Horns Up – 6

"Another demonic misfit joins the household. What a shocker."

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It’s deathly quiet in the office, deep within the provisional Earth-Hell Initiative headquarters.

Casey is sitting at one end of a long table, frantically scribbling away at a sheet of paper as she tuts and swears beneath her breath. Over by the door, Bessa sits with her hands crossed politely on her lap, but her closed eyes and slumped posture suggests that she had dozed off the moment she sat down. Lilith is pacing up and down the office, occasionally glancing over Casey’s shoulders at whatever she is writing. Your one-eyed handler keeps checking her watch and muttering beneath her breath, much to your mounting unease.

“Hurry up,” Lilith suddenly announces, folding her arms disapprovingly.

“I’m goin’ as fast as I can! Human letters are so fuckin’ awkward!” Casey snaps, clutching her pen in a fist.

“You were told to get to grips with the lingua franca when we first contacted your village. You’ve got no excuse for such poor penmanship.”


You want to step in to defend the Imp, but you know you can’t. After all, this is an assessment; a test to see whether Casey can finally be trusted to get her ankle bracelet removed and attend her art classes at college. Part of the test is the questionnaire she’s currently filling out, but it’s mostly an examination of her attitude. If she fails, it’ll be another mark against her, and with all her previous runaway attempts, she’s facing a possible deportation back to Hell.

“Alright, that’s enough,” Lilith finally says after what feels like hours, tearing the sheet away from the minute demon.

As she leans back in her chair and starts balancing pens on her upper lip, you see Lilith’s brow furrow as her single red eye darts across the page.

“Have you really been settling in as well as you say you are?” she asks.

“Yup. Ask him if you gotta,” Casey replies coolly, jabbing a thumb at you.

Lilith’s scrutinising gaze burns into you. Swallowing hard, you nod affirmatively.

“Right… And you’ve been working on the reflection pieces you’ve been told to write? There’s a lot of EHI agents that still want for apologies.”

“They’re in the works. Muu’s been helpin’ me make them proper sincere.”

“Okay. What about your household duties? You don’t go into much detail here,” Lilith asks, pointing at the questionnaire.

You freeze up, remembering just how lazy and sloppy the Imp can be at home. But Casey just takes a deep breath.

“Not gonna lie, I still got a ways to go with cleanin’ and helpin’ out around the place. I’m gettin’ better though; Bessa’s been real good at givin’ me a hand.”

Your eyes widened. She’s actually telling the truth?!

Even Lilith seems a little surprised by Casey’s honesty. Clearing her throat, she glances over at the sleeping Golem.

“I see. You’ve been getting on well with your new housemate then, I take it?”

“Yup! We’re practically breast friends!”

Casey suddenly shakes her head.

“B- Best friends! I mean best friends!” she corrects hastily, tearing her gaze away from Bessa’s prodigious chest.

Setting the page down on the table, Lilith folds her arms and shuts her good eye, thinking silently for a moment before she snaps her fingers and gestures for you to follow her.

“Let me hear your side before I make the verdict. Both of you, stay here.”

Leaving your two most recent charges in the office, you and your handler step out into the hallway, whereupon Lilith starts to walk in the direction of the elevator.

Wait, isn’t she going to interview you or something?

“Nope. Casey’s whole situation has already been reviewed; I’m just putting her through all that for a little payback. Call it a vendetta fulfilled for all the manpower she wasted with her little escapades.”

That seems a little cruel, no?


You both step into the elevator and she hits the button for the top floor.

“Anyway, the top brass have agreed to put Casey on a looser leash. The range of her monitor will be extended, so she can attend her classes as normal. As for Bessa, we’ll get her squared away with everything she needs for her education here. I believe she wished to study agriculture or something along those lines.”

You do remember her saying something about raising cattle.

“You know your lodgers well. Nice going, kid.”

You think you almost see her smile. But as the elevator comes to a stop, it fades.

“There’s someone who wants to meet you,” she explains, gesturing to an office door at the far end of the hall.

The top floor, a fancy office… It doesn’t take long for you to put two and two together.

Are you going to see the director of the EHI?

“No, but he’s about as important. He’s my dad.”

Her dad?!

“Eyes forward and arms straight, kid. Don’t let me down after all I’ve done to talk you up,” Lilith says before pushing the doors open and ushering you inside.

The office is about as you expected it to be; large, fancy and corporately sterile. But that’s not what draws your attention.

A man is sitting behind the desk, his hands steepled before his face. He is wearing a dark goatee upon his weathered face, and his hair is just as long and grey as his daughter’s. He also sports red eyes, though he has two of them, which lock onto you the moment you step inside.

“Ah. You’re here. I trust this isn’t too inconvenient a time for you?” the imposing man asks.

You shake your head. Not at all.

“Good, good. I’ve been meaning to get a look at you for a while now.”

He reaches for a metal cane and arduously heaves himself out of his seat. He’s tall, and for a moment you wonder why he’s limping, until he rounds the desk. The right leg of his trousers is rolled up, revealing the metallic prosthetic he’s sporting. Hinged at the knee, it appears to be made entirely from steel and has been shaped to look like a goat’s hoof.

You raise an eyebrow and glance at Lilith’s eyepatch before returning your attention to her father’s missing leg.

You briefly wonder if her mother is missing an arm or something.

Lilith’s father reaches out with a large, weathered hand.

“But let me introduce myself. My name is Luc-“

“Lucian,” Lilith quickly interrupts, clearing her throat.

Her father glares at her before his eyes widen, as if remembering something.

“Ah yes. Lucian. My name is Lucian.”

You shake his hand, flinching at his tight grasp and freezing cold skin. Something about this man just saps the strength out of you. Lucian gestures for you to sit before his desk, whereupon he returns to his own seat and stares at you with a piercing gaze.

“I won’t beat around the bush, my friend; the situation has escalated somewhat,” he says after a deep breath.

Sorry, what? Situation?

“I trust you’re aware of this?”

He pulls out a crumpled pamphlet from his desk. As soon as you spot the brightly coloured patriotic patterning, you recognise it as one of the handouts from Mothers Against Hellish Invasion.

You nod and tell him about the woman you bumped into outside the hardware store a few weeks ago.

“Indeed. These ‘concerned mothers’ have been causing no small amount of hassle for us since we began the Earth-Hell Initiative. As you well know, we’ve been conducting homestays all over the country, and while we’ve always faced resistance from certain groups, this MAHI crowd is by far the most vocal. We’ve already had some reports of anti-demonic propaganda being distributed in some of the southern states.”

You swallow hard. This sounds serious.

“The board is concerned, and they’ve been putting a lot of pressure on us to make this integration as smooth as possible. In layman’s terms, my friend, all eyes are on you.”

Why you?

“You’re a special case. Placing a single human in charge of a household filled with a member of each demonic race was a risky move, but what with all this pushback from the MAHI group, we’re desperate for this to be a success. Simply put, if you fail, the entire Earth-Hell Initiative goes up in flames.”

Sweat begins to bead on your forehead. Lucian notices this and gives you a sympathetic nod.

“I understand your concern. Dallas, Gale and my dear Lilith have been doing their utmost to keep conflict at an absolute minimum, but there have been some cases of violence against our demon homestays, and I fear if the MAHI get their way, things will descend into utter chaos.”

He clasps his hands and stares at you with a gaze that penetrates your very soul.

“So stay the course, my friend. Make sure your charges are well-adjusted and prove to the world at large that demons and humans can get along as comrades.”

Lucian bows his head.

“We’re counting on you.”

So. The fate of not one, but two worlds rests upon your shoulders. It’s up to you to keep your charges happy and maintain an image of happy, peaceful domestic life with demons, as well as champion the cause of the EHI and prove to the MAHI that the organisation has the best interests of Hell and Earth at its heart.

And so far you’ve had illicit relations with every demon under your care.

Simply put, you are feeling on edge.

In the days following your meeting with Lucian, you’ve been taking your managerial duties to the absolute extreme. You’ve sustained chemical burns from cleaning up Natasha’s caustic experimental failures, stressed yourself senseless over supplying the house with enough food to sustain Muu’s monstrous appetite, tried and failed to help Yvynn learn the basics of ASL – she refuses to make facial expressions – did everything in your power to keep a lid on Casey’s wanton vandalism, and spent no small amount of time browsing furniture stores for new pillows for Bessa.

Before long, you find yourself sitting on the couch, staring blankly at your phone. It’s Friday afternoon; the one day when everyone in the house has classes, bar one.

“You’ve been staring at that message for a while, honey. Are you okay?” Natasha calls from the dining table where she’s set up her study space.

You nod limply and continue to stare the text Lilith just sent you.

“Eyes up kid, got a live one coming your way. Late notice I know, but I was only told to pick this one like a hour ago. The entire office is shitting itself over this MAHI bullshit and frankly I haven’t had time to scratch my own ass, never mind text you. Anyways make sure you got a welcome committee ready or something; this one’s a real fucking peach.”

You just sigh and massage your temples.

So you’ve been thrust into the limelight, tasked with making human-demon domestic living look normal, and yet the EHI keeps entrusting you with so-called ‘difficult cases’. Even Lilith seems to be aware that your charges aren’t the best choices for cross-dimensional ambassadors.

You hear the familiar purr of Lilith’s car rumbling from outside as these dour thoughts run through your head. Fighting the urge to sink lower into your seat, you stand up and take your position by the front door. The engine stops, a door opens and you hear a high-pitched voice cry out from outside.

“Hurrry up, you monocular peasant! You wasted enough time at that rrrancid ‘earrrport’, and I haven’t the patience to deal with yourrr insipid sluggishness!” it shrieks, causing you to jump.

“I wouldn’t be walking so slow if I didn’t have to carry all your fucking bags!” you hear the irate voice of Lilith snap.

“The fault lies entirrrely with you! You wouldn’t let me brrring my serrrvants!”

“For fucks sake, we’ve been over this! I’m not writing up visas for-!”


The front door is kicked open with all the force of a thunderclap, and would have struck you in the face had you been standing just an inch closer.

The woman standing in your doorway is your newest lodger, you can tell that at a glance. Her skin is bright yellow in colouration, contrasting sharply with the platinum blonde hair that extends all the way down her back. A pair of short horns jut from her forehead, but most striking of all is the pair of long elfin ears she has, both heavily weighed down with golden earrings. She’s wearing so many fancy fur coats that you can’t make out how her body looks, but you can get a pretty good look at her face. Both of her bright blue eyes are locked onto your face, and her thin lips are twisted into a disgusted grimace.

“What the fuck is this rrrepulsive creature?” she cries, pointing a ring-laden finger at you.

She rolls her Rs so harshly that you’re completely caught off guard. You stand there and stare at her blankly as Lilith shuffles through the door, carrying at least five different suitcases.

“I already told you! He manages the place, and you’re gonna be under his care while you’re living on Earth!” she growls, dumping the cases onto the floor.

Wiping her forehead, your handler jabs a finger at your newest charge.

“Alright kid, this is-“

“Lady Callyette Murrrua Ollatsyrrrc Samada! Thirrrd daughter of the prrroud Samada family of Lustrrrecliff Heights, the grrreatest goldsmiths in all of Hell!” Callyette interrupts, pointing her finger into the air.

Lilith releases a long, drawn-out sigh.

“… Right. Callyette Murua Ollatsyrc Samada. As you can see, she’s a Nymph. Demon of Hubris, or Pride, depending on who you ask. You got it from here? Good. Seeya whenever.”

Only a few seconds through your front door, and she’s already gone, slamming the door behind her. Still frozen with shock, you slowly turn your eyes onto the newcomer.

“Stop starrring at me, drrrudge! Take my bags to my chamberrrs and fetch me a beverrrage! I thirrrst enough to drrrain an ocean!” she announces, smoothing down her many coats as she flounces her way over to the couch.

Um. Should you at least get introductions out of the way first?

“I don’t converrrse with the help! Now fetch me a drrrink alrrready!”

You grind your teeth at her caustic remarks, but decide to oblige her for now. She just underwent a cross-dimensional jump from Hell and a flight in a vehicle she wasn’t familiar with; she was probably just cranky. You step into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water, catching Natasha’s eye as you pass by the table. The Succubus’ eyes are wide with disbelief.

“Who the Hell is that?” she whispers as you pour Callyette her drink.

Her new housemate, apparently. She’s certainly… charming.

“Five seconds in and I can already tells she’s a bitch, sheesh. Lemme go introduce myself…”

She gets out of her chair and heads into the living room before you can say anything. As you begin to pour some water into a glass, however, you almost spill it all over yourself as the two demonesses immediately explode into an argument behind you.

“I should have known therrre would be a violet harrrlot rrresiding here! Everrry second that passes, this hovel gets worrrse and worrrse!”

“Hey, who are you calling a harlot?! I’m just trying to say hello!”

“I was prrromised a vacation home on this mudball, but instead I’m sharrring prrrecious airrr with a prrromiscuous whorrre!”

“Well fuck you too!”

“Oho! And she speaks with a vulgarrr tongue! How typical!”

“Why are you talking like that?! Are you choking on phlegm or something?!”

Well, that went about as well as you expected it to.

Rushing back as fast as you can without spilling anything, you walk in on the two girls standing with their faces a hair’s breadth apart, both baring their teeth and glaring daggers at each other. Placing a hand on Natasha’s shoulder, you pull her back before things get bloody.

“Hmph. Keep your harrrlot on a leash, drrrudge,” Callyette scoffs, folding her arms.

Natasha starts at her comment, but you hold her back and hand the newcomer her water. She glares at the glass, scoffs and knocks it out of your hand.

“Water? Water?! You expect a noble such as myself to drrrink water?! Wherrre is the liqourrr?! The champagne?! I will not stand for this!”

You hear Natasha take an infuriated breath.

“Honey, if you don’t mind, I think I’m going to study in my room. Have fun with Cally, okay?” she tells you through her teeth.

“Cally?! How darrre you! You will rrreferrr to me by my full title; Lady Callyette Murrr-!”

She’s cut off by the sound of Natasha’s door slamming with full force.

You sigh and shake your head. She may be insufferable, but its up to you to accommodate her to the best of your ability. Maybe some light conversation to break the ice?

You ask Callyette what her life was like back in Hell.

“Ohoho, this one can’t comprrrehend luxurrry when he sees it?” she laughs with a snide grin, ears twitching.

She strikes a pose, causing the countless golden bracelets and bangles on her arms to jingle. She rubs one hand along her outermost fur coat and another along the many earrings in her ears.

“I’m a noble lady of the town of Lustrrrecliff Heights, a bastion of similarrrly noble Nymphs such as myself! I, of course, am the most beautiful of them all, can’t you tell?”

Great. The Pride demon has an ego. You’re sure this isn’t going to get annoying.

Well, does she wish for a house tour before the others get home?

Callyette clucks her tongue and folds her arms.

“I suppose if I’m going to be living in this sty, I may as well get used to it. Lead the way, drrrudge!”

You’d balk at the nickname if you didn’t have almost half a dozen beneath your belt already.

You begin to show the latest addition to the household around the property, but it quickly becomes painfully clear that this woman is going to be an intense drain on your patience. She sneers at the lack of scullery personnel manning the kitchen, berates your choice in living room decor and even goes so far as to turn her nose up at the garden, citing it’s ‘horrrid’ appearance the result of lazy gardeners. You try to tell Callyette that most humans weren’t in the business of having house servants anymore, but she just can’t seem to get it through her head. As you wearily make your way up the stairs in order to show her to her room, you hear the Nymph scowl.

“This place is positively horrrific. Am I to underrrstand that but a single serrrvant is to wait upon a lady of my staturrre? I would rrrequire at least five butlerrrs, at minimum!” she announces as she climbs the stairs behind you.

You quietly remind Callyette that you are not going to be her personal servant, but despite her long ears, she doesn’t hear you.

As you guide her down the upstairs hallway, the door to Natasha’s bedroom suddenly flies open.

“Coming through~!” the Succubus cries in a cheery voice.

She’s carrying a large beaker of pink fluid, but before you can ask her what she’s doing, she deftly maneuvers past you and continues on her way down the hall…

… only to blunder straight into Callyette. The Nymph gives a screech, the beaker goes flying into the air, and the pink liquid within splatters all over the hapless newcomer, soaking both her and her fine furs. As she stares open-mouthed at her soaked garments, Natasha retreats to your side and gasps coyly.

“Whoopsie! Didn’t see you there, Cally~!” she coos smugly.

“Y- You…! Look what you did to my prrrecious rrraiments! Drrrenched in this vile… what even is this disgusting slop?!” Callyette shrieks, shaking with barely-contained outrage.

“Ooh, nothing much. Just a highly-potent and extremely absorbent aphrodisiac I was working on.”

The Nymph freezes up as the colour drains from her face. You feel a similar phenomenon occur in your own body as you turn to stare at Natasha, eyes wide.

“If you’re still showing her around, you might wanna let her know where the bath is first, honey. Ta-ta!”

With a wink, Natasha grabs her discarded beaker and returns to her room, decisively locking the door behind her before either you or your new charge can do anything. Swallowing hard, you turn to Callyette, blanching as you watch the viscous pink concoction drip off of her.

Oh fuck, you can already see the colour returning to her cheeks.

“A- A- Aphrrrod- disia- ac…?!” the Nymph gutters, still frozen with shock.

You take a deep breath. You’ll deal with Natasha’s little revenge plot later; for now, you need to get this woman cleaned up ASAP.

You anxiously pass your phone from one hand to the other as you pace the hallway outside the bathroom. It’s been fifteen minutes so far. You can only hope that Callyette is alright in there. If something were to happen to your newest charge right after learning what Lucian told you, you don’t think your nerves could take it.

You knock on the door.

Callyette? Is she alright in there?

“Argh! Drrrudge! How do you worrrk this inferrrnal contrrraption?!” cries the Nymph in response.


“Get in herrre and make it worrrk!”

Was she struggling with the hairdryer or something? Sometimes it just needs a good few whacks to get it going.

However, upon opening the door, you are met with a completely unexpected sight.

Standing amidst a massive pile of her discarded clothes and jewelry, Callyette stands completely naked, hands planted on her hips as she glares daggers at the bath. Now that she’s taken all the coats off, you see that she’s actually rather slender, sporting a frame that you can only describe as lithe, or petite. Natasha’s concoction still glistens upon her yellow skin, causing you to realise – with some shock – that it had taken her fifteen minutes just to get undressed.

Callyette whirls around, fixing you with an irate glare. She doesn’t seem ashamed of her nakedness, and only puffs out her chest whenever she notices you staring at her sunny nipples.

Not that there’s much to see; she’s as flat as a board.

“Perrrfect as my bosom may seem, therrre arrre morrre prrressing matterrrs at hand, drrrudge!” the Nymph snaps, folding her arms.

She jabs a manicured finger at the bath.

“Make it worrrk! I must get this filth off me before it begins to seep into my brrrain!”

You tear your gaze away from the naked demon.

Does she really not know how a bath works?

“Do you think me a common serrrf?! I have serrrvants to do that forrr me! Countless handmaids to condition my locks and scrrrub my skin! I bathe only in the finest-!”

Alright, alright, you’ll draw the damn bath already!

You lean over the tub and twist the hot tap, frowning as the Nymph’s demeanour begins to wear away at your patience. She in turn just stands and stares at you, eyes narrowed with concentration. The flush in her cheeks is still there, and it seems she’s breathing heavier. You hope to God that this isn’t going to turn into another Muu situation.

“Hotter,” Callyette demands.

You grit your teeth and twist the tap more.

“Do you have lotions in this pigpen?”

A couple. But they belong to the others-

“Add them.”


“I said add them, drrrudge!”

You hiss through your teeth as you grab a selection of the girls’ various body washes and bath lotions off a nearby shelf and present them to the Nymph. She gives them all a dismissive look and clucks her tongue.

“All of them.”

You reluctantly oblige, pouring each into the water until it’s an opaque, milky white. The smell is overpoweringly sweet.


You increase the heat. As the bathroom fills up with steam, you find yourself growing uncomfortably warm. You mutter about the heat beneath your breath, prompting Callyette to cock her head as her elfin ears twitch.

“If you arrre too warm, then just disrrrobe! Do you rrreally need me to tell you that? Arrre you lacking in autonomy altogetherrr, drrrudge?!”

Says the woman who can’t even draw herself a bath!

“Therrre’s a differrrence between can’t and won’t! Now remove yourrr top before you starrrt sweating everywherrre!”


You pull off your shirt and toss it aside, glaring at Callyette all the while. She doesn’t meet your gaze, however, as she’s too preoccupied with staring at your chest, her mouth slightly agape. Frowning, you step aside and gesture for her to get into the bath.

“I- I was just about to! Do not rrrush me, drrrudge!” she snaps, pushing past you.

The Nymph hisses through her teeth as she steps into the bath, one foot after the other. You can see her skin flush a deeper shade of yellow, and you have a niggling feeling that it’s not just from the heat. As she eases herself into the hot, milky water, you turn to make your exit.

“And wherrre do you think you’rrre going?”

You glance over your shoulder. Callyette is sitting with her arms folded in the bath, staring at you expectantly.

You’re leaving her to bathe herself. That was typically good manners, as far as you are aware.

“Do you expect me to wash this slime off myself?!” she shrieks incredulously, dramatically running a finger through the dregs of Natasha’s concoction that still clings to her skin.

… Yes. Yes, you do.

“Don’t be rrridiculous! Rrreturrrn to my side at once!” the Nymph demands.

Though you find yourself swiftly approaching your limit, you swallow your pride and march back over to the edge of the bath. As annoying as this woman is, you figure the longer the aphrodisiac is left to soak into her skin, the worse off things will be later on. It was best just to get it over with now; there’d be plenty of time to teach Callyette about manners later.

Grabbing a loofah, you lather it in body wash and lean in close to scrub your new tenant’s skin, only for her to screech and slide out of the way.

“What do you think you’rrre doing?! Get that filthy rrrag away frrrom me!”

And just how the Hell are you supposed to clean her, then?!

“Yourrr hands, drrrudge! My beautiful skin rrrequirrres a gentle touch!”

You raise an eyebrow. The great Callyette – a noble demon – wanted you – a lowly human – to touch her with his bare hands?

Surprisingly, she has no quick answer for this. The Nymph just gutters at your question as she stares at your chest. She then folds her arms and sticks her nose into the air, her cheeks burning red.

“D- Don’t everrr say I offerrred no comprrromises!”

… Whatever.

Pouring thebody washh into your hands, you sit yourself on the edge of the bath and lean over to begin cleaning the pink gunk off Callyette.

Credit where credit is due, her skin is absolutely flawless. Your fingers glide across its impossibly smooth surface as you lather up the soap, ensuring that it’s left spotless. Callyette tries to put on a façade of haughty irritation, but with every brush of your fingers and press of your palms, you can see her bite her lip and squint her eyes.

She catches your eye and scowls.

“Oh just get in alrrready!” the Nymph suddenly demands.

What? Why?

“So you can wash me prrroperrly! Hurrry!”

She sticks her nose back into the air and raises her arms above her head, waiting for you to comply. You just hold your tongue and do as she asks, pulling your trousers off as she sneaks peeks at you from the corner of her eye. As you climb into the bath behind her, you let out an involuntary gasp upon being submerged in the hot water. Callyette takes advantage of your brief distraction in order to sit back, planting herself right between your legs. Your dick is perilously close to touching her ass.

“Get to work!” she snaps.

Shaking all distracting thoughts from your head, you lather up your hands and continue your ministrations. Now that you’re so close to her, you realise that under the strong soap and perfume, she has a alluring scent to her, like rain after a storm.

“Hmph. Yourrr technique is lacking, drrrudge,” Callyette complains as you scrub down one of her slender arms.

Her body seems to disagree. Every gentle brush of your fingers causes her perfect yellow skin to shiver and flush, and she seems to be having a hard time keeping her heavy gasps under control as you wash the last of Natasha’s concoction away.

You hold your hands at her shoulders, briefly wondering when she’s going to tell you to stop.

A long ear twitches, as if she’s hearing what you’re thinking.

“Keep going.”

Your eyes widen. But you cleaned it all off.

“My bosom.”

You crane your neck in order to peer over her shoulder, but the Nymph just blushes and pulls away a little.

“D- Don’t question my orrrderrr’s, drrrudge! Just do it!” Callyette squawks, though she sounds uncertain.

You frown and roll your eyes.


Applying more soap to your hands, you reach around the demon and immediately grasp her chest. She clearly wasn’t expecting you to be quite so forceful, as the Nymph gives a little yelp and jolts back in the bath, pressing her back against your own chest. She tries to say something, but as soon as you begin to massage the smooth flesh of her breasts, whatever complaint she’s about to make dies in her throat. Callyette is clearly getting hot and bothered now, but at this point, you find yourself getting a sick sense of satisfaction out of her discomfort.

“Ah!” she gasps as you quickly flick your fingers across her nipples.

The more you rub the soap across her chest, the more aroused she seems to get. Consequently, you feel your own cheeks beginning to flush as blood gradually rushes to your cock. Bit by bit it gets harder, until it’s nestled snugly between the Nymph’s asscheeks. She stiffens up.

“Wh- What is tha- ah!”

You shut her up by focusing your attention on her nipples, circling them both with two slickened fingers.

“Y- You can’t do this to me!” Callyette hisses through her teeth, arching her back in an effort to withstand it.

Do what? You’re just washing her front, like she asked.

“That’s…! This…! That vile witch’s brrrew is just making me-!”

Making her what?

Her ears flick back and forth as they burn red. Must be something she does when she’s embarrassed.

“Nothing. Just get on with it, drrrudge,” Callyette mutters after a while, though you can tell from her tone of voice that she’s biting her lip.

Looks like it’ll take a little more to get to her.

Now completely absorbed in getting payback for your new charge’s poor behaviour, you keep one hand focused on teasing her nipples as you slowly glide the other one downwards, across her silky smooth midriff and around her navel. Callyette glances down as her whole body shivers.

“What are you doing…?” she asks in a nervous voice, though you can hear some anticipation as well.

You’re just cleaning her. As ordered.

“Y- Yes, but…!”

You smirk as you just slowly circle her stomach, washing the suds off with the piping water.

But what?

“Aren’t you… you know..?”

She stopped rolling her Rs. Was she just putting that on? Are you finally getting to her?

Aren’t you gonna what?

With your hand on her chest, you feel the Nymph take a shaky breath.

“… go further down?” she finally says in a very, very quiet voice.

There it is. That’s what you were hoping for.

And yet you find yourself wanting to tease her further.

You “accidentally” let a finger slip, causing it to graze her clean-shaven mons, eliciting a sharp moan from the Nymph.

Why would you do that? She just wants you to wash her front, right?

“W- Well yes, but… you could keep going… um, d- drudge…”

Your face softens a little as her facade cracks and crumbles before your eyes. She’s putting it all on, isn’t she? The haughty daughter of some prestigious Hellish clan or other… It was all an act.

You sigh.

If she wants something from you, she just has to ask. Politely.

“What?! But-!”

If not, you can stop right here.

“No! I don’t-!”

You make to pull your hand away, but Callyette abruptly grabs it and holds it to her crotch. She’s positively shaking all over.

“P- Please… finger me…!”

See, was that so-?

“… master!”

Your eyes widen.

Um. That’s not quite the reaction you expected but…

Fuck it. You’re already in this deep.

Pulling Callyette back against your chest, you wrap one arm around her torso as you plunge the other beneath the surface of the water. You slowly slip your fingers across the demon’s pussy, and though it’s submerged, you can tell that it’s absolutely sopping. Callyette squirms and gasps in your arms with every slight movement, but you hold her in place with a gentle but firm grasp.

She could at least try to hold still.

“Yes master…!” she whispers.

The more she says it, the more it begins to grow on you.

Merely grazing her lower lips seems to spark intense reactions from the Nymph, causing her to buck and thrash in the water, splashing it everywhere. As you trace a finger up to her clitorus, she opens her mouth to cry out. Thankfully you manage to cover it in time.

God forbid Natasha finds out her little concoction worked. Again.

Placing two fingers aside Callyette’s clit, you gradually begin to rub it in circles, so as not so overstimulate her. From what you can gather, she’s been holding back for a long time, rendering her incredibly sensitive. You wouldn’t wish to-

She cums. Immediately.

With shocking brevity, Callyette’s entire body straightens out as she orgasms in your arms, her head shooting back and almost hitting you in the nose. Her eyes are rolled back and you can feel her drool leaking through your fingers, but that’s not what alarms you.

You can feel tingling. Like actual electric currents flowing through the both of you.

Lying there in the tub, you give Callyette a few moments to catch her breath.

“Th- That was-” she begins, quivering all over.

Oh, you’re not done yet.


She asked you to finger her, didn’t she?

“Is that not what you just did?”


“But that’s how I always-“

She shuts her mouth before she can let anything slip. Callyette clears her throat, and for a moment, her haughty persona returns.

“It’s not prop- ahem, prrroperrr forrr a young lady to- Hngyah?!”

You slip your index into the Nymph’s honeypot before she can even finish her sentence. She’s hot and sticky on the inside, and the walls of her vagina clamp eagerly around your probing digit.

“Y- You’re… inside…!” she gutters, eyes wide with shock.

As requested.

“My first… human…!”

Does she want you to stop?

Swallowing hard, she slowly shakes her head and fumbles for your other hand, pressing it to her mouth and urging you to keep it there.

“P- Please keep going, master,” you hear Callyette gasp before your fingers close around her mouth.

Very well then.

You carefully probe deeper inside the Nymph with agonising slowness, smirking at every little noise she makes. She’s stifling her breath as best she can, but her body betrays her need as her pussy clenches around your finger, drawing you further inward. Your dick is rock hard and the stirring in your loins is begging for you to get on with it, but you temper your mounting lust with patience, eager to see just how much of a mess you can make of this woman.

Curling your finger inwards, you press it against the squishy wall of Callyette’s vagina and gradually pull it out again, like an inverted beckoning gesture. She positively squeals as she squirms about in your arms, her oversensitive spasms splashing water all over the floor.

But by now you don’t care for the sorry state of your bathroom.

Holding Callyette tight, you ease into a comfortable fingering rhythm, always keeping one eye on her reactions so you know when she’s getting close. The Nymph is remarkably easy to bring to the brink of orgasm, whereupon you ease up just enough for her excitement to ebb away with an impatient whine. The minutes tick by as you continue to pleasure her with your hands – sometimes adding another finger, sometimes reaching up to rub her clitoris – but never once allowing her to cum. By the time she speaks again, you’ve already lost track of how many times you’ve done this.

“M- Master! Please~…!” she begs, barely able to string two words together.

You take a deep breath of the steamy air and sigh.


Extricating your fingers from Callyette, you briefly wash your hands and climb out of the bath, leaving the Nymph to stare at you, dumbfounded.

“Wh- What?! What are you doing?! You can’t leave now!” she cries, gripping the edge of the bath.

You furrow your brow and turn around to face her. As soon as your turgid dick swings into view, Callyette goes beet red. She cowers behind the side of the bath, her glimmering blue eyes staring directly between your legs.

Clearing your throat, you plant your hands on your hips.

Last time you checked, you were the one in charge of this household. She is a guest, and would do well to remember not to overstep her bounds. You washed her, by her request. You pleasured her, by her request.

If she wants something more from you, then she’s going to have to beg.

Her eyes widen at this, and for a moment you feel a little guilty. Is this going too far? Is this too cruel?

“I… I…” the Nymph stutters, rapidly glancing from your face to your cock.

You take another deep breath.

Okay, you’ve had your fun. It would probably be best to end this here.

Turning around, you go to grab a towel in order to leave the steam-choked bathroom, but you’re suddenly alarmed by the sound of heavy splashing. Afraid that Callyette might have slipped, you whip back around-

– only to see her kneeling on the floor in front of the bath, her head lowered in subservience. She’s shivering with anticipation as she prostrates before you.

“M- Master, I beg of you… please…”

She looks up, teary-eyed.

“Please fuck me!” Lady Callyette Murua Ollatsyrc Samada cries in a very unladylike manner.

… Well shit. You can hardly turn her down now, can you?

Grasping the Nymph’s shoulders, you pull her to her feet and direct her to place her hands against the sink, which she does without question. It’s only when you wipe all the fog off the mirror that she begins to jostle about uncomfortably.

“Y- You want me to see… myself…?” she asks in an uncertain tone.

You fold your arms. If she’s uncomfortable with this, then the pair of you can leave it here and never speak of-

“No! I- I mean… please, master…” Callyette interrupts, looking away sheepishly.

Stepping behind the lithe demon, you run one hand through her hair as you use the other to line yourself up with her pussy. She’s practically dripping with need, and her legs look as though they could give way at any moment.

You’re briefly struck by a moment of clarity as you once again find yourself on the cusp of doing something drastic.

You look up at Callyette in the mirror.

Last chance to back out.

She just bites her lip and shakes her head.

That’s all the confirmation you need.

You grab a hold of Callyette’s long blonde hair as you press the head of your cock against the entrance to her vagina. You can see her gasp and bit her lip in the mirror, breathing heavily with equal parts anticipation and arousal. Using your other hand to firmly grip her ass, you gradually ease yourself into your new lodger. Her eyes roll back as she grips you tightly, her whole body spasming in time to her overexcited heartbeat. By the time you’re halfway in, you reposition your hands, grabbing the Nymph around the waist in order to hilt her fully. You can see tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, but the ecstatic smile on her face puts your worries to rest before they even have time to arise.

“S- Sweet Hellfire…! You… You’re so big, master…!” she cries.

You’re not even the whole way in. Either she’s overplaying this or she’s never-

Your eyes widen. Oh God. She’s a virgin, isn’t she?

“Nnngh… anh!”

Gripping the edge of the sink tightly, Callyette pushes her ass all the way back into your hips to connect with hers. She stands there, quivering from head to toe as she stares at herself in the mirror.

“A- A scion of the Samada family… Brought low like a b- beast…!” the yellow-skinned demon breaths, gazing into her own dilated eyes.

She gingerly places a hand on her abdomen, feeling your bulging mass within her.

“How scandalous~!”

There was a crazed look in her eye that unnerved you somewhat, but also sets you at ease in an oddly paradoxical way. Having suppressed her body’s needs for who-knows-how long, it’s no surprise that she’s acting a little odd now that she’s finally given in to what she wants.

Callyette has years of frustration to work through, and you’re more than willing to give her a hand.

More than a hand, in fact.

Grasping the Nymph’s hips, you begin to thrust; slowly, but firmly. The first time you slam into her, she stumbled forward with an ecstatic cry, grabbing the sink once more in order to steady herself. Her insides are so tight and slick that you almost fall over yourself, but gritting your teeth, you hold on tight and begin to really jackhammer into her.

Honestly, you’re not sure what comes over you. With all the others, you began your ministrations gently, taking care to ease yourself into the flow of things. But with all the teasing you had put Callyette through earlier, you dimly realise that you had been teasing yourself as well. You roughly thrust into her over and over like a rutting animal, grunting with exertion in time to the demon’s breathy moans. The pleasure is enough to override your higher brain functions, replacing any thought more complicated than ‘fuck her harder’ or ‘make her scream’.

“Ah! M- Master! You’re… You’re gonna b- break me!”

That’s the plan…!

You feel your skin tingle and your hair begin to stand on end as a latent static charge builds up between the two of you. As you ruthlessly fuck Callyette over the bathroom sink, you wind your hand back and spontaneously slap her ass. It creates a sound like a thunderclap and feels like an electric shock, but judging by the way the Nymph is crying out, she definitely likes it. You grit your teeth and spank her ass red, all the while her legs are threatening to give out altogether. At one point, you feel her pussy constrict tight around your cock as she leans against the sink for dear life, her eyes streaming and her tongue lolling out.

“I- I’m sorry, master… I’m sorry f- for being such a bad girl…!” the demon stutters.

She doesn’t think she’s done already, does she?

“No, I… My legs… Came too much… I’m sorry, master!”

You just grunt irritably. She’s hopeless.

“Hah~!” she moans, squeezing her legs together as you reprimand her.

Grabbing a reddened buttock, you extricate yourself from Callyette. She lets out an indignant whine, but it quickly becomes a titter of excitement as you embrace her from behind.

“Master…?” she murmurs dreamily, looking back at you with gleaming blue eyes.

You’re not finished with her yet.


In a show of strength that surprises even you, you grasp the Nymph around the waist and lift her up into the air. Grabbing hold of her thighs, you spread her legs wide open, presenting Callyette with a mirrored full-frontal display of herself. Her lustful secretions dripped from her spread pussy, and her golden nipples were rigid with excitement. The moisture from the bath had since evaporated from your graceless fucking, leaving her slathered in an undignified mix of her own sweat, tears and saliva.

There she is. The most dignified lady in the land.

“No…!” Callyette whines as she hides her face behind her hands, though you can tell she’s getting off on this.

Then what is she?

“I’m… I’m master’s little bitch!”

You smirk. Good girl.

You pull her downwards right as you thrust your hips up, spearing your charge upon your full length all in one go. The combined sensation of her hot insides, her entire body weight and the static charge is almost too much to bear, but as you look at Callyette’s reflection, you can see that she’s frozen with shock. She twitches and spasms as she orgasms upon your dick for… well… you’ve honestly lost track of how many times.

Hey. Is she still with you?

“Uh hunh~” is all she manages to respond with.


Teeth bared and brow furrowed, you rail that petulant Nymph like an animal, slamming her down onto your cock over and over again. You can practically hear the electricity sparking between your bodies, and with every thrust, you feel that familiar pressure build up within you, stronger than you had felt it before. Callyette moans deliriously with each movement, raising her voice only to cry out when you bite her neck.

With one final, arduous grunt, you slam Callyette down upon your hips and cum with all of your might. You hilt yourself deep within the Nymph as you pump an ungodly amount of semen into her pussy, your cock throbbing with each spurt. A sharp shock of electricity runs through you as the Nymph rides out one last powerful, mind-melting orgasm.

You remain locked with her for a few moments, gasping for breath as your cum leaks from her pussy and dribbles down her legs.

“M- Master’s… c- cum…” she murmurs, her legs twitching as you pull your dick out of her.

Taking a deep breath, you lay the demon down upon the bathroom floor. You step over her and into the bathtub, whereupon you grab the showerhead and begin to wash yourself, taking a good few minutes to scrub the remnants of your lovemaking from your skin. By the time you finish and step out again, you look down to see that Callyette hasn’t moved an inch.

“Cum~” moans your latest lodger as the fluid in question pools on the floor beneath her.

As you grab a towel and gather up your clothes, you sigh and prod her with your foot.

Once she’s finished doing… that, she really ought to clean herself up. And maybe also your bathroom.

“Yes, master…”

You sit in silence at the dining room table, staring blankly at the wall. Across from you, Natasha softly hums to herself, sipping from a flask as she skims over one of her chemistry journals. You can hear the shower running upstairs.

“Twenty-six times,” the Succubus eventually says, flipping one of the pages.


“She came twenty-six times. I counted.”

For the love of- does she really have to bring this up?! You’re doing your best to try and forget what just happened!

“Hey, it was kinda hard not to, honey. The lights nearly blew every time she-“

Hey! What did you just say?!

Flipping the book shut, the sultry demon props her head up in her hands and gives you a teasing grin.

“No need to be so coy, now! I heard everything. I wasn’t sure if you had it in you honestly, but once again honey, you’ve surprised me. Vanilla, sub, switch and now dom… Hot damn~” she coos.

Let’s not forget that it was directly because of her that this happened.

Natasha cocks her head.

“Oh? Am I?”

Up above, you hear the shower shut off. The pair of you listen closely to Callyette’s footsteps as she steps out of the bath, opens the bathroom door and heads down the stairs. Dressed in what you recognise as Yyvnn’s bathrobe, the newly-washed Nymph marches into the kitchen and fixes Natasha with a furious glare.

“You,” she hisses venomously.

“Me,” the Succubus replies in a cool, knowing tone.

“You ought to be ashamed of yourrrself.”

Oh boy, her bravado’s back.

“You arrre lucky that I managed to wash off yourrr disgusting concoction beforrre it did irrrevocable damage to my psyche! Do you have any idea how horrrible it feels?! To have yourrr mind and body turrrned to such lurrrid thoughts and deeds by some damned witch-brrrewed aphrrrodisiac?! I should-!”

“Oh that wasn’t an aphrodisiac, Cally.”

The Nymph cuts herself off mid-tangent. Blinking a few times, she turns her widenend eyes onto Natasha.

“I- I’m sorry?” she asks in a quieter tone.

“Yeah, that’s totally my bad. See, what I actually spilled on you was this guava and raspberry smoothie. I just got mixed up. Wanna try some?” the Succubus explains with an innocent smile, offering her flask to her newest housemate.

You’ve never seen someone go so red so quickly. Callyette gutters out a few half-formed sentences, before she just swallows hard and stares at the floor.

“… I’m going to bed…” the Nymph says quickly, her voice barely louder than a whisper.

She bolts up the stairs before you can say a word.

Giggling to herself, Natasha takes a deep sip of her smoothie and lightly taps her chemistry book.

“We’ve been looking into placebos in college. It’s fascinating stuff,” she remarks with a sly grin.

You stare at her, your jaw hanging slightly ajar.

… She’s an exceedingly cruel woman.

“Haven’t the faintest clue what you’re talking about, honey~”

Published 2 years ago

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