It was becoming known to the staff of the High Palace of Amrose not to investigate the grunts and groans that came from the cellars of the palace. No maid or footman wanted to come across the sight of the Prince Gonlon, naked and rutting against the servant girl. And especially the day before his marriage to a fair beauty from across the sea. Instead, they avoided the part of the cellar where the groaning was coming from and carried on with their business. If they had gone to look after the sounds however they would have been treated to a sight of lustful debauchery.
The Prince had stripped the servant girl of her clothes. She was a tall, slender woman, nineteen years old – the same as the prince – with small, perky breasts and a firm, tight bottom. She was bent over a barrel, her face a mix of pain and pleasure. The reason for this was because Prince Gonlon – still fully clothed but with his breeches pulled down enough to free his cock – had buried his shaft between the cheeks of the servant girl’s ass. His thrusts were hard and deep, his hips slapping against her taut backside as his cock disappeared into her asshole. The servant girl could only grin and bear it as her lord brought himself to pleasure, spilling his seed into her ass. It was how they always fucked. A method to avoid awkward bastard children.
The Prince grunted as he pulled himself out of her tight bottom. “Gods that was good. I needed that.”
The servant girl hurriedly went about collecting her clothes and pulling them onto her body. There had been no suggestion that Prince Gonlon might see to her own pleasure. Only once her body was hidden behind the dress of all palace servant girls did she look back to the satisfied Prince. “I’m happy to help you, my lord. But when will you be cancelling your wedding? It is tomorrow and I thought you would have told everyone that you cannot marry that woman by now.”
The Prince stared at her and then burst out laughing. “Cancel the wedding? Why would I do that!”
Now it was the servant girl’s turn to stare. “But you promised me! When we first started meeting, you promised me you would marry me in the end.”
The Prince ruefully shook his head, smiling as he turned to walk away. “I remember saying no such thing. The great Prince Gonlon of Amrose could never marry a servant girl. You would have to be very foolish to believe that. Are you very foolish?” The girl spluttered and the Prince continued. “I won’t be needing your services for a while. But I imagine when my future wife is pregnant, we might meet again.”
And so ended the relationship between Prince Gonlon and the servant girl. He left her there in the cellar to fume as he went about preparing himself for his wedding. The first step to his ascension as King. He thought he knew all. He thought he was untouchable. What he did not realize was that the young servant girl he had picked out of the palace staff to fuck was more than she first looked.
She was the daughter of a witch, a granddaughter of a witch, and in time a witch herself. And she knew exactly how she would take her revenge.
Over twenty years later, in the borderlands between gentle, rich Amrose and the great warrior kingdom of Valok, there was a cottage. It was rustic but charming. It wasn’t very large, a single room with only a curtain to divide the living area and the bedroom. But it had all the comforts of a good home. The gardens were beautiful, full of vibrant colorful plants. And it rested against a peaceful forest, full of game for eating and streams for swimming.
In this cottage lived a young man. His parents had once lived with him, but they both died young and so the twenty-four-year-old was left to fend for himself. His name was Felix Strongarm and it was known in all the surrounding villages that Felix was the most attractive man for miles. He was tall and built like an ox, muscular and strong. He has short blond hair and crystal blue eyes. And – as some of the girls of the villages could gossip – he had a thick, large cock and knew how to use it.
He had been late in the forest that day and only arrived back to his cottage when it was dark. It had been pouring with rain and so he stepped inside and peeled off his shirt, his toned, muscular torso glistening wet as he lit the candles and lanterns to light up his home. He was just about to pull off his wet pants and to dry off when there was a knock at the door. He checked the clock and saw it was an hour to midnight, the storm coming down harder than ever. He grabbed an old sword that belonged to his father and went over to the door, opening it.
Whatever he was expecting on his doorstep it was not this: a finely dressed older man and two beautiful women. One of the women was aged the same as the man, but the other looked younger than Felix and all the more beautiful. He momentarily forgot to breathe. Then he stepped back, gesturing the trio into his cottage and out of the horrible storm. Felix said, “The name’s Felix and I’ll get a fire going for you to warm up. I’ve only just got in myself. What happened to you?”
Felix noticed with a smug delight that the young woman seemed enchanted by the sight of his topless figure. She watched him move around the fireplace, seeing the muscles in his back stretch and bit down on her lip. The facial expression was enough for Felix to feel his pants tighten but he ignored it for now and continued with lighting the fire. The finely dressed man answered his question. “We were set on by goblins. They attacked our carriage and we had to flee into the wild. We’re lucky we found you here.”
Felix nodded. “You are lucky.” Now that the cottage was lit with the roaring fire, he could better see his guests. The young woman who caught his eye was truly beautiful. She had long red hair the color of the fire and her skin was pale, as unblemished as porcelain. Her face was cute and inquisitive, a small nose but a gorgeous smile and eyes as blue as Felix’s own. Her dress hid her form in part, but as she turned to take off her traveling cloak Felix was treated to the finest rump he had ever seen.
While her waist was narrow, her hips were wide and her ass was thick and round, an anomaly on this small woman. By the time she turned around she was treated to the sight of the outline of his hardening cock in his wet pants, and she bit her lip once more. The other woman, no doubt her mother, was beautiful in her own way but Felix only had eyes for the daughter.
The man however was a different story. Felix stared at him in surprise and awe. Digging into his pockets he pulled out a coin and looked down at it: the face was the same. Felix spluttered. “You’re the King?”
King Gonlon nodded. “I am. And this is Queen Amedee, and our daughter the Princess Eleanore. What time is it?”
Felix stared at the King. He asked the question with so much urgency that Felix felt compelled to answer. “Why fifty minutes to midnight, my lord.”
His answer had a most dramatic effect on his visitors. Queen Amedee collapsed into the nearest armchair, almost fainting. The King buried his head into his hands, groaning loudly. But Princess Eleanore only licked her lips, staring once more at Felix’s groin. He smirked at her. Already he was beginning to like her attitude. Before anything else could happen however King Gonlon was once more asking him questions in a desperate voice. “Where is the nearest lord here? The nearest castle? Town?”
Felix shrugged. “Hard to say. The Eastwatch Castle is probably closest but that’s four hours away. There’s villages nearby, but at least half an hour and I wouldn’t recommend it in this weather.”
The King groaned. “We’re doomed.”
Princess Eleanore suddenly spoke up, her voice musical but her words dripping in a sin that Felix was not expecting. “Daddy, I’m sure Felix wouldn’t mind taking me to save me. I don’t mind.”
Felix coughed on his own tongue. “What?”
King Gonlon sighed. “We have no other choice. Look, young man. When I was your age, I had a relationship with a servant girl before my marriage to my dear Queen. I of course broke it off as soon as I was engaged but the girl took it badly. It turns out she was a witch. And she waited until my dear daughter was born and then cursed her to suffer as she said she did.”
Felix asked, “What was the curse?”
He noticed an immediate change over the royal family. Queen Amedee went crimson as did her husband, but the Princess merely smiled shyly, her pale cheeks taking on a pinkish tinge.
King Gonlon finally managed to untwist his tongue and answer, “To avoid having bastards, the witch and I used to copulate anally. This is the curse my poor daughter must now suffer. From the day of her eighteenth birthday, today, she must have a man deposit his seed into her bottom or fall into a fatal sleep for eternity. And whoever first claims the Princess will be bonded to her for always so that only his seed will quench the curse. We were traveling to Valok for the Princess’s marriage to Prince Meroc, but now we are left here with little time.”
Felix looked over Princess Eleanore, and saw the same smirking smile that he was sure was on his face. “So you’re saying that unless I bugger the princess and cum in her ass in the next forty-five minutes she will die. And if I do this, I will have to fuck her ass every day until we die?”
At this point Queen Amedee did faint. The King spluttered, “Yes, if you have to be uncouth about it.”
Felix smiled. “We really have no time to lose then.”
Felix was a hot-blooded young man and he wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass him by. He rushed over to Princess Eleanore and grabbed her by the hand, leading the young woman over to his bedroom. He yanked the curtain over, hiding them from view from the King and Queen, although every sound would be heard by the girl’s parents. The thought only excited him more.
He was going to fuck the beautiful Princess of Amrose and her parents were going to listen to how much the young woman enjoyed it. His cock was now achingly hard in his pants. Turning to face Princess Eleanore he asked, “are you sure you want me to do this? I won’t do nothing against your will.”
He wasn’t expecting her reply. Instead of answering him with words, Princess Eleanore closed the space between their bodies, running her hands down his sculpted torso. Her fingers paused, feeling each hard muscle, before she stood on tiptoes and pulled him down into a passionate kiss. Their lips battled for dominance and their tongues darted in and out of each other mouths. Out of instinct, Felix’s hands dropped to the prize he was about to claim, his hands groping and squeezing the thick, soft cheeks of the Princess’s ass through her dress. It really was incredible. He couldn’t wait to get her out of her dress.
Felix teased the Princess, asking, “Do I dare ask if you know how everything works? You’re not some spoiled naive girl are you?”
The Princess laughed. “Ever since I learned of the curse last year I have been practicing with my fingers and hairbrushes.”
Felix groaned out loud. The image was almost too much for him. In a frenzy now, he worked to strip Princess Eleanore. His hands worked at her dress, trying to unbind it, and when that didn’t work he simply tore the fabric from her body. He barely took sight of the woman’s underwear, yanking it off her as well, leaving a pile of ruined clothing on the floor. Her body really was sublime.
Her breasts were at least a handful, large but also somehow still defying gravity. Her nipples were so hard he wondered if they could cut glass. Spinning her around, he drank in the sight of her rear end. Her pale, alabaster asscheeks were flawless, so thick and soft but without a hint of stretching or fat. He wondered if this was part of the witch’s magic, to make the Princess’s pillowy posterior as irresistible as it could be. Princess Eleanore let him gawk at her bottom for a moment before she turned back around to pull down his pants, squatting down to work the wet fabric down his legs and to reveal his stiff seven-inch cock. She moaned at the sight of it.
Felix couldn’t believe how his day was going. Princess Eleanore, the beauty of the land, was naked and squatting in front of him. He looked down at her beautiful face and long red hair, could see the way her ass jutted out behind her. He grinned at his luck. “Since you’re down there you should get my cock nice and wet for your ass.”
Princess Eleanore smiled and nodded, uncaring her parents were on the other side of the curtain and no doubt heard everything. Instead, she leaned forward and wrapped her thick, pink lips around the head of Felix’s cock. He groaned at the sudden, warm wetness enveloping his shaft. His hands dropped down to her head, running his fingers through her red hair as she started to bob her mouth up and down the length of his cock.
She couldn’t take him all the way, but at least four inches of cock disappeared inside her mouth. Her tongue slid all over his shaft, running along the underside before circling the tip. He groaned again, his hands tighter on her head. Unable to resist he started to move his hips, thrusting in and out of the Princess’s mouth, letting her slurp lewdly on his length. The sounds were delicious. He wanted nothing more than to continue driving his cock deeper between her soft lips until he filled her mouth, but he knew they only had so much time left.
He pulled himself out, slapping his wet cock playfully against her face. “Stand up and bend over the bed.”
Princess Eleanore was only too happy to comply. She jumped to her feet, which did delicious jiggling things to her breasts, and then walked over to the bed, bending over it. Her breasts were pushed against the mattress, but her royal rump was on show. Felix stared at it. Bent over like this, her thick ass took on the shape of a heart, her soft cheeks beckoning him.
He walked over to stand behind her, reaching down to grope her bare bottom, squeezing each cheek. She moaned in delight. He smirked, infatuated with the Princess and her own lustfulness. They were a good match. His hand came down in a spank, watching her ass jiggle as the sound echoed out to her parents on the other side of the curtain.
Princess Eleanore moaned, “Please. Fuck my ass. Your princess commands it. Shove that cock in my bottom.”
Felix couldn’t say no to that. With one hand he roughly took hold of one of her asscheeks, spreading it to reveal the puckered little hole that waited for him. It looked like the tightest hole he had ever seen. Taking his salvia-coated cock in hand, Felix pressed the head against Princess Eleanore’s asshole.
There was a hiss from the woman but he didn’t stop. They didn’t have much time left. Instead, he pushed harder against her ass, trying to conquer the natural resistance of her tight, little hole. There was a moment more resistance and then her asshole yielded and the first two inches of his cock sunk into her bottom. Princess Eleanore screamed out and he couldn’t tell if it was pain or pleasure.
“Are you okay, Princess?”
Princess Eleanore grunted in a most unladylike way. “Gods yes! So much better than my fingers. Fuck me. Please fuck my ass!”
Felix didn’t worry about the Princess hurting from then on. He assumed this was just another part of the curse, that the King would have to live out his days knowing that his daughter was a naughty little buttslut. His hands took hold of the woman’s hips, holding them tight as he started to thrust. Inch after inch pushed inside her bottom, stretching her ass out as his cock disappeared between her thick asscheeks.
In no time at all his hips were bouncing against her derriere, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the cottage as the Princess took the full length of his cock. The sound was mixed with Felix’s groans and Princess Eleanore’s moans, their coupling loud and filthy to the King and Queen who waited on the other side of the curtain.
Felix took one hand of her hips to reach forward and grab Princess Eleanore’s hair. He used it to leverage his thrusts even deeper, pulling her up off the bed so that her breasts could bounce with every movement. She looked over her shoulder at him, her face enflamed pink in pleasure and her eyes wide in delight. Her mouth had fallen open and it looked like she would never be able to close it again.
The sight almost made Felix cum there and then. But he wanted to savor the first buttfucking of many he would give this beautiful and unique woman. He pushed her roughly back down on the bed, hands digging into her hips, pinning her against the bed as he fucked her even harder. He looked down at the sight of his cock disappearing between her pale asscheeks and groaned in pleasure.
Despite the naughtiness of Princess Eleanore even Felix was surprised by her orgasm. It came in no time at all, hitting the Princess like being hit by a horse. Her hands desperately reached out for the bedding, scrunching it into her fists as she screamed in pleasure, begging for Felix to fuck her deeper. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her hips started to buck wildly. Felix had no choice but to stop his own movements, allowing the Princess to shake on his cock, rocking back and forth like she was possessed, her legs shaking. She screamed out at the height of her pleasure. “Yes! Oh, Gods yes! I’m cumming! I’m cumming with your big fat cock in my ass!”
That was too much for Felix. The sight of the Princess orgasming would have been enough, but those words, said so loudly that the King and Queen no doubt heard them, was too much. With a roar, Felix buried his cock to the hilt inside Princess Eleanore’s ass and came. His cock throbbed, pumping his seed into her bottom and as he did so a strange blue glow filled the room. He watched in awe, his hips still shaking, still spilling himself inside the Princess’s ass, as the blue glow became a chain that momentarily wrapped around the both of them before exploding into a blinding light and disappearing. He supposed that was it. He was bound to the buttfucking slut princess. He had never felt happier.
Ten minutes later, after they had recovered and Princess Eleanore had pulled on an old shirt of Felix – her own clothes were torn and ruined – they walked back into the living room. Neither of her parents said anything about her attire. They could barely even look at her. The Princess, however, had never looked happier and when Felix dropped into an armchair she chose to throw herself into his lap, cuddling up with her new soulmate. Felix didn’t complain, his cock already stiffening again from having that glorious ass on his lap.
The King coughed. “We – uh – we thank you for your service. And we will make arrangements for a wedding. And for your possession to be brought to the palace.”
Felix shook his head. He didn’t hesitate. He knew he had all the power now. “No. I won’t be coming to the Palace. Eleanore will be staying with me here.”
Princess Eleanore seemed unperturbed from his announcement, only cuddling in deeper against his strong body. The Queen sat up sharply. “What?”
Felix explained himself. “I’m not stupid. Eleanore was meant to be married to Prince Meroc. I would be a dead man if it was discovered I took his wife-to-be. So, you tell the world your daughter died. And she gets to live happy here with me.”
The King and Queen had no choice but to agree. Princess Eleanore squealed in delight.
Thirty years later, a young man was sent out to the borderlands in search of a long-lost princess. King Gonlon was dead and without an heir. Amrose was falling into civil war. But there were whispers of a rumor that Princess Eleanore had survived the goblin attack on her wedding procession, that she might be living out in the wild. The young man was a knight charged with finding this princess. Walking down an old road in the clear sunlight of a beautiful day he caught sight of a cottage up ahead. He thought the people who lived there might be able to offer him advice.
As he drew closer however his advance was halted. He could see the married couple of the cottage in the front garden. To the knight’s considerable surprise, they were both entirely naked. The woman, a curvaceous redhead was on her hands and knees in the flowerbed. Her husband was behind her, his hips smacking against her jiggling ass. The woman’s moans floated down the path and to the knight’s ears. “Yes, oh gods, yes, fuck my slutty ass, I know you love my big, round bottom! Harder!”
The knight backpedaled immediately. The people who lived out in the wild really were savages. There was no way that any princess could be associated with debauched behavior like this. He moved on to the next village, leaving Felix and Ella Strongarm to their fucking.