“Yeah. Maybe later. I’m at a friend’s. The drive-thru girl I told you about.”
I blinked, staring at her back, her bare ass perched comfortably on the edge of my bed, my head nestled comfortably on my pillow. Yawning, I noticed she had her cell phone out. ‘She’, by the way, was Violet. The girl I didn’t really have any feelings for, despite that my pulse was suddenly racing at the sight of her. Despite that the last thing I remembered from the night before was her holding me while I climaxed on a rubber dildo, my hands cuffed behind my back and clamps abusing my tender nipples while watching porn on my TV…
Closing my eyes, I listened to her voice, a shy smile on my face as I came to terms with a few things. I was hooked. On her, at least, and maybe that did make me a lesbian. Bi, at the very least. There was certainly no way of denying the attraction I felt nor the sudden almost overwhelming desire to touch her. Maybe wrap my arms around her while she was sitting there, talking on the phone. Maybe even kiss her…
The moment passed, or at least the intensity of it did, when she turned towards me, her gaze boring into me as if she could read my very thoughts and desires. Her lips curved suddenly into a smile. Not a very pleasant one, I might add, though it raised goosebumps up and down my arms.
“Good morning, slut,” she greeted me, not even bothering to take the phone away from her face. “Yeah, she just woke up. Super cute.
She was talking about me, I realized, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“She’s shy, but I’m working on that.”
She laughed at that, her lips puckering into a kiss which she directed at me. And yes, I smiled shyly back, the desire to touch her renewing itself. Or the desire to be touched, perhaps? Both, if I was being truthful.
“Jenny. Amber wants to say hello.”
“Oh. Hello,” I managed before my bottom lip disappeared between my teeth.
“Not like that. Here.”
She tapped her cell a couple of times before holding it out so that I could see the screen, or rather, the face on the screen. She’d put us on a video call.
“Hi, Jenny.”
She was pretty, though not in the same way as Violet was. She looked like she’d probably been on the cheerleader squad in high school. Dimples, white teeth, loose auburn curls, and big blue eyes. The kind of girl who boys would trip over just to get her attention.
And she was dressed. Unlike me. When I tried to cover myself up, however, Violet reached out and slapped my hand playfully.
“No. See? I told you she’s shy.” I watched as her smile grew even crueler.
“Tell Amber what I call you, Jenny.”
I was silent for a moment, my eyes going from the girl on the screen to Violet, knowing I probably looked like a deer caught in headlights as she lifted one perfect eyebrow at me. Taking a deep breath, I tore my gaze away and focused on her friend and swallowed nervously. My mouth suddenly felt dry.
“Her dirty girl,” I whispered.
“Speak up,” she commanded.
“Her dirty girl,” I repeated obediently, this time I little louder.
“Oh.” Amber laughed, shaking her head a little as the image of her face grew larger, as if to get a better look at me.
“She has nice tits, Vee.”
I could feel my cheeks burning. I glanced at Violet again, a pleading look on my face, silently begging her to make this stop. By the time I realized my mistake, that it would just goad her into doing worse, it was too late. She took the phone away, putting it on speaker, so she could resume her conversation while I was forced to listen in.
“She only comes when I let her.”
“Wow. When was the last time?”
“Last night. I made her watch porn and fuck herself on a big rubber cock. You should have seen her. It was fucking hot.”
As for me, I wanted nothing more than to just curl up and die. Or maybe touch myself.
“Damn. Next time, I want to watch.”
“What are you doing right now?”
“Nothing much. My day off.”
“What do you think, dirty girl.” Violet was looking at me, her gaze drifting down to my nipples. I realized that they’d grown hard while they talked. Not only that but my pussy was wet. Licking my lips, I shrugged and looked away, knowing that, no matter what I said, it was out of my control.
“She says she’d love to have you over.” She blew me a kiss, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “I’m texting you the address.”
“Give me an hour or so. See you then.”
Violet shut off the call and put the phone down.
“Why don’t you shower while I pick out something for you to wear.”
“Yes, Miss,” I answered meekly, realizing my fate was sealed, unsure how I felt about it…
I took my time. The hot water felt good and I needed to clear my head a little. This was all going too fast. Things had gotten so out of control. Not just now, but a while ago and yet, I couldn’t stop this. Or, if I was being completely honest maybe I could and just didn’t want to.
“Dirty girl,” I told myself softly, the water feeling good on my shoulders and back. I wanted to touch myself, only I couldn’t. Not without her permission, afraid of what she’d do if I did. “Violet’s dirty girl. Oh, god.”
Eventually, I turned the water off and dried myself just in time for her to join me, a playful smile on her face. She was wearing a robe. One of mine. Red and so short that if she’d bent over her ass would be showing. It was tied loosely around her waist.
“I raided your closet.”
“It looks good on you.”
“I know,” she smirked as she grabbed my hand and led me back to my bedroom.
“We’re going to have to get you some sluttier clothes, Jenny. For now, this will do.”
She’d discovered some more lingerie that was left over from when I’d had a boyfriend and life was ‘normal’. A fishnet leotard. Like the crotchless panties, it hadn’t gotten a lot of use, although I’d worn it as a dare as part of a Halloween costume one year. And yes, I’d put black tape over my nipples. It had been a thrill, too. I remember feeling sexy and daring and a little bit slutty.
“Stand still, slut.” I did just that as she carefully put my collar back on, buckling it carefully around my throat. “There. Perfect. Now get out while I shower. Where do you keep your nail polish?” she asked, popping her ‘p’s, naturally.
“Second drawer down,” I told her, pointing towards the sink.
“If Amber shows before I’m done, let her in.”
Before I could answer she shut the door, leaving me alone. With a sigh, I dressed, checking myself out in the mirror afterwards. I looked… sexy. Hot? Definitely slutty. The costume didn’t leave much to the imagination. My nipples and boobs were on display as was my smooth pussy. I tried to get into my role a little, feeling less shy about it now that I was by myself. Standing on my toes, I arched my back a little, thrusting out my breasts. Turning to the side I checked out my ass. It looked good. I looked good. I felt a sense of pride wash through me. Violet could probably have had any girl she wanted but she’d chosen me. Maybe part of it was she’d sensed something deep inside that was waiting to be woken, but I was sure she’d noticed me because of how I looked. Feeling a little more confident, I strolled around my apartment, making sure that the curtains were still closed, of course. I really didn’t want any neighbors getting a good look. I wasn’t that confident.
I paused, noticing my laptop on the coffee table. Without even thinking about it, I sat down on the couch and turned it on. Those videos she showed me last night… It was easy to find them again. She hadn’t bothered to delete my history. Those, and others. There was a whole website devoted to women being filmed like that… not porn stars. Just girls like me. Girls who’d been talked into it. Or maybe they’d just wanted to…
I browsed through several thumbs until I found one with a blonde girl who looked a little like me. ‘Cock hungry slut gets banged in adult theatre’. Curious, I hit play and, of course, the doorbell rang moments later. I glanced at the front door and then towards the bathroom. She was still in there, the door closed.
“Please please please come out,” I begged softly, my pulse racing, my heart beating nervously, wondering if she hadn’t heard the bell or was simply choosing to ignore it. The latter, I suspected. She wanted me to answer it, knowing I’d be humiliated. I’m not sure how long I sat there on the couch, indecisive as the video played on, the blond girl sucking on some guy’s cock while jerking off another, her blouse hanging open exposing her tits. Long enough for Amber to impatiently ring again just as some burly guy pushed her skirt up around her waist.
“Coming. I’m coming,” I mumbled as I crossed the room and opened the door a crack. Just enough so that I knew it was Amber and not the FedEx guy delivering a package.
“Hi,” I managed, my voice shaking a little as I stared out, half-hidden behind the door, giving ground as she pushed it open enough for her to enter.
“Hi, Jenny.”
She was wearing shorts, sandals, and a halter top and looking casually gorgeous.
I quickly close the door behind her, which allowed her to get a good look at me. At how I was dressed. She licked her lips and giggled a little, then went silent, her gaze drawn to my laptop and the sounds that were coming out of the speaker.
“Did mean to interrupt. What are we watching?”
“Nothing,” I mumbled, feeling flushed, unsure of what to do in her presence. Cover myself? Rush over and turn off the porn video that was playing? Offer her a drink? Thankfully, Violet saved me just then.
“Hey, beautiful.”
She looked the same and yet there was something indefinable about her, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. She still wore my robe, although her toenails were painted. Her fingernails too, I guessed, although she had her hands behind her back so that I couldn’t tell. She’d put on lipstick too. Crimson. Her eyes were dark. Mascara and eyeliner.
“I see you were keeping busy, dirty girl,” she said with a smirk, nodding her chin towards my computer.
“Yes, Miss. I was curious?”
She just laughed, shaking her head a little, her arms moving forward. I’d been right. Red, just like her toenails. The leash, though, was black. She held it loosely, dangling it from one hand, the metal clip tapping her calf as she used her other hand to point at a spot on the rug just in front of her, one brow lifted, her gaze locked on me. The command was clear. Glancing once at Amber, aware that she was watching me just as intently. I moved slowly, dragging my feet a little, until I was standing before Violet, breathing so hard that I felt a little light-headed, our gazes locked, her expression expectant, although she didn’t say a word.
Eventually, I lowered myself to my knees in front of her, never once looking away, my chin tilting up, forgetting about Amber for a moment, lost in Violet’s predatory smile as she bent over me and attached the leash to my collar.
“Stay,” she told me.
I didn’t dare move as she moved further into the room, out of my sight, although I did breathe a sigh of relief when the sounds of the video I’d put on suddenly stopped.
“Want anything, Ams?” she asked, taking over as hostess, despite it being my apartment.
“If there’s any. Why don’t you come with me? Jenny’s not going anywhere.”
I could hear the knowing smirk in her voice. So certain. With good reason, because she was right. She’d told me to stay, after all. I didn’t really have a choice anymore. Whatever it was she’d awakened in me now controlled me, at least, in her presence. I let loose a sigh and simply accepted the truth. I was her dirty girl. I belonged to her. I felt my nipples tighten at that thought and heat growing deep inside my pussy even as I felt my juices trickling past my swollen outer lips. By the time they returned, each cupping a stemmed glass, half full of blush, I was ready to be her dirty girl even if that meant humiliating myself in front of her friend.
“Miss me?” she teased, pausing to run her fingers through my hair, treating me like a cherished pet.
“Yes, Miss,” I admitted, sighing softly at her touch, shivering as a sense of ecstasy washed slowly over me from head to toe.
Taking my leash, she gave it a gentle tug. “Up.”
I got to my feet obediently, my tongue running nervously between my suddenly dry lips.
“Thought we’d watch a movie. Or maybe you’d rather watch some more porn?”
“Okay,” I answered, unsure of what I was agreeing to. Her laugh was delightful and she surprised me by kissing me tenderly, her lips warm and soft against mine, her wet tongue soothing. She kissed me like that until I let out a needy moan, unable to help myself. Worse, I felt her hand between my thighs, cupping my pussy, stroking me with her fingers, leaving little doubt of how turned on I was.
“She’s dripping wet,” she said, turning to Amber who was watching in fascination from the couch. “She gets like this and she’ll do pretty much anything I tell her as long as I promise to make her come.”
“I want to watch, Vee. Please?”
“Maybe later. So. Romcom or porn?”
“What about a scary film?” Amber suggested.
“In the daytime?”
While they were discussing what to watch I was led to the couch and told to sit next to Amber. Nervously, I took a seat beside her, leaving about a foot of space between us, unsure of what was expected of me. Violet, of course, noticed, though she didn’t say anything. Instead, she sat down on my other side, leaving just as much space, pulled my laptop onto her lap and planted her heels on my coffee table, the looped end of my leash draped over her bare thighs. A few moments later, Amber had shed her sandals and did the same. I couldn’t help but notice that her glass was nearly empty.
“Let’s see what looks interesting…”
“I need a refill.” Amber rose and went into the kitchen, leaving me alone with Violet, who giggled softly and placed her hand on my thigh.
“Really doesn’t matter what we watch. Doubt anyone will pay much attention. Not with you here, looking like that.”
I placed my hand tentatively over hers, letting out a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding when she let me keep it there.
“You’re adorable.” She began stroking my thigh tenderly. It felt nice. Comfortable. I let myself relax a little, smiling at her, a little surprised when she leaned in and kissed me, her mouth covering mine, our eyes meeting briefly before being interrupted by Amber’s return, with two full glasses. She handed me the second as she sat down again, this time so close we were touching. A moment later, Violet scooted over, trapping me in between them. Not that I minded. Not at all. I took a sip from my glass, deciding to just not worry too much and simply enjoy whatever happened.
“Find anything good?” she asked, chuckling as Violet shrugged.
“Got distracted.”
“What about Birds of Prey? Margot Robbie is hot.”
Violet played around with my laptop a bit, turning on the Bluetooth and then starting a video on my TV, which appeared to be a porn version of Birds of Prey.
“O.M.G.” Amber exclaimed. “Even better!”
I had to admit that the girl playing Harley was hot. We spent the next twelve minutes or so watching her blow and then fuck some guy dressed up as The Joker while they made comments, some rude, some funny, some sexy while I stayed quiet and enjoyed the sensation of Violet’s fingers traveling over the top and then the inside of my thigh while sipping wine and growing increasingly horny.
“Maybe something more Jenny’s taste,” Amber suggested. Not sure what that might be, I kept my mouth shut as Violet quickly found another video. This time it was Harley with someone dressed like a slutty Catwoman.
“More like it,” Amber declared as she rested her hand on my other thigh and began to tease me with the tips of her nails as we watched. I decided I liked this Harley better than the other one. No reason. She just seemed sexier. Maybe it was because she was with another woman? I had no idea and it was getting really hard to dwell on anything other than the sensation of being teased by two really hot girls.
“Put your ankle over mine,” Violet whispered in my ear.
I hesitated for a brief moment before doing as she said and lifting my leg straight out, my ankle on top of hers, her legs still stretched out, feet resting on the tabletop.
“Hers too, dirty girl.”
My breath caught in my throat at her words, turning towards her, eyes wide, our gazes locked until I gave in, my left leg mirroring my right so that my thighs were spread for them. I felt my heart pumping in my chest and a queasy feeling in my tummy as I realized where this was going. Yes, perhaps I’d been naïve, but I’d thought that Violet just wanted to tease me or embarrass me or something. Maybe she still was, but I sensed there was more to it than that.
“Good girl,” she praised and I found myself accepting that I would do anything she asked just to hear those two words.
I found myself sinking back into the cushion, eyes glued to the action on the screen, hands cupping elbows, arms crossed beneath my breasts while two pairs of fingers glided over my bare thighs, sometimes running slowly along the edge of the fishnet leotard until I was trembling with need.
“Something more to your tastes, dirty girl,” Violet teased as the video ended and started another one, her hand leaving me briefly as did Ambers. Not that she was done with me. I felt her lean in, lips brushing my ear, her warm breath teasing my neck as she brushed my hair back and whispered softly.
“I’m really hoping Vee decides to share you with me, Jenny.”
I gasped as she ran her tongue slowly over the rim of my ear, my hips jerking suddenly forward in response, something both girls noticed and started them giggling.
“See? Told you she’s a slut. She can’t help it.”
I didn’t bother protesting. It wouldn’t have done any good. Instead, I tried to concentrate on the new video. This one was more like the ones she’d played the night before. A cute blonde my age or maybe a little younger, in an adult movie theater. Naked, of course, unless you counted the gag. Four guys were holding her down as she struggled. I watched in fascination as they manhandled her, pulling her arms above her head and her legs apart. It zoomed away for a moment, and I realized that it wasn’t just the four. There was a line of guys waiting, most of them with their cocks out, stroking them as they watched. And then, it was back to her, one of the guys between her legs, his cock hard and angry looking as he pushed it into her while one of the others was groping and squeezing her tits.
“If I asked would you do that, dirty girl? For me?”
I didn’t answer and she chuckled.
“Go into a room of strangers, naked, and let them do whatever they wanted to you? All because I asked?”
One of the guys was jerking off over her and then coming on her tits. It was disgusting and yet, I found myself wondering what it would feel like. I could feel myself leaking and then, her finger finding one of the gaps between the netting and slipping inside of me. I moaned out loud, writing a little as she pushed it all the way in and just held it there.
“Answer me or you don’t get to come.”
I heard Amber giggle, her hand wandering over my hip and along my flank, fingers teasing between the gaps, brushing my flesh while Violent waited for my answer.
Of course, there was only one answer to give…
“If you asked me, Miss. Yes,” I told her, surrendering, knowing it was true and not just in this moment or because I needed to come. It was simply because I realized I couldn’t deny her anything she asked of me.
“Good girl,” she said, smiling. Not her usual cruel smile, but a soft warm one that felt almost like a secret whispered between us.
“You going to make her come now? You promised I could watch.”
“Yes, but not now. She still needs to earn it.”
As for me, I just let out a groan of frustration, unable to tear my eyes from the screen as I imagined me in the woman’s place. She was on her hands and knees now and being fucked from behind while sucking cock. Soon, cum was leaking out of her pussy and her mouth while men switched places. Unable to stop myself, I started rocking my hips back and forth and fucking Violet’s finger while Amber teased my nipple through the netting and began to suck, her tongue flickering pleasurably.
“Not in a hurry,” she said, lifting her head for a moment and winking at Violet before taking my other nipple between her lips and biting down gently. It felt good. Soon I was writhing between them, too overcome to care anymore.
“Slut,” Violet teased as she found my g-spot and started driving me wild, pushing me right to the edge before stopping, leaving me frustrated and breathless while the girl on-screen was having a massive orgasm.
“Please,” I protested, needing to join her. I was ignored, my arms grasped and pulled away from my sides.
“Please what, pet?”
“Please make me come,” I moaned as Amber let go and climbed on top, straddling my legs, her ass resting on my thighs as she pulled her top up to reveal her perfect tits.
“Suck on them, slut.”
Too turned on to protest, I took her rock-hard nipple between my lips and started sucking and tonguing her as she ran her fingers through my hair. I felt Violet exposing my pussy, pushing the material aside and start playing with my clit until I was moaning against Amber’s boob.
“How many guys you think you could take, dirty girl? Five? Ten? Fifteen? Would you want them to come inside you? Fill your dirty fuck holes with cum? Or maybe just on you until you were covered with jizz. Dripping off you. Running down your tits, your tummy, your thighs. So nasty. Would you do that for me if I asked?”
“Yes, Miss,” I managed, letting go of Amber’s nipple, switching to the other one, my hips pressing forward, grinding against Violet’s hand as she toyed with me, vaguely aware of Amber reaching between her legs and taking over, her fingers teasing my pussy. I felt a finger pressing against my ass. Thankfully, it was wet with my pussy juices. I let out a soft grunt as it pressed into me, trying to relax as my ass was slowly violated. I felt myself falling, the sensations building up inside of me until I couldn’t think of anything but release.
“Walking you out of the theater like that, on a leash, naked and covered with cum, Jenny…”
I came. Hard and loud, that image flashing through my thoughts. Both of them leading me after being gangbanged, barely able to stand, people staring, whispering…
I’m not sure how many times I came. Neither of them let up, Amber rolling off me and plunging her fingers deep into my cunt, thrusting hard and fast while Violet got a second finger into my ass, stretching me. It hurt. God, it hurt, but I didn’t care. As long as I kept coming, I didn’t care what she did to me. Or what she threatened to do. She kept going on about taking me down the local theater and whore me out. Let whoever wanted to use me. It only made me come harder, thinking about it, hearing it on the screen, catching glimpses, imagining myself in the middle of all those men, a cock in every hole…
When they finally let up, I collapsed against the cushions, breathless, too worn out to do more than sprawl, my legs spread obscenely as I leaked all over my couch. I didn’t care. Nor did I care that Amber was there, kissing my hair and face playfully while Violet ran her fingers up and down my arms and shoulders. I was simply content to let them, content with being Violet’s plaything. Her toy. Her dirty girl.