Alice had me trapped. I was tied up in a doll box, dolled up like a pervert’s idealization of a slutty schoolgirl, and put on display right next to the entrance of the store. To make matters worse, Alice had also attached a ‘discount’ sign to my box to draw more attention, specifically to me. It was still early in the day, and I had to hold out until closing time before she would let me go…
“I’m heading to the back for a minute. I’ve got to prepare some online orders for shipping. Be good now, dolly!” Alice said as she walked off. Her heels clicked softer and softer before she disappeared with the sound of a door opening and closing. In a way, I was happy that most people shopped online now. It saved me from a lot of encounters with potential customers. Remembering how empty the store was the day before, and how nobody had knocked or called when the store was closed during Alice’s dollification process, made me feel relieved. The day might end up being rather uneventful!
Some time passed. A door opened and closed again. The clicking of heels became audible again as Alice returned to her desk. “Hey, dolly?” Alice said, teasingly. “You left your phone in the employees’ room. You really ought to set a password on that thing!”
Oh, no. What did she do? Thoughts came rushing to my mind. Did she check my browser history? Open my gallery? Read my chats? Although Alice did not reveal exactly what she had and hadn’t done, it soon became very clear as less than an hour later, some very familiar faces walked up to the store.
Jeremy, Tyler, and Marcus approached the store in unison. They were my best friends. We haven’t been as socially connected as we used to, but even nowadays we always found time to play video games together at least once a week. They never struck me as the type that would enter a store like this… especially together! The group stopped at the front door and inspected the display carefully before their eyes stopped at my sign. Jeremy pointed at the sign and spoke to the group. Their words remained inaudible to me. After a minute or so of talking, the group entered the store.
As the door swung open, Jeremy’s voice became audible, “Where is he anyway? Didn’t he say to meet him here?”
“According to the location he sent in the chat, he should be here, yeah,” Marcus replied.
The group stared into the store for a short time before Alice approached them. “Hello! Welcome to Wonderland! Can I help you?” she asked.
“Yeah…” Tyler started. “We’re looking for our friend, Sam. He told us to meet him here. Said something about seeing something unbelievable before disappearing on us.”
“Sam? I don’t recall him ever mentioning his name, but there was a young man here earlier. He was about your age, so it could have been him,” Alice replied, matter-of-factly. “I think he left his phone here. I found it over in the ladies section. Could you call your friend to see if this phone starts ringing?”
Jeremy was the first to grab his phone and call my number. The phone rang. “Well, I guess we can take his phone then,” Jeremy said. “We’ll make sure he gets it back! It’s a good thing he at least texted us before he got forgetful!”
“That fool was probably taking pictures of slutty lingerie or sex toys and left it after getting distracted!” Tyler exclaimed. The group laughed.
Great. Now they think I’m a pervert. I thought. Although, if they knew where I really was, things would be much, much worse.
“I wonder what he wanted us to see though, I mean, we’re here now anyway…” Marcus said. “Hey, Jeremy, check his gallery! Maybe that will give us a hint.”
“I can’t. His phone… it’s locked?” Jeremy replied in confusion. “Since when does he use a password on his lock screen?”
So that’s what Alice did… She texted my friends to come over and possibly poke fun at me, and then locked my phone so that I can’t even access it anymore! I just hope she gives me the unlock code when she unties me later today…
“Well, I can’t tell for sure what he would have wanted you to see, but he did ask about our discounted doll over here,” Alice said, giving a few light taps on my box.
“Yeah, that one drew our attention too,” Jeremy admitted. “What’s with the discount? And why is it only on that doll? Is there something wrong with it? It looked just fine to us.”
Alice started turning the box to make it face into the store. Slowly but surely my vision rotated, and I was looking directly at my friends. I was happy that I never ended up getting any tattoos. Could you imagine a doll with tattoos? It’d be a dead giveaway!
After Alice finished rotating the box, she took a moment to catch her breath. “The ‘problem’ with this doll is that we requested female dolls for our collection. But our supplier didn’t inspect the dolls and ended up shipping one of their new ‘experimental models’,” Alice explained. She gently removed the front panel from the box. “See for yourselves,” She teased, as she slowly lifted my skirt and revealed the compact chastity cage filling out my panties.
“Is that…” Jeremy began, unable to finish his sentence.
“Yo, that’s a dude doll!” Marcus exclaimed, clearly uncomfortable and weirded out by the sight.
“Are those supposed to get wet?” Tyler asked, pointing at my panties.
“Yeah… They’re only supposed to get wet when it senses its user is aroused, but this model, as it is experimental, has a defect,” she replied. Her eyes locked on mine as she emphasized the word ‘defect’. Alice smiled briefly, though her eyebrows gave away it was far from a kind smile. She was clearly enjoying herself.
Alice pulled my panties aside and gave the group an unobstructed view of my cage. She left it hanging for a second before flicking the tip of the cage twice, only for another drop to leak out of the cage, and fall directly onto the floor of the box. “This cute little thing has become a bit of an issue. Every morning I need to swap out its panties and clean the floor… I’m all for innovation, but this model just has to go. The sooner, the better,” Alice explained.
“These hyperrealistic dolls generally go for 2,000 dollars. This, however, is a new and very exclusive model. So its value is a bit higher than that. 3,000 dollars, to be more precise. However, luckily for our customers, we got this model as a result of a mix-up. So we can charge the regular 2,000 for it. As I would like to get rid of it fast, I’m offering it for 1,500 dollars, which is half the price of its real value. So you get a brand new exclusive doll that nobody else can even afford, for less than the price of the regular female model,” Alice said, trying to convince my friends into considering the purchase.
“No, thanks, I’m good,” Marcus replied. “Well, if this is it, I’ll just see you guys at the car!” Marcus said as he walked out of the store.
Jeremy and Tyler looked at each other as if wordlessly debating whether or not to buy the doll. “Can I pay in installments?” Jeremy asked, his face getting red.
“We don’t usually do split payments, but I’ll tell you what. If this doll isn’t gone by the end of next week, I’ll consider it. 50% upfront, though!” Alice replied.
“I’ll give you a call next week then,” Jeremy said, thanking Alice, then exiting the store too.
When his friends had left the store, Tyler dared to speak freely. “I think the leaking is kinda cute. Does it do that all on its own? Is there no fluid container?” He asked, clearly interested.
Oh, no. Tyler is legitimately interested in owning a sissy sex doll. That can’t be good…
“I don’t know exactly how it works, but, yeah. There’s no container for whatever that liquid is. It just works on its own,” Alice shrugged.
“May I?” Tyler asked, moving closer to the box.
Having moved behind Tyler, Alice could now focus her eyes on me while talking, without raising any suspicion. “Go right ahead,” she answered. Staring directly into my eyes with a devious smile.
Tyler grabbed hold of my cage and fondled it around in his hand. “It’s cute. I can fit the entire thing in just one hand… I like it,” Tyler said. He gently squeezed his hand as he cupped my balls. “Wow, these feel very real indeed. Well, apart from that they are so small in comparison to my own, of course,” he added, giving out a laugh.
“Oh?” Alice replied. Tyler’s remark piqued her interest and gave her an idea to humiliate me further. “Tell you what. If you dare to whip out yours and prove yours are substantially bigger, I’ll lower the price by another hundred dollars,” she teased.
Alice wanted to embarrass me, tempt me to struggle, and make me try to break free. But I knew that if I just let it happen, Alice would hopefully keep her word not to sell me, Tyler would leave, and I’d be free without them knowing it was me. I simply HAD to hold on.
“Challenge accepted!” Tyler exclaimed. He chuckled as he unbuttoned his pants. The zipper promptly followed too and there stood Tyler… pants down to his knees, no underwear, exposing himself in the middle of the store.
Alice moved between us. “May I?” she now asked.
“My pleasure,” Tyler confidently replied. “Just don’t blame me if you get to see more than you asked for!” Tyler laughed as he motioned his index finger uncurling as if becoming erect.
Alice pretended to blush as she dropped to her knees and went to cup both of our balls. Even though it was obvious Tyler was certainly better endowed in that department, Alice carefully fondled both our balls, pretending to analyze them. Her intentions were very clear, however. To tease me, make me leak more, and cause me to get even more uncomfortable in my cage while allowing Tyler to grow up to his full length in arousal.
“Hmm,” Alice moaned sensually. “You are indeed a lot bigger.” She looked up at Tyler and saw his face getting red. “Oh. I guess this view is doing it for you?” She teased. “I’ll tell you what… looking at those big balls, you’re probably pent-up… And now you’re fully erect too… I can’t let you leave like that! So how about another challenge?”
“I’m listening…” Tyler replied, breathing heavily.
“If you can cum over this doll’s cage, I’ll consider her ‘marked’, and thus mark her in our system as reserved for you. You can then pick her up discreetly whenever you get the money to buy her.” Alice dared.
This can’t be happening. How in the world did it come to this? One of my best friends jerking off and cumming on me? I pray he declines that dare… It took every single bit of self-control to remain motionless as my fight-or-flight nerves started to kick in.
“Kinky… Fuck. Okay. I’ll do it… Could you stay there on your knees, though? I’m loving this sight, and it’s helping a lot.” Tyler replied.
“I’ll do you one better, stud,” Alice said, kissing Tyler’s dick on the head. It bounced up in response. “Hmm. Fuck. If I didn’t have other plans, I’d have claimed this cock for myself,” Alice moaned. I wasn’t sure anymore if Alice was simply acting and playing along, or if she meant it, as her act was very convincing.
Tyler had already started stroking himself. But Alice’s teasing had made him shift his body towards her instead, and away from me. He was stroking himself off with his dick pointed at Alice’s mouth. Alice opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue in response.
It didn’t take much longer for Tyler to reach climax. Though he wasn’t prepared for how fast it came, as his first shot landed straight onto Alice’s tongue. Embarrassed, Tyler quickly turned towards me and shot the rest of his cum all over me. Some hit my panties, some hit just my balls, some didn’t even make it to me and merged with the pool that I had already leaked onto the floor, and the rest covered my cage. “I’m so sorry!” Tyler apologized. “Oh, man, I royally screwed that up, didn’t I?”
Alice let his cum slide down her tongue into her mouth. Without swallowing, she closed her mouth and positioned it above my cage before opening it again and letting Tyler’s cum, mixed with her saliva, drip down onto my cage. “There you go. Problem solved,” Alice reassured Tyler. “I take responsibility for going a bit too far with your visual stimulation. Besides… I’ve always wanted to do that to someone.”
“Someone?” Tyler responded.
“Well, something, in this case. But it was close enough to the real deal. After all, this one is so very realistic…” Alice moaned in a sultry tone as she squeezed my balls one last time. I leaked out more in response.
“Wow, it almost looked like its cage twitched! That is amazing!” Tyler said. “I can’t wait to take her home with me. I’ll be sure to have the money within a week!” Tyler quickly pulled up his pants again and left the store.
“Alright. That was quite the ride! I see you once again enjoyed yourself too?” Alice chuckled as she pointed at the floor. “Don’t worry. It’ll be our secret…” she smirked. “Now then, let’s get you cleaned up…”
Thankfully, Alice closed the store early that day. She untied me, washed off Tyler’s (and my own) mess, and let me get back into my clothes after undoing my makeup and removing all the doll ‘clothing’.
“Now then, I do believe you’ve earned yourself a treat!” Alice said in excitement. “You’ve done me proud, Sam! Cute name, by the way. Though I won’t be calling you that anymore after today.” She giggled, as she walked off to a drawer in the employees’ kitchen and took a pill out of an unlabeled container. She then grabbed a mug and filled it with liquid vanilla pudding. The gooey dessert flowed into the mug. While pouring it, Alice dropped the pill in. After filling the mug, she walked back over and handed it to me.
“Drink up! It’s good!” Alice said. Seeing my somewhat saddened face, she realized that my idea of a treat was much different from hers. “Oh. You thought I was going to unlock you? I’m sorry, sweetie, but you already leaked so much today! I’ll unlock you tomorrow… pinky promise! Now, be a good doll and swallow your treat!”
I did as she asked. With audible gulps, one after the other. I finished the mug in one go. If I hadn’t known about the pill being somewhere in there, I would never even have realized I swallowed it. “What was that pill anyway?” I asked.
“Just a painkiller for the chastity pains I caused you today,” She replied. “Don’t worry about it.”
Don’t worry about it. The classic red flag statement… yet, it’s not like I could just decline her demands, I thought. As scared as I was, I was also too curious for my own good. My girlfriend was never this kinky, and Alice introduced me to things I couldn’t imagine in my wildest fantasies. A part of me wanted to do as she told me, just to see where it would take me.
“Go home, sweetie. Get some rest. I’ll see you again tomorrow,” Alice said. “Oh, and skip breakfast tomorrow! For reasons!”
More secrets. Great…