The Jared Chronicles: Jared and the Cherry Project – Epilogue

"Jared and Vanessa give Cherry's art-piece a virtual test-run."

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Jared has gone through considerable pains (and undeniable pleasures) to help produce Cherry’s art – a detailed replica of… himself. But is its intended purpose the same as what he was told?

Vanessa plumped up the pillows prior to Jared’s call. She wanted to be comfortable for this. GO ON, RED, SURPRISE ME, his text read. For the second time that month it appeared he was going to be punctual. Now there was a surprise for her.

“So you don’t get involved with the Jared-types,” her friend Sammy had teased.

“This is not involved,” she assured, more herself than Sammy. “Chance would be a fine thing. This is business, purely.” Nothing pure about it of course.

She threw a towel on the bed surface, selected Nine Inch Nails on her stereo and lay back wearing only a tee-shirt, touching herself. The great item stood, already lubed, on her night-stand. When she was similarly slick, she took it in her fist and spent several aching minutes making the slow, grand insertion. Goddamn, he’s so not for lightweights. By the time his call came through on her tablet she was filled up and ready.

“So the Skype virgin worked it out,” she said, happier than she’d admit to seeing his chiselled face show up on-screen. She couldn’t contain the sexual duress in her voice, though, nor stop it showing in her face, and he picked up on the fact.

“What the hell’re you doing, Red?” He peered close to the screen. “Got a fever?”

“You could say that. I’m test-driving the new product.”

“You’re …” Realisation dawned quickly on his face along with a flicker of delight. “You’re fucking Cherry’s masterpiece? Right now? I don’t think that’s what she had in mind. Hang on—what’s it made from? It’s not gonna break in there, is it?”

Vanessa laughed, wincing a little inwardly at the thought of being rushed to the ER to have a broken phallus extracted. “It’s made from silicon,” she said. “Wanna see?”

His moment of breathless silence was deeply satisfying to her. “Fuck yeah.”

She gripped the great artefact by the base and withdrew it from herself with painstaking slowness, letting all the enjoyment show in her face. By the time she held it up to the screen for his scrutiny its entire length was shiny with the juices of her arousal. “Behold ‘The Jared’,” she said, caressing it with both hands beside her smiling face. “Or at least that’s how I’ll always think of it. Cherry might give it another name.”

“Why does it need a name? It’s a piece of cock-art.”

“God, Rockstar, you’re slow today. There’s no sculpture and there never will be. It’s a dildo and you modelled for it.”

The look on his face was pure fascination. “Okay, Red, I’m missing something. Gimme the whole story.”

She did gladly. “You’ve been a little bit deceived, but all for fun. Cherry’s business partners, you see, with a girl who’s started her own line in sex-toys. She’s quite the investor. They wanted someone to model for the XXL end of their fledgling company’s range and I quite naturally suggested you. I did mention there might be a business aspect to this.”

“That’s right, you did.”

“I know not telling you in advance was naughty, and it kind of puts us at your mercy. However I think a couple of things might sway you to agree to being involved.”

“I’m listening.” He was, intently.

“Firstly you’d get a percentage of the profits, say ten percent of each item sold. There’s room for some negotiation on that before you sign anything, but if you surprise me and start playing hardball, I’ll have to track you down and kick your ass. They’re planning on having a couple of hundred manufactured to begin with and take it from there.”

“That all sounds more than fair. I’m even willing to forget how fuckin’ brazen you were in how you went about the whole enterprise.”

“That’s ‘cos I’m such a valued friend, sweetheart.”

“Well of course you are. Is there a ‘secondly’?”

“You know it.” She leaned close to the screen and dropped her voice. “If the line sells, then you’ll have the knowledge that there are countless women out there, women you’ll never meet, plunging a replica of your cock deep inside their pussies and pumping it in and out. Face it, Jared, you can’t fuck ‘em all, but this way they can fuck themselves with you. Each of these bad-boys will act as your proxy fuck-stick.” She was all but whispering to the screen now, enjoying his rapt attention and brandishing the synthetic cock. “Imagine how many women might soon be creaming all over this baby.”

“It does sound mighty appealing when you put it like that.”

“I figured you’d like it. You could end up a legend.”

“Yeah, and you’ll have fucked the legend, Red.”

She gave her most guttural laugh. “You arrogant bastard. We can talk more details later. Get the real thing out now, I wanna see it.”

He delved into his jeans with one hand, unzipping with the other, while Vanessa held her breath. It sprang tall and free—the bone-hard original from which the dildo had been created. Close to the screen it was a great pillar, huge enough to blot out the sun. Fuck silicon—this flesh-and-blood version was true beauty; she’d have loved it at her disposal twenty-four-seven, along with the filthy guy attached. “There,” he said, brandishing it with a fist wrapping around the base, “it’s still working in spite of all you and your friends put it through—and that’s a miracle.”

“So I see. I’m glad there was no permanent damage. Would you like to jack it while I deep-throat the copy?”

“Fuck, Red, that’d be a great idea.” The hoarseness in his voice as he replied made her inordinately happy. He and his cock disappeared from view a moment. When he returned, he was fully naked, a bottle of lubricant in his hand and that great pole swaying like a Scots pine in a fucking hurricane, taking up most of the screen. Vanessa teased the head of the still-slick dildo with her tongue as he poured the liquid all down the mighty trunk, till it trickled around his balls. How glorious. Oh God, she was glad she’d run with this whole plan.

“Grip it,” she said, ogling the cock she most wanted to fuck her.

“What the hell you think I’m gonna do?” Jared’s palm flexed to encompass his cock in all its stupendous girth, before he commenced to massage up and down. All the way up and down. Lube oozed through his fingers. “Swallow me,” he said. “Take me down your throat.”

She opened wide and took the stand-in Jared, willing her gag-reflex into submission as the thick inches sank past the back of her tongue. All of you, she thought, eyeing the screen and making sure he had a good view. All the way down, and don’t you forget I can do it. She let it grate and squish as she drew it back and forth in her wet vocal tract, watching the work of Jared’s hand on his hard-swollen shaft all the while. Then she extracted with a liquid crackling sound and drew in air, before pushing it the whole distance back down. Swallowing him to where the balls would be. See me. Don’t forget this, you sexy bastard.

“Fuck … that’s nasty,” Jared said, as he palmed himself rhythmically. “I love it, Red. But take it out and put it back in your pussy. And lose the tee-shirt first. I wanna see those fabulous tits.”

Vanessa followed all the instructions, peeling the tee from her body rapidly so that her breasts bounced for him. She massaged them for good measure, squeezing them tight and pinching hard on her swollen nipples. Enjoying herself. “There, baby,” she said, lying back on the bed and stretching her thighs wide, with the recently-throated dildo pressing to her soaking cunt-lips. “This what you want? Wanna see it all go in?”

“You know I do. I’m right there with you and I’m all over you, Red.”

I wish you fucking were. She pushed and gave him a good view of the dildo-Jared’s progress as it parted her lips and made the slow dive inside her. Her eyes rolled at the self-imposed penetration—so thick and satisfying—but she fixed her gaze back on the screen so she could watch her friend pump his cock as she fucked herself. His motion was fast and insistent now, the sound of palm on hard, lubed man-meat a wonderfully lewd accompaniment to the visual.

“Fuck yourself with it,” he said. “Fuck yourself like you know I’d fuck you.”

I wish I could fuck myself that hard. She tried it anyway, drawing the great Jared-esque plunger out as far as she could reach and thrusting it back in, filling herself up. Imagining it was him. She repeated the motion multiple times, speeding it up, establishing a hard pumping rhythm. Her other hand slid down so she could work her fully-flowered clitoris, all the while staring above her own body to where the on-screen Jared was beating himself off.

“Move back from the cam,” she told him, forcing out the words. “I wanna see all of you, not just your cock.” He did, and she got a good a good view of him, body tight and tension etched into his face, as his palm serviced his shaft.

“Fuck, you look good,” he said, all his cocksure irony consumed by whatever else he was feeling in that moment.

“I’d feel even better,” she said, barely able to articulate the words in her fever. “Come fuck me again, Rockstar.”

“I will, Red.”



“Oh yeah?”

“Oh yeah. You got my word on that.”

“You never give your word.”

“On this I do. I’m not done with you, Red, not by a long fuckin’ way.”


No. Now shut up and fuck that pussy.”

She did, shafting her cunt till her wrist ached and rubbing herself near-senseless. The last she saw of Jared—before orgasm consumed her—he was going insane on his own cock, jacking it with one hand and clutching his balls with the other, until the cum started to fly. She burst into crazy rapture, knowing he was emptying himself at the same moment she clutched his duplicate. For now it would have to do.

She came out of it breathless and vulnerable, a naked mess on a mattress with her lover eight hundred miles away, while a fake version of him was clenched inside her. She withdrew it slowly and with care, thankful that she’d laid down a towel.

He was mopping himself with a tee-shirt when she looked, a comically wry expression on his face. “Damn—I nearly shot all over Max’s laptop. That’d be the end of the band!”

She laughed, taking hold of her tee-shirt and clutching it to herself in an unaccountable moment of shyness. “Lucky there,” she said. “Feeling good?”

“Very good. How was the test-run?”

“Great. I think we got a winner on our hands. In our hands. Wanna be part of it?”

“Dunno. Will it definitely be named after me?”

“That’s not my call. And I don’t think your ego needs it. I’ll suggest the ‘Rockstar’ though … I think Cherry might buy that. Hopefully a lot of people will buy it.”

“Count me in.”

This time she grinned. “I’m glad. So glad. Cherry will be too, though she’ll never tell you.”

“The knowledge will be enough. You sending me a contract and all?”

“Yup—I’m not shitting you. This is for real.”

“In that case it’s been fun doing business with you.”

“A lot of fun. Now get yourself out of here. Go play a gig, fuck some flirty little thing. Draw me a picture.” I’ll not be jealous.

“I’ll think of you while I fuck her, Red.”

“Damn, you big romantic. Go.” She mouthed a kiss and flicked it at the screen with her fingers, before slapping the laptop shut. Better she sign off, than let him do it.

“Stupid,” she said, a melancholy smile on her face. “So, so stupid.”


Jared stared a moment at the newly blank screen of his bandmate’s laptop. He needed to go wash himself down, grab a clean tee-shirt. There was a gig to be played.

“Till next time, Red,” he said, smiling for the girl who had vanished. “Till next time …”

THE END (for now…)

Published 4 years ago

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