The Cheer Of Being Led Into A Trap

"A horny cheerleader helps her captain after practice and gets into trouble."

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Following our afternoon practice, Jenna requests help to tidy up the terrain. No one but me volunteers. She greets my raised hand with an exaggerated sigh. Even if I could pass for her slightly younger – and meeker – sister in appearance, we’re far from close. She’s always been haughty with me, but then again, she is our captain. Perhaps it’s a part of her role.

We put away all the equipment in silence. The field is empty, and only a few spectators linger in the stands. Our lively performance always attracts family and other curious eyes, and I’m not naive enough to ignore the appeal of the flying miniskirts. Although I’ve never admitted it to anyone, I even take a weird pride in imagining the effect of our bodies on the audience.

Half-an-hour later, Jenna and I are done. She looks a bit less stern and even starts humming as we make for the locker-room. I’m awkward as hell next to her. She’s the most gorgeous blonde I know – tall, muscular and curvaceous – and I’m a pale copy of that masterpiece.

“You were top-notch today,” she says while we amble through the deserted corridor. Her smile is a curious mixture of genuine glee and concealed contempt.

“Err, thanks. I felt good. Maybe that’s why it showed.”

“Is there a reason for such an excellent mood?”

I want to return the question but shrug instead. I can’t bring myself to express how lustful our outfits make me feel.

Initially, I applied for the team because I’d done some modern dancing from ages eight to seventeen. Even if the leotard was more revealing than our current uniforms, their effects on me couldn’t be more opposing. In the former, I felt like a girl, and in the latter, a fierce goddess – at least as long as I don’t compare myself with Jenna.

She, of course, is above everyone, and boy is she aware of it! She’s as feared as she is admired, and all the males – whatever their age – want her. Of course, the rest of us are jealous, but we can do nothing but to await her graduation.

I managed to attract one shady guy during the first semester. We went through a budding romance until he shook the dust of our small town from his feet. At least, he had time to take care of my virginity – or perhaps to defile it. He hardly gave me the same pleasure as my fingers, but his attentions still were welcome. Once or twice, he dared to be rough, and I still cling to those memories.

“In fact, one might even say you were trying to steal the show,” Jenna’s voice behind me draws me back from my reveries. As I swivel around, she’s pocketing the locker-room key. “I can’t have that.”

“What are you talking about? You know you’re our ‘queen.’” I try not to sound too bitter.

“As I should be! But don’t think I didn’t see how everyone stared at you this time, little slut.”

My mouth falls open, and my ears start to throb.

“And what if it were the case?” I ask in defiance. However, my tone serves just to hide my confusion. My cheeks grow hotter as I imagine all eyes on me, and the wetness between my thighs intensifies. “Haven’t you got your share of attention already?”

Jenna laughs.

“Oh, so our docile Claire does have some spunk after all!”

“Less than you, I’d bet,” I say, eyeing at her crotch that lies hidden underneath the skimpy skirt.

The queen’s eyes widen. She strides to me, grabs my hair and pulls my head backwards. Her other arm restrains mine.

“In addition to your sassiness, your mind is every bit as dirty as I suspected. I love it when I’m right!”

I fight back, but Jenna’s a bit taller than me and a great deal brawnier. Part of me wants to yield, but I can’t give her the satisfaction.

“Let me go, you crazy cunt,” I whimper.

“Cunt, eh?” The other girl lets go of my hair and plunges her fingers under my skirt. I close both my eyes and my thighs, but it’s too late. “This confirms everything! You do enjoy showing yourself to all those wankers in the stands…”

“No, I don’t!”

“You can deny all you want, but your panties say otherwise. I thought I saw your wetness the other day, but it might’ve been just sweat. Turns out it wasn’t!”

She brings her fingers to my nose, and my own scent attacks my nostrils.

“So, what’s your plan?” I ask. I’m short-winded now but still, try to hide my growing arousal behind a mask of resistance. I’ve never been into girls, but her roughness is precisely what I’ve been looking for. “You’re clearly aiming at something.”

“Indeed,” she whispers. “Some well-deserved humiliation.”

I could flee during the half-second it takes her to release me and grab a pair of leather cuffs. However, I’m already through the looking glass. My mouth protests, and I try to pull my hands apart, but my heart’s not in it. I’m dying to learn what she means. I only know I’m soaked like never before.

Right before she blindfolds me, I catch a glimpse of her second locker. Leather straps, vibrators, rubber cocks and other handcuffs. Sightless and bound, I’m at her mercy. Even if I decided to run aimlessly for the door, it wouldn’t budge. Is she doing all this out of revenge, or is it something else?

“I thought you’d fight harder,” Jenna’s melodious voice continues. She steps away from me.

I spin around and kick the air, but the lack of vision merely throws me off my feet. Luckily I’m used to landing on my bum – though not with my arms strapped up. My captain’s sensual laugh resonates in the room.

“Let me go,” I groan, “or there’ll be trouble. I didn’t mean to steal your precious spotlight. You can’t treat me like this just because you’ve got a taste of the jealousy we all feel for you!”

“Watch me! Oh, but you can’t, poor thing!”

Her voice comes from my back. She grabs my hair again and forces me on my knees. I can but follow as she drags me a few metres until I hit an obstacle. It has the texture of a landing mat, but as Jenna makes me climb on it, I identify a pair of blocks.

She bends my waist, and before I know it, has blocked my neck with a rigid collar. The block’s plastic is cold under my bare belly. Now that my head is immobilised, Jenna spreads my legs and binds my knees. My skirt no longer covers my behind. Last but not least, she frees my hands – but only to bring them close to my head and fasten them again. Where on Earth has she found a pillory?

“What are you going to do to me?” I ask. My voice comes out as choked, but not only because of the collar.

“Me? Nothing more than this!” comes the delighted reply. “Maybe just one more thing… A slut like you hardly needs these.”

Before I get the chance to ask, she’s cut through each side of my panties and removed them. She also scribbles something on each of my butt-cheeks. More than her actions, it’s her way of calling me that makes my pussy overflow.

“Look at you, you dirty little thing,” she goes on. “You’re going to get what’s coming for you.”

“Which is what?”

“I may have spread a rumour about a willing set of holes made available in this locker-room. It might attract some people…”

“No!” I gasp, but even a corpse would catch my lie. “You can’t do that! Besides, I can always yell for help.”

“You know as well as I do that it’s late.”

“The janitor, then…”

“I’m sure that old perv is going to be the first in line! Oh, and no use asking for help. The rumour says you might fight back, but that deep down, you know your place.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Watch. And record the whole thing. That way, even if you still had complaints, in the end, I’d have leverage.”

“Of course, I’ll have complaints! You’re sick!”

“And you’re wet,” Jenna whispers into my ear. “But to be honest, so am I.”

So, it’s not mere revenge. She craves it, too. I still feign a pout even if I don’t know if she’s observing my face.

The key turns in the lock behind me. My butt appears to be directed towards the entrance. The idea of being thus exposed makes my cunt contract. While I can’t move much, the edge of the cube is just about well placed. My hips lurch a little as I attempt to rub my clitoris against it.

“Oh, how cute you are,” my captain’s voice echoes a little further away. Damn those silent steps of hers. “Now, have fun!”

While I wait, helpless and drenched, the locker-room becomes my whole world. I spare little thought for the outside, except for the glorious feeling in the field earlier. My arousal even took my mind off the choreography. Now that I think about it, I should’ve been on my guard when Jenna complimented my performances.

As my hips give another go at offering me physical pleasure, I become aware of footsteps in the corridor. These ones aren’t soundless, and I recognise their irregular pace. Jenna was right; the limping janitor is the first to arrive.

Though I’d never even glance at him twice in the field, the idea of being the unwilling servant of a man well past his forties fires me up. As soon as he enters the room, his breathing turns heavy. I wonder if he’ll dare to speak or if he’s just going to have me.

“Oh, fuck,” his choked voice says as he totters closer. “This is beyond my dreams…”

“Please, let me go,” I moan, but even I don’t take myself seriously.

“It’s against the rules, pretty doll. Besides, you don’t really want to be free.”

His calloused hand lands on my bottom. It slowly moves from one side to the other.

“Can you at least tell me what’s written on my… cheeks?”

The janitor chuckles.

“‘Use me’,” he reads. “Just in case it wasn’t clear enough.”

“Are you going to? How can you take advantage of me like this?”

“I don’t think I could resist.”

Such words shouldn’t have a positive effect on me, but I’ve travelled a long way since my judgemental days.

“Should I call you ‘daddy’,” I ironise.

The hand leaves my buttock, and I hear a zip.

“No need. I have all I require right here.”

I’ve always taken the janitor for a spineless, humble man. Why else would he be stuck in such a crappy job? Now, as I feel his stare on my body while he circles my pedestal, I grasp the extent of the famous saying about deceiving looks.

“I’m tempted to take off that blindfold so you could see how hard you make me,” he says. “But I think you’ll feel it well enough.”

Without any more warnings, he slaps my face with his dick. I twitch and get a reminder of the metallic collar around my neck. My cheek is wet right where he hit me.

“Your little cunt is alluring, too, but seeing as your mouth is available, I have to try it.” The tip of his cock presses against my lips. “If you bite, I’ll choke you.”

He puts his hand behind my head. His pre-cum smears my mouth as he forces himself in. Though his dick is far from unmanageable, I’m not used to such intrusions.

A low groan escapes from his throat as he moves back and forth. His pushes allow my wet labia and clitoris to hitch against the block. I try to keep up as he accelerates. The throbbing shaft is warm and velvety against my avid lips and tongue.

“Ah, what a perfect little mouth,” the man says. “It’s meant to be fucked.”

He shoves his whole length in and reaches my throat. I gag, but he doesn’t retreat.

“I’m glad this hole wasn’t occupied.” His cock swells some more, and, at last, he pulls it out. “Am I the first, or did someone come already?”

“No one has come into me in months,” I reply after catching my breath.

“Lucky me,” the janitor says before filling up my mouth again. “I would’ve thought that arse in that skirt would draw in all kinds of boys. I’ve been getting off your gesticulations, for sure.”

His words confirm my wildest fantasies. It’s my turn to moan, even if it’s barely audible due to the obstruction. He accelerates again, and this time, he doesn’t stop. His both hands are on my head now, and he appears to be trembling. Though my neck is a little sore, my pleasure predominates any discomfort. I wonder if it’ll still be the case when Jenna reckons I’ve had enough… punishment.

The thrusts of the man in front of me grow faster and more irregular. I do my best to keep my teeth apart and fondle him with my tongue. He takes one of his hands off my skull and squeezes his shaft. He mumbles the words, “delicious little slut,” in repetition, and finally, hot liquid spews out. The discharge is so powerful that I can’t keep everything in even if I willingly swallow all I can. His dick still inside, the excess spills out and soils my cheeks.

The janitor pulls out and brushes the corners of my mouth with his thumb.

“Thank you,” he says with a hint of irony. “I’m happy to have left my mark on you before anyone else. I may swing by later to see if you’re still here. I’m curious about the state you’ll be in.”

As he limps out, a sense of emptiness takes ahold of me. I’m yearning for more. Hopefully, someone else will come!

Silence falls. I listen for signs of Jenna’s presence, but she’s concealed herself well. I wonder if that bitch is masturbating. I can’t hear any vibrations nor moaning. Is she even nearby any more, or has she left me alone?

Hasty footsteps resonate in the hallway. They halt at the door, and a stifled gasp reaches my ears. However, the person doesn’t enter. After a while, I hear another zip. So, this guy doesn’t dare to approach but can’t fight the opportunity either. While the idea of being watched makes me dribble, I want to be touched.

“I hope you’re not afraid of a bound girl,” I say while the rational part of my mind screams: Why are you egging him on, you idiot?!

Another sharp inhalation sounds in the room.

“Don’t be shy,” I say.

“I-I was just passing by…” comes a nasal voice. “It’s so hard to resist… But I’m not like that.”

“Like what? A perv? Who do you think you’re kidding? I heard your zipper. If you prefer your hand, be my guest… But I could use some strokes, too.”

“I can’t possibly…” the stranger begins, but his footsteps, though laggard this time, resume – and not in the corridor.

He doesn’t approach my face. His hand must be moving fast; the pull tab of his zipper clinks in repetition. Perhaps he’s determined to finish without having to lay a finger on me. Even that thought makes me hot.

I’m wrong. With a stifled gasp, the stranger trades his hand against my pussy. As his small dick penetrates me, his paunch lands on my lower back. He only has time to seize my hips and push about five times before he erupts and fills me up. His low groan is as choked as all his earlier sounds. I should be disappointed, but I only feel sultrier to have provoked such a swift climax.

“I’m so sorry,” he whimpers.

“It’s okay. Will you free me?” I ask as he pulls his dick out and his trousers up.

“I can’t. It’s… I’m so, so sorry… I have a wife and kids… I was never here!”

The ashamed man takes to his heels, and I roll my eyes. While his sperm slowly drips out of me, my logical part blesses birth control and the eradication of most STDs. The other eighty per cent are focused on the delectable shame. I can do nothing to clean myself up, and it’s degrading!

Again, I curve my back to reach for some stolen pleasure. I’ve completely surrendered – not that I’d have a choice. Despite the awkward position, I’m close to orgasm when the hallway fills up with noise again.

This time, it’s a question of more than footsteps. I distinguish at least three voices and profuse, salacious laughter. My heart jumps to my throat, but my pussy isn’t afraid.

“Hey, it’s the captain!” says the first, orotund voice. I’ve heard it before, but never from up close. He’s a captain, too, and his name is Matt… or perhaps Max. “This is too good to be true…”

“I don’t think it’s her, but it’s a fantastic piece of arse.” This voice is flat and lacks emotion despite the enthusiastic words.

“It’s a shame her tits are out of sight…” mumbles a third, taut voice that is barely audible. “But I’m on board with you. She looks like the captain.”

“She’s not gagged, you know,” says the most pleasant of them all. This one I know for sure. It’s Adam, the geekiest soccer enthusiast possible. We’ve passed each other in the library a few times. Last week, his glance made me blush.

“Thanks for noticing,” I grunt. Even if the boys haven’t come from training, they all smell of sweat. Their mistaking me for Jenna simultaneously flatters and saddens me. “Sorry to disappoint you guys, but I’m not the captain.”

“Too bad,” Matt-Max says. A fingertip lands on my butt and underlines the writing. “But seeing you’re available, it’d be a damn shame not to accept the offer.”

“We should’ve brought more peeps,” the monotonous voice says. “Let’s take pictures, at least.”

Someone moves towards my face. A soft, minty breath tickles my cheeks, and a whiff of alcohol follows.

“Didn’t I catch you staring at me the other day?” Adam’s voice smiles. I’m dying to know if it’s benevolent or taunting.

“Maybe,” I whisper.

“Why have I never realised what a tease you are?” he goes on. He stands up again. “I call dibs on this mouth.”

“And I take the other end,” Matt-Max calls out. “Sorry, you guys. You’ll have to wait.”

“I just came here to watch, anyway,” says the quietest voice.

“Of course you did,” the loudest boy laughs.

They are joking around, but that’s not what they’re here for. Out of the blue, one of them smacks my bottom. It coaxes a loud gasp out of me, even if the blow hurts less than expected. A few more follow in a rapid series.

“What a cute blush,” the flat voice says. I get the feeling he’s not talking about my face.

As I imagine them all staring at my butt that slowly changes colour, my cunt tightens again. The pain reaches me but is a pleasurable tingle rather than an overwhelming sting. Hopefully, they’re not going to chicken out, now.

“These skirts should be illegal,” Matt-Max says. “I can never focus when we share the field. Oh, the sweet revenge…”

No sound warns me. He fits his hot dick into my labia. As he inserts his full length, I can’t help but shriek. It’s too thick!

“Oh, yes! She’s so fucking wet! Oy, is it all yours, slut, or am I getting sloppy seconds?”

I’m so beguiled by his ploughing that I can’t produce an audible reply. He spanks me four times and demands an answer.

“Someone already came inside me earlier,” I admit, his thrusts punctuating my speech. I expect him to shudder and withdraw, but the thought appears to drive him on.

“You’re just as filthy as your captain, then!”

Again, I’m humiliated to be just a substitute for Jenna. The fact that he’s still rock hard even if I’m not the girl of his dreams brings me solace.

“Let’s take care of that mouth of yours,” Adam says. His trousers clearly have a zipper. As he strokes my lips, I instinctively lick his fingers. They move to the dried-up stains on my chin. “Though someone appears to have been in there, too.”

“That’s what I’m here for,” I reply before the tip of his rod deprives me of any verbal communication.

Adam’s cock takes up my whole mouth, and it’s not even fully in. My tongue can barely move, and I turn into just two holes to fuck. The boys must’ve done something similar before; it doesn’t take them long to be in sync.

I picture the scene. One guy at each end while their reserved friend observes and jerks off. I can’t be certain, but I think I hear him rubbing himself. Just as I wonder what the fourth one is doing, his dick comes into contact with my hand.

“Squeeze it, slut,” Matt – I’m positive that’s the captain’s name – grunts. He laughs, and his pounding slows down. “You’re settling for that?”

“Shut up, or I’m tossing you aside,” the flat voice says. “It’s not a bad occupation while I wait.”

My mind loses itself into the sex-machine I’ve become. My cunt is on fire; it has never welcomed anything as large, not even when I used the handle of my hairbrush. As for my mouth, each thrust takes my breath away, and not only in the literal sense.

A finger plays between my butt-cheeks. It circles the hole and feels its way around but doesn’t penetrate me.

“Do it,” says the quietest boy. “I wanna see all her gaps filled.”

“Even if it’s just a thumb?” the captain’s voice asks, hoarse now.

He gets no audible reply. As the finger pushes into me, I’m reminded of the size of his hands. His nail scrapes against the side of my orifice, and I can’t help crying out in pleasure. Of course, the scream comes out all muffled.

The watcher can bear no more. He cries out, too, and a hot, wet string dribs all over my back. His eruption is so strong that some drops attain the base of my hair. That’s new – and I love the feeling, too.

“Ooh, papa!” Matt says.

Both he and Adam accelerate. They work together like a well-oiled clockwork. I can’t even bring myself to serve them any more, but I enjoy every passing second. Each time I relax too much and loosen my grip on the third cock, the captain smacks my butt.

At last, his movements grow erratic. He removes his thumb from me, leaving a sense of emptiness. Both hands on my hips, he bawls out Jenna’s name while compensating that void with a powerful surge into my hole. Again, I’m just a surrogate, but bearing such a close resemblance to a goddess honours me.

While the captain calms down, the gentlest boy swells in my mouth. I brace myself for the flood to come, but he has other plans. He grabs my hair and twists my head as much backwards as possible. Just as his rod begins to pulsate, he yanks it out and covers my whole face.

“Oh, god,” he pants, loosening his grip on my ponytail. “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard…”

“Your turn, bro,” Matt says as he lets his flaccid dick slip out of me. My cunt clenches as if wanting to keep it in.

“Let me show y’all how it’s done,” the monotonous voice says.

Before the previous sperm has even started to ooze out, he penetrates me without ceremony and starts to grind. Despite the ravages of the captain’s tool, his size more than amply satiates me. He surprises me by feeling me up and leaving his fingers on my clitoris.

Now that my mouth is free, all my bottled-up moans escape. They earn a few laughs from the satisfied young men. The situation seems to embarrass none of them. Then again, they have both the upper hand and the luxury of alcohol in their blood.

I barely mind their presence now. All my attention focuses on the rubbing fingertips. Given all the prior stimuli, it doesn’t take long for my lower belly to quiver. As pleasure shoots up and down my spine, my back arches and my throat spits out noises I’ve never heard anyone emit. My whole body trembles as my pussy contracts over and over around the hot stalk.

“Ladies first,” the flat voice says in an exaggerated southern accent.

Overlooking his comrades’ chuckles, he pulls his hand out of my crotch and lays it on my neck. For such a gentleman, he sure loves his dame subdued. As he presses me against the collar and the cube underneath, I almost lose my breath. While I gasp for air, he approaches his climax. He lets my head go just as a now-familiar warm wave flushes into my cunt.

“Wheesh,” Matt says. “I wouldn’t mind another go, but…”

“Yeah, the invitation said ‘one per person,’” Adam replies.

“Who do you think set this up? Did you do it yourself, slut?”

I’m too exhausted to answer. I only shake my head as much as I can.

“Figures. You couldn’t have gotten into those restraints without some help.” The captain sighs. “At least, we’ll have some souvenirs from this ride!”

“The others are gonna be bummed they missed this,” the quiet boy says.

“You’re… you’re gonna show them the photos?” I breathe.

“You bet!” the monotonous voice says as the four sets of footsteps recede. “They’ll be all over the web. It’d be criminal not to share such a perfect sight.”

The declaration should bother me, but the shame only brings me more pleasure. I probably won’t be recognisable anyway, and besides, having the guys spread the pictures instead of Jenna gives me a secret advantage. She won’t be able to blackmail me if I no longer care.

I only have a few minutes to focus on myself before the seventh man pops in. He doesn’t say a word even as I provoke him. His perfume is overpowering and of a cheap variety. He doesn’t caress me, nor does he stay long. I only hear a few low groans and a muffled cry as he shoots his load into my pussy. Funnily enough, he tugs at my skirt as if covering me up before he leaves. Perhaps I’ve just happened upon another dutiful dad unable to control himself. Again, the thought of provoking such a raw burst of desire ignites me.

Time drags on. Despite my orgasm, I squirm to rub myself against the block’s edge again. Under my weight, my breasts ache. How liberating would it be to have a pair of rough hands massage them and torture my nipples for a change!

Half an eternity later, the well-known staggering footsteps resonate in the corridor. As they get close enough, anticipation fills me up more than any squirt of sperm so far.

“Didn’t the note say ‘one per person?’” I mumble.

“Perhaps, but the place is empty now,” the janitor says. “I told you I might stop by later – and I don’t regret working overtime. I love the new look.”

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer!”

“I’m already at it. These will go nicely with the calendar.”

My cheeks heat up. The calendar was made two months ago to raise funds. We were aiming for marketable, of course, but not every girl put their hearts into it. Jenna and me, however…

“You liked it?” I sneer.

“Boy, did I! I have one in my shed here and another hidden-one at home. Every time the pressure gets unbearable, I turn to it to let off some steam. Misses May and July work especially well.”

As I, the representative of May, picture our photos coated with his thick cum, I all but moan again. In a desperate attempt to mask my arousal, I ask, “Why do you have to hide the one at home?”

“I don’t think the missus would appreciate me wanking off to such nymphs.” The man lets out a dirty laugh. “The thing is, I can’t fuck her any more without thinking about your little arses…”

His palm lands on the object of his desire and plays around under my skirt. The other follows the quiet boy’s trail before he pulls at my – doubtlessly dishevelled – ponytail.

“I was about to take matters into my own hands just earlier, but I hadn’t had enough of you,” he continues. “I’ve earned the right for a second round, given what a shitty position I occupy.”

“It’s not my fault you don’t have the guts to quit!”

He zips down his trousers again.

“Quiet, slut!”

As he probes into my pussy, I realise size truly doesn’t much matter. The janitor’s dick may be more modest than those of the younger gang, but it fills me up all the same.

“Shouldn’t old men struggle with erections?” I pant. This guy appears to enjoy taunting.

“Some do, some don’t. I must be lucky – or perhaps not as old as you make me out to be. I often come three times a day. And you, cock-teaser, would arouse a stone anyway…”

His abrasive hands keep on caressing my skin, and after a while, one of his thumbs starts to titillate my empty hole. My body writhes as I wordlessly encourage him even if my mouth cooks up a protest.

“Don’t touch it!”

“Now you’re just speaking nonsense. Whoever left you here should’ve laid out a gag, too!”

Using my fluids as a lubricant, he, like Matt, pushes his finger into my butt. My muscles tighten, and a whimper escapes my throat.

“Hasn’t anyone been in here today?” he asks, his voice all strangled.

“Never,” I whisper. Of course, I’ve experimented with my fingers and diverse handles, but that’s it.

“What a shame. I owe it to myself to fix you.” He pulls out of me. “I haven’t taken anyone’s virginity for a while. Just relax and be a good girl, and everything will be fine.”

The man continues to play with his finger to prepare me. As he inserts the tip of a second one, I’m convinced I could never take any more. However, as he gradually eases his way in, I loosen up. This is deliciously degrading!

“How are you feeling, pretty doll?” he asks.

“I… I’m… It’s humiliating,” I end up murmuring. “More than anything else so far.”

“Good.” His word resounds close to my ear. “I’m going to use you like the slut you are, and you can’t do anything about it.”

With his free hand, he feels me up, evidently to get more lube. Slowly, he inserts his whole shaft in my butt, and once he’s done, he stays still. His breath is heavy.

“I adore cunts, but this is always such a wild experience…”

I’ve never been so full. Even if my other holes are empty, this one alone is enough. My inner thighs are drenched again – and it sure isn’t just sperm.

“Please caress my pussy,” I say.

“Oh, no no, no. You’re here for my pleasure alone, and I’m taking it.”

To underline his words, the janitor grabs my hair again and pulls my head backwards. My neck aches, but my pleasure muffles any pain. I am indeed a fuck-doll, and this is where I belong.

Thanks to our earlier session, the man lasts longer this time. As his climax draws closer, he lets go of my hair and grabs my shoulder instead. His grunts grow louder until he stiffens and erupts deep into my rectum. He pumps a couple times more before collapsing on me.

“Good girl,” he whispers in a sharp intake of breath.

While I yearn for an orgasm as well, I’m oddly pacified. I could never have guessed serving others would be this gratifying. To add to my pleasure of being full, the man stays in me for a few more minutes.

“One of my favourite things about ejaculating into that hole is to know that my sperm doesn’t leak out right away,” he says as he finally pulls out. “It’s like a shared secret.”

“Contrary to everything else that happened here?”

“It isn’t much of a secret given you’ve serviced half a dozen men today.”

“How do you know that?”

“I know where to observe that corridor without being seen. Do you want to know who they were?”

I hesitate.

“No. I mean, I already know some. It’s kind of more exciting not to know everything.”

A dry chuckle fills the air.

“You truly are amazing. I can’t wait to do this again.”

“In your dreams, old man.”

“There, too.”

The uneven footsteps start to recede.

“Maybe next time, I’ll learn your name,” the man says before stepping out of the room.

The session must be over now. I do hope Jenna hasn’t gone home. As much as I’ve enjoyed this, I wouldn’t mind a shower and a meal.

As I try to guess what time it is, a vibrator activates between my legs. I squeal, but the relieving tremble dies out immediately. A giggle takes its place.

“That was… something!” Jenna says. She caresses my head. “It was sooo fun to watch! Tell me how you feel, pet.”

“Used,” I whisper. “Dirty. Humiliated.” I hesitate, then let out: “More satisfied than ever.”

“Good to know. So, you won’t be needing an orgasm, then?”

“No, please, let me come!”

I still hear no footsteps, but the locker-room door flings shut.

“Well… given your little show gave me almost five, it’d be unfair to leave you to squirm.”

Girl or not, my captain’s confession turns me on again. She has accompanied my every thrust this evening.

“Five…! You do know at least two of those guys would’ve loved to take you in my stead?”

“Naturally! It’s part of the fun. Of course, they’ll never get me.” The soft hand touches my head again. “Now, unwind. Mistress will take good care of you.”

Jenna pushes the silicone head against my labia, and the vibrations resume. My body heats up, and the sweet waves of pleasure whisk me away. My brain enters a loop of the past hours and lets me revel in the realisation that I am, as of today, a known slut.

This thought, more even than the stimulus between my thighs, pushes me over the edge. My lower stomach cramps as my cunt explodes, expelling the accumulated fluids on the block under my knees. My whimpers don’t have an ounce of eroticism in them; I’m a quivering mess – but an ecstatic-one.

“You did well, my pet,” my captain whispers into my ear. “I’ll have a hard time treating you like trash after this adventure, but we must try to keep up appearances.”


“It’s a shared secret.”

So, she did have audio, too.

“What if I reveal this all?” I ask.

“Would you? And who would you tell? The guys already know. And the girls would think you’re only trying to tarnish my image.”

“Fair point.”

Before liberating me, Jenna tugs at my hair.

“Just be ready for the next time.”

“Perhaps you’re the one who should be ready,” I say as the light makes me squint.

“You can always try,” my captain says – and her words sound like a challenge.

Published 4 years ago

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