Love Hurts

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When you’re in the sewer
Surrounded by shit
The view isn’t great
You have to admit

But when you stand
Upon the highest peak
The air is fresh
You can find all you seek

In the sewer
If you trip and fall
The landing is soft
It barely hurts at all

From the peaks
The fall is far
Turning and twisting
Breaks leaving a scar

This is why love hurts
Some may say
I know why it hurts
It’s a far better way

When you meet
Your special one
There’s twisting and turning
Your soul is undone

All of a sudden
Life’s turned around
There’s never a moment
Your feet touch the ground

Together forever
That’s all you can see
Souls entwined
For all eternity

Together you dance and hug
You kiss and you play
Under the moonlight
In the light of the day

Stroking their hair
Saying nothing at all
Words can’t explain
Words are too small

You just close your eyes
When life pulls you apart
They’re there at your side
Sharing your heart

Each second apart
Is a mix of so much
Loneliness and longing
Until you next touch

Knowing you are loved
Brings happiness as well
And returning that love
Your heart will just swell

If you’ve not felt any of this
I feel sad, but have hope
The time will come
You’ll climb up that slope

It will bite your bum
When you least expect
You’ll meet the right one
In an instant you’ll connect

You may not realise
May even hold it at bay
I’m sorry my friend
It won’t go away

So don’t be scared
When it hurts to love
Let yourself go
And reach peaks above

When you do this
You’re in for a surprise
Each second together
Is like a sunrise

All of these things
Fill up your emotions
Enough inside you
To fill all the oceans

But sometimes it’s just too much
Though you’ve sated your thirst
The feelings keep coming
You feel like you’ll burst

The only relief
At times such as these
Are tears of joy, so
Cry as long as you please

These are the sweetest
Of all of the tears
The ones of love
When my angel appears

Let your heart grow
Just a little bit more
You’ll be surprised
How much it can store

This my dear friend
Is why love hurts so much
Happiness and joy
Beyond any touch

This I have found
And through pleasure and pain
I’d take every step
Again and again

To love this much
I do not deserve
It’s a privilege I know
One to preserve

Even at the darkest
When things seem so bleak
I’m waiting My Love
On our special peak

With all of my strength
Will all of my might
I’ll be there, My Love
I’ll never give up this fight


Published 4 years ago

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