I’ve been dating Chloe for three months now and she’s… great.
I mean, she is perfect, as in, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and she’s the most fun I’ve ever had with anyone. Hell, I don’t even miss my friends when I’m with her, she’s that fun. No matter where we go, there’s always something she wants to show me or something she wants to do with me. I really love everything about her.
Which, really, means almost everything.
If I can convince her to let me hang at her place, she will always, without fail, repeat the same thing:
“Don’t disturb my mother.”
I can’t really explain why but this creeps me out. The first time I thought she meant it as in “my mother doesn’t like when I bring boys home, so let’s be discreet”, but over time I noticed she really does say it in a weird way. It’s not a request or even an order; when she says it there’s always something in her voice, some sort of danger.
Like a threat.
But it doesn’t have to be weird, right? Like, maybe she means it as “my mother will kill you if she sees that I have a boyfriend” or “my mother is a bitch and you don’t want to see her mad”, but that’s not even it, because I’ve actually never seen her mother. After three months, not a glance at her from the hallway, never met her around dinner, never even seen a picture.
But I’ve heard her. Every night I spend in Chloe’s room, I hear a door open from across the hallway. It’s followed by footsteps, and automatically, as soon as we can hear the sound of feet walking down the staircase, Chloe adds:
“That’s my mother; you can’t go in the living room.”
It’s weird, isn’t it? At first, I thought that maybe she simply didn’t want me to see her mom. For instance, perhaps she’s ashamed of her, maybe her mother is rude or unattractive, or maybe she’s always half-drunk on wine and she has a bad habit of flirting with her daughter’s boyfriends. But then, why does she say it that way? Why is it not “oh god, my mother’s awake, please avoid her she’s soooo embarrassing”, instead of “you shall not roam the house when Mother is awake”? Then, again, maybe I’m just overthinking things.
Still, even though I really want to listen to my girlfriend, this is driving me insane; am I supposed to never see her mom? Because I am absolutely in love with Chloe, and even though I don’t like thinking about these things, I truly hope it lasts. I’m going to have to meet her mom one day and, well, if she’s not letting me, I’ll have to sneak out and meet her on my own. I’m just going to take a peek, I don’t even have to introduce myself, I’ll just quietly go down in the living room and see what’s the deal, and if she doesn’t look too much like a maniac, then maybe I’ll say something to her. I’m just saying, it is possible that Chloe is the one who’s blowing it out of proportion.
That night, me and Chloe were hanging out; she was showing me something she was working on for college. She’s studying to be a graphic designer, which I think is pretty cool. She’s been showing me a website she’s been designing for one of her classes, and she was very proud of it.
She’s so smart. It makes me wonder how in hell I got myself with her, since I don’t have even half her talent, or her brains. Chloe keeps telling me I could be a chef since I like to cook sometimes, but she’s just being nice; there’s no way I could get a career doing it. Instead, I have no clue what I want to do, so I’m working at my brother’s garage. I suppose it can stress me out since I’m not really happy there, but it’s not like I have anywhere else to go. Whenever I get anxious about it, though, Chloe holds my hands and looks into my eyes. I just lose myself in there, and she tells me how amazing I am and how much she loves me and how I could stay at home and make food while she brings home a million dollars a month from her designing gigs.
Damn, she’s so beautiful. My best description is that she looks like a princess, like Snow White but with green eyes, and also much cooler. When I was getting to know her, I thought she looked like a badass since she was always wearing leather jackets and metalhead t-shirts, but now that I actually know her I’ve learned that she barely listens to any of these bands and that she’s too sweet to actually punch anyone in the face. She just enjoys the style, and while it does fit her, she’s so much more adorable than she seems. She the most caring and loving person on the planet and she dresses like she stabs grannies in dark alleyways.
Eventually, it was getting late and she had school in the morning, so she proposed we called it a night. It’s been three months, but Chloe isn’t very comfortable with, uh, the next step. But it’s okay, I think. I’m not obsessed with it anyway, and I actually like to hang out with her, and we do kiss and cuddle, so there’s that. Of course, I’d love to do it with her, I can’t wait—but I can, because above all I’d feel stupid to lose her because I couldn’t keep it in my pants. That’s why, when I’d sleep at her place, we’d just cuddle with all our clothes on. We’d lay on her bed, over the sheets, and we’d hold each other until we fell asleep. That night, she had just laid her head on my shoulder, which made it way easier for me to slip out of bed without waking her.
As quietly as I could, I walked into the hallway and went down the stairs. I calculated each step to make as little sound as I could. I was approaching the living room, step by step and the sound of the TV signaled me that Chloe’s mom was watching. When I was low enough, I had a chance to catch a few glimpses of her. I was hiding behind the wall, still in the stairs, peeking my head over at the couch to see what she looked like.
Since she apparently never left the house, I was expecting to see some old prune, like a sick and fragile old lady. I couldn’t see very well, but I could spot some pitch-black hairs, exactly like Chloe’s, but instead of being worn straight down, they were tied in a messy bun. I couldn’t see very well, so I extended my neck. Her skin seemed smooth and just as pale as her daughter’s; she was wearing a long and white fancy nightgown, the ones with the frilly sleeves, and she was eating some sort of crunchy snack. I could see her pick something from a bowl and eat it, at first I thought it could be popcorn, but the crunch it would make in her mouth was much harder, like the snap of a twig. Also, she too had green eyes, and I was able to tell because they were looking straight at me. I froze.
I didn’t know what to do, but from a distance, I could tell she looked angry.
“Didn’t my daughter tell you to not come here?”
“Yes ma’am, she probably did a million times, I’m very sorry—”
She interrupted me. Smirked.
“Oh, no worries, boy. Come over here.”
I couldn’t tell if she was still angry, but she was smiling, so I supposed it was okay. She was winking and patting on the stretch of couch beside her. I was a bit intimidated, but I felt obliged to follow her command. I couldn’t be impolite; this was my first time meeting her.
I sat beside her and tried not to stare. To help, I tried to take a look at whatever it was she was watching. It was some daytime soap opera, it seemed, the cheap ones that would seemingly never end. I could feel her look at me, inspecting me from head to toe. I felt a chill running up my spine, I was unexplainably tense.
“How long have you… been with my daughter?”
She spoke in a slow pace as if every word was deliberately planned, and she’d pronounce them haltingly. It was soothing, somehow, since her voice was low but very… suggestive.
“Three, uh, months.”
“Oh, really? So, it’s been a while. Such a shame she never introduced us earlier.”
“Of course, ma’am…”
“Oh no, please, call me Nalia.”
I felt more comfortable looking at her, so I took a closer look. If Chloe was a princess, she was the queen: she had a small figure that still looked slender. Her skin looked even softer than her daughter’s; before I knew it, my hand was on her thigh, feeling the silky texture, caressing her leg. Her body felt cold, not unpleasantly freezing, just unnaturally cold.
“Hmm…” she groaned.
Immediately realizing what I was doing, I yanked my hand back. I had no clue what came over me. I must have been tired, I thought, I always act weird when I’m tired. I thought I should go back to sleep; I’ve met her and there’s nothing wrong with Chloe’s mom, I was ready to go.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am—Nalia. I don’t know—I really should go back to—”
“You’ll stay.”
Her voice had changed into a stricter tone; commanding. I knew I could simply go back to Chloe’s room but for some reason I couldn’t, I had this strong urge to listen to her every word. I had this desire to obey her. I felt tense once more, something was wrong.
She extended her arm and sneaked her fingers behind my head, running her nails through my hair. I felt I was getting relaxed once more. I could barely keep my eyes open and my body trembled. She was shushing quaintly, and I couldn’t resist looking at her again. Her beauty was hypnotizing, my heart would ache every second I wasn’t looking at her.
I noticed that, with her other hand, she was petting a mouse with the side of her index, and looking closer at the rodent, I saw myself in the mouse. I was being cradled to sleep by the hand of this gorgeous beauty. Until then, for not a single second I considered respecting Chloe’s request to refrain from sex to be a sacrfiice, but seeing Nalia in front me, it felt like there was something I wanted that I couldn’t get for months, and she could give it to me. This would be the last time I would ever think about Chloe.
Nalia had picked the mouse by the tail and lifted it in the air. The rodent was unexpectedly calm and peaceful. She put the mouse next to her face and opened her mouth. At this point, I was absolutely captivated by her, unable to look away, so I witnessed the mouse happily crawling into her mouth, and I watched this beautiful woman crush the critter with her tongue. I was hypnotized by the sound of the small animal’s bones being crushed, watching it being killed and swallowed. Every inch of my body wanted to get up and run away, but it was impossible. I was paralyzed, forced to bear witness to the terrible scene. Something strange arose from deep within my body, a terrible feeling as if I was… envious.
She seemed to notice I was uncomfortable, and in an effort to calm me, she pulled my head towards her and laid it on her lap. So close to her body, my nose was invaded by her strong perfume, which had a nauseating scent to it. It smelled both of flower and iron, and although it was somewhat bitter, it felt as if the scent was being injected into my veins, putting me to sleep, calming me down.
She took the bowl from the table, and from where I was I could now see very well what was in it. A bowl of mice, all crawling over to her hand, hoping to be next. These creatures were getting in line to get killed, completely under her charms. I knew very well what sort of fate was awaiting me, I would have run out of here, but I had no control over my body: it wasn’t mine anymore, it was hers.
She was talking to me, telling me things, whispering. I couldn’t make a word out of it; I couldn’t concentrate anymore. I was still, being cradled, feeling incredibly calm. I felt her put her other arm on my body, slowly caressing my chest.
“Such a healthy boy, look at you.”
I was facing the ceiling, my ear on her stomach, and the vibrations of her voice were throbbing inside my head, stimulating my brain. Her hand slid down my body, her fingers teasing the limit of my stomach and my pelvis. It wasn’t long before she slipped her fingers on the button of my jeans and detached them. I decided to accept my fate, voices in my head telling me that I was lucky to be in her lap, that she was worth my own life. I listened to the voices and closed my eyes, subjecting my body, and now my mind, to her every whim.
My thoughts were a complete blur, about midway between dream and reality; time stretched itself in a way where I couldn’t keep track of it and the next thing I knew, my exposed, hard penis was in her hand. Her firm hands had started stroking it gently; I turned my head towards her body and pushed my face into her stomach, trying to submerge myself in her aroma. It wasn’t about the speed or strength, or even the technique of her strokes, it was only the thought that she was the one handling my penis that made it feel euphoric. She was slow, and rough, but I felt blessed to be in her arms. I was struggling to keep the moans in.
It didn’t take long before I came in what felt like the best climax I ever had. I wanted to stay there forever, stay with her forever. Nalia wasn’t a queen, she was a goddess, and I felt bliss as I realized I had covered her hand in my sperm. She was repulsed to have my filthy fluids on her as she wiped it on my jeans. She lifted my head so she could get off the couch, and I watched her as she carefully removed her nightgown to reveal her svelte and delicate body. Her body was completely absent of hair, and her breasts were modest but perky. Since I still had my shirt on, she took it off, along with what remained of my clothes and she crawled on top of my body, completely laying on me. It felt suffocating, she was heavier than it seems, and my body was being crushed under hers, cutting my breath. Her breasts were pressed on my chest, her stomach against mine, and her mouth was kissing my neck, licking it, and she moaned in delight as if she savored the taste of my skin. Her tongue was stiff, viscous, and just as cold as the rest of her. My penis was caught between her thighs, and at this moment I finally felt movement come back to me, but there was only one thing I desired; I grabbed her ass, and slowly I started to thrust my hips upwards, stroking my member against her legs and crotch. She didn’t seem to mind, busy with soothing her tongue against my neck, which was starting to hurt.
I was thrusting into her thighs faster when she decided to move her mouth closer to my face, brushing her soft, cold lips on mine. I tasted her tongue slipping into my mouth, twisting around mine. She tasted of iron, which first I found repulsive, but I couldn’t resolve myself to pull back, so I took it. I felt I was part of her at that moment, I was aroused by the touch of her skin, the taste of her mouth, and the smell of her hairs. Everything about her felt wrong to my senses, but I was trapped by her divine beauty.
Ultimately, as I thrust my hips against hers, I felt the climax once again, this time ejaculating over her back and ass. She detached her mouth from mine, lifting her head away; she seemed annoyed.
“Now, now, boy… you’re getting excited, aren’t you?”
I couldn’t answer.
“Don’t worry, I’m used to it… I’m hard to resist.”
She pushed her head into my neck once again, kissing it. Her voice was still deep and sultry, but it seemed she was growing impatient. I tried to speak, tell her how much I loved her, how much I worshipped her, tell her I desired her more than anyone else, how I wanted to stay with her forever. Then, I felt two small but sharp teeth perforating my jugular. It hurt, but only slightly, it was barely noticeable. I felt something being injected into my body, a strong venom quickly putting me to sleep.
“It’s going to be okay, boy, you’ll be fine from now on.”
I started to feel dizzy, then tired. The world around me was fading to black. I closed my eyes.
“I am so glad Chloe brought you to me… it’s been a while since I had a proper meal.”
Chloe… the name sounded familiar, but it seemed I couldn’t remember anything about her. Furthermore, I couldn’t remember anything about myself. As I fell into darkness, all I knew was Nalia, taking a toll on my entire mind.
She was caressing my hair when I finally fainted to her poison. Although I knew very well what was going to happen to me next, somehow I couldn’t help it…
I was smiling.