Donovan struggled with his apartment key as his new friend was all over him. He still couldn’t believe that he’d gotten her to come home with him the first time he asked. It even seemed to him like it was her idea. He just knew when they got into separate cars she would turn and leave before they were at his apartment building. Still, there she was when he parked, waiting on him. Once he got the door open she practically pushed him into his apartment, tearing his clothes off as they moved through the living room. He had never run into someone with this much determination, yeah, he was loving it.
As they danced through the apartment there was a trail of clothes from the door back to the bedroom. Giving her a quick tour as they moved back, he said, “This is the… living room, the kitchen… is to the right and… the bathroom is somewhere over… there.”
Pausing his words as she tried to shove her tongue as far down his throat as the chicken strips he had earlier. Clothes fly and the sounds of wanton desire fill the room. She set the tone for the evening with the very next thing from her panting mouth, “I want you to spank me, choke me, hurt me, use me like the slut I am.”
Smiling she said, “Alexia, play the ‘fuck her’ list.”
Immediately, a playlist started with ‘Feel Like Making Love’ by Bad Company and she laughed, “I knew you would have one.”
Kissing him deeply and passionately. This set him off like she had flipped a switch. He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the wall next to the bed. Pinning her against the wall he slaps her across the face hard enough to echo throughout the house. Then he says in a calm stern voice, “Open your mouth.”
When she opened, he pushed two fingers into her mouth and back into her throat. Forcing her gag reflex. She looked at him with begging eyes as he used his fingers to cut off her air. His other hand had pulled down the last of what she was wearing and wadded the panties in his hand. Pulling the fingers from her mouth he replaces them with her panties as his fingers find her wet pussy and grasp as if to pull it off her body. Then he slaps her pussy with his wet, fat fingers. One hand slaps her face as the other tortures her pussy, the sound of her yelps and moans spread out just above the music.
As his actions became increasingly aggressive and rougher on her, the cries and plea’s also got louder and more frightened. She was wailing and crying out at his slaps and force. Practically yelling at him to stop, don’t hurt me, and several other comments that seemed to fuel the fire they were building. Spinning her against the wall he started to slap her ass, demanding she doesn’t move and give him what he wants.
“Don’t want to hurt you slut, but I will if you fight me,” sprang from his mouth as he becomes so turned on he doesn’t recognize himself.
Pushing her harder against the wall he told her not to move and stepped back into the other room to grab his belt from his pants. When he gets back to her she is still pressed against the wall and he can almost see her shivering. She really gets into this shit. Wrapping his belt around her neck he pulled back to tighten and pushed her across the bed on her knees, moving in behind her. She gasped for air and he loosened the grip on the belt to let it slide open a little. She sucked in to fill her lungs then he tightened again. Keeping the belt tight he pushed his face between her ass cheeks and slowly licked her and sucked her clitty.
This was how it went for about the next hour, loud, aggressive sex, He even lost a couple of lamps in the process. They spent time on practically every horizontal surface in his place and a few vertical ones as well. There were ropes and ball gags, as well as a crop, and the whip still mounted on the wall. They just never got that far.
They ended up for the night with some bondage and spankings. She was so into it all, Donavon was amazed at her needs. She was into everything he could think of. At one point, she stumbled in her bindings and hit the headboard with her face and busted her nose and lip. Immediately blood sprayed the headboard and pillows, running down the wall behind the headboard. He started to apologize, before he said anything, suddenly even the blood seemed to turn her on. He was then begged to do more as he wiped the blood from her chin across her sweet face and then kissed her. Now it was his time to get turned on and he started to slap her ass barehanded as she almost howled between the blows.
When they had finally exhausted each other and were laying there, getting a second wind to start again and the clock chimes went off ringing four am. She jumped up and said she had to go. She scurried around the apartment picking up clothes and getting them on. When she was mostly finished Donavon walked her to her car and kissed her goodnight and made plans for another get-together in two days. He stood there as she drove away, then went back to the apartment and looked at the mess, deciding to clean up tomorrow, he climbed into bed.
He is awoken by a pounding on the door and grabs a robe to head in to see who the hell was beating on his door so early. Did his new friend forget something? Opening the door he saw there were two uniformed men in the hall.
“Are you Mr. DeLuna,” asked the closest officer. “I am Officer Sexton and this is Officer Lenard. Sir, is there anyone else in the apartment?”
“Anyone else? No Officer, I live alone.”
“So you were alone last night?” was his next question.
“Well, no I had a… date over earlier, but she left about four this morning. In a hurry I might add, she said she had to be somewhere. What is this about?”
“May I ask her name, sir,” Officer Sexton asked next.
A blank look spread across Donavon’s face as he realized that he didn’t know her name, hell, he never even asked. “Actually, I know how this must sound but I don’t. I met her at The Rose Tattoo, a bar downtown, and well, names never came up. Is something wrong, did she call you about something?”
“No sir, she didn’t. So you brought someone here that you didn’t even bother to get a name,” came from Officer Lenard?
“Well… yes, I mean it was a hook-up. Names didn’t seem important at the time. Coming here was her idea and I just went with it.” Donavon is starting to feel very uneasy. Did she call and complain? She seemed very content when she left, hell, the plans to meet again were her idea.
“Mr. DeLuna, may we come in and check out the apartment to make sure she is no longer here?”
Without hesitation, Donavon stepped aside and said, “Certainly, I have nothing to hide.”
As they walked through the living room they noted that only Donavon’s clothes were scattered around. Looking in each room on their way down the hallway, past the bathroom and into the bedroom at the end of the hall.
“Mr. DeLuna? Could you step in here?” Came from the bedroom and as soon as Donavon stepped into the room he saw the blood on the wall, headboard, and pillows.
“Someone had an accident,” came from Officer Sexton.
Oh My God, this is not good, what are they gonna think was all that flashed through his thoughts.
“Uhhh well… we got a little more aggressive than playful and she busted her lip and got a bloody nose.”
The officers look at each other and back at Donavon. “Can you tell us where the mystery woman is now?”
This is not happening, what the HELL. “She didn’t give me a phone number. I walked her to her car and we made plans for another day. She is coming back in two days. She promised.”
Officer Lenard asked, “What type of car was she driving?”
That same blank look covered his face as he realized, “I am not sure, I didn’t look at the car, just her.”
Officer Sexton took his handcuffs from his pouch and asked Donavon to turn around. “This is just for safety Mr. DeLuna, yours and ours.”
After he turned he felt the cold steel cuffs pressed around his wrists and remembered how it felt to tighten them around her wrists last night.
Officer Lenard says, “Mr. DeLuna, we need you to come down with us to the station and talk to a few friends of ours.” They took him out the door and closed it behind them.
Donavan found himself in a small windowless room with one small table and two chairs. He couldn’t help but feel like he was in every cop show he had ever watched. No two-way mirror but there was a camera in the corner so he knew he was being watched just the same. He imagined he had been there already for hours without even talking to anyone.
The door opened and suddenly he was not alone. “Hello Mr. DeLuna, I am Detective Collins. I just have a few questions. First off, take me through your night after you left the bar.”
Donavan went through the events of the night and the detective pressed for details that only made him sound worse. He thought that even he was beginning to doubt it was true.
“We were able to get some prints off a cup in your bathroom. Her name is Sara Lynn.” He shows Donavan a photo of her and without question it was her. ”The problem is we can’t seem to find her. Her car is gone and it doesn’t look like anyone has been in her apartment in a few days, at least. So where was she going when she left your place?”
“I have no idea, she didn’t even tell me why she was in such a hurry. Like I said we barely even talked. I didn’t know she had even used the cup.”
Detective Collins left him alone and was gone for what seemed like several hours once again. This process repeated itself a few more times with different detectives coming in to take their shot at Donavon. The stories never changed and no one ever seemed to know where Sara was. Each time it looked worse for Donavon. Every one of the detectives thought he was hiding something or at least that was what Donavan saw in their eyes. After another gap of alone time, Detective Collins returns and tells Donavan that he can go.
“I’ll be honest with you DeLuna, the only reason you are not staying in a cell is that we can’t seem to find anything about where Miss Lynn might be. I think we will find her and I think you know where she is. I am not gonna let this go, I promise. When you look up, you will see me. Sooner or later guys like you always make a mistake. Then I got ya.”
Donavan couldn’t wait to get the hell out of that place and realized as he left the station that he had been there overnight. It was the next morning already. He had been in there for over twenty-four hours. They had no reason to believe he did anything but for someone misinterpreting what had happened last night. This was insane. He got home and plopped down on the couch, within minutes, he was fast asleep.
Once again he is awakened by someone at the door and when he opens it she is standing there. Sara Lynn is at his front door. He brought her inside and told her what had happened. She told him she had gone to a friend’s house to take care of their kids while they went to spend their anniversary at a downtown hotel, after a nice show. She had just gotten back into town and stopped by to see when he wanted to get together.
Donavon had her call Detective Collins and she agreed to meet him at the station to clear this all up. Sara told him she would be back later tonight and would make it all up to him then. After she left he again took the opportunity to get some sleep.
A few hours later there was again a knock at the door and when Donavon answered it was his neighbor, Mrs. Clancey, and a young woman at his door. Mrs. Clancy started to talk and seemed to be having a terrible time getting out what she wanted to say.
“Mr. DeLuna, I am so very sorry about yesterday. I misread everything. When Kayla, sorry this is my granddaughter Kayla, told me what she heard from your apartment the other night it sounded like you had been having a fight with someone. At first, I wrote it off as being a silly eighteen-year-old just exaggerating. Then, I thought that her headboard was on the wall that is your bedroom, so what she heard would be fairly clear. Then my imagination went into overtime and I got worried if I didn’t report it something could happen that was even worse. I am embarrassed that I overreacted. I had no idea that a man and his… evening’s companion would make those sounds while being intimate. I have never heard of such a thing. I am the one that called the police, I thought I was doing something right and stopping something wrong. I do hope you can forgive me, Mr. DeLuna. I promise on my Edward’s grave, I will never interfere with your life again.”
Donavon could see the embarrassment and shame on her face and told her, “Mrs. Clancy, yesterday was the worst day of my life, bar none. Still, knowing there are people out there like you that care made it all so much better. Thank you for caring.”
Yes, he wanted to explode and tell her to mind her own damn business, but something about her granddaughter seemed to make everything ok. Smiling, he decided to let it go and just forget.
“Kayla wanted me to ask you if she could give you a hug to say she was sorry for her mistake?”
“Kayla, I would be honored to get a hug from you. Thank you so much,” was all he could say.
As Kalya pushed up to her toes and wrapped her arms up and around Donavon’s neck she whispered. “I am sorry, Sir. As Mamaw said we share a wall so the next time you need an evening’s companion like that, just knock. She is in bed by 8:30 every night.” She kissed his cheek, turned, and walked down the hall toward home.
Donavon watched as she walked to her door, turned back to him, and waved. Then blew a kiss and went inside.