Out Of Time

"How can I get back the one thing I loved and lost?"

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Growing up, I became interested in space and I blame my mom.  She always had Star Trek or Star Wars on TV.  Mom was also big on aliens. So, as you can imagine, that’s where I was drawn to.  I always imagined being on a shuttle going into space for NASA.

I do work for NASA, but I doubt I will ever get into space.  I work in the IT/Security Dept. Computers run pretty much everything nowadays.  So, if they break, you must have someone to fix it. My job is to keep the computers and laptops operational, making sure any information isn’t readily hacked.  So, my days consisted of going to every department and running diagnostics looking for any problems.

In one of the labs is a cute little redhead named Chelsey.  I’ve known her for over ten years. A few years ago, all her happiness seemed to have left her and she appears to just go through the motions here at work.  I wish I could break her out of her funk, but I have no idea how.  I’m not that comfortable with women after my wife left me for a co-worker three years ago. I’ve almost sworn off women for good. I know they aren’t as bad as my ex.  I must give them a fair shot.  I’ll take it slow and try not to get my heart broken again. 

I’ve been here for five years.  I know everyone on the staff.  I even have a few of the eggheads in the labs come by my house for a BBQ.  I consider a handful of them friends.  Johnny B was one of those eggheads. We were close even before we both got to NASA.  He always liked space and was interested in time travel.  He was so smart he even got some aerospace company to fund his research lab and work with NASA.

He always showed me what he was working on when I stopped in on him with my weekly trips,  this week he showed me his newest invention.  It looks like a diver’s watch with all the accessories on it.  Turns out, he was working on a way to travel through time.  He had two of them.  They could connect or use them separately. 

“Are you kidding me, Johnny?  That is so cool.  How close are you to actually traveling through time?” I asked.

“I’m not sure yet.  I’m still working on a power source.  Seeing the old Star Trek shows with teleporting as well as Quantum Leap and Back to the Future movies inspired me to try this.”

“Those are some great shows and movies.  Can I say I knew you when you become rich and famous from it?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking. If I got my power source worked out, would you want to try it for me?”

“Really? You want me to be your guinea pig?”

“Sure, Bret.  I trust you more than anybody here.  When you get close, I’ll message you and we’ll try it out. Until then, I will show you everything on the watch and what it does” he said as he handed me the second watch.  I put it on to replace my old watch.

“Thanks, buddy.  I’ll take good care of it. Don’t worry about it.”

“I won’t Bret.  I trust you. Besides, you are the only one that knows about it.  My research is on a bigger scale. These watches are the same but scaled down to a single individual or a couple.” I left Johnny to his work and went on with my day.

The next morning, I was getting ready for work, when my watch vibrated and lit up.  I stopped by Johnny’s lab to mention about the watch, but he wasn’t there.  The lights were on, but he wasn’t there.  I’d check on him later in the afternoon.  I left the lab to continue my day of checking the labs.  My next stop was down the hall from Johnny B’s lab.  I could hear voices talking. I was about to pass by and come back later until I heard my name in the conversation and I didn’t want to interrupt,

“Mom, I just can’t go up to Bret and blurt out that I like him an awful lot.  He is still reeling from his wife cheating on him. I don’t want to hurt my friend,  nor do I want to alienate him or push him away from ever getting to know me.  Or even love me like I’ve loved him for so many years now.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. How could I have not seen it?  That explains why she went from happy and cheerful to distant and withdrawn.  It was all my fault. She liked me and I fell in love with someone else and I broke her heart.

Then again, my marriage didn’t turn out right at all.  My wife was cheating on me.  I gave up on our marriage.  I no longer trusted her and filed for divorce.  She fought it, but it was all for nothing.  Her dad had me sign a prenup because he didn’t trust me.  Any infidelity and the scorned party received 75% of all the assets.  He didn’t think his baby girl would end up being the cheater.  That cost her in the end.  She got the house and her car.  She ended up losing the house because she couldn’t keep up with the mortgage payments even though I was paid up three months ahead.  I still can’t figure out how because we make the same amount of money.  I moved into a condo closer to work.  I was lonely but at least I could call it home. 

“Mom, I need to get going.  I’ll call you later when I figure everything out. OK?  Love Ya.”  Hearing Chelsey hang up the phone broke me from my daze.  I walked down the hall and turned around to make it not appear as if I was eavesdropping.  I knocked on her lab door which was slightly cracked open. 

“Come in,” Chelsey said. “Oh, Hi Bret.”  The sound of her voice seemed to perk up when she saw me walking through the door.

“Hi, Chelsey. I’m just running diagnostics on the computers.  I’ll be out of your hair in no time.”

“Take your time, Hun. You’re not bothering me. Oh, sorry about that,”  she said as she turned away blushing.

“Sorry about what?  It’s ok. I understand women sometimes use that word in conversations. Really it’s no big deal.”

“If you’re sure Bret. I just don’t know how to talk to you anymore. You seem distant since you got…”

“Divorced?  You can always talk to me. I am just trying to keep busy. That doesn’t mean I won’t talk to you.  A woman broke my heart. It wasn’t you. I will always talk to you.”

“Really?  Well, if you need to keep your minds off things would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?”

I thought about it for almost a second before I said yes.  I need to get on with my life. Maybe I can start over with Chelsey. I mean I already know she likes me, and I stupidly passed her by to marry my slut wife.

“Yes, I’d like to Chelsey,” I said before she had a chance to renege on the invitation. Just then, the watch that Johnny B gave me lit up and began to vibrate.  “What the hell?” I began to say. I was cut off by the alarms going off on the laptop about a breach and then the explosion coming from Johnny’s lab. “Chelsey, we gotta get out of here,  Give me your hand.” I grabbed her hand and got her safely outside. I told her to stay put and I’d be right back. I ran back in as everyone was evacuating and made my way to Johnny’s lab.

The lab was engulfed in flames, but I ran in anyway. I grabbed a fire extinguisher and started spraying as I looked for Johnny.  I collapsed when someone hit me in the back of the head. I heard voices mumbling before I passed out. I woke up inside an ambulance with Chelsey beside me.

“Where’s Johnny?” I asked.

“He’s gone. There was only one body in the lab when the firefighters dragged you out.  It had to be him. I’m so sorry Bret,” she explained.

For the next month, there was an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Something wasn’t right.  I heard voices in Johnny’s lab and didn’t see anyone.  Plus, my head still hurt from getting hit.  The fire marshal could not find what had hit me in the head.  He seems to think the fire was arson. 

I was seeing Chelsey since that day and we were becoming closer together.  We hadn’t slept together, yet.  But I’m sure it was a matter of time. She has been the happiest I’ve seen her in years.  I don’t want to change that.

Everyone else had just accepted the fact that it was a freak accident but me.  Well, almost everyone.  Chelsey knew I had my doubts and she supported me.  I had asked Chelsey out to dinner. I had a question I wanted to ask her.  I was going to ask her to move in with me.  When I asked, she didn’t hesitate to say yes?  She even asked if she could spend the night. 

We got back to the condo.  As soon as the door closed, Chelsey was all over me. As she kissed me, she began to unbutton my shirt and then ripped it off me. Then, her hands found their way into my jeans.  My cock was throbbing with her touch.  My hands felt her tight round ass.  I pulled her little black dress up and over her head of long red curly hair. 

Chelsey’s bra and panties were as red as her hair,  she looked amazing.  I took her hand and led her to the bed. I sat her down and laid her back and crawled on top of her, kissing every inch that I could.  I slid her panties off and then I felt her bare mound.  My hands felt the warmth of her juices, that were freely flowing from her soft folds. She slightly moaned,

“Mmmmm. Yes, Bret.  Just like that.  I’ve wanted you for so long.  My dream is coming true,” she moaned.  Chelsey closed her eyes and threw her head back.  She had just orgasmed from my touch. 

“Boy was I stupid. Here she was. My dream woman. And I almost let her slip away.  If only I could change the past few years,” I thought to myself.

I tasted Chelsey from my fingers.  I positioned my cock over her velvet tunnel. I kissed her and looked her in the eyes as I slowly penetrated my shaft into her moist, pink folds.  We made love well into the early morning, falling asleep in each other’s arms. I woke to my wrist vibrating and lights flashing on my watch.  I thought it must be malfunctioning until I saw the words scroll across the LED panel.

“911.  Bring Chelsey too. My lab. Johnny B.”

I was in shock. Johnny was dead. Who the hell is sending this? I didn’t want to wake her. She looked like an angel, but I needed to know what was going on. Chelsey didn’t understand but trusted me enough not to ask.  Ten minutes later we walked into his lab.  I was ready to draw my gun that I carried on me.

“Hello, Johnny.  Is anybody here?” 

My watch vibrated again. There was a flash of light that blew up the remaining lights in the lab. Suddenly Johnny was standing right in front of me. He looked a little worse for wear, but he was alive.

“Bret, you’re here.  Thank God”

“Johnny, what the hell?  We thought you were dead.  Your lab exploded. I almost died here too, when I was knocked out.” Chelsey squeezed my hand and winced at the thought of that. 

“It was your ex Janie and her boyfriend.  They were trying to steal the time watch.  I had the power issue fixed.  I caught her snooping in my files when I returned from the first-time travel trip and…”

“Wait!  What?? Time travel?”  Chelsey asked.

“Is that why my watch has been lighting up and vibrating?  So, you really got to travel through time?”

“Yeah. She probably knocked you out to get rid of any evidence of what she did as well as my notes while looking for my watch.  The watches are synced, so when I activated the power you were notified to it as well.”

Johnny explained that he used the watch to go back in time. “Janie was in my lab when I got the power supply to work.  Then she started asking questions about what it was for.  She was attempting to do the same thing but had always hit a dead end.  She was fishing for answers because I wasn’t answering her.  She didn’t pay me.”

“I always thought she was smarter than this. Stealing other people’s work,” I said.

“I was planning to run my first test when no one was around.  I didn’t want any witnesses in case I failed.  Luckily, it worked, and I went back in time a few weeks to talk to myself.  It was really weird talking to myself just like we are doing now.”

“What was it like traveling back in time?”

“It was like a really fast elevator ride but going forward instead of up or down.  I pushed the button on the watch.  The lights flashed like in the Star Wars movies then it stopped, and I was in my lab standing face to face with myself.”

“Well, if you went back in time, whose body was in your lab. Everyone but me thought it was you.”

“Ahem, excuse me? I didn’t think Johnny was dead either.  We had no proof to the contrary.  The coroner had the final say because there was no one to refute his findings,” she said.

“Well, I guess the body is her boyfriend.  She went a little nuts on him.  He didn’t want to go through with their plan, and he was backing out when she hit him on the head.  Then she started grabbing my files and she unknowingly pulled the tube from the gas line.  She was walking out the door when the lab exploded.  I was in the backroom and it protected me from the blast.  I activated the watch again to get the hell out of there. Sorry about making you two worry. But I wasn’t sure who I could trust.”

We snuck Johnny out of the building and into my condo while we figured out what our next step was.  Chelsey said she would go out and grab us dinner. We agreed on pizza and pop.  We needed to keep a clear head.  An hour passed and I started to worry when Chelsey didn’t return.  Her phone went to voicemail.  Johnny knew something was wrong by the look on my face.

I grabbed my keys and opened the door to find a police officer standing there.  He let me know that Chelsey had been killed in a hit and run accident.  I dropped to my knees and began crying.  I know, not real manly but I found love again only to have it snatched away. The officer said they had the suspect in custody. She was with his partner in the patrol car.  I had sprung to my feet and was out the door. In seconds, I was face to face with her killer. It was Janie.  She started spouting out if she couldn’t have me, no one could.

“That little tramp couldn’t love you as I do.” She shouted through the partially opened window.  Staring blankly at her I slowly walked to the patrol car door.  With a swift kick, I busted the window and was lunging for Janie. I wasn’t going to let her get away with this.

Johnny grabbed me and took me back to the condo. Then he went back and talked to the officers. They agreed to not press charges and they were taking Janie downtown to book her for suspicion of murder.

“Why the hell did you stop me?  If I can’t have Chelsey, I don’t want to live.  I’d rather rot in jail for killing Janie than have her live to very old age.”

“Bret, I have a plan. You just need to trust me.  You’ll get everything you want.”

“It’s not possible. Chelsey’s dead. I can’t bring her back.”

“Yes, you can.  With my help, you can.”

I left Johnny at the kitchen table and walked to my bedroom. Alone.  I would be alone again.  I laid on my bed. I was totally numb.  I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I woke up to my watch vibrating again.  that brought me out of my stupor.  Johnny was using the watch again. I jumped out of bed to find Johnny.

“Bret, I’m here buddy.  I just got back from setting up my plan. Go grab a shower and change of clothes.  We have a lot of work to do.”

I trusted him fully. I did what he told me to do, so I had to suck it up and get moving. If he could get back the love of my life, I was in with the plan.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Where are we going?”

“We’re going to right a lot of wrongs today.  Now, turn your watch on and set the date to match mine.”

“You mean we’re going back in time?  What are we going to fix, Johnny?  I don’t know if I am up to this.  Too much has happened.”

“Bret, you need this.  I will help you get out of this black hole you’re in.”

After talking with Johnny for about an hour, he finally got me to agree to go along with his plan.  It was a crazy idea and he believed it would work. 

“Well, here goes nothing,” I thought to myself.

We set our watches to date five years in the past.it was before I met my ex-wife. I was still working at NASA. We looked at each other and nodded.  We activated our watches simultaneously.  They lit up and started vibrating. My body started to feel hot. It got bright, my body lunged forward,  and the lights flashed making it look like I was in the middle of a meteor shower.

Within seconds both Johnny and I were transported back in time five years ago.  It was surreal to see things that were surrounding us that had already happened. Once we found a safe spot to talk, Johnny let me in on part of his plan.  He made plans with the National Guard.  Within an hour of Janie being charged with murder, they were putting her in custody and transferring her to Area 51. There she would spend the rest of her life confined to the highly classified facility known to occupy alien spacecraft supposedly recovered at Roswell.  She has no chance of ever leaving.  Hearing that settled my nerves a little bit.  There was still a hole left in my heart from Chelsey dying.

After Johnny told me that news, we headed towards NASA and then his lab.  Once there he let me in on the rest of his plan.  On his previous trip to the past, he planned for the past Johnny and Bret to be away from the lab so people wouldn’t see two of either of us at the same time. He sent me towards Chelsey’s lab. 

I went to Chelsey’s lab.  I needed to see her, to talk to her.  To hold her but, that would be too much too soon.  This Chelsey had no clue we were a couple or even how I really felt about her. 

“Hey, Chelsey. How are you doing today?” I asked.  I just needed to hear her voice.

“I’m great Bret.  I’m glad you stopped to see me. I need to ask you something kind of personal.”

“Go ahead. Ask away.  I have no secrets from you.”

“Are you sure, Bret?”


“Would you like to take me out to dinner tonight?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.  I’d love to Chelsey.  Six o’clock good for you?” 

“Six works for me.  Oh, I must take this call.  I will see you tonight,”  she said as she answered her phone call.

I walked out of the lab and thought about how lucky I was.  Then, I came to the conclusion that Johnny had something to do with this.  He really is a good friend to me. I got to Johnny’s lab and helped him with the rest of his plan.  He still didn’t fill me in completely. After that, we headed out for the rest of the day.

I got to Chelsey’s about ten minutes early. I couldn’t wait to see her again. I knocked on the door and heard Chelsey yell from inside to come in. I slowly opened the door and walked in.

“Chelsey?  Are you ready?”

“Bret, I’m upstairs.  Is it ok if we change plans?  Something came up.”

“Oh, I see.  Yeah, I guess we can change plans.  I’ll call you later to reschedule,” I said disappointedly.  I’m sure she heard the disappointment in my voice.  That’s when she came barreling down the steps.

“Wait!  What?  You’re leaving?  Hold on a minute. Don’t go anywhere,” Chelsey yelled.

She came rushing down the stairs.  Her red hair was in a perfect French braid.  Her white dress hugged her curves in the right spots. There was a slit up the side which showed a lot of her leg and thigh.  She had a great looking ass too.  She looked hotter than I’ve ever seen her before. 

She ran to me as she hit the bottom step and grabbed hold of my arm.  She pulled me into her and kissed me full on the lips.  Her arms were wrapped around me holding me tight as her hands slid down and grabbed my ass, as her tongue found the inside of my mouth. Chelsey pulled herself off me.  She was grinning at me like a Cheshire cat.  She grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to her bedroom.

“Wait, Chelsey.  What’s going on? First, you want to go to dinner. Then our plans change.  You kissed me and now we’re headed to your bedroom.”

“Shhhh,” Chelsey said as she put a finger over my lips.  “It’s all part of the plan. Just go with it, Bret.  Things will work out fine.” She grabbed my hand again as we made our way to her bedroom.

We sat on the edge of the bed, kissing each other deeply. Our tongues moving in and out of each other’s mouth.  My lips kissed Chelsey’s lips then trailed down her neck. Chelsey threw back her head and moaned as we continued to make out. 

“Oh, Bret. Yes.  Don’t stop, Please.  I’ve wanted this for so long.” Chelsey got up off the bed and turned to face me.  My hands started at Chelsey’s stocking-clad legs and moved up.  My fingers slid under her dress and pulled it up and over her head.  We started kissing as I lay her down on the bed. I slid her panties off and kissed her inner thighs as she pulled me up to her.

“You are so sexy, Chelsey.  I want you so bad,” I whispered in her ear.

“Take me, Bret.  Make love to me,” she said as she pulled me closer.  I moved up to look at her in the eyes while my cock teased her wet mound. Chelsey moaned louder as we kissed and rubbed each other’s waiting bodies. 

“Chelsey. Are you sure you’re ready?” I nervously asked.

“Yes, Bret.  I’ve only ever wanted you.”

I kissed her as my cock slid into her soft folds.  She gasped at first.  After that, it was oohs and ahhs as we pleased each other.  I started thrusting faster and harder. Chelsey wrapped her legs around me.  She wasn’t letting me out of her grasp.

“Chelsey, I’m going to cum soon,” I warned her. My balls tingled and my cock was getting harder. Chelsey dug her nails into my back, holding me tight as the sounds of flesh hitting flesh echoed in the room. 

“Cum, Bret.  I need to feel you in me.  Don’t make me wait any longer.  I’m…. Oh my God!  Bret, I’m cumming!  Yes! I’m cumming!” Her pussy tightened around my cock as it flooded my cock.  The sensation of her pussy clenching my cock made me lose my seed deep in her.

“I’m cumming Chelsey.  Yes! Oh, fuck yes!” I moaned.

After our orgasms subsided, I looked her in the eyes.  I started to say something,  but she cut me off.

“I love you too,” she said.   I know you did before we made love. She kissed me gently on the lips.  “Bret, I know everything.”

“What are you talking about?  Everything what?”

“Bret, Johnny met with me a few days ago and explained everything.  I did think he was a crazy scientist until he showed me proof.  Believe it or not, this is part of the plan.  I had to fast forward a little bit because you were ready to bolt without giving me the chance to explain,” she said as she got up and started packing an overnight bag. 

“Where are you going?”

“Not me.  We are going on a one-way trip. But everyone will think I am leaving for a classified NASA experiment.” I still had a puzzled look on my face. I was trying to put the pieces of Johnny’s and now Chelsey’s plans together.  But I was still missing a few.  “Bret, we are out of time. We have to go.”

Chelsey saw me trying to figure out everything and brought me out of my daze with a kiss.

“How are we out of time?” I asked.  My brain finally caught up with my body. Chelsey sighed at me, leaned over, and kissed me.  Then, proceeded to explain the rest of their plan

 “Why keep me in the dark?  It would have been easier if I knew what was going on.”

“I needed to know firsthand how you feel about me before I let you know what we would do.  I didn’t want to regret my decision with you.”

“You won’t regret your decision to be with me,” I said as I grabbed her bag from her to let her finish getting dressed.  I sat the bag down to finish dressing.  Ten minutes later we were on our way to NASA to meet with Johnny in the lab.  He looked at Chelsey and then me and smiled.  “Are you two ready to go home?”

“More than you know,” I said.

Johnny set the watch and synced it with mine.  “Wait.  Will it work with only two watches and three people?” I asked nervously.

“No, it won’t.  I only have enough power for one person per watch.  It doesn’t matter. You two are leaving together. I’ll be fine.  Everything is set for your return.  Take care and get out of here. I’ll see you soon,” Johnny said as he put his watch on Chelsey’s wrist.  She listened to his instructions. She still looked nervous, so I took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.  Johnny gave her a hug and then turned to me.  We shook hands and shared a bro hug.

“Thanks for everything Johnny.  I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“Look me up when you get home.”    

I held Chelsey’s hand up as Johnny activated both our watches.  Within seconds we were transported back to the present-day at my condo.  We ended up making love all night long.  We were awakened by a knocking at the door.  I opened the door and had a Deja Vu.  Once again, I was staring at a police officer.  He had some questions about the accident.  I informed him some of his information was wrong.  It wasn’t Chelsey that was killed in the accident.  It was her twin sister, Angie.  I told him I was tricked by Angie after she stole Chelsey’s identity.  Chelsey had gotten back in town when she discovered what Angie had done.  The officer accepted our story along with the paperwork Johnny had provided us.  The officer said Janie had been taken into custody by the National Guard and they have no idea where she was transported to.  We closed the door when the officer left. 

We had been home for about a week. Chelsey was getting to know everyone at work.  We had been getting closer each day and night.  She had healed my hurt from Janie’s actions.  We put that in the past and have no plans to visit them ever.  The future is all we need.

I had bought an engagement ring for Chelsey the day we got back.  I know she was more than a friend to me.  She was my soulmate.  I planned on making her my wife as soon as I could.  I only wish I could thank Johnny for all he did to get us back together.  I never had enough time to thank him properly.  That’s when I felt my watch vibrate and light up.  I looked at the dresser.  The second watch is sitting right there in front of me.  I guess I’m no longer out of time for anything in my life. 


Published 5 years ago

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