Fancy That

"Liz wanted to be spanked by Beth, and got her wish"

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Nineteen-year-old Beth opened the door to see a flustered looking Liz, their neighbour of two doors away, and saw she was wearing a pretty summery sleeveless floral dress with a hem halfway down her thigh. She was in her forties, Beth knew and was unmarried ad lived by herself 

“Hi, Liz,” Beth said with a smile. She always called Liz by her first name even though she called other women her age more respectfully, like Mrs L. However, it was never Mrs L, but always just Liz.

Beth was always pleased to see Liz as she had feelings for her, sexually. Beth liked older women who were happy to be told what to do, and Liz fell into that category. Beth had even snapped at her a few times, deliberately, to see her reaction, and Liz was always apologetic even when she needn’t have been. That sent messages to Beth that Liz wanted to accept another woman’s authority over her, and didn’t seem to mind their age difference. However, she had never been able to take her interest any further and just enjoyed looking out for her outside and bumping into her for a chat.

“Hullo, Beth, can I come in, please,” Liz asked as she walked quickly inside but looking submissively at the floor.

Beth saw that Liz was blushing, and asked, “What’s up Liz?”

Liz was still looking flustered. “Is your mum home?” she asked.

Beth replied, “I’m afraid not, Liz.” After a moment Beth asked, “You look troubled, Liz. Is there anything I can do?”

Liz looked at Beth and half-smiled. She really liked the nineteen-year-old and thought she looked pretty in her sleeveless very short pink and white dress. Mind you, she was slim and had lovely legs and was a delight to look at, and even with the age difference, Liz had to admit to how easy it was to fancy Beth. In fact, it was more than that, because she had become enamoured by Beth’s haughty, “Do as I say,’ tone of voice, and had been at the wrong end of it a few times for reasons she didn’t really understand, but clearly, Beth did. All of that fit in with her own submissive tendencies as she was certainly turned on by authoritarian women, and being nineteen-years-old didn’t affect that at all in Liz’s eyes. 

Liz explained, “Well, I have done something really silly actually, Beth. I’ve taken some sweets from the supermarket.”

“You stole them?” Beth asked in a horrified tone.

“I know,” Liz said in a sorry tone. “I shouldn’t have done but I couldn’t stop myself.”

“Crikey,” Beth replied.

Liz blushed again. “It takes me back to when I did the same when at school. Mind you, after about the tenth time I got caught by one of the prefects.”

“What did you get?” Beth asked.

Liz smiled at the memory. “I got sent to the headmistress and she gave me the cane. I got six strokes on the bare.”

“Ouch,” Beth replied reckoning six strokes of the cane must really hurt. “It was deserved, I suppose,” Beth said unsympathetically, and added, “It was stealing.”

“I know,” Liz agreed again. She kept half-smiling as though she seemed uncomfortable talking about it, but, having seen Beth’s mum leave the house ten minutes earlier and knowing she was out for the evening, she had a plan she was hoping would work.

Beth asked, “So why have you come to see mum?”

Liz blushed as she replied, “That caning I got stopped me stealing because for ages afterwards I just had to think about it and that reminded me. However, for some reason that memory didn’t work today, so I thought that as your mum is a headmistress if she spanked me then that would be a reminder, and she would no doubt keep on reminding me whenever I saw her. It’s a willpower thing, really, and I don’t have any, and I need someone with much more willpower than me to deal with me.” 

Beth could not believe Liz was discussing stealing and retribution with her, although would have been quite happy to be the one to spank her. However, she knew she was young enough to be Liz’s daughter so as much as she might fancy her, and fancy spanking her, she knew that wouldn’t happen. So, she replied, “Sorry Liz, but mum won’t be back until late this evening.”

“Oh dear,” Liz said dolefully. “I can’t wait here that long as I have to meet some work colleagues at the theatre and daren’t be late.”

Beth thought about it for a moment, and asked, “So what now, Liz?”

“I’m not sure,” Liz replied, looking worried.

Beth smiled cheekily and said, “There’s a heavy spatula in the drawer in the kitchen. You could spank yourself?”

Liz looked like she was thinking about it but after a few moments shook her head and replied glumly, “It’s my lack of willpower again, Beth. I know twenty spanks with the spatula would do me the world of good. However, I would probably spank myself hard a couple of times but then I’ll lighten up.”

Beth suggested, “Are you sure you can’t stay here until mum gets home, then?”

Liz looked at her watch. “I have to be at the theatre in three hours, Beth. I don’t want to miss the show but I have to walk past the supermarket again and I’m worried I might succumb to going inside.” Liz knew being at the theatre was the truth, but the only true thing she said so far.

Beth didn’t know what else to say but, still thinking about her spanking Liz, mumbled her own feelings, “That just leaves me then, Liz.”

Liz perked up immediately as that was exactly what she had wanted to hear, and replied eagerly. “Yes, of course, Beth, you could spank me. I bet you could give me a really hard spanking in fact, and you do have a strong personality so you really do fit the bill.”

Beth looked wide-eyed at Liz wondering whether she had misheard her as she had really just suggested that she could spank her even though Liz was over double her own age.

However, Liz continued, asking, “You’re a prefect aren’t you, Beth?”

“Erm, yes, Liz,” Beth replied.

“Well then, you are in a position of authority already. We can say I’m in detention and even that I’ve got a double and that earns me a spanking by you, the prefect in charge. In fact, it probably earns me a good twenty hard spanks with the spatula, don’t you think?”

Beth was increasingly incredulous. Was Liz really agreeing to be spanked by her, or was it just a test and, as soon as she said she would, then would Liz say she was such a silly girl to be taken in by her story?

Liz looked pleadingly at Beth and asked in a sincere tone, “Please Beth. Please give me a spanking.”

Beth reckoned there was no way Liz could turn that around so it certainly looked like she was serious about wanting to be spanked, so Beth said in a firm tone to test Liz, “Go and get me the spatula then, Liz. It’s in the top drawer in the kitchen.”

Liz clapped her hands joyfully as she walked quickly to the kitchen, saying, loudly enough for Beth to hear, a heartfelt sounding, “Yes, and I so deserve this, and Beth is exactly the right person to deal with me.” 

Beth heard the cutlery draw open and then close and moments later Liz came back holding the heavy wooden spatula.

“Here it is,” Liz said holding out the spatula.

Beth was gaining in confidence as she took the spatula and looked increasingly sternly at Liz. “You had better prepare then, Liz,” Beth ordered as she walked over and sat on a high-backed dining chair.

Liz tried to look contrite even though she had deliberately asked Beth to spank her and she was getting ready to do just that. So, seeing Beth settle herself down on the chair she knew she wanted this to happen and went and stood in front of her to prepare herself for going across her lap.

Beth tried to keep a stern look on her face and in order to enforce her control raised the spatula up and let it drop into her open palm, and then ordered, “Bare bottom, Liz, and quickly, please.”

Liz saw Beth looking so authoritative and was turned on, and asked tentatively, “When the headmistress caned me, I had to get fully undressed. Is that what you mean, Beth?”

Beth kept a straight face as she thought that would be fun, and replied, “Yes, Liz, I mean exactly that.”

Liz watched the spatula fall again onto Beth’s open palm and gasped at the strictly given order and told herself that this young lady really looked the part and was just the one who she wanted to control her. So, acting as though it was normal, she got undressed.

Beth watched Liz yank her knickers down and step out of them. She then unzipped her dress and let it slide down her arms and legs and scooped the dress up before it hit the floor. Liz was now standing with her back to her in her bra and nothing else and Beth looked at Liz’s bottom and thought it was lovely and round and smiled at the thought of spanking those bottom cheeks.

Beth then smiled as Liz unclipped her bra and let it slide down her arms. She was open-eyed though, when Liz turned to face her and she saw how taut her nipples were. My goodness, she thought, was Liz turned on by the thought of being spanked, she wondered?

Just then Beth realised that her own knickers felt damp and she knew she was turned on by the prospect of spanking Liz. Was that strange, she wondered, or normal?

Liz knew she played Beth into telling her to get fully undressed, but whilst wishing to be submissive she was also an alpha female at work and was used to guiding people in their jobs. Here she wanted Beth to dominate her, and would willingly submit to her if they went out together, as it meant less stress for her if someone else made all the decisions. It wasn’t so unusual either for alpha women and men to enjoy submitting to others when away from the office.

Liz knew being naked was a turn on for her, and hopefully for Beth as well, and she was now really aroused by the anticipation of going across Beth’s lap. She so wanted to be submissive to her dominance as she thought Beth was sexy and authoritative at the same time and they were two traits she found so attractive. Probably being authoritative won over sexy, but she felt Beth had the benefit of both. Bundles of both actually.

Beth was still agog as Liz stepped over and stood by her side. She saw Liz looking down at her lap and knew her own thighs were bare and that Liz’s bare tummy would be lying across her bare lap and wondered how come a woman in her forties was going to cope with being spanked by a teenager, but she was about to find out. “Get across my lap, Liz,” Beth ordered.

Liz quivered at the sound of Beth’s authoritative voice as it was an order that she knew she had to obey, and in fact, she wanted to obey it. What’s more, she had always loved the fact Beth called her by her first name and now it showed that she was the one in charge even though so much younger, and that was also a real turn on, Liz realised.

So, Liz eased herself down until her full weight lay across Beth’s lap and delighted in the feel of her bare tummy pressing down on Beth’s bare thighs. She took a deep breath as she felt Beth’s hand rubbing her bottom and savoured the feeling and then almost came at the close-up sight of the backs of Beth’s upside-down bare legs. This was submission as she had fantasised about it so many times, and the fact it really was Beth about to spank her, as she had wished for, was even better.

Beth looked at the back of Liz’s head and said sternly. “I will spank you first and then use the spatula. Understood?”

Liz loved being told rather than asked, and replied meekly, “Yes, Beth, whatever you decide.”

Beth rubbed Liz’s bottom a few times and loved the feel of her bottom cheeks. She looked again at the back of Liz’s head and seeing she was staying obediently in position raised her hand and landed a hard spank on her far bottom cheek. She heard the gasp Liz made but equally saw she stayed across her lap which was enough to tell her that Liz was going to stay across her lap for the full spanking.

Liz felt the slight sting of the first spank but told herself she must stay across Beth’s lap. After all, she had fantasised about this spanking for so long and hoped that if this led to them going out her friends would understand how a woman her age could find a nineteen-year-old so attractive to be with, and with the nineteen-year-old as the one in charge of the relationship. After all, one of her friends had told her how she felt about the nineteen-year-old girl she had befriended, so it wasn’t that uncommon.

Beth landed the second spank on Liz’s near bottom cheek and then landed spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks. She found she could happily continue the spanking without the need for any break and as her hand landed with a thwack on Liz’s bottom cheek it swirled around as the other bottom cheek was spanked, but had settled down by the next time it was spanked. Beth then focussed on the way the bottom cheeks were turned darker and darker shades of pink and then tinged red and spanked more and more enthusiastically.

Liz found the vigorous spanks made her bottom cheeks sting just as she knew they would. In fact, she hoped that Beth would be able to keep up the heavier and heavier spanks as she wanted her bottom to sting even more as she felt the quivers cascading around her vagina as the stinging intensified. It didn’t matter that she was squirming around on Beth’s lap or that she was kicking her legs, as the stinging was getting her so aroused.

However, the most important thing was that Beth was giving her a really hard spanking, which she hoped was the first of many more spankings.

Beth enjoyed seeing Liz squirm around on her lap as she continued the constant spanks all over her bottom and then the tops of her legs. She noticed Liz squirming even more and gasping out louder as the spanks landed on her legs time and again, and felt that she was really teaching Liz a lesson.

Liz so wanted her bottom to sting when she got to the theatre. The seats were benches and so she knew she would squirm around as she watched the show and that she would love knowing that she had been spanked whilst none of her work colleagues would know that. Also, she would be thinking about the spanking and picturing it in her mind even as the show was on, so as Beth kept spanking her, she knew she would enjoy the show more and more the harder Beth spanked her.

Beth saw that Liz’s bottom and the backs of her legs were bright red and decided it was time to use the spatula. She picked it up and tapped Liz’s bottom a couple of times with it and heard Liz gasp at the taps.

Liz knew the spatula was going to hurt even more than Beth’s hand but reckoned twenty or so spanks with it would make her bottom sting enough for the wooden benches at the theatre. Many more than that and she doubted she would be able to sit down, but she knew that she could not tell Beth how many spanks to land but hoped her reference to twenty spanks earlier on would stick in Beth’s mind.

Beth landed the first couple of spanks and saw each bottom cheek darken after each spank. She knew that the spatula was going to be very hard for Liz to cope with so decided ten spanks on each bottom cheek would be enough as twenty spanks sounded right which was what Liz had said she would have given herself anyway if she had the willpower. 

Liz gasped with each spank with the spatula and struggled to stay still on Beth’s lap. However, she found the squirming around helped the feeling of submission which in turn sent quivers flying around her vagina, and even when tears welled up in her eyes and dribbled down her face, she found the intense stinging of her bottom such a turn on. She wasn’t going to cum just yet though, she reckoned, as the stinging was too intense, but, later on, though, she would cum for sure.

Beth got to twenty spanks and stopped and she saw Liz’s bottom was glowing red and was sure that she would find sitting down at the theatre challenging. She smiled to herself at the thought of Liz squirming around uncomfortably on her seat, but still felt that twenty spanks were enough and so she put the spatula down and rubbed Liz’s bottom.

Liz stayed across Beth’s lap and enjoyed the continuing rubbing of her bottom, and as Beth kept rubbing so she sighed as she recovered.

Beth enjoyed rubbing Liz’s warmed bottom and even the tops of her legs, but she was a bit surprised when Liz parted her legs and even raised her bottom slightly as though she wanted her to rub between her legs. Beth was interested, though, to know whether Liz’s taut nipples did bear out her suspicion that she was aroused by the thought of being spanked, and so when Liz kept her legs apart she could not resist running her finger along her pussy lips and she supposed she wasn’t so surprised to find they were really damp and so was seriously aroused.

Liz felt Beth’s finger run along her pussy lips and gasped. That was so great but she knew she mustn’t cum on her lap as that would be too telling and she forced herself to stop herself from cumming and managed it.

Beth still wondered about the feelings Liz was having. She knew she was getting aroused as well by spanking Liz and wondered if she would get the opportunity to spank her again. However, she knew she had to let Liz up so she could get to the theatre. “Get up, Liz,” Beth ordered with a smile.

Liz eased herself up from Beth’s lap and turning towards her she started to rub her bottom furiously as she stepped from foot to foot knowing tears still rolled down her face.

Beth saw the tears and then noticed Liz’s nipples and was surprised to see they were still taut, so knew she was still aroused. The thing was, though, that she was so aroused herself as well and wanted to tell Liz to leave so she could get her vibrator and make herself cum. So, in a bid to see Liz on her way she stood up and held her arms open to give her a quick hug, and Liz fell into them and hugged her back. However, instead of letting her go, Liz brushed her lips along hers and then kissed her hard. 

Moments later Beth could not stop herself easing her tongue inside Liz’s welcoming mouth and they kissed and cuddled passionately.

Liz eased herself away and licking her lips gently turned Beth around and unzipped her dress. Moments later Beth’s dress was on the floor and she stood still as Liz unclipped her bra which seconds later was on the floor as well.

Beth smiled as she lowered her knickers and stepped out of them and then held her arms open again and Liz again kissed her as Beth led her towards the sofa.

They lay on the sofa and kissed and cuddled and caressed the others taut nipples and explored each-others pussy lips and they gyrated and gasped as they edged their fingers inside the others pussy and flicked the others taut clit as their breathing deepened and they got closer to orgasms. 

Moments later they both came together in what Beth knew was the best orgasm she had ever had. It was wondrous.

Liz cried out as she came and knew the whole experience was even better than she had hoped for, and lying there breathlessly and kissing Beth’s breasts as her bottom stung was extraordinarily erotic.

After a few more moments in each other’s arms, Liz asked tentatively, “Beth, I would love it if we were to date.” She was looking at Beth’s tummy as she asked.

Beth smiled as she had had those same thoughts, and replied, “I would like that, Liz, very much.”

Liz kissed Beth’s breasts as she settled herself down and enjoyed the memory of her orgasm and looked forward to going out with her.

After a while, though, Beth knew she had to let Liz go to the theatre and eased herself up. “You have to go to the theatre, Liz,” Beth said with a smile.

Liz suddenly remembered the show and looked across at the clock and breathed with relief when she saw there was still plenty of time to get there.

“So, Liz,” Beth said with a smile, “I hope this means you won’t steal anything else today.”

Liz was now so relaxed she had forgotten her charade. “What sweetie? I don’t steal,” she said.

Beth asked more sternly, “What about the supermarket earlier?”

Liz realised her mistake and blushed. “Oh, erm, yes, that. Definitely,” she stammered.

Beth knew a lie when she heard one and said in a very annoyed tone, “You made it all up? You lied, Liz?” 

“Sorry,” Liz said, blushing and ready to kick herself for being found out.

Beth sat up and was really annoyed. “How could you lie, Liz?”

“Sorry,” Liz replied again.

“Were you caned at school?” Beth demanded to know.

Liz blushed still as she replied, “No. Sorry.”

Beth was so annoyed. “Sorry isn’t good enough, Liz. You lied and that deserves another spanking right now.”

Beth got up and took Liz by the upper arm to lead her back to the chair.

Liz wasn’t expecting this to happen and pleaded, “Please, Beth, if you spank me again, I won’t be able to sit down at the theatre.”

Beth wasn’t sympathetic at all as she said in a stern almost maternal tone, “Not my problem, Liz.”

Liz decided she could not resist. After all, Beth was acting with the dominance she so loved and was using her haughty voice that she just wanted to obey. She didn’t want another spanking so soon after the first one but knew that it had to be Beth’s decision, and, after all, she wanted to obey Beth’s instructions and give her the authority over her to make any and all disciplinary decisions, especially as they were going to date each other.

Beth held on to Liz as she sat down and could tell Liz wasn’t resisting. She knew giving Liz a second spanking would definitely mean she would find sitting down on the hard wooden benches rather challenging but decided she needed to be taught a lesson, and lying was a serious fault that needed to be corrected.

Liz followed Beth’s instructions and as she eased herself back down across Beth’s lap saw the teenager’s nipples were taut and that she was still aroused by the thought of spanking her. That was scant satisfaction as she found herself back across Beth’s lap and again had the close-up view of the backs of her legs, but told herself, though, that she had lied to earn her first spanking, and Beth was right to enforce her authority over her with another spanking. She would just have to deal with her stinging bottom at the theatre and might even have to end up offering her seat to someone else as she stood at the back, she thought. Anyway, right now she was more concerned about the pain Beth was going to inflict on her, although still knew that Beth was right to spank her again.

“I am so cross with you Liz,” Beth said angrily. “This time it will be thirty spanks with the spatula on each bottom cheek.”

Liz gasped at the realisation that Beth really was taking control but that was a turn on in itself and now feeling truly submissive simpered as the hand spanks started once again to land mercilessly and persistently all over her bare bottom cheeks and the tops of her legs.

Beth was determined to make sure Liz’s bottom stung so intensely she wouldn’t be able to sit down at the theatre and nor would she be able to sleep on anything other than her tummy when she got to bed. 

Liz stayed across Beth’s lap and as the spanks started to land with the spatula, she knew that even with the intense pain she was getting aroused again and wondered if she and Beth would make out again. However, as she listened to Beth berating her and, as she dissolved into crying and blubbering, she knew she would have to make do with her fingers tonight as she did need to get to the theatre. Still, it had been very successful so long as Beth wasn’t so annoyed that she changed her mind about dating her. However, she hoped not because there was no question how much she fancied the teenager.

Whatever happened, she knew tonight she would be fingering herself, although lying on her tummy as her bottom would be stinging far too much to lie on her back, but she really hoped Beth would still go out with her and dominate her in the way she wanted.

Beth did smile to herself as she landed spank after spank as she was getting aroused again by giving Liz such a hard spanking. She wondered if she might make out again with her afterwards but told herself Liz had to get to the theatre, assuming that wasn’t a lie of course. However, so long as Liz decided she would still date her, even with the second spanking, she would ensure that she spanked her again after their date to maintain her position of dominance over Liz. 

So, Beth knew it would mean fingering herself tonight, however, unlike Liz, she would definitely be on her back when she got to bed and her vibe would be working overtime. That only led her to spank Liz even harder and she was thinking thirty spanks on each bottom cheek wouldn’t be enough. The way Liz was already crying didn’t make any difference, though, as she wasn’t going to be sympathetic as this was a real punishment spanking and now she had the feel of it was one she hoped to do time and again in the future. 

After all, Liz said she needed someone authoritative to deal with her, and Beth was certainly up for that. 



Published 4 years ago

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