After turning the key in the dead-bolt, Sherry pushed open the door to her little apartment and pulled the bags of groceries inside. The walk to the store got a little longer every day. She put away the small collection of groceries she had brought home. A few veggies and some fruit. Ok, also a big bottle of wine to help her forget. Forget the countless days she had walked from casting call to casting call all over this damn city and she wasn’t any farther along in her journey after two years. Three commercials and a couple of print ads were all she had been able to get. Forget the endless stream of assholes she had to deal with since she moved here. Forget that this was all her idea and maybe her Dad was right and she should have stayed in Indiana and found a man.
She had always been a free spirit, a hippie chick at heart. It was way before her time but she loved the Bohemian life and the hippie freedoms. She had to pay bills so she worked every night at Clancy’s, over on 10th street. To call it a dive would be an upgrade but the tips were good. If the animals could just keep their hands to themselves and off her ass and tits. She put up with it a little but didn’t hesitate to put them in their place when they took it that extra step too far. Still, she knew she was going to have to break someone’s fingers soon then it would be ‘looking for a new job’ time once again.
While she was finishing up, she heard a faint knocking. At first, she thought it was her door but as she got there she could tell it was next door. Nobody lives next door, Ms. Crystal just passed away. She smiled at the idea that she knew a ninety-four-year-old stripper. Her neighbor was one of the original flapper girls from the 1920’s movies. She was also a showgirl in Vegas later in her career. Sherry loved to hear her stories and believe me Ms. Crystal loved to tell them. She will always be missed.
As she stuck her head out of the door, she called over to the man that was beating on the door and said, “Hey, I don’t think anyone lives there, the woman just died three days ago.”
Turning to her, the delivery man called back, “Someone rented it and I have some boxes to deliver. Damn people are never where they are supposed to be, now I gotta come back. I hate this job.”
She smiled, new neighbor, this might be fun, also a quick way to introduce herself.
“You could leave them here if you want to. I mean, I am sure I will meet her soon.”
“Well, she is a he and he was supposed to be here now. Are you willing to sign for the delivery? If you will, I can leave it with you.”
Sherry held out her hand and just said, “Here.”
Handing her the clipboard he slipped past her to place the boxes inside. When he returned and took the clipboard back he said, “I just left them in the front hall, I mean, no need to go in farther.”
Sherry thought to herself, no need to walk a few more steps so I can get in and out of the apartment.
After leaving a note on the door to explain the boxes, she slipped back past them and into her living room. As she passed the boxes her plans for finding out more about her new neighbor were dashed when she saw that each box was sealed with thick tape. She sat on the couch and tried to not pay any attention to the boxes by her door. Impossible, it was only minutes before she was up and trying desperately to keep her mind off the boxes. She was so frustrated by it all she was even upset that she had put the groceries away so quickly. At least she would have something to help her not think about them, by her door, filled with secrets. STOP IT. Sighing, she thought, why do I always go so overboard?
About that time there was a knock, this time definitely from her door.
“Hello, can I help you?” she asked from inside the apartment.
“I understand there are some boxes here for me to pick up?”
Peeking through the little lens she liked what she saw, nice looking, tall, big shoulders. “Just a minute.”
Unlocking the door to let him in she pointed to the boxes and he scooped them up in his arms.
Offering a hand, she said, “Hi I am Sherry, nice to meet you… “
Smiling, he looked over and said, “Nice to meet you, I am Nathan, but I am just the delivery guy for his furniture. I called Mr. Benilli who said he was going to be late and that the place was unlocked. So I told him about your note and he asked me to come to get them as well.”
“Oh ok,“ stepping back out of the way she let him finish his task. She can’t help but think that he would be a very nice neighbor. Yet, he would probably just use her for sex and toss her aside like the bag of candy she is. Stop it.
She considered standing at the door and watching them bring up his stuff but that seemed a little stalkerish to her. Then it dawned on her what Nathan had said. That the door was unlocked. Was it too much to hope that he would not lock it when he leaves?
Of course, she gave up on that idea almost as soon as she thought of it. With her luck, she would just get inside and the guy would come home, and he would be a lunatic and sex fiend, tossing her around the apartment having his way with her for violating his privacy.
Damn, she thought, I really need to get laid.
What seemed like at least three or more hours had passed when Sherry realized that there was no sound coming from next door. Stepping out to get her mail she still had to check on the way back past the door. Giving it a twist and nothing happened. It was then that she noticed the keypad on the wall and figured they had done more than moving boxes.
Not long after she got back inside she heard the neighbors door close with exuberance, shortly after some music started. Assuming he was home it started to drive her crazy not knowing anything about him. She listened all night and only heard music. He didn’t even seem to be moving himself in. No moving furniture, knocking over things, boxes falling over, and cussing at the top of his lungs, or is that just how she moves?
Later that evening, much later. Sherry got herself a glass of rose’ and started to move to the balcony. When she reached the kitchen she could see him on the deck, he was sitting facing her kitchen. Knowing the windows gave him a complete view of her kitchen she wondered why the hell is he just sitting and watching her place. What does he hope to see? She doesn’t want to seem shaken or upset so she waved at him as he just sat and stared her way.
Nothing, he didn’t even change his expression, what an ass. Was it too much trouble to even give her a wave? She flipped him off and went back to the living room. It didn’t take long for her cat-like curiosity to take over and she had to go look at the deck. He was still just sitting there watching her windows and making her feel so very creepy that she hurried off to bed, leaving on the lights in the hall and her bedroom, covering her head as she lay down.
That scene continued for the next two days, he sat on the deck and looked at her apartment. She had enough of this and decided to put a stop to it. Putting her wine down she stood completely in the window knowing he could see her and slowly started to unbutton her top. Not finishing until the shirt was open and her breasts exposed to his view. Watching him closely she begins to tease and pinch her nipples, all the while getting truly turned on.
Realizing how hot she was getting herself she stopped and stepped away from the window. Still no reaction from him at all, She can’t believe it. I mean she exposed herself and he acted like it was nothing, like it happened every day. Getting truly offended she was now determined to make him notice her.
She got a kitchen chair and sat in front of the window, he still sat, drinking what appeared to be wine, and watched her place. Before she sat in the chair she slowly slid off her panties and watched him. NOTHING.
She sat down and faced him and started to tease herself, if this doesn’t get a reaction then he must be dead or gay. Slowly slid her fingers between the already wet lips and across the tiny button hidden under its little hood. She coaxed it out from hiding she can’t believe she is so damn turned on exposing herself and even masturbating for a complete stranger. Still, he showed no response to her at all, this alone drove her libido crazy, and just before she let go, just before the moment of truth. He got up and walked back into his apartment without a word or gesture.
“OH MY GOD, what the hell?” she shouted as if he could hear.
Ready to explode she gathered up her clothes that she had just left on the floor and dressed. She spent the next ten minutes stomping around the apartment and just could not believe he was such a fucking ass. The anger was building with each pace she made around the room until she could hold back no longer and decided to confront the pervert that was watching her like a peep show and somehow not even noticing her.
She went over and beat on his front door, ready to tell him off the second he opened it. Finally, she heard the deadbolt slide open and the door swung inside. Standing in the doorway he looked like he was looking right past her as if she wasn’t there. That even made it worse and she let her anger go.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you be such a fucking pervert and invade my privacy like that? I have the right to not be an object to be stared at like a piece of meat.” She ranted and yelled then just happened to glance beside him. She saw a straight cane, white with a red tip standing next to the door, then a strange creepy feeling washed over her and she started to stumble with her words.
“I can’t believe you… excuse me, is that your cane? Oh God, you are blind, aren’t you? I didn’t even think of blind. I mean you can’t see me, not earlier tonight either?” She could feel the heat on her face and knew that she was glowing red at this new development. She thought, if I run, he would never know who it was.
“Hello, I am Giovi, it’s easier than the whole name. Yes, it is my cane, I don’t really need it until I leave the house, so I keep it by the door. Can I ask, what are you so excited about?”
“Oh My GOD, you are blind, you can’t see me at all can you?”
“Nope, been that way since birth, but I get by.”
“So earlier when you were on the deck you couldn’t see me,” she asked looking down at the floor.
“Nope, I was born long before this evening. What has made you so upset?”
“I… I… I’m Sherry, I live next door and I made a huge mistake.” About that time a neighbor down the hall opened their door and peeked outside. “Could we maybe go inside, don’t like being the local entertainment.”
Stepping away from the door he let her pass, Sherry entered his apartment and everything was in place and looked perfect. Nothing out of place, nothing unkempt, hell it put her place to shame. He told her to find a seat she liked and make herself at home.
“I was about to have some wine, I am fond of a nice rose’, would you like a glass?” He moved into the kitchen and got a pair of glasses, popped the cork, and filled them with the pretty pink offering. Sherry had picked a spot on the end of the couch so he sat a comfortable distance away as he placed the glasses on the table.
“As I said, I am Giovi, or at least that is what I like to be called. It is easier to remember and to help me forget. It is lovely to meet you, Sherry. I am still at a loss about your earlier anger, did I do something wrong?”
“God no, I am an idiot and completely misread everything. First, you can’t see at all, even when you are on the deck?”
“Not a shadow, nothing at all. You have me worried, what did I do Sherry?”
“Well, I saw you sitting on the deck, and you were turned facing my windows and I thought you were looking in at me. I tried to find out and you didn’t react and my ‘bit o’ crazy inside’ took over and I got pissed. I thought the least you could do was acknowledge me if you were gonna watch me. I am so sorry, I had no idea. I just jumped to conclusions that I never should have.”
“If you had spoken I would have known you were there. Inside I can tell if someone moves around but outside it is so much harder to hear. What was it I didn’t react to?”
“What?” looking away she realized she had almost given him way too much information. “What do you mean?”
“You said you tried to find out and I didn’t react, what did you do?” She knew she was in trouble now but decided to push on, hell even if she embarrassed the hell out of herself he would never be able to see and he would be easy to hide from.
“I flashed you, and well, let’s just stop there.”
“I understand, so then you just decided to, let’s say, play while you were there? I thought I heard a moan or two.”
“Oh MY God, you heard me moan when I was… playing?”
Laughing a deep belly laugh, “No, I can’t hear through the glass. I was just joking.”
“If you didn’t hear me how do you know what I did?”
Smiling as he sipped his wine, “I didn’t, as I said, I was just joking, but you seemed to give yourself away didn’t you?”
Now she was embarrassed but also very comfortable with Giovi. They spent the evening just talking. Sherry told him about her plans. She brought up that she was a part-time waitress and a full-time actress but all along she knew it was actually the other way around. He told her of his dreams to play music. As the clock struck midnight she remembered an early appointment and told Giovi that she had to go but hoped she could come back soon. Taking one last toast to a new friendship, he then led her to the door. After opening the door he asked if he could give her a hug and she said she would be honored.
Very shortly after she got home he was still living in her mind, something about him, so easy to talk to. She thought, maybe she shouldn’t have left. At that moment of questioning she heard something through the wall, listening closely she believed it was him. Playing a guitar and singing. The songs were so soft and sweet and his voice, even as faint as it was, gave her goosebumps on her arms and a tingled down her spine. The tingle didn’t stop there and she again was thinking of being in his arms.
Damn, I gotta get laid soon.
He was gone when she returned from her appointment the next day, or he knew it was her and was ignoring her knock. Naw, she was being silly, she hasn’t spent enough time with him to make him run screaming from her yet. She heard nothing from the apartment the rest of the day at least until it was time for her to go to work.
After another thrilling day wrestling roaming hands, she got home after three am. The first thing she does is check to see if there is anyone on the deck. He isn’t there, hell why should he be? It is after three in the morning, no one sane is awake. She got herself a glass of wine and sat down to unwind the day.
Again she heard the music through the walls and it is just as good as before. She listened to his soft sweet voice and decided to use her phone and record what she could hear. Several more songs and it stopped, the apartment got very quiet so she assumed he was going to bed. She finished her glass and turned in herself.
Getting up early the next morning, Sherry was determined to talk to Giovi today. Unfortunately, there was no answer to her knocks again this morning. She returned to her place but left it quiet so she could hear him when he returned, which he didn’t. At least not before she had to leave for work. She wondered, should I leave a note, was that too much? DAMMIT…
By the time she got to work the frustration had gone and she began her day passing out drinks once again. This time it was different, she was listening to him playing through the wall in her headphones. As she went through the evening, she fluttered around from table to table almost dancing. Finally, Lester could take no more and tapped her on the shoulder.
“Listen, darling, I think it’s great that you’re having such a good time but what the hell are you listening to?”
“What, oh .. yeah, it is my neighbor, he is a musician.” She offered her headphones to Lester and told him to just listen.
After a few minutes, Lester looked Shelly in the eyes and asked, “What the hell is this, I can barely hear it, were you hiding in his closet?”
“I said, it is my neighbor, I just met him and he does this every night. Playing and singing in his apartment. I recorded it through the wall. I don’t know what it is, it just makes me feel good when I listen.”
Lester asked if he could borrow her phone and listen to it. “You never know, I’ve been thinking about having someone play here.” Walking away with the phone, Sherry looked at the tray to try and remember who ordered what drinks.
It was again three a.m. when she got home, but this time she had news and she really hoped that Giovi would be awake. As she got in her door she could hear him singing and playing through the walls. She put down her things and decided now was as good a time as any to head over and tell him the good news. As she headed toward the door, she heard the phone ring, and of course, she decided to wait. Wouldn’t be a good time to go now, but the conversation on the phone didn’t start out very pleasant. It even sounded like a heated argument was brewing, not a long conversation, but a loud, angry one. She heard him slam the phone and scream, followed by a few loud crashes. Now she had to go.
When she got to the door she knocked like a cop. It reverberated through the apartment, she could hear it so she knew he could.
“Giovi, please. It’s Sherry from next door, is everything okay, can I come in?”
After a small wait, she heard the deadbolt and he shouted, “The door is open.”
She moved inside and saw a pair of lamps in pieces on the floor. Giovi is fuming standing in front of the phone.
“I HATE HIM, why won’t he just let me be? This was supposed to be my time, he agreed,” he stomped around the apartment and she was amazed that he got around better than she does in her apartment. After only a few days. “He promised I could have three months to prove myself, he swore it.”
Sherry wrapped her arms around him for comfort and whispered, “Who are you talking about?”
“My fucking Uncle, the asshole. He promised me time, Now he wants to move it back. He fucking heard about a problem I had at school and he freaked. I think he was having me followed. I FUCKING tripped, what is so earth-shattering about that?”
It was then that Sherry saw the gash on the back of his arm, “What the hell happened?”
“Weren’t you listening, I tripped, I fell over, I cut myself, I cleaned it up, it is fine.” As he turned she could see it was still bleeding.
“Gio please come sit down,” she guided him to the couch. “I will be right back, where are your bandages and stuff?”
“How the hell do I know, I’m fucking blind remember? I am still looking for the damn spatula.” He chuckled, thinking to himself, this is so stupid. “Sorry Sherry, it should be in the cabinet to the left in the bathroom.”
After gathering what she needed, a little gauze, cotton balls, peroxide, alcohol, and tape she moved back to the living room next to Giovi. She told him that this wasn’t going to be fun and dabbed the wound with the peroxide to clean and finished with the alcohol. She then began to bandage and wrapped his arm as well.
“Now tell me, what is going on?” looking at him so worried.
“It’s nothing really, that was dear ol’ uncle on the phone. Actually, he was my parent’s lawyer so now he’s mine. He was trying to use my little spill to get me back home and under his wing. More like his servant’s wing. We had a deal, I said I could be on my own he said no way. I proposed a deal that gave me three months to live on my own and go to school. If I could do it then I would win my freedom, if not, if I needed help I moved back home. I am not moving back.”
“Sounds like he just wants to keep you safe.”
“No he just wanted to keep control, if I couldn’t live on my own he retained control of everything. If I couldn’t make it, my uncle, who is not really my uncle, will be running everything again. I am shuffled back into hiding for another three years. This is my Father’s ultimate joke for my ruining his life. He set this bullshit up. Just the act of living on my part took away from him and he never was short on reminding me. Do you know why I don’t use my full name? My given name is Giovinezza Perduta Benilli. My name actually means Lost Youth. He never wanted me to forget what I had done to him by just existing.”
As she finished taping up the last of the bandages, she said, “That was one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard. I am so very sorry.”
She continued to clean the blood from his arm then pulled off his shirt. Massaging his shoulders as she talked, “You know he is wrong, you can do anything you want to. My God, your music is so good. Don’t let him bother you, he is an ass.”
Suddenly, realization crept across her face, “Wait… Benilli, like the huge building downtown, your family owns that?”
“Yes, but not my family, me. There’s that one and about a dozen others including this one. Mostly just real estate.“
“Okay, well you need to sit back and relax. I think you’ve been through enough.”
Getting him to lay back against the couch Sherry laid her hand on his chest as she took one last look at the bandage. Then, looking into his eyes she wondered, does he know she was looking? She suddenly felt this new passion. Sliding her hand down and across his chest then she traced the lines of his six-pack.
Stopping her hand he asked, “What are you doing Sherry? I mean you don’t have to…”
She kissed him softly and said, “I want to…” Then kissed down his chest.”
“Only if you will let me start, So I can see you before.”
Standing to trade places he decided instead to sweep her up into his arms and move to the bedroom. Laying her in the middle as he knelt on the bed. Looking down at her eyes, she saw expression and passion in his. Taking his hands, he slowly undressed her, a button at a time, and peeled back her clothing as if it was just a cover that was hiding what he wished to truly see.
With his fingertips, he traced her inch by inch. Caressing the lines, valleys, and peaks of her body. Not missing any flesh he caressed and traced her, sliding the fingers to her face so he could study her beauty. Leaning over to kiss her lightly as he slid his fingertips over her. He moaned at what he found and then kissed her breasts. Licking and sucking the nipple when he got close. Never letting her rest after he started, he kissed and licked down her belly as his fingers slid down her skirt and panties. This left her at his mercy as he teased and taunted her needs with his hands and mouth.
As he moved, he was always caressing her with his fingertips so he could see what he had missed with his eyes, feeling her response to every touch. With her panties out of the way he inhaled her fragrance just a little more, slowly licked around her treasure, kissing her inner thighs, teasing her belly, and finally taking the tip of his tongue tracing circles around her swollen button. This hidden pleasure spot revealed itself as it swelled with need. As he sucked, she pushed against his mouth, the intense pleasure drove her on.
Sliding his hands under her hips, lifting her for a better chance to lick and suck every inch of her. Blending with her soul, he used his face to envision her. He slid his tongue slowly inside her as her head thrashed on the bed, her pleasure obvious. She called out his name, the short version, as she panted and gripped his head pulling them even closer together.
“Please Gio let me taste you,“ she whispered as she caressed his hair. Sliding up beside her, turning to slip into position, he returned to his carnivorous eating of her treasure. Although his tongue and fingers again drove her hard to that edge she so needed to cross. She returned the pleasure and began to lick and stroke his rigid cock, she could feel the throbbing in her hand. Sliding her lips up and down the shaft as she sucked, cupping his balls and squeezing just enough.
They continued this intimate smorgasbord, as the soundtrack of their evening was filled with moans, squeals, even begging with, of course, the occasional crying out to the deity of their choice. They left nothing out, they explored and caressed as they gripped and called out. Driving each other closer to the so needed finish, the flash of light, the inevitable explosion in their own heads.
Rolling over and slipping up under her, he knelt as she slid down onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around her, they kissed as he found himself filling her completely. She slowly bounced on his lap, pushing herself up with her feet and dropping back down. They bounced and ground each other, pushing themselves to that special place. Laying her back on the bed, still inside her, he rolled and thrust his hips pushing his cock even deeper. Using his thumb on her clit, pushing and rolling against her. She slid her hand under her ass and between them to again cup his sac and caress.
Picking up speed, he slammed even harder, teasing her button as he massaged her breasts. His fingers toy with her nipples keeping them hard and ready. Leaning over he licked and sucked as he slowed his rocking, now just enjoying each thrust as Sherry begged for more. Just the feeling of being inside her was his pleasure.
He kept a constant pace as they continued to explore and learn about each other’s bodies. Their slow sensual movements did have the same effect in the end as they both tense at the same time, letting out a howling duet as if calling the moon to visit. Then they slowly collapsed into each other’s arms and rolled to the side, face to face, where they just enjoyed each other’s presence.
“There is no need for anyone to take care of you,” she whispered as she played with his hair, “you are doing a great job by yourself. Hell, you are already more together and organized than I am. I don’t even have a spatula.”
“I may not need anyone, but I sure want you,” laying his fingertips on her cheek. “As soon as I can get my music out, I know I will be good.”
“Oh my God, I almost forgot, now please don’t be mad but I recorded you through the walls and played the recording for Lester. I hope it is ok.”
“Well, who is Lester?”
Laughing out loud she said, “I am such an airhead, Lester owns the bar where I work. He loved your stuff and wants you to start playing at the bar. He said you could start Friday night. Just you and your songs.”
“Wow, a first gig, a lover, and a manager all on the same day. My Uncle is gonna hate you.”
“Manager?” she smiled.