The Marshes Of Avalon

"How will you survive the marshes when you are alone, wounded and on the run in the midst of winter?"

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It was a crisp, clear winter morning. Though she was immune to its effects, she could feel the cold permeating the air. A thin blanket of frost covered the landscape, the sun’s weak rays reflecting off the tiny ice crystals, creating an ethereal beauty seldom seen where she came from.

Honking softly, a flight of geese banked and landed gently on the water.

She sensed that people didn’t come here very often during the cold months. It was too dangerous. They lost their way in the marshes, and succumbed to the elements. Yet, even in winter, the wetlands teemed with life, innumerable birds migrating away from the inhospitable northern wastes.

These things she knew, but she couldn’t yet remember how. She sensed that this was her home, though it had not always been so. It was just where she was meant to be right now. She needed to play her part, whatever it was.

All would become clear soon, she was sure. It always did.

People didn’t come here, yet the sound of horns and shouting suddenly shattered the tranquillity; people yelling in the distance, and dogs baying in excitement.

Someone was being hunted. Hunted amongst the reed beds, through the treacherous waterways, and along the secret trails. Out there, in the cold light of a new day, someone was trying to escape; desperately tired, hungry, and perhaps hurt. Possibly they had been on the run all night. They would be looking for sanctuary amongst these secluded islands. Somewhere dry, and warm.

She could provide that. Was, perhaps, meant to provide that. Her home was warm and dry. More importantly, it was hidden.

Closing her eyes, she raised her head to the sky. Reaching out with her mind, seeking with her senses, she became aware of him; could feel him.

Yes, she thought. It was a him. And she was right. He needed her.

She set off, moving silently and effortlessly across the landscape.

It was the first time she had been this way, yet she knew exactly where she was going. She didn’t know how she knew. Only that she did. And this much was clear; she needed to find the quarry first. That was important, though she did not yet remember why.

The memories always took a while to return.

As she neared, she slowed, reaching out once more with her mind. She could feel the cold more intensely now, though there was still no discomfort. But with her sharpened awareness, she was conscious of everything as she glided through the undergrowth. Searching, her keen eyes and ears missed nothing, so attuned were her senses to every sound, both natural and unnatural.

She heard a commotion close by; someone in distress, crashing blindly through the rushes. Someone being pursued.

She came upon him suddenly. Up to his thighs in the water, he was harried and looked exhausted. Their eyes met, and she saw the wild look of the hunted. Pain too was etched on his face. Startled, he reacted instinctively, reaching for his sword.

She moved quickly to his side, holding his hand in place on the grip, reassuring him.

“Do not worry. I am not here to harm you. Come with me, and I will make you safe from your pursuers,” she said calmly.

The man hesitated, undecided. She could see he was near the end of his strength, but there was determination in him—an unwillingness to give up. And wariness too; he didn’t know her—didn’t know if she was friend, or foe.

His eyes were such a vivid, startling blue. They were captivating, and had a quality that made her catch her breath.

Now wasn’t the time…

She looked directly into those enchanting eyes, and spoke to his mind.

You can trust me. I am here to help.

He looked confused now, a puzzled frown on his face.


The shouts were getting closer. She made a decision; it would be easier. Reaching up, she cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. Energy coursed, seeming to flow from her lips and, in a moment, he sighed and lost consciousness.

She lifted him out of the water, bearing his weight easily. She was inordinately strong; a trait of her lineage. Carrying him would be no more taxing than lifting a feather.

Before continuing, she scattered a handful of powder around them, murmuring an incantation as she did so. Manoeuvring him into a comfortable position, she silently sped off.

Behind her, she heard confusion, as the pursuers reached the point where she had discovered him.

She quickly reached her home. Almost invisible to the eye, on a low-lying island covered in dense woodland, the dwelling appeared to merge into the hillside. It was covered in a tangle of sod and creeper, giving it a look of casual neglect.

The marshes were constantly changing. Pathways came and went; islands grew and shrank with the seasons. Many things were hidden here, some not intended to be found by man. This was one such place.

It was home, but not home; familiar, yet unfamiliar. Having never been here before, but with the knowledge and certainty of her kind, she entered through its hidden entrance.

Inside, it was one, spacious room. In the centre was a large table. A well-established fire heated the interior, making it cosy, and warm. Light was provided by simple lantern’s; candles inside metal frames.

She got her first really good look at the man. She noted the strong features on his face; high cheekbones, long nose, and wide mouth. His beard was the colour of straw. She guessed he was perhaps thirty years old.

Setting him down on the table, she carefully stripped and examined him. As she did so, she noted his fit, lithe frame. She smiled to herself when she saw his manhood. It lay flaccid, on one side, but was full of promise. Lifting it, she felt the warmth as it responded naturally to her touch.

Later, perhaps…

He had been seriously wounded, and had lost a lot of blood from the deep cuts he had sustained. He had two broken ribs, possibly more. She could also smell infection. She thought he would most likely have died within a few hours without her help. She would need to use her healing magic.

The magic of the Naiads.

Now she knew why she was here. At least in part.

He was also suffering from exposure to the cold. He must have been out all night. She cleaned his wounds and washed him carefully, preparing him for her magic.

The potion she prepared was strong. It would knit the bones together, and excise the infection. The accompanying spell would speed the healing, and aid his physical recovery. It would also, with time, give him increased strength.

But most important, was her laying on of hands. With this, she would engage his spirit, and could imbue him with a new energy and resilience. It would also help open his mind.

When she was ready, and had helped him to drink her potion, she clasped her hands together, and invoked the power of the Naiads.

“Artemis, hear me, help me heal this man, give him the love and power from my heart that will make him whole again. Let him open himself to me, and allow me to mend his conflicted soul.”

Then, in an ancient language, she recited the powerful words of her spell and felt her magic gathering. As she laid her hands on his chest, the energy starting to build and flow through her body. The power in her began to saturate her patient with a new life-force; something that would stay forever within him, and aid him in his struggles.

She felt the heat in the room rising as her hands did their work. A glow started to emanate from her, shimmering, creeping from her heart, down through her hands, and into the man’s chest. She kept the energy coursing through her for several minutes, before she started to weaken. When she finally released him, she was drained.

He would sleep now, while the magic completed its work on his damaged body. His mind, however, was another matter.


“Am I in heaven?”

She turned. He was awake at last; his eyes were open, and their clear blue seemed to sparkle in the firelight. Seeing him look at her with those eyes, she felt a surprising churn in her stomach.

He appeared alert, though a little befuddled, which was only to be expected, given what he had experienced during the last few days.

“Who are you?” Perplexed, he stared, seeing her unusual features, and her strange clothes for the first time. His frown deepened.

“Wh- what are you?” he stuttered. “Are you an angel?”

Was she so very different? She knew her appearance often unsettled people—men in particular. Her intense green eyes, and vibrant, chestnut hair accompanied an alabaster, hour-glass body. She was barefoot, and wore a sleeveless silk gown, belted at the waist. Not needed for warmth, it served little purpose other than to provide a little modesty.

She was silent whilst she contemplated what to tell him.

“You are not in Heaven. It is not yet your time. And what I am is not important. Only that I saved you, and brought you here to my home for safety, and to recover.”

“Save me? I was wounded?”

“Yes. Your wounds were quite serious.” She hesitated, feeling her way with him.

“Serious enough that I needed to use magic to heal you.”

His expression turned guarded.

“Magic… Magic is not something I can condone. It is ungodly.”

Inwardly, she sighed. Men were such stubborn fools, sometimes.

“Yet your God has allowed you to be saved by me. I wonder why that is?”

He frowned.

“I am grateful for you saving me, but if you are a witch, I must leave you at once.”

“Must you? What is your name, strange man who does not want to be healed?”

Now he looked almost ashamed.

“I – I’m sorry. I cannot tell you that.”

“Well, I will tell you this, man with no name. I carried you here, and I have healed your wounds. You are still weak, but your strength will return in time. If you take the medicines I prepare for you, you will be stronger than before.” She paused.

“But you must put your preconceptions to one side, and trust me. If you do that, you will leave here the better for it. Can you do that? Can you trust me?”

“How can I trust someone who uses magic? Witches and sorcerers are the devil’s work.”

“How can you not? Without me, you would already be dead.”

She sighed again.

“I am neither witch, nor sorcerer. I am… something else.

What more could she say? It would mean nothing to him. Much was misunderstood about her, and her kind.

“You were guided here, to me, and I am the one who can help you. It is important that you stay with me, to rest, and to recover your strength. There are things you must learn.”

“What things?”

She was remembering more now. She was part of the sisterhood. They had a crucial part to play. Things were becoming clearer.

Two things. There were two tasks for her here, she realized.

The first was to save him. To heal his body. She had begun that process. But there was something else. Something more vital than just healing. She looked inside herself to see what it was.

Yes. She could see it now.

Clearly, this man was intelligent; educated. He had insight, and an ability to make decisions. Yet he lacked a valuable ingredient; he needed something else in order to be able to fulfil his future.

She needed to teach him to love. This he had not yet learned. This was why she had been chosen, rather than one of her sisters. She had to put him on the right track; teach him to love, and to accept people for who they were. Only then would he truly be ready.

“What is your purpose?” she asked.

His habitual frown reappeared.

“I – I am to lead my people. I wish to unite the kingdoms into one. That is, I believe, my destiny.” He hesitated. “But things are not going well.”

“I can help you. Your life has taught you much. But you have other things to learn. Important things.”

“What do you mean?”

She could not tell him that. Not yet. He must be shown.

“You are at a crossroads, and must learn the right path to tread. Only then, can you truly unite your people. I can show you these things, but first, you must trust me,” she said firmly.

“Now. You must be hungry. Why not refresh yourself whilst I prepare supper, and then we can eat?”

Once he’d cleaned up, she served him a simple stew of fish and vegetables with hunks of bread, washed down with ale. He looked better for the food; more amenable. Now he was more relaxed, she beckoned him towards the sleeping area.

“Come and lie here, with me. There is something I want to show you.”

“You have been most kind, however…”

She could feel his hesitancy. Was he afraid…? Once more, she took the initiative, and kissed him softly on his lips.

And if there was just a little bit of magic in her kiss, who was she to tell?

Stunned, his eyes opened wide, his breath catching in his throat.

“Now, will you let me show you?” she whispered.

Slowly, he nodded.

She untied the drawstring of his trousers and slid her hand inside. He gasped as she found what she wanted with her fingers, and began to fondle him.

He quickly began to stiffen, the last vestiges of resistance evaporating at her delicate touch. He groaned as she stroked him.

Encouraged, she tugged down his trousers and knelt between his legs. As she continued to manipulate him, she started to tease his balls with her lips and tongue. Smiling to herself, she slipped his cock between her lips. His manhood was impressive, but she was used to such things, and relished his length and girth.

Carefully, she slid his full length into her mouth until the hairs on his stomach tickled her nose. She slowly began to move her head up and down, at the same time cupping his sensitive balls; a wandering finger slipped along his perineum, startling him.

His excitement was building, and she could feel him ready to explode.

Not yet…

Stopping, she stood and kissed him, sliding her tongue between his lips, gently exploring his mouth. He responded, and his passion for her started to grow more ardent.

Breaking the kiss, she smiled alluringly, slowly backed away and removed her gown. As she stood before him naked, he gasped. She had such grace, such an agile beauty! He was stunned at the image before him; the sight of her bare breasts, and her silky mound, covered in a triangle of fine hair, was something he didn’t think he would ever forget…

“You want me, don’t you?” she murmured. “You want to put your cock inside my treasure…”

Unable to speak, he simply nodded.

“Come to me, then!”

She pulled his head to her full, enticing breasts.

“Kiss them…” she urged.

He took a nipple into his mouth and sucked gently, making her moan with pleasure.

“Mmmm—let me show you how else to please me,” she breathed.

She lay on the bed, and opened her legs for him, displaying herself tantalisingly. His heart thumped at the unknown, intriguing sight before him; he desperately wanted to explore, and discover its secrets.

“I want you to use your lips and tongue; I will show you how to pleasure me, and to make me feel good.

He knelt between her legs. Her sex was so inviting! He’d never seen a woman this open before, not up close like this. It was unseemly. Surely it was unchristian…?

But he was mesmerised.

He leaned forward, and could smell her aroma; enticing, heady. There was a fascinating series of lips and folds, and he wanted nothing more than to bury his head in this heavenly creature’s most intimate parts.

Smiling, she cradled his head as his tongue met her wet pussy lips. She gasped, and whispered little instructions to him, as he learnt how to please her:

lick there! Oh yes, a little higher—that’s it, right there!”

“Mmmm, circle with your tongue…”

“Use your fingers, stroke me…”

“Push them inside… Deeper, yes! That’s it — harder — mmm, and your tongue on my bud… Ahh, yes—I’m going to cum!”

“Oh, Gods, yes!”

When it came, her orgasm was powerful, unlike anything he had ever witnessed during his own untutored, dark fumbling’s. Her cry of pleasure gave him a satisfaction and intense pleasure of his own. He had made her do this. Had made her cry out with passion, and delight.

Breathless now, she straddled him and guided him into her, impaling herself on his thick shaft. She was so incredibly wet, and so sensitive. She closed her eyes, and moaned as he slipped all the way into her, filling her tight hole.

He could feel as she worked her internal muscles, squeezing him, and he cried out as he came, his cock pulsating and filling her with his repressed seed.

Leaning on top of him, she kissed him tenderly, and smiled at him with approval.

“What are you?” he asked, hoarsely.

“I am your teacher.”

“You should know that I—I’m married! I…”

“Shhhh! You must not feel guilt for learning what it is like to be with a woman; how you should treat her, and how to pleasure her. You must embrace the things that are happening to you. Your wife will be grateful, I promise,” she whispered.

“Now, I suggest we eat again, for the evening is young…” she said, eyes twinkling.

Well into the night, they made love and discovered each other. She showed him things he could never have imagined; taught him how to make a woman feel cared for, and cherished.

And as she showed him these things, so her feelings for him grew. He was quick to learn and had a surprisingly open mind once she broke down the blocks he had been ingrained with. Some things he clearly had backwards, and on these, she corrected him.

Using her power of suggestion, she also fed his mind with new ideas and possibilities. Things that would help him better understand his people, and those not as privileged as he was.

In the early hours, she let him sleep.

“Rest now, for I have more to show you,” she crooned.


When he woke to see her preparing a morning tea for him, he thought he might be falling in love. He had already changed so much in the last few hours.

Surely this is wrong? He thought to himself. The joy he was experiencing must be giving in to temptation. Was he being seduced by the dark side?

“How can it be wrong?” she asked.

Had she just read his mind?

“What you are doing is natural. Loving is the most human thing in the world, and with it, you will unite a Kingdom. Care for your people; respect them, each and every one, and they will give you their all. Rule by fear and your people will become divided.

“How can you say these things when you know so little of me?”

“Ah, but I have been learning all about you. Your mind speaks to me every minute we are together.”

“You realise that I cannot stay here. If I am found…”

“Do not worry,” she interrupted. “Your enemies have looked all over for you, but they will not find you now. And you will leave soon enough.”

“How do you know?”

“This small island is well hidden, and…” she smiled, “there is an enchantment on it. It cannot be seen unless I wish it.”

There was a lingering reluctance in his eyes. She could see he was still uncomfortable with the concept of magic, fearing to accept it.

“Besides,” she added, “they have gone now, and will not be back. The men who escaped with you are also safe, hidden in one of the villages at the edge of the marsh. I will take you to them when the time is right.”

She could see him thinking; considering.

“Very well,” he said, finally.

“You are looking stronger,” she said. “Today, we will test your strength, and hunt!”


She handed him his tunic and leggings, washed and repaired. He dressed slowly, still stiff and sore, though much better than he had been. Finally, he put on his boots.

She led him out, onto the island. It was another clear day.

It will be warmer later, she thought. Perhaps even warm enough for him to enter the water, though it will be brisk! Hmm, but I know how to keep us warm!

She turned to him.

“Today I will teach you about the wetlands. Wildlife is abundant here, even in winter, and there is plenty of game. Ducks and geese are common, and there are otters, wild boar, and red deer — if you know where to look.”

As they crept through the marshes, she showed him how to move without making a noise, where to spot the dry paths and trails, and how to recognise the signs of an animal’s passage.

With a finger to her lips, she pointed to an otter, swimming silently through the water. Then, she came across the sign of a herd of deer. Beckoning him to follow, she traced their movements until she held up a hand, gesturing him to stop.

Stealthily, she pointed; there were at least fifteen red deer grazing in a clearing, the largest of them a magnificent stag. The man nodded and pointed at the stag with his bow.

She shook her head, and pointed at one of the smaller does. Quickly, she raised her bow in readiness, then paused.

It was late in the season, but the stag’s intentions were clear. Approaching one of the larger does, he swiftly mounted her.

They watched in silent awe at the mating before them. Breath quickening, their own ardour rose at the sight of the primaeval coupling. Their hearts beat hard as the stag finished with an enormous bellow, and a series of coughs that caused a team of ducks to ruffle their feathers in protest.

It seemed a shame after such a display, but now was not the time to hesitate. Her aim was true, the arrow going straight into the heart, bringing her chosen animal down with no more than a whisper of sound.

Somewhat confused, the rest of the herd moved off slowly, leaving their unfortunate companion behind.

Approaching their kill, she knelt, and spoke quietly.

“Thank you, Artemis, for your generosity. She died to provide for us.”


“The Goddess of hunting, and the wilderness.”

“You do not believe in the one true God?”

“I believe in the Gods who provide me with what I need,” she replied. “As should we all, don’t you think? Come on—help me butcher this.”

He hesitated, taken aback by her frank answer.

“I—I’ve never butchered an animal before.”

“Then it’s time you learnt; here, let me show you.”

As they worked together, side by side, she continued her lesson.

“You must not take life lightly, especially if you are the leader of your people. All life is precious and has value. This you must know.”

He sighed.

“I can see this, yes. I understand what you are showing me.”

When they’d finished, she looked up and smiled mischievously.

“Ha—you are covered in blood! You need more practice!”

She leaned over and kissed him gently on the mouth. He jumped in surprise at her casual intimacy.

“Now, we swim! Strip, and we will wash the blood away! Do not worry about the cold—I will keep us warm!”


As they lay naked, drying in the warmth of the early afternoon sun, she ran her fingers over his chest.”

“You are a quick learner. I have been impressed with you today.” She rested her head on him and gazed upwards into his eyes.

“Do you remember what I showed you last night?”

For a moment, he looked uncomfortable; shy almost. Then he nodded.

“I remember.”

“Show me…”

“Here? Outside?”

“Why not? It is warm, and we are safe. Let us show the world!”

Rolling onto his side, he reached down with his hand to stroke her beguiling mound.

“Like this?”

She smiled, “yes, like that!”

She parted her thighs for him. She was still damp from the water; her prominent lips welcomed his fingers, and he stroked her in those places she had shown him the night before. To his delight, she was soon whimpering with arousal. He replaced his fingers with his tongue, licking her slowly, finding her bud; teasing her. Her gasps of excitement as he reached her core gave him a sense of wonder; he wanted to make her cum again.

But she wanted something different. She pushed him away and rolled onto all fours, the stag still fresh in her memory.

“Now—I want you to take me. Take me like the stag took his doe! I want to feel your hardness inside me. Make me yours!”

Needing no more encouragement, he moved quickly behind her. The sight of her parted buttocks, and her wet, gaping slit, demanded only one thing. Transfixed, he mounted her, and she cried out as his cock penetrated her wanton heat. He grasped her hips and thrust into her hard, as he knew she wanted.

And just like the stag, he gave a bellow as he filled her, proclaiming his feelings to the world as she joined him with her satisfied cries.


On their return, she prepared some of the venison for cooking, along with some oaten cakes, which she knew would make good travel food.

“Now, what shall we do, whilst we wait for our supper to cook?”

This time, he did not need telling twice. He had learnt; he was tender, and thoughtful, and confident. He used his fingers, and his lips, and his tongue. His face ran with her juices, and she writhed with ecstasy as he took her right to the edge and back again, her moans and cries proof of the pleasure he gave her.

Cock poised at her sopping wet entrance, it was his turn to tease.

“Do you want me?”


“Tell me! Tell me what you want!”

“I want you to fuck me! Fuck me as hard as you can!”

Relenting, he slid his cock into her waiting pussy, still amazed by the incredible sensations as her warmth engulfed him, welcoming him into her.

And with satisfied grunts and moans, they came together, two beings as one.

Satiated, they fell into a contented doze.


“Is something burning?”

“Oh,” she cried with dismay, rising quickly and pulling the blackened offerings from the fire. “Even magic cannot save these,” she said ruefully. Then she turned to him.

“It must be your fault for distracting me,” she teased.

He raised his hands in mock surrender. “Very well—I gladly accept responsibility,” he said graciously. “It was worth every moment.”

“You are learning!” she said, delighted with his answer. “I never was a very good cook. I have taught you many things, but baking is not one of them!”

Then her smile became sad.

“Tomorrow, at first light, you must return to the village at the edge of the marsh. Your soldiers are there, and it is a good place to see out the winter.”

“I—I do not want to go.”

“I know. And I do not want you to go. But you must; it is your destiny. You said so yourself.”

She fought back tears; I was supposed to teach him to love. Not fall in love with him!

“We have this one last night together; let me make it a gift to you.”


In the morning, she led him to the edge of the marshlands. They travelled in silence; even the geese were quiet on this day.

“I shouldn’t come any further,” she said.

He turned to her.

“Alfred,” he said. “My name is Alfred.”

She smiled. “I know.” As she said it, the last memories clicked into place. “I do not usually share my own name, but I am Eleionomae.”

“I have not heard such a name before.”

“No, it is a name from a different time, and a different place. There are so few of us left, but we do what we can. That is all I can say, and more than I should.”

“I will never forget you, Eleionomae. You have taught me so much,” he hesitated, tears forming in his eyes. “Including what it feels like to lose someone you love. You will be in my heart whenever I think of such things.”

“Goodbye, Alfred. You have many things to do now. Though I will soon be forgotten, you will always be remembered.”

“I will always remember you!”

Taking his head in her hands, she leant towards him.

She wasn’t supposed to fall in love; it would be for the best. The lessons would remain. One more piece of magic…

“No, you won’t…” she whispered, tears coursing down her face. And kissed him.


His soldiers found him at the edge of the village.

“It’s the King! Call the physician!”

When he awoke. He looked around, confused.

“Are you alright, Sire?”

“He’s not making sense. Maybe he knocked his head?”

“What’s he saying?”

“Something about an angel, and burning some cakes.”

Published 4 years ago

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