drinking beer and laughing. Tommy found Margaret to be totally delightful. She was fun and light-hearted. He could see that Margaret was full of self-confidence. As he studied her, Tommy decided that with a proper haircut and some help with makeup, Margaret could be quite a vision. He began to wonder about friends he could match with her.

It was after dark when they decided to go out for dinner. Elizabeth suggested a steak from Dominic’s to Margaret’s delight.

“I haven’t had a steak in ages,” the young woman said with delight. “On my budget, I think a trip to Denny’s is a treat.”

“You’ll like this place,” Elizabeth assured her. “The owner is a friend of Tommy’s, and the man is an outrageous flirt. He also makes the best martini in town.”

“I’ve never had a martini,” Margaret admitted. “What fun!”

As expected, they were greeted at the front door by the owner. He led them to a booth and carried on about how it was wrong that Tommy should have two such beautiful women at his table. “One will be your bride and the other is her sister. No man deserves to have such beautiful women at his side. I think this is what is called White privilege? It shouldn’t be allowed.”

“Suck it up, buttercup,” Tommy laughed. “Just consider it my reward for being such a wonderful person.”

“And humble, too,” Elizabeth laughed. Then looking at Dom, she said, “My little sister has never had a martini. Would you be good enough to make one of your specials for her?”

“If she can’t walk when she leaves, please let Dominic know. I’ll help you carry her out to your car.”

“What a considerate guy you are, Dom,” Tommy laughed. “Martinis for all of us.”

The drinks did make Margaret’s head spin, but she became an immediate fan. They laughed their way through dinner. After arriving back home, Margaret asked for permission to turn in early, suggesting the meal and the martini had her ready for bed.

Telling her goodnight in the upstairs hallway, Elizabeth took Tommy’s hand. “She’ll be asleep in ten minutes. That means I don’t have to worry about being quiet tonight.”

“Really,” Tommy said as he closed their bedroom’s double door. “What makes you think you’ll be making noise?”

“Have you ever known me to eat a steak and not be horny afterward?” she said as she began to unbutton his shirt. “You give me a good sirloin, and you might as well have slipped me an aphrodisiac. That’s how it affects me.” Betts dropped to her knees and began working on taking off his trousers. When she exposed his manhood, she looked up at Tommy. “But first… dessert.”


On Saturday morning, Elizabeth announced that she and Margaret were going shopping.

“Are you planning on getting things for the trip?” Tommy asked.

“Maybe,” Betts teased.

“Just remember,” he told her as his hands grabbed her butt. “You aren’t going to need any clothes where we’re going. You are going to be naked most of the time. You aren’t going to need any lingerie, but you might need a swimsuit or two, just for walking around the resort.”

“What about having dinner in the resort restaurant?”

“We’ll do that a couple of times, but you still won’t need lingerie.”

“You expect me to walk around with my nipples sticking out?” she said with a frown.

Tommy gave her bottom a swift slap. “Yes, I do. I expect to show off my sexy wife the entire time we are there. I’ll want every man within ten miles to hear that Thom Hawk is in town with the finest woman God ever created.”

“If that’s what you want,” Elizabeth said as she grinned and hugged him. “Can’t I wear something under the clothes I wear to dinner?” Seeing the look on his face, Betts said, “I get it. Never. None. Nada.”

“And that includes the flights out and back.”

She looked at him with the hint of a frown. “Do you know how horny that will make me?”

“I hope it puts you into the category of a cat crying in heat,” he said as he held her close.

“You’d better be up to the task, Mr. Hawk. When I get my claws out, I can scratch pretty hard.”


Once in the car Elizabeth and Margaret headed north to Galleria Mall. The Ann Taylor store there was holding something for Elizabeth that she wanted Margaret to see. As they drove, the women caught up on things.

The first report from Margaret was naturally, about Mom and Dad. Dad was working and claiming that he was needed there almost every minute of the day. Margaret suggested that their father was overestimating his importance by a factor of ten. She reported since their mother retired, she had devoted herself to taking care of her husband. “I think she probably drops down and blows him when he walks in the door from work,” Margaret opined. “Her behavior is nauseating, to say the least.”

“Speaking of BJ’s, how’s your sex life?” Elizabeth asked.

“It’s a bit hit and miss,” Margaret reported. “I dated the same guy for almost two years. He even lived with me for about six months. We got busy regularly. But he took a job in Virginia and after two months we just sort of forgot about each other. I guess it was the sex that kept us together.

“But you like sex?” Elizabeth asked.

“Of course!” Margaret laughed. “We inherited that gene from our mother. You may not have been exposed to it like I was, but that woman is a fuckin’ freak. I can’t tell you how many times I found her masturbating during the day.”

“Shut up!” Elizabeth burst out, hearing her sister’s news. “Did you actually see her doing it?”

“I saw her a couple of times, but the woman makes noise. A lot of noise. It isn’t difficult to tell when she’s jillin’ off.”

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Elizabeth giggled. “I had no idea.”

“The house they bought in San Antonio had a speakerphone built into their bedroom that carried their sounds into my room. I could hear them like I was standing beside the bed. Our mother would rather fuck than sleep, and her mouth is pretty rotten when she’s getting nailed.”

“I make a little noise myself,” Elizabeth admitted.

“Then it’s a family trait,” Margaret sighed. “I’m going to guess that Tommy is everything you’d want in bed.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Besides the fact that he’s gorgeous, handsome, sweet, adoring, and sexy, I saw the size of his hands, and I’m willing to bet he’s well hung.”

Elizabeth burst into laughter. “Is that what you’ve learned in college?” Then looking a little sheepish, she said, “His cock is beautiful, and he knows how to use it. There hasn’t been a day we’ve been together that he hasn’t taken care of me. Not one!”

“I just don’t think that’s right!” Margaret huffed.

“What’s not right?”

“It’s not right that you should be so fucking beautiful, smart, financially well off, AND get a man with a great package to service you every single day!”

“You’re jealous,” Betts laughed.

“Of course I am,” Margaret almost shouted. “At least you could let me watch.”

“Not a chance, little sister. He’d get one look at your beautiful ass and toss me aside. In case you haven’t noticed, Tommy is an ass man.”

“I’ve been too busy looking at his crotch to look at his face,” Margaret said in a low voice. “Don’t ever leave me alone with him. Sometimes my self-control is a little lacking.”

The two sisters had a wonderful time together. Elizabeth bought the item that was being held for her, they had lunch and walked around the mall for a couple of hours talking.


They were home before 4:00 when Tommy’s parents arrived.

Bob and Glenda Hawk came in all smiles. It was apparent they were proud of their son and immediately accepted Elizabeth. Tommy showed them around the house while Elizabeth and Margaret made drinks. Once they had seen the top two floors, Tommy took their bags and guided them down the elevator to their room for the night.

Once they were out of sight, Elizabeth leaned over to her sister whispering. “I had Tommy set them up downstairs just in case we get loud tonight. I don’t mind you hearing, but I’d be embarrassed if his mother heard me yelling, ‘fuck me harder’ to her son.”

Margaret almost fell over laughing. “You are your mother’s daughter.”

“Perhaps,” Elizabeth laughed, “But at least I found someone handsome and nice to fuck.”

Margaret laughed so long she wet her pants.

For dinner that night, Elizabeth served the group one of Maria’s specialities. They sat around talking until near midnight with the parents telling all kinds of embarrassing things about Tommy when he was a child.

Looking at his watch, Tommy stood saying, “Well, this has been fun, hasn’t it,” he frowned. “Now let’s all get some sleep. I have no doubt that we’ll have people here before noon tomorrow. The game isn’t until 4:15, but our friends will want to get the party started early. We expect the wedding guests will stay here to watch the game. We’ll be gone by then, but you two are welcome to stay here and guard the house along with Margaret. In fact, you are welcome to stay as long as you want. Our house is your house.”


To Tommy’s surprise, the wedding guests did not arrive until a few minutes before 2:00. He was more surprised to see they were not wearing their usual football day uniforms but were all dressed nicely in what Jesse called his ‘Sunday best.’

Pastor Boatwright arrived and was given a brief overview of where the service would take place. The man of God was quick to go around the room, introducing himself to all of the guests.

At the appointed time, the Pastor stood with his back to the large glass wall. Tommy and Dave Edwards stood on the Pastor’s left, waiting for Elizabeth and Margaret to enter.

The group heard the elevator door open and saw Margaret step out. She was wearing an off white pants suit with a deep blue silk blouse. Tommy couldn’t help but think Margaret was wearing Cowboy colors. Carrying a corsage of white roses, she slowly walked across the room to stand on the Pastor’s right side. Tommy thought his sister-in-law to be looked exceptionally beautiful.

The elevator doors opened again, and everyone stood.

Elizabeth emerged to hear a few gasps. The sounds were made because Elizabeth looked heavenly. She wore the white tuxedo that she had purchased the previous day at Ann Taylor’s. The pants fit her like a glove, removing any doubt of the perfection of her body. There was a white satin strip down the pants leg. The tux jacket didn’t fit snugly, but it was buttoned. Under the coat was a silk blouse so sheer that it would have been easy to think she was bare-chested from five feet away. Her blonde hair curled down over her shoulders, framing her beautiful face that was frozen in a radiant smile.

Walking toward Pastor Boatwright, Elizabeth’s eyes were glued to her future husband. When she stood beside Tommy, they turned to face the Pastor, and the guests sat.

Smiling brightly at the couple in front of him, Boatwright spoke clearly so that all could hear. “Dearly beloved… and Cowboy fans.” Everyone in the room laughed.

The service progressed at an average pace until the Pastor spoke to those attending. “Thom and Elizabeth have written their own vows. They will now proceed.”

Elizabeth took the man’s wedding ring that Margaret had been holding and turned to Tommy. In a clear, gentle voice, she said, “Live with me, laugh with me, love with me, and I will be your devoted wife forevermore.

Your mind stirs my soul. Your touch delights me, and your faith gives me strength. With you as my husband, I feel the love of the universe, which spreads peace and harmony over all things.

I love you utterly. I love the way you look at me and the way you hold me. It is only natural that I should always be with you as your wife.

My love will never fail. My love for you will be patient and kind.

This ring is an endless circle symbolizing my never-ending love for you.”

She slipped the ring on his finger, bent over and kissed his hand.

Turning back to get the wedding ring from Dave, Tommy turned to face Elizabeth. He took a deep breath hoping that he could remember the things he had written.

“As your husband, I will always be yours, and I tenderly deliver you my heart.

You are my light, my inspiration, and I am blessed to be able to call you my wife.

I love you and thank the Lord for bringing you into my life. As we enter into the bonds of matrimony, I promise to always love you in sickness as in health, in sorrow and in joy, and to be faithful to you, my wife, so long as we both shall live.

I will shield you from the wind, cover you from the rain, and make a home for us inside my heart.

I promise to be there for you, every day for each of our remaining days.

May the ring I give you today remind you all our days of this beautiful moment – and the love we feel for each other that will last through all time.”

He put the ring on her finger before bending over and kissing her hand.

Holding hands, Tommy and Elizabeth turned back to face the pastor who beamed with pride at the beautiful vows and how well they had been presented. He looked past them at those watching so closely. “I will not be asking the famous question about is there anyone here… well, you know the question. I won’t be asking because Elizabeth told me not to. It seems she doesn’t trust a single one of you.”

Then looking at the couple in front of him, Pastor Boatwright said, “In the giving and receiving of rings you have pledged yourselves to each other, to have and to hold from this moment onward. By the power granted me by the great state of Texas, I now pronounce you man and wife. Tommy, you may kiss your bride.”

Elizabeth wasn’t wearing a veil to lift, so Tommy simply pulled her to him and kissed her. After thirty seconds, he Pastor coughed, hoping that the lovers would get the message and stop. When they did, the pastor turned them to face their guests. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hawk.”

As those attending began to surround the happy couple, Maria Sanchez was the first to reach Elizabeth.

“Jew jes look so beautiful, Ms Elizabeth. Carlos and I are very happy for jew and wish jew luck always. Now, we’ll go get the food ready.”

Elizabeth hugged Maria, saying, “I want you to take a few days off next week and all of the following week. I think my sister will stay here for a few days, but you don’t need to take care of her. She just needs a little vacation time.”

Quickly Maria and Carlos were off to the kitchen as the crowd swallowed the newlyweds.

“That was a beautiful service,” Margaret said to Pastor Boatwright.

“Thank you,” the Pastor said, taking Margaret’s hand. “I thought their vows were quite extraordinary.”

“They are exceptional people,” Margaret said with a smile. “Can I buy you a drink, preacher?”

Still holding her hand, Pastor Boatwright, smiled brightly. “That’s the best offer I’ve had all day. I should tell you that my congregants don’t treat me like I’m special and I hope you won’t either.”

“Hell,” Margaret said, “I just thought that you are a handsome fella and shouldn’t be left alone.”

“I like your attitude, Margaret. Let’s find the bar.”


Tommy and Elizabeth slipped out the front door to get into their cab. Betts had noticed that her little sister was still talking with the Pastor. As Tommy closed the door, Elizabeth grinned and said, “I hope that Pastor isn’t married because I think there’s a real strong possibility that he’s gonna get laid tonight.”

“What?” Tommy asked.

“Get in the cab,” she said as she pointed. “I’ll explain it later when I’m naked.”




Published 5 years ago

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