We were young then. We had been in a steady relationship for three years and it was great. She was beautiful and sexy. Our sex life was pretty good and could be described as ‘normal’. I felt safe with Caroline. She was blonde, curvaceous. Just beautiful. That night, I was to see Caroline in a different light. Little did I know it but my nice ‘safe’ relationship was going to become almost too hot to handle.
It was a beautifully warm summer night. We had been out for a drink at a local pub with a very good mate of mine, Terry. We had got very drunk, the three of us. In fact, I’d never really seen Caroline as drunk as that before. Terry and Caroline were a little flirty together, to be honest, but I took it all in good humour. No harm, I thought. Caroline and I were secure and happy with each other.
“Jesus, is that the time?” said Terry. “I’d better get back home to Stacey.”
I checked my watch. It was getting late indeed. “You’re not going to drive back, are you? You’ve had a lot to drink. Walk back to ours with us and have a coffee at least,” Caroline said.
“Yeah, go on, Terry,” I added after some debate. Terry agreed and the three of us staggered back to our flat. Soon we were sitting down with our coffees, Terry sitting with Caroline on the sofa, me opposite in the armchair.
Caroline said, jokingly, “Had a great night tonight with you two sexy guys!”
“I’ve enjoyed it too you, sexy bitch,” retorted Terry. We all laughed and Terry put his arm around Caroline and gave her a peck on her lips. I didn’t think too much of it at first but they looked into each other’s eyes for a long time. I laughed thinking that they were just winding me up. Then, to my surprise, they kissed tenderly.
Caroline broke away first. “Steve, sorry I just find Terry so fucking sexy.” Caroline had a very naughty look in her eye.
“Er, well.. Ok, we’re all rather drunk, no harm done.” I felt awkward, jealous and extremely horny. My heart started to pound in my chest and I felt my face redden. My mouth went dry and my cock stiffened.
“What’s that?” asked Caroline, looking towards my flies.
“Erm, well,” I stammered.
“You’ve got a hard-on!” she said.
Terry said, “Wow, mate, looks almost as big as mine!” We laughed.
Caroline’s eyes widened, “Come on, let’s see who’s got the biggest!”
I laughed, thinking that Caroline was joking. In a strange conflicting way, I half hoped that she was joking and half wanted her to be serious about this. Terry obviously didn’t think she was joking and started to undress.
My face reddened further, I could feel the heat of my cheeks and had a rushing, excited feeling in my head. My cock stiffened.
“Come on, Steve,” said Caroline, “get it out.” Caroline started to undress.
I followed quickly. Soon all three of us stood there naked. Terry’s cock looked large and he was clearly very horny. Caroline looked beautiful naked and she smelled intoxicating. She took both of our cocks, one in each hand, and rubbed our shafts slowly. I’d never seen her look so horny and so daring.
“I may be very pissed,” she said, “but I want Terry to fuck me while you watch.” Before I had time to react, Terry stood behind Caroline and was pushing his cock into her. hot pussy. “Ooh, yes,” he moaned. Caroline closed her eyes. “Well come on, Steve, come closer and watch us fuck.”
I looked behind Caroline to see Terry’s cock sliding in and out of her. “Steve, hold my bum cheeks open so you can see that beautiful cock fucking my pussy.” I dutifully did so. It was an amazing sight. My eyes were popping out of my head.
My breathing quickened. This was all so wrong yet all so right. Soon, Terry said, “Fuck, I’ve got to pee. I’m so full!”
To my surprise (and delight), Caroline replied, “Just do your wee inside me!”
Terry looked at me as if to say, “What about your carpet?”
I didn’t care. I was now so carried away and hot that I didn’t care!
Still holding Caroline’s bum cheeks open, I saw Terry’s abdomen tense. He stopped pumping for a short while and I heard his pee start to trickle out of Caroline and onto the carpet. He pulled out of her, aimed his hard cock and pissed a good long stream over her arse and pussy. Caroline moaned with pleasure.
“I need to do a wee too. Steve, Terry, will you watch me wee on the floor?”
I took my cock in my hand and started to rub it. “Go on, babe, piss for us,” I urged.
I could hardly believe my own voice had said that. I was, deep down, a jealous kind of guy but my lust seemed to overcome those feelings. That unmistakable hissing sound started and Caroline peed a beautiful stream. Terry, who had now finished his pee, started to wank too.
“Ooh, I’m doing my wee all over the floor, guys. Fucking yeah.” As she finished her last spurts, she took us both in hand and knelt down in her own warm pee.
Both Terry and I soon shot jets of appreciation over Caroline’s breasts. She smiled devilishly at me as I let the full contents of my now aching bladder, splash out all over her.
Terry got back home very, very late.