Damn! The day was finally here! I had been waiting for this day for years! Well, actually, three months, but they felt like years. Now, the day was finally here! I was standing at the airport watching everyone deplane. I scrutinized every dark-haired woman as they streamed off the plane. Some noticed my intensity but quickly saw that I had already moved on to the people following behind.
The plane had been packed since Denver was a major hub. Many of the passengers immediately looked to the departure monitors to see where they needed to go for the next leg of their journey. She did not. As she stepped out from behind a large man who had stopped to scan the monitors, my breath caught in my throat. Her photos had not shown me how truly beautiful this lady was.
She stopped as well but was scanning the crowd of people waiting for their loved ones. I had made a small sign. It read Cliten. When she finally saw it, she blushed beet red.
My previous girlfriend had named her sex.
We started out texting back and forth on Skype. Texting had quickly moved to sexting. I told her about my previously written stories. She had even read a couple. One day I asked her if she had a name for her pussy, saying that I didn’t want to use our real names, were I to write about us. She had said, “No,” but would think about it. The next day she texted back, “Cliten.” I immediately told her that I loved it!
I quickly put my sign away and waited for her to exit the restricted area of the terminal. There was some awkwardness at our first meeting. This was our very first meeting. Do we hug? Do we kiss like long-absent lovers? What do you do with the woman which you fell in love with online? Since her hands were full with her coat and carry-on, I kissed her on the cheek and took her carry-on bag. I had not been to the Denver airport for over two decades, so I arrived early to locate the terminal baggage claim. I took her by the hand to lead the way.
Her flight had a long layover in Dallas. My drive had been nearly eight hours due to the previous night’s snowstorm. We were both tired but had so much adrenalin pumping through our bodies that we couldn’t stop talking and asking each other questions. I asked her about her flights, and she asked me about my drive to Denver. Honestly, I doubt either of us heard the other, but we kept talking along with everyone else in the terminal. Finally, at the baggage claim, we stopped to wait for the carousel to bring the luggage out.
Everyone was much quieter while waiting. We whispered some but mainly stood there holding hands and taking furtive looks at each other when the other wasn’t looking. Yes, we had been talking through Skype texts for months. We even seemed to have fallen in love with those texts, but we really didn’t know each other.
As the carousel started, I let go of her hand and asked her to get her ticket out so security could check if they wanted to. She jumped as if startled. As it turns out, her bag was one of the first off the plane. She pointed it out, and I went to retrieve it. Then, we left the baggage area. I was pulling her suitcase with her pulling the carry-on. I reached out to hold her hand again. Was I being possessive? Absolutely! I wanted to show the world that this beauty was mine. She didn’t seem to mind, holding my hand tightly.
As we walked out into the parking garage, I kept a wary eye out for thugs. The Denver airport parking garage had a reputation for crime. We were lucky and arrived at my pick-up truck without incident. I used the remote to unlock it as we walked up. I opened the passenger side, put her bags in the back seat then took her hand to help her up onto her seat. I stepped onto the running board and reached across my lady to buckle her seatbelt. But, I had an ulterior motive.
We were finally alone. I looked into her eyes and leaned forward to give her our very first kiss. She instantly wrapped her arms around me and kissed me quite soundly.
Just as we were about to come up for air, someone a few cars away shouted, “Get a room!” I looked around to see the couple that had shouted was smiling at us. I said, “Oh. We will; we will.”
They laughed and got into their car. I leaned in for another quick kiss, then went around to get in the truck.
We left the parking garage, found our way to I-25, and headed North. I reached over to hold her hand as I was driving. The traffic started to thin as we left Ft. Collins. I looked at her (from now on, I’ll call her, Cliten). I looked at Cliten and asked her if she knew why I brought this big truck to get her instead of my car. She asked, “Because of the snow?” A good guess, but my car has all-wheel drive, and the snow would not have been an issue.
I had planned to take the truck regardless of the weather. The pick-up has a center console just like the car, except the truck console, lifts up and back to make a center seat, which has its own seat belt.
I told her it was partly due to the snow but more to do this. I lifted the console and pushed it back to lock in as a seat back. I asked if she would like to slide over next to me. She smiled somewhat shyly, unbuckled, slid over to me, and found the new seatbelt to buckle in. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as if we had been riding that way for months.
She put her left hand on my thigh and reached up to hold my right hand on her shoulder. I had considered reaching down to cop a feel of her breast but thought it might be a bit too much, too soon, so I remained the gentleman.
It was still early afternoon as we drove through Cheyenne and on North. Cliten had had a long day with one flight, a layover at DFW then the second flight to Denver. I caught her stifling a yawn a couple of times. With my eight-hour drive to Denver, I was beginning to have drowsiness issues myself. I had made plans for this.
I exited the interstate at the first Casper exit. She looked at me with questions in her eyes. I just smiled as we pulled up at my favorite Casper hotel. Cliten gave me a wondering look.
I just said: “I’ll be right back.”
They had my reservation ready. Being an elite rewards member and the hotel not full, I talked them into upgrading us to a king suite. I took the card keys back out to the truck. I opened the passenger door and took her hand to help Cliten out. I grabbed both of our suitcases, handed her the carry-on, and we went inside to the elevator.
We found our room near the elevator on our floor. I opened the door and motioned Cliten into the room. She smiled at the suite. Sitting on the bed, she let herself fall back to lie down. Seeing her eyes close, I walked over and took her hands to pull her to a sitting position.
I said, “If you fall asleep now, we’ll never get dinner.”
Cliten agreed drowsily. I pulled the two suitcase stands out of the closet, set them up, and put our cases on them. I then opened them both to have them ready.
I sat beside her and asked if she’d like to shower before dinner after all that time in airplanes and terminals. She thought about it for a moment, then said yes. I mentioned that it might wake her up a bit until after dinner, at least. She nodded again, went to her suitcase, gathered some things, and headed to the bathroom. Remember now, we had sexted and shared nude and lewd photos, but we had never seen each other before today, let alone without clothes.
Part of our sexting centered on showering together, with all of the possibilities. I quickly stripped out of my dirty clothes. Standing by the bathroom door, I waited to hear her turn on the shower. I then knocked and opened the door a crack asking if she’d like some company in the shower. She didn’t answer.
It seemed like hours, really maybe a minute, before she answered. It had taken her so long that I started to close the bathroom door. I could be the gentleman until the time was right.
Seeing the door closing, Cliten reached out and pulled the door open with a shy smile and said, “Yes, please join me.”
I went from dejected to a huge smile in a nanosecond.
The water was nice and hot. I helped Cliten into the tub and then stepped in behind her. She was under the water facing away from me, luxuriating in the hot shower. I just stood there staring at her back, her perfect backside, and her great legs. She was kind of pre-rinsing. She bent over a little to run her hands on her thighs. Then, there it was, just a little peek of her sex between her thighs. I was already hard watching her, but even more blood rushed South at that sight. My favorite view of a woman is just that!
I picked up the bar of soap, stepped up behind her, and started washing her back. Cliten jumped as if she had forgotten that I was in the shower with her. I went from washing her back to a shower massage, running my hands up and down her back. She seemed to enjoy the hot water and my massage.
I worked my way up to Cliten’s shoulders using the soap to lubricate her skin as I continued to massage first her shoulders and then up her neck. She was still tense but was beginning to relax, little by little.
I then rubbed my hands down her arms, not really massaging but more than just washing. She leaned back against my chest with her head on my shoulder. As I reached her hands, Cliten took both of my hands and guided them to her wonderful breasts to wash and fondle. I was glad that I hadn’t tried to cop a feel in the truck.
She was forty years old, but they were still nice and firm B-cup size (my favorite) with pink areolas and big nipples, great for suckling!
Pushed back against me as she was, she couldn’t help be feel my erection but seemed not to notice. Just as well, I wanted our first time to be face-to-face in bed.
I continued to wash Cliten from behind. She seemed to be enjoying my touch, so I worked my hands down her taunt stomach, then on down. I decided to go down her sides to her hips, then back to her beautiful bottom. I probably spent more time than necessary, but she didn’t complain. I dropped to my knees to wash her legs and then each foot. I stood up to continue.
Dilemma time.
I decided to go for it. I ran my hands back up to the junction of her thighs. I had not seen Cliten’s pussy from the front, except in the photos we shared. Still, it surprised me somewhat. She was completely smooth, with no stubble. She had to have shaved just before leaving home, for me! Maybe I really am in love with my dating site girl.
I used a little soap as I found her clit, washing her pussy while rubbing her nub. As I rubbed and played with her, she leaned her head back again, only this time, she was moaning. She had told me that she didn’t masturbate. As sensitive as she was, I believed her. Then all of a sudden, she grabbed my hair with one hand and my hand on her Clit with the other as she moaned and shook with her first orgasm caused by me.
Then she spun around and started kissing me with more passion than I had ever experienced. We held each other in the shower that way for hours! Ok, for a few more minutes. Then she took the soap and started to wash me.
She washed my back and played with my butt cheeks as I had hers. Then the backs of my legs and feet. Turning me around, this beautiful woman started to wash my hairy chest and arms. Then my stomach, but she went on down to wash the front of my legs.
Now, being in the shower with this dark-haired beauty, whom I had just given a great orgasm, I was rock hard. Next, Cliten started washing, Cumster. (I had sent her a few cumshot photos, so that was the name she came up with for him.) I was so worked up that I knew I would explode in her face very quickly. As enjoyable as that might be, I had been saving up for over a week. I knew my first load with this lady would be huge. It was just that I wanted it to be deep inside her bald pussy.
I asked her to stop. She actually pouted. I explained that I wanted my first time cumming to be when I was making love to her the first time. She still pouted some but went along with my wishes this time.
She got out of the shower and began to dry off.
I turned the shower to cold!
More of Cliten & Cumster to cum . . .