SEX-TV Let the Games Begin

"In the future, the ultimate exhibitionism will be broadcasting sex into millions of homes via television."

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Celia Miller was a sultry choice to host the new game show on SEX-TV. Brandon Brown had seen at least three dozen women during the second round of auditions. All of them were sexy as hell, but something about the fiery redhead with her emerald-green eyes just stirred his loins. If she could do that in an interview, imagine what she could do for the network’s ratings with this new, innovative game show about sex!

He was excited to call her back and offer her the position. And, while it was illegal to ask her for sex before she had the job, he fully intended to ask her to give him head once she was hired. He’d return the favor if she so desired. He wasn’t a complete cad!

That night, he masturbated to thoughts of cumming all over her tremendous tits. He realized that even if he were lucky enough to get her to agree to suck him, spraying his spunk all over her was probably not a reasonable expectation for a first blow job. But a man could dream, couldn’t he?

The following day, Celia knocked on his office door, feeling reasonably confident that she was about to be offered the job. She was excited about such a fantastic opportunity! SEX-TV was a new network looking for innovative programming. She’d auditioned for several different shows, a contestant on Trucker Fuckers, an assistant on Guess That Dick Length, a recurring role Sluts in America, and a role as a sex therapist on The Sex Docs. None of them had panned out. But this? This role was perfect for her, and she knew she had impressed the panel of producers at her second audition.

“Good morning, Ms. Miller!” Brandon chirped. “I’m so pleased you could meet with me this morning.”

Celia smiled. “Good morning! I’m glad to be here. I appreciate the opportunity to be called back for a third audition,” she said, trying to sound humble.

“Oh, well, I see you’ve misunderstood. This is not a third audition,” he explained. “You’re here because we want to offer you the job. We’d like you to be the host of Make Me Cum.”

“Seriously?” Celia asked, trying not to squeal with delight. “Oh, my goodness, I’m so excited!”

“You have exactly the look we’re going for, and you have a sexy voice. The only thing is, we’d like you to go by CeCe instead of Celia. Are you okay with that?” Brandon asked.

“Sure, that’s fine,” she said, trying to make it sound like a bit of a concession on her part, though it was a family nickname anyway.

“Great, thanks,” he answered. “So, let me explain the way things are going to work. Each week, there will be three contestants. On Monday, we will have introductions, and you’ll interview the three players with lots of flirting and innuendo to determine the order in which they get to compete. To make things fair, each contestant will get to make you cum on different days. For instance, the first contestant will make you cum on Tuesday, the second one on Wednesday, and the third one on Thursday. Then on Friday, the top two contestants get to make you cum one more time, with the order to be determined by the winner of the daily rounds, and then a grand-prize winner will be selected. Their prize is to own you for twenty-four hours, midnight Friday to midnight Saturday. There are rules and limitations, of course, but you will basically become their sexual submissive for that time period. So far, so good?”

Celia nodded, feeling excited yet overwhelmed. She’d known the basic premise of the game but not the fact that she would be the prize as well as the host.

Brandon continued, “Sunday morning, you will be pampered in our studio spa, so you will be ready for Monday again.”

“Oh, that sounds like a rigorous schedule,” Celia said, a little concerned.

Brandon nodded, “It is rigorous. But you have afternoons and evenings free, Sunday through Thursday.”

“I see,” Celia said.

“Now, on Friday afternoon and evening, you’ll be prepping for your twenty-four hours of sexual internment. You’ll be required to become as aroused as possible without being allowed to cum. That way, when the winner takes control of your body, you’ll be so stimulated that you will be completely compliant to earn the right to cum during captivity. In other words, the winner for the week gets a horny little bitch to use,” Brandon explained. “You’ll always be on premises for your safety. They’ve built a fun little apartment on the lot with all kinds of kinky implements and toys.”

Celia felt her face go flush and her pussy go wet with desire. This job wouldn’t be easy, but it sure would be a lot of fun. With her personal sex drive through the roof, her doctor suggested that she try to get a job in the sex industry. She considered becoming a licensed sex worker, as they made great money and had excellent accommodations. Still, she wouldn’t be able to date unless her would-be suitor was willing to pay the date rate, which was fifty percent of the going price. If men were going to pay to fuck her, why would they want to wine and dine her? She wanted romance, eventually, so she dismissed the sex worker route immediately.

She briefly considered becoming a Millionaire’s House Pet. Sitting around naked and playing with the other House Pets all day seemed fun. But again, that left no real opportunity for romance, not to mention that most Millionaires had so many pets they rarely fucked them all. Most were on hand for bragging rights. Through her research of MHP, she discovered a new network being formed.

So here she was at SEX-TV, the brainchild of Jilly Taylor, Madame President of the United States. Taylor was a huge advocate of the Second Sexual Revolution and had signed a bill that allowed media moguls to develop new sex-centered television programming with considerable government financial support. She felt strongly that the rights of Sexually Heightened people and Exhibitionists should include media that represented them. SEX-TV was the first such network to rise to the occasion. There would be ten original shows to start, with more in the works for the following year. All the original programs were broadcast Monday through Friday, 8:00 P.M. until Midnight, with X-rated movies shown for the remainder of the time. On Saturday and Sunday, timeslots were filled with raunchy cartoons, X-rated or hard R films, and several hours each day of live streaming from various sex clubs, brothels, and bars around the country.

“So,” Brandon continued, “while the show will be filmed before a live audience in the morning Monday-Friday, it will be aired during the 8:00 P.M. timeslot. We couldn’t be more pleased to have Make Me Cum with CeCe Miller kicking off the nightly programming. Your show is an hour long. Clearly, we don’t think it will take you an hour to cum, but we want to allow ample time for you to enjoy each contestant. Also, keep in mind that the actual program time is closer to forty-two minutes with all the commercial advertising. Plus, we can fill in with recaps of Monday’s introduction if you cum too quickly. The idea, of course, is to try to give the audience a show. So, if you could practice prolonging your orgasms, that would be great. If necessary, before each show, we can have one of our interns perform oral sex on you, or you can rub one out in your dressing room to help you not be quite so horny once the show starts.”

Celia’s head began to spin a little.

“The contestants get to pick how they want to try to make you cum. You will be blindfolded while they are playing with or fucking you so that you won’t be partial to any one contestant.”

Brandon’s phone rang. “I have to grab this call. Take a look at the SEX-TV lineup while you’re waiting. I think you will find it quite impressive!”

Celia was impressed and secretly thrilled that her show was the only one that listed the host by name in the program’s title. The list of programs included other shows for which she had not been chosen. But everything had worked out for the best since her show was first during prime-time slotting. She was thrilled!

“So, what do you think? Great lineup, huh?” Brandon asked when he finished his call. “We’ve got the fun stuff during prime time and the more hedonistic stuff, such as The Master’s Dungeon and Sex Slave Training, for the late-night spots. On the weekends, we will mostly be live streaming from different sex clubs, like Hattie’s Hell Hole and Delilah’s Delights. It’s all coming together fabulously.”

“It’s wonderful! I am so grateful for this opportunity, Brandon,” she answered. “I have just one question. The script I read during my first interview suggested that the contestants would spin a wheel to decide what method would be used to try to make me cum. But you said, just a few minutes ago, that contestants would get to choose whatever method they like. I just wondered which was accurate.”

Brandon smiled, “The other producers and I felt that contestants might find certain methods awkward and that it would be fairer if they could choose whatever makes them comfortable. This should also make it more enjoyable for you as the host. For example, if a contestant tried spanking to make you climax but was unskilled at using a paddle or crop, it might be less than pleasant for you. We want your experience to be fun for you as well.”

“Oh,” Celia said, “That makes sense.”

“Marvelous!” Brandon exclaimed. “There will be a launch party this Saturday, and each show filmed live in the studio will have the chance to share a snippet of the program. I’d like very much to act as the contestant that makes you cum at the party. As your producer, I feel it’s what’s best for the show. However, if you have a significant other…”

“I don’t have anyone,” she interrupted. “I have no issue with that.”

“Wonderful! I want to rehearse that this afternoon with you,” he said.

“Rehearse?” she asked inquisitively.

“Yes, I want to make sure I can make you cum in our allotted time, CeCe,” he explained.

“Oh, right,” she answered. “Sure, I can do that. What time should I be here?”

“Why don’t you stick around? That way, you can check out the set, lie on the table, and get a good feel for it. I can meet you there in about an hour, and we can practice on your fuck table,” he suggested.

Celia felt her pussy twitch when Brandon said fuck table. It was starting to sink in. She would be played with, teased, and tormented on television. Her pussy would be in people’s homes on their ninety-inch TVs. People would masturbate at home while they watched. It made her juices start to flow just thinking about it.

She was exploring her set when a very voluptuous blonde came wandering in. “Can I help you?” Celia asked.

“I sure hope so!” the blonde said with a southern twang. “I’m supposed to meet Brandon Brown here, and I can’t find him anywhere.”

“Oh, well, he should be here soon; he’s supposed to meet me on this set to….well, he will be here soon. You can wait for him if you want,” Celia said awkwardly.

“That’d be great. I’m Susie Hardwick,” the blonde said, offering her hand. “I’m the host of Trucker Fuckers. Actually, I am a Trucker Fucker, but my role on the show is to interview truck drivers and trucker fuckers, discuss tips on how to be safe while fuckin’ truckers, and show clips of the actual sex acts between the men and their truck stop whores.”

“Oh, well, that’s exciting,” said Celia. “I’m Celia. I mean CeCe Miller. Host of Make Me Cum.”

“Oh, my lord! Well, aren’t you just the lucky duck?” Susie exclaimed. “Your life just got a whole lot more interesting, didn’t it?”

“Yes, it sure did,” Celia smiled. “It’s a little overwhelming.”

“Well, goodness, I should think so! Sweetie, I can tell that you and I are gonna be good friends!” Susie said as she hugged CeCe.

“Well, here are my two favorite leading ladies!” Brandon said as he walked onto the set. “I see the two of you have met!”

“Indeed, we have,” Susie said, practically purring. “I’m so glad you asked me to come in today to help with your practice session.”

CeCe frowned. “What do you mean?”

Brandon took CeCe’s hand and said, “Well, darlin’, the network wanted to make sure you had another woman present while we practice on your fuck table. They felt you’d be more comfortable with a female in the room in case anything I do makes you uncomfortable. It’s for insurance purposes.”

“Oh, well, that sounds reasonable.”

“But after I make you cum, we can certainly entertain the idea of a threesome if you two lovely ladies are interested.”

CeCe felt herself go damp. Things just kept getting better and better.

“I’m game if Susie is too.”

“Well, sugar, I don’t usually swing that way, but if a pair of lips and a tongue want to enjoy my sweet pussy, it doesn’t matter who they belong to. Maybe you can go down on me while Mr. Brown here dips his wick in you.”

“Please, call me Brandon.”

“Of course,” Susie said, batting her eyelashes.

It was clear to CeCe that Susie was not afraid to call the shots and decided she could learn a thing or two from the self-proclaimed Queen of the Trucker Fuckers.

“That sounds like fun. But first, we need to see if Brandon can make me cum,” CeCe said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Fabulous! CeCe, perhaps we could start with a blowjob,” Brandon suggested.

Susie cleared her throat. “Not to butt in, but how is CeCe giving you a blowjob going to make her cum?”

“Oh, well, um,” Brandon stammered. “I just figured it would put her in the mood.”

Susie laughed and said, “I don’t think she needs your cock in her mouth to get in the mood. I’m willing to bet her panties are already damp at the thought of hosting a show where millions of viewers will watch her lady parts quiver with orgasms up close and personal in their homes and sex clubs around the country. Not to mention all the binge-watchers who will stream it once their littles are safely tucked away.”

CeCe nodded, removed her panties, and climbed onto the fuck table. Taking a page out of Susie’s book, she shot Brandon a confident look and asked, “Are you fucking or sucking?”

Susie grinned, gave two thumbs up to her new pal, and waited with bated breath for Brandon’s answer.

“I’ll use my tongue and fingers if that’s agreeable,” he said, a little miffed that his ploy to get inside CeCe’s mouth had been unsuccessful. It was only the promise of a threesome afterward that kept him from complaining.

CeCe spread her legs, and Brandon’s cock nearly burst out of his pants as he watched what was easily the most beautiful pussy he’d ever seen open up like the petals of a blooming rose. It was pink and wet, with a trickle of her nectar pooling, ready to spill over and douse her puckered star.

“Well, Brandon, are you going to eat it or stare at it?” Susie asked gruffly.

He nearly snapped at her, then remembered her typical rendezvous was in a semi-truck or big rig cab.

“I’m savoring the splendor of this perfectly pink pussy before I dine on its decadent deliciousness,” he said, his eyes glazed over with hunger and lust.

In truth, he was calming himself so he didn’t devour her like a wild animal. He wanted to show some decorum and finesse.

Placing his hands on her inner thighs, he leaned down and hovered over her for a moment. He felt her tremble as his hot breath on her bare mound heightened her arousal. Using his tongue, he traced a path down and around her labia until he felt her hips move slightly. He continued to work his way closer to the prize, successfully avoiding the pleasure button that throbbed with need.

“Oh, God!” CeCe cried out, exposing her intense need. “Please!”

Yes, he was not an oaf in the matter of oral sex if he remembered to take his time. So, he teased and tormented, enjoying each tender fold and the juices that flowed like honey from her between swollen lips that ached for more.

“I need…”

Susie watched and found herself mesmerized. She had seriously misjudged this man’s ability to give oral pleasure and was now rethinking the configuration of the threesome. Perhaps CeCe would reward Brandon’s efforts with the fellatio he desired so he would be free to dine on her own needy pussy.

Brandon felt the familiar ooze of precum, indicating his own burgeoning arousal. His animalistic side wanted to rip off his trousers and fuck her hot little cunt like the horny slut she was. But patience and prudence would always pay off. There would be other adventures with this oversexed little tart; no need to go full throttle the first time around. She’d admitted she had no regular lover, so he’d get her into bed eventually. He could afford to wait.

Still, he had toyed with her long enough. Time to go in for the kill, so to speak. His tongue darted and dashed, swished and swirled, and he had CeCe begging within seconds.

“Please! God, I beg of you, make me cum!”

He finagled his fingers into the mix and stroked her clit like a tiny penis as his tongue flicked the sensitive tip no longer shrouded by its protective hood. In his mind, he counted down; three, two, one.

She exploded in his mouth, spraying her juices all over his face as she screamed something unintelligible.

When she could breathe again, she opened her eyes and saw him grinning.

“Suffice it to say, this was a successful trial run. I liked how you incorporated the show’s name in your desperate plea for release. I think we will add that as a regular thing.”

CeCe merely nodded, enjoying the delicious aftershocks of orgasm as the spasms of her clit subsided.

Brandon interrupted her reverie with a reminder. “Now, about that threesome.”

“I want what she just had,” Susie demanded. “CeCe, be a dear and suck Brandon’s cock while he sends me into Lalaland.”

CeCe was about to protest when she realized it was silly to argue when she enjoyed giving head.

“Let’s move to my office, shall we, ladies?”

It might be 2060, but the producer’s couch could still tell many tales. And Brandon Brown was about to add another hot one! If he could get just a few more adventures recorded, perhaps he could convince the network moguls to give him a spot in the Sunday morning lineup for his own show, Brandon Brown’s Bawdy Bitches. The title needed work, but the concept was solid in his mind.

Most of the vid clips were of women sucking his cock, of course. But this time, he’d be able to showcase his oral prowess as well.

However, when they entered his office, CeCe spotted the recording equipment. She rolled her eyes and glared at Brandon.

He hung his head sheepishly. “Can’t blame a guy for trying, can you?”

Susie wiggled her eyebrows and whispered an idea in CeCe’s ear. Then she looked him in the eye and said, “I suppose not, Brandon. But we caught you. So, now you have a choice. Either you turn the camera off, or instead of sucking your dick while you eat my pussy, CeCe will borrow a strap-on from the props department and fuck your ass.”

Brandon’s cock twitched. “Sounds fair, ladies.”

The joke was on them, as he was bisexual and certainly enjoyed being on the receiving end. And with this video, the big bosses would surely choose his idea for a show over the other option being tossed around. Though he had to admit, Breeding the Village Whore had a fun ring to it, Pegging the Producer might just top that.

“Brandon, you get started making my pussy see God while CeCe goes to get that strap-on,” Susie ordered.

“Yes, ma’am,” Brandon said with a shit-eatin’ grin. One thing was certain. the fiery redhead and the blonde bombshell would make Brandon’s load shoot like a geyser.

He was feeling pretty smug when CeCe returned and lubed up his ass. There was time enough later to admit to them that this wouldn’t be the first time he’d been fucked by a prop cock.

But his demeanor changed, and his eyes flew open wide when he felt the pressure against his sphincter.

CeCe giggled as she pushed it in. “You meant the big black cock, right, Susie?”

Published 2 years ago

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