Chapter 5 – No Strings Attached – An Invitation

"Matthew receives a party invitation."

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After being released from the hospital in February, it’s not until May that my father decides I’m well enough to leave the house. Louise cheating on me and the subsequent five months without sex has been tough, so I decide to go back to the club again to try to meet someone with similar kinks to me. I’m pretty sure I want a terrifyingly, sadistic dominant but I’ll be happy if I find a playful submissive instead.

I sit at the bar and order myself a whiskey, neat, and I savour the warmth as I sip it. I haven’t drunk alcohol since that awful day in December, and I don’t want to repeat it. Still, I find it easier to appear sociable after I have a couple of drinks.

Eighties music is playing loudly. It hasn’t changed at all since I came here over a year ago with Charlotte. Back then, I had been new to this, and I really enjoyed those six months we had together. She’d taught me a lot about myself and someone like her would be perfect.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a couple of people arrive dressed in latex and leather. I try to casually scan them to see if there is anyone of interest. They seem to have come as a group. A man has both a woman and a man on a lead, and they are wearing nothing but underwear.

Time passes, but no-one tries to approach me. I end up drinking more than I should, knocking back several drinks as I wait to see if anyone remotely interesting arrives. This had been a bad idea. It had been insane to think that I would have instantly found someone this way. Charlotte hadn’t introduced me to her circle of friends, so no-one knew me.

I decide to leave and down the remainder of my drink. As I go to stand up, I’m joined by a man with his two submissives. He orders a drink for himself and one for me. I glance over him. He’s wearing a harness and leather trousers with boots, aged around his thirties and reasonably good looking. The ladies with him are only wearing thongs. Both have reddened skin with thin welts across their backsides and breasts.

“You’re Matthew, aren’t you? Didn’t expect to see you here,” he says, smiling at me.

“Yeah. Um, have we met?”

“I know Charlotte. I met you here with her last year. I thought I recognised you. My name is James.”

Now I remembered. At the time, I had only paid attention to Charlotte, but I had felt jealous when she’d spoken to this man.

“I remember,” I nod.

“I don’t usually address submissives casually like this, but I saw Charlotte a few months back, and she was lamenting about you being a switch and becoming dominant. So where is your sub?”

“I don’t have one. Or a Domme, either.”

“Ah! Are you here hoping to meet someone?”


“Unfortunately for you, I’m not interested in men. However, I was impressed by what I saw. Take this.”

He hands me a card with his contact details on, and I take it reluctantly.


“I’m hosting a party next Friday. I have plenty of singles who attend looking for someone. All personally invited by me. Bring your own toys. It’s demonic, masquerade-themed too so make sure you dress the part.”

“But it’s not Halloween for months?”

“Tell me about it,” he sighs. “Anyway, see you next week.”

He finishes his drink then returns to the dungeons with his subs. I’m intrigued by the party. It’s probably some kind of orgy without a doubt, but it might be an excellent opportunity to meet someone. I need someone, even if it doesn’t become serious.


I put on my black suit, shirt and a tie with a dark brocade red waistcoat. I style my hair, then check myself out in the mirror and try to decide if I want to keep my facial hair. It’s tidy, and I do prefer the way I look with it, so it ends up staying.

I head to my car with my mask in hand. I’ve decided to not bring any toys apart from wrist ties and some condoms. If I found a submissive, I would just use my hands to spank with. I’m not a sadist.

It’s only a forty-minute drive, but when I arrive, I double-check the details James had given me over the phone. The mansion in front of me is huge. He’s well-spoken, but I hadn’t expected him to be this rich. Regardless, it seems like a pretty serious party.

I put my mask on and check it’s on correctly in my mirror. I had decided to get a black mask with devil horns which I thought looked good at the time, but now I’m not sure. I feel underdressed.

I stroll up the driveway feeling nervous. A couple walks up next to me, hand in hand, both with gold Venetian masks on. I can tell they’re wealthy. The man’s watch looks to be worth more than a year of my wages.

The doors are open, and I’m greeted immediately by staff employed for the evening. They ask for my name, check the list then let me through with a striped red and black leather wristband.

I turn and see that the people behind me have been given a single-coloured one. Red for the man and black for the woman. These appear to signal something. It isn’t a bad idea at an event like this.

A lady in a black dress offers me a glass of champagne from the silver tray she’s carrying, and I accept it. I don’t really like champagne, but I’m grateful for it. I’m feeling incredibly shy and entirely out of place.

I gulp back my drink then scan the room from the corner I walk to. Small groups of people have formed, making polite small talk with each other. There’s only about fifty, sixty people in all but I don’t know how to approach anyone. I’m lacking in confidence, and I’m not sure if I should even be here.

Someone lays a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to look at the person. He’s wearing a black tuxedo, and I can’t tell who it is under the red demon mask.

“Good to see you here, Matthew.”

I recognise the mild voice as the organiser of the party, the man from the club.

“Oh, hey, James. How did you know it was me?” I ask, curious.

“You look awkward, you’re on your own, and you’re wearing one of those bands.”

“So this signals?”

“You’re a switch. Black is for dominants and red for subs. White is for an organiser. It makes this easier and gets that question out the way, so you don’t waste your time.”

“It makes sense.”

“On the subject of wasting time. Let me introduce you to some people, so you’re not lonesome. I’d hate for you to come all the way here without meeting anyone. There’s someone who’s dying to meet you.”

I feel trepidation.

“It isn’t Charlotte, is it?”

“Hell no! She pissed everyone off last time I invited her,” he scoffs. “It’ll be worth your time.”

I walk behind him then grab another drink from the tray being held by another woman in a black dress. I desperately need to steady my nerves. This is still some weird, upper-class party even without the sex involved. I don’t belong.

He stops at a group of people who are engrossed in conversation. In the middle is a woman wearing a red ballgown with a matching lace mask and platinum blonde hair tied in an elegant updo. Her dark eyes narrow as I come over. Her voice is shrill, but she has the attention of everyone surrounding her. Her wristband is black. She has my full attention too.

“Everyone, meet Matthew. I was discussing him earlier.”

The woman pushes past James and gets closer to me, standing awkwardly behind him.

“So this is the poor little lamb who was with Charlotte?!” the lady exclaims.

“Yes,” I reply.

Her eyes glance to my wristband.

“So it is true? You turned out to be a switch. I told her when I saw her last summer that you probably were. Wouldn’t listen at all.”

I look around the group. Most are wearing black bands, and they’re all staring at me. The woman makes direct eye contact as she awaits my response, and I turn away.


“Oh? You seem positively submissive right now surrounded by us sharks. We can smell your fear.”

She bursts into laughter, attracting the attention of everyone else in the room. This woman oozes confidence, sex appeal and dominance, but I’m not sure about her.

From behind, someone else approaches.

“Claudia, please don’t scare our guest,” a low, male’s voice says.

I turn to look at this person. He’s tall and wearing a white tuxedo and shirt with a black tie and a simple black mask. He has slight, facial hair and hair pulled back in a ponytail. He stands beside me then turns to look at me with keen, green eyes. I can’t meet his intense look for long and turn away. A white band is on his wrist.

“Oh Liam, I do enjoy scaring newbies. Please don’t deny me that fun tonight.”

“I apologise, Matthew for her behaviour. She enjoys making grown men cry. Even dominants and sadists are afraid of her,” Liam says gently.

James clears his voice.

“This is the person I was speaking to you about. I told him all about you the other day. He likes to know who I invite to our soirees. He was most fascinated.”

“Oh right,” I reply feeling timid beneath his intense gaze.

Liam extends his hand to shake mine. I recognise the watch on his wrist as Ulysse Nardin. It would be worth several thousand at the very least. This is all a very normal way of approaching each other, and I find it slightly weird.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Matthew. I hope you haven’t been scared off too much. I would like to get to know you more. Ignore Claudia.”

I recognise a mischievous glint in his eyes, and I turn away again. I’m intimidated, and I feel unmistakable butterflies. The only person who made me feel like that was Justin, but I had never acted upon it.

The lights suddenly dim, and everyone goes quiet. From the ceiling, a hoop drops down in the centre of the room lit up with a spotlight. Music begins to play, and a woman crosses the room in a rose gold, silk gown. She climbs on the hoop and performs for us. It is truly breathtaking, but I feel distracted.

Liam slides up next to me and hands me another drink. I accept it with shaking hands and gulp it down.

“Steady. You seem nervous.”

“I am.”


He hands me another drink, and I sip it this time. I try to pay attention to the performance in front of me. The woman has slipped out of her dress and is only wearing nipple tassels and a thong, clearly to change the mood.

A loud round of applause goes around the room, and Liam slips off. I try to see where he goes, but I’m approached by Claudia, who blocks my view.

“That Liam is the only person who isn’t afraid of me. So are you feeling nervous now, my pet?”

She licks her lips hungrily, eying me up again, which makes me uncomfortable. I’m absolutely certain she’s interested in me. The feeling isn’t mutual.

The room goes quiet again as Liam steps up on to a platform with James.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I extend my warmest welcome to all of you. To those new here, it is a great pleasure to have you attend. I hope none of you have been scared off and will join us again in the future.”

Liam turns to me and smirks. It’s an incredibly arrogant look, and I feel the butterflies again. I need to find some space to get my thoughts together.

“Let the fun and games begin!” James announces.

The doors open out from this room. Some people have already coupled off and walk through. I follow behind feeling apprehensive. I have a good idea of what I will see, but it has been a while since I’ve been involved with anyone and I’m not entirely sure of what I want.

As I walk around, I see that the rooms are opulent with chandeliers of glass, with ornate ceiling mouldings and chaise lounges and beds. Heavy red curtains hang at the floor-length windows. Already couples and groups have started having sex. I continue walking, hoping to find somewhere quiet for a moment.

In a large, dark room, I find sex swings, benches and more chaise lounges. There’s nowhere that hasn’t been set up for some kind of sexual activity. I hear a cough behind me and turn around. Liam stands in the doorway and closes the door behind him. As he walks over to me, he strokes the leather on the bench he passes.

I gulp nervously. I hadn’t even considered I would meet a man at this party. The only man I had liked was Justin, but with him being my best friend, I had kept that quiet. I’ve only ever been with women. I shift uncomfortably as he stops close to me and bites his lip. Leaning over, he whispers in my ear.

“I want to do bad things to you…”

I feel hot suddenly, and I can’t respond.

“Cute, he blushes,” Liam teases.

His hands reach up to my chest, and he shoves me down against a chaise lounge. He is stronger than me, and it completely takes me off guard, making me gasp in surprise. I detect the fragrance of limes and pine from him; an invigorating and intoxicating combination, and instantly I know exactly what I want as we make eye contact. Poised over me, he removes my mask and takes a good look at my face.

He parts his mouth and kisses me deeply. I’m completely taken aback and bewildered by the speed he makes his move, but I don’t fight against him. I open up to him and let his tongue enter. His breath is cold like mint. Abruptly he stops then pulls me up to my feet. It’s over far too quickly.

“Follow me,” he orders.

His voice seems calm and controlled. I, on the other hand, feel flustered. I just nod and follow him as he leads me out and up the stairs. It seems like an age that we walk along the corridor, but he stops and unlocks a door. He ushers me inside.

The room is vast with dark wood panelling. A king-sized, heavily draped bed is against the wall. Right at the far end is a Saint Andrew’s cross. The familiar butterfly sensation returns. This guy is serious, and from the large rack of floggers and canes across his wall, he is definitely a sadist and not just dominant. I don’t know whether to be thrilled or terrified.

He removes his jacket and tie then unbuttons the top of his shirt and cuffs, rolling them up past his elbows. I expect him to lay them carefully down, considering his immaculate appearance, but instead, he just drops them in a crumpled mess on the floor. He doesn’t fully undress, but already he emits sex appeal with only the top of his chest exposed. I’m sure he makes both men and women flustered all the time, just like me.

“Take your clothes off,” he orders.

I feel uncertain, but I decide to oblige and unbutton my shirt and waistcoat then slide it off. The entire time his eyes don’t waver. He bites his lip again at the sight of me. He seems satisfied, so I continue and undo my belt. I drop my trousers to the floor until I’m standing in my black underwear.

He doesn’t move, so I take that as a cue that he means everything. I feel hot again and shy, but I remove them. A wide, Cheshire cat grin spreads across his face showing off dazzling white teeth.

His piercing gaze rakes over me from head to toe. I don’t usually feel ashamed when I’m naked, but I feel like this is some kind of test, assessing my suitability. Malice flashes in his eyes then he shortens the gap between us and kisses me again hungrily.

“I love tattoos and piercings,” he whispers in my ear.

He pulls away then with deft hands, which betrays his experience, he binds my hands together and pushes me down to my knees. He fastens a spreader bar to my ankles. I gulp in anticipation. This is going to be my first sexual experience with another man.

“You’re a masochist, aren’t you? Anything I’m not allowed to do?”

“Just don’t kill me.”

“No complaints at all? You’re shaking.”

“I’m a bit scared, to be honest. It’s been a while.”

“Understandable. Your safe word is?”

“Uh, spaceship?”

“Call me ‘Master’ while you’re in my room.”

He leaves for a minute to get something from a chest then starts circling me, with a flogger in his hand. He twirls it, showing off his skill. Moving behind me, he strikes me repeatedly on my upper back and arse. His initial strikes are harder than Charlotte’s, but I embrace it.

The strikes seem to last forever with no gaps between, but this is just the warm-up. He isn’t tiring at all. He switches to overhead strikes. These hit harder, but I don’t make a sound. I’m ready for more.

He leaves then returns with a cane. Some kind of synthetic one like Charlotte had. I hear a swoosh and my neck tingles, and the hair on my arms rises. I’ve been craving this.

When the strike lands, pain sears across my arse. I cry out in pain from the shock of it. I hadn’t been hit with a cane in some time. I brace myself. The strikes continue to land hard and without mercy. I thoroughly enjoy the intensity of it. For the first time in months, I feel alive again.

When he’s done, I’m left breathless and burning with pain from his ferocity. I think he’s done with me, but then he shows me something new. It’s some kind of strap. I’ve never seen one like it before.

“This is a tawse. Heavy and packs a punch with three tails. Complaints?”

“No, Master,” I reply. I want to please him.

It hits with an intense, hard, thudding pain. My skin is roaring, but I let him continue to strike me with it until he eventually seems satisfied and stops.

“I’m impressed…”

He smiles at me with his wide grin again then starts to remove the belt on his trousers. This is the part I’m most nervous about.

Standing behind me, he pushes my head towards the floor as his other hand gropes my member firmly. I flinch from the suddenness, but I don’t stop him as he brings me close to orgasm. I hold back and grit my teeth as he pleasures me.

Without warning his tongue licks my arse and I flinch again, surprised. He continues, and I let out a moan without meaning to.

“Did you know I actually prefer men? Women are great, but there’s something more powerful about bringing a grown man to his knees. Switches are even better knowing they might try to challenge me if I show one ounce of weakness.”

I feel him apply lube and I feel afraid again. With two fingers, he enters me while his other hand continues to jack me off. He then removes his fingers, and I desperately try to relax for him.

Roughly he enters me, and I cry out in pain, but I’m incredibly turned on by the scenario. I wish I had done this earlier although my Catholic father will be livid if he finds out. He already found my masochism a gross perversion.

The initial burning sensation subsides, and intense pleasure now replaces it as he continues to stroke my cock. My breathing becomes laboured as I get closer to orgasm. I desperately need permission; otherwise, I’m going to be in trouble.

“Ah, fuck. Please let me finish, Master,” I beg as I squirm against the restraints on my ankles to get away from his touch.

“Fine, I’m going to let you cum now,” he finally says.

His thrusting starts to speed up, and he grips my balls and tugs. I feel like I’ve reached heaven and with a deep groan, I cum on the floor in front of me with him following shortly after. I’m exhausted. I haven’t felt this satisfied after sex for nearly a year.

I feel my restraints being removed then Liam kicks me over on to my back. I look up at his half masked face as he stands over me. Malice no longer glints in his eyes, but I’m awestruck. My desires have been fulfilled spectacularly by him tonight.

“Wow, that was really something. How are you feeling?” he asks.

“Exhausted mainly, sore…”

“I’m not surprised. I really worked up a sweat with that tawse.”

He sinks to his knees, then kisses me on the floor. I don’t flinch away and kiss him back as he straddles me. Despite not seeing his face entirely, I’m definitely attracted to him. His strength has been breathtaking. I want to do this again.

His shirt hangs open, revealing a small amount of hair on his muscular chest. He lets down his hair which falls close to his shoulders and is golden in colour, thick and lustrous. Finally, he removes his mask, and I get to see the face of the man who’s seduced me.

With a chiselled jawline, sunkissed skin and thick, but tidy brows framing his green eyes, he is an Adonis amongst men. I’m speechless.

“You’ve never been with a man before, have you?”

“No,” I admit.

“Are you feeling confused?”

“No. I’ve been attracted to a man before.”

“But you never slept with him?”

“No. I kept my feelings to myself. You are the first.”

He kisses me, and I respond to him by licking his tongue. I’m feeling amorous.

“I hope you’re able to keep up with me,” he groans.

“Try me, Master.”

He pulls me to my feet and towards the St Andrews cross. He binds my wrists and ankles to it, facing away from him, and I’m now completely at his mercy. The cold of the wood chills me.

I don’t know what he’s going to use this time, but then I hear a crack of a whip. I freeze at the sound.

The lick of pain is different as I’m hit on my back with a sharp sting. I get goosebumps as he cracks it again. His strikes are harsh, and I begin to let out yells of pain. I try to steady my breathing to endure this for longer and grip on hard.

A particularly savage lash makes me gasp out in surprise, and he continues at this severity, making me yell out. I concentrate harder on my breathing as he pauses briefly.

I don’t hear a crack but just feel an intense burn on the back of my legs with what he strikes me with next.

“Fuck!” I yell.

He keeps doing it, and I swear each time in response. This guy is a sadist without question, and I know my noises are a massive turn on to him. Eventually, I block out everything else around me and start to cross over to a sense of euphoria from the adrenaline and endorphins.

I feel hands touching me on the back, caressing the welts and cuts and I groan in pleasure.

“Mmm… Master…”

Feathery kisses are at the back of my neck, then my wrists are released from my chains. My ankles follow next. I spin around unsteadily, and his kisses are on my neck, jaw, and on my mouth. We end up on his bed, and he continues to kiss me and rips off his shirt.

He moves between my legs then enters me. I clench my teeth from the initial pain as he fills me, and I close my eyes. He starts gently at first, but he builds up his speed.

Lifting me up slightly, he grips me under both knees and takes me deeply. The sensation is immense, and I start to groan. I look up and see us reflected in the mirror above the bed and groan again.

“Just noticed the mirror, did you, Lover?”

My stomach flips at the name he’s given me, but he probably called everyone in his bed that. I shouldn’t look too much into it.

“Yes, Master.”

“Enjoying the show as I sodomise you?”

“Yes, Master.”

“I’m going to fuck you all night, Lover.”

His fingertips dig into my flesh, and I let out a yelp of pain. He raises one of his knees up and pushes my leg back further.

Suddenly he slaps my arse, and I yell out in pain already burning from our last session. He continues to hit me as he thrusts.

“Play with yourself and watch in the mirror.”

I grasp my cock firmly and start to masturbate at his orders. It really is a sight to behold, and I’m enjoying the filthiness of it.

With a grunt, he cums inside me and then withdraws. He pushes me on to my side then spoons me, his hands reaching around to play with my body. One hand strokes my arse, and the other holds my balls and tugs.

“Don’t stop playing with yourself.”

I continue until I orgasm and make a mess over myself, but Liam just laughs, gets out the bed and pulls me to my feet, threading his fingers through mine.

He almost seems playful as he leads me out of his bedroom and down the stairs, naked back to the communal area. The staff don’t bat an eyelid as he removes two glasses of champagne on the way and hands me one.

He continues pulling me over to where he wants to take me, and we pass by several different rooms. One has the door open, and I see a woman suspended from the ceiling being caned. Eventually, we reach a door that he shoves me through.

It’s a bathroom, and he locks the door behind him. A freestanding bath is in the centre of the room. He turns on the taps and fills it up with water and pours Epsom salt into it.

Moving around the room, he lights some candles then dims the lights. He takes the champagne and places it down near the bath before sliding into the water. With a finger, he beckons me over. I get in with him and sit between his legs.

He washes me gently to clean my welts. Surprisingly his fingertips are soft and ticklish, and I let out a laugh. Immediately I feel nervous. He will punish me for sure.

Instead, he pulls me back into him and wraps his arms around me. I never imagined I would have been in a bath with a man like this tonight, but right now this seems incredibly normal.

“I want to hear you laugh again, Lover,” he whispers in my ear.

His hands start to tickle my sides, and I burst into laughter. He is relentless and doesn’t stop until tears are running down my face.

“Spaceship!” I shout.

He stops and laughs, pulling me back against him.

“I finally broke you!”

I smile at the thought of him feeling frustrated at not breaking me earlier.

His lips are on the back of my neck, and his hands slide down to play with me again. I react to him.


“Keep moaning for me, Lover.”

He teases my head, probing the opening while his other hand runs up and down.

“Mmmm, Master.”

“Have you done sounding before?”

“Yeah, Master.”

“Is there anything you won’t do?”

I think about it. I’m incredibly open-minded to everything. I just struggle with sharing.

“I don’t like sharing, Master…”


“Maybe, if I was ordered to…”

“What about if I share you with another?”

He continues to play with me then inserts the tip of his finger into my urethra. I wasn’t expecting that.


“How about voyeurism and exhibitionism? Do you like being watched?”

His finger, lubricated with my pre-cum, begins to slide in and out like he’s fucking me while the other hand continues. The sensation is out of this world. I continue to moan for him as I watch him play with me.

“I’m not against it Master, anything you want.”

I grip the edge of the bath as he brings me closer.

“You’re not allowed to orgasm, Lover.”

I grit my teeth, fighting against the pleasure rising inside me. I start to pant.

“Cute!” he exclaims but doesn’t let up.

“Please, Master… Let me?”


“Please, I’m begging you, Master?”

He continues his assault on my cock, his ankles holding me wider apart. He lifts me up and on to his erection, and my pleasure increases.

He moves me into a kneeling position. With his hands in my hair, he pushes my head against the side of the bath, holding me still as he continues to fuck me. I’m utterly powerless against his strength.

Liam moves out of the bath, splashing water over the tiled floor as he pulls me aggressively over the edge to fuck me while standing. I prop myself up on my elbows, keeping my head out of the water.

“Now,” he hisses in my ear.

With an animalistic growl, he cums at the same moment as me, which leaves me feeling profoundly connected to him. I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else right now.

He wraps himself in a towel before helping me out. I feel a little light-headed and stumble into his arms. He lets out a carefree laugh as he looks down at me.

I stand up quickly, feeling myself becoming shy again and he throws a towel at me. I dry off, then he applies some cream to my welts gently.

“God you’re so cute,” he says, embracing me pressing his chest against my back. I can’t remember the last time someone hugged me.

He leads me back out to the main room and takes me to a couch, sitting me on his lap. The others around us in the room watch us curiously as he kisses me passionately, his hand stroking my jaw.

“I want to make you mine, Lover.”

“I’m not sure what to say…”

“Say yes, Master. Let me collar you.”

“Yes, Master. Thank you.”

The Cheshire cat grin returns. It’s an unsettling smile, predatory. A relationship with a powerful man like him is going to be violent, profound and exceptional. If I’m not careful, I’m sure he will consume me.

He beckons someone over in a black dress and whispers to them. They hurry away before returning a few minutes later with a box which they hold carefully, upright.

He stands up on the couch, fully naked and completely unashamed. Most people wouldn’t treat their furniture like this. The thought of him being a bit childish comes to mind again.

“Everybody, please join me in the front room in thirty minutes for the main event!” he yells loudly.

I shake at his words. Main event? Wasn’t this the main event for the evening? What the fuck is going on?

He pulls me over to a side room and hands me a bottle of water which he orders me to drink. I’m trembling, wondering what he is going to do.

“Tired? Hungry?” he asks.

I would have thought he is kind and attentive, but I can see a menacing look in his eyes again.

I nod, and he reaches into a draw and pulls out a bar of chocolate and smiles.

“I’m always prepared, Lover.”

He holds out his hand with a piece of chocolate on it and offers it to me. I dislike sweet food, but I bend my head and eat it straight from his palm. With a smile, he puts another piece directly into my mouth then kisses me, us both tasting it as it melts.

“Thank you, Master,” I say quietly.

He looks at me curiously then wipes a small, remaining part of chocolate from my bottom lip.

“Do you have any hard limits?”

“Just don’t maim me,” I reply.

“Any heart issues or other health concerns I need to know about?”

“None, Master.”

Another woman in a black dress interrupts us to hand Liam his clothes and the mask he’d discarded. Quickly he dresses in his shirt and trousers, leaving the buttons hanging loose. He puts the mask back on. He faces me again with a sadistic smirk and bites his lip. I don’t know what he has planned, but I can tell it involves me. His eyes shine with excitement.

He places my mask back on, then with a small push he nudges me through a door into the main room. The lights have been dimmed.

“Signal me by opening and closing your hand,” he whispers in my ear, and I nod in response.

He continues to push me forward then down on to my knees on the hard, wooden floor. A large group has formed to watch, and I feel shy as Liam removes a green, long and thin length of rope from a tray on a table.

I keep my face turned towards the floor, not wanting him to see how embarrassed I’m feeling. I can deal with having sex around someone else, but a room of people is scary. There was less at the club with Charlotte.

He ties my arms behind my back with a series of knots. He passes it over the top of my chest, upper arms and ties it then repeats. It then crosses over my triceps and chest. Eventually, he finishes, and my harness prevents me from moving my arms. Charlotte liked using restraints but not rope like this.

He attaches me to a bar on the ceiling then ties a rope on my ankles, pulling me apart. I’m entirely helpless to him as I’m partially suspended. The lights are completely turned off, and the rope glows fluorescently under a black light.

I hear a weird buzzing sound then pain. I glance up at Liam and can see the rope has been electrified by something he is holding in his hand. Shocks travel the length of the rope, stimulating me. I start to question my life choices. I hadn’t been expecting this tonight.

He walks over to me, smirking sadistically. I don’t know what he’s going to do, but as he strokes a hand down my chest then cups my balls, I can feel that his touch has become electrified and buzzes. Repeatedly he zaps me. It’s a strangely painful but pleasurable sensation, and I become aroused. As he passes over my piercings, I feel an intense buzz, stimulating me more.

He picks up what looks like a cane and strikes me several times with it on the front of my legs. I’m zapped before the hits land, but it isn’t painful, just a slight annoyance. He then strokes the length of it across my back, legs and chest like a violin bow. The shock is continuous and intense this time. I yelp out, but he continues eliciting sounds out of me. He moves over my cock, and I groan loudly.

Eventually, he is satisfied with my noises, but he isn’t done with me yet. He cuts the rope suspending me, and I fall on to my knees, losing my mask. My arms and legs are still bound. He undoes his trousers and then enters me, a deep growl erupts from him, and he takes me aggressively. I moan as he fucks me in front of his guests, no longer caring about being seen.

A few minutes pass then the lights come on. Liam continues, claiming me in front of everyone while his hands ravage me. Eventually, I can’t hold back any longer, and I cum on the floor.

Liam shoves my face into my mess and continues his domination of me as I cry out. He takes deep, long thrusts then releases inside, growling again.

A moment later, he gestures for someone to bring the box over, which he opens. He removes a black collar and fastens it around my neck. Show over, everyone gets back to what they were doing. Liam’s arms wrap around me, and we stay like this for some time.

“I planned to make collaring someone an event. This is a fairly big deal for me. If you haven’t realised, I’m both an exhibitionist and a voyeur. I may end up sharing you at some point.”

I’m too exhausted for words and just nod.

“I think I’ve broken you, but I’m feeling tired too.”

He laughs then finally removes the remainder of the rope from me. With a leash attached to my collar, he leads me upstairs to his room and orders me to get into his bed. He slides in next to me and strokes my hair as he gazes into my face.

“Mine,” he says firmly.

I wake up exhausted the next day. Last night had been exhausting, but fun, plus I had discovered more about myself. I look down and see that Liam has me wrapped up in his arms. I try to get out, but the grip tightens. Suddenly his eyes open and glare at me.

“There’s no escape. You’re mine now, Matthew.”

He is using my normal name. He seems to have stopped being dominant for now.

“Yes, I am…”

His hand reaches to my face, and he kisses me gently.

“Stay still and let me devour you.”

He moves between my legs and takes my cock into his mouth. He teases my head with his tongue, then licks my frenulum.


“Do you like that?” he asks.

I nod.

“Look at me now as I pleasure you.”

My eyes meet his. There is no glint or sign of malice like last night, but his gaze is intense and makes me feel uncomfortable. I struggle to maintain eye contact.

He takes me further into his mouth, circling around me as he moves up and down around my shaft before returning to my frenulum.


He continues, and I start to moan louder until eventually, I cum into his mouth. He swallows then moves back up to the bed and smiles as he poises over my body.

“Don’t ever think I won’t give you anything. I am generous to those who deserve it. Now dress. I have guests to chuck out.”




Published 5 years ago

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