♥ Love’s True Dawn

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I wake sometimes at night
When worry mice are creeping,
Yet, know my world’s still right,
As long as you’re here, sleeping.

I look at you, and watch you sleep,
And know within these nights of strife,
In you, my heart and love does keep,
A love that comforts me through life.

I shudder, how I might have missed you
Had I been proud and stupid,
And looked for someone fresh, or new,
Or felt another arrow’s cupid.

So I give thanks I’m here, and gifted
To be sleeping next to you,
Relieved, and feel my pain is lifted,
And feel our love shine through.

For we have us, and always will,
Though vows stop short at death,
And loving you lets me distill
How sweet is living breath.

We held hands on our first walk,
Both felt a sensuous thrill,
Now people smile at us, and gawk;
We’re holding hands together still.

What they don’t see, but we still love,
Is when we are in bed
My hand finds yours, fits like a glove,
We sleep, yet weave love’s thread.

There is so much in living,
The joys and pains and sorrows,
The taking and the giving,
And sharing our tomorrows.

So, when I see your face at morning, 
When early light is drawn,
I smile at you, adoring,
For it’s you that brings my dawn.



© Copyright, James Llewellyn Gainsborough, February 2021.
All rights reserved. May not be copied in any medium without the express, written permission of the author.







Published 4 years ago

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