Miss Callahan, ch. 11

"Emma King knew how to win. Until Miss Callahan arrived."

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Chapter 11

Lauren: Where are you?

Me: So needy.

I laugh at my own text. Which isn’t even funny, but I’m already feeling a little tipsy from the glass of champagne I downed when I first got to the bar. I’m here before anyone else from our team since I needed a moment alone before I have to socialize. In general, I believe champagne should be sipped, but I’m full of nerves right now and I need something to calm them.

Lauren: Cheeky. Don’t forget whose mercy you’ll be at tonight.

And there it is. The reason for my nerves. Well that, and my impending conversation with Jackie. But those are a very different set of nerves. This game with Lauren is making me nervous, but also incredibly excited. I’m thankful I wore loose pants today or I don’t even know how this would work.

Me: I’m at the bar.

I send the text accompanied with a photo of myself and my glass.

Lauren: You look cute. And slightly drunk. How many drinks have you had?

Me: Just one. But someone made me skip lunch. Are you in charge of my alcohol consumption now?

I don’t know if it’s because of the alcohol running through my system or if I’m just more emboldened with Lauren in general, but I feel more confident than I usually do over our texts and I’m in the mood to push her a little.

Lauren: So sassy tonight. Would you like me to be in charge of that darling?

I don’t respond right away. I take the final sip of my drink as I look down at her question. I know she’s playing, but her words also make me think.

Having never been involved in any dynamic like the one I have with Lauren, I don’t know how far it extends outside the bedroom. But even with that ambiguity, I still feel a rush of excitement over the possibilities that being with Lauren holds. I decide not to address her comment directly.

Me: I’d like for you to get here. When is that happening?

Lauren: Now who’s needy?

I can see she’s still typing so I wait.

Lauren: I’m leaving the office now. Are you ready for me?

I know exactly what she’s talking about and my eyes subconsciously move over to the bag that’s holding the vibrator.

Me: Not yet…

Lauren: I suggest you do that soon. Michelle says there’s a table under her name you can grab for us.

Me: Michelle knows we’re texting?

Lauren: She thinks we’re coordinating. She doesn’t know how naughty you’re about to be.

Me: I’m not the only naughty one here.

Lauren: Now I’m starting to get the impression you’re trying to get a spanking.

I can’t even tell what I feel more strongly— the wetness that just pooled in my panties or the blush that I can feel heating my cheeks.

I’m careful not to press any of the keys on my phone in case she can see my indecision on how to answer. I wasn’t specifically aiming for a spanking, but now that she’s mentioned it, my mind is almost hyper focused on the memory of her hand coming down on my ass.

Me: Is it working?

Lauren: Go to the bathroom and get ready for my arrival. We’ll talk about your blatant sass later.

I smile at my phone and suddenly the idea of inserting a vibrator she has control over isn’t as nerve wracking. It’s fucking hot. In the back of my mind I know it’s probably a bad idea with Jackie’s imminent arrival and our plans for after this. But like so many things right now, pleasing and playing with Lauren overrides all other thoughts. I send Lauren a final text.

Me: Yes, miss. Going now. See you soon.

I pay for my drink and head to the bathroom before I find the hostess so I can grab the reserved table. Every step that takes me closer to the bathroom makes my pussy throb harder.

Luckily the bathrooms in this bar are private so it won’t be hard to get what I need out of my bag. As I take out the vibrator, I shake my head and smile again at Lauren’s vibrant color choice. She never seemed like the pink type.

I shouldn’t be surprised how easily the vibrator slips into my pussy. Her texts about spanking me did its job to give me all the lubricant I need. In fact, I think I’ve been in some kind of perpetual state of wetness since Lauren arrived back in Seattle.

It’s not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be but I’m also anxious to get to a seat so I don’t have to stand or walk with it in for too long. I’m suddenly incredibly thankful I got to this event so early.

As I head back out to the front of the bar, I don’t see any of my colleagues and assume they’re still not here yet so I l give Michelle’s name to the hostess who takes me to a long table in the back of the room.

My nerves spike again as I sit there and wait for the others to arrive, which doesn’t take long. Michelle and Lauren stride up to the table first, but I can also see Jackie and two other designers entering the front of the bar at the same time.

Whatever confidence I found in the bathroom as I was putting the vibrator in, vanishes the second I look up at Lauren and see her teasing smile.

“Thanks for grabbing the table, Emma. We had a briefing call with the San Francisco office that went over,” Michelle says.

“No problem. I got here early.”

Lauren doesn’t say anything as she takes the seat at the head of the table, but she hasn’t lost that smile. It gets slightly bigger as she sets her phone on the table, looks at it pointedly, and then brings her eyes back up to mine.

“Are you ready?” she asks me.

My mouth opens and closes and to Michelle, I must look scandalized by the question. But Lauren quickly follows up her statement with another question. “Or have you already ordered yourself something?”

The teasing smile still hasn’t left her face and I can tell that she’s enjoying how much she’s making me squirm.

“No. I haven’t but the server should be by,” I say, looking at Michelle instead of Lauren.

“Good. I could use a large glass of wine,” Michelle says as she settles into the seat next to Lauren.

It’s not lost on me that Lauren’s seat at the head of the table gives her the perfect cover to text or play with her phone. It would have been a lot harder if Michelle was sitting right next to her.

Soon Jackie and the two designers I saw enter with her are at the table and taking their seats. I’m not surprised but am slightly annoyed that Jackie decides to sit right next to me. Which is irrational since we always end up sitting next to each other at team happy hours.

“Hey,” she says to me as she slides onto the chair. “You left the office early.”

Her tone is tentative, almost nervous. And I’m sure she’s thinking about our plans later. Or maybe she’s still feeling weird about the way I left Lauren’s office earlier.

“Yeah, I decided to head out after my last call,” I say back.

“Hey guys,” Jackie says to Lauren and Michelle across the table.

And that was probably the friendliest greeting I’ve ever heard her deliver to Lauren. Either she’s listening to what Lauren said earlier or she’s behaving in front of Michelle, but either way I’m grateful we can get through this happy hour without tension. Well, a certain kind of tension. I certainly feel a very different kind of tension from the woman sitting two chairs down from me.

“Hey Jackie,” Michelle says with a smile on her face. “If this place isn’t good, I told everyone they can blame you for the recommendation.”

“And if it’s good? Do I get an invitation on your boat?”

I have a feeling Jackie’s trying to make me laugh, given our conversation earlier about Michelle’s boat name, but I just look ahead. The last thing I want is for my boss to know I was making fun of her.

“Not a chance, but keep trying,” Michelle says back with a wink.

Three more people from our team filter into the bar and take seats at the table before the server comes over to take our drink order. After I ask for my usual glass of champagne, I notice Lauren put her phone in her lap out of the corner of my eye.

Sarah Alvin who leads our research team and was involved in the Interplay pitch is the last to arrive and takes the chair next to mine. Besides Jackie, Sarah is probably the person I know best at Altitude. The three of us are the only lesbians in the office and the rare times I go out to lesbian parties, it’s usually with them.

I’ve always appreciated Sarah’s style and swagger. She’s much more masculine than Jackie and I are and fits in with the cool, hipster Seattle vibe that I’ve never managed to adopt.

“Sorry,” she says as she puts her motorcycle helmet on the seat next to her. “Wanted to find a secure area to park my bike. This street is sketchy. Who chose this bar?”

“That would be Jackie,” Michelle says back. “She claims the bars I choose are too corporate.”

“Sarah just loves an excuse to remind people that she rides a motorcycle,” Jackie says.

“I don’t need to tell people that, Jack. I have a helmet,” Sarah says as she points to the chair next to her.

“You could just carry that around,” Jackie quips back quickly.

“Who would do that?” Sarah asks with a laugh.

“You’ll have to excuse them,” Michelle says to Lauren. “These are my Three Musketeers. Research, strategy and design. I can’t take them anywhere. If they weren’t so good at making us money, they’d have been fired a while ago.”

“I think there was a compliment in there somewhere,” I say back to Michelle with a playful smile.

“I can see that,” Lauren says to Michelle. “I’ll keep an eye on them.”

Despite her use of them word “them”, her eyes are settled on me. Luckily, it’s in this moment that the server comes back with our drinks.

As I reach up to grab my drink from the woman, I suddenly feel a very light vibration hit my clit. Even with the knowledge that it was coming soon, the feeling of the activated vibrator makes me jerk my hand as I grab my flute, causing some of the champagne to spill over. The intake of breath that suddenly escapes my mouth doesn’t help hide my surprise.

“You ok, Ems?” Lauren asks but her voice sounds anything but concerned.

“Yeah, how many did you have before we got here?” Jackie asks.

“Just one,” I say and I can feel that my face is bright red as I take the closest napkin to wipe up the spill.

The vibration stops and I can feel my pussy throbbing for more.

“Leave her alone,” Sarah says as she grabs another napkin and helps to wipe up some of the champagne for me. “Have you seen the server? I would have spilled too.”

“Ok, enough objectifying women in front of your bosses,” Michelle says, but I can tell from her tone that she’s not serious.

The agency world can be an interesting culture. What constitutes as “professional” topics of conversation at a normal company are pushed in this world. But usually you keep those conversations to your own level so I also understand Michell’s comment. Sarah and Jackie often just don’t care about the hierarchy or politics of the agency.

“Yeah, yeah,” Sarah says with a wink to Michelle.

“How about a toast before Emma loses any more of her drink?” Lauren says with a smile to me.

I still haven’t recovered from the first vibration and can only give her a tight smile back. I hope she’s not expecting me to be the one to give a toast. Considering the effort I’m putting into not breathing heavily, speaking is completely out of the question.

I can see Lauren’s hand move under the table as she holds up her drink with the other hand and I don’t even have time to prepare myself before I feel the vibration back on, only slightly stronger this time.

“Thank you all for giving me such a warm welcome these past few weeks. I know it’s not always easy having someone new come in, but I’m very excited to be working with you all. I think we’ll do some great things together,” Lauren toasts, landing her gaze on me.

As she stops talking the vibration stops again. Everyone puts their glasses in together and once I’ve taken a sip, I have to put my hands on my legs because I can tell they’re shaking slightly. I close my eyes for only a second and breathe in slowly through my nose.

This is such a strange sensation. My mind is aware that I’m surrounded by co-workers, but my body is buzzing with arousal and every time the vibration starts, I can feel myself getting even wetter. I feel like I’m physically sitting there, but mentally, I’m on an entirely different plane than anyone around.

I’m barely aware of the conversation that unfolds naturally around me. I’m vaguely aware that they’re discussing Lauren’s move, but the details of what’s being said don’t land anywhere solid in my brain.

“That was the one that Emma presented at actually,” Sarah says and her use of my name jars me from my hazy, orgasmic thoughts.

“What?” I ask.

“Thanks for joining us, space cadet,” Jackie says while giving me a strange look.

I have no idea how long I was just sitting there, but everyone’s eyes are suddenly on me.

“The South by Southwest presentation you did,” Sarah says. “Lauren’s team hosted the SXSW Altitude party that year.”

My eyes go to Lauren who isn’t even trying to hide the amusement in her own bright green ones.

“But I didn’t get a chance to see your presentation,” she says to me, not breaking eye contact.

“She was amazing,” Sarah says. “The room was packed and they had her in one of the large conference rooms. It was the first time I got to see Emma on stage and man, she’s good.”

If I wasn’t so focused on Lauren’s face, I probably would have blushed at Sarah’s words. But as it is, I can’t even manage to say thank you.

“I’ve learned that for myself since being in Seattle,” Lauren says as she breaks eye contact and looks over at Sarah before bringing her eyes back to me. “What was the presentation on?”

“Basically, it was—”

The vibration starts again and this time it catches me even more off guard than the last time since I didn’t notice Lauren’s hand slide down to her lap.

“Um,” is all I’m able to get out after that.

I put my hand up to my forehead for a moment and take a breath through my nose. The vibration setting is too low to get me to an orgasm, but just strong enough that I’m losing all ability to form words.

Jackie moves her hand up to feel my forehead and presses her fingers in before she brings them down to push some of my hair behind my ear.

“Are you feeling ok? You look like you’re burning up.”

I look back to Lauren whose eyes are narrowed slightly as she stares at Jackie’s hand now resting on my shoulder, playing with the ends of my hair.

“I’m fine,” I say to Jackie, shifting so she has to move her hand. “The champagne just went to my head for a moment.”

The vibration continues but I’m not going to let Lauren completely win this game so I grip my leg as I look back to her. I take in a breath before I attempt to speak.

“As I was saying, the presentation was about how agencies can leverage data to be better storytellers. And the ways we can use insights to do that.”

My presentation was far more complicated than that, but that’s about as much as I can get out as the vibration continues at a steady beat against my pussy. I breath through my nose again and give her what I hope, is a subtly pleading look. If she doesn’t turn it off, I’m going to come.

“Very interesting,” Lauren says back and I can’t tell if she’s talking about my presentation topic or how clearly flustered I am.

“That’s the only time I’ve been to Austin,” Sarah chimes in again and I’m grateful she’s able to keep the conversation going as I try to hold off an orgasm. “What’s the office there like?”

Michelle is always a little bit awkward at company events and Jackie seems to close up any time Lauren is around. Luckily Sarah seems oblivious to anything being amiss and seems happy to drive things along. For an analyst, she’s surprisingly skilled in social situations.

Finally, I see Lauren’s hand go down to her lap and the vibration stops again. I let out another breath that I hope everyone doesn’t notice.

“Well, Austin is very different outside of March when all the South by Southwest activity is happening. It’s a lovely city though. Great food. The Austin office has much of the same feel as Seattle. A more casual, laid back vibe than you’d see in one of our east coast offices.”

“Oh, so most of the senior men are sleeping with the junior women in Austin too?” Sarah asks.

I can see Jackie glance my way, but I ignore it. What Sarah is referring to isn’t the same at all as my situation. There’s only one level in between Lauren and me. Sarah is referring to the many married men who sleep with women far too young for them at company retreats and things like that.

“You know we have a strict fraternization rule,” Michelle scoffs.

I hear Jackie laugh beside me. “Come on Michelle, it’s not that strict.”

“Yeah, you should tell that rule to the creative team,” Sarah jokes.

“How did the creative team get brought into this?” Jackie asks with mock offense. “We’re too busy with our coloring books. Tell it to the development team,” she adds, nodding her head in my direction.

Lauren, who only moments before was smiling at the quick banter, has a sudden crease between her brow. I turn my head to Jackie and give her a subtle look that I hope conveys my need for her to shut up.

“Emma, defend your honor. You can’t let a lowly designer throw you shade,” Sarah says, clearly not aware that the joke is over and the table is tense.

“Emma, you don’t need to defend anything. Lauren is going to start to think we’re all as unprofessional as these two,” Michelle says as she points to Jackie and Sarah.

Jackie lets out a harsh laugh at Michelle’s comment. “I’m sure Lauren isn’t that delicate.”

Lauren gives Jackie a slow smile. “No, Jackie. I’m not.”

I can’t take the tension anymore and my pussy feels like it’s on fire so I stand up. The others at the table look at me expectantly and I can see that Jackie looks concerned again.

“I’m going to get a glass of water from the bar. Our server hasn’t been by in a while. Any one need anything while I’m up?”

When nobody does, I leave the table without looking at Lauren or Jackie. The bar is close to our table, but luckily there’s a wall in between so I can have a moment to myself. I ask the bartender for a glass of water and sit with it for a moment before I head back to the table.

As I down the last of the water, I feel the vibration pick up again, but this time it’s strong. I can’t do anything but sink back onto the bar stool and put my hands on the top of the counter to grip.

Luckily, it’s still early and the bar is relatively empty. Not that it would matter with how fast paced the vibrations are coming in. No amount of people near me would be able to stop the orgasm that’s about to hit me.

And hit me, it does. I close my eyes and just hope the bartender stays busy at the other end. I’m sure to anyone watching, I look like I’m about to be sick. I can’t help but lean forward and rest my head on my hands on the bar as I let the familiar wave roll through me.

It’s not as intense as when it’s Lauren’s own fingers or mouth, but the fact that I just came sitting at a bar alone while my co-workers are just feet away, has my pussy throbbing harder than it has, maybe ever.

I’m about to go to the bathroom to take it out when the vibration finally stops. And I’m thankful because I couldn’t handle the sensation anymore and I honestly have no idea where I would have hidden it in the bathroom. The last thing I want is for some poor bar employee to find my vibrator in a fake bathroom plant.

As soon as I feel like I can walk again, I leave the empty glass on the bar and head back to the group. Lauren is now down the table talking to some of the other people that have filtered in. She barely looks up at me when I come back in, which I’m thankful for because my face is already red enough.

“All good?” Jackie asks as I sit back down.

“Yes, much better,” I reply.

“Do you want to stay here longer or can we cut out?” she asks.

It’s not unusual to go to an office happy hour for just one drink so I know we won’t look rude if we leave now, especially on a Friday. I subtly look down the table to see that Lauren is still engaged with the others. Her phone is now on the table so I’m guessing our game is done. Which is good since I can’t handle another public orgasm.

“Let’s go,” I say. “Where?”

“There’s a dive bar at the end of the street I’ve never been to. Want to grab a drink there?” she asks as we stand up from the table.

“Sure. Let me just run to the bathroom really quick.”

“I’ll wait outside for you.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Washing the vibrator doesn’t do anything to lessen my arousal. Even with the orgasm I just had at the bar, the whole scenario has only made my hunger for Lauren stronger. Submitting to her like that was so hot and erotic and I want to push it further. I want to explore so many more sexy scenarios with her.

As I’m drying the vibrator, I hear a text come into my phone and I instantly know who it is.

Lauren: All situated in there, darling?

Me: I’m so turned on still I may come just walking to the next bar.

Lauren: Without my permission again?

I pause before answering. I assume Lauren knows that the setting she put the vibrator on when I walked away from the table earlier would make me come. But I decide to play along.

Me: Again? I have no idea what you could mean.

Lauren: Next time I have an orgasm, I’m going to call it “going to the bar for a glass of water”

Busted. Though to be fair, that was probably what Lauren was aiming for when she put that thing on full blast. She sends a follow-up text when I don’t respond.

Lauren: I’ll take your silence as confirmation.

I may have had an orgasm, but it wasn’t enough. I need more. Drinks with Jackie won’t take all night, in fact, it might not take much time at all depending on how it goes. And I know I won’t be able to think about much else if I don’t get to see Lauren again tonight. Alone, with no time constraints.

Me: I want you to come over. Later.

I quickly send a follow-up text, knowing my first request would be seen with harsh words if I don’t ask nicely.

Me: Please.

Lauren: Is this a preemptive booty call?

I don’t have much time to banter as I leave the bathroom and head to the entrance. I don’t want Jackie to see who I’m texting so I stop at the front door of the bar.

As I lean against the wall so I can finish texting, my eyes catch Lauren’s across the other side of the room. She’s still sitting with Michelle and Sarah and I can’t see her phone, so it must be nestled in her lap. We maintain intense eye contact for a moment before I go back to my phone.

Me: I need you, miss.

I bring my gaze up from my phone to see Lauren looking down to her lap. When she brings her eyes back to mine, her face looks serious but there’s also a hint of something I’ve become familiar with— arousal. She picks up her phone to text and a moment later, it comes into my own.

Lauren: Text me your address. Let me know when you’re on your way home.

Me: I will, miss.

Lauren: See you soon, baby.

I don’t look at her again as I push off the wall and head out to meet Jackie. I have to remind myself that this conversation with Jackie is important and she needs my undivided attention.

My throbbing pussy and demanding Miss Callahan will have to wait.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“What did Guy do?”

“He put the poor kid on suspension. But he didn’t fire him.”

Jackie takes another long drink of her beer before she continues with her story.

“But the client apparently sent the whole team a photo of Zach sleeping on camera and said he won’t be paying for that meeting.”

“Wow. I mean, I did some stupid stuff when I was first starting out, but nothing like falling asleep on a client video call.”

“Yeah, so that’s how my day ended. How was yours? You get through the competitive analysis for Ellison?”

I take a sip of my own beer and give a small shudder. I don’t generally drink beer, but I also refuse to order champagne at a dive bar.

“Yes, and I started working on those slides for the pitch. Based on what Lauren told us, I think we’ll really need to emphasize for the board members present just how much Donnelly has failed sustainability messaging in the past.”

Jackie nods, looking at her beer, but doesn’t say anything. I know we’re not here to talk about work and bringing up Lauren’s name just now probably didn’t help. I’m stalling but I’m also scared to talk about what we need to talk about.

“When will the pitch rehearsals start?” she asks.

Apparently, Jackie isn’t eager to broach the subject of our relationship either.

“Two weeks. We’ll spend the rest of next week finalizing the campaign ideas and research. Then we’ll start on the presentation with your brilliant touch, of course.”

She gives me a tight smile before looking back to her beer bottle.

“Do you think you’ll stay at Altitude?” she suddenly asks.

“I haven’t really thought about it lately. I don’t have any reason to leave and my trajectory is good. Why? This isn’t your way of telling me that you’re quitting is it?”

“No,” she says with a real smile and it’s nice to see one cross her face again.

“Because if that’s what’s going on—”

“It’s not,” she says, cutting me off. “I guess sometimes I wonder why you stay at Altitude. You could easily have Michelle’s job and probably even Lauren’s. You’re more talented than both.”

What starts as a compliment quickly ends as another jab at Lauren and I’ve officially had enough. We came here for a reason and I’m going to get to that reason.

“So, is that it then? You’re upset I work at Altitude?”

“What? No,” she says quickly.

“Then can we talk about the real issue? Whatever it is you’ve been feeling lately.”

She continues to play with the label on her bottle so I lightly put my hand on her wrist.

“Jackie, come on. I know there’s something going on and I wish you would just talk to me.”

She looks down at my hand for a beat too long, so I move it back. I don’t want a simple touch to give her the wrong idea. She brings her eyes up to mine and has a serious, un-Jackie-like expression on her face.

“There’s nobody I enjoy spending time with more than you, Ems. I guess lately I’ve been feeling that more and more. And I thought maybe the reason it ended with us before was because we work together.”

She doesn’t look at me as she says it and instead moves her eyes back the now empty bottle in front of her.

I look at her profile before I answer. Jackie is beautiful. When I first met her, I was completely taken by her long dark hair, equally dark eyes and full eyebrows that seem to show every emotion she feels. Jackie’s parents are both Brazilian and were more than generous in the genetics department with their only daughter. And if beauty was enough, then Jackie would be perfect.

“It didn’t work for a lot of reasons, but I don’t think our jobs were the issue,” I say carefully back.

“Then what was?”

“I just don’t think we have the right chemistry. We’re too similar.”

I don’t know how to say what I really feel. I don’t even know how to put it to words. Lauren has opened my eyes to so much and I know that Jackie and I are just not compatible that way.

“Isn’t being similar and having things in common a good thing in a relationship?” she asks.

“I guess so, but not in all ways” I say, fumbling over my words. “Jackie, I love spending time with you too. And we make amazing friends. But there isn’t fire between us. I need that.”

“Is this about Lauren?” she asks, spinning her stool towards me.

“No, this has nothing to do with Lauren. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

“How can you say that when I can literally see the sexual tension brewing between you two?”

“Stop it. You’re not seeing anything.”

“How about the way she was eye fucking you all through that happy hour?”

“Jackie,” I say on a sigh.

My mind races back to my conversation this morning in Lauren’s car about people at the office finding out. Lauren certainly didn’t help things by looking at me like that all through the happy hour and I’m not surprised Jackie noticed. But it’s also none of her business and I’m sick of having to defend myself.

“Ems, please tell me you’re not stupid enough to sleep with her again?”

“Seriously, Jackie? You buy me a drink, tell me you have feelings for me and then finish that up by calling me stupid?”

“Come on, you know that’s not what I meant.”

“No, I’m pretty sure that is what you meant.”

I take a few deep breaths before I continue. Jackie’s face looks shattered, but I also know what I need to say to her. I don’t want to say it angry, even though her comment still upsets me, so I take the last sip of my beer before pushing it aside.

“I don’t have the same feelings you do. I love you very much. But just as a friend. My best friend, Jack. But that’s all it will ever be and who I decide to sleep with, is just none of your business.”

“So that’s it then,” she says in a flat voice I’m not used to hearing from her.

She moves off the bar stool and puts on her coat.

“Jackie, wait. Please don’t leave like this.”

She walks a few steps towards the door and then turns around. Her face looks hard and the voice that comes out matches it.

“This is the problem with being exes, co-workers and friends. I have to see you on Monday no matter what, we do work together. But beyond that, I need space.”

“If that’s what you want,” I say back quietly.

“It is,” she says as she takes one small step back in my direction. “She’s just using you. Probably to get back at her ex-wife. I’ll try not to say ‘I told you so’ when she breaks your heart.”

She turns back towards the door and leaves the bar. I turn on the stool and stare at the wall for a few minutes thinking. I could order another drink, but I know that won’t help anything.

It’s obvious Jackie meant to hurt me with her last comment, but all it did was make me want to prove her wrong. And there was one way to do that. I pick up my phone and send a quick text before leaving the bar.

Me: On my way home, miss.

Published 4 years ago

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