The summer moves along. Grace is now cleaning twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Tim and Abbie do not see her except at their Thursday dinners. The extraordinary job Grace is doing keeping their house up for them is obvious. The three do leave notes for each other, sometimes about something needing to be done, but more often just small, humorous things for the other’s enjoyment. While Tim enjoys these snippets also, it is really just Abbie and Grace back and forth.
Now it’s early July. The flowerbeds are blooming. Tim’s, and now Abbie’s too, garden is a valid competition to Les’s yard for the first time. And all to Abbie’s green thumb Tim acknowledges. Plants and flowers, and Tim’s herb garden are in full bloom. They share back and forth with Les making both of their gardens true showplaces.
Tim is incorporating the herbs into his cooking. He is also planning how to shift the plants to the greenhouse in winter to keep them growing. Meanwhile, Les’s house is at sixes and sevens as the contractor begins work on remodeling Les’s house.
There is much discussion between the contractor and Les, Les and Tim and Abbie, and Phoebe and Les, about different aspects of the job. Of late, she is deciding on the colors to use on the outside of the house. Tim and Abbie’s home is now cream siding with forest green trim along with the reddish brick. Les wants to complement their colors, so after many ‘councils of war,’ she decides on a lighter mustard yellow trim for her house with white siding and the same color brick as next door.
The two houses are on the community’s outer fringe, close to where the unofficial ‘entrance’ to the development. The remodeling of both houses is improving the look of the community of houses. With the renovations of the two homes, the neighbors’ talk is how the two homes at the entrance are increasing housing values so much.
Their neighborhood is called the King’s Lane. The entrance near Tim and Les’s house was royalty’s route when passing through their hamlet. Since the war, other parts of the city developed and incorporated King’s Lane. The neighborhood still has a counsel board that approves any changes to residences. When Tim and now Les got permission for the changes they made, the council was eager to have the homes begin to improve and revitalize the community.
King’s Lane, built after the second world war, is feeling it’s age. But seeing, even only from outside, the fresh look of these two homes have others make improvements to their own homes. Many of the original owners are now gone. Their children and grandchildren are now living in the houses or are trying to sell them. The trend Tim starts is expanding to other homeowners. All are making the community new and different and more diverse than in the fifties.
Things are going very well for Abbie and Tim. They have adjusted to a pattern for their lives. For a good while, Tim had no reason to discipline Abbie as she asked him to back in the beginning.
In reality, it has only been three months from when they first met. But for all the changes they have gone through, it seems much longer to Tim and Abbie. Early on, Abbie requested Tim to discipline her as needed. This led to the list of rules for her to follow. She has kept to the rules, and a visit to what is now Abigail’s room has not been needed since the first time. Abbie is behaving, not overspending at all, and overall being exceptionally good, at least as far as Tim knows.
The trouble is, the one area that Abbie has supposedly learned to stop, she only did so in the sphere of what Tim aware of. Just as it should be, Abbie feels. She has been so good at making Tim feel she has broken her habit of gossiping about anyone. Though at work, it is a main way of communication between different parties, and Abbie dives into that pool of speculations and rumors whole-heartedly.
She never shares any of this with Tim now. Unless using words suggesting what she tells him is a fact and does not speculate on it with him. Abbie’s cocky side feels that what Tim doesn’t know can’t hurt her.
In the first week of July, this totally changed. One early afternoon Abbie calls Tim for her check-in time rather than texting. She would do this sometimes to hear his voice, and Tim liked it for the same reason. After a short chat, someone came knocking on Abbie’s door, and she tells Tim she needs to go.
The trouble is, in her haste, Abbie just set down her phone on her desk rather than ending the call. Not knowing this, when her coworker comes in and sits down, she breaks some new rumor, which is starting the rounds. Tim, realizing Abbie has not hung up, starts to end the call himself. Then he hears the beginning of the conversation between Abbie and her colleague. He freezes as he hears what is being said.
The colleague, bursting with news that one of the office staff has started an affair with one of his clients. The conversation lasted several minutes, but the first few are all Tim needed to hear.
Abbie is lapping up this gossip and asking questions, offering speculations as if she knows other details. Tim’s face reddens as he realizes that Abbie has not stopped her gossiping. Just not around him. He disconnects the call about halfway through, hearing more than enough. Now he has to calm himself and decide what action should be taken.
The fact that Abbie is gossiping upsets Tim a great deal. Worse, hearing Abbie and her colleague laugh over misfortunes that might happen to the conversation’s topic is upsetting to Tim. How can his Abbie be so sweet but indulge in this unsavory habit? Pondering this, Tim knows action needs to be taken immediately to try once again to break her of this behavior Abbie claims she wants to be free of.
Then, to add to the problem, when Tim pulls up in front of the hospital to pick Abbie up a little after five, she is standing talking to someone. The passager window is lowered, and Tim can hear this conversation also. Abbie is belittlingly and chastising this coworker about some project he did not complete. Tim can see how Abbie’s tone and accusations humiliate the coworker, especially as being done within earshot to many other staff now leaving.
Tim is now entirely determined that this side of Abbie needs reforming. Both such negative attributes heard and now seen this afternoon show Abbie’s other side, which needs to be controlled. Especially before Les begins her relationship with Pathways by being on the board and seeing Abbie in daily action.
Abbie gets in the car, kisses Tim, and starts chatting about her day. Tim does not move the vehicle. Abbie freezes when Tim says to her, “Abigail, don’t you have something to tell me about your day which you seem to be leaving out?”
Abbie is not sure at first what he means, as to be honest, Abbie, since her spanking about Les and Phoebe has not curtailed her gossiping at work. She just makes sure she contains herself when around Tim. And she is unaware her chastising an employee is seen as a negative to Tim.
Abbie blushes deep red. “What do you mean Tim, um Mr. Hudson?” Abbie knowing somehow she has been caught but not wanting to admit it if that isn’t what Tim is referring to.
Tim starts to drive, looking straight ahead, and replies, “Abigail, when we get home, go directly to your room and the corner. You know what rule you have broken, and think about it until we get there. Realize from what I just witnessed, a new rule is going to need to be added. This is a very serious matter, and we are going to settle it once and for all.”
Tears start falling from Abbie’s eyes as she stammers to say something, but Tim tells her he does not want to hear excuses. When the time comes, he wants to hear what she has done, requiring her to be punished. Abbie/Abigail is shuddering, thinking about what is to come. And is only grateful that it is not a Thursday dinner night with Grace.
At home, she slides out of the car and is upstairs standing in the corner immediately. Tears are falling down her face as she knows somehow Tim knows about this afternoon’s relishing in gossip with her coworker. Abbie acknowledges that besides indulging in the speculations, she wastes time for her and her colleague from getting their work done.
Abbie is unsure what rule Tim says needs to be added, but then reflecting on what she was doing when he pulled up and seeing it from a different perspective, Abbie thinks she knows what Mr. Hudson is upset about.
Abbie tries to spin this off for herself as being firm with employees is essential, and hearing the scuttlebutt about what is going on helps her be aware of staff issues and more for the smooth running of the center. But standing now in the corner and reflexing, Abbie knows neither of those excuses holds any water.
She has acted unacceptably in Tim’s eyes, but what is worse is she now acknowledges that her behavior is unacceptable to her. Tim does need to help her lose all these behaviors to be the person she so wants to be. Not only wonderful in Tim’s eyes, but stretching toward perfect in her own.
Tim leaves her there for over a half-hour to reflect on things. Abbie hears him moving around some, in and out of the room but dares not turn around. And, deep in her reflections, she can’t really.
Finally, Tim comes behind her and takes her wrist. Like a child being directed by their parent. He leads her to the bed, which he sits on, and has Abbie stand in front of him. She sees that it is not only the hairbrush in arm’s reach for him but also that leather paddle they bought a few weeks ago but yet to have used.
“Abbie, do you have something you need to tell me?” Tim asks in such a serious tone of voice.
Abbie feels like she is a little girl who has been caught stealing cookies from the jar. She hangs her head some and mutters, “I have not followed the rules we set, Mr. Hudson. I have been gossiping, not just today, but for a long time now.” Continuing after a few sobs and gasps for breath, “And I realize that I do vocalize my dissatisfaction with my staff inappropriately. I do need you to help me correct these flaws.”
Tim is almost overwhelmed with Abbie’s confession and wants to pull her into his arms to hold and comfort, but he knows doing such would not rectify her behavior. But that Abbie is becoming aware of her failings and wants to have the discipline needed to change her behavior, he understands the enormity of filling this role for Abbie means.
Tim coughs a few times, and clearing his throat, lifts Abbie’s dress up over her waist and helps her bend over his knee. Tim is sitting on the bed, Abbie across his lap. Her head is resting, and crying into a pillow. She lifts her legs and feet to stretch out to the end of the bed.
Tim nudges her cunt to lift from his right leg as he pulls her panties down slowly to her knees. When she lowers herself again, Abbie is now aware that Tim has removed his pants and shirt. Before in her sorrow, she had not looked at him at all to see what he was wearing.
Abbie’s privates are now resting on Tim’s bare right leg, the bottom of Abbie’s stomach on his left leg. Abbie settles herself some. She spreads her legs as she has come to know what is expected when she is being punished.
Tim’s hand runs over her ass cheeks as his other hand holds her waist in place. In a neutral voice, Tim goes over, in detail, how Abbie’s behavior today has led to this. Hearing over the phone her gossiping and witnessing her degrading an employee as others watched on. Then Tim goes on to explain how both are so detrimental to a workplace. Abbie can only agree with what he is telling her.
And then the first spank with Tim’s hand lands on her right cheek. Before the full gasp is out of Abbie’s mouth, the second spank lands on her left cheek. Even just Tim’s hand spanks are showing how much trouble she is in. Abbie is soon in tears as spank after spank rains down on her ass, turning the cheeks into rosy orbs.
Abbie is feeling so guilty about all she did. She knows this is hurting Tim to have to take a firm hand to help her learn. Tears are flowing from Abbie’s eyes from the first spank. She is so remorseful, and each spank stings with the shame she feels.
Abbie wants this to be about punishing her for her behavior that needs to be changed. She can’t help being aroused by being spanked. It somewhat confuses her having these mixed feelings, but it does not stop her from crying out her regrets about what she did.
When Tim slows with the hand spanking, Abbie knows it is just to change her punishment instrument. She squirms but knows she needs all levels of discipline tonight. It will be the beginning of her reforming.
Abbie feels the first swat of the wooden hairbrush against her tush and relishes the pain, and rush from it. She hates to admit how aroused she is becoming as her ass is swatted over and over. Tim is making sure to cover all of her cheeks and upper thighs as he disciplines Abbie.
Over and over, as Abbie’s ass is the center of attention, Tim repeats why this is happening. How Abbie must change in her behavior. Abbie is gasping as she agrees with all he mentions.
When Tim switches to the new leather paddle, which Abbie has not experienced before, the message is truly brought home. Each sting of the leather spanking her ass cheeks is an incentive for Abbie to never engage in such things again. Knowing if she tries to keep it hidden from Tim, it will still be revealed in time, and worse will happen.
Abbie’s ass now rather ruby red after over a half-hour over Tim’s lap, it ends. Tim helps Abbie up to sit gingerly on his lap as he wipes her tears away and kisses Abbie’s forehead telling her he is sure she now understands the errors of her ways. Abbie clings to him, just saying over and over how sorry she is.
When Abbie calms enough, Tim helps her stand. Then holds her to step out of her panties, dress, and shoes.
Abbie is stiff from being aroused by the spanking and is somewhat ashamed for it to be noticeable. Tim comes back into the room, places a plastic cup against Abbie’s clit, and tells her to hold it. He takes the stem of her clit into his hand very firmly, and his other hand squeezes, massages, and pulls her ‘tessies.’ Abbie is soon very stiff and in need of release. She shoots into the cup – filling it almost an inch with her semen.
Tim wipes her clean with a wet rag and then brings out the smaller cock cage they had bought but have not had reason to use yet. Much like the leather paddle she just felt. Hearing it click on her holding her in, Abbie leans back into Tim’s chest for a minute.
Tim hugs Abbie and turns her towards the desk. She sees that the rules have been taken out of the frame. Plus, there is a fresh pile of paper next to them. Tim tells Abbie, “Take a seat, and add a rule sixteen to the list.” She does as Tim says, and he recites to her, “Number 16: Abigail will ‘play nice’ with others. Treat all with respect and kindness. Not belittling others or make them feel bad.”
Abbie’s face is beet red, knowing she is very guilty of this. She writes as Tim dictates and then as he instructs, begins writing five new, perfect and neat copies of the rules. The list is getting longer, but Abbie agrees with each rule she needs to follow.
Tim leaves her to her task and goes downstairs. Abbie is again memorizing each rule as she repeatedly writes them over and over. The finished lists now state:
Number 1: Abigail will text or call Mr. Hudson (referred to as Sir in following rules) every day if they are not together at 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 8:00 pm, and when going to bed.
Number 2: Abigail will ask permission to go out on her own and accept Sir’s decision if he tells her no.
Number 3: If Abigail does something that she realizes she shouldn’t have done, Abigail must tell Sir immediately and accept her action’s consequences. If Abigail hides what she did, Sir will find out in time, and the discipline will be much more.
Number 4: Abigail will dress appropriately for whatever the occasion. If her outfit is deemed too revealing, she will accept the consequences.
Number 5: Abigail will behave at all times like a proper young lady.
Number 6: Abigail will not flirt with others. Or allow them to touch her in any improper way.
Number 7: Abigail will show Sir proper respect and accept his judgment about things.
Number 8: Abigail will trust, obey, and be loyal and honest to Sir as he will be to Abigail. Abigail and Sir’s relationship should be the number one thing. Show that it is essential to Abigail through her actions and words. Do not do anything to make Sir question this.
Number 9: Abigail will accept any disciplinary actions Sir feels she needs without argument or resistance. When being punished, she will be called Abigail, and she will refer to Tim as either Sir or Mr. Hudson.
Number 10: Abigail will answer her phone or texts from Sir promptly. Work issues may require a short period between receiving and replying, but all other times Abigail will respond immediately.
Number 11: Abigail will keep Sir informed of where she is and what she is doing at all times, if not where she should be at any time.
Number 12: Abigail will comply with all these rules without argument. Rules can be changed or added to if deemed needed by Sir
Rule 13: Abigail will always show her affection to Sir when they first come together after apart
Rule 14: Abigail will be economical with her money, not wasting it needlessly when other less costly options are available.
Rule 15: Abigail will not gossip about things that do not concern her.
Rule 16: Abigail will ‘play nice’ with others. Treat all with respect and kindness. Not belittling others or make them feel bad.
Abbie is concentrating so hard on finishing her task. While she hears Tim enter Abigail’s room she does not raise her face to see what he is doing. She does hear him moving around some. She only looks up to see the small narrow single bed has the covers pulled down, and Tim is sitting toward the end of the bed.
He motions for her to come to him and sits Abbie on his lap. Her fanny is still a bit sore and warm, but Tim holding her to him as he rocks her some makes Abbie feel better. Holding Abbie on his lap, Tim puts a short nighty on her.
From their first night together, and actually before even, Abbie has never worn sleepwear. And this nightie is somewhat childish, baby doll style but no panties. The outfit only goes a couple of inches lower than her ass cheeks. The tip of Abbie’s cockcage is showing below the hem.
Tim talks seriously with Abbie about what happened today. How disappointed he is but sure she now understands and will try to change. He wonders about something Abbie had mentioned when she first asked him to discipline her when needed. Would for a while a regular maintenance spanking help?
Tim holds Abbie and talks with her about how her behavior needs to change. For the immediate future, until he can feel confident that Abbie has broken these bad habits, she will get a maintenance spanking each Wednesday night. He concludes, “Abbie, I love you with all my heart, but the behavior you displayed today in two different ways is saddening to me. While my love for you will never change, today, I do not like you that much.”
Tim actually telling her he doesn’t like her for her behavior is devastating to Abbie. Tears are flowing freely as she flings her arms around Tim’s neck and between kissing his face and neck, tells him how sorry she is. She never wants Tim to dislike her ever. She will behave so he can love and like her always.
This makes what is about to happen even harder for Tim, but he knows it is needed. And Abbie will learn the consequences of her inappropriate actions. Tim stands with Abbie in his arms and lays her on the bed in Abigail’s room. She tries to still cling to him, but he removes her hands and tucks her in. ‘Bad little girls are put to bed early with no dinner,” Tim tells Abbie. He closes the drapes, and the room is dark though surprising it is only seven-thirty.
Abbie cries herself to sleep but understands she needs this discipline and the weekly reinforcement ahead. Tim leaves the door slightly ajar, so some light comes into the room. The light seems to be focused on the brush and leather paddle sitting on the nightstand next to her. She cries into her pillow over what Tim said about while loving her, not liking her. Abbie is heartbroken. She never wants Tim to feel that way about her. This in itself is the start of a turning point for Abbie to be the type of person Tim will like, be proud of, and continue to love.
Abbie realizes that it is not even eight o’clock yet. It seemed like so much longer between her spanking, corner time, and writing assignment. She thinks about the planned regular spankings ahead and hopes they will not end with her having to sleep here alone without Tim. Abbie has become so accustomed to pressing her back against Tim’s stomach as she falls asleep with his arm around her, this void feels like the worst part of her punishment.
The cockcage closing her in is something else new Abbie is experiencing. The added weight of it, while not great, is a reminder she is wearing it. And her cock is throbbing against it some, letting her know she will not be released until Tim decides to.
Abbie sleeps fretfully, as does Tim. Not having Abbie next to him for the night is punishment for him also. He just hopes that Abbie will learn to curtail these problem areas.
Abbie wakes early in the morning as she did go to bed much before her usual time last night. As she opens her eyes, she sees the brush and paddle still on the nightstand. Knowing Grace is coming to clean today, Abbie would like to hide them away, but she will not without Tim’s consent. She also sees that the Rules are back in the frame and on the wall by the desk.
Abbie wonders if Grace has read them yet, and will she notice the addition? The other copies are gone, but Abbie knows one is on the refrigerator, and two are in each of their briefcases. She wonders about the fifth copy.
As she starts to get up, Tim comes into the room, helps her, with hugs and kisses telling her good morning. He leads Abbie to the shower, where with care, he scrubs her and washes Abbie’s hair. Nothing is mentioned about last night, and everything seems back to the same between them.
The only reminder of what evolved last night is a sealed envelope address to Les, sitting on the kitchen table. In an envelope just as the first set of rules had been. Tim calmly tells Abbie that before they leave for work, she needs to take the envelope over to Les and ask her to replace the previous one with the new version.
Abbie knows that Les has probably seen and read the copy of the rules on the refrigerator by now. As has Phoebe, being in the house several times. And now Grace is a third to know her shortcomings and the discipline she wants and needs.
She has mixed feelings. She is embarrassed that the three women know, but at the same time, something churns in her arousing her that they do know. A twisted and complicated combination of feelings. Abbie nods in acknowledgment to Tim, and as he pulls the car from the garage, Abbie walks to Les’s door and explains what is needed.
Red-faced, she climbs into the car, and Tim pulls out of the drive. “Abbie, there is one more thing you need to do as soon as you get to work. You must apologize to the coworker for being inappropriate and rude yesterday. And it needs to happen in front of others, just as your belittling him was,” Tim tells Abbie in a calm voice.
The red blush moves down Abbie’s neck and chest, realizing what Tim requires her to do. Remorseful, Abbie, in a small voice, replies, “Yes, Tim, I know I must do that, and I will. I will text you after I do.”
So the beginning of a new era starts for Abbie and Tim, her becoming more and more kind and caring, and as a strange side effect, Tim much more confident, realizing that he needs to be the moral compass for Abbie.