Friday evening arrives, and I’m wracked with nerves. I’m going to strip in the club for the first time. Thankfully I only have to repeat the same performance from last week with Jacob and the other guy, Craig. I’ll then spend the rest of the night trying to do private shows which will be the challenging part. My personality and charisma will affect how well I do, and I’ll need to flirt with people I don’t even find attractive.
I’ve also found out that Selena has taken me up on the offer of a VIP experience, so that’s another source of my worries. Liam had liked the idea and saw it as a good opportunity for him to speak to her again, but I know if it doesn’t work out tonight then we’ll have to move on. I’m not sure if I’m ready to say goodbye.
I’m already on the stage by the time she arrives. I’d been watching the entrance, anxiously the entire time. I spot her out of the corner of my eye as I remove my belt. It seems she’s brought some girlfriends with her, which is fine by me. Liam approaches her and takes her to the seats he’d reserved at the nearest table.
A man wearing a sexy waiter’s outfit pours out some glasses of champagne, and she starts giggling, clearly enjoying the experience. I’m unable to hear anything she is saying over the loudness of Def Leppard’s Pour some sugar on me, but I try to read her face as she speaks to Liam. From what I can tell, she seems to be in high spirits.
I skim my eyes over her. She looks stunning in a velvet, wine red wiggle dress that barely contains her breasts and black high heels with her hair down. The belt nips in her waist, increasing her curvaceous appearance, the kind of look that brings out a primal instinct in me to claim her. I will need to pull out all the stops to appeal and get her back into our bed.
Her eyes glance up and meet mine. I continue to hold her gaze as I perform as if it’s only for her. A friend next to her whispers in her ear and she nods and gestures for something big then laughs. I think she’s just told them she has slept with me.
I remove my shirt and move it between my legs suggestively then throw it towards her table. One of her friends snatches up the shirt and squeals in excitement. My hands run down my body, then I remove my trousers which I throw at her table again. My erection strains inside my pants. Her friend then repeats the gesture she’d done. My cock is definitely being spoken about. I feel smug, and I can’t help but smirk at her. I could actually get used to doing this.
The music ends, and I slide off the stage and sit on her table.
“So are you ready for that lap dance baby girl?”
“Can my friends come?” she asks, playing with her hair shyly.
I glance over them. They all seem nervous with me so close and wearing so little. I had hoped to have some privacy with Selena, off the clock, so to speak, to be extra naughty, which isn’t usually allowed.
“Sure thing babe,” I respond, containing my disappointment.
I take her by the hand and lead her to a private room. The lack of door is irritating, but I’m not above using Liam’s office to fuck her with his blessing if it seals the deal.
I hover over Selena’s lap and gyrate. She looks embarrassed, but I lift her hands to my chest and kiss her briefly. As I graze my lip against hers, I stroke under her jaw. With any luck, I’ll entice her and have her begging to be with me by the time I’m through.
Just as she begins to sigh, I move to one of her friends who seems really eager for some attention. She grabs at my arse and pulls me closer as I dance for her too. I turn to consider Selena’s face to see if she’s jealous, which to my delight, she appears to be as she looks away towards the floor.
The other friend seems reluctant, so I keep my distance. It’s Selena’s roommate, and she obviously remembers me. I return to Selena.
Facing her, I put her hands on my hips then slowly, I lower my underwear until it drops onto the floor, unsheathing my penis. Her roommate seems embarrassed, and she walks out, leaving just Selena and her other friend.
I finish my private show for them moments later, and by this point, they’re giggling. I move out of the way to let them leave, but Selena stops and touches my arm, looking up into my face.
“I think I want some private time with you,” she murmurs.
“You know you don’t need to pay for that. If you say yes to being with us, you’ll get all the time in the world with me.”
“I want to pay for now. I’ll make my decision after.”
I take the token reluctantly, but I finally have her alone. I leave my underwear off and give her an entirely naked lap dance as she freely touches me. My lips end up on hers and move to her neck. Her perfume hits me again. I need to restrain myself. I want her, but I can’t take it further than this. Liam doesn’t care about me sleeping with her, but with me wearing my heart on my sleeve, I’m going to get hurt if this doesn’t go anywhere. There can’t be any more casual sex between us. She has to say yes to both of us.
The time passes quickly, and she appears to want more of me as we pull away from our kiss. I linger above her lap, expectantly.
“What’s your answer?” I ask quietly, not sure if I’m ready for disappointment.
She chews her lip indecisively.
“Umm, I need to get a drink… I’m not sure…”
I back off instantly and pull on my underwear. I feel like I’m being dragged along. I’m also mad at Liam for shoving me into this position in the first place.
“Find me later when you’ve decided. I gotta work,” I respond, dismissively.
I don’t want to come across as mean, but it isn’t fair. I feel like I’m being pimped out. If she doesn’t want to be involved with Liam, then it’s best that we just move on and found someone else. We’re wasting each others time, and I don’t want to be a part of it anymore.
As I leave, I bump straight into Liam. I shake my head at him and go to walk past.
“What happened? Did she say no?”
“Liam, she still doesn’t know. I think we should just move on. We can’t give her what she wants. She also deserves someone better than us. Just give up Liam.”
“Did you sleep with her again?”
“Are you crazy?! In ten minutes?! Like a shit shag like that would make her want to stick around…”
“I’m going to talk to her.”
“Just leave her to it. We don’t need her. You’ve got me, and I’m not getting emotionally involved with people who don’t know what they want.”
“You like her already don’t you?”
“As if it isn’t obvious? I don’t want to continue being involved if she’s just going to disappear off in a week or so.”
“I’m going to talk to her. I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to ease her worries.”
“Fine but I need to get to work. I’m literally standing here losing money right now.”
I try to avoid thinking about Selena as I work. I get quite a lot of interest and manage to do well for my first day. It’s odd having tokens thrust at me and having people watching me, but I know I’ll get used to it eventually. I kinda like the attention.
I take my break to have some water and a rest. Some women had got quite handsy and left scratch marks, but it isn’t a huge deal. I’m more bothered by the feeling that I might have upset Selena with my behaviour. I didn’t mean to snap, but I’m feeling fragile. I shouldn’t be rushing her.
Liam comes up to me.
“So I spoke to her. You’re taking her on a date tomorrow.”
“Oh, what the fuck?! Why me again?!”
“Because I said so, Matthew. I’m far too busy for that.”
“You literally sit around naked all day on a Saturday.”
“Well, I’m busy doing that then. You’re taking her for a nice dinner, cinema whatever she wants with flowers, and then you’re bringing her back for some fun.”
“So, did she say yes then?”
“Yes, on the provision she’s treated like a girlfriend.”
“But why me when we’re both involved?”
“Because she has a clear preference for you, Matthew.”
“Well, I’m going back to work…” I reply, rising to my feet from my chair.
“No, you’re not. You’re sober, so you’re driving Selena and her friends back. Her friend drank too much so the sooner they’re gone, the better. Fuck her if you want, but you’re doing it.”
“Liam, you’re being a shitty boyfriend right now…” I snap.
He gives me a smug look in response. I’m not being given a choice. I quickly get changed then, come out looking for Selena. Liam gestures towards the toilets.
Several women, I danced for earlier recognise me and try to offer me more tokens to strip again, but I apologise and tell them I’ll be back next week.
I knock on the toilet door, and Selena comes out.
“My friend has been sick. Sorry!”
“Is she finished now?” I ask.
“Yeah, I think so…”
“Well, I’m going to drive you home.”
“Don’t you have to work?”
“No, I’m done for the night.”
“I’ll just go and get her,” she smiles.
As Selena and her roommate help the other girl out of the toilets, I stick my finger up at Liam. He hadn’t told me she was that level of drunk. I’ll probably end up paying for it later, but I’m too mad to care.
“Fuck you, Liam!” I mouth, as we leave.
There’s is no way this girl isn’t going to puke in my car. I’m going to have to get it professionally cleaned. My stress level rises as I open the car door and help her friend into the back with her roommate. Selena then joins me in the front.
“Tonight was wild!” Selena yells. “And everyone saw my boyfriend’s penis!”
I glance over to her, and she shrugs at me, grinning happily.
“Yeah, that was so weird, no offence.” Her roommate says.
“None taken,” I reply. It is weird.
“Wow. I’m really dating a stripper,” Selena sighs.
“You’re not going to be doing it tonight, are you?” The roommate asks, sounding annoyed.
“Well… Matthew?”
“We don’t have to. I’m quite tired,” I reply, skimming over her body. She still looks fucking hot.
“No, I want to. Maybe in your car?”
“That’s far too much info! Eww.”
“Sex is not eww, Erin. You sound like a virgin?” Selena quips.
“I’m just waiting for the right person.”
“You could be waiting for years. You should get laid. It’s amazing!”
“Oh, can we go to the drive-through? I’m hungry.” Erin asks, changing the subject.
“That sounds so good right now! Matt?” Selena asks, batting her eyelashes.
I take the upcoming turning so they can order some food. Liam really owes me for this.
“Did you want something, baby?” she asks.
“No, I’m good. I really have to watch what I eat, unfortunately,” I grumble. My vice is delicious, greasy food which Liam has banned me from eating.
The food arrives, and they start eating in my car. I feel like I’m being tortured as I fight against ordering two bacon cheeseburgers and a large fries. Selena switches on my cd player and Led Zeppelin blasts out. I turn it down.
“Oh my god, you like Led Zep?” she asks excitedly raising her hand into a high five. “Don’t leave me hanging.”
As she smiles expectantly at me, I realise I need to ease up.
“Of course I like Led Zep,” I grin.
“Oh my god, I’ve literally found the perfect boyfriend. We need to go to some gigs. That’ll be so much fun!”
“You know I can play guitar, right?”
“Really?! No fucking way… you’re like so hot right now.”
I smile, happy that she’s happy. We have a shared interest, and she did agree to see us as long as I put the effort in to properly date her.
When we arrive at the campus, we help her friend to her own room then walk back to my car hand in hand.
On the back seat of my car, I peel her dress off, and she fucks me whilst we continue to listen to music. I grab a fist of her wild, red hair and watch as her ample breasts bounce as she rides me. It feels exhilarating and risky doing it somewhere we can be seen, and I cum hard as she tips her head back and shudders around me.
“Mmm, baby girl. That felt so good,” I whisper in her ear as she lays against me.
“Want to come inside and annoy Erin?” she smiles mischievously.
I stroke her bottom lip with my thumb. I could easily have sex with her all night, but Liam would probably expect me back soon. I kiss her gently.
“I need to head home for Liam. I’ll be seeing you tomorrow for our date though.”
Her eyes light up with excitement.
“Oh, yes! I can’t wait.”
“Good, because I’m going to date the hell out of you sweetheart.”
I walk her back to her dorm and kiss her goodbye at her door. I now have a girlfriend as well, and I’m not entirely sure what to think. As much as I enjoy spending time with her and how amazing the sex is, I’m not convinced that this won’t become messy.
I sink into the bed as soon as I make it home. Liam isn’t anywhere to be seen. I hoped he’d punish me for swearing at him, but disappointedly that doesn’t seem to be happening tonight.
When I awaken the next morning, I find Liam sleeping in the bed next to me. I hadn’t even noticed him come in. I check the time on the alarm clock and see that it’s already nine, I’m meant to be picking Selena up at eleven. I give him a gentle kiss on his shoulder and get up to shower and dress.
She’s waiting outside when I pull up, dressed casually in skinny jeans and a Roxy t-shirt. I open the door for her, and she gets in with a huge grin on her face. Leaning to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, I then hand her the bouquet of gerberas I’d picked up last minute from a petrol station. She deserves better than this, but it is a last-minute date.
“Hmm, they’re pretty enough, but they’re not my favourite flowers,” she teases.
“I guess I’ll have to keep buying you flowers until I find your favourites,” I smile.
“Let’s see how long it takes you then,” she beams, happily.
She puts her seatbelt on then I pull away. I don’t know why I made such a big deal over this last night. It is nice to get out, and I do enjoy her company. I just feel bad that I don’t get to do these kinds of things with Liam and I can’t help but feel like I’m cheating somehow when I flirt with her.
“How is your friend by the way?” I ask, remembering last night.
“Oh, Jess? She messaged me saying she had a bad hangover, but she’ll be fine.”
“So where do you want to go? I’m yours for the entire day.”
“Hmm? Would it be bad if I said I wish we could spend the day in bed?”
“You shouldn’t wish for something like that with me. I would tire you. And there’s Liam to think of as well.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” she sighs. “Cinema?”
“Sounds good. What film do you wanna see?”
“The day after tomorrow?”
“Anything you want.”
“So what’s going to be my pet name?” she suddenly asks.
“Well I thought it’ll come naturally, but I’m to be addressed as Sir. Liam is Master. Never get that wrong.”
“What would happen if I misbehaved?”
“I would put you over my knee and spank you. Unlike Liam, I don’t take a great deal of pleasure from dishing out pain so I would prefer if you were a good girl. Your enjoyment is just as important as my own. If you feel like you need some love or hugs, then I’m your man. Liam, not so much. He takes what he wants.”
“Yes, I’ve noticed that. I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be. Use your safeword, and you’ll be fine.”
“I don’t want to disappoint him.”
“You won’t. I’m the only one who can possibly disappoint him,” I sigh.
We arrive at the cinema, and I park up. I open the door for her and then I grasp her hand, and entwine my fingers with hers. If she wants the boyfriend experience, then she’s going to get it. I’ll take what I’m missing out on with Liam from her. I suspect this is the reason he volunteered me.
Our seats end up being near the back. Her hand is on my leg the instant I sit down, and she starts sliding up to my zipper brazenly.
“Easy, there’s plenty of time for that later,” I groan as I feel myself already straining against my trousers.
“I want to tease you now…” she pouts.
“If you do that I will take you straight to my car and fuck you in broad daylight. I can’t guarantee we won’t have an audience.”
Her hand returns to near my knee, and I offer her some popcorn with a smile. Selena definitely isn’t a good submissive from what I’ve seen so far. She behaves around Liam, but with me, she acts differently. Liam may end up with a problem on his hands if what I suspect happens to be true.
When the film ends, we head back to the car in silence. Selena isn’t her usual chatty self. As she puts on her seatbelt, I decide to break the ice and lean over to kiss her gently on the lips.
“What’s wrong, Selena?”
“Are we going back to yours now?”
“No, unless you want to?”
“Can we stay out just a little longer? I want to stay with just you right now.”
“Because I like you a lot. I don’t want to share you right now with him.”
“Oh? That’s interesting. You said you enjoyed watching us the other week?”
“I did but can I have you to myself again sometime?”
“I don’t know… It depends on whether Liam allows it.”
I kiss her again. I’m not sure what I’m thinking. I enjoy being here with her today but I can’t become too emotionally involved. Liam is my primary partner, and I’m not convinced this will work out long term.
I switch on my CD player as I continue to kiss her and Killswitch Engage comes on. Selena smiles in recognition. I’d remembered her having the band poster on her wall, and the sappy side of me wanted to impress.
“I love this album,” she announces gleefully.
“You do? What a coincidence. It’s not my favourite, but it’s easy listening,” I smile.
“Easy listening?! This is really heavy!”
“Heavy?! Well, I’ve got some stuff to show you then. I’ll give you heavy next time.”
“Is that a promise?”
“Yeah, sure.”
She leans forward and kisses me again, her tongue roams into my slightly parted mouth, and I take a sharp intake of breath. I feel like we’ve crossed a boundary by doing this. I need to get used to the idea of being with more than one person.
Selena glances at my face and down to my evident arousal. She reacts with a grin, but I can’t help it. Gently I push her away and straighten myself up. Liam is at home, waiting for us and I don’t want to keep him waiting.
“Let’s go back. I want you,” she smiles as she places her hand on my leg.
We pull up to the driveway and Selena seems to be over most of her nerves. I hold her hand and walk her to the front door. I do wish we could have had some more time together just to get to know each other better. She is easy to talk to, and I feel like I can relax a lot more around her. Sitting down and chatting about music is highly appealing.
Liam opens the door wide with his Cheshire cat grin then walks us both up to the playroom. I follow him in first and stand behind him. I notice he’s set up a camera on a tripod this time.
As soon as she’s inside, he presents her with a shiny, red collar which he fastens around her neck. I’m thankful that he hadn’t planned to collar her in the same way he did to me. His hands move to her hair which he quickly ties back. To my surprise, he then pushes her towards me and guides her down to her knees. As much as I want to have sex with her, I want to be gentle. We’d had a nice date, and I’m not in the mood for rough sex immediately.
“Do it,” he mouths at me as I hesitate.
Reluctantly I unzip my jeans then I guide her mouth to me, gently resting my hand on the back of her head. She sucks on me enthusiastically. I sigh as my pleasure rapidly increases whilst Liam watches.
After a few minutes, he moves to his rack to get something. He returns with rope and binds her hands behind her back. A spreader is attached to her ankles. She smiles, and it also reaches her eyes as she gazes up at me. She does actually enjoy this. I relax and deep throat her as I tighten my grip on her ponytail.
On her knees, he starts to fuck her whilst she pleases me. I meet his eyes briefly, but they’re cold right now. I long for some contact with him after disappearing off from our bed early. I reach out to try to hold his hand, but he ignores it. He isn’t in an affectionate mood like me.
Playtime ends with us all in bed together. We had worn Selena out, passing her between each other. She rests with her head on my chest. Her preference is painfully obvious.
“So what shall we call her?” Liam asks.
“I don’t know. Babygirl? Little one?”
“No. Definitely not that one,” I reply, reminded of Louise. “Princess?”
“Do I look like some kind of white knight Dom to you?!” He snaps.
“No,” I reply. I know I have to be careful to not antagonise him with some quick remark.
“I thought that was my name when you’re angry with me?”
“Little slut?”
“Selena’s too nice for a name like that. Doll? This is so hard! Please just pick something for us.”
“You’re the one who’s been fucking her like a rabbit. You should choose it…Hmm. Rabbit?”
“We do fuck like rabbits…”
“Then it’s decided. She really does seem to like you.”
“It’s only because I’ve spent more time with her, plus I don’t have eyes that flash like lasers constantly. You need to tone that back with her.”
“Are you telling me how to behave?!” he growls.
“No, I just want this to work.”
“Do you prefer her to me?”
“No. I love you, Liam,” I reply firmly.
He seems happy with my response as a smile spreads across his face.
“Come, let’s leave her here and play Lover,” Liam smirks.
I slide out from under her, careful to not wake her up then I follow Liam to his bedroom. He’s prepared his bed with a black, PVC sheet. My heart races and adrenaline starts pumping through me, instantly recognising what kind of scene he has planned. This is something new between us. I didn’t even know he had this kind of kink.
I do as I’m told, and he moves behind me to put on my collar. I’m finding it hard to contain my excitement, but I feel anxious too. My heart continues to pound within my chest.
He lowers the blinds then lights some candles near the bed. This has become increasingly more romantic, unlike our usual playtime. The pounding in my heart eases as I watch him return to me.
“A birdy told me that you’re really into other forms of edge play. As a celebration for us finding our new toy, I want to give you a treat,” he whispers.
“Thank you, Master,” I respond quietly as he strokes my hair affectionately.
“Now lay down.”
I eagerly do as I’m told and climb onto the cool sheeting. He tightens leather restraints to my wrists to fasten me down to the bed.
“Why are we in your bed, Master?” I ask, unsure of why we’re doing this here and not in the playroom.
“Because you’ve been a good boy, my love. You deserve this. It isn’t a punishment,” he smiles, warmly.
He picks up a black box from beside his bed. I hadn’t noticed it there earlier this morning. My mood had been ebbing, confused about how being affectionate towards another wasn’t emotionally cheating, but now I feel elated. This wasn’t the bed we usually do anything in, and it feels like an honour to be here.
He lays out several hypodermic needles, antiseptic wipes and a sharps box on a metal tray, then snaps on some black nitrile gloves. I had longed to do things like this because I found it so intimate, but I hadn’t broached it. When Charlotte did it that time, after she gave me my piercings, I’d never felt closer to her. I now get to experience it for the first time with my Master.
He straddles me then uses a wipe to prepare my skin. I watch him with fascination as he removes the covering from one of the needles then pinches the skin on my chest between his thumb and forefinger. I quickly breathe in then exhale as he swiftly passes the needle cleanly through. The sharp pinching sensation is only momentary, but it’s pleasant.
The scent of caramel, vanilla, charred oak and smoke; the aroma of bourbon, begins to surround us from the candles, intoxicating me. As my gaze briefly meets his, I can see that his eyes are burning with adoration. This is an act of love, not malice. I feel myself fall further for him as he demonstrates his care and attention for me.
He repeats the insertion of needles, mirroring them on each side in relative silence. My gentle gasps as the needles penetrate through my skin so intimately is the only thing that can be heard. His hands touch me so delicately, and I wish he didn’t have gloves on so I could feel the slight coolness from his fingers against my skin.
Increasingly the warm, tingle around the needles becomes more of a delicious throb as a wider area is covered with many needles laid closely together. I feel almost euphoric as endorphins and dopamine flows through me, making me high. I glance down at the pattern and see a wing-like shape covering my chest up to my collar bone. It’s beautiful.
“Finished, Lover! Thirty-six needles to mark every day we’ve had together so far,” he says, whilst taking some photographs.
“Thank you, Master,” I respond, feeling emotional. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he smiles. “I’d cover your entire body if I could.”
“You can do anything you want with me. I’m yours entirely.”
He appears to be considering my body beneath him.
“Do you think you could handle more Lover?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Good. I probably enjoy this more than your ex-mistress did so if you can cope with it, we can try some more advance areas?”
As I nod enthusiastically, he starts wiping my thighs clean in preparation. The slow, gentle process of him invasively sticking needles through my skin continues, and I feel calm, almost zen-like as my high feeling increases. I’ve never felt so in tune and relaxed as I listen to my steady, quiet breathing, even as I feel the coolness of an antiseptic wipe on my penis.
I glance up at my Master who’s sitting between my outstretched legs and see that his eyes are now hooded. An intent look comes across his face as he lifts my legs over his own, spreading me further. He’s in Dom space. Finally, we make eye contact again, and I sigh. I fully submit myself to him, and I feel like we’ve become in sync with each other as I trust him with what he’s going to do next.
I look up to the ceiling and inhale the scent from the candles, deeply. I don’t know if he chose this specifically for me, but I feel so comforted during this almost spiritual experience. I don’t think we’ve ever been closer than at this precise moment. I gasp as the first needle is inserted, but it’s a good pain. A brief flash that lingers in a wave. Continuously, he works down the epidermis of my shaft, as I close my eyes and breathe. I feel overwhelmingly happy and giddy like I’m on drugs.
He kisses my abdomen beneath my navel then moves to lay next to me. With his hands ungloved, he strokes my cheek and above my brow as he kisses me. Our kiss increases in urgency and I open myself up to him. His breath feels hot, and I taste mint as his tongue slides against mine.
I groan from the intensity of his firm, passionate caresses against my lips. I want him, I need him right now. His mouth travels to my neck, and he nibbles and leaves love bites there whilst I continue to gasp out as I feel his tongue against my skin.
“Mmm, Master… that’s so good,” I sigh.
He sits up and snaps on a new set of gloves then gently taps the needles on the underside of my cock, and I experience a flash of pain which makes me moan. I’m so incredibly turned on.
“Does that hurt?” he asks, smiling.
He taps again.
“Ah, fuck!” I utter.
“Is that nice, Lover?”
“Yes, Master!”
Liam kisses my lips then places a satiny blindfold over my eyes. I feel his tongue and mouth at my balls as he kisses me there whilst he manipulates the needles by tugging on them slightly. I groan as he continues to give me bursts of pain, and my pleasure increases from the combination of them both.
There’s more pain, and I begin to realise he has now moved on to removing the needles from this part of my body. I try to stay relaxed for him despite the sharp stinging sensation as they’re pulled out.
Suddenly I feel the sensation of his tongue lapping against my sensitive skin moving upwards. He’s rough with me, as he concentrates his attention on the tip. I pull against my restraints, trying to escape the intensity. It feels so amazingly good, though, and I groan loudly.
“Does it feel good?”
“Master, please… more. Mmm.”
I feel his cock enter me, and he starts thrusting as he grips my hips and pulls me further onto him, making love to me. I’m in complete and utter ecstasy, everything feeling heightened from what we’ve just done.
My head tips backs and I cry out loudly as I cum. Liam’s lips are on mine as he groans and spills himself inside me. He removes the mask, and my heart starts to pound as he presses his forehead against mine and gazes intensely into my eyes. Our connection has deepened again, and I begin to cry.
“Oh my god!” Selena says from across the room.
Liam’s face flashes briefly with horror at being interrupted at a time like this.
“Stay there.” Liam orders, withdrawing quickly from me.
We should have locked the door. I look over to Selena, her face is crimson with embarrassment for what she has witnessed. Our eyes meet, and the image of my dad’s look of terror comes back to me from December. Suddenly I feel shame.
Tears start to flow down my face as Liam undoes the cuffs. This had been an emotionally charged situation, and Selena has interrupted us before Liam could move on to aftercare. He pulls me to him in an embrace, and I sob into his neck, feeling raw and exposed.
“Leave, Selena!” he shouts.
His hand strokes my hair as he holds me against him. I can’t hold back and begin to cry freely.
“I’m sorry, Liam.”
“Shh, it’s not your fault.”
Liam gently removes the hypodermic needles from my skin as tears continue to fall down my face.
He holds me against his chest for some time as I cry. Selena had been horrified. This had been a step too far for her. After seeing us in the bath last week and now seeing me covered in needles, it would be too much. She’ll think I’m a freak.
“I’m going to speak to Selena. Rest here, and I’ll be back later,” Liam finally says.
He blows the candles out then chucks the bedding back on to the bed. I bury myself in the duvet as he leaves, and I continue to cry until I eventually fall asleep, too exhausted and weak to stay awake any longer.
When I wake up, the room is much darker. I must have ended up sleeping for several hours, but Liam hasn’t returned yet.
It’s completely silent as I make my way to the playroom to check for them there. I push the door open and see them both curled up in the bed together. I don’t know what happened whilst I was asleep, but I crawl into the bed and cuddle against Liam’s back, needing his comfort.
I’m not feeling great the next morning, and I mope at the kitchen counter. I eat some cereal in silence as I watch Selena flirt with Liam. It’s strange seeing her act differently with him. Still, I also feel some kind of relief about that source of conflict seemingly being resolved. Whatever happened between them yesterday whilst I was sleeping had been a good thing despite how jealous I now feel.
I then stare at my phone and the date on it; The twenty-sixth of June, my daughters first birthday. Yesterday and now this, layered by sub drop has made me feel irritable. I’m in no mood to play with either one of them today.
After I finish eating, both of them try to get me involved in a session, but I walk out to the orangery and exit into the garden. I walk up the slope seeking peace and quiet from the canoodling lovers. The only time Liam cuddled with me was after a play session to try to ward off some of the effects from all the hormones rushing through me. It wasn’t freely given.
I sit down on the bench, thinking about what Rebekah is probably doing. I had hoped to have found her by now, but there hadn’t been any news. The wound gapes larger than anything Liam could do to me, and I would never forgive Louise for the hurt she caused.
Around midday, Liam finds me in the garden and sits next to me. He doesn’t say anything or offer me comfort. He just quietly watches me until I finally speak.
“It’s Rebekah’s first birthday today.”
“Oh. So you’re going to sit out here and dwell on it?” he asks
“Compared to doing what?”
“Coming to play with Selena and me. You know I struggle…”
I consider his face. Yesterday I felt close to him, but now I feel further apart than ever. As far as I know, he doesn’t have any children so he could never understand how I am feeling.
I follow him back into the house. Liam is used to getting his own way, and this would just be a momentary distraction. I don’t know what he’s planning, but I couldn’t frankly care. The quicker it’s done, the quicker I can get to moping.
We pass through the orangery and kitchen, but Liam stops before we reach the stairs and opens the door to his event room and ushers me inside.
I’m greeted by what looks like a beautiful piece of art; Selena naked and tied intricately to the hoop hanging from the ceiling. Her glorious, flame-red hair hangs loosely framing her face, and she smiles at me. I’m speechless. I then spot that Janet is standing close by, supervising whilst Liam fetched me. I remain quiet until she walks out of the room.
“Oh, wow!” I say, not sure of what else to say as I gaze up at her body tied with black rope.
Her arms are tied just behind her head, her legs positioned slightly apart, and her breasts just look amazing. Aesthetically, this is both artistically spectacular and erotically stimulating.
I suddenly realise how they’ve bonded; Liam’s love of shibari and her curiosity in trying it. They now have a mutual interest, just like how I share my interest in music with her. I can do some basic rope ties but nothing like this. Liam is a rigger and Selena is a rope bunny. It’s a good fit, especially with her being flexible.
I can’t help smiling back at her.
“Kiss me!” She says, beaming with happiness.
I move closer and gently my lips graze against hers as Liam starts the careful, slow process of releasing her from her bindings. I inhale the delicious scent of her perfume and find myself wanting more.
Eventually, she is free, and her arms wrap around my neck as she sinks into me. We move to the floor, and I hold her against my clothed chest and stroke her hair affectionately, comforting her. My eyes linger on the reddened rope marks wrapped around her limbs. To allow Liam to do something like this, she had put an enormous amount of trust in him. I begin to feel more positive about this relationship.
Selena starts to move, and her hands slip up my t-shirt to stroke my stomach. She lifts the hem then starts to pull it off of me, exposing my torso to her. I throw it across the room, and with a smile, she places her lips on my chest then pushes me down, beneath her.
“Fuck me,” she sighs.
I was right about Selena being the kind of girl who isn’t afraid to ask for what she wants. Her hands reach down, and she unzips my jeans. I look up to Liam, who’s just watching us. He seems to be ok with this. I seize her by her chin and aggressively kiss her.
“Let’s take this to the bedroom, Rabbit,” I growl, in her ear.
On the bed, in the playroom, I kiss Selena again with her straddling me. My fingers stroke along her sex then gently I edge two inside her. She’s already slightly wet from downstairs, but I continue to play whilst Liam watches, readying her for what’s going to happen next.
My hands resting on her thighs, tighten their grip, and I hold her open and invitingly for Liam to fuck her first. My tongue teases hers, and I deepen our kiss whilst I watch Liam make his move.
He crawls up the bed seductively like a tiger who has found his prey, and as he enters her, she gasps against my lips which makes me smile. He thrusts, and as we continue to kiss, my hands proceed to keep her parted. He kisses her shoulders and smiles, suggestively at me.
Her hand moves to stroke my cock and I release my own sigh of bliss as she starts to run up and down and squeezes. Liam then pushes her forward and kisses me himself, unexpectantly. He nibbles on my lip then claims my mouth with his tongue. He then pulls her body against his then shifts her to laying sideways.
My hand wraps around her hair, and I firmly guide her to suck my cock as Liam continues to fuck her and kiss me. Her hands caress my balls and tug slightly, heightening my pleasure.
I hold her head still as I thrust into her mouth and watch her intently as she starts to struggle with my size. Her teeth scrape against me, but I don’t mind at all. It actually feels kinda good. Liam’s hand reaches around her, and he slides two fingers between my legs and into my arse, further stimulating me. With a deep groan, I cum inside her mouth, unable to hold back.
I move from underneath Selena, and she lays on her back with Liam spooning her. I position myself between their legs and watch as his cock plunges inside her glistening wet pussy. Entranced by what I’m seeing, I kiss her and lick around her opening and up to her clit. It’s aroused, begging to be touched more so I expose it and start to suck.
She smells of sex, specifically sex with Liam, and I feel myself becoming turned on again. I devour the generous amount of fluids she’s released, then I tentatively slide a finger inside to feel Liam moving inside her.
She gasps out, and I look up at her and smile as I add another. Her mouth widens, and her eyes are warm with desire as I feel the warmth of her wet cunt being pounded.
“Do you like it when we’re rough with you, Rabbit?” I ask softly.
“Yes,” she sighs.
I remove my fingers then lick them, tasting her again. I’ve had an incredibly dirty thought. I crawl over her and kiss her as Liam continues to take pleasure from her body.
“You wanna have us double team you, Rabbit? Both of us deep within your pussy?” I growl in her ear.
Her eyes widen at what I’m proposing. It would be very naughty. I make eye contact with Liam, who’s leaving lovebites on her neck. He presses a kiss to my lips.
“Yes, Sir!”
I stroke her bottom lip and then grab the tube of lube from the drawer and put on a condom. We’ll need copious amounts for this to work.
I run my hand over my cock and apply the lubricant as Liam moves Selena, so she’s laying on top of his chest facing me. I’m definitely getting off over the thought of us both dominating her.
Liam holds her legs either side of his own, spreading her wide for me. I’m the one who is going to appreciate the view from this. I line up the tip of my cock and carefully angle it down towards Liam’s cock as my other hand holds her apart.
She cries out, and I stop, allowing her to acclimatise to the feeling of the head, opening her further. My hand rests on her mound and gently with my thumb, I stroke her clit. As she gasps, I’m able to slide more of my length inside. The tightness is unreal, and the sight of it is mindblowing.
“Would Rabbit like to stop?” I ask.
“No, I…I want to feel all of you,” she sighs.
Liam bites his lip, clearly finding this highly stimulating. He starts to move his hips, and Selena starts to moan. I grip the bedcovers beneath me as I watch and feel him stimulating me for a moment. I begin to move and slide myself fully inside and grab her under her knees as Liam starts to squeeze her breasts and tug on her nipples.
The sensation of us grinding against each other within the softness of her body is out of this world. I have never experienced anything like it, and the X-rated view I’m getting is better than any porn film I have watched. I just hope the camera catches every moment of this.
“Rabbit… Are you ok?” I ask, glancing back up to her face.
She’s breathing heavily, her pleasure building to its peak. Gently I stroke her clit and watch as she tips her head back, and cries out with a primal moan as she releases her built-up tension.
As she subsequently tightens around us, buried deep within her, Liam groans and cums only moments later. He withdraws, and I continue to thrust, faster this time until my own pleasure rises, and I finish, spectacularly with a growl.
I roll to the side of her and kiss her shoulder whilst I wrap my arms around her. This has been something else, and I nestle my head against the back of her neck, feeling affectionate.
Liam climbs out of bed and heads straight to the bathroom. I kiss her neck as we listen to the sound of the water spraying.
“Thank you, Selena,” I whisper in her ear.
She turns around to face me.
“That was probably the naughtiest thing I’ve done…” she says quietly.
“Me too,” I smile.
I suddenly realise that she’s only had one orgasm from me today. I smile at her wryly then move down between her legs.
As I pleasure her with my tongue, she grabs a fistful of my hair and starts to tug. Selena appears to be handsy, and I don’t mind at all as I make her writhe beneath me. As she orgasms again, I get another taste of her luscious fluids.
“Do you want to stay here tonight?” I ask as I snuggle against her chest.
“I can’t. I need to get back to uni. I’m swamped tomorrow.”
“I could drop you off early?”
“It’s tempting, but I’d have to get up really early then.”
“Ok, sweetheart,” I reply as I kiss her, feeling disappointed.
When I drop her off, later that evening, she hugs me tightly to her before kissing me on my cheek.
“I’ll see you next week,” she says quietly.
Before she can open the door, I grab the handle. I want to broach the subject of what happened yesterday. I’m dying to know what happened between her and Liam, which changed her behaviour towards him.
“So you and Liam? What happened?”
“You really need to know? Well, I ended up slapping Liam in the face and arguing with him. Then we had a long chat in the bed. He told me you actually experienced pleasure from what he was doing and he’d never intentionally try to do something to kill you.”
She’d finally listened to me and had spoken to him. I can’t believe that she slapped him, though. I’d never get away with doing something like that.
“I told you. Liam only does what I want him to do. I get off on it.”
“I still find it weird that you like needles, but I guess it’s because I’m needle phobic. Anyway, he told me he’ll only do what I enjoy, so I asked him to show me some shibari, and we did some practising yesterday on my arms and legs. It felt amazing, so I asked him to suspend me.”
“You know suspension is a form of edge play right?”
“Yeah, Liam told me when he was explaining the risks. I feel stupid for judging you. Just try to warn me first next time? This isn’t to say that I fully agree with what you’re doing though.”
“Sure, I’ll give you a heads up or lock the door at least,” I laugh nervously.
“Anyway, I need to go.”
Before she can leave, I pull her in for a kiss. My tongue enters her mouth, and passionately we make out. When she breaks away, she’s breathless, and her cheeks are flushed.
“Bye, Selena…” I say quietly, not ready for her to leave.
“Bye, Matt…”
I watch as she walks a distance before she turns around to wave at me. I wish she could have stayed over tonight for more cuddles with me still feeling fragile, but it can’t be helped. I’ll just have to look forward to seeing her next week.