Teenage Masturbation…PT.5

"This was officially the best summer of my life. There was just one huge looming problem..."

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After the Saturday movie adventure, I stayed away from the pool, not sure how to act around the girls. I was a lust-filled fool; I wouldn’t say I was in “love” with either Barb or Bren, but I loved the moments with them. It was uncomfortable to be around then not knowing if they knew what the other had done with me.

It was now late July and the best summer of my life was fast drawing to a close and school would start soon. I arranged to hang out for few days with a school buddy across town.

Brad was a favorite among the girl in class, as was his older brother. He didn’t think about his status; he was just a cool guy to hang out with. We started chatting about girls and such after getting settled in his spare bedroom.

We were playing Duck Hunt in the basement when it started. I asked about his girlfriend and chatted about them and if he had kissed her, felt her tits or played with her ass. Being the cool cat that he was, he didn’t want to brag but told me about getting to play with her tits at a movie.

The conversation turned a little more sexual when he asked about me and anyone I was interested in. I didn’t mention names but told him about admiring Barb’s ass and getting caught beating off down by the pond. We carried on for a few more games before calling it a night.

After getting ready for bed, Brad came by the room and told me to come to his room in an hour; he had something to show me. I had no idea what he was going to show me, but I wasn’t prepared for what I walked into; that’s for sure.

As I approached his door, it wasn’t closed all the way, so I just pushed into the room. I found Brad with a small lamp on next to his bed, a pile of magazines next to him and him beating off with one hand and a magazine in the other.

He saw me walk in and said, “Damn it,” as he tried to cover up his swollen cock. I just chuckled and told him that he couldn’t make fun of me now because he had just been caught as well.

He laughed it off and said, “Well…mind if I finish?” Shaking my head, I picked up one of the magazines and started to flip through the pages. As I did so, my dick was instantly rock hard. Here were pictures of the most beautiful women I had ever seen and they were naked! This was my first introduction to the world of porn.

I drooled over the layout of women posed in various positions and “read” the bios and got hung up on the favorite sex act to perform or have performed on them question. It seemed to me, in my lust -illed mind, that they all liked the same thing: oral sex. I had no idea what this was but needed to find out and quickly.

After flipping through the layouts, I found the “letters” section and started reading them as I joined Brad stroking the shit out of my cock. I read a letter where the guy described loving to “eat” his girl’s pussy and how it made her squirt. I mean, for me, he went into graphic detail about where he started, what he did, the attention he paid to her clit and the results of his work.

This pushed me over the top, and I exploded all over my t-shirt, shorts and Brad’s blanket. It seems that I wasn’t the only one, as Brad’s load landed on the blanket and some even made it to my hand.

We laughed about it, cleaned up our mess and promised to never talk about this, ever! After getting cleaned up, I went back to the spare room and fell fast asleep. In the morning we ate breakfast, played a pickup game of basketball and did the usual teenage boy during the summer things.

A couple of days later, I made it home with a newfound desire. I wanted to eat a pussy. I wanted Bren’s, but would take anyone’s in reality. I lay in bed, hand wrapped firmly around my dick, precum oozing from the head, slowly stroking it into submission, trying to formulate a plan to lick a pussy!

I didn’t have long to wait; the end of July brought about the end of summer break and the start of school. It also brought Barb’s birthday bash. Every year that I had been invited, it always seemed to be better than the year before. This year, it was going to be a pool party and they had about thirty teens scheduled to attend.

When I arrived, the pool was packed with teenage bodies. The guys were laughing and splashing; the girls were screaming, sunbathing and running around the pool trying to stay out of the splash fest that was going on.

Looking around for the birthday girl, I found Bren looking at me, smiling with that I-know-you-had-fun type of smile and Tricia just hanging out with some of the other girls sunbathing. Then I found Barb, surrounded by five or six guys all trying to get her attention. She locked eyes with me and winked. I felt a sudden rush of blood to a familiar part of my anatomy.

As the party worn on, partygoers started to leave and the night started to die down. I hung out on the pool deck enjoying the warm night air, trying to figure out how to get Bren alone and how to get her panties off!

It was getting late, around 11 or so, and the only light was the pool light at the deep end, which was casting that eerie glow broken up by the ripples of the pool.

Lost in my thoughts about eating pussy and making Bren cum, I never heard her walk up and push me in the pool. I came up sputtering water out of my mouth and nose when the splash washed over me again.

After recovering from the near drowning I had just gone through, I found Barb smiling at me hanging on to the pool ladder. She whispered to me that she knew. Confused, I asked her what she knew. She chuckled and whispered again that she knew. The look of terror mixed with confusion on my face made her whisper to me, “Back to the Future.” I was mortified; she laughed loudly and said not to worry, the secret was safe with her.

This safety would come with a cost, as Barb went on to explain in quick, hushed tones. It seems that Bren couldn’t take the feeling anymore and had to tell someone about what it felt like to have someone else make you cum. She had spilled it all: the pleasing of herself, the feeling of my hand on her over her panties, what it felt like to have my finger find her slick pussy, the magic that happened when I touched her clit and the kiss at the end.

I was fucked and not in the good way, or at least that is what I thought. I just knew that Barb was going to force me to do a bunch of shit to keep her quiet; you know, the typical teenage blackmail kind of shit.

Nope, she had much different plans in mind. So, as she looked to the house and found all of the lights off – meaning the parents, Bren and Tricia had finally called it a night – she dropped the blackmail bomb on me. “I want the same thing!”

What the fuck kind of luck was this? I instantly started thinking with my dick and said, “YESSS!” a little too loudly for Barb’s liking, as she slapped me on the shoulder and told me to keep it down.

Barb decided it would be done on the pool steps, as it was far enough from the house to avoid being seen and the light was at the other end of the pool, which would keep a lot of the light off us to help the getting-caught situation.

As she swam past me to the steps, she stripped off my favorite bright yellow bikini, first the top and then the bottoms. When I got to the steps, she was naked and sitting on the bottom step, hiding her body from view with the water.

I placed her bikini pieces on the top step and sat down next to her. As I did so, she reached over and squeezed my dick through my trunks. I slid them down, not thinking about anything but getting a release and touching another pussy. I just knew that I wouldn’t get to lick Barb’s pussy, but playing with one was just as good!

Barb wrapped her hand around me and slowly stroked me underwater. I attempted to touch Barb but was unable to arrange my body with hers in order to keep her hand on my dick and touch her at the same time. I didn’t have to wait very long; the thoughts going through my mind, the feeling of her hand on me and the potential of getting caught had me blowing my load in just a minute or two.

After letting loose, Barb did the most unexpected thing; she collected some of my jizz in her hand and licked it off. Holy shit!!

I slid over closer to her and touched her A-cups for the first time. She moaned a little and lay back on the steps. This gave me the best view of my entire life; her neatly trimmed bush was just barely above the water. As I played with my first pair of tits, touching, rolling, pinching the nipples, Barb was in the process of cumming.

She arched her back, squeezed her legs together and whimpered. As she came down, she relaxed and let her legs float apart. I tentatively explored her neatly trimmed bush, and slowly went lower with each pass through the hair. When I touched her pussy the first time, she clamped her hand over mine, holding it in place as her hips created ripples in the pool.

Barb let her hand fall to the side and allowed me to continue to explore my second pussy. As I ran my hand up and down the length of her pussy, she thrust her hips upward when I got to the top of the stroke. I slowed the stoke down and found the secret spot buried at the top, a hard little bump that seemed to control her body when I touched it.

Seeing the reaction of me stroking Barb’s pussy and finding her clit, I decided to throw caution to the wind. Not like there was much caution to be had; I mean, I was stroking Barb naked in her pool with her parents in the house sleeping! I decided now was my chance!

I moved to the bottom step in front of Barb and her floating legs. I knelt down on the step and got eye-to-pussy level with the prettiest pussy I had ever seen; granted, it was the first one I had ever seen, but nonetheless, the prettiest one ever.

I took a chance on ruining the opportunity and grabbed her ass with my left hand, lifting slightly at the same time. I slid a finger through her slick pussy lips and circled the hard little thing at the top. After two or three of these, Barb was whimpering and biting her hand to stay quiet.

I grabbed her ass with my right hand, lifting slightly. Before Barb could react to the change, I took the plunge, literally. I licked my first pussy from the bottom to the top in one long stroke. Fuck, that was it, I had just licked my first pussy!!

Barb arched back again, exposing all of her from the water. I took that as a sign and repeated the lick. Then I thought back to the description of what the guy said in the magazine. I pushed my tongue between her lips and felt her tense up. I wiggled my tongue up and down like a worm on a hook. I was hooked!

After a few seconds of my tongue in her pussy, I slid it up toward the bump. When I hit it, I was rewarded with a thrust upward, legs clamped around my head holding me there and a warm sensation flooding over my face. I had just eaten my first pussy, played with my first set of tits and caused a girl to cum on my face.

After several minutes, Barb collected herself, dressed and went towards the house. I was enthralled with the events of the night and watched her walk away. When she got to the steps of the patio, she turned and said, “Thanks for the birthday gift,” and disappeared inside.

I started the walk home, trying to think about how I was going to talk my way into the house at such a late hour. However, I had a detour to my favorite spot by the pond to make. As I walked in the darkness towards the tree, I thought I saw movement by my spot. As I slowly approached the tree, I saw a person shorter than me looking in my direction.

Tricia called out that it was about time; she had been waiting for me to show up. Tricia walked up to me, stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on me. What in the hell was going on? Here I was, fresh from eating out her older sister, rock hard cock in my shorts, on a mission to replay the events of the night in the quiet isolation of the pond – and Tricia met me with other ideas!

This was officially the best summer of my life. There was just one huge looming problem I didn’t know how to work out…




Published 4 years ago

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