The Point – Chapter 11

"Sexual tension is building within the team as the season draws to a close."

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The following day, Mark was a man on a mission. He was pushing Zach to try to help Luke and Maxi find somebody. Zach explained that he had kept asking them about who they were interested in, but the only person that they had mentioned by name was Mark. They discussed possibly trying to get Justin involved in that situation, but they weren’t really sure with whom or how.

They were relatively confident that Maxi and Luke would prefer to be the top, Maxi probably more so than Luke. Then Mark threw out a bit of a radical idea. He asked Zach if he had ever been the bottom since that time in high school. Zach pretty much dismissed it and said “no” and “no”. Mark suggested that Zach should think about it a bit and left it at that.


They all met up at the weight room the following day. Mark had Zach’s permission to join them for the day and see if he could get a rise out of the guys. He went shirtless just like the rest of them and was constantly in need of help and attention from Luke and Maxi. Mark was at his most playful as he tormented both Maxi and Luke. At first, they were reluctant to flirt back at Mark with Zach nearby. But eventually, they relaxed and there was quite a bit of random touching. Mark tried to get some time with each of them in a one-on-one situation. He asked Luke about his past experiences and he was pretty shy at first. But after Mark told him about a couple of his recent encounters, he opened up a bit. Something about Mark’s stories definitely seemed to have piqued his interest. Apparently, Luke had tried a bit of each role. He had mostly been the top, though. Mark assumed most of his previous partners were considerably smaller in stature than Luke so that probably had a bit to do with it. Next, he had a talk with Maxi. Maxi was stretching out his shorts from about the moment that they started talking. Communicating with Maxi was always a bit of a challenge. Between the accent and his bravado, it was hard to sort things out with him. He claimed to have had many conquests in his past and claimed that he was always the top. He generously offered to show Mark his many talents any time that he wished. Mark said that he would think about it. Mostly, though, he was thinking about how unsure he was if Maxi had ever actually been with anybody before. The four guys finished their workout together and headed to the showers. Maxi, in particular, seemed to feel the need to parade around near Mark’s shower with a very loosely wrapped towel around his waist. It had only been a few weeks, but Maxi and Luke were really rounding into shape. Luke felt the need to show off a bit, also. Luke was definitely the more muscular of the two, but Maxi was more lean and well-defined. They finished their showers and headed to practice. Coach mixed the scrimmage lineups up a bit. It was Devon, Chris, D.J., Zach, and Jamal against Mark, Justin, Lee, Maxi, and Luke. Although it was mostly the upperclassmen on the opposing team, Mark was quite happy with his team because he knew that all four of his guys would run through a wall for him. The scrimmage was pretty closely contested throughout. Maxi and Luke were giving Zach and Jamal all that they could handle. At times it got pretty physical, but that is exactly how Zach had been training them. The biggest mismatches were that Lee couldn’t stay in front of D.J. and that Chris couldn’t keep Justin from getting open looks at the hoop. The score was tied as time winded down. Mark brought the ball up the court and noticed that Zach had picked up Luke defensively. Luke had a bit of a size and weight advantage over Zach and Mark knew that Luke had something to prove to his mentor, as well as to Mark. So he got the ball to Luke near the painted area. Luke tried to back Zach down, but he couldn’t budge Zach. Then Luke faked that he was going to spin out away from the hoop and then reversed inside. Zach played the outside move and when Luke shifted inside Zach lost his balance and stumbled. That left Luke to slide to the bucket for an easy layup. The underclassmen had won. Zach was not happy. He was shouting at Coach that Luke had pushed-off, which he probably did, but that is pretty standard stuff. Zach gathered himself and apologized to Luke and the rest of the guys. It was clearly a case of wounded pride for Zach, who already owned most of the school basketball records. As the team started to head to the locker room, Zach grabbed Mark and asked him to talk to him on the court for a bit. Zach said, “I have been thinking about what you said earlier, and I have to admit that I am still really attracted to muscular guys. And you know, Luke, he is getting there. Fuck, he embarrassed me out there today. But, it didn’t just embarrass me. It kind of turned me on. The fact that I have helped to build him up like that, I don’t know, that just makes it even better.” A smiling Mark asked, “So, what are you thinking then? Would you be interested in a different role with him?” “I don’t know. I don’t know if I can do that. I would like to, and I know that it would be good for me to just get over that whole experience.” Zach mused. Mark responded, “Well, give it some more thought. I hope that you are just seeking my advice and not my permission. You know that you don’t need it. I think that it would be in your best interest to do it and put the past behind you. Hell, maybe you can each have a go at it.” The two shared a hug and a very sweet kiss and headed to the locker room. Mark headed to his locker and did his usual exhibition in his jockstrap. As he turned around he noticed Maxi was standing off to the side stroking his cock and watching Mark. Mark gave him a smile and a nod and headed into the showers. The showers were half-full when Mark got there. Chris and Jamar were in their usual spots to the left. Justin was at the middle shower on the right and Luke by himself on the back wall. Mark took the third shower on the right next to Justin. They shared a couple of playful glances. Then Maxi walked into the shower. His cock was still at full mast. He was staring Mark down the entire time. Chris shouted out, “Look out Mark! Gorbachev is here to party and he has his eye on you!” There was a round of laughter. Everybody watched Maxi as he took the first shower to the right. He seemed completely unaffected by anything going on. Finally, he said, “No.” He looked at Mark. “That one is a tease. I like this one better.” Maxi gave Justin a very thorough examination. While Mark was quite sure that Maxi would be quite happy to spend some time with Justin, he was pretty sure it was just a ploy. Maxi was clearly just trying to make Mark feel a bit jealous. Justin, however, was clearly feeling a bit stuck in the middle. Mark switched showers with Justin. He had briefly thought about having some real fun, but he wasn’t sure if Justin was down for that sort of exposure. As Mark took the shower next to Maxi, Maxi blurted, “Good. He is nice, but I like you better.” At about that time, Zach walked in and took the shower on the back wall next to Luke. Mark was watching them intently and saw that Zach was checking out Luke. Luke caught Zach staring more than once and seemed to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Mark decided to do something to break up the tension. He shouted over to Zach, “Zach, can you believe that Maxi is waving his hard cock at me in the showers?” Zach answered, “Well, you have been flirting with him all day, haven’t you?” “Well, just a little bit I guess. But then, I have flirted with everybody in this shower today other than the couple over here.” Mark added as he pointed to Chris and Jamar. “I don’t want you two to feel left out so…” Chris jumped in, “Nah, nah, nah. That’s okay. You couldn’t handle the way we get down anyway.” Mark sighed, “Yeah, probably not. I know one thing that I definitely couldn’t handle.” Mark stared directly at Jamar’s monstrous cock. “But there is no way that Jamar could handle all of this either!” Mark waggled his cock between his thumb and forefinger. Chris was ready to chirp back at Mark, but when he turned around and saw Mark wiggling his little cock at Jamar he burst out laughing. “Cap, you are one crazy motherfucker!” He reached over and gave Mark a fist bump. Mark went back to his shower, now satisfied that he had successfully distracted everybody from the rapidly building sexual tension. He finished up, grabbed his towel, and got dressed. He asked Zach to hang around for a quick meeting. They met up in the treatment room to discuss things. Mark said, “Man, there is so much sexual tension around here and I think that everybody is feeling it. I am not sure what to do at this point. Tomorrow is our last game of the season and I feel like a lot of these guys need to get it out of their systems. That includes both of us, too.” Zach answered, “It’ll be okay, don’t worry about it. Like you said, tomorrow is the last game of the season.” Mark fired back, “But, Zach, we need to sort some stuff out with you before you are gone. I just don’t want to leave so many people hanging. Luke and Maxi both need to get some ass. There is no way that we can get all of this done in a day.” Zach laughed, “Mark, it is like this every year. That’s what the team celebration is for.” “What are you talking about? What team celebration?” Mark asked. Zach said, “Every year after our last game of the season, we have a team sex-party.” Mark laughed at Zach and chuckled, “Okay, whatever Zach.” Mark looked at Zach and saw that he was completely straight-faced. “Are you serious? No. No way. Really? Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Zach smirked, “Freshmen don’t find out until the night before. So you better be prepared for more than just the game tomorrow. And, whatever you have planned…don’t forget, I get my turn with you also.” “I’ll try to work you into my schedule. Damn, I think that I am going to be busy…and very sore. Fuck! This is going to be crazy.” Mark exclaimed. “How long does this go on for?” “Basically as long as we want to. Some don’t stay long. Occasionally, some don’t participate. Justin ran out last year, so this will probably be his first. You and he are the only first-timers.” Zach said. “What about couples? Like D.J. and Devon for example?” Mark asked. Zach chuckled, “I am not surprised that you asked about them. They participate. They usually play around with each other until somebody wants to join them. They are pretty much always a package-deal. They will condom-up for anybody else, but they are down for some fun. Pretty much the same with Chris and Jamar but I don’t know if you want to join that party.” “That sounds good, really good. I have been dying to get down with D.J. since day one. He will be a challenge, but I can’t do Devon. No way.” Mark confessed. “Well, you have the night to figure things out. I am sure that you will have a plan by tomorrow. Sometimes things aren’t quite as good as they look.” Zach added. Mark and Zach went back to the locker room and grabbed their bags. As they headed out, Mark was clearly processing everything that was going to happen tomorrow.


The next day, Mark met with Coach before the game. He asked Coach if he would consider starting all four of the seniors and playing them significant minutes. D.J. and Zach were starters anyway, but he felt that Devon in particular should start this game. Even though Trey probably didn’t care, he felt that he deserved it also. Coach was reluctant to bench Mark for the game, but he decided that Mark was right in principle, if not in practicality. At the team huddle, Coach let everybody know that there was a lineup change for the game. Everybody looked at Mark, knowing full well that he had initiated it. Devon chased Mark down and thanked him. Mark answered that he was just returning the favor. Surprisingly, Trey thanked Mark also. To Mark’s amusement, he wasn’t thanking him for getting him the start. While he had appreciated the thought, he was thanking Mark for sending Lee his way. The game went well for the most part. It was close all the way. All of the seniors played well. Devon showed all of the skills that a starting guard should have. D.J. was blowing past defenders and getting to the hoop. Zach put up his usual twenty points and fifteen rebounds. Even Trey knocked down a couple of open shots. He probably scored more points than he had the entire season. But Mark was leading the second team(Mark, Justin, Lee, Maxi, Luke) and that was their real advantage. While the first team was keeping even with the opposition. The second team was outscoring them considerably. In the end, they pulled off a comfortable fourteen point victory and all the seniors were able to finish the game on the court. The team enjoyed their victory on the court. It was the best record for the team in over twenty years. A smattering of applause echoed across the tiny gymnasium. It didn’t matter to them how many people showed up or even cared about their game. They were there for each other and nothing was going to ruin their moment. After the game, Coach actually walked into the locker room. Under normal circumstances, it would not be an unusual occurrence for a coach to enter a locker room. But considering his history, Coach never actually went into the locker room. He would always send somebody down there to make an announcement. Coach gave a tearful speech about how proud he was of everybody, especially the seniors. He made a brief summation of each of the seniors and their progress. Then he pointed out Mark and how bright the future was under his leadership. There were lots of hugs for Coach and he was a teary mess by the end of it. Then the trainer, Dillon, brought down a large box that contained various “supplies” that might be required for the celebration. There was bottled water, condoms, lube, and some wet wipes. Coach let the team know that he expected everybody to be treated respectfully and that no actions were to be taken without permission from the other party. He then said, “Have fun boys!” and headed off. Mark suspected that he would be keeping a careful eye on whatever was about to go down.

Published 4 years ago

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