I could feel his hot breath on my face as my red lips slowly retreated. He drew air in through his nose, savouring my perfume and smiling back at me. My hands left his crotch and gently moved up along his tight torso. The slightly contoured muscles felt warm through the stiff cotton shirt. My long fingernails complicated the unbuttoning of his shirt, but I approached my goal one button at a time, all the while saturated with tension and expectation. At the same time, he began pulling his pants and underwear down.
I was careful not to glance down at what he was revealing. My heart raced like a horse when I thought about it, but I wanted to savour the moment and take my time. This would be the first time I had done anything like this. The storm of butterflies in my stomach made me feel queazy and nauseated, and adrenaline steadily pumped through my veins.
I finally undid the last button and let my hands slip inside his shirt, stroking his belly and chest, all the way to his defined shoulders. Continuing my strokes along his arms, the shirt slid easily down and fell to the floor beside his pants. My hands kept on until they met his, and we just held each other for a moment, both worried and excited about what was to come next. I could sense the exact same emotions in him, as I myself was experiencing.
He was now completely naked. I took a step back, letting go of his hands. I wanted to see him and let the emotions wash over me like a gentle breeze. He was no bull, but took good care of his body. A tight chest, strong arms, flat belly, and something that made my heart race again. His rising member slowly moved as his eyes moved up and down the feminine sight before him.
It was intoxicating. He was eyeing me with obvious satisfaction, I could tell. His erection increased in tune with my own, and with the zounds of butterflies within me. He gazed at my carefully arranged blonde lengths of hair, inlaid with pearls. Perfectly made up face with black-rimmed, blue eyes, rosy, flushed cheeks and red lips. Elaborate, white corset hugging my waist and conjuring enticingly female curves. A lacy garter belt securing the expensive stockings by four ribboned straps. Equallly white, silky panties doing a poor job of hiding the bulge beneath. I absent-mindedly adjusted the hem of my undies, allowing my arousal to peek up above the satin and lace. With a constricted and uneven breath, I reached out and laid my palm around the underside of his shaft. He twitched slightly at the touch, but smiled slyly as he stared into my carefully painted eyes. It felt warm and smooth, but very firm. I had never come near another man in this way before, and he felt bigger and more erect than my own. Barely touching him, I began stroking my fingers up along his delicate skin, reaching the tight string beneath the tip. I noticed a glistening droplet form on the pinnacle and swept it up with the tip of my finger. It seemed to cling on to him as I lifted it towards my lips, drawing out a long, sticky strand until it broke.
I stuck my tongue out and licked the finger, knowing very well that I was crossing a very firm line. This was no longer just a game. This was dead serious, and I welcomed it. I kept looking into his eyes as I closed my red lips around the finger and savoured his pre-cum. I knew he was as ready as me, but still, I startled as he suddenly wrapped his hands around my head and drew me towards him in a passionate kiss. His fingers dug into my fair locks, and I laid my arms around his waist, pressing my body against his. I could feel the hard cock against my belly, irresistible and alluring.
The kiss was all I needed to lose myself. There was no more thought of me being a boy and this being just a favour. I was his newlywed wife, and this was our wedding night. Two loved ones sharing the exhilarating joy of being together for the first time. Our lips seemed locked forever, and our tongues met, exploring each other like newborn snakes. But I wanted more. I reached down and slid my hands along my sides, hooking the thumbs over the panty hem as I bent down. The tiny garment dropped on its own the rest of the way. Had I unconsciously been planning this when I wore my panties outside the garters? My heels made loud clicks against the hard floor as I lifted my feet and kicked the panties aside. All the while trying to keep my lips locked on to his.
I pushed him firmly backwards, and he fell across the sheets. Again, that sly smile as he saw the new determination in my eyes. His cock was now standing straight up, and I laid my hands around it. My knees buckled. I crouched on the floor, seeing him just before my eyes, and tasted another man’s cock for the first time. My tongue reached out towards the shaft just above my hands, and I could feel the musky smell of him. As I pulled up along the length and reached the tip, I got another taste of the wonderful, translucent liquid. My full lips reached out and kissed his head, sucking up it all. Slowly, I opened my mouth and let him enter me. My tongue explored his every vein, every fold and texture. It seemed to go on forever as I continued to embrace him, further and further down. He was all the way to the back of my throat when I reached his belly and began to withdraw. Saliva and traces of lipstick glistened along the shaft. He let out a low moan which told me all I needed to know.
I continued to keep him in my mouth as I leaned forward once more, this time a little more eager. My fingers still held him and stroked his balls and ass. My own cock was just as stiff and threatened to escape the confines of my panties. This was the sexiest and most fulfilling experience I had ever had. My husband moaned in tune with my movements as I bobbed up and down on his shaft, with the occasional slurping sound escaping through the corners of my mouth. It did not take long before he touched my chin and lifted me gently up with his fingertips.
“I’ll come soon if you keep this up.”
“Eager for something else, are you?” I said with a wicked grin.
“You are amazing, don’t get me wrong. But I want this time to last.” I smiled at him with full sincerity, and could not agree more.
“Come here my beautiful bride.”
I got to my feet again, with a tiny pang of regret as I stared at his glistening cock. He moved a little more onto the bed, and with stocking clad feet I crawled onto the bed with him, straddling his body. I sat down on his belly, feeling the cock against my back, and leaned forward. We kissed again, this time with more fervour and passion. His hands slid up along the sides of my ass and curvy waist, eagerly exploring my feminine body. I was in heaven.
My hips began to move of their own accord, and I rocked back and forth on top of him, my cock pressed between us, massaged by the movements and thin fabric of the panties. Every time I moved backwards, I felt his cock against my ass, sliding up along the crack towards the garter belt tied around my lower back. We lay there like that for a while, building up tension and excitement until it reached whole new levels.
“I want you,” I stuttered between the numerous kisses. “I want you to fuck me, husband. Show me how much you appreciate my favour to you.”
It seemed that was all the cue he was waiting for. He grabbed hold of me and turned us both around until he was lying on top of me. The weight of him, and the sense of being powerless against his arousal made me horny beyond compare. With one hand I struggled to unlace the tall boots whilst we writhed like snakes. He helped me pull them off and threw them into the wall across the room. If the neighbours were not awake before, they certainly were now. His hands were all over me. Up along my endless, silky feet, across the laced rim of the stockings and stroking the insides of my thighs towards the closely shaved crotch. He did not touch my aching cock, but squeezed my ass cheeks and caressed every inch of my torso, paying especially attention towards my ample but fake buxom, both with his hands and tongue.
I stretched my legs wide, allowing him inside my embrace, and locked my ankles together around his back in an attempt to draw him towards me. He accepted my invitation and moved closer. Panting and grinding, I squealed in delight as I felt the head of his stake touch my ass.
“Yes, Tony. I want you inside me now.”
He seemed to fumble a bit and produced a small jar from the nightstand. I realized his intentions, and with a pang of irritation, I saw in his hands my very exclusive night cream. I was about to object, but my primal mind regained control. I was simply too horny to mind what he was doing. He unknowingly scooped up the precious substance and lubricated himself. Then he began pushing forward. The glistening cock easily found my entrance and started pressing its way inside me. This was a completely bizarre sensation for me, but I loved it. I was tight, but did not seem to notice the pain as he moved ever forward, painstakingly slow, allowing me to relax and accommodate him. Even now, in the fervent heat, he was as gentle as ever.
Once his whole girth was inside me, he slipped quickly forward, and I let out a small involuntary scream. I felt him reach the end, and his pelvis was firmly pressed against my buttocks. It was the most liberating and arousing feeling I had ever felt in my life. This was the meaning that had been lost to me for so long. Fucked by a strong man, powerless and pinned by his weight, yearning for him to use me as he liked.
“Oh my God, yes!” I gasped with a squeal. “Fuck me!”
And he did. This time a little faster. He withdrew himself from my rear, only to enter me once more with more force. He reached all the way inside with a low slap, and I felt his balls hit me as he pushed me forward, bending my back a little more. My feet were still locked around his waist, dead set on never allowing him to leave my embrace and at the same time aiding his movements towards me.
“Damn, you are tight,” he muttered. “It feels so good.” He kept on fucking me for a few moments, both of us building up emotions like a dam below a summer torrent.
“I’m about to come!” He shouted, but still kept on pounding me.
“Yes, come! Come! I want you to…” I was all out of breath, “…come inside me.”
That was all the permission he needed. With a deep grunt, he let the orgasm flow through him, and I felt his whole body spasm. Goosebumps erupted on his entire skin. Within the muscle of my clenched ass, I felt his cock begin a rapid series of contractions, finally spraying his seed as far within me as he possibly could. He continued to grunt and moan with each spurt, emptying his entire load again and again until I was surprised at how much he could manage. Still, he kept on fucking me.
It was intense. His body was still pressed against mine, massaging my own cock between us. The mind-blowing emotions produced by his ejaculation inside me made my whole body shudder. My panting increased in volume until I could do nothing but shout and scream as he continued to fuck me, making sure every ounce of his essence was delivered. Then I finally came, experiencing the wildest and most exhausting orgasm I had ever enjoyed. He must have noticed, because he heaved himself up on his arms, freeing my cock just before I helped myself ejaculating. The first few cascades of semen shot out with great force and landed on my breasts, gathering in glistening ponds on my decorated corset cups before sliding down the deep crevasse. Following shots hit my belly again and again, covering the constricting garment with the sticky, white mass of my own making. The final droplets just streamed out, spreading across my softening shaft and hand as I continued to pump myself. The red-painted fingers of my other hand slid across my belly, exploring the feel and texture of my own essence.
I raised my hand and moved it towards my face. With a sincere and loving smile, I put them in my mouth, reveling in the taste of my cum. He smiled back, and I could see he truly was happy before collapsing on my shoulder, still inside me.
I lay there a while, regaining my senses, feeling how his big member shrunk and slowly retreaded from my insides. My muscle contracted as he slid out, but I could still recall every second of his movements. From the first attempt to push himself inside, till the moment he burst and delivered his load far inside my belly. Again and again, until a veil of dizzy sleepiness descended upon me.
Completely out of breath, all I could utter was a simple “Thank you”, but he was already fast asleep. With still sticky fingers, I managed to untie the corset behind my back, finally drawing my full breath for the first time in what seemed like a lifetime of experiences. The extra oxygen fueled my sleepiness and quickly sent me on my way to a whole night of new, sexual adventures.