The campfire blazed brightly in the cool night, it’s warmth radiating to the men surrounding it and helping to keep the chill off.
“Getting pretty cold tonight, boys,” announced Henri from the edge of the darkness. “Keep that fire going.”
“Yeah, Boss,” replied Bucky. “I”ll make sure of it.”
“You’re a good lad, Bucky Boy,” Charlie piped in. “You make sure my balls don’t freeze tonight, eh?”
“Yeah, you can keep my balls warm too, Bucky,” teased Old Bill. “You won’t even need a fire.”
The older men broke out in laughter as Bucky shook his head.
“You men leave the boy alone. You hear me?” Henri scolded. “The boy outworks you fools every day without a gripe.”
“We’re just teasing him, Boss,” Charlie replied. “I know Old Bill will keep my balls warm.”
Bucky and Henri laughed as Old Bill snorted. “Fuck you, Charlie. You keep your own balls warm.”
Bucky stood up and stretched. It had been a long day of digging. The mining claim covered a big area, almost seven days to walk across and so far yields were small.
Henri had been working this claim for two seasons already, closing on three. He claimed that if they found gold or nickel he could sell the claim to one of the large mining companies and we would all be wealthy. Old Bill and Charlie had joined him last season and agreed to return for one more. If it didn’t pay out before winter they were leaving.
The boreal forests of the northern woodlands were huge, dense and difficult to traverse. Peat bogs, marsh and rivers covered the rocky landscapes of pines, firs and a variety of deciduous trees. The days could be hot and humid, the nights cold and damp. Flies, mosquitoes and other insects would swarm at times, making it unbearable to deal with and difficult to work.
Bucky found the work hard and the ground unforgiving. The rock and stone below the thin covering of soil, leaves and moss was hard and, at times, impenetrable. They would move along at a snail’s pace as they looked for the spots Henri had marked on his maps.
“Hey, where you going?” Bucky asked Henri as he watched him pick up a lantern and leave the warmth of the fire.
“Just going to build a log cabin, be back in a few.”
Bucky glanced over at Old Bill with a quizzed look.
“He’s going to take a shit.”
“Oh,” Bucky chuckled. “Never heard that one before.”
“There’s lots you ain’t heard yet,” Old Bill said as he rubbed his finger under his ear. “You’re still wet behind the ears, boy.”
Charlie chuckled and shook his head. “Don’t listen to him, kid, he’s just a crotchety old bastard.”
Bucky stoked the fire as Charlie and Old Bill laid down and wrapped themselves in sleeping blankets. He added another log before sitting back down on his comfortable stump that served as a chair.
Old Bill was having his third bad dream when Bucky realized Henri had been gone a long time. He had been mesmerized by the flames of the fire and time had passed quickly. He decided to wake up Charlie.
“Hey, Charlie,” he said as he shook his shoulder. “I’m worried about Henri , he ain’t back yet.”
Charlie sat up and shook the sleep from his mind.
“How long he been gone?” he asked.
“Not sure, been a long time though. Old Bill had two dreams already.”
Charlie got up and gestured at the sleeping man.
“Wake him up, tell him what you told me.”
Bucky gently shook Bill awake and told him about Henri. Old Bill rose quickly, picked up his rifle and looked at Charlie.
“Get your rifle Charlie. Kid, grab a lantern.”
Bucky scooped up a lantern and followed as Old Bill led them into the dark brush away from the camp. They scoured the bush slowly, carefully watching the ground in front of them as they navigated the thickness of the dark forest.
“Bill, over here,” Charlie called out.
Bucky followed Old Bill and they joined Charlie at the opening of a small clearing. Henri was nowhere in sight but the lantern and his coat were on the ground.
“Henri?” Charlie called out. The sound echoed in the darkness across the clearing but was swallowed by the dense brush surrounding them.
“What do you think?” Charlie asked.
“I think we return to camp and come back in the daylight,” Old Bill replied. “That’s what I think.”
Bucky stayed quiet and stared into the darkness. He jumped when Charlie put his hand on his shoulder.
“Come on, Bucky. Nothing we can do in the dark.”
The three returned to camp, stoked the fire and sat quietly.
“Where you think he is?” Bucky asked.
“Bear, cougar maybe,” Charlie shrugged. “Find out tomorrow I suspect.”
“Fucking bear my ass,” Old Bill grunted. “We would’ve heard something. I’ve heard bears get men before. It ain’t quiet.”
“What happened then?” Bucky asked.
“Try to rest, kid,” Old Bill replied. “We will look tomorrow.”
The men set out at daybreak. They carried water, food and first-aid supplies along with their rifles, enough to travel three days. Old Bill had insisted.
They paused at the edge of the clearing and looked around for any sign of Henri. Old Bill pointed to an elevated rock cropping on the far side of the clearing.
“That’s where we start,” he announced. “Now watch your step, might be a bog of peat under this clearing.”
Bucky followed the lead of the older men. He had heard the tales of men stepping in a peat bog. A foot of peat floating as a solid mass on deep water could break open and swallow you up at any time. He was nervous, even though the ground felt solid.
Old Bill was scanning the grassy area of the clearing as they traversed, looking for a trail or a sign of Henri. Upon reaching the edge he paused and inspected the rocky outcropping.
“Looks safe,” he announced.
The men climbed to the top and stood up at the edge. They had a clear view of the clearing and could even see their camp in the distance.
“Someone was watching us,” Old Bill stated. “Shit.”
He pointed at their feet and Bucky found himself looking at a large set of footprints.
“What the fuck?” Charlie exclaimed as he pointed at the indented soil. “No boots, just bare feet?”
Old Bill turned, stared into the distance behind them and gestured for the others to follow. He pointed at a faint trail running up the ridge and disappearing into the bush.
“Let’s go.”
Bucky and Charlie followed along as Old Bill led them along the trail. At the top of the ridge he pointed at a small lake in the distance.
“There is some kind of shack or something there, along the far tree line.”
Bucky followed the shoreline of the lake until he could make out the place Old Bill was pointing to.
“Someone lives there?” Bucky asked.
“Maybe so,” Old Bill answered. “Let’s go find out.”
The men hiked for almost two hours before reaching the lake. The ground had been hilly, the valleys dense bush and the ridges a steep climb. They sat for a bit and rested.
“How do you want to do this?” Charlie asked.
“You go knock, we will wait here and watch,” Old Bill replied.
Bucky laughed as Charlie glared at Old Bill.
Old Bill stood up and shrugged. “We just take a look around before we get too close. You guys keep an eye out for anything odd.”
They approached with caution. As they neared the shack a figure appeared at the entrance and looked right at them. It just stood there.
“Guess someone is home,” Old Bill announced. “Come on.”
As they got closer Bucky could see it was an elderly woman. Her hair was tied back in a long ponytail and she was dressed in some type of brown hide pants and shirt. She didn’t smile.
“Hello,” Old Bill said with a nod of his head.
The old woman nodded and went inside. The men followed and were shown a place on the floor to sit. Bucky nervously sat down and looked around as Old Bill began talking to the woman in a strange language. Charlie and Bucky exchanged confused looks as the conversation went on.
The shack was larger than it appeared and had sparse decor. A large sleeping area, raised off the floor, filled one corner of the room. A few wooden chairs and a tiny wooden table sat by the only window. A large fireplace filled the side wall of the room and appeared to have been recently used.
Bucky noticed a few things on the walls – string necklaces with stones, strings of beads, and long, thin strips of leather hanging on nails. On a small shelf were rocks, feathers in a bundle tied with a leather strip, candles and a small metal container.
“Uh, we need to talk, boys,” Old Bill announced. “Outside.”
They stood up and stretched before stepping outside. Bucky and Charlie waited patiently as Old Bill rubbed his forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“All right, listen up,” he said. “She figures Henri was taken to a place not too far from here. She says there’s some… people… there who took him as a slave or something… I guess that’s what she meant.”
“No shit?” Bucky exclaimed in surprise.
“No shit, kid,” Old Bill replied. “She’ll show us the way, but first you gotta service her.”
“What ?” Charlie choked out.
“Not you Charlie,” Old Bill smiled. “She wants Bucky Boy to do the deed.”
Bucky stared at the two men. “What does that mean?”
“It means you fuck her good, she takes us to Henri,” Old Bill explained.
Charlie chuckled and patted Bucky on the ass. Bucky moved away and glared at him.
“Come on, kid,” Old Bill said as he gestured to the open door. “Get fucking.”
As Bucky entered the shack the two men chuckled and walked away. Bucky closed the door and saw the old woman standing in front of the bed. She reached back and untied her hair, the long, graying bundle cascading down her back and over her shoulders.
She undid the bone buttons of the shirt and let it fall to the floor. Bucky was surprised to see a pair of firm breasts the size of large apples under the garment. She tugged down the pants and stood naked in front of him. A large mound of graying hair lay nestled between firm thighs and long, slender legs.
He became rock hard as he watched her slowly climb onto the bed, her shapely hips and firm ass seductively undulating as she moved. He stripped down and moved to the bed.
She put her hand up – stop – and looked him over. With a smile she gestured for him to join her and reached for his cock as he nestled close to her.
Her hand grasped him in gentle, firm grip and slowly stroked him as his hand traveled her body. Her brown, tanned skin was soft and smooth under his fingers. He stopped her hand as he was almost ready to cum and she smiled and took her hand away.
She lay on her back and put her arms above her head as she spread her legs apart. Bucky took the hint and began kissing her neck and working his way down to her breasts.
The hard purplish nipples felt good in his mouth and she moaned as he suckled them. He slid his hand between her legs and his fingers were welcomed by the hot, wet folds of her pussy. He slid a finger in between them and pushed it into her.
She moaned and he felt her hands on his head, pushing him lower. He trailed his tongue along her stomach and moved himself down between her legs.
The patch of grey was soft on his nose as he buried his face between her legs. She tasted surprisingly sweet and he licked her fervently as she moaned and moved her hips. Her thighs pressed tightly around his head as she climaxed, his face becoming slick with her juices.
Bucky moved up on his knees, pulled her hips up and slid his cock into her. It was wet but tight as he worked the full length into her. She wrapped her legs around him as he began fucking her, pulling him in as her nails traced razor thin lines on his back. Slow thrusts became frantic fucking.
With a loud groan from Bucky and a guttural moan from her they climaxed together, Bucky’s seed going deep inside of her while her legs squeezed him tightly. He lay forward and caught his breath as she milked his cock dry. She relaxed her legs and he slipped out of her, a few dollops of cum running out and onto the bed.
They lay together for a few minutes before Bucky rolled onto his back. She climbed over him, got off the bed and began to dress. He decided to follow her lead.
Once dressed she tied her hair back up and smiled at Bucky. He thought she looked pretty, younger somehow. He pulled his pants on while she moved about. As he was buttoning his shirt she came to him and put her hand on his chest. Her fingers lingered for a moment in the light hair and sent a shiver through Bucky. His loins stirred at the touch.
She put her hands up and dropped the leather strip of the necklace over his head and around his neck. She smiled, kissed him on the cheek and said something he didn’t understand.
Bucky smiled back and examined the pendant that now hung on his chest. It was a small piece of bone and highly polished. He liked it.
“Thank you, Ma’am,” he said with a grin.
He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead while he buttoned up his shirt. With a grunt he pulled on his boots, then picked up his coat before following her out the door.
Charlie patted Bucky on the shoulder as the men followed her along the edge of the forest. The bush was thick and the shoreline thinned out quickly.
“Good job, kid,” he chuckled. “She sure seems to have liked it.”
Bucky grinned. “I did my best.”
She stopped and pointed at a ridge in the distance. It jutted out just above the trees. Old Bill spoke with her in that strange language until the conversation ended with her walking away. She paused to give Bucky a touch on the face with her finger and a smile before she returned to the direction they had come from.
“She won’t go no further,” Old Bill explained. “She says they have an agreement to stay away from each other’s places.”
“How far?” Charlie asked. “Gonna be dark in few hours.”
Old Bill grunted. “Maybe two hours, she said it’s best to walk slow.”
He looked at Bucky. “What was she like, kid?”
Bucky shrugged his shoulders and smiled sheepishly.
“Her body. Was she old and skinny?”
“No,” Bucky answered. “She has a real good body. I don’t think she’s as old as she looks.”
“I suspect she’s a lot older than we think,” Old Bill said as he began to walk through the dense bush.
“What’s he mean?” Bucky asked Charlie.
Charlie shrugged. “He thinks she is some kind of witch or something. Said he’s heard tales about old witch women who find young men and use them to recover their own youth.”
“So he says,” Charlie replied as he ducked under a low tree branch.
They came upon a small clearing after nearly two hours of navigating through the bush and stopped to rest.
“Around here, we’re close,” Old Bill announced. “She said a small clearing at the bottom of the ridge.”
“What now?” Bucky asked.
“Well, I will go up the ridge for a better look. You and Charlie make your way around the clearing and search for any signs of Henri.”
Old Bill headed for the ridge as Bucky followed Charlie along the edge of the clearing. They moved slowly and Bucky tried to keep an eye on Old Bill, catching a glimpse of him as he began to climb the ridge. He thought he saw movement behind him.
“Hey, Charlie,” he yelled. “I think someone is following Old Bill!”
Charlie turned and looked where Bucky was pointing. He could see Old Bill through the thinning brush on the ridge… and someone else moving behind him. He began to wave his arms over his head and ran towards Old Bill shouting.
“Bill! Bill!” he bellowed. “Behind you… behi…”
Bucky watched as the spongy ground opened up and Charlie disappeared. He froze in place while his brain processed what he had witnessed.
“Peat bog…” he announced to himself.
He slowly backed away, feeling the spongy ground become firm and solid as he reached the trees. He searched the ridge for Old Bill and saw him being carried away by someone, someone huge, and they disappeared into the bush.
Bucky sat on a fallen tree and cried for a moment, his head in his hands as he grieved his situation. The blow on the back of his head put him out.
Bucky slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a dark, musty shack. He realized his coat was gone and his hands were tied behind his back. His head pounded as he looked around and his eyes adjusted to the low light. He could see someone else across from him.
“Hey, kid,” Old Bill growled. “Where’s Charlie?”
“Gone,” Bucky replied. “It’s a peat bog.”
Old Bill let out a big sigh and hung his head.
“Where are we, Bill?” Bucky asked nervously. “What is this?”
Old Bill looked up at him and shook his head. “Don’t know, kid. Don’t know.”
Hours passed before there was a noise outside the shack. The door creaked opened and a large figure appeared in the opening. The light coming in hurt Bucky’s eyes and he couldn’t see for a moment.
He felt himself being lifted up by strong arms, one under his legs and one behind his back. His head fell against something firm but pillowy and he realized that he was being nestled against a pair of huge breasts as he was carried out of the shack.
His eyes slowly adjusted to the light as he dropped on the ground. Another figure appeared with Bill and dropped him down beside Bucky.
“They’re women!” Bucky exclaimed. “Big, giant, hairy, naked women.”
The two women were each over seven feet tall and covered in brown fuzz. The taller one had huge breasts, bigger than Old Bill’s head, with long, pointed nipples and big fat thighs. The other had large, firm breasts and curvy hips – obviously the younger of the two. They looked the men over quickly and walked away.
Old Bill grunted. “I thought the stories were bullshit. Guess not.”
“What stories?” Bucky asked. “What is this?”
“You ever hear of Sasquatch? Bigfoot?”
“Yeah,” Bucky replied.
“Well, there’s stories of women, too. I heard them called Grosse Chatte.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s French,” Old Bill explained. “It kinda means Big Pussy.”
Bucky snorted. “What? Big Pussy?”
“Yeah, Big Pussy,” Old Bill continued. “Story says Bigfoot women stay together but the men live alone so when the women want to breed they find men, any men, and use them.”
“They want to fuck us?” Bucky asked incredulously.
“Hope that’s all they want,” Old Bill stated seriously. “Never heard of any survivors. I always thought it just a bullshit story for horny trappers to jack off to.”
The women returned and pushed them on their backs. The younger one removed their boots and took them away. The other pulled their pants off and tossed them aside before pulling them to their feet.
The two women looked the men over. The older one reached in and grabbed Old Bill’s cock and balls in one hand. She pulled his head into her chest and pushed a nipple against his mouth. Old Bill sucked it between his lips, eliciting a sound from the woman.
She pulled his head away, dropped his balls and moved to Bucky. She cupped his balls and smiled as his cock hardened from her touch. Her fingers caressed him until he was rock hard. The younger one stepped in and began touching him as well. Both played with and stroked his cock until the older one motioned to Old Bill.
The younger woman went to Old Bill and began playing with his cock. It hardened and she let out a giggle as he moaned slightly. She let his cock go and grabbed his shirt collar.
They were led to a different shack, larger than the first, and pushed through the doorway. The door closed behind them.
“Hey,” Henri grunted.
They turned to find him sitting in the corner, naked and dirty, hands tied behind his back.
“Henri!” Bucky exclaimed. “You’re alive!”
“Yeah, I’m alive,” he replied. “They are going to fuck us, you know that?”
“What?” Bucky asked.
“That’s all they do. Some food, water and rest, then they get you hard and fuck you. Both of them.”
“Big Pussy,” Old Bill chuckled. “Better than what Charlie got.”
“He fell through the peat bog,” Bucky added. “Just disappeared.”
The door opened and the older woman came in. Bucky and Old Bill stepped away as she slowly approached. She took Bucky by the collar of his shirt and pulled him through the door and back outside, closing the door behind them.
Bucky stumbled but she kept him up as they approached a larger shack. He wished they would untie his hands. She pushed him through the open doorway and followed him in.
The light from the doorway and a small lantern lit the large expanse before him. The roof was high and she was able to move around the space easily. Large, heavy chairs sat at a wooden table close to the huge fireplace. The younger one stood by a wooden bench that was covered in bowls and pots. She eyed Bucky hungrily.
Bucky felt the large, heavy breasts of the older woman on his shoulders and neck as she stood close behind him. Her hand reached down and began to touch his flaccid cock, the fingers causing it to react. Soon he was hard as her large hand stroked him.
She pushed him to the floor and he groaned in pain when she rolled him onto his back. His shoulders ached and his hands were being crushed into his lower back. The younger one rolled him on his side and untied his hands. His shoulders creaked and cracked as he pulled his arms forward and stretched the sore muscles.
He was rolled onto his back and looked up to see the young one standing over him. The older one knelt down and began to fondle his cock again. He began to harden as he watched the large hand on his cock stroke him. The big fuzz-covered breasts swayed and the long nipples were erect. He found it oddly erotic.
He looked up as the young woman prepared to straddle him and his eyes filled with the sight of the large, pouty pussy between her legs. It had big, plump lips and glistened with wetness.
Bucky was aroused by the sight and strong, musky scent of her big, wet pussy. She lowered herself as the older one’s hand moved away and his large cock disappeared into her.
She began moving her hips and Bucky let out a groan of pleasure as the big pussy gripped his cock. He suddenly had a long, erect nipple in his face as the older woman hung her pendulous breasts in his face. His mouth opened and suckled the big, fat nipple. He couldn’t help himself and reached up to squeeze the massive mounds of flesh. He marveled at the soft, fuzzy feeling and their size as his hands overflowed with the massive breasts.
She moved away as the younger one quickened her pace. Her hips bucked and her hands clenched Bucky’s shirt tightly. Bucky reached up and grabbed her large swaying breasts, hearing her let out a moan as he squeezed and kneaded.
Bucky groaned as his cock was squeezed and he knew he would cum soon. She fucked him furiously, pounding him into the floor as she let her full weight bear down. She shook and let out a loud groan as she climaxed. Bucky couldn’t hold back and his cock erupted inside of her. His balls were pumped empty by the grip of her clenching pussy, milking the seed out of him as he trembled beneath her. He felt the combination of their juices run down his cock and over his balls.
She moved onto her hands and knees, taking the weight off of Bucky and looked down at him. She moved to her knees, reached down and pulled his shirt open. Her fingers touched the polished bone pendant of the leather necklace.
She lifted it up and showed the older woman, who made a growling noise, stood up and left. Bucky could see a look of disappointment in her eyes as she laid the necklace back on his chest. She moved away and went out the door.
Bucky lay on the floor and rested. He ached from the furious fucking, his back and hips sore from the floor. He began to get up when she returned with his pants and boots. They were dropped on the floor next to him and he was left alone again.
Bucky put his pants on and pulled on his boots. He crept to the door and looked out to see Old Bill and Henri sitting in the sun against a tree. Bucky noticed that Old Bill had no pants and Henri was still naked as he walked over to them.
“You two alright?” Bucky asked as he knelt beside them.
“Not really, kid,” Old Bill replied.
“What happened in there?” Henri asked.
“Well, the smaller one fucked me,” Bucky replied.
“What else? They appear upset about something.”
Bucky told them everything that happened.
“Where did you get the necklace from?” Henri asked.
“The old lady at the other shack gave it to me,” he answered.
“The one I told you about,” Old Bill added. “The witch or whatever she is.”
The two women appeared and Bucky was pushed to the ground as they grabbed up Henri and Old Bill. Bucky watched as they were taken to the shed.
“Stay with the old witch, Bucky!” Old Bill yelled. “You will live longer.”
He was shoved through the door of the shed with Henri following close behind. Bucky watched as the door was closed and blocked shut by the older woman. It was the last time he saw either man.
The younger woman helped Bucky up and took him by the hand. She led him away from the shacks and to the other side of the clearing where Charlie had disappeared into the peat bog. She sat him down on the same fallen tree she found him on and knelt in front of him.
Her fingers touched the necklace gingerly and lingered for a moment, stroking the pendant and his chest. With a grunt she gestured to it, then pointed in the direction of the old woman’s shack. She stood up and disappeared into the forest.
Bucky began to search for the path they had taken, finally finding the foot prints and slowly made his way back to the edge of the lake. He followed the shoreline to the shack and found her standing in the doorway.
She led him to the lake, stripped him off and washed him as they floated in the cool water. Bucky felt relaxed, safe, and welcomed as she helped him dry off and led him to the shack.
After a meal of soup and bread she led him to the bed. They lay together under a heavy blanket and Bucky fell asleep.
When Bucky woke up she was sitting on the bed nude, watching him. He smiled at her and fingered the necklace.
“Thanks again for this,” he said.
She nodded her head and smiled as her hand reached for his cock. She began stroking it, making him hard in seconds. With a quick movement she straddled him and took his cock inside. Bucky moaned as she slowly rode him, the feeling of her pussy on his cock a nearly indescribable pleasure.
He came in a matter of minutes, filling her with his hot seed as she bucked and groaned above him.
He was spent and closed his eyes again, almost drifting off to sleep as she lay on top of him. She rolled off and lay her head on his shoulder. He looked at her and noticed that she looked prettier, maybe even younger.
“Guess Old Bill was right about you,” he whispered.
He drifted off to sleep knowing that he would never leave this place.