Escape To Luxury

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Paul Hardy Jr. returned home late-night, around 2 am, after his college graduation party. His friends urged him to stay to grab one last rowdy night before he left town for his new job but he wanted to be home with his mother – Patricia (Patty) Hardy.

He silently walked into the living room through the garage. Patty was on the extended chaise, head resting back with her eyes closed, and her hands holding a hardbound book to her chest. He did not want to wake her up. He reached for the thick woolen throw to cover her, at the same time removed the book from her chest to place it on the coffee table. The letters on the book – “OUR PRIVATE JOURNAL” – made him curious. 

Dad, Paul Hardy Sr., passed away when Paul Jr. was eleven. Patty worked hard to ensure they maintained the same quality of life that Paul’s dad provided. A very positive woman, Patty, accompanied and participated in all activities related to her son. She did not socialize much and being conservative in values and views, she kept to herself. Paul loved his mother and he wanted to give her the best; fulfill all her wishes and make her dreams come true.

That night changed everything. His mother snoozed comfortably on the chaise. Paul picked up the book and went to his room. Turning the lamp on the nightstand, he fell back on the bed flipping through the journal. The first twenty-odd pages were words of love exchanged between his parents. He had tears in his eyes as he was reminded of how close and loving his parents were.

He continued to flip through the pages. He came to a section written in bold – MY DESIRE – written by his dad. It was dated a few months before he passed away losing the battle to cancer. The section read –

“Patty, the love of my life. I desire that we meet again and marry to be parents to our loving son – Paul. I desire you to maintain this lifestyle and forever give the best to each other as long as you live. Be well, safe, and prosperous. Patty – go live a full life. Your adventures should be the envy of all.”

Paul raced through the pages and then found a freshly marked section – THOUGHTS – which seem to be more recently written. He recognized his mother’s beautiful cursive writing. There were random words under each section – Paul Sr. and Paul Jr; describing her love and desires for each of them. Then, he turned to the section that said – ME. He began to read his mother’s deep desires, fantasies, and secretive thoughts that no one knows. 

“Wow!” he exclaimed as his jaw dropped when he read softly….

“…. Paul Jr. is a young man now. Wonder if he will understand my physical needs. My desire to be ravaged by multiple men and women. A night of wild uninhibited passion or days of intense loving, being a Doe among many Bucks…”

He smiled, “Mom always loved rabbits. Now I know why.” He continued his reading and saw her bucket list included:

Well-endowed men (color does not matter). Ravaged through all my openings, hmmm… anal will be an adventure. Taste multiple men at the same time. Golden Shower. Hell! – I want to be FUCKED SENSELESS.

He closed the book and quickly went back to place it on the area rug next to his sleeping mom. I looked at his mother and thought to himself, “I am going to make it happen.”

It has been two months since Paul Jr. left town in pursuit of his career. Patty began to get used to her newly empty nest life. She kept the house immaculate, almost like a museum, always ready for visitors. However, while at home she paid little attention to the way she dressed and appeared. She enjoyed her independence and freedom to be semi-clad or naked when she wanted. Often, she looked into the mirror at her five feet six inches body, her C cups with large nipples, and hairy pussy. She seems always wet and her clit felt very sensitive to touch. She felt like a ripening fruit yet to be eaten; a mature flower waiting to be deflowered.

Friday evening, a package arrived. The label read aloud “ESCAPE TO LUXURY”. She was amused as she opened it, thinking, “Must be a marketing gimmick.” She pulled out a white silk evening dress and exclaimed, “HA,” and opened the enveloped invite – “You are a winner of an evening in luxury. Evening of July 3rd at 6 pm. Your ride arrives at 4. The dress is all you need to bring with you.”

Patty laughed, “The invitation is for tomorrow. Must be a joke.”

She looked around and inside the package for clues. A few minutes later, as she placed the white silky dress on the couch, the telephone rang. She answered to hear a deep soft baritone voice, “We will ring your bells tomorrow evening on for a day and bring in the July fourth fireworks. This is happening for real. After tomorrow you will no longer need the toy in your nightstand.”

Patty was suddenly frightened and afraid. She called her son to share the unexpected event and her fears. Paul heard his mother speak for good ten minutes, before he responded, “Ma. I heard about these events before. They typically last about eighteen to twenty-four hours, and every activity is consensual. I think you should give it a try. You have nothing to lose.” After about thirty minutes on phone with her loving son, she felt confident and more convinced that she should explore the invitation.

That night, she tried on the dress. It fit like it was a customized made-to-order to her figure. Her breasts held up firm and her enlarged erect nipples pushed against the silk cover. She admitted to herself, “I do look sexy.” Suddenly her imagination of what may happen made her vagina wet. She reached for the nightstand.

It was as though someone was watching her; the phone rang again and the same deep voice sounded, “You are not allowed to play with yourself tonight. Leave that for us tomorrow.”

Patty felt compelled to obey the command. She shut the nightstand and removed her dress to lie on the bed naked. She cuddled to the warm long pillow next to her and thought about the two important men in her family and fell asleep.

Patty woke up late on Saturday. The clock on the wall was striking eleven. She washed quickly and picked up the sandwich and milk from the refrigerator. She picked up the phone to see numerous texts. All of them from her son, with one exception that propped up with an image. She hesitantly opened the message to see three naked human bodies with a caption, “Pick your first.” She had three choices ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’. She stared at the three bodies and chose ‘A’ – what appeared to be an athletic, fit, body with a dropping thick penis.

“Is this for real?” she wondered as she stared at her three choices again.

A message popped up again, “Your first choice is Jon. Drake, Ryan, and others will follow too.”

Patty smiled. She put the phone down to take a shower again before she put on the dress sent to her. There were no more messages for the next two hours. She put on her favorite purple panties and a skin-colored bra and got into the white silky dress. As she admired herself in the mirror, a message arrived on her phone, “Your ride is here.”

It was half-past three. The doorbell rang, followed by two to three knocks. Patty adjusted herself and opened the door to find a woman in her early thirties, in a driver’s attire, smiling, “Hi there. I am Susan. You look lovely. Congratulations on being a winner today.”

She did not let Patty respond or speak. She continued, “I have a checklist I need to follow before we leave.” She turned Patty around and quite professionally, “You got to get rid of that bra.” She proceeded to go down on her knees and Patty felt her hands move up her legs to touch her panties, “These have to go too.”

Patty stepped back, “I am not sure I can do this.”

Susan moved closer and whispered, “I said the same words too.” Patty felt Susan unhook her bra and pulled them away, dropping them to the ground. She went down on her knees again and pulled Patty’s panties to her ankles. Her fingers played with Patty’s wet labia as Patty stepped out of her panties.

“My you are a wet one.” Susan dipped her fingers into Patty’s lips and put them to her lips sucking in Patty’s wet juices on her fingers. She rose back to her feet and pulled out a blindfold to cover Patty’s eyes. Patty followed her lead as she heard the front door close behind them. Barefoot and blinded she followed Susan to the car. Susan’s hand protected her head as she entered the dark stretch limousine.

It was warm inside. The windows were closed and tinted. Patty felt the presence of another human being with her. Susan eased the car out of the driveway and soon was speeding on the freeway. Patty heard a whisper, “So what made you choose ‘A’.

Patty could not find words to answer. She felt two hands on her thighs and they forced her legs apart.

Susan loudly, “Jon, she is a wet one.”

Jon placed his fingers on Patty’s pubic hair, “a hairy one too.” He laughed.

“Oh my God!” Patty thought as his thick fingers parted her pussy lips. She felt his breath on her cunt and his tongue stroked her clit. Her hips raised and she felt him press his tongue on her clit hard. Her hands reached for his bald head as she screamed, “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” He continued to lick her. She heard him slurp her juices as she shook violently to a moaning orgasm.

Patty was still breathing heavily. She felt Jon sit next to her. He removed her blindfold and kissed her on her neck. She saw a six foot two inches, two hundred pounds athletic bald man with a massive thick erection. He looked like he was in his late thirties. He smiled and he placed his hands on hers, “You look lovely in this dress.” Patty was charmed by his gentle nature and his calming voice.

Susan accelerated on the open freeway. There seems to be no traffic in the direction they were heading. Jon poured a glass of red wine for Patty. As he offered it to her, he opened his palm to give her a pink pill, ”This is a time-tested pill to help you be yourself.”

Patty hesitated, “Do I need it? What are its effects, side effects?” 

She did not notice that Susan made a turn and pulled into a country road. Jon took Patty’s right hand and placed it on his erection, “You will want a lot more of this.” He placed the pill on Patty’s lips and she swallowed it down with a sip of wine. Her hands felt his shaft warm and pulsing. She stroked it as he hummed in pleasure.

Ten minutes later, the car slowed down and came to a complete stop. Susan did not get out of the car, there was a tap on the window. The door opened and a tall black man, bare-chested in white shorts, stepped into the limousine. He looked familiar. Patty’s face was flushing and she felt warm all over. The pill seems to be doing its job.

“This is Drake.” Susan introduced the new body in the car. He did not wait for Patty to respond. He raised her dress and patted her hairy cunt. He looked at Jon, Patty’s hand gripped his base as Drake continued to pat her pussy with his large fingers.

He pushed in a middle finger into her. She swooned and cried out, “Oh please! Please do it again.” He obliged. She wanted it again. He pushed it in deep. She did not want him to stop. Her hand was stroking Jon as Drake’s fingers began to stretch open her cunt. Drake pressed Patty’s clit with his finger and looked up. Jon’s eyes were closed with pleasure. Drake pulled Patty down to rest her head on the base of the seat and raised her legs onto his shoulders. She saw him pull his white shots down and his hard dark chocolate bar tapped her cunt.

“Here it comes baby.” He descended into her. Patty let Jon’s cock go and screamed with pleasure as Drake’s cock moved slowly deep in her.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! You are going to tear me apart.” She embraced Drake. Drake’s face was next to hers. Jon’s cock tapped her mouth. She turned her face to receive him. His cock slipped into her mouth. She smelt his muskiness as she sucked him in. Drake was pounding her hard and she held on to his thick dark meet with her tight cunt. She moaned, “Fuck what is happening to me.” Jon pushed his phallus down her throat and Drake hard deep in her.

Patty did not realize that the limousine came to a complete halt. Susan drew down the windows. She stepped outside and ordered the two men, “Guys, Ryan is in the yard. Bring her out.” Jon’s cock slipped out of Patty’s mouth and Drake carried Patty in his arms, with his cock deep in her. 

Four of them entered an open-roofed shed. Patty noticed the clock on the wall showing 7:30 pm.

Ryan was the largest of the three men. Jon had Susan next to him. Drake was fucking Patty in the standing position. Patty moaned and screamed. Drake was pounding her. Patty closed her eyes and held on tight. Drake moved and slowly put her on the large mattress in the center of the shed. He kissed her on her lips and slowly eased his cock out of her dripping pussy. He stood alongside Jon and Susan.

“So, you want to be fucked senseless?” Ryan asked as he approached her. Patty wondered at the familiar words as he continued, “Susan, did you give her the pill?”

 “Jon did about an hour or so back,” she responded.

“She is primed for action.” Ryan laid on the bed next to Patty. Drake got Patty naked. Patty felt helpless and Drake bends down and lifted her to place her back on Ryan’s hairy chest. Drake raised her hips and Susan approached to position Ryan’s enormous cock into Patty’s cunt. Drake’s hands gripped Patty’s breasts and his cock tapped Patty’s cunt seeking entry for double vaginal penetration (DVP). Jon’s cock once again tapped Patty’s mouth. Patty, the doe, was taken by three enormous bucks.

Helpless she took on the relentless and forceful men for the next thirty minutes. Jon was the first to cum in her mouth, he flooded his cream down her throat. Drake pulled his cock out just in time to shoot in on Patty’s body. Ryan’s thick hard cock stayed in her as his sacs exploded deep in Patty’s cunt. Patty was shaking with multiple orgasms too. Her body seems uncontrollable. Susan came close and gently calmed her down. Patty heard her soft voice, “There is more to come. The night is just beginning.”

Drake carried Patty outside of the shed. He sat her down on the grass against the tree. Susan came by “Golden Shower time.” Patty looked up to wonder how Susan knew of her fantasy. Ryan was the first to approach her, Susan held his cock in her hand and focused it on Patty’s body. Ryan’s cock began to trickle out warm shower onto Patty’s breasts and belly. Jon did not wait for Ryan to finish, he let himself go on Patty’s face. Patty closed her eyes and received on.

“Yeah lady, close your eyes, you can see all of this at your leisure,” Susan laughed.

“Am I being filmed?” Patty was suddenly excited with the prospect of keeping a record of this for future pleasure.

Drake took the longest time to empty his bladder on Patty. Susan then cleaned up Patty with buckets of warm water, soap, and dried her up with a warm white towel. While the three men were naked, Susan covered Patty in a night robe that had an inscription – “I am in luxury.”

Ryan took the driver’s seat. Drake, Jon, and Susan joined Patty in the rear. The wine was served again and Susan offered Patty the pink pill again, “The effect lasts for four hours.”

“Wow, has it been four hours already?”

“Six actually. Time flies when you are having fun.”

The conversation continued. Patty, exhausted, closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Patty opened her eyes to loud grunting and moaning sounds. The room was well lit, she was on the bed in the center of a room that was tastily decorated and with a display of opulence. Jon, Drake, Ryan, and two other men were sitting naked around the bed. Patty looked to her side. She was aghast. Susan was on top of her son, Paul Jr., her breasts bouncing as she rode his erect cock.

“We wondered when you would wake up,” Ryan exclaimed.

Patty continued to look at Susan and her son going at it. She watched Susan pull Paul’s cock out just in time to see the Cum shooting into the air and falling on his bare chest. Susan jerked his cock to let the hot Cum fall on his chest. She then bent down to lick and suck the cum into her mouth. With Cum in her mouth, Susan looked at Patty and mumbled,” WHHUD UH IKE TO THAZTE.” Not waiting for her to reply, Susan put her lips on Patty’s, and Paul’s Cum followed into his mother’s mouth.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!” Patty resisted trying to get up. “Ma, I read your journal. It’s my turn to give you desire.”

Susan introduced the other naked men, “Mike and Dillon.” There…

Published 4 years ago

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