You’re currently reading a manuscript of Jack Waters. Upon mentioning that name, one of two things probably went through your mind.
Who the hell is Jack Waters?
The Jack Waters? He’s a legend!
In the first case, give it a few years, then I’ll be all everyone’s talking about, and if not, it might be a few centuries. Time travel is weird like that. Second case, yeah, I’m that Jack Waters, you’re reading how my legend started.
It all starts with Project Aion. I was onboard from fairly early on, having won a lottery, to join in. For the uninitiated, Project Aion was an international joint project encompassing all things related to Time Travel, laws about who can, and the uses, sanctions against unauthorized usage et cetera. I was part of the development and testing after proof of ability began.
Now, before I get into the real meat of the story, I want to address a few quick things about time travel. First of all, the reverse reaction per Newton’s third law is the generation of Hollow Particles, those things are fascinating, but I won’t go into them. Second is what is called the Grandfather Paradox, specifically the idea of going back in time to kill your grandfather preventing you from being born, it’s impossible, you’ll find out about the nature of that later on, but Polchinski’s paradox has yet to be fully tested. Finally traveling through space is part of this. If travel through space was not considered, then any person Time Traveling would result in them looking around desperately for something familiar, before dying in the vacuum of space. Earth travels at about 220 kilometers per second throughout the Milky Way. On a cosmic scale, you’re not where you were a fraction of a second ago.
Anyway, I’ll skip the rest of the science, for now, putting it in an appendix. I just needed to head off potential fuckwits complaining about how I don’t cover xyz during this manuscript.
We (the testers in Project Aion) were doing some calibration tests, getting set before what was planned as a big jump. The details I don’t remember, but I was going forward about 10 minutes. I entered the pod in the bulky 3-layer Project Aion Suit (PAS), the first layer tight-fitting clothing one might wear during an iron man race, the second an armored and padded layer, finally a bulky outer space-suit like layer. I gave the all-clear for the jump.
When I came out of the jump, I keeled over, desperately yanking off the helmet as I regurgitated that morning’s breakfast. The jumps always made me nauseous, just as it made some hungry or gave heartburn, but this was worse. So bad in fact that I didn’t take note of my surroundings, removing the helmet was on instinct. Fortunately, I was on safe ground and didn’t die when taking off the helmet.
Slowly, I rose to my feet to take note of my surroundings. I was in a large plaza, nothing like the normal landing space for Project Aion jump, and was at the feet of a massive statue, about 10 meters high, I stared at it, recognizing it but not knowing from where exactly, I became aware of a crowd gathering and heard murmurings like ‘is that him?’ or ‘I think that’s him’ and ‘is today the day?’ and replies. Eventually, I looked down at the pedestal of the statue and read the inscription:
“What the fuck?” I said aloud and looked up at the statue getting a clearer picture of it. Sure enough, it was me, cheekbones a bit higher, stronger jawline, and my patchy facial hair more even, but it was me. I was wearing something derived from the Aion Suit, in the same way, one can recognize a car as being derived from Ford’s Model T.
One of such new cars pulled up and two men in official uniforms stepped out.
“Mr. Waters, sir, I need you to get in the car,” the first said.
“It’s a true honor Mr. Waters,” started the second before the first shot him a look telling that might as well have screamed ‘shut the fuck up.’
I was still in a state of shock so I forgot to say ‘I prefer Jack’ or protest as I was entered the car.
“I’m sure you have questions, and while I don’t have the answers, I’m taking you to the person who does.”
I did have questions, but was still trying to organize them in my head; I didn’t know where to begin. Eventually, we got to a massive skyscraper, I was led into it and asked if I wanted to change out of the PAS, I did, and they gave me some clothes that fit. Then, I got into an elevator and was taken to an office on the seventh floor from the top.
The office was that of a politician, I could recognize it almost immediately as such, some things don’t change. I was then introduced to a man called Aloysisus Dinian, some kind of leader of the world. I found out from him that I had jumped forward about 753 years, and that I was in the BOSNYWASH Megalopolis. He couldn’t be sure of exactly how far forward I was since once colonization of other worlds and the arrival of other spacefaring species time calculations had gotten screwy.
He offered me lunch, while he spoke, which I accepted. It was a turkey burger on whole wheat bun, with bitter greens, mint, raw onions, and a sauce not unlike barbecue sauce. I recognized it as the same thing I ate for at lunch when working at Project Aion. I also found out that they knew I was coming, and arriving this day and at what time. That information had been largely kept from the public, which is why people were murmuring about my arrival.
He then handed me a small journal that had a biometric lock, I pressed my thumb against it and opened the journal and recognized my handwriting.
You’ve got a lot of questions; unfortunately, I can’t give you all the answers, partially because I don’t remember all the questions, nor all the answers. Suffice to say however that the jump fucked up, conversion issues; it was either imperial to metric or radians to degrees. That’s right, 1998 Mars Crash but for time travel. I’m going to hurt whoever fucked the calculations. Regardless, you’re here now, and unfortunately, the trip back is going to be a bit of a turnip. I want to give you a guide, but unfortunately, can’t, and I mean that literally. I am physically unable to write the information you need.
That said, I’ve given Dinian instructions. Keep this journal with you. It hasn’t all been written when you first start reading it.
I read the journal again, certain that it was my handwriting.
Dinian spoke, “Mr. Waters, you ask me not to reveal what happened in our history, and why the statue of you is erected. I have tried to ignore this instruction, but have found it not possible. I have tried during this conversation to provide the information. But it would be better if you experienced it yourself.” He opened a drawer on his desk and retrieved what looked like a high-school history textbook. He opened it, flipped through, and closed it, handing it to me, “Page 293 is where you need to look.”
He didn’t need to tell me what page. I couldn’t open the book. My arms just wouldn’t open the pages. I handed the book back, at which point Dinian opened to what I assumed was page 293, and handed me the open book.
Or he tried to, but it slipped out of his hands and landed closed.
I realized what was happening almost immediately. The Novikov Self-Consistency Principle was in effect. Basically, you can’t change the past such that it creates a paradox. If you tried to go back in time to kill your grandfather, you would fail. This is not to say free will is an illusion, just that paradoxes are impossible. To give an analogy, you might walk off a building, but you will fall, regardless of how much you will yourself to fly. You cannot substantively change the past, time operates as a self-consistent CTC (closed timelike curve), and you can’t fight it, just like you can’t fight gravity.
Based on this point in time, the next step on my journey home has already happened, and at that point, I don’t know what happens next, so now I cannot know what happens next.
Dinian wanted to explain that something would go wrong with them sending me to my original time, to a separate point where I become a hero, an idea I still felt ludicrous about. I assumed that the story of my journey was exaggerated, but as you’ll read, that wasn’t the case.
As for the obvious question, at no point will I ever read this manuscript. I will write it, but will not read it, and it will not be available to read at any point during my life. The Self-Consistency Principle requires it.
Finally, Dinian led me to a Project Aion Chamber (PAC) and explained that they were sending me home. They weren’t, some math would go wrong again, and I would go off course.
The new PAS was significantly more comfortable, sleeker, and less bulky than the one I was familiar with it. It was now two layers, the first still akin to racing gear, while the outer combined the second and third layers into one padded suit that reminded me of the armor one might see in a sci-fi movie or video game. I would find out later this was because of what was called “The Incident at Eden Delta” which I was actually involved in, but that’s a story for a later chapter.
The suit maintained the blue and green color scheme and insignias for Project Aion, which was comforting somehow; a degree of familiarity while my world was being turned upside down.
I gave the all-clear signals in PAC and felt the unmistakable sensation of Time Travel. Without a PAS, it would feel like every particle, down to the subatomic level, is being torn apart and stitched back together a billion times a second, its extreme agony, but with a PAS, it feels more like a poorly built rollercoaster.
I landed in what was clearly not my original time, as evidence by the superstructures surrounding me, and found that the PAS had degenerated to the stat of a PAS at this time period. I never understood how that worked, but it has something to do with hollow particles. The new system was a lot more stable, and I only felt mildly nauseous as opposed to violently. It took a few moments for me to get my bearings but I found out this time I was at the Pearl River Megalopolis. Hong Kong and the artificial islands nearby would become one of the major points of entries for extra-solar travelers. As a result of extra-solar visitors (or aliens if you prefer), a unified language across the world would have to be established. It was fortunate that English had been the one to win.
I was interrupted from my confusion by someone shouting at me.
‘You Project Aion?” the person shouted from across a crowded plaza.
I looked over to see who was speaking; it was a Teklan, one of the first extra-solar species to come into contact with Solarians[1], and at this point the only extra-solar species we encountered, and it was only recently, “Yeah, I’m from Project Aion. Why?”
The Teklan’s eyes lit up with excitement, “You help me!” she exclaimed, “Please you follow?”
With no other sense of guidance, I followed the Teklan into a building complex and into what seemed to be an apartment. The Teklan took off her helmet and I got a look at her face. To humans, a Teklan’s skin appears a sort of soft lavender color, but it’s actually a color we don’t have words for, it requires additional rods and cones to see. They have reptilian yellow-green eyes, and hair that can range in color. This one had soft golden yellow hair, which framed her face. She was exceptionally beautiful, to the point where had I seen more of her body at once, I would likely have been consumed with lust, and unable to think of anything else, and driven mad by desire. This happened to some with weaker wills than I.
The Teklan sat opposite me and brought out a system of screens forming a trapezoid, sort of like a game of Battleship where we could each view a screen, with a piece connecting in the middle. As she spoke into the device, her words were translated and presented on my side of the screen. For the purposes of this manuscript, I’ll just cover the conversation as though we were speaking normally.
“My people, Teklans are capable of physically consuming certain types of information through transferring bodily fluids. We have tried to do this with Solarians, but the data can only be transferred from people who have come into contact with Hollow Particles, so people from Project Aion are desired,” The Teklan explained. “I have been stranded here for months looking for someone who can help me learn. Can you help?” I’ve had to translate this a bit for readability, due to nuances within the Teklan language.
I looked up at the Teklan, she seemed so hopeful, and whether it was true altruism, or stemmed from a more carnal desire, I decided to help, “Okay, so how can I help, do you need a blood sample?”
“Blood works, but we have found that semen is more effective, and safer,” the words sparked intense arousal in me.
“So, you want to,” I was trying to be delicate but failing, “have sex?” I had trouble keeping the excitement out of my voice. I think the Teklan picked up on that.
“I would perform fellatio if that is agreeable.”
I swallowed hard and nodded, as her offer to give me a blow job turned my suppressed arousal into full-blown lust, and my erection was struggling against the PAS. I had removed my helmet already but began removing the remainder of the PAS, while the Teklan began removing her clothes as well.
The Teklan unzipped her suit, a sort of hybrid of catsuit and flight suit, and she took it off slowly undoing the zipper in the front.
The Teklan wore no bra, and her tits were the most magnificent I had ever seen. They were large, though not overly so for her slight frame, with slightly upturned nipples, and beautifully rounded handfuls that remained perky without support. Her nipples looked like they could cut glass, and my erection threatened to bust through the PAS.
Had I not had to undergo the rather intensive process of removing the PAS, I would likely have had those gorgeous tits in my mouth, sucking those perky nipples, while my hands would have caressed her body, and maybe slip a finger or two into her cunt. Unfortunately, the straps, buttons, and hooks of the PAS were getting in my way.
Removing the trousers of the PAS was more difficult than I had hoped, given my throbbing hard-on, even with the Teklan helping me. She had her suit up to her waist still on but had taken her top off.
The Teklan gazed at my cock as though she loved it, the veins seeming to throb with my racing heart as she gently closed her eyes and wrapped her mouth around my cock.
A Teklan tongue is longer and more dexterous than a human’s, and she wrapped her tongue around my shaft, like a snake constricting about a branch. Her tongue didn’t create a perfect wrap, so I experienced two sensations, one where her tongue was the other where it was not.
Once I was sufficiently in her mouth, she paused a moment, in thought, then began bobbing her head slowly, her tongue moving only partially up and down while she took the rest of it in long, slow strokes.
When she pulled away, with just the tip of my cock in her mouth, I saw that her tongue had wrapped around it. I felt cool air where her tongue wasn’t, then her tongue unconstricted, and she fully removed me from her lips.
She sighed pleasantly, looking up at me with her serpent-like eyes, they were sparkling mischievously, and I noticed that her hands had gone into her pants; she was fingering herself while she got me off. She gently kissed the tip of my dick before wrapping her mouth around it again.
This time, while she bobbed on my cock, she used her tongue only around the tip. I was trembling slightly, and I think she could sense that I was close to cumming, so she picked up her pace, moving quickly.
“Oh fuck!” I groaned as I shot my spunk into her mouth. After I came, she did a few more bobs, thinking that there might be some more of me to drink, but I could feel I was spent. She took my cock out of her mouth and held my cum in her mouth for a long moment, apparently savoring my taste. Then, with a slight smile, she swallowed, exaggerating the sound for effect.
I was about to ask if it worked when her eyes rolled back, showing completely black, and her mouth opened. Her hands fell still, mid fingering her cunt.
After a moment that seemed to go on for years, she spoke, “Thank you. That was very helpful. I am called Xingshe, what is your name?”
I was taken aback, her broken English turned fluent, but I guess that’s why she wanted my spunk, “Jack, Jack Waters,” I introduced myself, The fact that I had just gotten the best blowjob of my fucking life by an alien whose name I didn’t know at the time starting to settle in.
She withdrew her hands from her pants, and I could see they were practically dripping with her pussy juice, “Mr. Waters, do you think you will be able to go again? I would like to feel you inside my cunt. Cunt? That’s strange, you have so many words for that part of the anatomy,” she paused a moment, “I do not like this word, cunt, it is not pleasant to say. Vulva, hmm, yes, vulva, this word is better, much more flowing, like a purr, not a rock hitting a brick wall.”
I chuckled, “It might take me a few minutes, I don’t know that I’ve come that hard in my entire life, but I think I could repay the favor, eat your cunt, sorry, vulva while I’m getting my energy back.”
“Refractory period, yes? You may use your mouth on me.” With that, she shimmied off the last of her suit, and I got a good look at her complete body. It was stunning, perfect in every way imaginable. I do not have the words to describe the absolute goddess-like perfection that was Xingshe’s body. It could have been used as the base for a marble statue of a pagan goddess. Narcissus would have looked away from his reflection, Pygmalion would have abandoned his carving, if Helen launched a thousand ships, Xingshe would have launched a billion.
Her skin was completely flawless, a gorgeous uniform shade of lavender, save for her darker nipples and the naturally trim bush of soft yellow-gold pubic. No, bush isn’t the right word, more like a palace garden, tended by an artist.
One look at her cunt, yeah she should prefer it I wrote vulva, and I had to dive in, exploring her with my tongue.
My initial licks were shallow, and probing, tracing the outline her pussy while drinking every drop of the nectar she was secreting, while stimulating her clit with the tip of my nose. After committing the external shape to memory, I stuck my tongue deeper into her, tasting her nectar and feeling the inside of her with my tongue.
She was wet, drenched perhaps as her juices coated my face as I continued to lick; becoming addicted to her pussy, the taste, the smell, the shape everything. I might never have left my place between her legs, I was becoming addicted to her taste, smell, texture, to her whole body.
Eventually, I had to pull away to catch my breath, I had been eating her pussy with such intensity that my breathing had become shallow, and I was dangerously close to forgetting to breathe. Xingshe was panting as well, though from pleasure not forgetting to breathe.
“You have recovered,” purred Xingshe, she was leaning back but held herself up with her hands, tightly gripping the thin bed, “I will ride you, like a cowgirl, this is the expression yes?”
I stood up, slowly a bit lightheaded, “close enough,” I laughed.
She grabbed my arm and in a swift fluid motion, dragged me to a supine position and stood up herself. She briefly bent over to take my dick in her mouth once again, but only to reapply a bit of lubrication this time, taking me to the base then pulling up.
She then straddled me, her knees bent and parallel to my legs and took my cock into her hand very gently and guided my cock into her dripping pussy. The muscles of her pussy gripped me tightly, and she took me down the base, her ass nearly coming into contact with my legs.
“I’m going to begin moving,” she purred and began moving up and down on my rigid shaft. I was momentarily so consumed by a warm pleasure radiating forth from where our bodies became one that I neglected to take in the sight of a practical goddess above me. However, I quickly remedied this and took in the sight of Xingshe from where our bodies connected up to the look of pleasure across her face.
While I ate her out, I was unable to take in her beauty, but with her riding my shaft I was able to. I was able to see every curve and angle of her face. I was able to see her mouth contorting into a pleasurable smile, opening to release moans of pleasure and lust.
Her tits bounced with the rhythmic motion of her body, and I felt I had to suck them. I slowly tried to sit up, but Xingshe pushed me down, pressing her hands into my chest as she bounced upon my dick. However, my need to contact those luscious breasts was not stated. With Xingshe’s hands preventing me from sitting up to suck and nibble on her nipples, I moved my hands up to begin caressing them. They were firm and sprang back into their full and luscious form after each press. I began pinching and twisting her nipples gently, which made her lean back slightly and throw her head back in pleasure. Her hands momentarily slipped away from my chest, at which point I gripped her breasts as though I was a mountain climber and pulled myself up.
I then shifted my arms to wrap around her body while affixed my mouth to one nipple and began sucking. Her nipples were stiff enough to cut class, and I began gently biting them. Her nipples turned out to be one of her more sensitive spots, and she wrapped her arms around my head keeping my mouth affixed to her nipple as she rode me harder.
She began speaking, in Teklan but I would later find out it was dirty talk. I don’t recall the exact wording but it was something to the effect of, “keep sucking you fucking Solarian while I ride your fucking cock. You like the feeling of my cunt on you?”
After several minutes of her riding me hard and some of the most intense pleasure of my life, I broke away from her nipple and managed to groan out, “oh god I’m gonna cum.”
Xingshe rode me for a few more thrusts before hissing in my ear, “don’t you fucking dare cum outside of my mouth you fucking Solarian,” at which point I felt the inside of her pussy spasm. Rather than collapse on my shoulder as a human might have, the spasm propelled her off me, and with the grace of a ballet dancer, she slid down my body until her mouth was at my cock. She quickly took me in her mouth and bobbed furiously until I came in her mouth. This time, she held my cum and my cock in her mouth for a long moment, before taking my cock out with a satisfying pop. She held my gaze and swallowed, and again she stiffened, eyes rolling back.
“Thank you, Jack Waters,” she breathed as I was still struggling to catch my breath after such an intense orgasm.
I wish I could write that I had a snappy response, such as “any time,” but I was barely conscious after cumming so hard. I couldn’t form words and only managed to babble a little bit.
My inability to form a cohesive response caused Xingshe to giggle, “Once your wits are about you, we must talk but take your time, I like watching you in the afterglow.”
We did talk afterward, about what was going to happen next. I wish I could say that it was more intense sex, but in the coming months, the world and I were going to get well and truly fucked, but I want to end this part there; a happy or at least pleasant section, before I get into the nightmarish next few months. Or they might have been years, my sense of time was as fucked as I was that night, and as fucked as the planet would be for the next while.
[1] Most spacefaring races end up taking their name based on the home planetary system they are on, so we’re Solarians, because Earth is in the Solar system.