As many of us did, back in college, I worked my way through school in the restaurant business. After having experience as a sandwich maker in a fast food joint during high school, I worked as a waiter for a while in college at a sit-down restaurant (nice but not tablecloth-nice) and then felt a sense of maturity in my second junior year when I “moved up” to bartender.
Speaking of maturity… there was one assistant manager, Terri, who got transferred from another store to ours, with whom I had an encounter of the mature sort. She was much older, as far as I was concerned, about 30, but “still” kind of hot, all us guys would say, rather petite with cute bobbed dark hair and slim face with kind of a pointy nose and chin. She typically wore fitted plain black pants and oversized tucked-in shirts, accentuating her nice ass but leaving us wondering what she was working with up top. She was kind of wild, outgoing and energetic, and talked a little too frequently and inappropriately about her short too-soon marriage and recent divorce, not having a degree but working hard and not needing a man to take care of her but insinuating a certain measure of promiscuity. The girls – waitresses, bartendresses, and hostesses, probably even kitchen staff – didn’t like her much, but we guys thought she was great.
Now that I think about it, the guys probably loved her for the same reasons I did. The bar stayed open later than the restaurant kitchen, and Terri closed at least a couple nights a week, leaving her with only a bartender or two to close down and lock up. On more than one occasion, she’d do shots with us after all the customers were gone, and crank up the music while we finished cleaning up and she finished her reports. More than once, it was only she and one bartender, and more than once that one was me.
After doing shots one night and Elizabeth, the other bartender, having left when her boyfriend came to get her, I was left alone with the spunky assistant manager, music blaring and more than 4 ounces of alcohol working its way into each of our bloodstreams. Tonight’s talk had been especially inappropriate, Elizabeth shaking her head half in disgust but half entertained, at some of Terri’s comments about sexual acts that seemed to be embellished somewhat.
When she finished her office work, Terri came out to the bar, having shed her oversized shirt, giving me my first look at her slim figure in the form-fitting tank that she had on underneath. Her tits were full, though not what you’d call big, and weren’t staying put, as her bra was evidently engineered to hold them up rather than in place. She noticed that I noticed, giving me a smirk as she set her purse and shirt down on one of the bar tables. She wiped down the baseboards with me, tits obscured, but I wasn’t complaining because what obscured them was her ass, snug shiny pants stretched around it. As if she hadn’t been away in the back for the last 5 minutes, she continued her teasing racy talk from earlier, and the subject of younger guys slipped from her lips.
“Well, hey, younger guys around here wouldn’t turn you down,” I told her.
“Oh, yeah, like who?”
“Well, like…” I didn’t want to name anyone because I didn’t want to stir up any tension or rumors or anything. I was buzzed, but not too drunk to not have a filter. “I don’t know, it’s just that… horny guys, you know.”
We were done cleaning, and she threw our towels in the hamper.
“No, I don’t know,” she lied, lied, lied. “How do you know? Someone’s told you?” She feigned innocence, and not well.
“Hey, all guys our age are horny, okay, And you have to know, you’re … I mean, guys would…”
“What guys?” I couldn’t say any more words. “If no one told you, then, would it be you?”
“Well, hey, if you must know, then, yeah, I know because hey, I’m a guy… and…”
“Yeah, I noticed.” She crossed her arms and leaned against the bar.
“You noticed me?”
“Well, yeah, dumb-ass, we fucking work together!”
“Well, yeah, but, notice meaning…”
“Like the way you noticed me when I came out here… with these?” She cupped her breasts and let them fall. I think my jaw fell with them.
I got a little bolder. “And I won’t lie, when you were down on your hands and knees a few minutes ago.”
“You said ‘wouldn’t turn me down’.” She smiled. “If I offered something, you mean?”
“Well, I guess.”
“Offered what?”
I stared blankly. She was trying to make me say something I didn’t think I should say.
“If I offered myself? You wouldn’t turn me down?”
“Honestly, probably not.” There, I said it.
“If I offered to have sex with you? Right here, right now?” It was at this point that my cock straightened and shifted in my pants, notifying me that it had been attentive ever since she’d been down on the floor with her tits hanging and her ass out.
Okay, that was a little comical, and I couldn’t imagine she was serious, so I figured this was my chance. I could play along, and if it was just a tease, we’d have a laugh, but on the off chance she was for real, I thought there was actually the prospect of me getting some. I had a girlfriend, but it wasn’t that serious, and I’m sure Terri wouldn’t tell anyone, since I’m sure her manager training beat HR rules into her head about employee relationships and termination and prosecution and such.
“Ha, honestly, I’d do you right here on this barstool if you threw yourself at me…” then I paused dramatically, “…but, shit, I forgot to bring my condoms to work today, so, maybe another time.” As soon as I said it, I hoped that she would suggest that we go to her place or my place and that a regular chair or couch would do.
“Well, shit,” she said, grabbing her purse.
I thought she was leaving, or playing like she was leaving just to tease me. I didn’t want to let our conversation die there, so now that I was thinking that we might actually be serious, I tried to think of a way to smoothly suggest we go home together. Smooth is a relative term, of course, for a 21 year old horny buzzed college kid, so the sounds I made didn’t form into actual words.
“I guess we’ll have to use mine,” Terri said as she held up a pack of condoms, the two square packets separated by a perforated line.
“Whoa,” I blurted out.
“But you’re going to owe me. After this, I’ll be down to my last one.” She separated the packets and dropped one back in her purse. I knew she wasn’t playing around, because she tore the other one open.
I figured I’d stop being the innocent young guy who gets pushed around by the dominant female, so I determined that this was really going to happen and stepped right up against her. Our first kiss wasn’t sensual or anything – it was downright bawdy. Attacking her mouth with mine, I turned around with her and pushed her against a barstool, and she threw her arms around me as I got my first handful of that sweet ass and lifted her onto the seat. My hand traveled up her torso, like and guy’s would, and cupped a breast while we made out. Tongues wrestling lewdly, I pulled myself into her, intentionally so that she could feel my boner. The stool was just the right height. My dick standing tall inside my pants now, I rubbed the length right into her crotch. She smiled through our kiss.
I backed off a bit and took in the sight of her, hair a little messed, shirt bunched up enough to reveal a little midriff, and eyes wide with lust. While my fingers started lightly at the center of her breasts, increasing their pressure, she undid my belt and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, an act so smooth it was no doubt second nature to a woman of her age and experience and sex drive. I didn’t care that I was just the most recent of a long list of guys who have had Terri’s expert hands free their raging cocks. Mine stood erect as my pants hit the floor, knowing that even though her hands were caressing it, her waiting condom was assurance that this wasn’t just going to be a wank.
Still sitting, Terri lifted her knees to her chest so that we could reach her shoe laces. She removed one shoe and I removed the other, awkwardly and with some expletives, not in small part due to the fact that we each were only working with one hand. My other hand was trying to get a nipple hard through her shirt and bra, and her other hand was pulling on my dick shaft and squeezing the head. After her second shoe thudded to the floor, I held on to her tits with my fingertips while I thrust my hips at her. She made a moaning/growling noise as my tip started to leak, squeezing my shaft hard with one hand while using her other fingers to smear the semen around the head.
Then she hopped down and I tried to undo her pants with one hand while holding her close with the other and kissing her again. Mouths sucking and slurping, she fought with my hand down there and got her pants open and down past her hips. Lowering myself as I peeled her pants down her legs, I came face to face with her small bikini panties that were beginning to slide down, noticeably devoid of any hair along the top. Ordinarily I’d want to take my time exploring a new sexual partner, but we were too far along for that. So I just smiled up at my manager’s flushed face, grabbed the sides of her panties, and pulled them down, catching her pants at her knees and dragging everything down to her ankles.
She turned away, but not before I got a brief but explicitly close up view of her pussy, closely trimmed pubic hair adorning her prominent slit, and a whiff of the musky scent that went along with it. That sweet ass was mine for a few seconds as she was facing the bar: I caressed her toned cheeks, ran my hands down the back of her legs to her calves, and then back up to grab two handfuls.
Terri turned back around to face me, I thought too soon until I was greeted by her pussy again, but then cut that short by pulling on my arms to get me to stand up, She kicked off one of the legs of her pants, the other leg and her panties still caught around the other ankle as I grabbed that firm bare ass and plopped her back up on the stool. She already had the empty condom packet carelessly thrown on the bar top, the contents at the ready. She poised the circle on my eager tip, and we both hurriedly rolled it down my shaft. Her legs were apart, and I stared in wonder at the glorious sight before me: her pink lips were parted slightly, moisture collecting along the slit, and her bush was trimmed in such a way that gave me the impression that she kept it manicured and presentable because any guy at any time might be getting some of it.
She pulled me close and locked lips with me as I grabbed a tit. Her hand bent my rigid cock from 45 degrees to horizontal and swiped her slit with the tip.
Leaning forward, my cock penetrated my manager’s eager vaginal opening, driving in completely in one motion. I wanted to savor it, but she immediately started bucking her hips, sliding off and back on several times. This wasn’t going to be a romantic encounter, I had to keep telling myself, so I lunged forward time and time again, filling this naughty lady’s warm, willing cunt. It wasn’t tight by any means, but I wasn’t complaining because she probably thought I wasn’t big by any means, so I just figured as far as we were concerned a fuck was a fuck, and let her have it.
Her pants and panties had dropped off her foot by now, and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I stood there plunging into her. I worked a hand inside her shirt, which, even though snugly fitting, had enough give to allow my palm to travel up to her tit with ease. Over her bra, I pinched at a nipple. She squirmed. I wasn’t sure if my pinch did it, or if she was just so fucking horny that she was doing herself off on me. I didn’t care.
Fucking me furiously, Terri grunted and breathed hotly into my neck and ear, making noises that almost sounded like words like “fuck” and “cock” and “cum”.
I wanted to do so much more. I wanted to turn her around. I wanted to pull her shirt off. I wanted to lean her back on the bar. I wanted to slurp those tits. I wanted to sit and have her ride me. I wanted to eat her out. I wanted to yank off the condom and feed her my cock.
But I didn’t have the chance. My balls tightened up before I could stop them, and released their contents with such an explosion that I feared it would burst the condom. Grunt after gasping grunt, thrust after trembling thrust, I emptied myself up into my slutty lady manager, my orgasm inevitable and unstoppable.
My balls drained and my orgasm subsiding, I endeavored to pleasure Terri with whatever boner I had left. I separated a bit and moved my hand to our sex, pumping my cock in and out while fumbling amateurishly for her clit. I stimulated her in a way that I thought was satisfactory, massaging her glans while jamming my erection into her luscious hole as long as it would last.
“Relax, shit,” Terri laughed. I was so tensed up that it took a minute to make myself calm down. She kissed me less passionately and stroked my bare ass. “That was quite the climax, but you can calm down now.”
“Did you…?”
“Climax?” Almost a snicker. “No, but you almost fucking blacked out, you came so hard.”
I couldn’t deny it. There was no use pretending I hadn’t blown my load or that I could continue. She’d know soon enough.
With Terri still perched wide-legged on the barstool, I backed off, watching her cunt lips close together after I withdrew my pecker that was sheathed with the condom, now slimy inside and out. I was slightly embarrassed to have cum so fast, but I tried to make myself believe that next time I fucked her, I would really treat her to an experience. I stood there making out with her, condom sliding off my drooping cock, fingers at her snatch, trying to get her off manually, reaching inside her warm slick tunnel with three fingers and massaging her firm unhooded clit. She really seemed to appreciate it in a moment of relative tenderness, but eventually she said she was good and I stopped.
“You made a fucking mess,” Terri told me, nodding downward. While I was so enraptured by the feeling of her warm, silky cunt around my fingers, the condom must have slipped off under the weight of the spunk inside and splatted to the floor.
“You did too.” I pointed at the glistening wet streak on the barstool.
I used some bar napkins to wipe up my goo while she grabbed some for herself to remove the wet spot from the stool. Pulling up our pants and wiping the remaining wetness from our naughty bits, we were ready to go. She wadded up the spent condom and its packet, and our wet napkins, into a bunch, handing it to me. “We can’t leave a used condom and pussy-scented napkins as the only thing in the trash can. You’ll have to take this with you.” I wasn’t going to argue, and obediently carried the wet package with me, wrapped up with plenty more napkins to keep the mess off my hands, as she turned off the music, set the alarm and we scooted out the door.
Elizabeth was there, hanging out at her boyfriend’s car with him, smoking and talking. We gave each other waves as Terri and I departed. I had a couple blocks to walk to where my car was parked, and found a public trash can along the way. Before dumping the naughty little package, I gave it a sniff, breathing in the final scent of my manager’s pussy.
I never fucked Terri again, never got to see those great tits, never got to make her orgasm. Mostly because not two weeks later, she was fired, rumor had it something about inventory counts being off, like, consistently, and only on her closing nights. I quit not to long thereafter, fearful that I’d be connected to the missing inventory, and that someone would ask about inappropriate relations and I’d be a bad liar. It was creepy the way Elizabeth looked at me for those next few shifts. She never said anything, but I think she knew.