An hour later after Dixie had phoned her ex-girlfriend to come over to play with her new sex toy, Rebekah had arrived.
Dixie opened the front door to her with a big smile wearing her dressing gown. She kissed her and smiled. “You smell gorgeous, my darling,” she said. Her blue eyes lingered over her ex-girlfriend’s sexy slender body in a scarlet red dress. She felt a stirring of arousal in her groin. It grew stronger the more her eyes fixated on her perfect humongous breasts.
“Dixie, sweetie, do you wanna suck them?” Rebekah asked in an Australian accent. She unclasped the halterneck dress at the back of her neck and the top half of the dress fell down exposing her breasts.
She quickly pulled her inside and then shut the door and pinned her against the door with her body. Dixie felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter as she leaned her head against Rebekah’s tits. She felt a growing sensation down in her groin. Dixie began sucking on her breasts.
“Lovey, what’s poking in the side of me?” Rebekah asked.
Dixie grinned mischievously at her and untied her dressing gown and it fell to the floor.
Her blue eyes widened in absolute shock at seeing her ex-girlfriend with a big clit-dick. “Oh, good lord!” she cried.
Dixie’s clit dick pulsated upwards like an actual erected dick. She kissed Rebekah suddenly with passion and ran her hands up and down her body.
“Take it off,” she commanded.
Rebekah obeyed with a smile and slipped out of the dress to nothing underneath. Her eyes lingered down to Dixie’s large erected clitoris sticking out like a dick and felt wet for it. She began to imagine it deep inside her pussy giving her pleasure. Rebekah felt herself becoming wetter at the very thought. She crouched down to her knees and slowly placed her mouth over Dixie’s clit dick.
Dixie gasped and moaned out loudly with pleasure as she was getting a clit dick blowjob. Her body spasmed suddenly as she came quickly squirting pussy juices. Her clit dick was still long and hard. Dixie grabbed Rebekah’s hand and they fell into the bedroom and walked backwards to the bed, kissing. She climbed on top of her and her clit dick was poking towards Rebekah’s pussy but didn’t know which way to go. She felt it throbbing excitedly.
“Take me, Dixie,” Rebekah said sexily. “Fuck me good and hard with your new sex toy. I want your clit dick deep inside me now,” she gasped.
Her right hand ran over her ex-girlfriend’s pussy and felt how soaking wet it was. Which excited her more. Dixie lowered her head down towards Rebekah’s pussy and began licking it up like a cat drinking a bowl of milk with her tongue.
“Oh, God! Oh, God!” Rebekah cried. “Fuck me!” Her body went into spasms as she orgasmed. “Please, Dixie! I can’t take it much longer! Fuck me with your big clit dick, now!”
Dixie grinned and obeyed. “As you wish, me lady,” she replied. She got back in between Rebekah’s legs and guided her large clit dick towards the pussy and slowly pushed it inside and then began moving back and forth.
They both gasped out loud with pleasure. Their lovemaking grew faster and harder making the bed shake, creak, and thud against the wall and floor like an earthquake erupting.
“I’m coming! I’m coming!” Rebekah cried.
“Me too!” Dixie cried out. She moved faster inside her ex-girlfriend. She cried out long and hard as her body shook over her. Dixie rolled off her onto her back with sweat dripping off.
“Wow!” she cried, breathlessly. Rebekah turned to her. “When did you realise you had this magnificent thing?”
“Just tonight,” she told her. “I’d been watching porn, masturbated, had a sex dream that my clit grew out like a cock and it did! Like magic!”
Her blue eyes lingered down to Dixie’s erected clit dick. “So, it was a present from god then?” she asked.
Dixie shrugged her shoulders. “But I’m glad. Doesn’t make me a freak, does it?”
Rebekah shook her head and grinned. “I love it,” she replied. “Never experienced so many orgasms before in one night before until now.”