“Bonding” – Chapter 6:- “My Humble Abode”

"Set in 1987 this is the fifth part of Clare's first lesbian date with Brenda"

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“As you know, David,” Clare said. “Brenda owns the entire property and lives in the penthouse on the top floor. Here is my story of the last part of my Saturday date with Brenda.”

We pulled into a car park by the block of her apartments. From the outside, other than its size, there was nothing to woo you, and little kerbside appeal; just four floors and a flat roof. It was rather plain and white, except for the dark windows and the nearest corner, where the front door was. That corner was four floors of solid dark glass, which matched all the other windows. It gave the building a modern feel.

The most impressive thing was the block size and the fact that Brenda owned it. I was trying to judge how many flats there were per floor. I was thinking of anything between ten and twelve. Brenda later told me that there were only eight, but each was large and of the highest internal specification.

We gathered all the shopping bags and walked to the front key-coded door. She showed me how to work the keypad and made sure I had the number, but then let me know they changed every quarter. Once in, we caught the lift to the top floor rather than taking the steps.

As we arrived, the lift opened onto a landing with only one grey extra wide door. It was ahead and to the right of us, at the top of the stairs.

Brenda opened the door using another key number, and she then told me. “This number is mine and I change it when I want to.” There was also a security alarm on the other side, which is the same number but for the last digit. We stepped across the threshold and entered a short grey-coloured corridor that had a lit, full-height, continuous mirror on the left-hand side and a large walk-in closet on the right.

“This where I keep my going out and guest coats,” Brenda announced, but in all honestly, it was a room larger than my bedroom back home. I was also thinking about why all the security and then I wondered how big her apartment was. I had seen no other doors.

At the end of the corridor, there was a final extra-wide door that Brenda opened with a key. As she did so, she said, “I get you a key if we become official.”

She then opened the door wide and proudly said, “Welcome to my humble abode.”

To be honest, I was not really listening, as we had just stepped into another world. It was the most amazing private space I had ever been in, with its multi-coloured lighting and its size. It was huge. I think my jaw hit the floor as I subconsciously just said, “Wow.”

The new room was long, and at our end, it ran the entire width of the building. To the left and towards the front of the apartments was a lounge area. It was oval-shaped and sunken at maybe two or three feet deep, with five wide marble steps to get down to the carpeted floor. It was also the only place I could see with a carpet, and it was black with a large, white fury rug in front of a massive unlit gas fire; a polished copper hood that acted as a chimney.

The curved lounge area had a long, fitted white sofa running around the curve on both sides. The only gaps in the sofa were for the fire at the further end and the steps opposite the fire and closest to us. I guess twenty people could easily sit down there, but there was no TV or other furniture on the sunken level, just the white fury rug and the large open gas fire.

Brenda was looking at me and smiling, my jaw still on the floor. To the right of us was the dance floor and on the back wall, some sliding doors which looked like they opened out onto a large baloney. Brenda was now grinning at me. It was now apparent that she liked to surprise people and show her place off.

“My dear, did I not mention that I live on the whole of the top floor?”

We looked at each other and smiled, as we both knew Brenda hadn’t.

“It is two hundred and fifty feet long and one hundred feet wide. When I commissioned the building three years ago, I had the whole floor layout to play with and I have had it designed to suit my tastes. This is the entertaining area where I hold my themed parties.”

As I looked around, Brenda started to point to things as she spoke.

“There is the bar and kitchen area. There are eight guest double bedrooms down there, each colour coded and with an ensuite bathroom. My master suite is on the right. It is the red bedroom, but we get to that a little later.”

She was pointing to a corridor that ran off the kitchen area towards the other end of the block. All I could think at that moment was, how do you keep this place clean? I struggled to keep my little bedroom tidy, and I surmised Brenda must employ a whole cleaning company!

“Behind you is the wet area.”

I looked and noticed two more doors to the left of the one we came through. They were all identical in design.

“The door in the middle is the toilets, but it’s only really used during my parties. You have to come to the next one, my dear.” Brenda was in full flow now, and she walked to the door nearest the rear of the block and opened it.

I had the feeling that this penthouse tour was well-practised by Brenda.

“This is the wet area,” and we walked in through another door into a large and very warm room.

There was a steam room and a sauna to our right, then three showers, but the dominant feature in the room was the large, custom-made, twelve-seater hot tub. It was so big you could almost swim in it. There were also various blue seats and a bench, all softly furnished but designed to be waterproof and in the middle of the floor was a large drain with a grid in it. On the wall, was a rolled-up hose pipe which I guess, could be used to wash the room down. It was truly a wet room, the first one I had ever been in.  

The room’s rear wall consisted mainly of a long sliding glass door with multiple openings that lead onto a balcony that ran most of the length of the rear of the building. As I looked out at the view, it felt like we were much higher up as the land dropped away towards where I lived, just under a mile away. You could see the beginning of the large forest that was the start of the countryside and which my home all but backs onto.

“This room is always open during parties. You may notice that it is warm in here, as I always keep it two degrees warmer than the rest of the apartment. I also use it for certain types of my more erotic photo shoots.”

I was not quite sure what Brenda meant by that, but I let it go and just went with Brenda’s flow, as I wanted to see as much as I could of her “Humble Abode” before I had to leave.

We walked across the wide entertainment area, past the bar and down the front of the building into an extensive area which was about one-third of the width of the apartment. Photos of women, mostly scantily clad or semi-nude, decorated the walls. I stopped to look at a couple of them, which made Brenda smile.

“My dear, these are some of the models that I have worked with me. Many of them were also my lovers or even girlfriends. I am very much hoping to add your photos to these walls.”

David, I could only gulp at the thought. As you know, I am not that confident in front of a camera.  

“This is the chill-out area,” as we walked past a few chair settees and even an enormous television, I didn’t realise that they made them so large. We could have been in a commercial bar or pub, but we were not. This was Brenda’s home, and then we came to another extra wide large door with a keypad on it.

“Through there is my private studio, though as you know, my main one is in the city. I normally keep this locked as I have a lot of valuable equipment and work in there, as well as private and commercially sensitive projects. I will quickly show you after your shower.”

We stopped and turned right through another similar door, though with no keypad, and then right again into what I can only assume was the bedroom corridor. As we walked down it, hidden lights came on in front of us, each one lighting our way.

I stopped and looked into one of the rooms on the right. There were a few of them, but all were the same except for the colour of the bedroom’s carpet, the fittings and the light which illuminated the perimeter of every bed headboard. Every one of the eight guest bedrooms was decorated in its own unique colour.

The colours were, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, turquoise, white, and pink. There were all designed to be the same except for the pink one. That was the main guest room, reserved for special guests and was located on the opposite side of the corridor to the rest, and next to Brenda’s master red-coloured suite.  

The guest bedroom I was looking at was dark sandy yellow. There were no windows, but sunlight did flood down through the two large skylights, one above either side of the bed. On the ceiling above the bed was a large mirror, so as you lie there, you could look up and see yourself looking down. Each guest room had a large king-size bed and an ensuite bathroom. I also notice that the photos here were all of naked women; their poses were much more explicit than those in the chill-out area.

Brenda was watching me and she then told me, “My dear, we use these rooms during the parties, and they are for fucking in.” She then added, “I am hoping to have a few photos of you on these walls as well, and soon.”

That comment came with an enormous grin from Brenda, and I honestly did not know what to say. So in return, I smiled and just kept quiet as I thought that maybe this was another part of my audition.

We stopped and turned left through a door. I was still carrying all the bags.

“This is my bedroom,” Brenda warmly announced, this time with a warm smile rather than a grin.  

“Wow,” is all I could say again as I looked around the sparsely decorated room.

It was huge, but it was the size of the bed that caught my attention. I am used to sleeping in my single bed in the room I share with my sister. You could have put ten of those beds in this one. It was massive, both in width and length. You could easily sleep eight in it and I could not help but think that maybe occasionally it did sleep eight. Though I also guessed when that happened, there would be very little sleeping done!

It was a thought which caused a shiver to run down my spine, as I realised the next time it could be me in that bed, with Brenda and maybe other lesbian ladies!

Brenda’s bedroom was surprisingly sparse of other furniture, just two bedside units, one on each side of the gigantic bed. The rest of the walls were light grey, the same colour as most of the rest of the apartment. However, as I have previously mentioned, all the carpets in the bedrooms were in different colours. Brenda’s was a deep red.

There were also seventeen black-and-white photos equally spaced on the walls, with space for at least another three. Each photo showed a full-size and completely naked female model. They posed very similarly, full frontal, with one leg slightly in front of the other, their pubic hair completely shaved, and each model looking directly into the camera.

Around each photo was a grey frame with a dark red strip inlaid into it, and in the middle of the bottom section of the frame was a name. I looked at the first name and it read Paula. Intrigued, I walked past each photo whilst reading the names Paula, Linda, Anna, Nadia, Laura, and Martina. That name made me stop and looked up. It was Martina, the girl from the clothes boutique which we had visited earlier in the day.

“These are my girls, my collection,” Brenda announced, her eyes alive as she looked at the black and white photos that surrounded us.

“As you might have guessed, starting with Paula, each of these seventeen ladies has been my official girlfriend at some point in my life.” Brenda looked at the nearest photo and sighed. “I still try to keep in contact with them all as they live their lives, get married, and have children. I also have tried to help where I can.”

Brenda then walked over to the next empty space on the wall and said, “This is where your photo will be, Clare, if we become an official couple. You will be number eighteen.”

I smiled back, though I was not sure if I liked the idea or not, that she looked after her old girlfriends. I knew that Brenda was a little eccentric, but was this one step too far?

David, it was as if Brenda’s exes had become her children and I guess some might find that a little creepy. However, Brenda also made it very clear to me, that if ever needed, then she would be there for them.

There was one thing I was sure of, and that was, I am not too keen on having a life-size nude photo of me on Brenda’s or anyone’s bedroom wall.

David, stop laughing… … I am being serious!

Let me get back to my story…

Like in the wet room and entertainment area, the rear wall of the bedroom had sliding doors opening out onto a private balcony. Brenda then pushed a button on a control panel and the curtains in front of the sliding doors closed. Then she pushed another button and blinds automatically covered the two-bedroom skylights. It was then I also then noticed a very large mirror on the ceiling just above the bed.

As the blinds closed, we did not go into darkness as Brenda pushed another button and turned on the lights, which she could adjust the colour of to give the room the right fucking ambience as Brenda put it. Though this time, I didn’t know if she was just swearing or explaining what she used the lights for.

Then Brenda pushed a fourth button on what was an impressive control panel and a large television appeared at the bottom of the bed. I knew she was showing off now, but it was very impressive and I was near speechless, as I had never seen a place like it outside the movies.

“Come, my dear,” Brenda then said, “You need to see my ensuite.”

I just automatically followed. It was like I was on a lead and we walked through the door on the opposite side of the bed and entered a very large, innate bathroom. It was primarily black marble with white streaks going through it, though the walls were cream and the ceiling, well, that was black with lots of little lights in it to look like stars, and they even seemed to twinkle. Brenda saw me looking and remarked that the ceiling lighting is based on the “Stars of the Milky Way.” Then she turned a switch and the lights started to change colour and then flickered.

Once again I said, “Wow,” and then felt embarrassed as Brenda chuckled at my short childish comment, but it was the right word to use as everything Brenda had shown me had the wow factor.   

Around each side of the bathroom, there were sunken lights that reflected their light downwards to light up each wall, and there were two large sinks next door to each other each with a heated mirror and a light above.

There was a toilet and a bidet, the first of which I had ever seen. There was also a very large shower with double shower heads and easily enough room for two, but the thing that dominated the room was the sunken corner bath. It was pearl coloured and was big enough for six with swan-shaped taps and four inbuilt sunken seats. It had obviously been custom-made.

We came out of the bathroom and walked through Brenda’s bedroom to the other unknown door. It was directly opposite the ensuite bathroom door. As we walked in, a large dressing room came into view with light grey cupboards and wardrobes on every wall except for where the dressing table was. There were also five full-length mirrors on one section of the wardrobe doors.  

Brenda told me to put the bags down next to one of the wardrobes. She opened it and said, “Put the new shoes and your jewellery in there. It will be safe.”

Then, after doing this, I took my dress off as well, so I stood there completely naked apart from my shoes.

A smiling Brenda looked at my naked form and said, “You look absolutely fucking lovely, my dear, so desirable.” Then she walked over to a set of inbuilt draws. They were light grey like all the furniture with long dark red sunken handles.

“There are a couple of other draws I want to show you before you have your shower.”

Brenda watched me as I walked. Step by step she was taking in all of my naked body and I liked it. When I got to Brenda, I put my arms around her. I was teasing her, seeing if she could resist me as… I was so desirable.

Her apartment and her wealth had seduced me, and now it was my turn to try to seduce Brenda with my naked body. I felt her hands go down to my bare bottom, and she squeezed both my bum cheeks. I hoped she would go further.

But she stepped back and said, “You are very hard to resist, Clare.”

I smiled at her, but I didn’t want Brenda to resist me. I was there for the taking. She knew I was flirting with her. I had learned quickly and wanted sex with her right then. I wanted to be part of Brenda’s world.

Brenda then opened the nearest long top drawer in one of the cupboards. I looked in and it was full of different dildos, vibrators, and other sex toys. There were even a couple of pairs of fluffy red handcuffs. I reckon there were more than fifty different sex toy items in there.

She closed the drawer and whilst still taking in my naked form, softly spoke to me, “This is just one draw, and there are another five underneath all with similar sex toys.”

I think my mouth opened when Brenda said that as I was not expecting it, my mind was suddenly full of sexual connotations as I realised Brenda’s bedroom doubled up as a sex playroom. It was a room we both wanted me to play in.

Then Brenda went to the draw next set of similar draws and pulled it open.

“My dear, these are my pieces.”

I looked in the draw, and they were lots of fake cocks. They were in all different sizes, colours, textures and shapes, with each one safely stored in its allocated draw slot.

“I hope these excite you, my dear, as I hope that I will be regularly using them with you. It is what I do. Fuck young lesbians like you.”

Again, I shuddered at the thought of what Brenda had just said. My pussy moistened, as delicious sexual images entered my mind. They were erotic pictures that led me to kiss her before saying, “I look forward to it.”

The truth was, I felt overwhelmed.

Brenda closed the drawer and told me, “Go and quickly have your shower, but do not get your head hair wet.”

We walked hand in hand back to the ensuite, and then she sat there on the closed toilet lid, watching me as I took a shower. It felt strange having someone watching me, but in a way, it was also nice to see her there taking in my body, and I could only hope she continued to like what she saw.

After I dried myself, we went into the bedroom and I gave Brenda another kiss, which went on to a full snog.

“I want you,” is all I could say to her, though I knew time was short.

I ran my hand down to Brenda’s plastic cock. I knew it was her day cock, a simple strap-on and not one of her expensive custom-built pieces.

I was still trying to seduce her, and we ended up rolling onto the bed with a fully clothed Brenda on top of me, my legs wrapped around her. I was in the perfect position to fuck. I was naked, open, horny and waiting; I could feel her hard plastic cock against me.

Brenda looked at me. She was panting and aroused as she breathed, “It’s so tempting, my dear. You are very hard to resist, but when I first fuck you, I want to have plenty of time, maybe the entire weekend.”

My eyes opened at that remark and another shudder went through me. At that very moment, I was so aroused I felt like I needed Brenda’s plastic cock, and maybe… even all of them!

Brenda then said as she got off me, “Clare before we can move forward with our relationship, you need to talk with David and maybe Alan. You also got to think of Karen and maybe Jaz. Though I do not think she will mind, as I suspect she’s been with Tina the last few days.”

That last thought had both me and Brenda smiling.

“Clare, my dear, have those talks with a rational mind,” Brenda paused and then chuckled, “and when you do, think with your head and not your cunt… Now, you need to get dressed as time is pressing.”

Brenda was right, and I did as she suggested.

As I was ready to leave, Brenda said, “Before you go, I want to show you my private studio. Though I say again, my dear, my main one is in the city. I want to take a couple of test shorts and quickly show you around. It will not take more than ten minutes.”

After all Brenda had done for me today, I felt obliged and I followed Brenda as she punched the numbers into the security pad by the large studio door.

We were now at the opposite end of the apartment from the stairs where we entered Benda’s apartment and as the door opened; we walked into a large space. Brenda may have hinted that this was her small private studio, but it was large and almost the full width of the building and maybe fifty feet deep.

In there were studio lights, a separate makeup area, a bathroom, a dark room, an office and lots of racks of clothes. There was also a bed and lots of chairs and props. I had never been inside a photography studio before, but this one looked very professional.

We walked over to an area, and Brenda turned on a studio light. She just picked up a camera and checked it for the film.

“I just want to take a few test head photographs of you Clare, I will only see these, as I process all the film here. So, nothing leaves these premises and you have my word on that. These photos will tell me how much the camera likes you and will help me with how I go about photographing you in the future.”

“Okay,” I said, though I was still a little unsure.

For the next five minutes, Brenda got me to pose. Just head and hands shots and she only took around twenty photos before saying she was done.

Then she added with a wicked grin, “For today.

I thought that was easy and perhaps it was the first time that I have not been that nervous when having my photo taken, but I also knew it was just another test in a day of tests and trials.

“My dear, I will show you some of my work when we have time, I think you will like the photos…” Brenda stopped speaking and grinned at me, “and maybe you will also be impressed with some of the well-known faces you see.” 

I guessed she was talking about the famous people she had photographed in the past, but I was not too sure and time was pressing… I needed to leave.

At the door, we had one last kiss and Brenda’s hand went to my still pantyless bottom as I never put my original damp pair back on. I had been enjoying my pantyless state, perhaps a little too much.

Brenda smiled. “You are a naughty girl.”

It was a remark which made me blush… and with that blush, I left, promising to talk to you, David, and then phone Brenda. 

On the short walk home, I passed a pharmacy and stopped. Its presence made me think of something, and then I had the biggest grin of the day before I walked in…

Published 2 years ago

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