The Quantum Slut, A Love Story – Part 1: A Slut Is Born

"Marta hopes that abject submission to a total stranger is better than self-harm and sucide."

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A Week Later, in a Public Corridor

The woman was stunningly beautiful. She was also completely helpless, stark naked, kneeling, bound, gagged, and blindfolded outside his front door, in a public hallway in his condo building, being humiliated by the dildo vibrating in her cunt, and the butt plug vibrating in her ass. She was trembling.

Why she had chosen to be there like that was a strange story. But what had happened before was stranger still…

The Reception: Her

Marta was seriously annoyed and felt a familiar, dark despair creep over her. She had only agreed to come to this damned reception because the director had insisted that there was someone important he wanted her to meet. Marta had no interest in meeting him.

Worse, she had planned to go out to supper afterwards with Francine, a chemistry professor who was perhaps the only person she thought of as a friend, even if Francine regarded Marta with somewhat less enthusiasm, especially since Marta had persistently missed Francine’s hints about something more than friendship.

But now Francine had texted her, saying she’d had a better offer, and was off to dinner with some man she’d met this afternoon. She hoped Marta would understand.

Marta understood, alright. Once more she was on her own, friendless and alone in a world she hated, ever since Kelly had died years ago. If it weren’t for her work, which she found – almost – all-consuming, Marta would probably have checked out long before. She hated being alone with herself, and knew it was because she was such a disgusting person. Her mother had told her as much, and called her a slut in the bargain.

Perhaps as a result, she loathed herself and she hated her life. What’s more, she often took it out on her body, welcoming the pain as punishment that was both justified and appropriate. She could feel that she would be using the razor blades on herself again tonight. Maybe she’d use them on her breasts this time. She’d been thinking about that, or perhaps even using them on her vagina. Perhaps the time had come…

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a man hovering. Without even looking at him, she said, “What?”

“I was going to ask if I could buy you a drink,” he said.

Oh, shit. Another creeper, looking for a quick lay. Marta had dealt with his kind all her life. They’d start off smooth and smarmy, with polite interest in her work at first, then moving rapidly into a line of patter, talking about how important her orgasm was to him, and how he was so into brainy women. Then leaving in the morning with scarcely a glance over his shoulder as he pulled on his pants and left, thinking of her, if at all, as an easy slut.

Just once, she thought, just once she’d like to meet someone who was as bluntly honest as she was.

And the voice inside her, to which she never listened, whispered, “And someone that will hurt you so you don’t have to hurt yourself.”

The Reception: Him

The tall, Slavic-looking woman with the shoulder-length, platinum-blonde hair, was focused on her texting. I wanted to ask her a question, so I waited patiently a short distance away. Politely, I thought.

“What?” she said in an annoyed tone, not looking up from her phone.

“I was going to ask if I could buy you a drink,” I replied with a smile.

She looked up, even more annoyed. “This is a reception. The drinks are free.” She looked down again. “Now get lost, little boy. You haven’t got a hope in hell of fucking me tonight, asshole.”

I’m normally a pretty relaxed guy, but what she said and the way she dismissed me triggered something in me. I went rigid with anger. “I wouldn’t fuck your cunt tonight if you begged me,” I replied. “Not before I’d stripped you and made you gag on my cock, then spanked your ass until you begged for forgiveness to teach you some manners. And even then, I’d make you beg me to fuck you up the ass first.” I was seriously pissed.

Startled, she looked up, and focused on me for the first time. We both stood there, frozen, I livid, she stunned, for what seemed like forever.

Then her eyes changed. I’m not quite sure how, but the pupils dilated, and her focus seemed to soften.

The Change: Her

I was shocked by what he’d said, and yet, intrigued. No one had ever spoken to me like that. No one had ever threatened to do things like that to me. It was obscene, it was crass, it was awful…

And yet, somehow, I found myself wanting it. Incredibly, I found my pussy stirred by the thought of him – a complete stranger! – doing these things to me.

Then I thought: It would be more satisfying if someone else hurt me, punished me, than if I did it to myself, especially a complete stranger.

There was something almost irresistible about surrendering my body to someone I knew nothing about, about letting him hurt and humiliate me, someone over whom I had no control, and in whose hands I would be completely helpless. I felt my desire mounting as we stood there.

Why not?

Beginnings: Him

She dropped her hands to her side, swallowed, and said, “If you’re serious, let me get my coat,” and turned towards the coat room.

I stood still, shocked. I had thought I was going to get slapped. Instead, I guess I was going to get laid. Or something.

As calmly as I could, I retrieved my coat. She was standing there, waiting for me, eyes downcast. Something shifted inside me. Something that had been dormant for a long time woke up. I swallowed, and took a deep breath.

I looked at her, then turned and walked towards the exit without a word. She paused for a second, then I heard her heels clicking on the floor behind me.

Once I retrieved my car, I pushed the door open, then looked straight ahead through the windshield, ignoring her. She paused momentarily, then I heard her breathe heavily, and get in.

“Seat belt,” I snapped.

She slowly pulled the belt down and snapped it in place, then closed the door. I drove off, ignoring her, focusing on my driving. My hands were shaking, but it didn’t show as I was gripping the wheel. In the corner of my eye, though, I could see that her hands were shaking, too. She took a long, shaky breath, but stayed silent.

When we got to my condo building, I stopped by the entrance, still not looking at her, and said. “Get out. Wait for me. And I want to see your panties around your ankles when I get to the front door.”

There was another pause, which I ignored, then the door opened slowly, she got out, then the door closed gently behind her.

As I drove away to park my car, I watched her in the rear-view mirror. She seemed indecisive, started to walk away, then stopped, then turning to look at the car, then finally bending down, hauling up her coat and dress. It turned out to be too bulky, so she had to unbutton her coat, then pull her dress up just high enough that she could slide her panties down. She lowered them very slowly to the ground, and then, reluctantly, straightened up and turned towards where I was now sitting in my parked car.

I grabbed my coat from the backseat, locked the car, and walked briskly towards her. “Step out of your panties,” I ordered.

Slowly, as if she was moving through molasses, she did, all the while shaking.

“Now pick them up and let them dangle from your hand. Do not try to hide them.”

I turned and walked to the outer door, opened it and held it for her. She slowly walked through. I pushed ahead of her, and used the key to open the inner door, then held that for her. Again, she walked through slowly, her hands visibly trembling.

I waved to the concierge, who was staring at her, then pushed the elevator call button, and, when the elevator arrived, I gestured her in, pushed the button for the penthouse floor, then stepped out. “Wait for me outside the elevator,” I told her, looking her in the eye. She nodded, then looked down as the elevator doors closed and ascended to my floor.

Joe, the concierge, said to me, “Wow! She’s a looker!”

“Joe, you have no idea,” and left it at that.

When the elevator returned to the ground floor, it was empty, so I stepped in, pushed my button, and waited for the doors to open. She was waiting, wide-eyed and anxious.

“Eyes down,” I said, “You don’t look at me without my permission. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Do you understand!” I snapped.

“I understand,” she said meekly.

“Good. Follow me.”

I walked down the corridor to my door, which was at the end, unlocked the door, and gestured her in. She hesitated.

“In,” I said.

She slowly walked across the threshold, then turned towards me, looking at the ground.

I closed and locked the door, locking the door handle from the inside so it had to be unlocked with a key to open it again. I removed my coat, and put it in the closet. Then I turned to her.

“Look at me,” I said. She looked up into my eyes. Her eyes, I noticed, for the first time, where very pale, an almost translucent blue – and, judging by her expression, frightened.

“You have a choice,” I said. “You are absolutely free to go. I will unlock the door, and call you a cab if you wish, and this will all be over.”

I waited.

Finally, she said, “Or…?”

“Or you can hand me your panties. If you do that, you agree to do anything I want until noon tomorrow, and you will let me to do anything I want to you. Your call.”

Then I stood there with my hands on my hips. She dropped her eyes again, and shifted her weight from foot to foot. She looked at her panties, then slowly lifted her hand and offered them to me.

I smiled and said, “Are you sure this is what you want? I am going to punish you if you stay.”

She swallowed hard, and then nodded her head, still holding out her panties to me.

I took the panties from her then said, “They’re quite wet, aren’t they?”

She blushed heavily, and nodded.

“And you’re a slut, aren’t you?”

She slowly nodded again.

“Say it!”

“I’m a slut,” she whispered.


“I’m a slut!” she almost shouted.

I put the panties on the table by the door, then walked behind her, and slowly removed her coat, which she shrugged off, and which I dropped to the floor. I then unzipped her clearly expensive dress at the back, pushed it off her shoulders, and let it drop to the floor as well. “Step out of your shoes.”

She did. She wasn’t wearing stockings.

Now she was wearing only her bra, her expensive necklace, earrings, and some make-up. She moved her hands to cover her pubis.

“I didn’t tell you you could cover yourself. Put your hands down!”

She haltingly moved her hands to her sides.

I undid the clasp of her bra at the back, then pushed it over her shoulders so that it dropped on the floor on top of her dress. I then slowly, and carefully, removed her earrings and necklace, and placed them in her handbag. She was clenching and unclenching her hands, and shifting her weight slightly from side to side.

“Step into the living room, walk slowly to the windows, then turn around to face me.” I had floor-to-ceiling windows, so she would be naked and visible to anyone outside.

She slowly moved into the living room, walking up to the windows, her arms twitching as if she wanted to use her hands to cover herself, but not daring to do so, then turned around. She didn’t know, as I did, that the odds of someone being in the woods out back of the building at this time and season were nonexistent. And I wanted her not to know that.

I could see the pulse pounding in the artery at her neck.

I turned, and slowly picked up her dress, bra, handbag, panties, and shoes, and took them into my office, hung the dress and coat carefully on hangers in the closet, took some things out of the closet and put them in a gym bag, locked the closet door, then returned to the living room and turned on the overhead lights.

Cocksucker: Him

She flinched as the lights came on. She was naked, completely illuminated and on show to me, and her ass and bare back were on show to anyone looking in the window.

“Come here,” I commanded.

She slowly walked towards me.

I put my thumb and forefinger on her chin and raised her face up to look at me. “I’ve locked your clothes, purse, and jewelry in my closet. You are not leaving here until I am done with you. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“You will let me do anything I want to you.”

There was a pause, then she nodded.

“Turn around.”

She turned.

I grabbed her arms, then, using the smooth, nylon rope I took from my gym bag, tied her hands together, then wrapped the rope up her arms to her elbows, which I bound tightly together behind her back. I turned her back towards me.

Binding her elbows like that forced her to push her tits out. I leaned over and sucked one, gently at first, then harder until she gasped. Then I started to bite it, softly at first, and then with increasing force. She inhaled sharply, then said “Ouch!”

I let her tit fall from my mouth and looked her. “You are forbidden to make a sound when I hurt you. If you do, I will punish you. Do you understand?”

She stared at me, then nodded.

“Good. Now, get down on your knees, cunt, and show me how good you are at sucking cock.”

She carefully knelt down, awkwardly because her arms were bound behind her, looked at my pants, then up at me expectantly.

“You’re a slut. You can’t wait to suck and fuck cock. Isn’t that right?”

She slowly nodded.

“So use your teeth to get my cock out of my pants, slut. Show me how eager you are for it!”

She tilted her head to the side, and tried to grasp the zipper with her teeth, failing several times before finally lodging her incisors in the little hole in the pull-tab. She tried to pull the zipper pull down, losing her hold on it twice, but finally getting it most of the way down. I did nothing to help her, but she had to notice the erection straining against my pants.

She tried to use her tongue to pull the elastic down on my underwear, and eventually had to grasp the band with her teeth, dragging it down far enough that my cock finally sprang free, brushing against her, and leaving a trail of pre-cum in her hair.

I stood there, expectantly, saying nothing. She licked her lips, then opened her mouth and, with difficulty, captured the head of my circumcised cock in her mouth, pausing. Her mouth and tongue were very smooth, not coarse like the mouths of some other women who’d gone down on me. There was something intensely sensual about her mouth that made it eminently fuckable.

I put my hands on her head, grabbing fistfuls of the coarse, fine-gold hair, and slowly pulled her forward, pushing my cock into her mouth. I pulled her head back again to make sure her saliva was coating my cock, then pulled her head forward again, then back, fucking her mouth, deeper each time.

She gagged as my cock reached the back of her mouth. I held one hand behind her head with my cock pushed hard against the back of her throat, and listened to her gag, cough, and retch on my cock. I held her there for several seconds, long enough to make a point, then slowly pulled my cock back so it filled her mouth, but didn’t gag her. She coughed twice, then was still.

“Tell me again what you are.”

“I’m a slut,” she mumbled, her mouth full of cock. She swallowed hard.

“And what do you have in your mouth?”

“Your cock,” she mumbled.

“And what are you going to do with it?”

She paused as if unsure what I wanted her to say. Finally, she mumbled “Suck it?”

“And what does that make you?”

Pause. “A cocksucker,” she mumbled.

“And what is this?” I asked, moving her legs apart with my shoe, then pushing it into her crotch.

“My cunt.”

“Now, put it together, and describe yourself to me.”

She hesitated, so I shoved my cock down her throat, forcing her to gag and cough again, then withdrew enough that she wasn’t gagging.

“What are you?” I asked again.

“I’m a slut, and a cocksucker, and a cunt,” she mumbled urgently.

“Yes, you are. And when I check, will I find your cunt wet?”

She nodded slowly.

“Because you want me to fuck your mouth, and hurt you, don’t you?”

She nodded again.

Somewhat awkwardly, because I didn’t want my cock to leave her mouth, I bent over and slowly rubbed my finger down and up her cunt lips, parting them to find that her cunt was, indeed slick, making her gasp in the process.

I straightened up again. “You really are a slut.”

I took a long, shaky breath, then exhaled slowly, not quite sure what to do next. I hadn’t planned this. It just kind of – happened.

Well, her mouth felt so good that it was easy to decide to fuck it for a while, which I did, holding her head tightly, and rocking my hips back and forth, occasionally shoving it to the back of her throat to make her gag. Tears started slowly running down her face, not from crying, but because she was gagging. Eventually she sniffed repeatedly as her nose started to run.

I removed my cock from her mouth and rubbed it over her face, leaving a trail of saliva and pre-cum. I then let go of her head and walked out of the room, leaving her naked and on her knees with her arms bound behind her. I returned with a box of tissues, took out and held one to her nose and said, “Blow.”

She did. I went through three tissues before I decided her nose was clear enough that she could breathe properly. Then I held my cock in front of her mouth again. This time, she eagerly sucked it in and began bobbing up and down on my cock without any prompting.

She eventually forced her head down so my cock was hitting the back of her throat, making herself gag, choke, and cough, but holding her head there longer than I had when I forced her. She wanted this.

I felt myself approaching a climax, so I pushed her head away, then pulled my cock out of her mouth. It came free with a slurping sound. She looked slightly shocked and disoriented. I tucked my cock back in my pants, and zipped them up.

Cocktail Hour: Him

“I’m not going to come yet. You haven’t worked hard enough yet to deserve it.”

She nodded, then said, “May I speak?”

“Depends. What do you want to say?”

“I need to pee.”

I paused, then said, “On a scale of 0 to 10, where ten means you’re going to wet the carpet right now, how badly do you need to pee?”

She paused for a second, then said, “Eight?”

I considered. “OK, that means you’ll pee before I’m finished with what I want to do to you next, so I’ll allow you to pee.”

She shivered violently when I said “What I want to do next”, but whether from fear or excitement, I wasn’t sure.

I hauled her up roughly, by the arm, then left her standing there while I went into the kitchen for a drinking glass. Returning to the living room, I walked over to the window and said, “Come here.”

Glancing at the window, she slowly walked towards me, her cheeks flushing red. When she reached me, I moved so I was sure she would be clearly visible to anyone watching from outside, then held the glass below her cunt and said, “Pee.”

She looked up wildly at me, her face bright red.

“Pee,” I repeated. “Last chance. Go now, or wait until you piss yourself.”

She tried with no success at first. Toilet training is deeply ingrained, and peeing into a glass while other people (me, and potentially others outside) watched breaks so many taboos that she couldn’t even start. I started counting slowly backwards. “Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven.…”

She grunted, and finally a small stream dribbled out from between her cunt lips. Because she wasn’t sitting and spreading her legs, as she normally would on a toilet, there wasn’t much, and most of it dribbled on the carpet. I said nothing, just waiting. She spread her feet and squatted slightly. I adjusted the position of the glass.

Finally, she was able to start a steady stream, gasping as she forced it from her bladder. When the glass was almost full, I said, “Stop!”

It took a moment for her to stop the flow, and she looked up at me again, and started to speak.

“Shut up. I didn’t say you could speak, and I didn’t say you could look at me.”

She dropped her eyes, and blushed again.

I moved the glass up to her mouth.

She drew back, so I pushed the glass against her lips.

“It’s either going down your throat, or down your front, and if the carpet gets wet, you’re going to kneel down and lick it up. Now drink!”

She swallowed, then opened her mouth. I put my hand behind her head, pushed it forward, and slowly poured the piss into her mouth. She gagged on it, then drank more steadily, slowly swallowing the piss until the glass was almost empty. I upended the dregs into her mouth, then removed the glass. She licked her lips, coughed, and grimaced.

Then I moved the glass down to her cunt lips again and waited.

She looked up at me, startled, and opened her mouth to speak. I waited. She closed her mouth. Then, with some effort, she started to pee again. She almost filled the glass again, and finally dribbled to a stop. Without a word, I raised the glass to her lips. She coughed and winced at the smell, then opened her mouth and started to drink, slowly swallowing until it was gone. She gagged when I took the glass away from her mouth, and looked, for a second, as if she might throw up, then swallowed and waited.

I reached down and wiped the back of my hand along her cunt lips, wiping stray drops from her cunt, then held my hand to her mouth for her to lick clean. Reluctantly she did.

Then I reach down, parted her cunt lips, and slid a finger into her cunt. She gasped, but she was soaking wet. I withdrew my finger and painted her cunt juices on her lips and just below her nose so she could smell and taste herself, then pushed my finger into her mouth. She sucked and licked it.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” I said.

She shook her head hard and said, “No,” then blushed heavily.

“But it excited you, didn’t it?”

She didn’t look up, but nodded slowly.

“Good girl. Now, kiss me.”

She looked startled again, then closed her eyes and leaned forward with her lips parted.

I gently cradled her head in my hand, and put my other arm around the arms tied behind her, then kissed her, putting my tongue into her mouth. Her mouth tasted salty and bitter, but her tongue was smooth, hot, and welcoming.

Ping-Pong: Him

I broke the kiss, straightened up, and left her standing in front of the windows, with the overhead lights framing her from behind, then walked back to deposit the glass in the kitchen. I returned, and, taking her arm, pulled her to over to a big, leather easy chair. I got a short length of rope from my gym bag, tied her feet together, and then carefully lowered her so her face was pressed to the seat of the chair, and her ass was sticking up, propped up by the chair’s arm.

I turned her head so she faced the room and would see herself reflected in the window, then gently placed one hand around the back of her neck, pinning her in this position. I tapped my other hand on her ass, which flinched, then I raised my hand up high and waited. When she squirmed, I brought my hand down hard on her ass, leaving a bright red imprint on one cheek. I smacked her again on the other cheek, then went back and forth for ten swats. She squirmed, but remained silent, as I had commanded.

By now, my hand was hurting, so I stopped and reached into my gym bag, bringing out a ping-pong paddle. It had a narrow, waffle-patterned rubber backing on one side, and sandpaper on the other. I smacked it lightly on her ass, sandpaper-side down, and she jumped. I rubbed the sandpaper where I had smacked her, gently at first, and then more roughly. She squirmed harder.

I then lifted the paddle up and held it high, rubber-side down, and waited. Her ass cheeks were tense, almost quivering. When nothing happened, she wiggled – and then I brought the paddle down hard.

She squealed, then cut it off abruptly.

I continued to smack her ass with the paddle, varying it; hard, then softer, then softer still, then harder, then quite hard.

By now her ass was bright red, covered in waffle patterns, and she was squirming hard, to the point where I put my foot on her bound feet to hold her in place. I continued to spank her hard, until finally she shouted, “Stop! Please stop!”

I continued to spank her.

“Please, I’m begging you to stop! I apologize, I was a stupid cunt for insulting you. Please!”

I paused. “You realize I’m going to have to punish you for speaking.”

“Yes, I know, I’m sorry! Please stop, please!”

I put the paddle down by her face, then lifted her up onto her feet, and turned her towards me. I knelt down, untied her feet, then stood up and pushed her legs apart with my shoe, then reached down and pushed first one, then two fingers into her cunt. She was, if possible, even wetter, and her juices coated my fingers. 

She wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Look at me.”

She looked up. “One day I’ll tell you why I offered to buy you a drink, but not today. And I’ll punish you later, but not just yet.”

Spread-eagled: Him

I took her upper arm and guided her into the bedroom, switching off the living room lights as I went.

In the bedroom, I turned her away from me, then untied her hands and arms. She started rubbing her arms. I stopped her, and then I gently rubbed her upper back, shoulders, and arms, finishing by massaging her fingers and hands. This took about 5 minutes.

“If I tie you to the bed, will you be OK?”

Her eyes flicked up to look at me, then she looked down and whispered, “Please.”

My eyebrows went up. Then I said, “Lie on your back, move into the middle of the bed, and spread your arms and legs.” She complied, moving gingerly because her ass hurt.

I moved around the bed, taking another, longer piece of rope from my gym bag, looping it around one corner leg of the bed, then under the bed, around the opposing corner leg, and then up onto the top of the bed. I then tied first one foot using a slip knot noose, then moved over, took up the slack in the rope, and tied the other foot using a clove hitch, easy to tie and easy to release, leaving the left-over rope to run free. Her legs were spread wide, but not absolutely taut as I didn’t want her to lose circulation. I could see that her cunt was glittering with moisture. I went to the linen closet and got a towel, instructed her to lift her ass, and slid it under her, smoothing it out. She winced when she lowered herself onto the towel.

“That’s to make sure you don’t soak my sheets with your cunt juice and cum – if I allow you to cum.” She flushed again, and turned her head away.

I then repeated the rope work with her hands, making sure her arms were spread, but not too tied too tightly, nor her arms stretched too taut. She could move her arms and legs, but only just.

Then I walked to the side of the bed and looked at her. Her body was as magnificent as she was. Her tits were on the small side, but firm and conical with small areolas that were quite hard now. Her coarse, almost white-gold hair was now slightly damp with sweat, but beautiful and spread over the bed. Her abs showed remarkable definition. She had to spend hours at the gym, which was remarkable in itself, given the work she did. The hard planes of her face, clearly Slavic, gave her a severe beauty that made my heart – and my cock – leap.

“Look at me.”

She turned her head toward me, hesitantly looking into my eyes. I started to undress, slowly removing my jacket and tie, putting them away in my closet, then unbuttoning my shirt, tossing it (and missing) towards the dirty clothes hamper, then unbuckling my belt, placing it on my dresser, then kicking off my loafers, removing my socks (another hamper toss, successful this time), then slowly unzipped my slacks, dropping them to the floor, then picking them up folding them, and dropping them, and my shirt, into the hamper for dry cleaning, then, finally, sliding my undershorts down and stepping out of them, while my stiff cock bobbed and swayed.

Her gaze fastened on my cock. I’m modestly well endowed, my cock being just over 6” long, and not quite 2” in diameter. Based on what I’ve read, that puts me slightly above average, but nowhere near the monster category of the guys who make their living doing porn movies. The difference, for her, was that my cock was here, and she was going to – experience it.

“Do you want me to fuck you?”

She nodded.

“Say please.”

“Please,” she said in a voice I could hardly hear.

I shook my head. “You’re not desperate enough.” I walked out to my bathroom, and got a clean wash-cloth. Meanwhile, she tried to say “Please” with more urgency while she strained at the ropes, but I returned, knelt on the bed, held her mouth open and shoved the washcloth in.

“You’re going to have to wait. Besides, remember that I warned you that you were going to have to beg me to fuck you up the ass before I’d even consider fucking your cunt.” I smiled wickedly at her. “Have you ever been fucked up the ass?”

She shook her head.

“Do you want to be fucked up the ass?”

She shook her head again.

“Well, before we’re done, you’re going to beg and plead for me to shove my cock up your ass.”

She stared at me, eyes wide and unsure.

I opened the drawer of my bedside table and took out a sleep mask I had liberated from one of my trans-Pacific flights, and put it over her eyes, adjusting the straps so they weren’t tangled.

I moved off the bed again and looked at her once more. I was fascinated and still quite shocked that this beautiful, brilliant woman wanted me to do these things to her.

I paused, then said, “If you need to speak, or if you want me to pause or stop, grunt three times. Do it now so I know you understand.”

She grunted three times.

“Good girl. If I go too far with something, if you’ve had enough, or if you need to tell me something, do that. OK?”

She grunted once.

“Great. Let’s get started.”

She shivered.

Torture: Him

I moved onto the bed and knelt by her body. I then started groping her as if I was a rapist or an inexperienced teenage boy, grabbing her tits, squeezing and kneading them, running my hands over her body and down to her pussy, pushing into her cunt with all four fingers (but studiously avoiding her clit), running a finger down over her perineum and over her asshole, then slicking my finger up with juice from her cunt, and (carefully) shoving it up her ass and twisting it back and forth, pulling it out, then running my hands roughly up her thighs and finger-fucking her cunt, then starting over again with her tits, this time more roughly. And again and again…

Then I stopped. Just stopped completely, and looked at her. She was squirming from side to side, and breathing hard, so I moved up towards her head and whispered in her ear, “If I take the gag out, will you be quiet?”

She nodded vigorously, so I removed the washcloth. She licked her lips and panted, and straining at her bonds.

So, I waited. Gradually she settled down, although still straining against the ropes from time to time. She stopped panting, then said, “Please!”

“Please what?”

“I don’t know, but PLEASE do something to me.”

I shoved the washcloth back in her mouth.

Then I waited while she squirmed and pulled on the ropes.

Eventually, I started whisking my fingers along the sides of her body, the underside of her tits, lightly brushing against her skin, but nothing firm, just suggestions. I slowly ran my fingers through her hair, gently and sensuously massaging her scalp. She groaned and rotated her head to push against my fingers. I traced lines around her right ear, first on the outside, then just inside the outer shell of her ears, and finally, lightly twisting a finger in her ear hole, rubbing it gently.

Now she was straining against the ropes, and her body was quivering. I had obviously found a highly sensitive part of her body, so I repeated the process, even more slowly, on her left ear.

By now she was panting through her nose so hard she was almost snorting. I pulled the washcloth out of her mouth and she licked her lips and panted hard for real. “If you speak, I will gag you again.”

She nodded while continuing to squirm.

I repeated the process, this running my tongue around her ears, while lightly running my fingers through her hair and massaging her scalp. She groaned deep in her throat, and her legs where straining hard against her bonds.

So, I stopped. And she moaned, hard, and opened her mouth as if to speak – then stopped herself, and groaned in frustration.

I went back to whisking my fingers along her chest and side, avoiding her nipples, but emphasizing the lower half of her tits, and up the sides of her chest to her armpits, down her arms to the inside of her elbows, then back up again.

Next, I moved down to her lower body. By now she was staining up to meet my fingers, trying to increase the pressure, which I wouldn’t allow. If she pushed too hard, I just removed my hand altogether, waited a bit, then started on a different part of her legs and thighs.

I started running my fingers slowly up from her feet up to her knees, then back again. I’d stop and run my fingernails lightly up and down the soles of her feet, which made her curl her toes, then gently pushed my fingers between her toes, then over her ankles, and up to the knees on the front of her legs, then inside her legs, running back down to her feet.

I very gradually shifted my stroking higher and higher, always starting with her feet, but eventually reaching all the way to her cunt, without touching it.

By now she was panting, moaning, and thrashing around, to the point where I was starting to be concerned she would hurt herself. I stopped, and checked the knots around her hands and feet, loosening them slightly, and adding a hitch to prevent them from tightening, all while she was straining against my hands. I had to hold her hand or foot down with a forearm while I worked on the knots.

Once I’d done that, I started to stroke her labia, starting on the outside edges as I stroked upwards, then lightly tracing down the center, where her nether lips joined, but not parting them, then repeating, over and over.

Next, I licked the center finger of my right hand, and moved it to the bottom of her cunt, gently stroking it up and down until I had parted her cunt lips, and slowly pushed my finger into her, being careful to stay away from her clit and her G-spot. She stopped as if electrified, and strained against my hand. I pulled my finger out, and she moaned in frustration. When she relaxed slightly, I put my finger in again. When she strained against my hand, I pulled it out.

Eventually, she got the message, and relaxed as much as she could, panting but staying still as I finger-fucked her, being careful to stay away from her most sensitive areas.

Her panting was getting faster, so I gently removed my finger and ran it up between her cunt lips, and lightly grazed her clit.

She jerked as if shocked, strained against her ropes and moaned loudly, and deep in her throat. I did it a second time, and she moaned again, at a higher tone this time, and with greater urgency.

Then I put my finger back in her cunt, finger fucking her again, and starting to gently make a rotating pattern over her G-spot. She arched her back, straining to push against my finger, and went back to panting hard.

I kept massaging her G-spot until it became clear she was getting close to climaxing – at which point I stopped and moved slightly away from her.

She screamed, then said, “Please fuck me, please let me cum, please!”

“I told you I wouldn’t fuck you until you begged me to fuck you up the ass. And I’m not going to let you cum until you do, either.”

“Please fuck me up the ass. I want you to fuck my ass with your cock, please, PLEASE fuck me!”

“What will you do for me if I fuck you and let you cum?”

“I’ll do anything you want, please!”

“Anything.” I made it a statement.

“Yes, please, ANYTHING YOU WANT, PLEASE fuck me up the ass, PLEASE!”

“Yes,” I said.

I stood up, moved to the bottom of the bed, and loosed the slip knot around her right foot, then untied the clove hitch around her left foot, then crawled up the bed, pushing her legs wide, and up to her shoulders, uncovering her cunt and the brown knot of her asshole, which was pinched tight shut.

I put three fingers in her cunt, covering them with her cunt juice out and rubbed it over my cock, added some of my own saliva to make sure I was nicely lubricated, then pushed my cockhead up so it just touched the entry to her ass.

“You’ll need to relax your asshole,” I said.

She panted, then slowly tried to relax her body. The pucker of her asshole relaxed marginally. I pushed slightly against it, then said, “Beg, slut. Beg me to fuck your ass. Beg me to shove my cock into you!”

“Please fuck your slut, please! Fuck my ass hard, ream me with your cock. Hurt me, hurt me hard, please!”

I shifted my weight back onto my knees, then lifted my cock and slid it fully and completely, not into her ass, but into her cunt instead, moving forward in one slow, smooth push, shoving hard and pushing my body onto her legs, crushing them against her shoulders so her knees were close to her ears, and I was driving so deeply into her cunt that my cock hit against her cervix.

She screamed, not in pain, but as her climax hit her, and her cunt throbbed around my cock, milking it. Without shifting my weight, I reached over and fumbled with the knots, first freeing one hand, then the other, then pushed the blindfold off her eyes. She wrapped her arms around my neck, looked wildly into my eyes and said “Please fuck me please fuck me please fuck me…” over and over and over.

I kissed her deeply, and fucked her hard, bringing her to another massive climax, just before cumming hard inside her.

To be continued…

If you’re looking for the scene at the top of this chapter that is not included in this chapter, where Marta is bound, gagged, and helpless in a public corridor, it can be found at the very start of Chapter 4. It is part of a longer story arc, but if you want to jump to it, you’ll find it here:




Published 4 years ago

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