Diane watched as Sam went out to the garden to swim. From her cell, she couldn’t see him. Somehow, although she’d had two great orgasms, this hadn’t worked out the way she expected. The guy had a big cock; he was considerate, and yet she was lying here in a cell with a dildo in her pussy, while the man was taking a swim. why wasn’t he still fucking her? Because… because he’d done a hard day’s work, he was in a stranger’s house and he’d already given her more than she deserved.
The new carpet looked great. How was Barry going to move the furniture back? She had no idea, but he probably had a plan. One good thing about being locked in a cell was that she didn’t have to think, and what she did have was another dildo almost as big as the first.
She grabbed it from the pile and covered it with lube. If she couldn’t have two men, she could at least have two plastic substitutes. She was feeling sufficiently randy that the second was in place minutes later. She lay back and let the vibrations do their work. She’d come twice before Sam came back.
When he came in, she was lying on the floor, eyes closed, with a satisfied smile on her face and two dildos sliding out of her between her spread legs.
Sam strolled over to her, picking up his clothes and beginning to dress.
“What you were saying about your husband — see what he says. I’ve never been that kind of guy, you know, not kinky or anything, but there’s nothing to stop me, so…”
“So you could learn? Is that what you mean?”
“I can’t think where I’d find a better teacher.”
“Are you all done now?”
“Yeah, I’m going to clear up my things and be off. Thanks for a day to remember.”
Diane heard the door close. She lay on the floor for another ten minutes before sliding the dildos out, washing them and putting them back in the drawer. What should she tell Barry? Did she need to tell him anything? He could look at the video, but telling him might be better.
Barry appeared fifteen minutes after Sam had gone. Diane was still in a post-orgasmic haze. Her eyes were closed and with the carpet now fitted she didn’t hear Barry walk in.
“Are you in a fit state to go out?”
Diane’s eyes opened. “Oh, hi. I was thinking about you.”
“Is that good or bad?”
“Not bad, mostly good, with some questions thrown in.”
“That sounds like an evening session. I was wondering if you were up to a brief shopping trip, there’s something I want you to see.”
“Can I go like this?”
“I think it might be an idea to at least have a coat or a dress, we’re going to a furniture shop.”
“Why don’t you dash upstairs and get me something to wear.”
She said dash upstairs, but that didn’t feel right. He calmed himself and walked with firm, sedate steps. There was no rush, he knew exactly which dress he had in mind. A silk item he’d bought her in Paris years ago. She hardly ever wore it because it was precious. The fabric flowed and at the same time tended to cling to her figure. When she wore it she looked irresistible.
He returned with the dress behind his back. He dialled the code and watched the grill come up.
“Sam said that had to stay in place and keep the pressure on until the glue had set.”
Barry pressed another button, and the chain released from the wall.
“Step out,” he said and lowered the grill as soon as she was out of the cell.
“Sam?” he said.
“The man who laid the carpet.”
“Ah, ha. Sam, eh?”
“Do want the story or watch the video?”
“Let’s have both when we get back.”
Barry held out the dress.
“Oh, that dress. What about the chain?”
“I like it but I’d hate to snag this dress. I think we’ll leave the collar,” he said as he unlocked the chain.
“Shall I keep the cuffs?” she said.
“What do you think?’
“I think I will, but not the ankles?”
He knelt on the floor and undid the ankle cuffs. She put the dress on and wriggled a little to let the fabric settle.
“Perfect,” he said.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“What are we looking at,” Diane said as they parked.
“You said we needed a sofa bed. I looked at a few and got it down to a choice between two.”
“So I have to try them? Is that it?”
“I want an expert opinion. I think you have a lot more experience than me…”
“Of furniture to fuck on?”
“Is there a technical term I should know?”
Diane giggled, wrapped an arm around him and let him lead her to the first bed he’d selected.
“Are we allowed to unfold it?”
“That’s the plan.”
A sales assistant appeared.
Barry took on a business-like air. “Could you demonstrate please?”
The guy unfolded the bed.
“May I?” Diane said. and before the poor man had a chance to say no, she had kicked off her shoes and laid herself full length on the bed.
“How does it feel?” Barry said.
“Do I look comfortable?”
Before either of the men could say anything she had rolled over, sat up, spun around and laid herself back down, with her head at the foot of the bed. She rolled over and lay face down, raising herself on her elbows to look up at them.
“You look comfortable, dear, but how does it feel?”
“If this was the only one, I’d buy it, or more to the point, I’d have you buy it for me. We’d better see the other one.”
Diane got up and turned to the assistant. “Could you leave that one in that position for a minute while we look at the other one?”
After a similar romp on the second bed, Diane insisted on being allowed to fold and unfold each bed before she made up her mind.
“How soon can you deliver?” was her final question.
“Which one?”
“I’d like the information about both please.”
The guy went off to check.
“Quite honestly, love there is not a lot of difference. I’d take whichever they can deliver first.”
One could be delivered by the weekend, so that settled it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Barry met Freddy’s wife for coffee. Unsure what to expect, or what exactly she had in mind, he enjoyed the suspense as he waited. Their brief conversation on the phone established that he planned to wear what he called his academic jacket, crumpled linen with two pens in the breast pocket, with a blue tie that matched his eyes and he would be reading with his half-round, professor glasses.
Barry had sipped his way through half an iced coffee before he caught a whiff of perfume and looked over the rims of his glasses to see a smiling blond standing by the table.
“Barry?” she said.
“Best to call me Tess,” she said. “I wouldn’t want to be confused with a nun — for obvious reasons.”
“Can I get you something?”
“I’ve ordered,” she said. “They’ll bring it in a minute. Thanks for agreeing to meet. I know it must be a bit odd…”
“Not at all, not in the grand scheme of things, given that your husband has, um… met… my wife.”
“I gather she called him Freddy.”
“Diane was trying to protect everyone’s privacy.”
Tess smiles. “He insists I call him Freddy now.”
“My apologies, on Diane’s behalf.”
“Oh, no, it was a good idea, and it’s had a marvellous effect on him. I don’t make it easy for him. The whole hotwife thing was never really my idea, but … well, I guess you know.”
“I know our story, I wouldn’t presume that it’s the same for anyone else.”
“No,” she said. “but you have agreed to meet.”
“Yes, I’m an academic. Curiosity is built-in, and you have a voice that sounds inviting on the phone.”
Tess smiled. There was a pause while the barista brought her coffee and cake.
“Can I be, um, I’m not sure what the right word is?”
“Yes, that should cover it. I love Freddy to bits, but — ”
“I’ve seen the video.”
“Okay, enough said. He encouraged me to find better-equipped men. I hated myself at first, but he kept at it. He helped me choose and in the end, we had fun. I know encouraging him to go to strip clubs might not have been the best compensation, but he absolutely refused to try hookers — there are some who specialise in helping guys with his problem. Your wife’s auction thing got him excited, so I was thrilled for him.”
“And then he won, and the rest is history?”
“I loved hearing the story and we’ve watched the video over and over. I knew I had to meet this woman.”
Barry sat quietly for a moment.
“Is that a problem?”
“No, not at all, but what sort of meeting?”
“Why did she give the phone to you? I know she gave it to you because she explained that to Freddy.”
“I think it was all part of her notion to protect identities, yours and hers.”
“She didn’t want vindictive wives attacking her?”
“That too, I suppose. She was also protecting me.”
Tess put her cup down. “In what way? Are you, um, like Freddy?”
“Oh, no, not at all.” He smiled. “I have every sympathy for Freddy, but I have a different problem. I do the kind of job where having a wife that does the things she has done might be — ”
“The word scandal would feature in the media I suspect.”
“So why do you let her do it?”
“Let her? Diane is a free woman, and so much more interesting for it. The only way I can be sure that she loves me is if she comes back. To my mind, nothing else matters, but through my work, I do encounter people who have a much more limited world-view. So, what kind of meeting are you looking for?”
Tess reached out across the table. “I said something stupid a minute ago. What I should have said was that I wanted to meet the two of you.”
“Thank you. Can I risk shocking you?”
“Ooooh, yes please.”
Barry took out his phone, dialled the server to see what Diane was doing, and put the phone back on the table face down.
“After a recent adventure, Diane regretted what she had done. The details don’t matter, but she demanded that she be punished. After some research and comparing similar court cases, she decided that she ought to go to prison. We studied the legal implications of what the outcome might be if her behaviour was taken to court.”
“Fascinating. Are you a lawyer?”
“Qualified as a lawyer yes, but in a rather specialised niche. After some thought, and while she was trying her hand at shocking strip club audiences, I built her a cell at home. It is a game, but I think it might shock some people.”
“So she’s in that cell now?”
Barry turned the phone over.
“Oh, wow. Is that live?”
Tess held the phone, her gaze fixed on the screen for a minute. “Is that so you can see that she’s okay?”
“Partly, and partly for fun.”
“Is it safe?”
“If there’s a fire, everything opens and the fire alarm warns me. She has a phone and I could let her out from here.”
“What happens if someone visits?”
“Unless I think it would be a bad idea, they visit and they see Diane in the cell.”
Tess sat staring at the screen. “I know a few people who would love to borrow that.”
“If you were to visit, which I’m happy for you to do, then it could be interesting if she was in the cell. What do you think?”
“I guess that is up to you.”
“There is another thing. I know Diane would tell you to seduce me, preferably on the sofa bed that is in the same room.”
“While she was locked in the cell naked.”
“And you don’t have Freddy’s problem.”
“No. I can’t claim to offer anything spectacular, though perhaps a little above average.”
“It sounds to me as though you’re above average in lots of ways.”
“What about Freddy? If I was to fuck you, would he want to watch?”
“Would you let him?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Could he be tied up? He likes that.”
“He could be attached to the cage. It has hooks to allow that.”
“So, Diane in the cage naked with Freddy tied to the outside of the cage and us doing whatever we fancy?”
“Would that be interesting?”
“Interesting? Oh, yeah. Would you tell her in advance?”
“I think not, don’t you?”
“When are you available? You could come tomorrow. I should say that we have a pool, and I’m a decent cook, so we could have a ‘normal’ evening as soon as we tire of playing games.”
“I think I’d prefer to surprise Freddy. If we came early afternoon, we could blindfold him when we arrived. He hasn’t met you, so he wouldn’t know. I could strip him, tie him up, and then we could let Diane play with him while I get to know you. Could we gag both of them?”
“So they had to watch without being able to say anything?”
“Mmmm. One other thing, something I always do with all the guys I go with; could I see the merchandise?”
Barry laughed. “Unless you’ve got X-ray vision, we’d better head out. Where did you leave your car?”
“The multi-storey at the end of the street.”
“Same here.”
They strolled down the road. “Do you do this a lot?” Andy said.
“Do you mean, have I got up to date STD tests?”
“I didn’t mean that, but I’m guessing that you must have because you brought it up.”
“Last week, and no sex since. What about you?”
“I made sure that both of us were tested after Diane’s adventures at the strip club. She was ultra-careful. Better safe than sorry. What I meant was, did you do this often?”
“We used to have a deal that one month each year I would be exclusive to Freddy, so we could have kids and be sure they were ours. We have the kids now, but we still stick to that rule. The kids have made us calm down a little, but I’m thinking about doing something different, mostly thanks to what Diane did for Freddy. It hasn’t made his cock bigger, but it has put a spark into him. That made me re-think things. I’ve never meant to humiliate him or discourage him, but I think his self-image has been degraded over time. I need to fix that, and If I have to change the game to do it, then I will.”
Five minutes later, with Barry leaning against his car Tess, knelt on the tarmac and unzipped him. One minute of an interesting blowjob was enough of a test.
“I’d put you in the top twenty per cent,” she said. “I’m looking forward to tomorrow already.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Barry released Diane before bedtime and in the morning they dressed and waited for the sofa to arrive. Once it was in position Barry paid the delivery men for an extra half hour of work to help bring the rest of the furniture from the garage. By lunchtime, the room was back to normal, or more accurately, in its new normal.
“We have guests this afternoon,” Barry said. “I bought some barbecue food for later, but first there is a surprise for you.”
“So I’m back in the cell?”
“At least for a while, but some of what happens is up to you.”
“Do I get a clue?”
“Do you want a clue?”
“Prisoners get told who is going to visit, don’t they?”
“Good point. Do you remember Freddy?”
“His wife called.”
“She’s coming here?”
“She wants to meet you.”
“Meet me?”
“Both of us.”
“Is Freddy coming too?”
“Unless he says no.”
“You sound hesitant.”
“I didn’t speak to Freddy, but Tess is keen to come. I think that’s all you need to know. They are an interesting couple.”
“Okay, I get it. I’m on display in my cell, exhibited, powerless, and you and she are going to have fun at my expense. Where the hell does poor Freddy fit in?”
“You’ll see.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Diane was in the cell, naked, wearing her collar but not chained to the wall.
“Tess thinks that you and Freddy ought to be gagged. I think she wants to boss the way things go, at least at first. How do you feel about that?”
“I don’t like ball gags.”
“What about a ring?”
“A small one would work, and I could get Freddy’s cock through a small one.”
“That might work. Freddy is going to be tied to the grill.”
“Facing which way?”
“That is an interesting point. I think she was planning to let him see but not speak.”
“Just do it. We can talk about it afterwards.”
When Barry opened the door Tess was standing ahead of Freddy who was not wearing a gag or a blindfold. When they stepped into the hallway all that changed. Tess pulled his coat off, revealing him to be naked under it, wearing nothing but wrist and ankle cuffs. She gagged him and then dropped a hood over his head. To Barry’s surprise, she dropped to her knees and took his little cock in her mouth, sucking quickly until or was hard and then wrapping a plastic self-locking tie around his cock and balls, no doubt with the intention of making sure that he stayed hard.
“Where are we going to display him?”
“This way,” Barry said, leading them into the living room.
“Oh, wow, that is so cool,” Tess said, and stood for a moment lost in admiration. She strolled over to the grill and stood facing Diane.
“I’ve been so looking forward to meeting you since I saw your video with Freddy. I can’t thank you enough. Of course, you can’t tell me what you think, but there will be time enough for that later.”
She turned and pulled Freddy up against the grill, took one look and identified where to hook his cuffs. Barry handed her the leg chains.
“Oh, thank you. So thoughtful,” she said. In another moment Freddy was strung up, helplessly facing out into the room, his cock jutting straight out.
“Can I take a picture?”
“I can turn the video on if you like, there’s a camera over there,” Barry said, pointing towards the French window.
Diane nodded, it was exactly where she thought it would be.
“Barry,” Tess said, “could you sit over on the sofa please, I’m going to let Freddy see now.”
Barry sat and watched as Tess pulled the hood off Freddy and stepped back. She blew him a kiss and turned to Barry.
“Why don’t you show me around, I’d love to see the pool.”
“This way.”
Barry opened the French windows and led Tess outside. At the poolside Tess immediately started discarding clothes.
“I can’t resist this,” she said. “It looks so inviting.”
“Feel free,” Barry said, and began to strip. “Apart from cooling off, I presume that our trip out here is to maximise the suspense indoors.”
“You mean to have them wondering what we’re up to?”
Tess dived in, quickly followed by Barry. She swam two lengths fast and stopped by the steps.
“Would they hear the splash?” she said when Barry caught up.
“Oh, sure. Towels in that box. The sofa indoors opens out into a bed. Shall I open it?”
“Oh yes, so you can fuck me and they have to watch. Brilliant.” She hesitated. “That is what you want, yeah?”
Barry pulled her to him, wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. There was no objection. Tess was slimmer than Diane, with a narrow waist, smaller breasts and a willowy athleticism that felt exciting to hold. After a few seconds, he pulled away, curious to know if he had gone too far too soon.
“Don’t stop,” she said. After the next twenty seconds, she pulled back again and put a finger on his lips.
“This is a friends-with-benefits deal, right?”
“Absolutely. I’m never leaving Diane and I’m pretty sure you’re not leaving Freddy.”
“Mmmm,” she said and kissed him again, “but I do like to fuck. Yours is the biggest cock that I know about that’s nearest to where we live, and you have a pool and an awesome wife that I quite fancy too. I may want to visit again.”
“That could be fun.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Diane sat on her bunk for a few minutes, watching Freddy’s back. Had Freddy ever seen Tess with another man? She couldn’t remember if he had said. At the time, finding out hadn’t seemed important.
She couldn’t speak to him. Was he gagged too? There was a strap running back from his jaw to a padlock, She ran her fingers around her gag and found a similar lock — so, no conversation. She slid her arms through two slots on the grill and put her hands on his hips, letting them rest, steady, trying not to feel threatening. He was pressed back against the grill, so she had no way to caress his buttocks, but she could play with the parts that protruded in the other direction.
She pulled her hands back and traced the outline of the bars with her fingers. She felt him move a little, though with his arms and legs fixed there was not a lot he could do.
After a few moments sizing up the situation she worked her left arm through a slot and once her elbow was free she could reach around and find his cock. Sure enough, it was the little member that she’d played with at the hotel. She cupped his balls in her hand for a few seconds and fingered her way around them. She felt the cable tie, grinned and played with his still firm cock. A plan began to form in her mind.
She slid her right hand into a slot on the grill exactly in line with the middle of his buttocks. From there she had a clear route to giving him a big surprise.
Five minutes later Barry and Tess returned, both naked.
“Show me how this bed works?” Tess said, without even glancing in Freddy’s direction.
“It’s really simple, I pull this lever and lift here and there it is.”
Tess stood back as the bed unfolded.
“Wow, sheets and everything all folded in.”
“Cool isn’t it. Sometimes you just need a bed downstairs.”
Tess flung herself onto the mattress, rolled one way and then the other.
“It’s comfy,” she said as she spread herself.
“What do you think?” she said. “Do I look good on it?”
Barry nodded and smiled. Tess beckoned with one hand, her wrist curled and a finger bending to draw him forwards as if he was pulled by an invisible string.
For Barry, being watched by Diane was a new experience.
“Freddy is lucky man,” he said as his left hand caressed the nearest breast to him. He rolled towards her and kissed her. “And I feel privileged to be doing this.”
“But that’s not going to stop you?”
“No, but it does put me on the spot a little.”
“Go on clever man, explain to the audience.”
“I have to give you a great time — it has to be good, or I’ll show myself up in front of Freddy and Diane. I’m not saying that I have to be the best you’ve ever had, because whoever they were, they’re not here. But I feel like a performer in front of an expert audience.”
“It cuts both ways,” she said. “Now quit the philosophising and fuck me.”
Barry kissed his way down her length until his lips were on her shaved pussy. His tongue played with the outer lips for a minute, gradually separating them and exploring within. Feeling, testing, listening for the slightest sound, or tensing of muscles. Using her body language as a signal to move on The depth and pressure of his lips and tongue gradually increased until he could feel the moisture developing. He started to include her clit in the explorations and suddenly he felt her begin to explode.
As she came down from that first orgasm he moved onto her breasts.
“Oh yeah,” she breathed, “I want you in me now.”
“All in good time,” he said, his cock now hard enough to ease its way inside. Until then it had been easy, but now the difficult questions come. How tender to be, or how rough? Barry hardly ever had sex with Diane simply for his own pleasure. Being cuckolded, whether he liked the term or not, had put him in competition with any number of men he’d never known.
Every time he made love to Diane he was aware that each time was a one-off opportunity to give her something that she would never get from the others — continuity. A chance to make her life connect up; to be what she came home for.
Having sex with Tess had none of that, but who was it for? His own curiosity was part of it, but there was something else. This was a test of him as a performer, a chance to show someone else in the most intimate way, why Diane came back to him. That required self-belief on a scale that he would suspect any other day of the week. A degree of modest scepticism was part of his makeup, part of how he pushed himself to be who he was. Scepticism was the last thing he needed now.
There was no way that he could turn himself into a self-centred bull, but he could show off for Diane. If he could make Tess a little jealous of Diane, that would be a result.
Exactly how he did it is a trade secret, let’s just say that he played Tess, like a racing driver testing a new sports car. Easy on the pedals at first, but before long throwing it around as he got a feel for what it could do.
Twenty minutes in, he made up his mind that her next orgasm would be the one where he came too.
Across the room, Diane had almost succeeded in burying her jealousy and was concentrating on working with Freddy. Unable to see the results of her action, one hand played with his cock while the other was deep inside him, giving him his first ever prostate massage.
The timing may not have been exact to the second, but by the time Barry had unloaded in Tess at the peak of her fourth orgasm, Freddy had squirted his contribution into Diane’s hand. She had intended this to be a very visible event until she remembered her new carpet and had to catch everything in one hand. Hoping that he didn’t drip any more she pulled her hand back and pushed a towel between the bars, spreading it out and then dropping her catch where it would have gone, but this time safely not causing embarrassment.
Tess whispered to Barry, “That was wonderful, thanks. Can we open the cage now?”
“We’ll need to release Freddy first, otherwise he’ll be rolled up into the ceiling. Do you want to release him or shall I?”
“I think that’s my job,” she said and began to climb off the bed. She delved into her handbag and found a key and a pair of dressing scissors, the kind that nurses use to remove bandages without cutting the patient. She carefully inserted the blunt end under the cable tie and cut it to release Freddy’s cock and balls. Tess knelt to release the leg spreader and then undid his wrist cuffs. She turned him around and unlocked the gag before hugging him and giving him a long passionate kiss.
“I see Diane gave you a helping hand. How was it?”
“Bloody amazing. Did you see what she did?”
“I saw her hand on your cock. It looked like you were pretty excited about what we were up to.”
“You didn’t see her other hand.”
Tess stepped back. “What did I miss?”
“Something you’ve never done for me.”
Tess searched his face, was this distress, or a criticism. For a second she wavered, suddenly appreciating that it mattered what Freddy thought of her. Yes, she fucked other guys, but she’d always done the same for him. It had to be something that she’d never done with anyone.
“What?” she said, all subtlety gone.
“I’m not completely sure what you call it, but I would love you to learn what she did.”
She kissed him again, stepped back for a second and then hugged him.
“You’ve never teased me before,” she said. “I think I like it. I’ll ask her and if need be, I’ll take lessons. Is it something I’ve ever done for anyone else?”
“I don’t think so. You’ve never told me that you have.”
“I’ve always told you everything.”
Tess turned to Barry. “Can we open the cage please? There’s something I want to ask Diane.”
“She can’t tell you yet.”
Tess looked at Diane, saw the ring gag and giggled. She watched as the grill rolled up and Diane stepped out onto the carpet. She picked up the towel that had been catching Freddy’s drips and threw it onto the tiled floor in the cell.
“There’s something I need to ask you,” Tess said.
Diane put a finger to her lips and moved to Freddy. She ran her hand over his forehead and gave him the shsss sign as well. She knelt in front of him, played with his cock for a few seconds and then inserted it into the ring gag, sucking and holding his prick with her tongue as she did. One hand went behind his back and pulled him close.
It took less than a minute for him to come for the second time in an hour. Barry unlocked the ring gag and Diane peeled it off her face, leaving the ring around Freddy’s cock. She stood up and kissed him.
“I need a swim,” she said, winking at Freddy. “Come on, partner, we’re free.”
Before Barry or Tess could do anything, Diane and Freddy were outside.
Tess stood, hands on hips, watching them go, not knowing whether to be upset or amused.
Barry put an arm around her. “My guess is that she gave him a prostate massage.”
“Oh, right. I’ve never done that, not for him, not for anyone. I always thought it was, I don’t know, demeaning, a put down, as though he couldn’t come any other way. I’ve been so careful not to belittle him.”
“That’s perfectly understandable, but now Diane may have given you something that could be a lot of fun for the two of you. Time for a swim and a barbecue.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When the guests had left, Diane, still naked, pulled the bunk down in the cell.
“Are you planning to sleep there?”
“I thought I should. If I’m never going to sleep here, why have the bunk?”
“Should I put the grill down?”
“I thought we might have a conversation about how the week has gone.”
“I’m not wearing a gag.”
Barry smiled and nodded. “Okay, yeah, why not?” He walked to the wall panel and hit the buttons. He watched the grill descend.
“If I had my foot in the way, what would happen?” Diane said.
“It has a safety sensor, several actually. The most important one is the pressure switch. It would come to rest against your foot, but it wouldn’t crush it.”
When the grill was down Barry left the room, surprising Diane. She waited a few seconds and then lay on the bunk. A minute later Barry reappeared with a pillow and a duvet.
“This is a very comfortable bed,” he said. “It might not be everyone’s idea of companionship, you there and me here, but it’ll do. I’m going to make a drink, anything for you?”
“Some of that new chocolate would be nice.”
Barry disappeared for a minute and returned with two mugs, he looked at the grill and laughed.
“I need to make a food hatch. Hold on.”
He pressed the buttons, raised the grill six inches and slid the mug along the floor into the cell. He lowered the grill back down. He sat on the bed for a minute and sipped his drink.
“I’ll start,” he said. “I thought your strip club adventure was brilliant. I appreciate that you had no idea how it would go, so I completely understand why I wasn’t invited until the last night.”
“I did record it all, and if the pipe hadn’t burst, you would have been there sooner.”
“Oh sure, I get all that. I’m kind of guessing, but am I right in thinking that the point was to find an alternative to your trips away. An alternative that had the same adrenalin, but that we could share?”
“That was the plan, but I surprised myself with the way it went.”
“So the second auction wasn’t part of the original?”
“Yes and no. I had thought it would be like a private dance at the club, and then the boss added the hotel idea, or maybe I did, I can’t remember. I thought you would be the bodyguard and I’d agreed that set up before I knew you couldn’t come. By then I was committed.”
“I was amazed and lost in admiration for the way you pulled it off. Is it something you would want to do again?”
“I’m not sure. Right afterwards I think I would have said no. It was fun, and I enjoyed making the money, but too much was in other people’s hands. The boss made more money than I did, and he fucked me for free. The idea of me paying for a room to get fucked in feels more like screwed than fucked. When I discovered that you organised the syndicate, that seemed to open up another set of possibilities.”
“So on balance, it would be a no, but something I organised would be okay?”
“Then I came home to this, and this has been amazing. Did you know about Sam?”
“The carpet fitter?”
“You haven’t watched the video?”
“That’s a treat in store.”
“Go on.”
“He’s a little guy, right? but he has a big cock. Bigger than yours, bigger than Spike. Not the biggest I’ve ever had, but close. His wife died a while ago, and she always complained about how big he was, so the whole day became a kind of win-win. Then there was today. Tess is a lot of fun, and Freddy is good company. I would love to see Tess with Sam. It makes me think that doing things here has a lot of possibilities that we never considered.”
“What was it like watching me and Tess?” Barry said.
“Did it worry you, wondering what I might think?”
“Yes. A sort of double yes. Yes, I worried that you might be upset in some way. I don’t think you’re the jealous type, but it’s never been tested. There are so many ways that could go. You might hate it and blame yourself for causing it to happen. It was never intended as part of your punishment, but you could have taken it that way. That was only half of it; I was worried that I might let you down. I’d hate to have Tess thinking ‘why does a knockout woman like Diane keep this dull husband’.”
“Wow,” Diane said. “So many thought. Poor you. You forget that I’ve been through it from the other end. I know it was your idea for me to play away, because you were working too much, but the first few times I was worried sick that I might come home to no marriage. The first time I went away I didn’t have sex with anyone. I sat in a hotel room and made up stories. I was so anxious about losing you. I had to test you out, I had to make sure you were serious. It sounds stupid saying that now. You are the most serious person I know. If you say something, you mean it, but back then I was scared.”
“I never realised, but when you came home, I thought you were full of spunk. Was that fake?”
“That was all yours. We had sex several times in the fortnight before I went away. Each time I went to the bathroom and squeezed it out and kept it in the freezer. I had it on icepacks in the car and in the fridge at the hotel. I stopped at a cafe on the way home and squirted it into me.”
Barry lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling.
“That is the best story of all.” It took him a while to stop laughing.
Diane waited.
“I must have done something stupid to go from that to Spike,” Barry said, when he had settled.
“No,” she said. “I lost my way. Since Spike, you’ve helped me find myself and find us. Can I go on, I want to suggest something.”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“I want to stay locked up for a whole week. You go to work. Don’t worry about cooking, we can order in. You can bring home anyone you like, but I want to be locked up for at least a week. I need to see what it feels like. No sending anyone to fuck me either. If you want to have someone, then go ahead. I’d like you to take away the vibrators too. It was good of you to put them in the drawer, but I want a week, properly locked up.”
“Great. Then we can have a party to celebrate you getting out”
“You’re not going to plan some other surprise?”
“Like put your pictures on the web and auction the key?”
Diane, who had been sitting up on the bunk, fell back laughing. “Who would be allowed to bid?”
“A few words and pictures in the right places and I’m sure I could drum up some custom.”
“I bet you could. Anyway, love, before we get to anything like that, there are some local things we haven’t tried.”
“Go on.”
“Tess would love to come again,” she said.
“And you’re okay with that?”
“Mmmm, I am. I’m kind of surprised, but it’s good. I want to watch the video of you and Tess again. I want to study it.”
“You weren’t jealous?”
“I was thrilled actually. I was rooting for you. I wanted her to have a whacking great orgasm so she would never forget you. I know it’s crazy, but I think I wanted her to be jealous of me because I’ve got you.” Diane laughed. “Honestly, I really did feel that. I like Freddy too and doing him in a way that she’d never done was great. I didn’t know she’d never done him like that until they said, but that made me feel good.”
“So you like being a super slut?”
“Yeah, a super slut married to a super stud. Maybe we should have a party, your electricians could come as well, and the girls from the club.”
“What about the decorators, so Freddy and I wouldn’t be outnumbered.”
“The young one perhaps, and I’d like to invite Sam. I bet Tess would like Sam.”
“Okay,” Barry said. “We’ve proved you don’t have to play away to get what you need, and now I’ve seen what your imagination can do and you’ve seen what I can dream up, I think we’re into a new era, don’t you?”
“Yes,” she stood up holding the grill with her breasts pressed against it. “Even if none of those people ever set foot here again, we’re into a new era.”
“There is one important thing?” Barry said, his voice serious, and looking right at her.
“Go on, tell me.”
“From now on we are going to decide these things together. No seesaw.”
“Yeah,” she said. “Swings and roundabouts perhaps, but no seesaw.”
~ ~ ~ the end ~ ~ ~
For those who have followed this through the more than 70,000 words over a long period, that is the end. When I stopped writing book one, it was because I couldn’t see where the story went. The two main characters were still unsure of each other, and I felt unhappy about stopping. It took a while before I could see a way forward, but this now feels like a good place to let these imaginary character to get on with their own lives.
Many thanks to all those who have read and commented on the various chapters.