The three women slept in the same bed. Diane woke first, called room service and arranged for breakfast. Whether they went ahead with their games or not, Diane knew that by the end of the day Barry would know everything. That made it a day that required proper nutrition. Would the girls be upset, or was last night’s play sufficient?
Breakfast was brought to the second room. Diane showered there and strolled around the room naked afterwards, trying to imagine what Barry might think while she was in the other room entertaining whoever won the auction. Her last auction. Would she miss it? If she did, would Barry throw her out, or could she persuade him to auction her occasionally?
That thought produced a gush of wetness that came as a surprise. Would Barry go for that? Would Barry get anything out of it? Why the hell did she like being sold? It wasn’t as if any of the men she’d fucked were anything special, Barry would be better any night of the week. He had a bigger cock, gave better oral and had a better brain. The grass wasn’t greener outside their marriage, mostly it was worn and ragged. It wasn’t the endpoint that mattered, it was the process, everything being stripped away and having to live by her wits, working from a position of being sold, being someone else’s property, even if only for a few hours.
Before her musings became completely insane Carla appeared.
“Oh wow, breakfast is included.
“I’ve got a big day today, I thought a good breakfast was important. Thanks for last night, it was fun, and I learned a lot.”
“Have we turned you into a dyke?”
“Turned, no, but my appreciation has gone way up.”
Carla laughed. “So do you want more, or shall we call it a day?”
“I think I’d rather leave it at that. If I wasn’t doing tonight, then it might be different. Those dildos were big. If I get another cock like last night, no problem, but if a big one wins the auction, then I could be in trouble if I’ve had a battering this morning as well.”
“Fair enough. So is that it after tonight, back to Hubby and normality?”
“We’ve been going through an interesting phase, so I doubt if it will be ‘normality’ as you call it. I’m going to show him the videos from this week, and after that, I don’t know what he’ll do to me. Give me your numbers, you never know. When he’s seen what happened last night he may want to invite you to finish the job. Would the two of you be up for that?”
“Oh sure.”
“And you can speak for Sue?”
“Oh, yeah. I suppose you’ve guessed, she’s the sub.”
“When I was sucking the two of you, it seemed like her pussy had been through a bit more wear and tear.”
“Not so tight, you reckon.”
“It seemed that way.”
“You’re very observant. She’ll take damn near anything up there, I’m pickier.”
“It’s been great knowing you. I hope it was worth it for you.”
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world, and if hubby does want to play, call us.”
“If he did, would either of you fuck him?”
“Sue will if I tell her to.”
“Would you let him suck you?”
“Is he good?”
“The best I’ve ever had.”
“Including us?”
“Sorry, yes.”
“In that case, I might give it a whirl. Have you ever fucked his arse?’
“Like with one of those things you used on me?”
“Or something smaller.”
“No, I never have. I thought about it, but mostly I’ve been into the hotwife thing.”
“Cuckolding him?”
“Sort of, but I think we’re past that now.”
Carla laughed. “You did say it was complicated. So tell me, which would be more likely; him fucking you while I fucked his arse, or him fucking me while you fucked his arse.”
“I’m guessing him fucking you is off the table.”
“I didn’t say that — all I said was that Sue would fuck anything.”
“I have no idea. I quite fancy the two of you double penetrating me while I suck his cock.”
“Interesting. Have you ever had three guys at once, like all three holes?”
“You should try it,” said Sue, from the doorway.
“She has,” Candy said. “You might guess.”
“If you get the chance, do it,” Sue said, sitting at the table and picking up what she wanted to eat. “Did I miss anything?”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Barry had arranged for the carpet fitter to pay a brief visit when it was delivered. By then the rolling gate was in position with its fake slate flooring completed. The cell was three meters long and a meter wide. At the end nearest the main wall of the house, there was what looked like a big cupboard. The door folded back against the staircase wall to reveal a toilet and a small hand-wash sink. The plumbing involved one of those clever macerating pumps that connected this system to the main sewers. Using the toilet or the sink required leaving the door open. The prisoner in the cell had no choice but to use the facilities in full view of anyone who might be in the house.
Diane could choose, if she was in the cell she could always ask to be taken to the bathroom, or she could use what he had provided. It did mean that he could go to work and leave her there. That was his plan, or at least that was an option. The finishing touch was the cameras. One wide-angle from across the room, set above the window so that it in the daytime it had the light behind it. Another camera was set in the ceiling, a wide-angle lens that covered every inch of the floor. Finally, there was one low down set in the upright that held one side of the rolling shutter.
Barry had the cameras set to stream to a restricted site on the web so that if he left Diane in the cage, he could watch at all times. The gate motor had an independent power supply and was connected to the fire alarm so that if an alarm was triggered, the gate would automatically raise itself. The last touch, to help his peace of mind, was a sprinkler system, so that in the event of a fire that area was as fireproof as he could make it.
The carpet fitter turned out to be an old guy that Barry thought would freak out if he saw Diane naked in the cage. On the other hand, maybe he needed a treat.
Barry offered him a cup of tea.
“We’ve just built this secure zone,” he said. Pressing the button to roll the shutter down. “There are things I need to keep secure. We want the carpet to come up against the shutter, will that be okay?”
“Can you roll it up and down, so I see how it looks both ways?”
Barry rolled it up.
“Oh, I get it. The grille drops into that groove, so I bring the carpet tight against that.”
He took a small steel rule from his pocket and measured the height of the floor channel that the grill set into.
“Yeah, no problem. With the underlay, it will fit dead on. Do you want carpet in the channel as well? If I put a spongy underlay, it will compress down when the grill lowers but look okay when it’s up.”
“Great idea,” Barry said.
“What’s going in the cage? Rare booze or secret papers?”
“I plan to lock the wife in there when she’s been naughty,” Barry said.
The guy laughed. “Oh, yeah, I’d like to see that.”
Barry smiled. “Do me a discount on the fitting and it could be arranged.”
“You’re serious?”
“For the right price, sure. My wife’s the sort of woman that would walk on broken glass for a discount. I bet you’ve seen all sorts with your job.”
“A few.”
“You’d have to promise not to tell anyone.”
“If I come here next week and she’s in the cage, mum’s the word and half price, how does that sound?”
“What discount if she’s naked?”
The guy stepped back and looked Barry up and down. “You’re joking this time, right?”
“I don’t joke about discounts.”
“If she’s naked, I’ll do it for free.”
“You won’t be able to get in the cage with her.”
“It would probably kill me if I did.”
“I could tell her to keep her clothes on.”
“Don’t do that, I’ll risk it. When are we doing this?”
“I’ve got the decorators here for two days. The paint should be dry by Thursday.”
“Okay, Thursday it is. I have to say gov, this is a big floor, needs a lot of precision along that track. It might take two days.”
“I guessed it might,” Barry said. “You’ll have to lift the grill if you’re going to lay carpet in the channel. You won’t let her escape?”
“You could chain her up.”
“An interesting thought,” Barry said, “I’ll see you Thursday.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Barry set off into town without a clear plan of action, but full of ideas that he could ad-lib from. He went to the bank and took out more cash than he would normally be comfortable with. Once that was done, he called Diane.
“Hi, love what time do you want me there this evening?”
“When can you get here?”
“I’m waiting for one more person. All the work is done apart from some painting and laying the carpet. I’d like to be sure of getting that done next week. I have a guy coming who can’t make it until he’s finished the job he’s on.”
“That makes it a bit awkward, doesn’t it.”
“Why don’t you leave me a key at reception and I’ll get there as soon as I can. Can you do that?”
“Okay, I’ll leave a note for you in the room. It’s the top floor suite. When you come out of the lift there are two doors in front of you, take the left-hand door. I’ll leave a note on the dresser. Help yourself to a drink and be prepared for a surprise.”
“I don’t have to wear a cage or a collar, do I?”
“Nothing like that love. If you’ve got nothing to do, you can take an angle grinder to that cock-cage, I never want to see you in it again.”
“You say the sweetest things. I’ll see you tonight.”
“I love you,” she said.
“Darling, a thought, could you put the key down there sooner rather than later? If this guy phones and says he can’t make it, I could get into town much sooner.”
“It’s already there love, I’m one step ahead of you.”
“That’s what you think,” he muttered to himself as soon as the line cut.
Barry turned off location services on his phone. Not that Diane knew how to use the cloud to find him, but you can’t be too careful. He locked up the house and set off into town. He parked in an underground a block away from the hotel. He knew the area well by now after his visits to the club bar.
Next question, where was Diane? He checked his phone, and she hadn’t turned her’s off. She was shopping. He headed for the hotel and picked up the key.
“Don’t tell my wife I’ve picked it up,” he said. “I may have to go out again.”
“She usually comes in the back way from the club,” the receptionist said.
“Okay, thanks.”
He made it up to the room and found Diane’s note.
‘If you dare, you can find out what I’ve been doing by looking at the recordings on the computer. It’s turned on, no password, look at the files D1,2,3, etc.’
“This should be fun,” he said as he opened the first file. He recognised the club immediately so fast-forwarded through the strip routine until he got to the auction. He watched her belt being unlocked and the punter kissing her pussy. The tape cut to the second act, fast forward again and another auction. The addition of the room key still surprised him. The barman had said, but this was so overt that it was a shock.
The action cut to the suite. He listened to a little of it, but mostly skimmed at high speed through the file. He watched Diane get fucked, dismissed the man’s style as nothing special, and ran to the end of the tape, except when the punter left it wasn’t the end.
The boss strolling in was a surprise, at least it was until he thought about it. The discussion about money was illuminating, as was the lack of technique from a guy who must have women whenever he wanted one. That was it, thought Barry, he doesn’t have to try. I should be grateful for the lessons I’ve learned.
He skipped to the second day. He stopped at the end of the auctions to add up the numbers, but day two didn’t yield anything interesting, nor did day three. Day four was a surprise. He wasn’t expecting the women, and he loved the way she nurtured the guy with a small dick.
Time to get to work. He put his bag in the wardrobe. If she looked for it she would find it, but he doubted that she’d look. If she followed the pattern of the previous nights, then she would come from the club to the other room. He had to figure a way to get from the club to the room before she did.
He bought a drink, gave the barman another tip and tried to size up the punters as they arrived. If it went to form Diane would be the last act before the interval and the last act at the end of the night. As far as he could tell she never circulated in the interval. If she had, it would have been on tape.
He watched the first auction from his place in the shadows at the back. He noticed a couple of guys apparently bidding up the rate and dropping out early.
“Al, have those guys been here before?”
“Yeah, those two and I think the guy next to them as well.”
Barry bought another drink and left another tip. He made his way over to the three of them when the interval started.
“Guys,” he said, “Sorry to barge in, but I saw you playing tactical in that bidding. Can I make you a proposal?”
“You’re not buying us out.”
“Not at all. This auction thing is tough, and every night the winning price has gone up. Why don’t you pool your resources and bid as a syndicate? Unless you have a big objection to the three of you all fucking her.”
“Would she buy it?”
“I think she will.”
“Do you know her?”
“I do, in fact, later on, I’m the bodyguard, I’ll be in the room upstairs making sure that you are all well behaved, seeing that she doesn’t come to harm.”
“How are you going to do that against the three of us?”
“Really, gentlemen, I expected better of you. You bid up the price to pull cash away from one rich competitor, I thought you were smart. If I told you what tricks I have up my sleeve, I’d be giving away trade secrets and the element of surprise. I can tell you one thing, everything you do is being recorded. Play your cards right and you get a souvenir DVD. Misbehave and you’ll be featuring on crime-watch at the very least.”
Barry looked at the three of them, sipping his drink and waiting for a response.
“You’re sure she’ll go for it? We won’t get thrown out?”
“Look at it like this. I know her, she’ll think it’s exciting. The club takes half of the top bid, so the boss man is not going to turn it down when you push it past everyone else. Every night this week the top bid has gone up.”
“What do you get out of it?”
“That’s another trade secret.”
“So we must be doing you some sort of favour.”
“In a complicated way, yeah. I want to make sure that she gets a night she’ll never forget. This is her last night here, I want it to be the best.”
“Fair enough,” said the one guy who hadn’t spoken. “Face it guys, this way we all win, if we bid on our own one wins and pisses off the other two, or someone beat the three of us.”
“One more thing,” Barry said. “When you’ve won, she’ll take you through the back way to the hotel next door, she’s in the penthouse suite. I’d be very grateful if you could slow her up a little. One of you could go to get a coat or something. I need to dash around the front way to get to the hotel, so I need a minute or two start.”
Barry reached into his pocket and pulled out a fist full of bills. He gave each guy a twenty.
“You’re good sports, have a drink on me.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Barry was the only man in the room that knew that Diane had never had three men. There was no guarantee that she would get three tonight, but having a stake in the game doubled the excitement. He hadn’t been able to find out if they had decent cocks, but that would be the icing on the cake.
He had decided that if the syndicate dropped out, then he would bid. He had two grand in his pocket. He would be giving half the money to the boss so that he could fuck his own wife, but what the hell, it would show her that he loved her and it would probably cost less than she’d made already. It was good to have a Plan B.
Diane did her act. He could tell that she was wound up, knowing that this would be her last night, and it must be playing on her mind that she would have to tell him everything sometime tonight. She was nervous, edgy and horny at the same time.
Every movement had a mix of shame, daring, and exhibitionism wound up together. She had done something to the music, slower, more drawn out than the first act. The audience all knew where it was going, so she made them wait. They were all on edge when she got down to the last pair of panties. She stepped out onto the table and invited two men to undo the ties. The panties came off to reveal a gold chastity belt.
How many of these things has she bought, Barry thought. That must be number five or six.
The MC did his usual build-up, full of suspense.
“Wait for it, Wait for it.”
The bids passed five hundred very quickly and then some bright spark started adding five to every bid. A tactical ploy, Barry thought, aiming at giving the impression that he could go on forever.
One of the boys in the syndicate added a hundred. That made everyone jump. The tactical character added another five and was met by another hundred. Someone else added fifty, so the boys added another hundred. The fifty men went up a hundred and the five-pound man dropped out.
The boys looked at each other and added a hundred. After that, it went up in fifties until the boys won. Now for the fun, thought Barry.
The three boys came up together.
“We’re a syndicate the tall one said.”
The MC looked at Diane, she grinned and nodded.
“Well folks, it looks like you have been outbid by a corporation.”
Someone shouted, “Not fair.”
The MC glanced at Diane again. She pulled him close and whispered in his ear.
“The lady says it’s okay. Sorry guys, you should have thought of it. It’s good to see some team play at work.”
Barry left, the deal was secure, no doubt there would be some argument, but in the end, the house is bound to win those. As he left he passed the boss man came out of his office.
“A word,” Barry said. “I know you want to get in there and sort it out. I’m Diane’s husband. I know she’s up for it, and you should know that I put those boys up to the idea.”
“Oh yeah?”
Barry held up the room key that he had collected earlier in the day. “I’m doing bodyguard tonight. Diane gave me a key. Thanks for all you’ve done for her. She’s made you some money this week.”
“Okay,” the boss said. “Any time she has more bright ideas, give me a call.”
“Don’t tell her the syndicate was my idea. I need to run if I’m going to get there before them,” Barry said, heading for the door.
“I’ll hold them up a tad, no need to get out of breath.”
Barry set off at a brisk walk, jogged down the street and got to the lift before Diane and the boys. He let himself in, poured a whisky, unlocked the door between the two halves of the penthouse and left a bunch of flowers and a box on the dresser where they were bound to be seen.
The flowers were Diane’s favourite, the box, which looked for all the world like chocolates, was filled with condoms.
There was a note;
‘From your bodyguard, keeping you safe.’
Barry retreated to the spare room, turned on the TV and waited.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Diane was excited by the idea of taking three at once. There was a certain amount of argument, but she stuck by the three boys. The boss came out of his office and tried to calm things, but in the end, it was Diane that made peace.
“Guys,” she said, standing on the table. “You all knew that the odds were slim when this started. You’ve been a hell of an audience. I’m going to give these boys a minute to get their breath back. While they are doing that, I’m going to circulate and meet all of you.”
She stepped off the table and began to move around the room, shaking hands, giving hugs and letting them feel the chastity belt that was still in place.
The three boys were shepherded to the back of the stage by the boss. He picked up her robe and bag and made them wait by the lift. When he came back the place was a buzz of conversation, but peaceful. Diane was in the middle of the throng. He could hear men talking.
“You’re a real star.”
“Best act I’ve ever seen.”
“Where did you get that belt?”
He let it run for a few more minutes until most of them were on their way out or making a final visit to the bar.
When he thought Diane had touched everyone at least once, he intervened.
“The lady has work to do,” he said. “And I guess you guys have homes to go to.”
He steered Diane towards the lift.
“The boys have your things. Your husband called to say he’ll be upstairs.”
“He was here?”
“I think he caught the act.”
“I didn’t see him. How did he look?”
“I don’t think you need to worry. He seems like a good guy, very supportive.”
“Oh, he is,” she said. “I love him to bits, but don’t let him fool you, still waters and all that.”
Diane kissed him. “Thanks for everything.”
“You’ve made me a couple of grand extra in a week and you’re thanking me? If ever…”
“I know.” she said, “but don’t bank on it.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Diane met the boys at the lift, still wearing her belt, but one of them had the key to that and the room.
“Guys, I thought your idea was brilliant, you must be good mates. This week I’ve called all the guys Fred, all the ones who’ve ended up where you are. It was all part of a plan to protect everyone’s privacy. You call me Dee, which isn’t my name, and I call you Fred. You can be Fred one, two and three if you like, or you can give me names and hope I remember them. What’s it to be?”
“I’m Fred,” said the tallest one. “Right? This guy,” he said, putting his hand on the shorter of the remaining two, “We’ll call Freddy, and this dark and handsome on is Frederico. How does that sound?”
She pressed the lift button while she waited for a reply. The lift was on the top floor so that probably meant Barry had arrived. By now he could be watching her videos. That thought produced a small gush in her pussy
“One other thing, condoms all the time. It protects me and the three of you and whoever you might be with next. Okay?”
She glanced at them. “You don’t have to rush out to find an all-night chemist, I have a pile upstairs. We also have drinks. Most guys this week have gone home after an hour or two. If you stay longer than that, the price has to go up. I’m not going to be strict about it, especially when there’s three of you, so no need to clock watch, but no going to sleep to have another go in the morning. Everything will be recorded, so if you want a souvenir copy, you’ll have to give me a way to get it to you because I doubt if I’m going to be up to copying videos tonight. You can leave a name or a code number and collect it from reception, you have to tell me the code, that’s all.”
“So why all this security?” said Fred.
“I’m not a whore. I don’t do this or stripping all the time. This is a personal adventure. That’s all you need to know.”
“You’ve got a wedding ring, we’re not going to have an irate husband bursting in?”
“No. I do have a husband. We have an arrangement, and one reason why I won’t be here anymore is because I can’t wait to get back to him. I also have a bodyguard in the room next door and the recordings go to an off-site personal cloud. I plan to walk away from this after tonight.”
“Has it been good?”
“Yeah, and with luck, the best is yet to come. I can’t wait to see what you’ve got for me.”
The lift arrived. The four of them stepped into the lift and Diane immediately reached for Freddy and Fredrico’s cock.
“Let’s see what you’ve got. Don’t fret, the lift only goes to the penthouse.” By the time they got to the top, she had a cock in each hand.
“This way,” she said, leading them to the right-hand door. “Fred, you have the key, please open the door.”
When they walked in she saw the flowers and the box. It had to be from Barry.
“My other guests have started off with a shower, it’s a big bathroom, enjoy it but don’t dress afterwards.”
The three of them headed for the bathroom while Diane investigated the box on the dresser. The flowers were in one of those wrappings that have a water container included. She opened the box and saw the condoms and the note. She turned to one of the cameras, well disguised, but easy to spot when you’ve seen the video from it. She smiled and blew a kiss. Knowing that Barry was watching gave her butterflies.
The boys emerged from the shower. They were well built, all three looked as though they worked out.
“Do you all go to the same gym?”
“Soccer and water polo,” said Frederico.
“You look good on it.”
Diane took in the state and size of their cocks, unconsciously classifying them. There seemed to be no correlation with their body size and shape. Freddy was the biggest, but the other two were at least average size.
“How are we going to do this? Three of you can’t unlock me at once. Why don’t you each toss coins until one of you is the odd one out.”
“Yeah, that would work,” said Frederico.
“Okay, after that, let’s try one at a time. I prefer the smallest first to give me a chance to warm up, after that It’s up to you, but if you can’t agree I’ll choose. There are drinks in the cabinet over there and if you want food, order now before they quit for the night. The menu is on the cabinet door, okay?”
“Sure.” The two of them pushed Fred forward.
“One other thing, guys. I want to end up with all three at once, so don’t come before that unless you are sure you can do it twice.”
She beckoned Fred towards the bed.
“Kind of weird, doing it with your friends around, huh? Ever done that before?”
“Why now?”
“You figure. We could have busted ourselves bidding against each other, leaving two pissed off and one a heap poorer. That would be hell at next polo practice.”
Diane laughed, reached for the bedside light switch and dimmed the lights. She lay on the bed beside him and took his cock in her hand.
“Play with my tits,” she said and kissed him. His cock was hard already, so she reached for a condom.
“Could you suck me a little?”
“Anything you ask, but how about you do me at the same time?”
Diane rapidly switched to a sixty-nine position, straddled his face and used her lips to roll a condom onto his already hard cock. She worked at it, deep throating while using her fingers to play with his balls and toy with his anus. When she knew he was as hard as he ever might get, she rolled off, spun around and pulled him on top of her.
“Put it in,” she said. “You don’t need to be gentle, I guess you already know there’s enough lubrication there.”
He slid in without any difficulty. Diane watched his face as she contracted her pelvic muscles to squeeze him, grinning at his surprised look.
“God,” he said. “How did you do that?”
“Training — not water polo or soccer, but plenty of training. Does it feel good?”
“Oh yeah.”
“So,” Diane said, speaking between thrusts, “you guys can hold your breath underwater?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“So who is best at it?”
“Would he be best underneath?”
Fred chuckled. “Where am I going?”
“I want your cock in my mouth. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“Hey guys, I figured out how we’re going to do this, come on over. Unless you’ve got a better idea, I want Freddy on the bed. Frederico, can you fuck my arse? Can you do that? or more to the point, do you want to do that. I had an enema before the show started, so there will be nothing but you in there.”
“Far out,” Frederico said.
“Plaster everything with lube and don’t do anything until I say. Right?”
She turned to Fred, you know what you’re doing?”
“Yes ma’am.”
Diane grinned. “I don’t often get called that.”
Diane crawled over the bed and kissed Freddy, starting with his lips and working her way down until she reached his cock, where she performed the same trick with the condom and her mouth. She turned and straddled him, sliding his cock into her already well-lubricated pussy.
Once he was in she wriggled her hips and squirmed down on him. She kissed him again and whispered.
“You’re allowed to move.”
She looked over her shoulder at Frederico.
“Pull my arse cheeks apart and squirt some lube in there. Put on a condom and cover that too. Put your cock against my hole and hold it there until you feel me relax and then increase the pressure.”
It was all mechanical to start. Three found it weird moving to put his cock in Diane’s mouth when her face was immediately above Freddy and being looked down on by Frederico. There was a price to be paid for having the first ten minutes on his own.
Diane twisted herself a little, get an arm around him and pull him towards her. For her filling three holes at once was an essential part of the evening and the sooner it happened the more relaxed the rest of the evening was likely to be. The one thing she couldn’t get out of her head was that Barry was probably sitting in the room next door laughing at the TV, at least she hoped he was laughing, or at least smiling. Please, Barry, don’t be pissed off.