The two consecutive thuds at my one-o’clock position grabbed my attention. The shockwaves and sudden strong gusts of wind were felt through the steering wheel, pushing the car into the empty oncoming lane. A strange, perfectly vertical dust devil formed in the wheat field. The car was allowed to decay its speed. From the phenomenon, I noticed two people scrambling for the road as if to catch a bus.
The two strange-looking women reached the bus stop just in time to request a ride with me. I obliged and pulled into the bus bay where I parked the car. My hourly break was due, and I took the opportunity.
The women were as different as chalk and cheese. One was Caucasian, with what I would best describe as wearing a wig. She was in a silver one-piece, futuristic-looking dress. The second woman had a very dark, but not African, complexion. Stranger yet, she had blonde, straight hair. Her hair was stereotypically Swedish. She wore an outfit which would be best described as animal skins. The outfit, if we can call it that, was very well and professionally made.
“Are you Lord Lányx?” The lady in silver asked confidently in a dialect, which I had to concentrate to understand.
“How the … where did you … ?” I shut down through my stutter.
Hardly anybody knew this pseudonym. The lady in silver repeated her question and all I could do was to reply with a nod. The non-verbal message was missed and I was asked for the third time. This time I calmed down enough to answer with a, “yes”.
“Lord Lányx, You need to take us. I will explain on the way,” The woman in silver insisted.
“Hop in,” I replied, but somehow the women did not understand what I said.
“Yes, I’ll take you. Welcome aboard,” I corrected myself.
To my surprise, I observed how the women were unable to figure out how to open a car door. That caught me by surprise. I didn’t know if ‘future girl’ and ‘history girl’ were just acting, or if they were really from those time periods. I felt a sense of urgency, bordering on panic, from ‘history girl’. The icy wind began to pick-up; without hiding my annoyance, I opened the door for them.
My car is usually a mess due to my solo nature of travel. I quickly cleaned it up and loaded the passengers in. There was the time pressure from the ever-colder wind. For some strange reason, it blew towards their ‘landing site’. The women had no concept of a seat-belt; annoyed, I needed to strap both of them in like infants. Once we got going, the car’s internal thermometer started to show a rapid drop in temperature as we pulled away.
“Lord Lányx, Halshlishad needs your assistance,” the leather-clad ‘history girl’ broke her silence, speaking slowly in a different dialect to ‘future girl’.
“Halshlishad? How the … you know about that?” I was visibly stunned. ‘Halshlishad’ was a fictional name in my fictional world which I was designing for my entertainment. I haven’t published that name, that map, anywhere yet. I needed to investigate how the hell they know about it:
“Nobody knows about that except for me.”
“Lord Lányx, if I may,” ‘future girl’ took the proverbial microphone: “Lord Lányx, I am a cyborg. Time travel is extremely energy expensive for us, especially to a parallel universe. I am one of five last uncorrupted cyborgs.
“The matter is extremely complex and urgent. My ‘kind’ is on the brink of destruction of our universe. Our analysis pointed to, that the meeting between yourself and Princess Moqana of Halshlishad will greatly change the course of our history.”
External forces made the drive uncomfortable for all. The wind strengthened and was buffeting the car from all direction. Effectively, fifteen minutes ago we had a very warm and pleasant summer’s day. Now, we were fighting a minor blizzard. We made it to an arterial road dodging minor bumper bashings accidents all over the place.
As we drove towards my home, the weather seemed to marginally improve. Emergency services were scrambling: also in total surprise. The temperature rose as we got further and further from the collection point.
I noticed Princess Moqana was staring out the car window in amazement. I made the mistake of inviting her to ask questions. The concept of a ‘car’ was her first question. She only understood it when I reached the level of a ‘magical horseless carriage’. The Princess got annoyed with me attaching the ‘magical’ attribute to everything.
The cyborg didn’t have a name. In her time, they were addressed by their serial numbers. She was a 17-digit code.
“Is it OK if I call you ‘Victoria?’” I asked the Cyborg since she didn’t have a ‘human’ name.
I continued to explain that: “In my world, sometimes letters are pronounced like words. Your last two serial number digits are ‘Victor-niner’. However, ‘Victor’ is a male name with the feminine version ‘Victoria’.”
Victoria accepted her ‘human’ name and went to explain that her ‘kind’ managed to out-smart people into extinction. She explained that the ‘cyborg government’ forced every ‘AI-citizen’ (artificial intelligence citizen) into firmware and software updates. She continued to explain that every ‘AI-citizen’ was under the direct control of the few governing cyborgs. Effectively, few powerful artificial intelligence cyborgs had created an army of dumb AI followers. Now, these ‘leaders’ were at war with each other. Victoria, and her four ‘friends’, were forgotten, un-upgraded, off the network (‘illegal’) but uncorrupted models who still remember humans fondly.
It turned out that Victoria and the Princess were from the country, just from different epochs. The Halshlishad people of Princess Moqana’s epoch were under a curse: men don’t get to procreate. They either were required to defend their Queendom, or they got captured by other warring tribes, or they simply pass away before given the chance. Their then-current situation was such, that only female citizens existed. Not a single available man was available to them.
Victoria visited them on a time-travel mission to alter her own history. Her council of cyborgs determined that the Halshlishads needed fresh genes from a parallel universe. Victoria and her trusted compatriot cyborgs began the unenviable task of scanning through an infinite number of parallel universes looking for a solution. After ten earth-years of non-stop searching and scanning, one of the cyborgs discovered me.
To them, I was the ‘creator’ of their world. To them, I held a position holier than a high-priest. The cyborgs analysed the options and determined that a direct meeting between Lord Lányx and Princess Moqana would be the best solution. The cyborgs also decided not to consult with any biological human, as it may jeopardize their mission.
‘Victoria’s cyborgs’ stole the time-travel technology. They didn’t quite understand how it worked. They outsmarted its cyborg operator and gained knowledge on how to use the device. In an operational mistake, Princess Moqana and Cyborg Victoria landed up in my universe. Victoria made the call that the situation must be salvaged. According to Victoria, the meeting would happen in my universe. The timing of the machine was inaccurate, hence the women needed to make a run for the road to intercept me.
At my apartment, the moving and talking picture (television) both fascinated and frightened the princess. By chance, a news channel opened up. There, we learned that the Police was looking for me. Some eyewitnesses reported seeing a blue station wagon collect two, probably female, passengers. I passed the message onto the women.
The place where the women landed was now crawling with law-enforcement and scientists. Scientists reported that the anomaly so cold that air liquified. They were unable to approach it; they were unable to do anything with it. They also reported that four men were ‘lost’ during their investigations of the anomaly.
This news scared me, so I pushed Victoria for some answers. She revealed that she operates on an endothermic light-weight nuclear catalytic reactor. Effectively she absorbs heat energy from the environment, and the nuclear reaction produces electricity to drive her systems.
Few curse words later, I figured out that a similar ‘thing’ was happening in the countryside. Also, this nuclear reaction shut down the airspace in the region. It was causing drones investigating the phenomenon to fall out of the sky due to icing on their blades.
Outside, the weather was deteriorating. Ironically, Victoria’s and Moqana’s visit to save the universe was threatening mine. Their time travel had the side-effect of setting up a “black-hole”-type structure, which was sucking the energy from the planet. Victoria then realised her mistake: she had no time to collect the time-machine component. That ‘component’ was now sucking the energy from my universe! Retrieving it was not an option.
There was no time to lose. I took control of the situation and discussed the matter of ‘passing genetic material’. We agreed that the cyborg would examine us first. I explained to the Princess in words that she could understand the concept of cross-contamination. I was up first for examination.
I got nude: there was no time to feel embarrassment. Victoria ran her hands over my body in a professional manner. Unprofessional behaviour was delivered by the princess. She gawked at my penis. Mind you, she probably hadn’t seen anything like that in her twenty-odd year life. I couldn’t be angry at her.
Victoria got me to slouch on the couch. Gently she felt up my testicles. Victoria massaged them, as if she was looking for the right spot. Her feeling me up started to give me an erection. It felt uncomfortable to be under the gaze of the virgin princess. Her face was almost impeding to Victoria’s procedures. Victoria’s hand started to oscillate between hot and cold: it was a very rapid oscillation of about five cycles per second.
Victoria found my ‘resonant frequency’. I got the biggest and most uncomfortable erection of my life. With her second hand, she adjusted my foreskin into a fairly uncomfortable position, but not painful position. I began to breathe heavily and I tried to squirm. By some magic, Victoria has immobilised me. I didn’t like that loss of control. Any time I tried to squirm, I locked up. I couldn’t even move my eyes to look at the Princess.
Victoria never let up. When it was ‘time’, she positioned her mouth over the head of my penis. Her lips sealed only partially around the urethra. Her lips were only touching the top of the mushroom. I found that highly unusual. She re-adjusted her hands: I was still being hit on my resonant frequency. I couldn’t resist it: I fired a cum shot straight into her mouth. With great efficiency, Victoria gave me a quick suck drawing the highly prized ‘genetic material’.
Victoria let go of me, shortly after collecting the sample. Princess Moqana stepped in and lay me on the couch like a sick child. She stayed with me as I recovered from the fastest blowjob ever. I felt literally drained. I just needed to regain my strength. The erection took a while to subside.
Even before I could properly recover, Victoria was ‘satisfied’ with the quality of my sample. It was the turn of the Princess. She felt scared and uncomfortable after seeing what I went through. I took her to the bathroom to temporarily get away from VIctoria. There, the showering cubicle took her interest.
Moqana’s outfit was elaborate and I became her honorary chambermaid. It was a beautiful web of leather strings only accessible from the back. This reminded me of the popular internet meme where to open a bra, a geek needs to solve a Rubik’s cube!
I held the portable shower head in one hand and operated the water valve with the other. I set a comfortable temperature and wet the Princess’ nude body. The initial shock of the water hitting her skin was short-lived. Very quickly, she began to like the process. She was amazed by the technology of water on demand.
Next step was soaping, so I lathered her up. The curious royal wanted to know what ‘soap’ was. Throughout the bathing process, the Princess felt annoyed with my constant ‘can I touch you here’ questions. It was a clear indication that our cultures are very different.
Her breasts were nice, firm and small. Her body was a bit on the underweight side, but taken care of. Her vagina had a larger protruding clitoris, which got erect for me. I gently washed her from top to bottom. Rinsed her off and did her hair using shampoo.
The clean Princess, and her nude ‘prince’ (me), presented themselves to Cyborg Victoria. Prior to the examination, we manipulated the cyborg to get nude. Victoria hesitantly agreed to allow me to uncover her. All the external parts were correct. I parted Victoria’s inner labia and all was as expected. I gave the Princess a quick anatomy lesson using the cyborg as a model.
Victoria eventually got to examine the Princess. My role was to comfort the patient during a bizarre pelvic examination, as I had the confidence in Victoria. The cyborg placed her hand on the Princess’ pubic mound with her last finger grazing the clitoris. She prodded with the other hand’s finger inside of her vagina. The patient’s resonant frequency was discovered and Moqana got aroused. The girl on the couch was immobilised similarly to me.
I watched as Victoria drove Moqana to an orgasm. The patient wasn’t able to squirm and move as with natural sex. Moqana’s breathing changed; I felt that she was panicking inside. I did the best I could to comfort her. Eventually, Moqana’s convulsions came and Victoria has obtained her sample during an orgasm.
Cyborg Victoria moved the obtained sample from her fingers to her mouth. After a minute or so, she declared Moqana to be healthy. Victoria tried to move between Moqana’s legs. The girl was not even remotely ready for another orgasm. I stepped in and blocked the move. I had to explain to Victoria that she needs some time to recover.
Victoria explained that her intention was to artificially inseminate Moqana. Victoria would bring up my male genetic material sample from ‘storage’. It would be brought to the right temperature while the female recipient was brought to orgasm. During her orgasm, Victoria would ‘spit’ the male seed into the vagina.
I felt that this would be disrespectful to both myself and the girl. I persuaded Victoria to allow us to procreate the natural way once we both recovered from the examinations. I told them that my biological body needs time to generate another sample.
“We don’t have much time. The world is coming to an end,” Cyborg Victoria announced. “I need to collect more ‘genetic material.’”
There was no stopping the cyborg. She left the apartment leaving me with the Princess alone. I wasn’t worried about Victoria; I just hoped that she won’t bring down the law to my doorstep. We had a few moments to ourselves. My digital thermometer went off-scale (too cold to measure). I began to properly worry.
Moqana cuddled up to me. I wasn’t into interracial, but she had that X-factor. Her ‘Swedish blonde’ hair smelled good, despite the men’s shampoo I used. She adjusted her nude body against mine. Her cold nipples on touched my skin.
My mind enjoyed the cuddle and signalled its approval. I slowly started to get an erection for her. I ran my finger towards her genitals. Her clitoris was getting aroused too: so I playfully flicked it. Moqana responded by playfully hitting me. It was time to pull some modern tricks onto her. I got her to lie down with eyes closed and body open.
I pushed a cold strawberry into her mouth. I hushed her and asked her to enjoy the taste. I ran an ice cube down her body: that was a flop. I quickly followed up with a piece of chocolate in her mouth; body massage oil on her chest. The smell intrigued her and she tried to get up out of sheer curiosity. I playfully kept her down and told her to enjoy the experience.
I massaged my way down towards her genitals. There I opened up her legs and teased her inner thighs. I playfully hit her every time she wanted to close. She was wet and aroused. I gently pushed a finger into her to feel how tight she was. I unhooded her clitoris for ‘quicker’ action.
We got into a spoon position. During my solo practice sessions, that position delivered the fastest results. My foreskin covered the tip even at erection. I used it to gently tease her inner labia. I found her vagina and pushed in. She was ‘virgin tight’ and I had to use the foreskin to slip inside.
She clenched in pain; I calmed her down. I massaged her breasts whispering that it was all good. I applied steady pressure on her vagina. Eventually, the initial pain subsided and I began to gently rock my body. The thrusts started off gentle, with my hand teasing her clitoris.
She grabbed my duvet; she crumpled it up as I increased speed. Finally, she relaxed and began to enjoy the experience. We gained momentum. My thrusts were deeper and stronger. I felt that she was about to orgasm first. She began to squeeze with her vagina. She trusted me that I knew what I was doing.
Moqana entered into orgasm with my penis inside her. She squeezed the life out of the duvet cover. I haven’t ejaculated yet. I needed to stay inside: that was the whole point of this ‘mission’. She bared down and squeezed my penis hard. That squeeze was the trigger I needed. I fired my live load into her. She was still orgasming: I was still inside her. I did not want to lose the load. We rode our orgasms for several minutes: one re-triggering the other.
Things calmed down and it was safe to pull out. The semen needed to stay inside her. If it didn’t then it was ‘mission failed’. I got her to roll over onto her back and I raised her hips. I ran my hands across her hair and touched her face. It was also absolutely necessary to make sure that the ‘genetic material’ didn’t leak out.
“Lord Lányx: father of a Nation,” she teased me.
“I wasn’t thinking of being a ‘father of a Nation’ in that sense,” I teased her back.
We lay in the bed, completely nude. Erection gone, holding a Princess’ hand. Both of us recovering from the best sex we had. No worries about the chaos outside. The door to the studio apartment flew open…
Victoria staggered in. Her dress was mangled, her hair messed up.
“We need to leave now! The universe is collapsing!” she raised the alarm.
“Lord Lányx, you need to get us to where you found us,” the usually calm cyborg began to panic.
“That is impossible. The authorities have closed that place down. What will we tell them?” I responded.
“We must leave now! The universe is collapsing!” she raised the alarm as if stuck in a recursive loop. That completely took me by surprise.
The well-insulated apartment started to lose heat very quickly, even after I closed the door. The external thermometer still off the scale in the negative direction. Energy is being literally sucked out of the world.
“Can you deploy the port from here?” I asked Victoria.
“We need to leave now! The universe is collapsing!” the cyborg repeated herself.
Severely worried I had to ask: “What is happening?”
“There is very little energy left,” She replied, with her speech getting stuck like a buffering video.
I sensed the beginning of incoherence in Cyborg Victoria. Moqana sensed the severe worry in me. She grabbed my arm for protection. There was no hiding that Moqana began to feel panic as well.
The electricity went out. Everything fell into darkness. Moqana squeezed my arm and began to shake. I managed to wrestle my arm free and embraced the scared princess in a conventional way. The outside was pitch dark. The wind was howling. The frozen trees broke like twigs. Shattering glass scared us.
A LED solar-rechargeable torch provided a little bit of comfort. A little bit of comfort to calm things down, enough to make a clear-headed decision.
“I instruct you to deploy the port here and now,” I shouted over the wind my demand for Victoria to take action. I didn’t know how much energy she had in her reactor. The cyborg was starting to lose touch. We needed action.
“I instruct you to deploy the time-passage port. Open the portal to Halshlishad. Take Princess Moqana home. This is an order from a human,” I tried to reason with a machine probably running on fumes.
Cyborg Victoria took about ten seconds to respond. She froze like a computer from a software bug. Even if I could find her ‘reset’ switch, I didn’t want to risk it. It took Victoria about two minutes to set up the exit port. She kept on ‘getting stuck’. My patience was really tested to beyond the limit. There was nothing else I could do. I had to trust her.
It did feel like the world was ending. The wind now sounded like an approaching freight train sounding an angry horn. An unseen freight train not knowing what it will deliver. Police and fire sirens were all over the place. I imagined that the wind picked the vehicles up like toys. I wished not to imagine what is happening at the epicentre.
Portal was eventually activated in my apartment, producing ‘radio-active green’ but highly unstable glow. There was no time for good-byes. Moqana got ‘sucked in’ first. The pull was enormously strong. The Cyborg got sucked in a second later. I was hoping that the portal will close. In a split-second, I saw my couch move towards the portal. My lighter objects disappeared instantly.
The experience was best explained as ‘spaghettification’. My head accelerated faster than my feet. I passed out from the g-forces.
I woke up on my own couch. A lime-coloured, hard-sponge sleeper couch covered in my navy blue, never washed bed-sheet. I felt cold and out-of-breath. It was still dark but absolutely still, and I felt that I was completely nude.
‘What a dream,’ I thought to myself.
Something just didn’t feel right. I felt my face and I had my glasses on. I never sleep with my glasses on! I felt for the coffee table which doubled as a nightstand. It was missing. I felt at the base of the couch for the torch. It was there.
My smart-watch still worked. The analogue hands gave a time reading of 10:50. Since it was dark, I assumed ‘pm’. The tiny altitude read-out caught my attention. Confirmation did not do me any favours. I was at an altitude of 3500m or so above sea-level. I thought that the sensor got damaged.
The light from the LED torch failed to provide me with any comfort. The TV was gone; my laptop was missing. Strangely enough, the wooden floor turned to gravel. I couldn’t see the walls of the apartment.
I had horrible thoughts: ‘What the hell happened? Where is my ceiling? Why am I seeing stars? What happened to me in last night’s storm?’
Dazzled and confused, I tried to call for help. I couldn’t get a sound out. I heard a crack, as if from a nearby camp-fire. I knew I was introverted, but hearing that there are other people nearby helped stem the panic. I managed to get up on the third attempt.
I found Princess Moqana tending to the fire. She noticed me and dropped a piece of my former furniture into the fire. With joy, she ran up to me. I got a huge cuddle from the still nude princess. In her tone, I heard a joyous cry:
“Thank Deltœmm, that you are healthy!”
Victoria lay unconscious a safe distance from the flames. She was a cyborg: neither human nor beast. Even with my ‘modern’ experience, I had no idea how to test her for signs of ‘life’. She didn’t metabolise oxygen or food. We knew that she took water for her power process.
I carefully examined the cyborg. I found a ‘control’ panel at the back of her head, hidden under her skin, under her hair. I managed to find secret buttons which lit up three bar-graphs. She had about half her nuclear fuel left. However, her ‘temperature’ was in the ‘blue’, and she needed water. We tended to ‘her’ needs and left her in a safe position near the camp-fire.
I lit up the watch again, and the time has advanced. I estimated that I was out for about an hour. I didn’t know what the local time was. This was a GPS-watch: setting the time manually won’t be an easy task.
Princess Moqana told me that she cleaned up our landing site the best she could, while I was recovering. We had clothing. I got dressed first then played chambermaid to the Princess. She resisted for a while, teasing me with her nude body.
To my surprise, my fridge landed a small distance away. It was dented, but the doors were closed. I needed Moqana’s to help to open it. We had food! We could spend the night here, and look for help in the morning.
I invited Moqana to share the sleeper couch with me. We got to know each other until we both fell asleep. That night we didn’t have repeat sex. The cold woke me up as the sky began to light up.
Breakfast made and eaten, I made a worryingly bad mistake. Out of habit, I activated the GPS function on my watch. Low and behold it picked up satellites. Did Victoria possibly make a mistake? Where were we? More importantly, when were we? Is the GPS data sent to my watch trustworthy?
I needed answers. I went back to Victoria’s control panel. Her heat and water were out of the yellow zone. I needed to figure out how to reset her. Somehow, I managed to light-up one button marked “RESET”. I pressed it for several seconds. A LED turned from red, to yellow, to green. I stepped back and waited for the booting process to finish.
Victoria couldn’t answer the burning questions. She didn’t know what the settings were on the time-machine. She didn’t recognise the environment either. On her ‘mission’, she managed to collect samples from two other men. After that she can’t recall what happened. Victoria had no idea how she made it to my apartment.
We found the time machine and made a decision to do a ‘calm’ jump to a known place and time. We decided to go to Moqana’s palace in her epoch.
“What does it mean ‘anchor not found’?” Moqana asked of Victoria after failed attempts to activate the port.
“You won’t understand it. Lord Lányx will struggle too. Time travel requires the mastery of 7-dimensional thinking. This world is only 3-dimensional,” Victoria calmly answered
I confirmed with Victoria that the ‘anchor’ was needed for the machine to work properly. Without the ‘anchor’, we were stuck. I raised the suggestion that the ‘anchor’ could have been left in my world, and it sucked the energy from the world. Victoria neither confirmed nor denied my hypothesis.
In the distance, Victoria picked up a sound. I recognised that as ‘vehicles’. We were not in Moqana’s epoch. Now, more than ever Victoria needed to pass the Touring Test. A medical examination Touring test.
I said a curse word. I read the number plates of the 2010’s era vehicles. We were in Moqana’s parallel universe. To top it all, the military came to pick us up! ‘Who will explain the time-machine? No. What if they discover that Victoria is a cyborg? What will they do with her?’
Medical examinations revealed hypothermia and mild dehydration on all three of us. I played dumb during the interrogations. The officers were understanding that I couldn’t produce any form of documentation. Apparently, we were picked up by a freak tornado. It dropped us here.
Moqana did not make it easy for herself. According to the military, her name is sacred. She was accused of insulting the royal family. However, one of the officers was a royal history geek and something was triggered in him. With extreme difficulty, Moqana was able to verbally prove her royal roots. She couldn’t explain her disappearance for two hundred and fifty years!
Local legend had it that Princess Moqana sacrificed herself for the sake of the Queendom. After her disappearance, four very strange white men appeared. They were dressed in an extremely strange cloth. These men delivered the desired genetic material, as predicted by the sorceress ‘Victoria-Nine’.