Desmond And The French Connection Part 2

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The Next Morning: Thursday

I woke up with half an erection and a pounding headache. I was in a strange bed wedged between two bodies. A woman’s hand rested on my chest, and her light breathing warmed the back of my neck. She was spooning me, just as I was spooning the other woman. I had an arm around her with my hand on her tummy, holding her body against mine, my sleepy little rooster nestled happily between her cheeks.

The feel of her crack cuddling my cock should have had me a lot harder, but with such a vicious headache and a thoroughly addled brain? No chance. Where the hell was I? How did I get here? Who the fuck were these women?

The fog faded, and memories of yesterday gradually returned. I’d started a new job. My new boss and her personal assistant had taken me out to lunch. Wine fueled flirting had led to an under-the-table hand job. The delicate and gentle one had started it, but it was the other’s strong, rough hand that made me cream my pants.

The woman I was spooning had caramel skin and long, black, curly hair, so she was the PA. Margie? No, it was Margot, and our boss was… um… Giselle! It had to be her pussy warming my butt.

‘You’re awake,’ she whispered. My cock twitched. It might have been the touch of her soft lips to the nape of my neck, the mellow timbre of her voice, her delightful French accent, or the thrill of her fingernail teasing my nipple.

‘I wish I was dead.’ I was not exaggerating by much.

‘I’m not surprised. Don’t move. I’ll get you something.’ She kissed me again and got out of bed.

As I waited for her, I slid my hand up Margot’s tummy to cup one of her generous boobs, at least a C and perhaps even a D. Giselle pulled down the sheet. ‘Her thong looks good on you.’

Her what?

She gave me a sharp, stinging slap on the butt, then slipped a suppository into my back door. ‘Nice ass!’ She said and punctuated it with another stinging slap. She slid back into bed behind me with her curly bush lightly caressing my butt as she again fingered my nipple. ‘Go back to sleep now.’

I don’t know how long I was out. When I woke up, Margot was still sleeping in my arms but there was no trace of Giselle, my headache or an upset tummy. Her magic pill had worked a wonder. The fog had cleared, and yesterday was no longer a black hole in my head.

My rooster, even if still resting between her cheeks, was still far from ready to crow. I couldn’t help myself. I took a few light strokes to stiffen him up. Her glutes were quite firm but still comfy enough for me.

Thinking of her rock-hard butt, did I mention that Margot had an athletic physique? Yesterday she’d given me a dramatic demonstration of just how athletic she was …

Yesterday: Wednesday Afternoon

We’d walked from the restaurant to Giselle’s place. Even at the boss’s double-time pace, it took us over half-an-hour. The heat and humidity of a Toronto summer had left us soaked in sweat by the time we arrived at her lake-side condo.

An elevator whisked us from the lobby to the 27th floor in nothing flat. Giselle led us to her unit, unlocked the door, and then stood aside. ‘You may do the honours,’ she said to Margot.

‘Thank you, sensei,’ she said, beaming.


Margot swept me off my feet and had me cradled in her arms before I could digest that little nugget. She carried me over the threshold as if I were a shy bride or a toy poodle. Since I was a little taller and a fair bit heavier than her, being swept off my feet with such consummate ease was more than just a surprise. It was insanely hot. I put an arm around her neck and kissed her cheek, and suddenly she was jamming her tongue into my mouth. Subtlety was not in Margot’s skill set.

She took me to a large sofa in the centre of the vast living room and sat down with me on her lap. Giselle sat beside us and started playing with the new bulge in my pants. ‘I see he’s a boy scout,’ she said.

‘Yes, he’s pitching quite the nice little tent, isn’t he? How did you know he’d enjoy being carried by a woman?’

‘Years of experience, darling. The first thing we need is a shower. Let’s get nude.’ We stood and Giselle started for the staircase by the window.

I hesitated. ‘Can I use the toilet first?’

‘Show him, darling, and look after… things.’

Margot smirked. ‘This way.’ She led me down a short hallway to a smaller room with a full bookshelf, a leather chair, and a footstool.

‘This is Giselle’s private retreat.’ She opened the door to a small en suite bathroom with a sink, a toilet, and a remote controller. She handed it to me ‘Do you know how to use a bidet?’

‘A what?’ She laughed and showed me how to use the remote. ‘But where’s – ‘

‘It’s built into the bowl, but you’ll have to sit to pee. I’ll wait for you outside.’

‘I can find my way.’ But she just smirked again and closed the door.

When I came out, her skirt was on the footstool, and she was sitting in the chair with her legs crossed and a high-heel dangling from her big toe. She waved me closer, but I couldn’t move. I stared. She grinned, uncrossed her legs and parted her knees. Her mesmerizing panties were skimpy but gorgeous, a rich wine colour beautifully trimmed with black lace. ‘Don’t be shy. Get over here.’

Of course, I obeyed. ‘Aren’t we going upstairs?’

‘I just want you all to myself for a few minutes.’ She leaned forward, licked her lips, took hold of my waistband. ‘Closer,’ she said and pulled me another half-step forward. Looking up at me with a feral grin, she unbuckled my belt, unzipped my trousers, and pulled them down to my knees. My briefs followed. My cock was starting to swell, and, when she took him in her hand, it was with surprising delicacy. A few light strokes made him longer and fatter. ‘Do you know what I want?’ she asked.

‘I can guess, but I sure know what I want.’

She laughed, puckered her lips and blew a stream of warm air over the crown, then landed a stinging slap on each of my butt cheeks. The pleasure made me squirm. ‘After we shower. Maybe. For now, I want you over my knees with your cock between my thighs.’ That was almost as good. As my rapidly swelling cock touched the skin of her thigh, she clamped her legs together and squeezed. Her thighs became steel bands that locked me in nice and tight, ready and eager for a proper over-the-knee spanking.

It didn’t happen. All she did was squirt lube into my ass followed by what felt like a few litres of warm water. ‘What’s going on?’ I asked. ‘Are you going to peg me?’

‘We haven’t decided yet. Sex is like cooking. The big difference is that we make up our recipes as we go, but we still need to do the prep. Back to the toilet with you. Hold it in as long as you can, and don’t forget the bidet. You’ll need to rinse.’ She opened the door to leave, paused and added, ‘Come upstairs when you’re ready.’ Then she was gone.



The stairway from the living room took me straight to the heaven that was Giselle’s bedroom. It was about the size of an Olympic swimming pool. The en suite shower room was big enough for a party of six plus a DJ, but I could only see two lovely women undressing each other. It wasn’t just about unbuttoning buttons, unzipping zips, unhooking bras, and slipping off panties. It was wandering, stroking, groping hands, murmuring lips kissing, probing tongues, pussy-grinding thighs, breasts sliding over breasts, and pleasured sighs.

Now and then a garment would flutter to the floor. All too soon Giselle flicked her tongue over Margot’s erect nipple one more time and then led her into the shower. Margot smiled at me. ‘Be a good boy, Desie. Come along.’ I hadn’t even started to undress, but it didn’t take me long to join them.

They were washing each other, and both beautiful bodies were well lathered. Margot was using her voluptuous breasts to scrub Giselle from her small but firm boobs to her pussy and back. As I entered, she stepped behind Giselle and went to work on her back. Her hands slid around her waist and then up to cup her breasts and tease her nipples. Giselle stood facing me with her legs well apart. Her face was an invitation that I was happy to accept.

I knelt before her, took hold of her butt with both hands, and leaned forward to taste her beautifully trimmed bush. She stopped me with a hand on my forehead. ‘New hires start at the bottom and work their way to the top.’

I bent down to the floor to kiss her feet, but she took hold of my ears and pulled my face up to her knees. ‘Good idea, Desmond, but you are a fully qualified lawyer. You don’t have to start in the sub-basement. You can start there.’

I was more than happy to oblige, and in a few long, slow minutes, her clit was on the tip of my tongue. I licked it, pursed my lips and kissed it. I bared my teeth and rubbed them gently across her swollen nub. I breathed gently on her, heard her breathing get faster and deeper, and felt her tension building. I licked circles around her lovely clit, and then did it all again, only harder and faster, up and down and side to side. She moaned, and I looked up.

Margot was still behind her, supporting her and clutching her breasts. Giselle’s hands held Margot’s, insisting on a firmer grip. She turned her face up, and Margot leaned down, and they kissed. They bared their hearts and souls with that long, perfect and intimate kiss.

What a beautiful sight it was! But I was intruding. I closed my eyes and focused my mind, heart, and soul on Giselle, her scent, her taste, her texture.

Her breaths were coming louder, and she was holding my head tightly on her pussy. I slid a hand from her butt to reach between her thighs from behind and finger her sopping lips while my thumb probed her anus. My tongue was pressing hard on her clit, and she whimpered. Her tension tightened and then with just the slightest of shudders and a barely audible gasp, she came.

She pushed my head away, and when I looked up, Margot was trying to hug her, but Giselle pushed her away as well. ‘We’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s slow things down a bit.’ With that, she and Margot rinsed themselves, and I started washing. A few seconds later, I was watching the two bare backsides disappear into the bedroom.

When I joined them, they were sitting on Giselle’s triple king-sized bed. Giselle patted the space between them, and I sat with them.

‘I thought it might be fun,’ Giselle said, ‘to play a little game of “porn director”. How does that sound?’

‘How does it work?’ I asked.

‘We’ll each take a turn. You have to imagine a hot sex scene, then direct the three of us through it. Is that all right?’

I nodded, and Margot clapped her hands. ‘I’ll go first.’


Margot took her place on the middle of the bed. She lay there, spread-eagled. ‘Desmond, you make love to me from the waist down, and you, Giselle, will make love to me from the waist up. Come on, you two! Get going—the camera is rolling.’

I started with a foot massage. I glanced at Giselle, who was covering Margot’s forearm with long, lingering kisses. She moved from wrist to palm, and I switched from instep and soles to kissing and sucking each of Margot’s lovely toes. Another quick look told me that Giselle was already there, kissing and sucking Margot’s fingertips. I took Margot’s moans and heaving breasts as a plus. I reached up and started stroking her thighs from her knees up to her pussy.

Giselle was already kissing and licking Margot’s armpit, and her hand was drifting slowly toward her breast. I shifted my lips from feet to thighs and ran my fingers over her vulva. I followed this with oral worship of her gate to heaven. Margot writhed in pleasure. When I looked again at Giselle, she was kneeling over Margot’s face and looking at me as she rocked her pussy gently on Margot’s mouth.

‘Don’t be afraid to fuck her, Desmond.’ I knelt between her thighs and lifted her legs to get my cock as close as possible to her vaj. I wasn’t sure if I penetrated her or if she sucked me in, but it was wonderfully snug, warm and deliciously moist. I leaned forward and let her legs drape themselves over my thighs. ‘You are giving me a naughty idea,’ Giselle said. ‘Come here, darling.’ As my cock stroked deep into Margot’s pussy and as Giselle rode Margot’s face, we embraced. I squeezed her breasts, and she pinched my nipple, out mouths met, and out tongues teased each other.

Suddenly, Margot put her vaginal muscles to work, milking my cock as a dairymaid does a cow, with firm rhythmic squeezes. She must have put her tongue to work on Giselle’s pussy at about the same time. Her chest was blushing red, and her breasts were visibly swelling. Giselle came first, and an irresistible pressure was building within me. Somehow I was able to lean forward just enough to get my pubic bone grinding Margo’s clit. I came seconds before she did.

We paused a few moments to pull ourselves together. ‘Time for a break. Desmond, what will you have to drink?’

‘A G’nT would be nice, please, Giselle.”

‘What’s that?’ Margot asked.

‘Gin and tonic,’ Giselle translated. ‘I have Irish whiskey if you’d prefer, Desmond.’

‘I would, normally, but since this is my first day with Gagne Nadeau & Tremblay…’ I finished the sentence with a shrug.

‘How droll. Margot?’

‘The same, please.’


One round begat another, then a third, and we were feeling fine. There was a lull in our chatting, so Margot asked if I wanted to have my turn next. I was ready to go, but Giselle vetoed us. ‘I’ll go next. It’s his first time so let’s give him a bit of space to plan his scene.’

‘So what do you have in mind, boss?’

‘Do you remember asking me about the Amazon position?’

Margot lit up like a Christmas tree. ‘Really? You’re going to teach it to me?’

‘Desmond and I will show you how it’s done, and then you can try it with him. Is that all right with you?’

‘I can’t show her beans. I don’t know that one,’ I said.

‘Leave everything to me. Don’t even think about trying to help out. Lie down on your back. Good. Margot, would you like to make him very hard for me please?’

Margot was happy to help. She lowered her firm, young breasts onto my cock. That got a strong reaction, but Margot was not one to miss an opportunity—she took my oozing crown into her mouth and enlarged it a whole lot more. ‘That’s enough, thank you, darling. Spread your legs for me, Desmond. Good.’ She knelt between my thighs, took hold of my cock and guided it into her tunnel of love. It fitted like a hand made glove. ‘Drape your legs over my thighs. Very good. Now watch, Margot.’

She hooked an arm under my knees and lifted my legs off the mattress and pushed them back onto my torso and lifted herself up and onto my thighs with her knees straddling me just a shade below my waistline. ‘And this, my dears, is the Amazon position.’

Margot frowned. ‘It looks a lot like cowgirl.’

Giselle grinned and tried to make it look evil. ‘Desmond! Fuck me hard.’

I tried but couldn’t move my hips. ‘I can’t.’

‘You see, darling, with his feet in the air and my weight on his hips, he has no leverage. He cannot thrust into me. I am in complete control of depth, rate, angle, everything. It is so empowering!’

‘He could just push you off with his legs.’

‘I could,’ I said, ‘but we’re fucking, not wrestling, and this is sexy as hell.’

Giselle started to ride me properly and with supreme expertise. She leaned forward and placed her hands on my chest then started rocking gently, forward and back. It was wonderful.

From a forward lean, she lifted herself up about halfway and then slid back down the length of my cock, and then again and again. She wasn’t just riding me, she was actually fucking me. She treated me to several dozen slow strokes before she went back to her rocking motion with some side to side movement included. I could tell she was loving it. Her face and chest were flushed, her breathing was fast and shallow, her breasts were swelling, and her nipples were stiff. Her eyes were closed, and beads of sweat covered her face and chest.

She paused and looked down on me with hungry eyes. ‘Are you all right?’

I tried to say something, but I couldn’t get a single word out. I nodded.

‘Is it my turn yet?’ Margot asked.

Giselle ignored her and kept smiling at me. Then one of her vaginal muscles suddenly tightened around the base of my cock as others rippled up and down, massaging its full length. ‘How does that feel?’

I gasped. ‘Amazing!’

I didn’t, and I still don’t have the right words to describe my feelings, but I knew that it wasn’t just about interlocking body parts and nerve endings. It was about intimacy and trust, as well as control and empowerment.

‘Sorry, Margot. I’m going to be selfish.’ Her grip relaxed, and suddenly she was pounding me fast and hard. Her eyes were shut, and soon her upper body was thrashing wildly from side to side. She screamed. Her whole body spasmed, and my genitals were covered with something warm and wet. She collapsed onto me and into my arms.

Margot lay down beside us and embraced us both. ‘That was awesome.’

Giselle kissed me first and then Margot. ‘He hasn’t come yet.’

‘Are you up for a ride?’ I asked.

‘Too damn right!’ She mounted me with no trouble, but she lacked Giselle’s skill and timing. She fucked me hard and fast, and I would have cum very quickly had I not already had two orgasms that day. Margot got herself off in record time and then insisted on going down on me. She was rough and pitiless.

Her lips and tongue stayed glued to and worked overtime on my cockhead, while she squeezed my balls, massaged my perineum, and fingered my ass. I don’t know how I managed to hold out for more than thirty-four seconds. Giselle claimed she was keeping time and that I’d cum at thirty-five seconds.

‘Who’s for another drink?’ Margot asked.

‘Irish for me I think. And just the one. It’s my turn.’

‘Are you sure?’ Giselle asked. ‘Don’t you need some time? To recuperate?’

‘I’m fine, but I think you might need a bit of a rest.’

‘All right,’ Giselle said. ‘We’ll have Irish as well. and then we’ll see who needs what.’

‘Who does he think he is? Superman and Spiderman all rolled into one?’

‘No Margot,’ Giselle said. ‘He’s a cocky young lawyer with a cunning plan. If he shakes your hand, count your fingers. Pour the drinks please, and no ice.’


Irish whiskey is best sipped slowly, but it’s sweet and smooth and can go down like liquid silk. It doesn’t need water, but Margot and Giselle drowned theirs in H2O and drained their glasses before I’d taken my first sip. ‘So, big guy,’ Margot said, ‘we’re ready. What have you got?’

I laughed. ‘Fair play to you both.’ I moved a chair from Giselle’s dressing table to the foot of the bed and sat down to enjoy the view and savour every precious sip of my whiskey. ‘I want you to make slow, sensual love to each other. Trib each other in the missionary position. nice and slow. Real easy, so no scissoring, just pussy on pussy and clit to clit. Dead simple. Oh, and I want a clear view of both your pussies the whole time so keep your legs spread wide. No hands or kissing below the belt.’ Margot started to say something very predictable, but I cut her off. ‘Don’t worry about me. I’ll join you when I’ve finished my drink.’

‘Can we do Amazon instead of Missionary?’ Giselle asked.

‘Good idea.’

‘Only if I’m topping you,’ Margot said.

‘That’s not going to happen,’ Giselle replied. ‘On your back, girl. We’ll stay with Missionary.’

‘Okay, but it’s Amazon as soon as Desmond joins us.’

‘Now-now, Margot, don’t forget who’s directing.’ I took my first of many sips. My view of their upper bodies was blocked, and that was fine. Where I sat put me at the heart of my scene, and it meant I had to listen. There were fond words of endearment, barely audible murmurs, contented sighs, the odd laugh. Their loving intimacy was a pleasure to listen to. Soon enough, there were little gasps of pleasure and sharp intakes of breath. Their breathing got shorter, faster and louder.

They were in no hurry, but gradually my visuals kicked in. Hips gyrated, slowly at first, and then faster. Their pussies brushed against each other, and it wasn’t long before brushing turned to grinding. They swelled up, blushed and glistened. Their moans and breathing were shallower, but faster and louder. It was almost time. I waited until Giselle’s hips were grinding Margot’s in a blur, and Margot’s pushback lifted them both of them off the mattress. It was time.

I got up on the bed and knelt between their legs. ‘Time out,’ I said. ‘I’m coming in,’

‘Tabernac!’ Margot, of course.

‘Your timing sucks,’ said Giselle panted, but they paused on cue.

I slid my hand between their genitals and pushed them a little bit apart. My cock followed, and then I was fucking both women at the same time. Two slits, two clits, and one very happy cock pumping away as hard and fast as I could. Ideally, we should all have cum at the same time, and we came close. We collapsed on the bed, and we giggled and laughed and cuddled like pups in a litter.

‘Where the hell did you learn that?’ Giselle asked.

‘From a three-thousand-year-old Taoist sex manual.’

‘I want to borrow it,’ said Margot as she got off the bed. She rummaged in a dresser drawer and came holding something behind her back. ‘Desmond Brady,’ she said, ‘it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Sacred Order of the Purple Panties.’ She handed me a very brief thong. It was, of course, purple.

‘I have to see this!’ Giselle said. ‘Try it on.’

I did, and it was not too uncomfortable, but it looked a bit silly, truth be told. My collection has grown steadily ever since and fits me much better.

There were more drinks, and I seem to recall that Giselle moved the party downstairs for a light dinner, but I don’t remember what we ate or exactly how I ended up back in bed. When I asked, Margot kept a straight face as she told me that she’d draped me over her shoulder and carried me back up the stairs. Giselle just smirked.

Thursday Morning

My new purple panties were too small to contain even my half-hard cock, but it didn’t take much stroking of Margot’s nice, tight ass to bring back the real deal. The last thing I wanted was to wake her up, so I rolled on to my back and was idly fondling myself when Giselle returned. She sat beside me and firmly took my hand off my penis, and took up the slack herself.

‘What would you like for breakfast?’

‘Scrambled eggs on toast, and really strong coffee, please.’ Margot spoke without opening her eyes.

‘You’re awake?’ I asked.

‘She’s probably waiting for you put your tool to good use.’

‘You know me too well, boss.’ Margot rolled from her side onto her belly, lifted up her butt, placed a pillow under her hips, and pushed her pastel pink panties down as far as her knees.

Giselle pulled them the rest of the way off. ‘You heard the woman.’ She gave me a couple of hard slaps on my ass. ‘Breakfast in about half-an-hour, kids. We’re probably late for work as it is, and Desmond, HR is expecting you for the rest of your orientation first thing, so make it a quickie.’

I got on top of Margot and slipped a hand under her chest to play with her breast. ‘Not my ass. Okay?’ she said and spread her legs a bit. The pillow gave me lots of room to slip my cock into her glistening pussy. ‘That’s right. Nice and slow and easy.’ It was lovely. I’m tall enough to be able to keep nuzzling her neck and nibbling her ear while my cock stayed buried deep in her vagina. She made a purring sound and just lay there, perfectly still, but obviously aroused.

I heard Giselle open the door behind us, but I was too wrapped up in my slow, rhythmic stroking to pay her much attention. It didn’t bother me either when I felt her weight on the bed, but my heart rate jumped when she lubed my ass. The rest of me melted when she slid her dildo into my very eager anus. It was glorious to be fucking and getting fucked at the same time.

Giselle was brilliant. While fucking me, she kept her rhythm in perfect sync with mine, and she must have sensed Margot’s coming climax as she pulled out of me just in time. I increased my pace and took Margot over the top. Compared with last night, it was a pretty tame little orgasm, but she didn’t complain.

With surprising strength for such a small woman, Giselle pulled me off her, rolled me onto my back, and put me into the Amazon position and slipped her dildo back into me. She set a blistering pace, much harder and faster, and I was mesmerized by the bouncing beauties that were her breasts. The view was abruptly cut off when Margot sat on my face and started grinding her pussy on my mouth.

I puckered up and stuck out my tongue but there wasn’t much else I could do. Then Giselle activated her dildo’s vibrator. At first, it was a light tingle, but she amped up the power a bit at a time and pretty soon she had my teeth rattling.

Guys, if you’ve ever been pegged by an expert, you’ll know there is nothing, but nothing to compare with a P-spot orgasm. I don’t think I passed out, but I could barely move for a full minute after cumming. Giselle pulled out, of course, and stripped off her harness. Margot got off my face, and all I could do was watch in helpless awe as they wrapped their thighs around each other’s ears.

Breakfast was a take-out cream cheese bagel and a double-shot short espresso from a café near the office, and I barely made it to HR in time.

Orientation was duller than dishwater, but I did learn that my time in Giselle’s department would last only three weeks. I’d be rotated in short stints through several other departments before moving permanently to Mergers and Acquisitions. That was a bummer, so that afternoon I popped into her office. To my surprise, she was delighted to hear that she’d be losing me that soon. It turned out that the firm had strict rules about fraternizing within departments, but once I’d moved on I’d be fair game for herself and the lovely Margot.

I didn’t ask how they got away with it, but she told me anyway. She was a senior partner and her great grandfather was a founding partner. In other words, she had clout, but she could only push it so far.

We had no more dates for the duration of my time with her and Margot. On the afternoon of my last day with them, Giselle called me into her office and presented me with a gift. It was huge, about three feet by one foot and about six inches deep.

‘Don’t open it until you get home, and never forget what I told you in the restaurant. My door and myself are always open for you.’

‘I’m delighted to hear that.’

She cocked her head and smiled. ‘Close the door and lock it.’

My jaw dropped that night when I opened the gift. It was a triptych. My purple panties, unwashed and still stained with assorted bodily fluids, was hung in the left panel. The centre panel was a photograph of my belly, hips, and upper thighs, clad only in my purple panties with my rampant cock proudly reaching for the sky, and Giselle’s harness and dildo were displayed on the left side. It was not something I could take home and show my mother.


Six months have passed. Giselle, Margot, and your humble servant are still together and closer than ever. About two months ago, Margot asked her two favourite lawyers if bigamy was legal in Canada.

‘Nice idea,’ Giselle said, ‘but it is still very illegal.’

‘I’ve got an idea,’ I said.

Last Saturday, Giselle and Margot exchanged their marriage vows in a very public, very lavish ceremony. Tomorrow afternoon there will be another ceremony, but very private and quiet. The three of us will exchange Commitment vows.

Help us celebrate. Sit with your loved one and raise a glass. Look at each other eye to eye and you will see the true beauty of your lover’s soul. Be careful. If you don’t feel the love you will be cursed with seven years of mediocre sex.

All together now. Santé! Cheers! Sláinte!

Published 4 years ago

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