Amy had a problem. She and her boyfriend Brian were very much in love, and their sex life was great, except for one little thing: Brian loved blowjobs, and Amy hated them. Hated them. They’d been able to get past it as a couple for the most part, but Amy could tell that Brian wasn’t completely satisfied. And since Brian had been pretty much perfect to her during the two years they had been together, Amy had resolved to give him a blowjob for his upcoming birthday, no matter what.
To that end, she had ordered the contents of the large box that had shown up on her porch this morning. If it performed as advertised, it just might solve her problem.
She picked up the box, carried it inside, and set to work opening it up and discarding the packing materials. When it finally lay on her coffee table in all its glory, she began to wonder if she’d made a terrible mistake.
It looked like a retro-futuristic ray gun, from a company called Functional Equipment To Improve Sexual Happiness. Most called it the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray for short, but it was more of an inhibition reducer and behavior reinforcement tool than an actual fetish inducer, though for all intents and purposes that distinction was more academic than functional. In short, it instilled in its target a need to perform specific sexual acts, and fully integrated that desire into the affected person’s psyche, so that they wouldn’t even notice that they had been changed.
On the side of the ray was an adjustable dial with close to fifty different settings, each with a tiny symbol corresponding to the specific change the ray would induce in its target when activated on that setting.
She picked up the instruction manual. Across the front, in all caps, it said “CAUTION: ALL MODIFICATIONS ARE PERMANENT AND IRREVERSIBLE”.
Amy had already known that the changes were permanent, but seeing it confirmed by the device’s manual as it was laying right in front of her somehow made the decisions she would face in the next few minutes feel much more real. She flipped through the manual, but the ray was pretty self-explanatory: set, point, zap. The most valuable information was the list of behavioral modifications in the back of the book which corresponded to the settings on the dial.
Well, if I’m gonna do it anyway, there’s no need worrying about it, she thought impulsively. She set the dial to “Blowjob”, pointed the ray at herself, and activated it.
Nothing happened. Or at least it seemed like nothing had happened. Intellectually she knew that the ray had probably affected her, since she had aimed at herself and activated it and everything, but she couldn’t find any evidence that her mind had been messed with, and she didn’t feel any different.
Amy thought about how it would feel to give Brian a blowjob, to see if it felt weird to her now. No, it still felt perfectly normal; in fact, she wondered why she had bought a ray to make her not want to give Brian blowjobs in the first place. Wait, that wasn’t right, she had wanted to blow him. But then why hadn’t she? Something wasn’t making sense.
Amy retraced her thought process. She had bought the ray because she hadn’t wanted to give Brian a blowjob. She had used the ray on herself. Now she wanted to give Brian a blowjob. The only logical conclusion was that it must have worked.
She was surprised at just how well the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray had apparently integrated her new cravings into her personality. It felt like she had always loved blowjobs, like it was the most natural thing in the world. It is the most natural thing in the world, she reassured herself. His cock would fit perfectly into my mouth, my tongue would drive him absolutely wild, and his gooey cum seems super yummy! Not to mention, couples should want to go down on each other.
Inspired by this most recent thought, she impulsively switched the setting to what was clearly a tongue on labia, and zapped the back of her boyfriend’s head as he yelled at the TV in the living room. He fell silent mid-sentence as he was surrounded by an odd golden glow for a few seconds, and then continued his rant like nothing had happened. If I have to like it, he does too! Well, he does now, at least, she giggled. So that’s what I looked like when I zapped myself. No wonder I don’t remember it – the ray shut me down completely while it reprogrammed me.
Amy was so happy about her decision to go ahead and zap herself instead of waiting until Brian’s birthday. Well, of course she was happy about it, since the device had made her feel that way, but that didn’t change the fact that giving herself a blowjob craving still felt like the best idea she’d ever had. She had been so silly before, and was glad the ray had fixed her outlook. It was weird that she had even needed it in the first place. She wanted to make her boyfriend’s cock all hard, and then tease it with her tongue until it exploded in her mouth. Who wouldn’t?
She thought about all of the other settings on the ray, and knew that she’d love those changes just as much if she zapped herself with them. It was mildly tempting, but most of the other options were weird and gross, and she didn’t really want to give herself any more compulsions at the moment.
What she wanted to do was go blow her boyfriend, but he had to leave for work, and she had friends coming over soon anyway. Frustrated, she decided she could wait until he got home that afternoon.
Her three friends arrived a half hour later, but none of them seemed overly happy to see her. This wasn’t a surprise; they were her best friends, and she knew they loved her, but their friendship had felt a bit strained of late. Stephanie, the ringleader of their little group, had always had a bossy streak, but recently it had felt worse than usual for some reason. Rachel and Taylor had both gone through particularly bad breakups the month before, and seemed slightly jealous of Amy’s stable long-term relationship. This jealousy had manifested in an annoying cattiness, which showed no signs of slowing down.
As they set up the board game they were playing this afternoon, Amy filled them in on the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray she had ordered, and what she had done to herself with it. Her friends were familiar with Amy’s distaste for blowjobs and knew that it was a sore point for her relationship, but even though they understood why she’d done it, they were still somewhat weirded out.
“So if I asked you to give me a blowjob right now, you would?” Rachel asked, still not quite sure she believed Amy’s story.
“If you had a dick, absolutely!” Amy responded with genuine interest.
“Wait, if any guy asked you for a blowjob, you’d give him one?” Taylor asked, horrified.
“Probably. Why? It’s just a blowjob, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s perfectly natural.”
“If you say so,” Taylor said doubtfully, feeling a bit creeped out by this new Amy.
“So would you go down on me if I asked you to?” Stephanie asked.
“Ew, no!” Amy shouted, grossed out by the idea.
“Why not? You’d blow some random guy.”
“I dunno, blowjobs are different.”
“How so?”
“They just are!” Amy said fiercely.
“Well, is there a setting on that thing that makes you want to munch carpet?” Stephanie asked.
“Yup. Why so interested? Want to try it out?”
“You wish,” Stephanie answered as they finished setting up and began to play.
A few minutes into the game, Amy got up to go to the toilet. While she was gone, Stephanie quickly told the other girls that she planned to zap Amy with another fetish from the ray as a prank. Taylor and Rachel thought the idea was hilarious, and they were still giggling when Amy got back.
“What’s so funny?” Amy asked.
“Oh, nothing,” Rachel said innocently.
Shortly afterward, Stephanie left for the toilet as well. A minute later, Rachel and Taylor gasped as a golden glow suddenly surrounded Amy. It faded as quickly as it had started, and when Stephanie came back they continued the game as if nothing had happened. That is, until Stephanie randomly yelled, “Hey Amy, show us your tits!”
“Sure!” Amy replied happily, pulling up her t-shirt and bra and swinging her breasts back and forth for her friends. They burst out laughing, which confused her, especially when their laughter continued after she pulled her shirt back down and got back to the game. It was almost like they were making fun of her for something, but she had no idea what it could be.
The rest of the game was punctuated by her friends asking her to flash them every few minutes and Amy gladly complying, though by the end of the game she was starting to suspect that something was up.
After the girls left, Amy sat on the couch trying to figure out what she had done that had made her friends laugh so hard. She got up and walked into the bedroom to see if they had messed with any of her stuff, and noticed that the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray was gone. She looked around for a few minutes, but it quickly became clear that the girls had taken it, probably Stephanie, since she seemed to be the instigator of this whole charade.
Sure enough, she got a text from Stephanie a few minutes later with a picture of the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray attached. The text said, “Feel any different?”
So they had zapped her. Amy had been slightly suspicious with how weird they had been acting the whole time, but for the life of her she couldn’t figure out what they’d done. She didn’t feel any different, of course, but that was to be expected. She hoped they hadn’t programmed her with anything weird, especially since the effects were permanent. On the other hand, she was guaranteed to like whatever they had programmed her with, so it didn’t really matter.
Amy zoomed in on the picture of the ray, and checked the symbol of its current setting in the instruction manual, which luckily Stephanie hadn’t taken. It was set to “Flashing”, so that was probably what they had used on her. Now that she thought about it, they had asked her to flash them an awful lot; she just hadn’t really noticed because she loved flashing her tits and was happy to do it. That was the ray’s current setting though, so what she thought of as her natural behavior was more likely a compulsion it had programmed her with, but it was so odd to think that showing off her assets to anyone who asked had ever been out of the ordinary for her. She had always loved it, because it was so much fun watching their eyes light up as she revealed more and more of her sexy body to them. She was just a girl who loved giving blowjobs and flashing people.
It made sense that her friends had chosen “Flashing”. Some of the symbols were self-explanatory, like the lips on a cock that clearly indicated the blowjob fetish she had given herself, but many were inscrutable without the instruction book to explain them, and the symbol of a pulled-down top revealing boobs was pretty unmistakable. Plus, “Flashing” was pretty benign as far as the ray was concerned, and Amy was sure that her friends hadn’t wanted to hurt her. Still, they had stolen her ray and given her a new sexual compulsion without her permission, so she was definitely going to get them back.
First though, it was time to come clean to her boyfriend about her unexpected new desires, once he got home.
“Wait, let me get this straight. You ordered a magic ray gun off the internet because you were worried you couldn’t please me sexually?” her very confused boyfriend asked after she told him what her friends had done.
“Pretty much. And now, thanks to my ‘friends’, I’m permanently stuck with an urge to flash people.”
“Well, do you want to show me your tits then?” he asked playfully, not really believing her crazy story.
“Sure!” she said, pulling up her top and jiggling her melons at him, before pulling her shirt back down.
Brian was flabbergasted. “Wow, babe, I can’t believe you just did that! Yeah, they definitely must have zapped you with the ray. You would never do anything like that normally.”
“That’s so weird,” Amy responded, pulling her shirt back up and caressing her perky breasts. “It’s fun, and guys clearly like seeing women’s naked bits. I don’t know why girls don’t flash more often, it just feels so natural! I’d show off my body to anyone who asked me to, and I want them to ask me. I know that this is all due to the ray’s programming, of course, and that Stephanie instilled me with this desire against my will, but none of that really matters. She zapped me with the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray and I love flashing people now. It’s as simple as that. I wouldn’t want to change back if I could,” she concluded, enjoying the way that Brian’s eyes had fixated on her tits as she pinched her nipples.
“Well, I’m certainly glad you like it now!” he said, getting turned on watching her grope herself. “Do you only have to flash your tits, or would you flash other stuff as well?”
“Oh, I’d definitely-” she began, but then she noticed the tent that she had caused in his gym shorts. She was struck with a sudden desire to have that cock in her mouth, so she pulled her shirt the rest of the way off, bounced over to where he sat on the couch, and dropped between his knees. She tugged his shorts down, grabbed his dick, and engulfed it in her warm, wet embrace.
“Babe, what the fuck!” Brian yelled, surprised at her sudden eagerness to do something she absolutely hated.
“What?” Amy asked, pulling her mouth off his dick and stroking him with her hand in the meantime.
“Did they make you like blowjobs too?”
“Oh, no. I’ve always liked blowjobs,” Amy said quickly, before remembering. “Oh, wait, no I didn’t. The reason I got the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray in the first place was so that I could make myself enjoy blowing you.”
“Wait, the ray makes you forget that you were zapped??”
“More like you don’t notice when it zaps you, and whatever it zaps you with suddenly feels like the most natural thing in the world, like it’s something you’ve always done. Or at least I assume that’s what it does, since that’s how I feel about flashing and blowjobs,” she said, spitting into her hand to keep his cock nice and lubricated while she wiggled her tits at him.
“You bought the ray so you’d like giving me blowjobs?” Brian asked, amazed, as Amy got back to work teasing his frenulum with her tongue.
“Yep,” she said, briefly releasing his cock with a pop, before resuming her suction and jacking him with her fist. She felt the base of his dick beginning to tighten, so she took him deep, making sure to keep up the suction as his tightening cock slid in and out of her slick throat.
“Babe, that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. I love you!” he gushed at her, as her tongue sent him over the edge and his dick began gushing at her as well. He sat back, enjoying the afterglow as she swallowed his yummy cum and cleaned him off with her mouth as he deflated.
“When I get the ray back, can we make you like tittyfucks too?” Brian asked, coming down from his high.
“No, I think I’ve had my mind messed with enough for a while,” she responded flatly.
We’ll see about that, Brian thought to himself.
As she stood back up, Brian tried a new command: “Hey girl, lemme see that pussy.”
Amy giggled as she enthusiastically stripped her pants off, and then leaned back and spread her labia to show off how wet she was for him after sucking him off.
Brian grabbed her hips and pulled her up onto the couch so he could return the favor. He dove between her legs and got to work with his tongue. As Amy started to moan, it occurred to him how strange it was that he’d never done this for her before. It was so much fun, and she tasted so good!
Once they had finished, Brian grabbed his amateur lockpicking set and headed out. Less than an hour later, he was back holding the gun.
“Smile babe!” he said, zapping her full of desire to rub his cock between her tits until he came all over her chest.
“Don’t you…” she began, before succumbing to the ray’s golden influence for a third time, and adding yet another activity to her growing list of compulsions.
“…dare!” she finished angrily.
“Just kidding,” he said, lowering the gun. “Flash me?”
“Sure!” she grinned, lifting her shirt and jiggling for him. She made a mental note to put her tits to better use later to reward Brian for getting the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray back, and took the ray into the bedroom to plan her revenge.
That night Brian’s friend Stu came over to watch the Cowboys game, and during halftime they got into an argument about which of the cheerleaders had the best rack.
“It’s clearly the third from the left,” Stu said.
“You’re crazy! Amy has better tits than she does,” Brian retorted.
“Prove it.”
“Honey, could you come in here and show Stu how nice your tits are?” Brian called out innocently, as Stu braced for the inevitable shitstorm that was sure to follow.
“Absolutely!” she replied, coming into the room to pull her shirt up, lean forward, and waggle her tits in Stu’s face for a few seconds.
She grinned as her bouncy boobies began to have their natural effect on the bemused Stu. “Want a blowjob?”…