The Jared Chronicles: Jared and the Cherry Project – Part 3

"Jared gets prepped for the project, in ways he could NEVER have foreseen."

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Jared is naked, hard and ready to supply the goods for Cherry’s art projext, with help from her co femme domme Vanessa and frisky sub Jaylee. As he’s accompanied to the shower by Jaylee for a pre-modelling session rinse, he searches for a way to grab some, ANY advantage in a situation that is uncharacteristically out of his control…

The bathroom was next to the kitchenette, one of three rooms off the main studio. It was functional rather than luxurious, the shower no more than a bathtub attachment. Jaylee paused him with a tap on the shoulder. “Let me run the shower for you, sweetie.” He couldn’t help it—his eyes were inexorably drawn to her ass, as she leaned over the tub. It was irresistible, the way her lace panty vanished between those tight pillows. His marble-solid cock throbbed, as though drawing the rest of him that direction.

“There, not too hot,” she said, having tested the jets. “Or cold. It’ll freshen you up without – y’know, cooling your ardour.” She smiled with a hint of mischief and he responded with a grimace as he stepped into the tub. “Keep the curtain open,” she instructed mildly, “so I get a good view.” And I get one of you—yeah, I get the drill here, baby. The water on his body was some relief, if not the kind he most needed. He splashed his face and hung his head back, letting it flood down his back and torso. All the while his cock was sprouting from his groin unrelenting in its hardness.

“I love watching a man shower,” Jaylee commented, having perched herself elf-like on the sink’s marble countertop. One red shoe dangled from her toes as she swung her leg. “Especially when his torso gets all wet and shiny like yours. Vanessa says you don’t wear a shirt on stage when you play—is that right?”

“No, I don’t. Just means more laundry. Wait, she’s never seen me on stage.”

“She has. Didn’t you see her? She was there two nights back.” She was? That was news to Jared. So Red had been spying on him during his stage act. “I like the thought of that,” Jaylee said wistfully. “you all hot and sweaty while you cut loose on your guitar. Fuckin’ sexy. You like looking at me?”

He did like it—everything from her full cock-sucker’s lips to the suggestion of rose-coloured nipple at the hem of her brassiere cups. There was a cutesy knot of black lace ribbon beneath her cleavage which somehow made him want to tear the bra from her tits with even more savagery than otherwise. And those hold-ups—the way they accentuated the creaminess of her thighs … Shitting hell! He spoke to her if only to prevent his jaw from sagging.

“So what’s your deal in all this?”

“What d’ya mean?” She moistened her upper lip with her tongue.

“How come you got included in this fun afternoon?”

She smiled, her mascara-pronounced eyes lighting up. “Cherry told me I deserved a treat, that’s all. Said I’d been a good girl.”

“You seem feisty enough in your own right. How come you’re teamed up with a ball-breaker like her?”

“Hey, time to soap that beautiful cock. Let me.” She popped herself off the sink, bringing a gel-soap dispenser to the tub.

“Changing the subject, are we?”

“No,” she said, her smile coy as she wet her hands and squirted soap into one palm. “Sometimes a girl likes to explore a whole other side to herself. I don’t just mean the bi-side. I mean … sometimes it’s nice to give up control.” She worked up a lather with her hands.

“I think you could give up control with me,” he said, searching for a way to work the situation. “I think you’d like that.”

“I think so too,” she said, and he was sure her voice was faltering. “But it’s different with a girl. With Cherry. She’s subtle. Well, some of the time. And then sometimes she’s … not.” Her smile became dark and secret. “Don’t move, let me wash you. Watch while I do it.”

He did. He watched her slim hands glide down his cock like water, a touch so soft that he shivered right to his nipples. Oh fuck yeah, more … harder … She palmed his shaft in fleet movements that barely touched him, leaving a film of bubbles all over him. Tantalising hands flicked and tickled, getting him soapy without taking a proper firm hold. Goddamn it all … “You wanna do that a bit more firmly,” he said, recalling how Tabitha the English rose had massaged his erection so fully in a garden shower earlier that summer, the squeeze of her hand tight and satisfying. Now that was how to jack a guy, not this excruciating bullshit.

“You’re right, I do want to,” Jaylee said, a note of sadness in her voice, “but I can’t. I promised Cherry.” She reached under and drew her palm from his balls all the way to his tip, one finger lingering there a moment. Holy suffering fuck … You little teasing bitch!

“C’mon, baby, promises are made to be broken. She’s out there, we’re in here. Don’t you wanna get your palm around my shaft and really feel how hard I am for you? I can’t touch you, but you can sure as hell touch me.” Her fingers’ nimble movements stalled. There was doubt in her face, he could see it. He pressed his advantage.

“Sweetheart, we both know if it was just you and me here things’d be different.” Water was rebounding off him, splashing onto her neck and chest as she soft-soaped him, her lips glistening with moisture and her pupils dilating. “You’d take all I had to give and you’d give it right back like a hot little trooper. We’d be so fucking good together, baby. Your pussy would cream my cock every time it thrust inside you.”

“I know,” she said, her voice audibly wavering.

“Then jack my cock like you mean it. C’mon, get down on your knees and put your mouth on it. Pump my fucking shaft.”

Her eyes were wide, her lower lip tremulous. “I want to …”

“Then do it. Give my cock some proper love. I won’t tell if you don’t.”

“I wanna suck your cock so good,” she moaned, eyes wide and innocent, “truly I do. I wanna pump it like crazy and then have you ram every inch deep inside me. God, baby, I’d love you to bounce me off the fuckin’ walls on the end of this … this beauty.”

“Then let me fuckin’ do it to you, you naughty slut.”

She held the look of sweet-faced yearning a moment longer, then her expression transformed. “But there’s something else I think I’d like even more.”

“And what’s that?” he inquired, reining in his galloping desire.

With unbearable slowness she insinuated the fingertips of both hands up his stiff column till they teased under his dome. Her sense of mischief had returned full force, the dirty little actress, along with a measure of her female lover’s steel. “The look on your face as you imagine fucking my mouth and my pussy, when you know I’m not gonna let you. It’s so sexy, baby, it’s fucking intense. That agony in your eyes with the bliss so near, yet still outa reach. My pussy’d fit so good around your cock—like a warm wet glove. You’d be in Heaven.”

She’d robbed him of all breath even before one hand reached between his legs and delicately caressed his sac, the other fingers still provoking beneath his glans. “God, your balls are so heavy with cum. You must be ready to burst. I want you to look at me and think about how you’d most like to give it all to me … Down my throat? Spew it all over my neck and my chin as you fuck my tits? Or do you just wanna slam it balls-deep inside me and shoot it in my pussy?”

Lust swept Jared like a tsunami and he tensed, right on the verge of grabbing her sweet flesh and dragging her into the bath with him. The urge to rip her panties literally from her body and penetrate that tight twat was formidable, but still—Christ knew why—he did not do it.

“See?” she said with a beam of pride in him, as he was pelted by water in his trembling inactivity. “I knew you had will-power. You’re not gonna miss out on all the surprises they got lined up out there for a quick grope of tits and ass in here, are you? Besides …” She adopted a confidential tone. “I don’t think you wanna let Vanessa down.”

Jared snorted with laughter more grim than his usual. She’s the tricky bitch that got me into this mess to start with. I owe that woman nothing. But he couldn’t deny the artistry the red girl had employed—the ingenuity being shown by all three of them. “You really are Cherry’s girl, aren’t you? I can see she likes her bitches feisty.”

“She does,” Jaylee affirmed. “Now let’s rinse that cock.” He got a good view of her close-nestling tits as she reached for the nozzle and burned with the desire to hold and squeeze them. “There, all clean and ready,” she said sweetly, as she sprayed him free of soap bubbles. “Well, almost ready. You’ve been so well-behaved, baby.”

Having replaced the shower attachment, she paused to reach up on tiptoe and kiss his mouth. He tightened his lips, resisting the urge to respond in the slightest. “So well-behaved,” she repeated, and she dropped her head to kiss one of his nipples, mouth luxuriating for a moment on his peaked arousal. He gritted his teeth as she sucked to the point of pain, right before easing. “A little reward,” she told him. “There’ll be bigger ones I’m sure.” She planted her lips on the other nipple and repeated her delicious action. His own natural reaction and the chemically boosted flow of blood to his groin stretched the skin of his cock taut. When his eyes followed her descent to her knees, he was actively astonished at his own bulging hugeness.

“This is where you wanted me, right?” Her pink tongue reached to his underside and flickered right on the knot, the sweet spot under his hood. Oh Christ, there it is. Sexy little demon, she’s got it. The spot Natalie had instinctively known about and used to her advantage. It was all happening over again—different, but the same. Jaylee’s tongue-tip waggled there long enough for his whole body to seize in a paroxysm of agonised joy. Then she stopped, stood and flung him a towel.

“Dry off. The others will be suspicious what we’re doing. Leave your cock wet. No cheating.” He breathed deep, bringing himself down from the summit of his lust.

“You’re getting good at issuing instructions,” he observed, as he rubbed himself over, and that prideful smile was all about herself this time around.

“I know how to take ‘em too,” she said with a knowing smirk, before leading him back into the studio.

Vanessa and Cherry were both in casual mode—the redhead seated on the chair by the desk with her long legs crossed and her dark-skinned companion reclining lazily on the chaise lounge. The latter was idly perusing the laptop, which was resting on her knees.

“Looks like Jay’s been having her fun,” Vanessa remarked, gaze fixed on his enhanced phallic proportions.

“Did he try and take any liberties?” There was an edge to Cherry’s casual inquiry. She glanced again at her laptop screen before looking back at him.

“No, he was a very good boy,” Jaylee said, stroking his arm with affection. “I mean he mouthed off a lot, he was quite the seducer. I’m so wet beneath my panty-thong. But he didn’t lay a finger on me.”

“He tried to seduce you?” Cherry eyed them both intently now.

“I’d expect nothing less,” Vanessa said. “I’d be disappointed if he hadn’t tried to work some move on her. We’ll let him stay.”

“Still, I say we increase the punishment.”

“Oh absolutely.”

Right, the price to be paid for Jaylee’s bathroom touching—how had that slipped his mind? “I’m gonna point out,” he broke in, “that this little … sweetheart’s ‘bathroom touching’ didn’t relieve me in the slightest. The opposite in fact.”

“I’m sorry, did you speak?” Cherry’s look was withering.

“Don’t be harsh,” Vanessa chided her friend. “The poor guy’s suffering. Look at that big throbbing salami of his.”

“I’m looking. He and it are gonna suffer more. This is one afternoon he doesn’t get his way, however much he’s used to it.” She spun the laptop around so that he could view the screen. Cherry, it turned out, had been viewing a website the contents of which was close to his heart—a heart that sank in that moment. “Rogue Rocker dot com,” she said, a scathing edge to her voice. “Real life exploits of rock-and-roll Lothario. This guy wields one axe on stage and another in the bedroom and then captures it all artistically. Enjoy his adventures captured in pictorial form by his own talented hand. God, somebody’s got a high opinion of himself.”

“In my defence,” he said, “I didn’t write the intro. That’s all Vanessa.”

“I figured as much,” Cherry said with a dry look to her redhead associate. “Shame on you, sister.”

“It’s a little bit tongue-in-cheek,” Vanessa said with a mild shrug. “But I gotta admit I get a kick out of his stories. Call it my weakness.”

“I’ll tell you what I call his artwork,” Cherry said, flicking frame by frame through one of the galleries Vanessa had created to showcase Jared’s drawings. “Fucking schoolboy level masturbation fodder. I’m guessing he provided everything else, titles included?”

“That he did. He’s very proud of those ‘exploits’.”

“‘Halloween Party’,” Cherry read, as she flipped through the images, Jaylee joining her and peering with avid curiosity at the screen. “‘Teacher Training’ … ‘Mardi Gras Mayhem’ … ‘Partying With the Band’ … I’m guessing the redhead who features in ‘Dance on THIS Pole’ is a good friend of mine?”

“You guess right,” Vanessa said, with a smile. “My bad.”

Double shame on you.”

Jaylee was laughing, a hand to her mouth. “My God, that’s really something.”

“Hey, I told you that story,” Vanessa remarked. “It was all in a good cause. It had a happy outcome for the other girl in the picture.”

“That’s as maybe,” Cherry said, “but it’s still a celebration of this guy’s massive ego.”

“Hush.” Vanessa was laughing at her companion’s scorn, while clearly enjoying Jared’s struggle to remain composed. “You’re way too mean. It’s all fun.”

“That’s right,” he contributed, his swagger feeling considerably more fake than usual. “I had fun, so did everyone else shown there, believe me.”

“I believe you,” Jaylee contributed, still smirking at the screen.

“Hush, you,” Cherry reprimanded, setting aside the laptop. “Okay, guitar hero, let’s say they all did. Well today you’re going to have fun on our terms, not your own. And if you’re any kind of man, you’ll draw it and put it on this site afterwards.”

“Oh I think he will,” Vanessa said. “Haven’t you seen Gallery One?”

“Gallery One? Oh yeah, that … I have,” Cherry said, a sly smile creeping in place of her grimace. Jared’s heart beat faster, the anger and the turn-on increasing together. “Those drawings tell a whole other story. Who was she, Rock-and-Roll? I liked her style, whoever she was. Tying you up, putting you through your paces … She was my kinda girl. And she keeps showing up, over and over … Seems she made quite the impression on you. Still think about her, do you?”

“I … That was …” Jared was not used to his sentences drying up like they were now. He’d been in two minds over letting Vanessa post the Natalie pictures even before this moment. They were way too private.

Vanessa intervened on his behalf. “Enough, baby. Leave the poor boy alone. Let’s get him prepped.”

“Yeah, I’m down with that. Let’s do it. Since we know he’s not averse to the girls taking charge …”

Vanessa arose and carried her chair to the centre of the room. It had a flexible metal frame with a leather seat and back. “Come sit down,” she invited Jared. “We need to get you shaved.”

The cockiness he had been adopting since his mid-teens finally reasserted itself. “You do realise,” he said, “that all of your plans depend on me not walking out that door.”

“You’re not going to do that,” Vanessa said matter-of-factly. “And not just because we got your pants.”

“Okay, entertain me. Why else not?”

“Same reason you came here today—curiosity. You wanna know how this will all turn out. Come sit down, baby. Relax while I fetch the water.”

She had him, he couldn’t deny it. With a smile of resignation at odds with his hard-on, he strolled to the chair and made himself as comfortable as possible. Vanessa had the can of foam, the bowl of gently steaming water and the lady-shave all ready. Jaylee snuggled herself into Cherry’s welcoming form on the chaise-lounge and enjoyed the good view she had of proceedings.

Jared’s cock was recumbent on his belly, a hard-etched slab of arousal, as Vanessa prepared. She had undone a shirt button so that the cleft between her full breasts was apparent as she squirted foam into her palm.

“To be honest he’s pretty clean-shaven as it is,” she said, pausing as she reached for him. “We could leave this bit out.”

“Yeah, but where would be the fun?” Cherry asked.

“Excellent point.” Vanessa’s palm flexed to enfold Jared’s balls, clothing them in foam. She caressed more firmly than Jaylee had done and he released a long voiceless sigh. “God, this sac is swollen,” she commented, fondling enough to make his head wilt backwards.

“I was telling him that,” Jaylee said.

“It’s a bona fide cum repository. And it’ll get fuller before we’re done.”

“Christ yeah,” Cherry asserted. “He has no fuckin’ idea how much juice he’ll need to unload before we’re through with him.”

Vanessa wetted the razor, and her roving tongue did the same to her lips, as she set the multi-bladed surface to his balls. “All nice and safe,” she said, steadying his cock with a hand to its thick base. She touched down and trailed the razor with painstaking slowness, making a path through the foam. “Don’t wanna do anything to compromise this beautiful boner. You need to be stiff to the max for what we got planned.”

Like that’s gonna be a problem … Jared’s sagging head rose, so he could observe the razor’s gliding progress around his balls. Vanessa’s hand was firm on his shaft, a look of benign concentration on her face. You’re loving this, Red. Fuck, you devious girl. She washed off the razor and her deft fingers drew his sac upwards so that she could apply it lovingly underneath. His chest tightened and his body braced, as he fought to control the shuddering induced by her touch. Jaylee was leaning forward, tits squeezing against the lace of her bra, eyes wide at the blades’ gently grating progress. Cherry wore an expression of calm satisfaction as he squirmed.

The Bitch Squad. Damn—these girls really have their shit together.

The razor curled around the final unshaved contours of his balls, Vanessa manipulating his sac to afford room. He could almost feel himself swelling with greater reserves of cum as she completed the task, his mind a spin-cycle of unsated lusts. “There,” she said, and she splashed him clean of residual foam with water from the bowl. “All smooth and lovely. Go on, stand up—let me see.”

He rose from the seat and stood tall before the still kneeling Vanessa, his cock a massive tower before her face. “God,” she said with a gratifying absence of irony, “that’s handsome. That’s the stuff of art.”

Hell, Red, I’d like to slap you around the face with this piece of art and then shove it down your throat.

She drew his cock forward with a finger to the glans and made it spring back so that it slapped against his stomach. “Yeah, I can read your thoughts,” she said with a smirk, rising from the hardwood floor. “Let me take this all back to the kitchen.” She bent from the waist to pick up her shaving accoutrements, allowing the shirt to ride all the way up her thighs. As he’d suspected, she was wearing nothing underneath. The vision that he retained as she retreated to the kitchen was of her plump, swollen labia trimmed with stray tufts of moist red hair. That and the lower regions of a taut ass.

“That’s white-girl booty worth playing with—don’t ya think, Jared?” Cherry’s face, when he swung himself and his cock around, was rich with mocking delight.

“You really wanted to plunge it deep, didn’t you, baby?” Jaylee teased, all fired up with courage by the proximity of her sexy friend.

“He wants to line us up, bend us over and plunge it in every last one of us. Isn’t that right, Mr. Rock-and-Roll Stud?”

“Yeah, it is, Cherry-girl.” He delivered the sentiment calmly and frankly, adding to it with relish. “I’d like to spank your little girlfriend’s ass and then fuck her while you watch. And then I’d like to reverse the two of you and do it all over.”

“And then you’d like to spank and fuck the lovely Vanessa while both of us watch. I think you’d like that most of all.”

Cherry’s scrutiny was hard and merciless. It drew out the truth from him where Jaylee’s teasing had failed. “I guess you’re right. I also guess none of that’s gonna happen.”

Cherry’s fingers roved up and down Jaylee’s milky thigh. “Honey, right now even I don’t know everything that’s gonna happen. We’re kind of improvising here.”

Vanessa’s arm slithered around his waist from behind and his whole frame tightened at her sudden presence. “I know one thing that’s sure as hell gonna happen. Something we agreed on while you were getting felt up in the bathroom.”

Cherry positively grinned at the reminder, charged with intent as she rose from the chaise lounge, setting aside the laptop. “How could I forget?” she said mildly. “You got the needful item, Vee?”


Jared turned around to see what it was, his cock slapping inadvertently against Vanessa’s thigh as he moved. She stepped back from him, concealing some object behind her back. “What is this?” His attempt to act casual did not quite mask his unease.

“Payment for getting soaped up by the cute Miss Jaylee,” Vanessa told him. “Honey,” she called over his shoulder to the girl, “go prep the batter for the mould. It’s nearly time.”

“Can I bring it all out and do it in here?” Jaylee inquired. “I don’t wanna miss anything.”

“Sure, baby,” Cherry said, closing in on Jared from behind. “And you won’t wanna miss this. Trust me on that.” In the periphery of his vision Jared could see the girl scurrying off in a flurry of excitement; the main part of his attention however was on the other two girls. They were closing in on him, their glee as naked as his ass.

“Okay, enough with the suspense—wherever this is going, take it there.”

Vanessa ran fingers down his chest, then let one take a tour around his nipple. Cherry was tight at his side as well now, her hand lightly brushing his ass. The expression on her face was almost conciliatory. “You’re nearly ready,” she told him.

“Nearly? Have you taken a close look at my cock?”

“Oh I have, and it’s in good shape. But we wanna make sure you keep that edge all through the process. Don’t we, Vee?”

“Yeah, we do. Which is one of the reasons we’re gonna need to use these.” She withdrew the items from behind her back with a flourish.

Jared looked. He damn well stared, till he let out a laugh of pure incredulity. “Come on, you gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me.”

“No one’s kidding anyone,” Vanessa assured.

“And you—what—got those from the kitchen?”

“Bedroom. It’s a special room. Full of fun items like these.”

The pair of paddles—count those bastards—were in matching pink and black. Each was over a foot long and a third of that in breadth—an impressive expanse of hard matt leather. Vanessa passed the pink one to Cherry and the ebony girl took it by its metal-studded handle, swatting her own palm with it experimentally. “Nice timing. I needed to break these in and here we have the perfect subject.”

Vanessa looked over her black paddle with admiration. “Quite the investment. I love the attention to detail—this stitching is immaculate. And the handle, my hand fits to it like they were made for each other.” She gave it a practice swish.

Jared glanced back and forth between the two girls as their hands warmed to their new toys. The noise Vanessa’s was making as it cut through the air resistance was alarming. His hands reached out to them in protest. “Whoa—hold on here a second, you don’t honestly think I’m gonna let you use those on me.”

“We don’t have to do anything,” Cherry told him. “Problem is, you back out of any one thing, you get nothing.”

“And what exactly do I get? I’ve not been promised anything.”

“Have a little faith, Rockstar,” Vanessa said. “I’d never short-change you, now would I?”

“Your big macho guitarist is running scared,” Cherry taunted, pressing in close with her dark eyes blazing.

“And it’s not like he hasn’t warmed a few asses in his time,” Vanessa said, palming his stomach from the other side.

Cherry’s nails dragged lightly down his back, while she licked the edge of her paddle with her tongue-tip. “It was all there in his porno pictures. Is that a hobby of yours, Rock-and-Roll? Do you like hot girl-ass quivering under your palm? Does it make you feel big?”

“He fucking loves it,” Vanessa said. “You brag about it, don’t you, sweetheart? You tell me all about how you bend your bitches down, or throw them over your knee so macho, with your cock all hard. You tell me how you love to make your naked girlies squeal, as you smack their bare quivering butt-flesh.”

You love to hear about it too, Red. And don’t ever forget one of those asses was yours. He didn’t dare say it—he was in enough shit already.

“Big strong guy …” Cherry was zeroing in on him, her mint-scented breath in his nostrils. Her tone was getting less proper, more bad-ass bitch by the moment. “Dishin’ it out to those poor sweethearts like it proves somethin’ about you. Well it don’t prove nothin’.”

“Come on, baby,” Vanessa urged, her tone breathy. “Time to take your medicine. And I wanna see you take it like a man.”

At the room’s far end, he noticed vaguely, Jaylee was at the sketching desk, setting down a bowl of what looked like cake-mix and plugging in a whisk she had retrieved from the kitchen. In the intensity of the moment he had not even registered her return, but her gaze was all over him, that was for sure.

“God, are you really going to do that?” she asked, her eyes wide.

“Well, stud?” Cherry inquired. “Are we gonna do it?”

“Can you take it like you give it out?” Vanessa demanded.

“Are you man enough to be our toy?”

“Goddamn you girls,” he seethed. “What the hell are you—some kinda karmic bitches?”

Cherry laughed. “I love that. I’m gonna keep it. From now on we’re the Karma Bitches. I just started likin’ you better, Rock-and-Roll. Now are you gonna fuckin’ do this or are we gonna stand here all day?”

Jared capitulated, in a fury of frustration and unaccountable excitement. “Sure, yeah. Why the fuck not?” He broke from them and went to the desk where Jaylee was on mixing duties, gripping the edge and thrusting out his ass like he had demanded so many young women do for him. “Come on,” he growled, “let’s do it here and give Jaylee a good view. Show me what you got.”

Jaylee was gasping in astonished mirth at developments, her whisk paused mid-plunge above the bowlful of powder and water. Vanessa and Cherry were strolling in pursuit of him, paddles swinging casually in their grips, smiles on their faces. Hope you’re happy, girls. What was he thinking? They were revelling in this moment and who could blame them?

“Lucky I’m a lefty,” Vanessa said, taking her place to the right of him. “It’ll make co-ordinating this so much easier.”

“I like your thinking.” Cherry positioned herself opposite the redhead, making preparatory flicks of the paddle with her wrist, letting it impact lightly against her left palm. “That’s why we work so well together.”

“Would it do any good to point out,” Jared interjected, wearying of their banter, “that I always go skin on skin when I spank a girl? Not hard leather.” Beside him Jaylee wet her lips as though contemplating the former.

“Yeah,” Vanessa acknowledged, “but we’re poor helpless girlies. We need to use this kind of instrument if we’re going to apply some proper heft.”

“She’s right, we gotta make up for our feminine deficiencies,” Cherry said, prodding one of his buttocks. “Hell, these glutes are like iron. There ain’t gonna be much wobble there.”

“No, but it’ll make one hell of a sound.”

“And it’ll be fun to watch his cock bounce.”

“Yeah, like a big ol’ tree trunk in a hurricane.”

“Damn, Vanessa girl, that makes me wet. Wanna go first?”

“After you.”

“No, after you—you brought him here.”

“Look, are you girls gonna talk forever, or are you gonna …”


That was pretty much the sound in his head, as Vanessa’s paddle exploded against his ass. The sound registered a split-second before the pain. Fuck! Had he thought the word or actually said it? Jaylee was gasping aloud, that was for sure. He’d been looking over the wrong shoulder at Cherry and had not even braced himself for the ginger tormentor’s swing. “Goddamn, Red, at least gimme some war…”


Cherry’s blow landed in the same place that Vanessa had applied hers. The sensation was more immediate this time, more hot and searing. He clenched his teeth to absorb that one. “Warning? He wants warning, Vanessa.”

Thwack. “Like the warning he gives before he smacks a girl’s ass, you mean?”

Thwack. “Yeah, somethin’ like that.”

Thwack. “Okay, let me think what he would say …”

Thwack. “This oughta be good …”

The blows fell faster during the girls’ exchange, one fiery impact coming fast on that which had preceded it, punctuating their conversation. Each connection of pliant leather on hard-worked ass muscle produced the same wicked smacking sound. Its resonance seemed to accentuate the effect on his skin. Thwack followed by echoing thwack. Every muscle in his body tensed in response, his lungs forcing out expressions of pain that his throat tried to strangle. He’d have turned around and ripped the paddles from their grasp, ended the whole damn escapade, only that would have been some kind of backing out. On a twisted point of pride he had to see this through. Well played, that redhead …

Both girls paused, however, as Vanessa sought for an appropriately mocking comment to entertain Cherry. The burn receded from Jared’s ass and he felt his cock loom back into focus, more huge and hard than before. Fuck, that’s intense …

“He’d say something like …” Vanessa’s voice was so damned sexy in its wickedness, the hot bitch. “… I’m gonna smack your fuckin’ ass when I like and how I like and you’re gonna damn well enjoy it, baby.”

“That sounds about right.”

“Ha!” Spurred on by her own parody, Vanessa leaned into the next stroke like a tennis pro. The ‘thwack’ resonated right through his body this time, as pain returned full-force, and this time he cried aloud for sure. “Goddamn! Fuck!”

The speed of Cherry’s follow-up was merciless, falling with accuracy and power so that his nerve-ending screamed their response. Jaylee had her hand to her mouth, he could see, astonished at the alpha-girls’ developing performance. “Oh my God, you’re gonna kill him!”

“Then you’d better get mixing, girl,” her lover told her as Vanessa’s next stroke fell with blinding force. “’Cos we’re not letting up till that batter’s good and ready.”

The younger girl thrust the whisk back into the mixture and began churning it urgently; he might have found her efforts on his behalf endearing had he not been otherwise preoccupied. The alacrity with which Jaylee was pursuing her task could not save him from the succession of hard leathery spanks that followed.

“Fuck! Shit! Goddamn!” Pride be screwed, it was easier to let it all out as raw profanity rather than bite back his response to the ass-roasting pain. Vanessa and Cherry seemed locked in a contest to see who could demonstrate the perfect stroke. Some collisions found previously un-tenderized regions of flesh, while others revisited areas that were already on fire, making them blaze even hotter.

“I need to do some weights,” Vanessa panted, manipulating her tricep muscle.

“Stay with it, girlfriend,” Cherry exhorted her, pausing along with her friend. “You can still wear him out before you do it to your arm.”

Jared’s suffering ebbed enough for awareness of his cock to come surging back; his length was bobbing beneath his outstretched body, throbbing-massive in its full extension. “Damn, you girls know what you’re doing,” his voice grated with effort. “You could take this up professionally. But then I think maybe you have, right Cherry?” He had a brief flash of insight as to how the girls might be funding their use of the loft apartment, then all rational thought was extinguished.

Thwack. “You think?”

Thwack. “Don’t you think I match up to her then, Rockstar? I’ll have to give it more.”

Thwack. “C’mon, Vee, let’s see what you got. Whup his ass.”

THWACK. “Like that?”

THWACK. “Lovin’ it. That’s the way!”

THWACK. “Damn, this is so satisfying.”

THWACK. I think you’ve found your calling!”

“Motherfucker! You goddamn fuckin’ bitches!”

His hands clamped hard to the desktop and every sinew in his body strained, the muscles of his arm knotting hard. How the hell had it come to this? The seasoned spanker had become the spanked, but only after he had agreed to it. What had he been thinking? Damn, what a difference a day made …

In one of the brief respites he shot an entreating glance to Jaylee that she speed up the process of whatever gloop she was preparing in the bowl. She nodded to him in attempted reassurance, before refocusing on the progress of the whisk. Jesus, girl, hurry it damn well up. I can’t take this …

THWACK. “Holy hell, Cherry, look at that cock. It’s pumped like a bastard.”

THWACK. “All good to go. How we doin’ with that mix, baby? Got the tube close by?”

Yeah … Yeah, fuckin’ good questions.

“It’s all ready. This the right consistency?” Jaylee drew the whisk from the bowl, something approximating to creamy frying batter dripping from its wires.

“Yeah, that’s good,” Vanessa confirmed. “That’s pretty much how we want it. One more each for luck?”

“Fuck yeah.”

THWACK. Heavy and hard like a killer line-drive.

THWACK. An eye-watering shot to match from the ‘lefty’.

Fuck – me – blind!”

Vanessa and Cherry dropped their paddles to the floor and pulled him up by the shoulders. “How we doin’ Rock-and-roll?” Cherry inquired. “You enjoy that ride?”

Jared’s ass-flesh raged like it was on fire and he had to fight for words through his not yet abated agony. “Damn, you bitches should take up tennis. You’d wipe the fuckin’ Williams sisters off the court.”

“That’s quite a compliment. Thanks, mister, I like my tennis. Vee, look after the batter. Jaylee honey, come here.” Jaylee passed the bowl and whisk to Vanessa, who took over on the other kind of whipping duties. The lace-lingerie sweetheart went to her Amazonian lover, who took hold of her from behind and tugged apart the fastenings of her brassiere. “The man took his meds, baby,” Cherry said, ripping the garment free of Jaylee’s tits as Jared stared. Her soft orbs bobbled with the momentum of being woman-handled. “Go give him some sugar.”

The girl needed no second prompting. Still flushed and panting from Cherry’s roughness with her, she went to Jared and pressed her sweet panty-clad form into his naked one. Instinctively he embraced the busty treat, his abused body desperate for all the sexual consolation he could grapple to himself.

“I didn’t say you could touch her,” Cherry chided, before his hands had properly closed on the girl’s supple flesh. He released his grip, lust burning hotter than the skin of his buttocks as the dark beauty thwarted it. Jaylee did all she could to make up for the disappointment, reaching up and all but climbing onto him. Her soft mouth found his and her tongue squirrelled its way inside, while her tits squished to his chest in their rounded pertness. His cock was alive with sensation, its aching dimensions pressed to lace and taut belly flesh. Jaylee’s mouth explored his chin and neck hungrily and he had one more of his many flashbacks that day—to the hot little cheerleader Natalie had provided as reward back in his summer of teenage training. So much that day was déjà vu.

“Poor baby,” Jaylee moaned into his ear, licking and kissing, having undergone a change of heart it seemed from the teasing of earlier. “They were both so mean to you. I’d make it all better if I could, but I don’t think they’re gonna let me.” Her palm slid all the way down the sap-swollen trunk of his cock and he groaned aloud at the contact, wanting her to pump every inch of him till the tension eased.

“You’re not wrong, little sister,” Cherry said, virtually hoisting Jaylee free of Jared. Shit, that girl was strong. Her sweet younger lover’s hand reached out in vain for the man-length it had briefly possessed. “Now you leave that dick alone. We got other uses for it, and don’t forget it. Vanessa, we good?”

“Oh yeah. This is the crucial moment. Jared, follow our instructions exactly.”

Like he’d done anything else that crazy day …

“Sure,” he said. “Whatever. Let’s fuckin’ do this.”


Published 4 years ago

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