The next day Mark headed to the weight room at the usual time. He was completely impressed to see that Luke and Maxi were there again. To top it off, Luke was clean-shaven and had got his hair trimmed back a little bit and evened-out.
Mark headed over to where the guys were grinding away. Zach was putting the guys through their paces. Mark walked up to Zach and asked him if he could have a word with him.
Zach excused himself and they walked to the corner of the room. Mark said, “I just wanted you to know that I am really impressed with the work that you are doing with Luke and Maxi. You are an amazing motivator. I don’t want to hold you up anymore. I’m going to get my workout in.”
Zach responded, “Thanks, Mark. That means a lot to me.”
Mark started to walk away and he shouted, “Luke! I like the new look. I’m going to head over here and let you two muscley guys do your thing.”
They all finished their workouts and went to practice. After practice, Devon chased down Lee. He told Lee that they are looking for him in the treatment room and he needs to get going. Lee hurried through the door. When he looked up, Mark was sitting on the massage table. Lee tried to play it cool, but he couldn’t hold back a goofy grin. Mark gave the table a bit of pat and Lee came over and took a seat beside him.
Lee said, “Is this for real or are you fucking with me?”
Mark replied, “I just thought that we could have some fun. I like you, Lee. You are a great guy. I don’t want to mislead you into thinking that it is more than two friends having some fun, though.”
Lee responded, “I am okay with those terms. I still get to fuck the hottest guy on the team, right?”
Mark countered, “I am pretty sure that Zach is the hottest guy on the team.”
“No, Zach used to be the hottest guy on the team,” Lee said playfully.
Mark smiled and chimed in, “That’s the Lee that I like!”
Mark reached down and slid his hand inside Lee’s shorts. Lee moaned on contact and his already semi-hard cock became rigid almost immediately. Mark climbed off the bench and helped Lee out of his shirt. He gave Lee a brief kiss. Lee countered by pulling Marks shirt up and over his head. Lee took a moment to run his hand up and down Mark’s midsection and chest.
Mark dropped to his knees and untied and pulled off Lee’s shoes. He slowly pulled down Lee’s shorts. As his cock broke free it sprung upward and slapped his stomach with a loud “slap”. Lee’s erect cock stood out at an upward angle. Mark grabbed it and pulled it so it stuck straight out. It was a respectable-sized cock, probably around six and a half inches long. It had decent girth, also. Even though it was fully erect, it still had a bit of a soft, spongy texture. It was a pale shade of white, much like the rest of Lee’s body. It was completely hairless and was adorned by a bright pink head that stood out noticeably.
Mark wrapped his mouth around Lee’s bright pink head. Lee threw his head back and let out a long, deep sigh. Mark started to slowly bob his head on Lee’s cock. Mark was happy that he could actually get the whole thing in his throat. After a bit of taking the whole length in his mouth, Lee grabbed Mark’s head with both hands. He took a long look at Mark with his cock in his mouth and caressed Mark’s cheek for a bit. Lee let go of Mark’s head and Mark continued on. Soon he could sense that Lee was getting close.
Mark stood up and kicked his shoes off. He turned around and bent over the massage table. Lee quickly moved in grabbed Mark’s ass. He grabbed on to the waistband of Mark’s shorts and pulled everything down to his ankles. He gave Mark’s ass a firm squeeze. Lee leaned over Mark and kissed the back of his neck.
He worked his way slowly downward, next to the shoulders, all the way down his spine to his lower-back and a bit of kiss on each cheek. Mark was starting to get pretty worked-up himself. As Lee’s tongue flicked across his ass, Mark let out a little squeal. Lee teased him a bit and did it a couple of additional times, each time achieved the same response.
Lee got back up to a standing position. He placed his left hand on Mark’s hip as he guided his cock with his right hand. With one solid push, Lee’s cock penetrated Mark. He gave Mark a few seconds to adjust and then slowly began to thrust away. Mark was amazed at how different the experience was. After a small amount of discomfort, he really was able to enjoy the experience more than ever before. Mark grabbed his cock and started to stroke it as Lee started to pick up the pace.
Mark could sense that Lee was not going to last terribly long and didn’t want him to feel like he had underperformed. Mark began to stroke his cock more rapidly. Lee’s hands squeezed tightly into Mark’s hips as he let out a gasp. Mark could feel Lee’s cock pulse as he sprayed his load inside him. Mark shot his load all over the table just as Lee finished.
Lee rested his head briefly on Marks’s upper back as he caught his breath. As he slowly withdrew his cock, cum dribbled out of Mark’s hole and trickled down his leg. Lee grabbed some towels and helped clean Mark up, as well as the massage table.
They started to get dressed. Lee asked sheepishly, “Did I do okay?”
Mark hesitated a bit and then said, “Yeah, absolutely. That was fun. Was it alright for you?”
Lee replied, “It was amazing! It’s just that I had never…”
“Never what? Been the top before?” Mark asked.
“Yeah, I was always the bottom,” Lee said.
“So, talk to me honestly. Do you prefer one or the other?” Mark asked.
“I don’t know. I guess that honestly, I prefer to bottom. But I think that after today I would like to top once in a while.” Lee explained.
“Well, you did a fantastic job for your first time out. It was a great experience for me, also.” Mark said as he gave Lee a long kiss. “Now let’s get out of here and watch everybody pretend like they didn’t know what was going on in here.”
Lee headed out and Mark followed shortly thereafter. They got ready to shower. As Mark hit the shower, Chris and Jamar were still in there flirting around. Lee followed quickly behind and Zach not far thereafter.
Chris could not contain himself, “Some drama about to go down in this shower. Somebody get me a chair.”
Jamar smacked him in the arm and gave him a look.
Zach turned to Lee and shouted, “Lee! You played a great game yesterday.”
Lee answered, “Thanks, Zach. We missed you out there. It’s not the same without you.”
Mark mumbled to himself, “How are you doing today Mark? That was a nasty fall.”
Zach coughed, “Wimp!”
Everybody burst out laughing, including Mark.
The next day Mark skipped his workout. He had been thinking about his romp with Lee the day before and he had an idea that he thought might work. He also knew that it might totally blow up in his face. He called Lee and asked him if he could meet him on the court before practice. Lee was there right on time, as usual.
Mark expressed to Lee how much he thought that their last practice together really improved their play on the court. Lee agreed and they did a bit of additional work together.
Finally, Mark settled in to ask an important question, “Lee, I have a personal favor to ask of you. I know that the timing is a bit off on this and I didn’t expect to ask this of you.”
Lee chimed in, “Okay, now I am worried. What is it, Mark?
“So, Trey has been going through a hard time. He had hooked up with Zach a while back and when Zach didn’t seem to really appreciate him or the experience. It really hurt him. So, I have been looking for somebody who could help to bring Trey out of his shell, but also somebody who would treat him with respect. After yesterday I decided that you were the best choice. I understand if you aren’t into it, and I can’t promise that he would be into it, but I would really appreciate it if you would spend a bit of time with him and see what happens,” Mark explained.
Lee answered, “I don’t know, Mark. I don’t really know Trey very well. His lack of effort on the team doesn’t really sit well with me.”
Mark countered, “This isn’t about basketball. In fact, you shouldn’t mention basketball or the team at all. It’s about helping out a guy who is going through a tough time. Trey is a gamer. That would be a good place to focus your attention at first.”
Lee answered, “Really? I thought that I was the only gamer on the team. I guess that I can feel this situation out a bit. Okay, you got it. I will give it a try, but no promises.”
“Thank you, Lee. If you wouldn’t mind, please keep me somewhat updated. If you need me to help set something up, just let me know. Trey has a bit of a tough family situation and he needs somebody to appreciate the ‘real’ Trey.” Mark added.
Lee hesitated a bit, “At first I thought that you were just trying to pawn me off on somebody else. But you really care about Trey, don’t you?”
Mark answered, “There are some things about this situation that I can’t really talk to you about. But I care very much about all of you and so does someone else. They have made it their mission in life to help out people like you and me who are struggling to find ourselves. He has already helped me. I know that I am far from perfect and, yeah, I am still trying to figure things out. To be perfectly honest, you showed me a lot yesterday. Your kindness and affection. The way that you treat others is special, and you are a special guy.
“But right now I can see how much Trey needs help. I would help him myself, but I am ill-equipped to give him what he needs. I do know what it looks like to ask you to do this the day after we were together, but I have to ask it. I am just trying to do my part because we are all in this together.”
Lee responded, “Mark, I will give it my best attempt. And, I appreciate what you are saying. I didn’t realize it before, but now I see what you have been doing to try to help me. Now that you explained it, I realize that this isn’t ‘charity’. You are a good leader and a better man. You don’t ever have to ask me again.”
The two shared a long hug and a friendly kiss.
The practice was pretty routine. Afterward in the locker room, Mark decided that it was time to show-off his recent purchase. The day before he had stopped at a sporting goods store to buy some new compression shorts. They were kind of pricey, especially because he needed to buy several pairs. He was looking around, trying to find something less expensive and then he found some old-school jockstraps. He chuckled when he saw them at first.
He didn’t remember seeing anybody his age ever wear one. But these were kind of cute. They were Wilson brand and they were all-black except the fabric in the pouch, which was white. The waistband was sturdy, but not those really wide waistbands that you sometimes see. Plus, he could buy three of them for the price of one good quality pair of shorts. Best of all, it gave him another excuse to show his ass off.
So, as he got to his locker he stripped down to just his jockstrap and stood there showing off for a bit. One of the guys noticed and Mark could hear them whispering at each other to look at what Mark had on. Zach shouted, “Mark, are you wearing your grandpa’s jockstrap?”
Mark answered back, “Well, I like it. How about you Luke, do you like it?”
Luke responded, “Yeah, I don’t really think that it would work for me, but you pull it off pretty well.”
D.J. chimed in, “I like that look, I might have to buy one for Devon.” The two of them shared a playful exchange.
Then the surprise of the night happened. Justin barked out, “That ass would make anything look good.”
Mark gave Justin a smile. He was proud of Justin who was really beginning to come out of his shell. He also realized that he probably needed to check up on Justin and Ant and see what was going on with them.
Mark continued strutting around the locker room for a bit. Several of the guys seemed to find it a bit irresistible to either slap Mark’s butt or to give a snap on the leg-straps. All of which was just fine with Mark. He headed over to Zach’s locker and asked, “You really don’t like it?”
Zach turned Mark around, he cupped his butt and gave it a squeeze followed by a light slap. As he turned Mark back around he said, “You know what, it’s growing on me.”
Mark looked down and as he stared at Zach’s crotch he said, “Yeah, I can see that. It looks like you like it just fine.”
Mark grabbed a towel and slipped off his jockstrap. As he was heading in the shower, Justin was heading out. He grabbed Justin’s shoulder and asked him if he could wait around a bit so that they could have a chat. Justin smiled and indicated that he would like that. Mark thought to himself that this could get interesting.
He hurried through his shower as to not keep Justin waiting for too long. As he got out he noticed that Lee and Trey were chatting it up in the corner of the locker room and it seemed like they were both enjoying themselves. Mark dressed quickly and he and Justin ducked into the treatment room.
Mark chuckled and said, “It feels like a lifetime ago when we were last in here together. What has it been? Two weeks? Less?”
“I feel the same way,” Justin replied. “So much has changed for me. It all started right here with you. You set me free. Free to be who I really am. No more lying about a pretend girlfriend to get a cute guy to suck my dick. No pretending like I didn’t want to do more with him that night.”
Mark responded, “If it makes you feel any better. I didn’t believe one bit of it.” They both shared a laugh. “So, how are things with you and Ant?”
“I don’t know. I think we are done, at least as a couple. I like him and all, but all that he wants sexually is to be the top. I think that I need to find a more versatile person to be a steady partner,” Justin confessed.
Mark chirped, “You know, that surprises me. I would have Ant pegged for a bottom and you as the top.”
“So, have you been thinking a lot about me being a top, Mark?” Justin asked pointedly.
Mark admitted, “I have. To be honest, I wanted to be the one that was trapped in the shower with you the other day.”
Justin approached Mark, gave him a soft kiss, and whispered, “Would being trapped in the treatment room work?”
In response, Mark started to tear off some of his clothes as well as Justin’s. As Justin went to remove Mark’s shorts he was surprised to find that Mark had put his jockstrap back on. “You put that back on for me didn’t you?” He asked.
“That’s what you were hoping for, isn’t it?” Mark fired back.
“No, I was just hoping to fuck your tight, little ass. That’s why I brought a condom. You in your jockstrap, that’s just an added bonus,” Justin said confidently.
The two of them were each getting rather worked up. There was quite a bit of fumbling around. They were hurriedly trying to undress both themselves and each other. Justin almost face-planted while trying to get his socks off. Eventually, they stood there face-to-face, Mark in only his jockstrap and Justin with his throbbing, uncut cock sticking straight out.
In a familiar fashion, Mark dropped to his knees and started to suck Justin’s cock. Justin grabbed Mark’s head gently and started to slowly fuck his mouth. Justin didn’t go very long until he withdrew his cock from Mark’s mouth. Mark could sense that this was not going to take that long.
Mark stood up and hopped up on the examination table. As he did, Justin was fumbling with a condom. Mark lay back on the table with his ass hanging over the edge. By the time that Justin had his condom rolled, Mark had his legs in the air and his very eager hole was exposed.
Justin pressed his cock up against Mark’s waiting ass and slowly leaned forward. Mark let out a light groan as Justin entered him. Justin took it easy for a little bit to let Mark adjust to him. Mark rested his legs on Justin’s shoulders. Justin began to increase his pace. He reached around Mark’s legs and slid his right hand inside Mark’s jockstrap. He started to stroke Mark’s cock which only heightened his pleasure.
Justin’s thrusting was becoming more aggressive, but not at all rough. His flat, skinny stomach was slapping against the back of Mark’s thighs with each thrust. Mark would let out a little grunt each time that Justin bottomed-out on him. Then Justin threw his head backward and let out a long, breathy, “Ahh.” He stopped moving entirely, except for his hand which continued to stroke Mark’s cock. Mark could feel Justin’s cock throbbing inside him. Just then, Mark bridged his body upward as he sprayed cum all over the inside of his jockstrap and Justin’s hand.
The two stood still for a couple of minutes until Justin slid his hand out of Mark’s jock. He quickly pulled his hand toward his mouth and licked every bit of Mark’s cum off of it. He stepped back and his soft cock plopped free. The condom that he was wearing was nearly bursting with cum. As Mark sat up and looked at it he told Justin that he was the most plentiful “cummer” that he had encountered. Justin seemed rather proud of that distinction.
The two of them cleaned up a little bit. They shared a few playful kisses as they got dressed and headed back out to the locker room. When they got there it was empty, or so they thought. As they walked around the corner they saw that Lee and Trey were still chatting in the corner. Mark and Lee traded smiles.
Mark quickly stripped back down and headed back into the showers. Justin was right behind him. They hopped in the shower and took two adjacent showers. They were chatting a bit as they showered and their chat was getting a bit playful. Very quickly, both of them were erect again. Mark looked a Justin and asked, “Double-dip?”
Justin shook his head “yes” and ran off. He came back with a condom and said, “Lee and Trey are gone.”
Justin started to open the condom wrapper and Mark grabbed it out of his hands. Mark quickly opened the package and dropped to his knees. Justin presented his cock and Mark worked the condom down it. Mark started to stroke Justin’s cock for a bit, then he slowly stood up. The two romped all over the shower for a while playing with each other. There was lots of kissing and groping and spanking. By that time, both of them were sufficiently worked up.
Realizing that all of the lube was probably washed off of the condom by now, Mark lured Justin away from the flowing water and got it well-lubricated with saliva. Mark turned around and got down on his hands and knees, presenting his ass high in the air. Justin dropped to his knees and slowly slid his cock inside. He quickly built up some pace. He had both hands on Mark’s hips as he forced Mark back into him with each thrust.
Mark reached down and started to stroke his cock. He was now bracing himself up with just his left hand. He groaned. “Harder, Justin.”
Justin quickly obliged. There was a loud, wet slapping sound with each thrust, followed by a groan from Mark. As both of the boys were getting close, Justin hooked his arm underneath Mark’s arm and around his chest. He slowly pulled him upward until Mark was in a matching knelt position. Justin held Mark tightly to his body.
Justin was in control of Mark as he continued to fuck him. Mark turned back and the two shared a kiss as they neared orgasm. Mark came first, spraying his load mostly on himself. The feeling of Justin holding him tightly and controlling him has sent him over the edge.
Justin came shortly thereafter. He squeezed Mark with every bit of his strength as he came inside his ass. The two of them collapsed in a heap on the shower floor. They lied there together for a while, Justin still on top of Mark.
Finally, they staggered to their feet. Both were weary from their sexual escapade. Justin removed his rather-heavy condom and they both quickly resumed their showers. They joked and laughed throughout. They headed back out and got dressed.
As they grabbed their bags and headed out of the locker room, they heard a noise coming from the treatment room. Mark immediately knew what was going on. Justin and Mark smiled at each other as they headed out for the day. As they left Justin quipped, “Somebody’s getting some special treatment.”