“Bonding” – Chapter 7:- “Sunday and Karen”

"It is 1987 and we have reached the last chapter of Part 1 of "Bonding""

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On the short walk home, I passed a pharmacy and stopped. Its presence made me think of something, and then I had the biggest grin of the day before I walked in…



Clare sat there looking at me. For the last hour, she had been telling me her story about the date she had on Saturday with Brenda. During that time, the world had not existed outside the car. I had listened to her every word, enthralled but also a little concerned, as I felt Brenda could take over Clare’s life.   

“There is a bit more, David. This happened Saturday night, but this involves Alan and sex.” It was a Clare remark, which intrigued me but also made my stomach turn. I didn’t like the thought of Clare with her other boyfriend, Alan.

I turned and noticed Clare looking at me closely. Her last three words were still rattling around in my head, and then I felt movement; a supportive kiss on my lips. Clare had leant across and kissed me, her firm breasts only briefly grabbing my brain’s attention as they brushed past my arm on her return to her passenger seat.

I sensed Clare was reassuring me that I was her number one man, but I still struggled when she mentioned Alan.

“Do you want me to tell you about my sex with Alan?”

Clare’s words were both soft and cutting, but I needed to know. I always need to know when it came to both my girlfriends.

“Yes,” I whispered, my mouth now suddenly dry.

The thought of Clare with another man still sat uneasily with me. I knew Alan had been “inherited” into our new and budding relationship. So I had no right to complain, but there I was, sitting there, thinking, overthinking about him.

At least I knew I was Clare’s man, and it wouldn’t be too long before Alan was just part of Clare’s history. It was with that thought that I realised Clare was once again talking and telling me about her recent sex with Alan.

“Later that night as Alan was pounding away between my legs. He was giving me the physical fucking that my body had needed all day. I also realised for the first time that any emotional feelings for him had simply gone. As he pounded me, I thought of Brenda. It was a thought that kept me wet, but as we approached our climax, I thought of you, David. It was you that made me smile as I finally came.”

I smiled too. Well, grinned on hearing Clare say those words. It was both reassuring and kinky that Clare was thinking of me during her long-term boyfriend’s vinegar strokes.

“Afterwards, I looked down between my legs and watched Alan roll off me. As he did so, he carefully kept the condom in place. After a remarkable yet sometimes frustrating day, I was at last fully sexually satisfied, but most of all, I was happy. After all, David, it had been your idea that from now on Alan should wear a condom… It was the reason why I visited the pharmacy.”

Once I stopped grinning about Alan wearing a condom, I pulled Clare close and cuddled her, then gently said, “When the time comes, if you need support, I am there for you.” My words were both reassurance and another gentle push for Clare to leave Alan.

Clare looked at me. She knew I was talking about her leaving Alan. It was something I wanted her to do soon, but Clare still hadn’t committed to the date… until now.

“I will probably tell him next Sunday morning, but it will certainly be next week. I would just like to meet Sarah first.” I thought that sounded fair and smiled as Clare carried on. “I know it is time for me to move on, as it is unfair on Alan to drag it out anymore.” Clare paused; her words had been soft but without emotion.

“He is good-looking and also a nice guy. He will find someone else who is more suitable for him.”

“I am both good-looking and a nice guy,” I quickly injected, my words loud and clear.

I had never met Alan, but I did know I didn’t want to be second in any of Clare’s thoughts, as I was her man now… and hopefully forever. 

Clare nudged me and then corrected me, her even louder and clearer, “Your looks are, maybe, passable, but one thing is for certain… You are definitely an oaf!”

I couldn’t help grinning, even if my arm was now a little sorer. I wanted to say something witty back, to add to my oafishness, but Clare was staring at me, and we had a lot to talk about. In the end, even an oaf knows sometimes it is better to stay quiet.

We needed to start discussing things now as we could not put it off; as decisions had to be made as to how all three of us would want our relationships to go. How we would develop moving forward and for me, Alan was just the first hurdle to jump tonight.

Currently, we were not a three, just a shared two with the potential to become a true three-way relationship, with the girls becoming good friends. Much would be down to the coming Saturday when we were all going to meet for the first time on a three-way date at a secret location for both girls. I planned to surprise them.

“I am pleased you have decided on Alan,” I sincerely said, then added in my own unique way. “As you mentioned, it would not be right to lead him on anymore just because he has a big willy.”

Clare nudged me, hard.

“Come on, you know it is true,” I said, perhaps once again, without thinking.

Deep inside, I did know it was more than that. But, strangely, I didn’t want to think past the fact that Clare had been with Alan for anything more than his big cock. Those more worrying, deeper thoughts, that she had once loved him. I had simply locked it away. They were thoughts I just could not cope with and never would be able to.

Instead, I chose to look forward, and concentrated on the positives, as I was now Clare’s support, and above all, her man.

With the knowledge of a date for Clare to leave Alan, I suddenly felt a weight lift off my shoulders. Despite Clare wanting to wait and meet Sarah before leaving Alan, I had already moved on, and to me, I now saw Alan as nothing more than a part of Clare’s personal history, to be boxed and filed away.

With that thought, I glanced across at Clare as she lay there in my car’s passenger seat. She was looking back at me. She didn’t nudge me again but smiled, not wanting the debate about Alan and his cock size. And for once, sensibly, I decided to move the conversation on and leave Alan where he belonged, in Clare’s past.

“You certainly had one hell of a Saturday Clare, but you need to tell me what happened on Sunday and what did you say to Karen before we talk, and I mean really talk?”

“I know, but it seems my attraction for other girls is a little complicated.”

I withheld a chuckle. From what Clare had already told me about her love life, it seemed to me that it had never been simple, right from that early age when she discovered boys.

“On Sunday I left Alan’s at around midday and before you ask, yes we did have sex, yes he wore another condom.” 

I did not say anything but Clare was right to clarify, as I would have asked.

“I wanted to get home and phone Karen, which I did do as soon as I got in. When I got asked by her mum who I was, I just said I was a friend from the shop. So there were no explanations needed. We chatted a little, but I realised it would be easier if we met. So, I asked her if I could come over because it would be easier to talk face-to-face. Karen lives in the city near the docks, and I caught the train as it was quicker than using the bus. By two pm I was at her house.”

Clare paused, “That’s why I missed your phone call yesterday. I was on a date with Karen.”

“A date?” I asked. I was also trying my best not to smile, at least not too much.

“Well, let’s call it that, though to be honest, I think it was only Karen who saw it that way. I just wanted to chat with her, mainly because Brenda had asked me to, though I have to say, I do find Karen attractive… So maybe I am happy to call it a date as well.”

Clare smiled, “It certainly was a novel experience for me.”

I smiled too but for a different reason, as I thought “Novel” had been an interesting word choice. It made me want to chuckle, but I chose to keep quiet, which was when I think about it, equally novel.

“You know, Brenda sees this as part of my lesbian education, just as you have said to me David, Brenda wants me to find my true sexuality. She wants me to date Karen, but as a top, that is someone similar to Brenda, you know, the macho partner in the relationship.”

Despite Clare’s new and not-so-subtle reference to me being like Brenda, I was still grinning at Clare’s dilemma. She was anything but manly, though as soon as she said macho, I just bust out into laughter… and then received the appropriate size nudge to shut me up.

“So, what did you wear for your date?” I asked while trying to stifle further chuckles.

Clare was quiet for a moment, “Jeans.”

I began laughing again before saying, “Lose fitting,” as I knew Brenda always wore baggy jeans to hide her piece. Once again, I received a nudge before Clare laughed too. We were both in a good mood even though we knew we still had some serious talking to do.

“So how did it go?” I eventually asked, whilst rubbing my increasingly sore arm.

“We went for a walk in the local park as neither of us had transport. As we walked, we talked about everything we could, our upbringings, schools, work and friends.”

“Hang on a minute,” I said before asking. “What did Karen wear? Did she put makeup on? What I am really asking is… Did she make an effort to dress up for you?”

Clare stopped again and was obviously thinking it over.

“She had on a pink, light summer dress that was just above her knees and tied around her middle. Yes, she had makeup on, but so did I, so I’m not too sure she put it on for me.”

“Thanks,” I said, “I just need to get the mental picture as it might help with any advice I can offer,” though as I said it, I realised it was going to be hard for me to help Clare with something that I knew nothing about, lesbian relationships. I had enough problems trying to understand my own relationships and how I could make having two girlfriends work.

Clare continued, “We were together for about an hour and a half before I had to go to catch the next train back home. It was Sunday service so there were not too many trains. We did sit on a bench and talked, though, and I want the next bit to stay between us, at least for now.”

I replied with an, “Okay,” though I did wonder what could be so sensitive that it had to remain between us.

“Karen is a virgin. She has never been with anyone, nor has she even been close to being intimate in the past. You could say when I flashed her in the shoe shop, that was her first sexual experience, and yesterday with me was her first date.”

“Blimey,” I exclaimed. “I was not expecting that, but I guess she is young.”

“Not that young, David. She turns eighteen in October; Karen is only eleven months younger than me.”

“And you have been around the block.” I didn’t mean to say it, it just slipped out.

Clare looked at me but, surprisingly, just laughed, as I covered my arm in anticipation of another nudge.

“So, what did you say to her?” I asked; wanting to hurry the conversation on before Clare changed her mind about my slip of the tongue.

“I told her about us, that I have a boyfriend called David. That I love him very much, even if he can be an oaf.”

It was apparent that Clare hadn’t entirely forgotten my earlier verbal gaff.

“And I also have a girlfriend called Jaz and have been with her even longer, that I am bisexual. That I was hoping to be in a relationship with an older woman called Brenda, but that has not as yet happened, and may never happen as we were not ready to commit.”

At that moment, I leaned over and kissed Clare. She had just once again told someone that she loved me and that was not going to pass without acknowledgement from me. The rest of what Clare said to me simply didn’t matter.

Clare kissed me back, “Funny enough, that is what happened with me and Karen. After I had told her all of what I had just said. She just leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. A sort of peck, but I was not expecting it.”

“What did you do?” I asked.

“I kissed her back, but our second kiss lasted four or five seconds. She told me it was the first time she ever kissed another woman, and that surprised me.”

It surprised me too.

“Anyway, Karen said she understood what I had said but asked, why did I flash her if I have so much going on in my life already?”

As I heard that, I thought that was a pertinent question, and I had no idea what Clare would say in a way of an answer. After all, it would not be right to tell Karen that the real reason Clare had asked for her telephone number was a Brenda challenge, and that was why Clare was now on the date with Karen.

So I asked Clare, “What did you say?”

“It put me a little on the spot when Karen said that. I told her that when she was with me in the shop, I got the urge to pursue her.”

“As the dominate partner?” I questioned; while trying not to smile, but failing.

“I think it might have come across like that, but I did not mean for it to sound that way.”

I chuckled, but also covered my arm, as I didn’t want another nudge.

Clare glanced at me, but decided to continue…

“Surprisingly, Karen then told me she was still interested in me, as she finds me very attractive. She also feels it is the right time for her to have her first sexual relationship. That she has always known that she is gay, but despite that, she has never hinted at that fact to anyone other than her best friend, Shana, who is completely straight.”

I nodded in recognition of what Clare had just told me before she continued.

“Karen wants to come out as a lesbian. She feels she is ready, but wants to be in a relationship before doing so. She is like me and cannot afford to leave home at the moment. That really was it. I gave her my telephone number and left Karen by her house front gate, and caught the train home.”

“Thank you, Clare,” I said, sounding much more formal than I intended, though that rather reserved comment did have the unexpected effect of making Clare giggle.

“So now Alan is going to be out of the picture,” I happily stated, without trying to sound too smug.

“What else do you want to do about your complicated sex life?” I asked before continuing with another question… “Do you want to carry on seeing me?” 

“Of course I do. We only just started seeing one another,” Clare quickly replied, with a questioning look. I leaned over and kissed her because that was the right answer, before saying…

“Anyway, I am not going anywhere, so you have no choice there!”  

Clare warmly smiled back at me, inspired by my hopefully reassuring words.

“How about Jaz?” I asked.

“I feel that we are going to take a break as sexual partners. It was never serious, more experimentation, but I do need to discuss it with her. Whatever happens, we will still be best friends, and maybe occasional lovers.” Clare then softly added after a brief pause, “I feel we both need to expand our sexual experiences with other women.”

I nodded and then said, “Okay,” before Clare suddenly stated…

“I think, ultimately, Jaz will end up marrying Rob or another man if that relationship ends. I do not think she is a full-blown lesbian any more than I am. We are just both sexually adventurous women.”

I smiled.

“I like the fact you are sexually adventurous,” I said, and I meant it, and then with a huge grin I added, “Especially when it is with me!”

Clare laughed, and I thought it was good that we were keeping this serious conversation about our, well, mainly Clare’s future, light-hearted. The way I looked at it was, we were young and everything was too new to take very seriously. The truth was, we simply didn’t know if we had the right answers or, more pertinently, even if we were asking each other the right questions.

I then remarked on something which I thought was very true, “Clare, I do not think you are a lesbian either.” I followed it with a grin as Clare just looked at me. “See, this is easy, three down, two to go,” I quickly added with a chuckle.

“Yes, but the next two are more difficult,” Clare reminded me.

She was right.

Clare continued, “With Karen, she needs to be treated with full respect, as she is lovely. If Brenda wants me to date her, then I am happy to do so, but the issue is she wants me to be her top and I think Karen is naturally a bottom like me.”

I agreed, though I hadn’t met Karen.

“Can I switch to being a top?” Clare quietly asked herself, more than asking me. “If I did, I need to be honest with her and tell her more about Brenda. I might have to tell her the whole truth, even how getting her telephone number was one of Brenda’s challenges.”

“I agree,” I said to Clare, that bit I did understand. “Whatever you do, it needs to be open and honest with all partners, especially with me!

Clare looked at me but I was being serious and she stayed quiet, as I asked…

“Do you think you could be her top?” and then added, “I think Brenda just pushing you into an area of sexuality where you are not comfortable, but is it an area you want to explore?”

“I do not know,” Clare quickly replied. “I know it is about being more sexually dominant with another woman, but Brenda expecting more than that from me. Like using fake cocks and wearing them in public. Could you see me doing that, David?”

I just chuckled as I let my imagination run away. It was worth it, even if I did expect another nudge.

Clare waited for me to answer, then nudged me, and then continued as she realised that she was not going to get anything sensible from me.

“Even though I like variety in sexual positions, if you asked me, my favourite is plain missionary. On my back with my legs spread wide, so you could say, yes, when it comes to sex, I like being the bottom half of any relationship.”

I thought of Sarah. I had never discussed this with Clare, but Sarah had often told me she prefers to be fucked from behind. The doggy position where possible, though I didn’t think any sexual position was necessarily linked to being the dominant or submissive sexual partner, or whether you were straight or lesbian or even a homosexual… but I really didn’t know.

I then suggested, “So let’s park Karen, saying you may pursue her but only with honesty and openness and whether it is as a top or as a lipstick lesbian. Sorry, but I could not of a better way of putting it.” I honestly didn’t.

I continued, “So now we come to Brenda. Have you any thoughts?”

Clare smiled. She had obviously been thinking a lot about Brenda.

“I am very physically attracted to her, and I enjoyed being spoiled, but maybe I just want sex with her and nothing else. Even if I could, I certainly do not want her to fall in love with her, or for her to dominate my life. I need to be with you as well, David.”

I liked that answer. From the way Clare had described Brenda, I had worried about her taking too much of Clare’s time and eventually taking over her life, though I chose to keep that thought to myself as I wanted to meet Brenda.

“I am always going to be here for you Clare, whatever you choose.” I felt a little soppy saying that, as it was something I had only ever said to Sarah before, but just as it had been with Sarah, it was the truth. I would and hopefully, Sarah and I together would be there for Clare.  

I then added, “I know it’s all speculation, but I’m not sure Brenda wants a complicated relationship with you, Clare. You said that Brenda is still emotionally connected to Hugo, her estranged gay husband. I think Brenda is more interested in you as her new girl toy, or even a lesbian project.”

Clare looked at me and sharply remarked, “What?”

“A girl toy, or even a lesbian project,” I repeated, this time a little more forcefully, before continuing…

“Brenda is extremely rich, let’s be honest; she sounds like she is rolling in money. She also has a job where she can pick and choose what she does, including time, location, client, price and so on. It does not sound like money is a driving force in her life, though I guess she enjoys what she does for a living and needs to keep her reputation…”

I paused, as wanted Clare to take in my next question.

“However, I need to ask… What does Brenda do for entertainment?”

Clare shrugged, and I took it as a sign to carry on.

“I think Brenda collects young, good-looking girls like you,” I was thinking of all the photos in her bedroom of her former girlfriends… her collection.  

I continued, “Brenda likes the chase, she said so herself. She likes to bring them in under her wing, to have a new young girl on her arm, a project. To give them minor tasks to do, in your case, the shopping trip, picking up Karen and dating Karen as a top. The evidence is all there. I suspect she even likes or even needs the company of her new girlfriend, but never full-time.”

Clare stared at me.

I paused.

Again, I was letting my thoughts sink in with Clare before I continued, “I am sure it will be a strictly part-time role and she has already said as much to you, but what she really enjoys, what she gets off on, is the entertainment value of having a girlfriend as a lesbian project. Showing them the direction towards being a full-time lesbian, or perhaps, in your case, turning you into a bisexual slut. Didn’t Brenda say something similar?”

Clare did not answer. She had been listening and taking it all in what I had just said. So I decided to add even more. I was on a roll, and this was a serious discussion, but I was also enjoying myself.

“So what I am saying to you, Clare, is, from what you have said to me, I suspect Brenda will eventually get bored with you. Maybe you could put a time limit on her being your girlfriend if that is what you really want. But what definitely will happen during the time you are with her is…”

“You will have thousands of nude photos taken of you, some in very compromising positions. Brenda will ask you to date Karen as a top and, almost certainly, you will be asked to do other probably sexual but definitely embarrassing things as part of her project. However, above all, you will be getting a lot of plastic and silicon cock, because Brenda will fuck you silly in every possible way, and that bit… I do not doubt.” 

“Oh my,” Clare quietly exhaled, though I was sure she had already thought similar. Clare was bright, and I was only telling her what she already probably knew.

“That is my take, Clare,” I then softly added. “Which of course might be well wide of the mark, especially as I have not met Brenda, but what are your thoughts? After all, it is you she wants, not me.”

“Oh god, it sounds like I am going to be Brenda’s sex toy,” Clare remarked, which of course made me grin as I thought that was probably just about right, and despite my better instincts, I choose to let Clare’s “sex toy” comment rest. What I did say was…

“I think the next stage would be for us to meet Brenda as a couple, maybe even with Sarah, if everything goes well on Saturday.”

I did want to meet Brenda, to personally check her out for Clare’s safety. I also wanted to see her extraordinary apartment. Yes, I was equally nosey as Clare, and I thought I could be sneaky and do the two together. I needed Clare to be safe and for me, Brenda was still an unknown. I needed to feel comfortable with her and maybe even trust her.

I then added as Clare sat there thinking, “Perhaps the best time for me to meet Brenda would be when you get your first set of photos taken when I support you during the photoshoot…”

“What do you think, Clare?”

I looked at Clare, and she had her wanton eyes on again. I could tell she was thinking of Brenda and what I just had said. The idea of being her sex toy had turned her on.

“David,” Clare remarked. “Let’s not talk about this anymore. Just climb on and fuck me again.”

I moved over and eased myself between Clare’s spread legs. I looked down between them, into the darkness, and I could just make out her hairy pussy. It was with that view in my mind; I moved forward and my bare, hard cock just slid into her slippery hole.

I needed to feel Clare, so no condom.

As I started to move, Clare moaned, which prompted me to suggest while grinning…

“If it helps… You can imagine me as Brenda.” 

“Oh, shut up and fuck me!”

But I didn’t fuck Clare.

I made love to her; I needed to make love.

I wanted to make sure she didn’t fall in love with Brenda, that she knew it was me inside her, not Alan. I was once again reminding her that I was her man. Not Alan, not Brenda!

It was strange, in another world, another place we would have considered this cheating; me cheating on Sarah, Clare cheating on Alan. But that night, in our world, it was different. As we made love for that second time, I had never wanted to make love so much to a woman. It was all about making sure she remembered that her heart was mine and only mine.

In six short weeks, Clare’s magic had worked its way to my very core, into my soul.

Her love had joined Sarah’s there, and between them they were now winding their tentacles of both love and hope around my heart, tightening them with every day that passed.

As I thrust away, through my vinegar strokes, there was no way Clare’s thoughts and emotions were anywhere else than with me. Clare moaned and almost screamed my name as she came.

Clare loved me, I just knew… even if I was “still” an “oaf.”   


The End of “A Date with Brenda” and therefore “Bonding” – Part 1.


Part 2 – “Moving Together starts with the next chapter. Sarah back into the story as David’s two girlfriends meet each other for the first time (my personal favourite chapter(s) in this book). Though written, it will be a few weeks before I start posting Part 2 as it takes time to edit a book to smaller bite-size chapters.

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Published 2 years ago

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